Results for 'Michael Mccord'

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  1. (1 other version)Desires... and Beliefs... of One's Own.Geoffrey Sayre-McCord & Michael A. Smith - 2014 - In Manuel Vargas & Gideon Yaffe, Rational and Social Agency: The Philosophy of Michael Bratman. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 129-151.
    On one influential view, a person acts autonomously, doing what she genuinely values, if she acts on a desire that is her own, which is (on this account) a matter of it being appropriately ratified at a higher level. This view faces two problems. It doesn’t generalize, as it should, to an account of when a belief is an agent’s own, and does not let one distinguish between desires (and beliefs) happening to be one's own and their being the ones (...)
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    Using slots and modifiers in logic grammars for natural language.Michael C. McCord - 1982 - Artificial Intelligence 18 (3):327-367.
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    A metalogical theory of natural language semantics.Michael Mccord & Arendse Bernth - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 28 (1):73 - 116.
    We develop a framework for natural language semantics which handles intensionality via metalogical constructions and deals with degree truth values in an integrated way. We take an axiomatic set theory, ZF, as the foundation for semantic representations, but we make ZF a metalanguage for part of itself by embedding a language ℒ within ZF which is basically a copy of the part of ZF consisting of set expressions. This metalogical set-up is used for handling propositional attitude verbs (limited to believe (...)
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  4. Philosophy, Politics, & Economics.Jonny Anomaly, Geoffrey Brennan, Michael Munger & Geoffrey Sayre-McCord - 2015 - Oxford University Press.
  5. Normative Ethics.R. G. Frey, Brad Hooker, F. M. Kamm, Thomas E. Hill Jr, Geoffrey Sayre-McCord, David McNaughton, Jan Narveson, Michael Slote, Alison M. Jaggar & William R. Schroeder - 2000 - In Hugh LaFollette -, The Blackwell Guide to Ethical Theory. Blackwell.
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  6. In defense of "the moral problem": A reply to Brink, Copp, and Sayre-McCord.Michael Smith - 1997 - Ethics 108 (1):84-119.
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    Moral Realism.Michael Devitt - 2002 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):1-15.
    1. What is moral realism? The paper rejects standard answers (Sayre-McCord, Railton) in terms of truth and meaning. These standard answers are partly motivated by the phenomenon of noncognitivism. Noncognitivism does indeed cause trouble for a straightforwardly metaphysical answer but still such an answer can be given.2. Why believe moral realism? It is prima facie plausible and its alternatives are not. Major worry: How can moral realism be fitted into a naturalistic world view?3. But what about the arguments against (...)
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  8. Philosophy of Suffering: Metaphysics, Value, and Normativity.Michael S. Brady, David Bain & Jennifer Corns (eds.) - 2019 - London: Routledge.
    A collection, edited by David Bain, Michael Brady, and Jennifer Corns, originating in our Value of Suffering Project. Table of Contents: Michael Wheeler - ‘How should affective phenomena be studied?’; Julien Deonna & Fabrice Teroni – ‘Pleasures, unpleasures, and emotions’; Hilla Jacobson – ‘The attitudinal representational theory of painfulness fleshed out’; Tim Schroeder – ‘What we represent when we represent the badness of getting hurt’; Hagit Benbaji – ‘A defence of the inner view of pain’; Olivier Massin – (...)
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  9. Jacques Jayez and Lucia M. tovena/free choiceness and non-individuation 1–71 Michael McCord and Arendse bernth/a metalogical theory of natural language semantics 73–116 Nathan salmon/are general terms rigid? 117–134. [REVIEW]Stefan Kaufmann, Conditional Predications, Yoad Winter & Cross-Categorial Restrictions On Measure - 2005 - Linguistics and Philosophy 28:791-792.
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    Realismo moral: una perspectiva naturalista.Michael Devitt - 2004 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 16 (2):185-206.
    1. ¿Qué es el realismo moral? El artículo rechaza las respuestas habituales (Sayre-McCord, Railton) en términos de verdad y significado. Estas respuestas estándares están parcialmente motivadas por el fenómeno del no-cognitivismo. Ciertamente el no-cognitivismo es problemático para formular una respuesta abiertamente metafísica, no obstante es posibleformular tal respuesta. 2. ¿Por qué creer en el realismo moral? Él es prima facie plausible, mientras que sus alternativas no lo son. Preocupación central: ¿cómo se puede lograr que el realismo moral coincida con (...)
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  11. Philosophy, Politics, and Economics: An Anthology, edited by Jonathan Anomaly, Geoffrey Brennan, Michael Munger, and Geoffrey Sayre-McCord.Alan Reynolds - 2016 - Teaching Philosophy 39 (4):552-555.
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    Eklektik: eine Begriffsgeschichte mit Hinweisen auf die Philosophie- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte.Michael Albrecht - 1994 - Frommann-Holzboog.
    Was leistete der Gedanke der selbstandigen Auswahl (Eklektik) in der Geschichte der Philosophie von Aristoteles bis zum 20. Jahrhundert, wo liegen die Anwendungsgebiete, wo seine Grenzen und warum kam der Begriff der Eklektik schon im 18. Jahrhundert zur Bezeichnung unselbstandiger Vermischung herunter? Der Schwerpunkt der umfangreichen Arbeit liegt in der Philosophie und Naturwissenschaft des 17. Jahrhunderts; sie reicht aber bis zur eklektischen Psychotherapie der Gegenwart.
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    Can a Global Bioethical Lens Engender Color Blindness? An Examination of Public Health Disasters.Michael O. S. Afolabi - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (2):61-64.
    One of the central characteristics of public health disasters is the rapid overlapping of different needs and priorities that require making critical choices that inevitably elicit conflicti...
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  14. (1 other version)One and many in presocratic philosophy.Michael C. Stokes - 1974 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 164 (1):127-128.
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    Kants Antinomie der praktischen Vernunft.Michael Albrecht - 1978 - New York: G. Olms.
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    Are Radical Genetic Enhancements a Type of Contemporary Edenic Deception?Michael O. S. Afolabi - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (7):53-55.
    Volume 19, Issue 7, July 2019, Page 53-55.
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    Public Health Disaster-Related Research: A Solidaristic Ethical Prism for Understanding Funders’ Duties.Michael O. S. Afolabi & Stephen O. Sodeke - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (11):37-39.
    Funding broadly connotes the notion of an institution and/or institutions making money and other resources available to individual researchers and organizations to accomplish specific projects. Whi...
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  18. Moral Psychology: The Cognitive Science of Morality: Intuition and Diversity.Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (ed.) - 2007 - Bradford.
    For much of the twentieth century, philosophy and science went their separate ways. In moral philosophy, fear of the so-called naturalistic fallacy kept moral philosophers from incorporating developments in biology and psychology. Since the 1990s, however, many philosophers have drawn on recent advances in cognitive psychology, brain science, and evolutionary psychology to inform their work. This collaborative trend is especially strong in moral philosophy, and these three volumes bring together some of the most innovative work by both philosophers and psychologists (...)
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    The Quest for the Fine: A Philosophical Inquiry Into Judgment, Worth, and Existence.Michael Gelven - 1995 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In this original and compelling exploration of the meaning of the term 'fine' and the phenomenon of refinement, noted scholar Michael Gelven reflects on the relationship between refinement and existence. Beginning with a study of perceptual refinement, Gelven shows how in some cases this refinement discloses an existential essence—as an architect shows us what it means to dwell. Gelven then moves to a refinement of self, not equating it with virtue but showing how refinement illuminates our understanding of our (...)
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  20. Practical Reason and Moral Motivation:An Analysis of Arguments Against Internalism.Rafael Martins - 2013 - Itaca 24:184-200.
    In The moral problem (1994), Michael Smith tries to link three conflicting theories that alone are intuitively plausible, nevertheless, they do not seem to work well together. The first proposes that moral judgments are in fact beliefs about objective matters. The second states the concept of “practicality requirement”. The third is a humean belief-desire psychology, i.e. if a moral judgment is sufficient to explain actions, then it must involve a desire. If that is the case, it cannot be simply (...)
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    guage library, 10.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1993. Pp. viii, 419.Michael Aceto - 1994 - In Stephen Everson, Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press. pp. 70--4.
  22. Parables of Power II: Versailles as an Instrument of Royal Power.Michael Adcock - 2011 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 46 (2):57.
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    Cultural tourism as pilgrimage.Michael Aeschliman - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (225):245-252.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2018 Heft: 225 Seiten: 245-252.
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    Telling it like you think it might be: Narrative, linguistic anthropology, and the complex organization.Michael Agar - 2005 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 7.
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    Nietzsches Juden: ein Philosoph formt sich ein Bild.Michael Ahlsdorf - 1997 - Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
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    De sociale struktuur en het politieke proces : Een vergelijkende studie in 147 Belgische Gemeenten.Michael Aiken & Hugo Van Gassel - 1970 - Res Publica 12 (3):379-425.
    This paper is concerned with the question of how the social and economic structure of cities affects the degree of political competition and how in turn these factors affect the degree of a political stability. It isbased on a comparative empirical study of the outcomes of the communal elections of 1952, 1958 and 1964 in 147 Belgian cities that had a population size of 10.000 or more in 1947.In the first place the following generalizations are made with regard to the (...)
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    Market Fairness: The Poor Country Cousin of Market Efficiency.Michael J. Aitken, Angelo Aspris, Sean Foley & Frederick H. de B. Harris - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (1):5-23.
    Both fairness and efficiency are important considerations in market design and regulation, yet many regulators have neither defined nor measured these concepts. We develop an evidencebased policy framework in which these are both defined and measured using a series of empirical proxies. We then build a systems estimation model to examine the 2003–2011 explosive growth in algorithmic trading on the London Stock Exchange and NYSE Euronext Paris. Our results show that greater AT is associated with increased transactional efficiency and reduced (...)
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    Aphasia I: Clinical and anatomic issues.Michael P. Alexander - 2000 - In Martha J. Farah & Todd E. Feinberg, Patient-Based Approaches to Cognitive Neuroscience. MIT Press. pp. 165--181.
  29. Hodgson on retribution.Michael Louis Corrado - 2019 - In Allan McCay & Michael Sevel, Free Will and the Law: New Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  30. Of What Kind of Thing is Truth a Property?Michael Dummett - 2005 - In José Medina & David Wood, Truth. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
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  31. Taking the Bad with the Good: Some Misplaced Worries about Pure Retribution.Gerald Gaus - unknown
    ∗ This paper has been presented to the Philosophy Departments of Tulane University and the University of Arizona and, originally, to the 1999 Sociedad Filosofica Ibero Americana (SOFIA) Conference on Legal and Political Philosophy, in Mazatlan, Mexico. I am most thankful to all the participants. I am especially grateful for discussions with Julia Annes, Tom Christiano, Eric Mack, Geoff Sayre-McCord, David Schmidtz and Michael Smith.
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    Godefridi Guilielmi Leibnitii Principia philosophiae, more geometrico demonstrata.Michael Gottlieb Hansch - 1728 - New York: Georg Olms Verlag. Edited by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
    German language. Michael Gottlieb Hansch (1683-1749) reprint. Deals with Leibnitz Metaphysik.
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    Introduction.Michael Rohlf - 2017 - In [no title]. pp. 1-12.
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  34. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 154, 2007 Lectures.Chisholm Michael - 2008
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  35. Television prospect: Some reflexions of a documentary film-maker.Michael Clarke - forthcoming - The Cinema.
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    The evolution of concepts: A timely look.Michael Corballis & Thomas Suddendorf - 2010 - In Denis Mareschal, Paul Quinn & Stephen E. G. Lea, The Making of Human Concepts. Oxford University Press. pp. 365.
  37. „Perspektiven. Zum Fachinformationsprogramm der Bundesregierung 1990-1994.Michael Czermak - 1991 - Cogito 2 (91):2-4.
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    Bread For the Journey: Homilies [Book Review].Michael Daniel - 2005 - The Australasian Catholic Record 82 (2):249.
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  39. Mark R. Wynn, Emotional Experience and Religious Understanding: Integrating Perception, Conception and Feeling Reviewed by.Michael Funk Deckard - 2007 - Philosophy in Review 27 (4):308-309.
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    The I.W.W. and Wilsonian Democracy.Michael R. Johnson - 1964 - Science and Society 28 (3):257 - 274.
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    Hegel's charlatanism exposed.Michael Kelly - 1911 - London, Eng.,: G. Allen & co..
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    Photographs and Words.Michael Katakis, Michael Palin & Kris L. Hardin - 2011 - British Library.
    "Many of the pages in Photographs and Words are filled with Michael Katakis' journal entries and Kris Hardin's observations. These are portraits of the human condition but this time in words, and like true photographs, they are fixed in time and cannot be altered."--Jacket.
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    A post-western account of critical cosmopolitan social theory: being and acting in a democratic world.Michael Murphy - 2021 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
    In this book, Michael Murphy argues that if cosmopolitanism is to remain critical and relevant, what is required is a process of critique and cooperation. At the level of intercultural exchange, this requires understanding the encounter with the Other as a mutual phase of development and holds out the potential to rejuvenate world philosophies. Through this process the cosmopolitan imagination emerges from a dialogue between global traditions of relational sociologies on matters of common concern. The second stage of the (...)
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    Two Poems.Michael Trocchia - 2020 - Arion 28 (1):63-65.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Two Poems MICHAEL TROCCHIA SEE FOR YOURSELF The gods, in effect, have given Euenius the gift of inner vision…because he has lost his outer vision. —Michael Attyah Flower, The Seer in Ancient Greece Come to a field of stones baking in the late sun. Drop your knee to the groundup earth and feel the warmth climb your thigh. Run your finger across a palm-sized stone, as if (...)
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  45. Parables of power III: Revolutionary Ideas, Leaders, movements and events ... and places.Michael Adcock - 2011 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 46 (4):43.
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  46. The Hip Hop Generation: African American Male-Female Relationships in a Nightclub Setting.Nohl Arnd-Michael - 1999 - Science and Society 82.
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  47. Conflicting interpretations of Christian pacifism.Michael G. Cartwright - 2007 - In John Aloysius Coleman, Christian Political Ethics. Princeton University Press.
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  48. "Cargo Cult Science", by Richard Feynman.Michael Cecil - unknown
    During the Middle Ages there were all kinds of crazy ideas, such as that a piece of rhinoceros horn would increase potency. Then a method was discovered for separating the ideas -- which was to try one to see if it worked, and if it didn't work, to eliminate it. This method became organized, of course, into science. And it developed very well, so that we are now in the scientific age. It is such a scientific age, in fact, that (...)
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  49. Philosophy on film.Michael Chanan - 1972 - Radical Philosophy 1:23.
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  50. The critic in a state of emergency: Towards a theory of reconstruction.Michael Chapman - forthcoming - Theoria.
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