Results for 'Melany Melany'

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  1. 179 Melanie Klein.Melanie Klein - 2007 - In Diarmuid Costello & Jonathan Vickery, Art: key contemporary thinkers. New York: Berg. pp. 178.
  2. Complexity: a guided tour.Melanie Mitchell - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What enables individually simple insects like ants to act with such precision and purpose as a group? How do trillions of individual neurons produce something as extraordinarily complex as consciousness? What is it that guides self-organizing structures like the immune system, the World Wide Web, the global economy, and the human genome? These are just a few of the fascinating and elusive questions that the science of complexity seeks to answer. In this remarkably accessible and companionable book, leading complex systems (...)
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    Research Responsibility Agreement: a tool to support ethical research.Melanie Murdock & Stephanie Erickson - 2023 - Research Ethics 19 (3):288-311.
    When engaging in community-based research, it is important to consider ethical research practices throughout the project. While current research practices require many investigators to obtain approval from an ethics review board before starting a project, more is required to ensure that ethical principles are applied once the investigations begin and after the investigations are complete. In response to this concern, as expressed by workers at a feminist non-profit during a community placement, we developed a tool to foster both greater ethical (...)
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    How to read an ethics paper.Melanie Jansen & Peter Ellerton - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (12):810-813.
    In recent decades, evidence-based medicine has become one of the foundations of clinical practice, making it necessary that healthcare practitioners develop keen critical appraisal skills for scientific papers. Worksheets to guide clinicians through this critical appraisal are often used in journal clubs, a key part of continuing medical education. A similar need is arising for health professionals to develop skills in the critical appraisal of medical ethics papers. Medicine is increasingly ethically complex, and there is a growing medical ethics literature (...)
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  5. All must have prizes.Melanie Phillips - 1997 - British Journal of Educational Studies 45 (3):324-325.
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    When do Non-financial Goals Benefit Stakeholders? Theorizing on Care and Power in Family Firms.Melanie Richards - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (2):333-351.
    Research studying the effects of non-financial goals on stakeholder relationships remains inconclusive, with scholars disagreeing on which goals increase or decrease a firm’s proactive stakeholder engagement (PSE). Instead of examining which goals act as forces for good or evil, we shift the focus of recent discussions by emphasizing the mechanisms that can explain the positive and negative stakeholder outcomes of non-financial goals under the umbrella of one theoretical lens. We do so by introducing an ethics of care perspective. Specifically, we (...)
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    Zwischen Kurie und Königshof: Jacques Duèse, Bischof von Fréjus, sizilianischer Kanzler und künftiger Papst.Melanie Brunner - 2010 - In David Wirmer & Andreas Speer, 1308: Eine Topographie Historischer Gleichzeitigkeit. De Gruyter. pp. 437-458.
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    Cultural Dynamics in Globalized World.Melani Budianta, Manneke Budiman, Abidin Kusno & Mikihiro Moriyama (eds.) - 2018 - Routledge.
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    Der Begriff Gottes und das gefühlsmässige Erfassen des Göttlichen bei Fichte und Schleiermacher.Melanie Obraz - 2001 - Münster: Lit.
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  10. Das schweigende Bild und die Aussagekraft des Rezipienten in Bezug auf asthetische und ethische Werturteile (Harald Kerber).Melanie Obraz - 2008 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 61 (1):79.
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    Imagination, Illness, and Injury: Jungian Psychology and the Somatic Dimensions of Perception.Melanie Starr Costello - 2006 - Routledge.
    How does the body influence the way we see the world? _Imagination, Illness and Injury_ examines the psychological factors behind perceptual limitations and distortions and links a broad range of somatic manifestations with their resolution. Melanie Starr Costello applies Jungian theory to a variety of cases, attributing psychosomatic phenomena to cognitive processes that are common to us all. She analyses the role of illness in several life narratives, and interprets the appearance of somatic phenomena during important phases of analytic treatment. (...)
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    Nature, not books: Sally Gregory Kohlstedt: Teaching children science: Hands-on nature study in North America, 1890–1930. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010, 384pp, $45.00 HB.Melanie Keene - 2011 - Metascience 21 (2):497-499.
    Nature, not books Content Type Journal Article Category Book Review Pages 1-3 DOI 10.1007/s11016-011-9564-y Authors Melanie Keene, Homerton College, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8PH UK Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    Self-report may underestimate trauma intrusions.Melanie K. T. Takarangi, Deryn Strange & D. Stephen Lindsay - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 27:297-305.
  14. Individual Responsibility for Climate Change.Melany Banks - 2013 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 51 (1):42-66.
    As we become more aware of the potential causes and consequences of climate change we are left wondering: who is responsible? Climate change has the potential to harm large portions of the global population and, arguably, is already doing so. Further, climate change is argued to be human-caused. If this is true, then it seems to be the case that we can analyze climate change in terms of responsibility. I argue that we can approach environmental harms, such as climate change, (...)
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    Auditory training can improve working memory, attention, and communication in adverse conditions for adults with hearing loss.Melanie A. Ferguson & Helen Henshaw - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  16. Menschenwürdeverletzung der Nachfahren durch Genozidleugnung.Melanie Altanian - 2018 - In Der Genozid an den ArmenierInnen: Beiträge zur wissenschaftlichen Aufarbeitung eines historischen Verbrechens gegen die Menschlichkeit. Wiesbaden, Deutschland: Springer Fachmedien. pp. 141-166.
    Beim eingeschränkten Fokus auf (historische) Wahrheit und dem Hervorbringen von „Beweisen“ im Kontext der türkischen Leugnung des Genozids an den ArmenierInnen wurde einem wesentlichen ethischen Problem bisher keine sonderliche Beachtung geschenkt: Dass innerhalb dieser sozial situierten Praxis der Etablierung von Wissen über die historischen Tatsachen – also darüber, was passiert ist und wie diese Geschehnisse zu interpretieren sind – Ungerechtigkeiten im Hinblick darauf entstehen können, wen man als glaubwürdige epistemische Akteure anerkennt. Gemäss dieser Überlegung soll der vorliegende Beitrag zeigen, inwiefern (...)
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  17.  43
    Human Engineering: Helpful or Unnecessary?Melany Banks - 2012 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 15 (2):227 - 229.
    Ethics, Policy & Environment, Volume 15, Issue 2, Page 227-229, June 2012.
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    Re-embodying Syrinx in the ancient Peloponnese and French colonial Belle Époque: Investigating bodily change associated with sexual assault.Melanie Chilianis - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (2):145-158.
    This article investigates related contexts and connections that both hide and display the coercion and sexual violence manifest in Western cultural and aesthetic artefacts during ancient Greek and Roman eras and the French imperialist epoch. Exploring ‘Pan and Syrinx’ from Ovid’s ‘Book I’ of the Metamorphoses and Claude Debussy’s Syrinx for solo flute, I historicise the meanings of rape and sexual assault that informed Ovid’s epic and then revisit the genesis of Debussy’s Syrinx because of the uneasy elements surrounding its (...)
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    Health as a virtue: Thomas Aquinas and the practice of habits of health.Melanie L. Dobson - 2014 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    The stories from the Clergy Health Initiative and Word Made Flesh missionary organization exhibit transformations that ushered Christian leaders into deeper love of God, neighbor, and themselves.
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    Finding the Context for Science.Mélanie Frappier - 2006 - Metascience 15 (2):323-327.
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    Aerobic Exercise Effects on Cognition: A Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy Systematic Review.Melanie French, Felipe Fregni & Eunice Chen - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  22.  12
    (1 other version)The Sense of Wonder.Melanie Förg - 2019 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 19:25-27.
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    Using reflective journals and diaries to enhance practice and learning.Melanie Jasper - 2008 - In Chris Bulman & Sue Schutz, Reflective Practice in Nursing. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 163.
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  24.  21
    Lessons for Teaching Social Science Research Methods in Higher Education: Synthesis of the Literature 2014-2020.Melanie Nind & Angeliki Katramadou - 2023 - British Journal of Educational Studies 71 (3):241-266.
    The underdevelopment of a pedagogical culture for research methods education and the lack of a body of knowledge with the potential to influence practice have been highlighted by previous studies. This systematic review explores the pedagogic approaches and strategies evident in recent literature (2014–2020) on teaching social science research methods in higher education. It synthesises 55 papers offering a detailed rationale for the approach and strategies employed in doctoral/post-doctoral education. While dispersed across journals, there is a plethora of case studies (...)
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  25.  21
    Commentary.Melanie Beth Oliviero - 1985 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 4 (3-4):79-82.
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    Spatial-numerical associations of manual response codes are strongly asymmetrical.Melanie Richter & Peter Wühr - 2023 - Cognition 238 (C):105538.
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    From Abbreviation to Affirmation.Melanie Shepherd - 2008 - Semiotics:597-606.
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    6 What Can Love Say? Lyotard on Caritas and Eros.Mélanie Walton - 2015 - In Antonio Calcagno & Diane Enns, _Thinking About Love: Essays in Contemporary Continental Philosophy_, eds. Diane Enns and Antonio Calcagno. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penn State University Press. pp. 98-113.
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    Asymptotic Distribution of Density-Dependent Stage-Grouped Population Dynamics Models.Mélanie Zetlaoui, Nicolas Picard & Avner Bar-Hen - 2008 - Acta Biotheoretica 56 (1-2):137-155.
    Matrix models are widely used in biology to predict the temporal evolution of stage-structured populations. One issue related to matrix models that is often disregarded is the sampling variability. As the sample used to estimate the vital rates of the models are of finite size, a sampling error is attached to parameter estimation, which has in turn repercussions on all the predictions of the model. In this study, we address the question of building confidence bounds around the predictions of matrix (...)
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    Realizing Societal Benefit from Academic Research: Analysis of the National Science Foundation's Broader Impacts Criterion.Melanie R. Roberts - 2009 - Social Epistemology 23 (3):199-219.
    The National Science Foundation (NSF) evaluates grant proposals based on two criteria: intellectual merit and broader impacts. NSF gives applicants wide latitude to choose among a number of broader impacts, which include both benefits for the scientific community and benefits for society. This paper considers whether including potential societal benefits in the Broader Impacts Criterion leads to enhanced benefits for society. One prerequisite for realizing societal benefit is to transfer research results to potential users in a meaningful format. To determine (...)
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  31. Rethinking the right to know and the case for restorative epistemic reparation.Melanie Altanian - 2024 - Wiley: Journal of Social Philosophy 55 (4):728-745.
    THIS PUBLICATION IS AVAILABLE OPEN ACCESS. The United Nations Commission on Human Rights acknowledges the Right to Know as part of state obligations to combat impunity and thereby protect and promote human rights in the aftermath of “serious crimes under international law”. In light of such an institutionally acknowledged epistemic right of victims, this paper explores the normative foundations of the idea of epistemic reparation in the aftermath of genocide. I argue that such epistemic reparation requires not only fulfilment of (...)
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  32. Remembrance and Denial of Genocide: On the Interrelations of Testimonial and Hermeneutical Injustice.Melanie Altanian - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (4):595-612.
    Genocide remembrance is a complex epistemological/ethical achievement, whereby survivors and descendants give meaning to the past in the quest for both personal-historical and social-historical truth. This paper offers an argument of epistemic injustice specifically as it occurs in relation to practices of (individual and collective) genocide remembrance. In particular, I argue that under conditions of genocide denialism, understood as collective genocide misremembrance and memory distortion, genocide survivors and descendants are confronted with hermeneutical oppression. Drawing on Sue Campbell’s relational, reconstructive account (...)
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  33.  80
    Working Together: Critical Perspectives on Six Cross-Sector Partnerships in Southern Africa.Melanie Rein & Leda Stott - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S1):79 - 89.
    This paper examines six cross-sector partnerships in South Africa and Zambia. These partnerships were part of a research study undertaken between 2003 and 2005 and were selected because of their potential to contribute to poverty reduction in their respective countries. This paper examines the context in which the partnerships were established, their governance and accountability mechanisms and the engagement and participation of the partners and the intended beneficiaries in the partnerships. We argue that a partnership approach which has proven successful (...)
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  34. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis.Melanie Klein, Paula Heinmann & Roger Money-Kyrle - 1956 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 7 (25):105-110.
  35. Ethical decision-making models: a taxonomy of models and review of issues.Melanie K. Johnson, Sean N. Weeks, Gretchen Gimpel Peacock & Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (3):195-209.
    A discussion of ethical decision-making literature is overdue. In this article, we summarize the current literature of ethical decision-making models used in mental health professions. Of 1,520 articles published between 2001 and 2020 that met initial search criteria, 38 articles were included. We report on the status of empirical evidence for the use of these models along with comparisons, limitations, and considerations. Ethical decision-making models were synthesized into eight core procedural components and presented based on the composition of steps present (...)
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    Mechanisms underlying selecting objects for action.Melanie Wulff, Rosanna Laverick, Glyn W. Humphreys, Alan M. Wing & Pia Rotshtein - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Russell's Marginalia in His Copy of Bradley's Principles of Logic.Mélanie Chalmers & Nicholas Griffin - 1997 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 17 (1):43-70.
  38. Self‐Representation and Perspectives in Dreams.Melanie Rosen & John Sutton - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (11):1041-1053.
    Integrative and naturalistic philosophy of mind can both learn from and contribute to the contemporary cognitive sciences of dreaming. Two related phenomena concerning self-representation in dreams demonstrate the need to bring disparate fields together. In most dreams, the protagonist or dream self who experiences and actively participates in dream events is or represents the dreamer: but in an intriguing minority of cases, self-representation in dreams is displaced, disrupted, or even absent. Working from dream reports in established databanks, we examine two (...)
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    Aesthetic Concerns, Philosophical Fabulations: The Importance of a 'New Aesthetic Paradigm'.Melanie Sehgal - 2018 - Substance 47 (1):112-129.
    “Aesthetics” is not a concern that figures prominently in Isabelle Stengers’s work and it is not difficult to find the reasons why. Reading the discipline of aesthetics through a historical and systematic perspective derived from Stengers and Alfred North Whitehead, the invention of modern aesthetics as a philosophical discipline in the 18th century can be read as the flipside to “the invention of modern science” described by Stengers in her seminal book with just this title. Understood in this historical sense (...)
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    Investigating How Parental Instructions and Protective Responses Mediate the Relationship Between Parental Psychological Flexibility and Pain-Related Behavior in Adolescents With Chronic Pain: A Daily Diary Study.Melanie Beeckman, Laura E. Simons, Sean Hughes, Tom Loeys & Liesbet Goubert - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  41. Spatial awareness, alertness, and ADHD: The re-emergence of unilateral neglect with time-on-task.Melanie A. George, Veronika B. Dobler, Elaine Nicholls & Tom Manly - 2005 - Brain and Cognition 57 (3):264-275.
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    The preliminary validity and reliability of the Assessment of Barriers to Learning in Education – Autism.Melanie Howell, Tom Bailey, Jill Bradshaw & Peter E. Langdon - unknown
    Background: Few robust autism-specific outcome assessments have been developed specifically for use by teachers in special schools. The Assessment of Barriers to Learning in Education – Autism is a newly developed teacher assessment to identify and show progress in barriers to learning for pupils on the autism spectrum with coexisting intellectual disabilities. Aims: This study aimed to conduct a preliminary validity and reliability evaluation of the ABLE-Autism. Methods and procedures: Forty-eight autistic pupils attending special schools were assessed using the ABLE-Autism. (...)
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    PD and the B-side.Melanie Kaye - 2011 - Feminist Studies 37 (3):711-712.
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    Influence of Cognitive Functioning on Age-Related Performance Declines in Visuospatial Sequence Learning.Melanie Krüger, Mark R. Hinder, Rohan Puri & Jeffery J. Summers - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Le fil d’Antigone.Mélanie Petit - 2021 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 71 (1):47-71.
    Hegel qualifiait la pièce Antigone de Sophocle de tragédie la plus parfaite. Peut-on, encore aujourd’hui, malgré les critiques ultérieures, soutenir cette idée et la fonder? Si la perfection de cette tragédie tient dans le tissage de conflits que Sophocle construit, nous devrons d’abord effiler chaque conflit, pour ensuite affilier chaque position à ce qui la fonde, et suivre enfin le déroulé tragique du fil d’Antigone.
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  46. The Internets role in the Bersih movement in Malaysia–A Case Study.Melanie Radue - 2012 - International Review of Information Ethics 18:12.
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    Gilles Pronovost, Comprendre les jeunes aujourd’hui. Trajectoires, temporalités . Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2013.Mélanie Roussel - 2014 - Temporalités 19.
    Ce livre ambitionne de synthétiser les connaissances sur les jeunes d’aujourd’hui, à l’ère du numérique et des problématiques environnementales, de la société québécoise. Pour cela, l’auteur s’appuie sur des travaux qu’il a menés ces dernières années et sur plusieurs enquêtes institutionnelles. Il se focalise ainsi sur les jeunes du secondaire c’est-à-dire de 11 à 16 ans ; mais afin de saisir toute la complexité de la construction de leurs intérêts culturels et sociaux et par la même occasion..
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    Patterns of discourse semantics: A corpus-assisted study of financial crisis in British newspaper discourse in 2009.Melani Schröter & Petra Storjohann - 2015 - Pragmatics and Society 6 (1):43-66.
    Corpus-assisted analyses of public discourse often focus on the lexical level. This article argues in favour of corpus-assisted analyses of discourse, but also in favour of conceptualising salient lexical items in public discourse in a more determined way. It draws partly on non-Anglophone academic traditions in order to promote a conceptualisation of discourse keywords, thereby highlighting how their meaning is determined by their use in discourse contexts. It also argues in favour of emphasising the cognitive and epistemic dimensions of discourse-determined (...)
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    Margaret Thornton , Romancing the Tomes: Popular Culture, Law and Feminism.Melanie Williams - 2004 - Feminist Legal Studies 12 (1):109-111.
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    Effects of broken affordance on visual extinction.Melanie Wulff & Glyn W. Humphreys - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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