Results for 'Maxime Lamotte'

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  1. La théorie actuelle des mécanismes de l'évolution.Maxime Lamotte - 1960 - Archives de Philosophie 13:9-56.
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  2. Distinguishing Drift and Selection Empirically: "The Great Snail Debate" of the 1950s.Roberta L. Millstein - 2007 - Journal of the History of Biology 41 (2):339-367.
    Biologists and philosophers have been extremely pessimistic about the possibility of demonstrating random drift in nature, particularly when it comes to distinguishing random drift from natural selection. However, examination of a historical case-Maxime Lamotte's study of natural populations of the land snail, Cepaea nemoralis in the 1950s - shows that while some pessimism is warranted, it has been overstated. Indeed, by describing a unique signature for drift and showing that this signature obtained in the populations under study, (...) was able to make a good case for a significant role for drift. It may be difficult to disentangle the causes of drift and selection acting in a population, but it is not impossible. (shrink)
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  3. Histoire du Bouddhisme indien des origines à l'ère saka.Etienne Lamotte - 1959 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 21 (3):539-541.
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    A Word of Thanks.Victor S. LaMotte - 1990 - Listening 25 (1):3-3.
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    Foreword.Victor S. LaMotte - 1992 - Listening 27 (3):173-173.
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  6. Reviews the bookBuddhist Hermeneutics,'edited by Donald S. Lopez Jr.Etienne Lamotte - 1990 - Philosophy East and West 40 (2):258-262.
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    On the Phenomenology and Normativity of Multisensory Perception: Husserlian and Merleau-Pontian Analyses.Maxime Doyon - 2022 - In Sara Heinämaa, Mirja Hartimo & Ilpo Hirvonen (eds.), Contemporary Phenomenologies of Normativity: Norms, Goals, and Values. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 107-125.
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    Berkeley, défenseur du sens commun et théoricien de la connaissance d'autrui.Maxime Chastaing - 1953 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 143:219 - 243.
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  9. Une digression philosophique de saint Augustin: la communauté des esprits voyageurs.Maxime Chastaing - 1953 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 3 (1):11.
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    Zimbabwe's Migrants and South Africa's Border Farms: The Roots of Impermanence.Maxim Bolt - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    During the Zimbabwean crisis, millions crossed through the apartheid-era border fence, searching for ways to make ends meet. Maxim Bolt explores the lives of Zimbabwean migrant labourers, of settled black farm workers and their dependants, and of white farmers and managers, as they intersect on the border between Zimbabwe and South Africa. Focusing on one farm, this book investigates the role of a hub of wage labour in a place of crisis. A close ethnographic study, it addresses the complex, shifting (...)
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  11. David Hume. Œuvres philosophiques choisies.Maxime David & L. Lévy-Bruhl - 1912 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 20 (3):6-7.
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    En toute mauvaise foi: sur un paradoxe littéraire.Maxime Decout - 2015 - [Paris]: Les Éditions de Minuit.
    Dire toute la vérité et rien que la vérité. Vivre dans la transparence et la franchise. Ces préceptes, les chantres du vrai ont voulu les appliquer de force à ce que tout nous désigne comme une forme retorse du mensonge : la littérature. Quelle est la légitimité de cette posture? N'est-on pas amené à la suspecter, à en reconnaître la fragilité et les impasses? Car, examinant l'inlassable guerre qui a opposé les tenants de la sincérité (Rousseau, Leiris, Sartre) à leurs (...)
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    Der transzendentale Anspruch der Dekonstruktion: Zur Erneuerung des Begriffs 'transzendental' bei Derrida.Maxime Doyon - 2010 - Würzburg: Ergon.
    Um den phänomenologischen Anspruch der Dekonstruktion ans Licht zu bringen, hat sich der Autor der vorliegenden Studie vorgenommen, die Bedeutungsverschiebung des Begriffs,transzendental‘ in Jacques Derridas Werk zu verfolgen. Die Untersuchung legt nahe, dass die Dekonstruktion des Begriffs ‚transzendental’ nicht als eine bloße Zurückweisung des Erbe der Transzendentalphilosophie hinausläuft. Die durch Derridas ganzes Werk hinduch stets geübte Kritik dieser umfangreichen Tradition – in all ihren Formen: mittelalterliche Onto-Theo-Logie, Kritizismus oder Phänomenologie – geht seit den allerersten Werken Derridas mit einer immer wieder (...)
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    The normative turn of perceptual intentionality and its metaphysical consequences (or why Husserl was neither a disjunctivist nor a conjunctivist).Maxime Doyon - 2021 - In Hanne Jacobs (ed.), The Husserlian Mind. New Yor, NY: Routledge. pp. 172-183.
    Since its first formulation in the 1980s, the disjunctivist theory has changed the way philosophers think about perception. Fundamentally, the disjunctivist view is a negative metaphysical thesis about the nature of perceptual experience: it is based on a refutation of the so-called “common kind claim,” that is to say, the claim that perceptions, illusions, and hallucinations are conscious experiences of the same fundamental kind. Given the importance granted to perceptual experience in the phenomenological tradition, a few commentators have, in recent (...)
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  15. Political Understanding.Maxime C. Lepoutre - 2022 - British Journal of Political Science 1 (1).
    Public opinion research has shown that voters accept many falsehoods about politics. This observation is widely considered troubling for democracy—and especially participatory ideals of democracy. I argue that this influential narrative is nevertheless flawed, because it misunderstands the nature of political understanding. Drawing on philosophical examinations of scientific modelling, I demonstrate that accepting falsehoods within one’s model of political reality is compatible with—and indeed can positively enhance—one’s understanding of that reality. Thus, the observation that voters accept many political falsehoods does (...)
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    Awareness of time distortions and its relation with time judgment: A metacognitive approach.Mathilde Lamotte, Marie Izaute & Sylvie Droit-Volet - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):835-842.
    The perception of time cannot be reduced to a simple percept produced by an internal clock. The aim of the present study was therefore to investigate the role of the individual consciousness of time on temporal judgments. In the present study, the participants’ awareness of attention-related time distortions was assessed using a metacognitive questionnaire. The participants were also required to verbally judge a series of stimulus durations in a single or a dual task condition. The results revealed that time was (...)
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  17. Henri germond: Le pasteur dans la cité I Maxime chasta1ng: Une digression philosophique de saint Augustin: La communauté Des esprits voyageurs 11 étuDes critiques. [REVIEW]Maxime Chasta1ng - 1953 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 3.
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    The Spirit of Ancient Buddhism.E. B. & Etienne Lamotte - 1963 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 83 (2):281.
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    Le traité de la grande vertu de sagesse de Nāgārjuna (Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra)Le traite de la grande vertu de sagesse de Nagarjuna.Johannes Rahder & Etienne Lamotte - 1950 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 70 (2):124.
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    La Somme du Grand VéhiculeWei-shih-er-shih-lunLa Somme du Grand Vehicule.J. K. Shryock, Étienne Lamotte, Clarence H. Hamilton & Etienne Lamotte - 1940 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 60 (1):115.
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    Saṃdhinirmocanasūtra, l'explication des mystèresSamdhinirmocanasutra, l'explication des mysteres.James R. Ware, Étienne Lamotte & Etienne Lamotte - 1937 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 57 (1):122.
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    Kritik der mythischen Ökonomie.Maxim Asjoma - 2015 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
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    The relation between rumination and temporal features of emotion intensity.Maxime Résibois, Elise K. Kalokerinos, Gregory Verleysen, Peter Kuppens, Iven Van Mechelen, Philippe Fossati & Philippe Verduyn - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (2):259-274.
    Intensity profiles of emotional experience over time have been found to differ primarily in explosiveness and accumulation. However, the determinants of these temporal features remain poorly understood. In two studies, we examined whether emotion regulation strategies are predictive of the degree of explosiveness and accumulation of negative emotional episodes. Participants were asked to draw profiles reflecting changes in the intensity of emotions elicited either by negative social feedback in the lab or by negative events in daily life. In addition, trait, (...)
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    (1 other version)Assessment of Textual Interpretation in Buddhism.Étienne Lamotte - 1985 - Buddhist Studies Review 2 (1-2):4-24.
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    The conscious awareness of time distortions regulates the effect of emotion on the perception of time.S. Droit-Volet, M. Lamotte & M. Izaute - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 38:155-164.
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    L'abbé de Lanion et le problème cartésien de la connaissance d'autrui.Maxime Chastaing - 1951 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 141:228 - 248.
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    Le langage théâtral de Gabriel Marcel [with DISCUSSION].Maxime Chastaing - 1974 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 79 (3):354 - 366.
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    Que font des hommes qui disent faire de la psychologie ?Maxime Chastaing - 1971 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 161:5 - 18.
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    Assessment of Textual Authenticity in Buddhism.Étienne Lamotte - 1983 - Buddhist Studies Review 1 (1):4-15.
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    Composite Sutra From the Ekottaragama.Étienne Lamotte - 1995 - Buddhist Studies Review 12 (1):27-46.
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    Did the Buddha Insult Devadatta?Étienne Lamotte - 1997 - Buddhist Studies Review 14 (1):3-18.
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    (1 other version)Early Relations Between India and the West.Étienne Lamotte - 1988 - Buddhist Studies Review 5 (2):103-122.
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    Religious Suicide in Early Buddhism.Étienne Lamotte - 1987 - Buddhist Studies Review 4 (2):105-118.
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    (1 other version)États-Unis/Mexique : les milices veillent….Martin Lamotte - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 63 (2):, [ p.].
    Depuis le début des années 2000, de nouveaux groupes miliciens ont émergé à la frontière mexicanoaméricaine, s’opposant à l’immigration illégale. Antifédérales, ils construisent un discours de l’immigrant amoral et a-éthique. Prônant un repli identitaire, ils s’inscrivent dans le mouvement anti-immigration californien et, plus largement, dans le backlash des années 1980. Il s’agit ici de s’intéresser au concept de frontière sociale et morale dans le cadre d’une anthropologie des groupes de vigilantism et de se demander de quoi la frontière est-elle le (...)
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    Three Sutras From the Samyuktagama Concerning Emptiness.Étienne Lamotte - 1993 - Buddhist Studies Review 10 (1):1-23.
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    (1 other version)Vajrapani in India.Étienne Lamotte - 2003 - Buddhist Studies Review 20 (1):1-30.
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    La Critique de la tolérance.Sorin-Tudor Maxim & Elena Maxim - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:495-506.
    A critical approach on tolerance can be done as an endeavor to asset its rational arguments brought in its support or/and as a justification of its moral value within the process of human being completion. The commitment to such critical task is more necessary as it is unyieldingness summon in contemporary debates in political religious and, especially moral contexts, it has been equally valorized and contested. The most remarkable analyses of this rather summary rubric for many and often contradictory connotations, (...)
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  38. Les déterminants de la théorie générale de la valeur et ses applications en esthétique.Maxime Glansdorff - 1966 - [Bruxelles]: Éditions de l'Institut de sociologíe (de l') Université libre de Bruxelles.
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  39. (1 other version)Islam and Capitalism.Maxime Rodinson & Brian Pearce - 1976 - Science and Society 40 (1):88-91.
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    Les autres comme soi-même: le faux problème de la connaissance d'autrui.Maxime Chastaing - 2016 - Paris: Classiques Garnier. Edited by Jacques Chastaing & Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos.
    On trouvera dans cet ouvrage les principaux jalons du parcours philosophique étonnant de Maxime Chastaing (1913-1997) qui culmine dans une psycholinguistique, et même une psychophonétique, une étude des interactions sociales, enfin une théorisation du pacte romanesque liant l'écrivain à ses lecteurs.
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    Ethical Emergency.Carl Maxim - 1999 - Philosophy Now 25:49-50.
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    Kant and Husserl on the (Alleged) Function of Imagination in Perception.Maxime Doyon - 2019 - In Timothy A. Burns, Thomas Szanto, Alessandro Salice, Maxime Doyon & Augustin Dumont (eds.), The new yearbook for phenomenology and phenomenological philosophy. London: Routledge. pp. 180-203.
    In several of his works, Immanuel Kant insists on the transcendental role of imagination in perception. In the Kantian scholarship, this claim has been interpreted in at least three ways: it is believed that the imagination is necessary to solve the riddle of the amodal character of perception, to justify the possibility of perceptual identity across time, and to explain the possibility of perceiving particular objects as such, viz. as belonging to a specific class of objects. The paper aims to (...)
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  43. La force du droit.Maxime Chauvet, Gustavo Fernandes Meireles & Emmanuele Nef (eds.) - 2023 - Paris: Éditions Mare & Martin.
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    Thomas P. Osborne, L’eau. Bruyères-le-Ch'tel, Nouvelle Cité (coll. « Ce que dit la Bible sur… », 42), 2021, 120 p.Maxime Scrive - 2022 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 78 (2):350-351.
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    Dernières recherches sur le symbolisme vocalique de la petitesse.Maxime Chastaing - 1965 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 155:41 - 56.
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    Grégoire de Rimini et le problème de la connaissance d'autrui.Maxime Chastaing - 1970 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 160:333 - 337.
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    L' « Atticisme » d'Alfred de Vigny.Maxime Chastaing - 1949 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 139:334 - 337.
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  48. (1 other version)« La Philosophie de Virginia Woolf. ».Maxime Chastaing - 1952 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 7 (3):284-285.
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    Saint Augustin et le problème de la connaissance d'autrui, II.Maxime Chastaing - 1962 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 152:90.
  50.  26
    Saint Augustin et la connaissance d'autrui.Maxime Chastaing - 1963 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 153:223 - 238.
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