Results for 'Max Soar'

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  1.  35
    Utopia of abstraction: Digital organizations and the promise of sovereignty.Max Soar & Tim Corballis - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    Digital organizations form part of the new wave of blockchain technologies, following Bitcoin and related cryptocurrencies. “Utopia ofion” offers an analysis of the utopian promise of digital organizations through a reading of one such project, Colony. We provide a critique of the ideology of Colony's white paper, supplemented by readings of pages from its website, as a member of a genre of texts that promote their products through seemingly neutral, technical descriptions. Colony's texts suggest an abstract, contextless and scaleless organizational (...)
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    Religion for a Secular Age: Max Müller, Swami Vivekananda and Vedānta by Thomas J. Green.Daniel Soars - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 68 (1):1-3.
    While this is not the first study of reception histories of Indian and European ideas across East-West boundaries, Thomas J. Green's distinctive contribution is to show–via a microscopic focus on two thinkers whose intellectual trajectories cannot be fully understood within the history of any single nation–how the macroscopic processes of modernity and secularisation in the long nineteenth-century must be seen as transnational phenomena. The argument is centred on the German scholar of comparative religion, Friedrich Max Müller and the Bengali advocate (...)
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  3. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.Max Weber, Talcott Parsons & R. H. Tawney - 2003 - Courier Corporation.
    The Protestant ethic — a moral code stressing hard work, rigorous self-discipline, and the organization of one's life in the service of God — was made famous by sociologist and political economist Max Weber. In this brilliant study (his best-known and most controversial), he opposes the Marxist concept of dialectical materialism and its view that change takes place through "the struggle of opposites." Instead, he relates the rise of a capitalist economy to the Puritan determination to work out anxiety over (...)
  4.  37
    Economy and Society.Max Weber - 2013 - Harvard University Press.
    Published posthumously in the early 1920's, Max Weber's Economy and Society has since become recognized as one of the greatest sociological treatises of the 20th century, as well as a foundational text of the modern sociological imagination. The first strictly empirical comparison of social structures and normative orders conducted in world-historical depth, this two volume set of Economy and Society—now with new introductory material contextualizing Weber’s work for 21st century audiences—looks at social action, religion, law, bureaucracy, charisma, the city, and (...)
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    Die deutsche Schulphilosophie im Zeitalter der Aufklärung.Max Wundt - 1992 - Georg Olms Verlag.
  6. (1 other version)Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience.Max R. Bennett & P. M. S. Hacker - 2003 - Behavior and Philosophy 34:71-87.
    The book "Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience" is an engaging criticism of cognitive neuroscience from the perspective of a Wittgensteinian philosophy of ordinary language. The authors' main claim is that assertions like "the brain sees" and "the left hemisphere thinks" are integral to cognitive neuroscience but that they are meaningless because they commit the mereological fallacy—ascribing to parts of humans, properties that make sense to predicate only of whole humans. The authors claim that this fallacy is at the heart of Cartesian (...)
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  7. Behavior matching in multimodal communication is synchronized.Max M. Louwerse, Rick Dale, Ellen G. Bard & Patrick Jeuniaux - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (8):1404-1426.
    A variety of theoretical frameworks predict the resemblance of behaviors between two people engaged in communication, in the form of coordination, mimicry, or alignment. However, little is known about the time course of the behavior matching, even though there is evidence that dyads synchronize oscillatory motions (e.g., postural sway). This study examined the temporal structure of nonoscillatory actions—language, facial, and gestural behaviors—produced during a route communication task. The focus was the temporal relationship between matching behaviors in the interlocutors (e.g., facial (...)
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    Gesammelte Aufsätze Zur Wissenschaftslehre.Max Weber - 1988 - J.C.B. Mohr.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps, and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may (...)
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  9. Is the mind conscious, functional, or both?Max Velmans - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):629-630.
    What, in essence, characterizes the mind? According to Searle, the potential to be conscious provides the only definitive criterion. Thus, conscious states are unquestionably "mental"; "shallow unconscious" states are also "mental" by virtue of their capacity to be conscious (at least in principle); but there are no "deep unconscious mental states" - i.e. those rules and procedures without access to consciousness, inferred by cognitive science to characterize the operations of the unconscious mind are not mental at all. Indeed, according to (...)
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    Effects of Ambiguous Gestures and Language on the Time Course of Reference Resolution.Max M. Louwerse & Adrian Bangerter - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (8):1517-1529.
    Two eye-tracking experiments investigated how and when pointing gestures and location descriptions affect target identification. The experiments investigated the effect of gestures and referring expressions on the time course of fixations to the target, using videos of human gestures and human voice, and animated gestures and synthesized speech. Ambiguous, yet informative pointing gestures elicited attention and facilitated target identification, akin to verbal location descriptions. Moreover, target identification was superior when both pointing gestures and verbal location descriptions were used. These findings (...)
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  11. Baumann, Der Wissensbegriff.Max Wundt - 1909 - Kant Studien 14:135.
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  12. Deutsche Weltanschauung.Max Wundt - 1927 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 6:51-51.
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  13. Austin on Performatives.Max Black - 1963 - Philosophy 38 (145):217 - 226.
    The late John Austin's William James Lectures 1 might well have borne the subtitle ‘In Pursuit of a Vanishing Distinction’. Although the chase is remorseless, glimpses of the quarry become increasingly equivocal and the hunter is left empty-handed at last. It is hard to know what has gone awry. Has the wrong game been pursued—and in the wrong direction?
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  14. Why Cannot an Effect Precede its Cause.Max Black - 1955 - Analysis 16 (3):49-58.
  15.  57
    Consciousness, causality and complementarity.Max Velmans - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):404-416.
    This reply to five continuing commentaries on my 1991 target article on “Is human information processing conscious” focuses on six related issues: 1) whether focal attentive processing replaces consciousness as a causal agent in third-person viewable human information processing, 2)whether consciousness can be dissociated from human information processing, 3) continuing disputes about definitions of "consciousness" and about what constitutes a “conscious process” , 4) how observer-relativity in psychology relates (and does not relate) to relativity in physics, 5) whether the first-person (...)
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  16. The Labyrinth of Language.Max Black - 1970 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 3 (1):64-66.
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    Two dogmas of Davidsonian semantics.Max Kölbel - 2001 - Journal of Philosophy 98 (12): 613-635.
  18.  84
    Language and philosophy: studies in method.Max Black - 1949 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    These essays are intended to illustrate various ways in which ideas about language may be used to clarify philosophic problems. They contain careful interpretations and criticisms of theories of language.
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    Signs, Language, and Behavior.Max Black - 1947 - Philosophical Review 56 (2):203.
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    Notes on the meaning of 'rule'.Max Black - 1958 - Theoria 24 (3):139-161.
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    Preface.Max Horkheimer - 1941 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 9 (2):195-199.
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    Language Encodes Geographical Information.Max M. Louwerse & Rolf A. Zwaan - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (1):51-73.
    Population counts and longitude and latitude coordinates were estimated for the 50 largest cities in the United States by computational linguistic techniques and by human participants. The mathematical technique Latent Semantic Analysis applied to newspaper texts produced similarity ratings between the 50 cities that allowed for a multidimensional scaling (MDS) of these cities. MDS coordinates correlated with the actual longitude and latitude of these cities, showing that cities that are located together share similar semantic contexts. This finding was replicated using (...)
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  23. William James and the development of phenomenological psychology in Europe.Max Herzog - 1995 - History of the Human Sciences 8 (1):29-46.
  24. Kant als Metaphysiker.Max Wundt - 1924 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 4 (7):77-78.
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    Philosophische weltanschauung.Max Scheler - 1929 - Bonn,: F. Cohen.
    Reproduktion auf Grundlage der Ausgabe: Verlag von Friedrich Cohen; Bonn 1929. - Die hier gesammelten Aufsätze aus der letzten Schaffensperiode Max Schelers sind zwar unabhängig voneinander entstanden und veröffentlicht worden - Näheres sagen die Anmerkungen am Schluß des Bandes -, aber sie schließen sich doch zur Einheit zusammen durch die metaphysische Haltung, die der kurze, an die Spitze gestellte und für den Gesamttitel maßgebende Aufsatz mit großer Deutlichkeit offenbart. Er ist auch die letzte von Max Scheler selbst abgeschlossene Schrift. Die (...)
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  26.  48
    The Neuronal Recycling Hypothesis for Reading and the Question of Reading Universals.Max Coltheart - 2014 - Mind and Language 29 (3):255-269.
    Are there universals of reading? There are three ways of construing this question. Is the region of the brain where reading is implemented identical regardless of what writing system the reader uses? Is the mental information-processing system used for reading the same regardless of what writing system the reader uses. Do the word's writing systems share certain universal features? Dehaene offers affirmative answers to all three questions in his book. Here I suggest instead that the answers should be negative. And (...)
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    A new concept of ideology?Max Horkheimer - 2005 - In Nico Stehr & Reiner Grundmann (eds.), Knowledge: critical concepts. New York: Routledge. pp. 5--21.
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  28. Der Formalismus in der Ethik und die materiale Wertethik 4.Max Scheler & Maria Scheler - 1954 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 16 (3):504-505.
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    All in the Mind? Ethical Identity and the Allure of Corporate Responsibility.Max Baker & John Roberts - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (S1):5-15.
    This paper develops a critique of the concept of ‘ethical identity’ as this has been used recently to distinguish between ‘cynical’ and ‘authentic’ forms of corporate responsibility. Taking as our starting point Levinas’ demanding view of responsibility as ‘following the assignation of responsibility for my neighbour’, we use a case study of a packaging company—PackCo—to argue that a concern with being seen and/or seeing oneself as responsible should not be confused with actual responsibility. Our analysis of the case points first (...)
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  30.  30
    Right-hemisphere reading.Max Coltheart - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (1):67-68.
  31.  4
    Philosophy 101: A Primer for the Apathetic or Struggling Student.Max Malikow - 2009 - Upa.
    This philosophy book is written for students who are not interested in philosophy or who are struggling to understand it. Professor Malikow makes it easy to understand the sophisticated ideas and profound truths of philosophy by his use of everyday language, analogies, examples, and humor.
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    The Direction of Time.Max Black - 1958 - Analysis 19 (3):54 - 63.
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    (1 other version)Schriften aus dem nachlass..Max Scheler - 1933 - Berlin,: Der Neue geist verlag. Edited by Manfred S. Frings.
    Bd. 2. Erkenntnislehre und Metaphysik -- Bd. 3. Philosophische Anthropologie -- Bd. 4. Philosophie und Geschichte -- Bd. 5. Varia I -- Bd. 6. Varia II.
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  34. Many Worlds in Context.Max Tegmark - 2010 - In Simon Saunders, Jonathan Barrett, Adrian Kent & David Wallace (eds.), Many Worlds?: Everett, Quantum Theory, & Reality. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
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  35. Preconscious free will.Max Velmans - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (12):42-61.
    This paper responds to continuing commentary on Velmans (2002a) “How could conscious experiences affect brains,” a target article for a special issue of JCS. I focus on the final question dealt with by the target article: how free will relates to preconscious and conscious mental processing, and I develop the case for preconscious free will. Although “preconscious free will” might appear to be a contradiction in terms, it is consistent with the scientific evidence and provides a parsimonious way to reconcile (...)
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    Interval semantics for some event expressions.Max J. Cresswell - 1979 - In Rainer Bäuerle, Urs Egli & Arnim von Stechow (eds.), Semantics from different points of view. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 90--116.
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    Hegels formale Geschichtsphilosophie.Max Winter - 2015 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: The study of the philosophy of history is currently divided into two largely irreconcilable approaches. The methodological and scientific analysis of historical practice stands opposed to an approach based on the reflection on the historicity of human identity. Previous attempts to overcome this discrepancy have been prevented from seeking recourse in Hegel's historical thought, since it is still seen as representing a substantialist and tangible philosophy of history and therefore as being theoretically obsolete. Max Winter shows that Hegel (...)
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    La Passion de l’apôtre André en quelle langue a-t-elle été écrite?Max Bonnet - 1894 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 3 (3).
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    Über Sinn und Bedeutung bei Kant und Levinas.Max Brinnich - 2019 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber. Edited by Immanuel Kant & Emmanuel Lévinas.
    Was ist die Zeit? Diese Frage erlebt nach Kant eine Blutephase in der Phanomenologie. Eine Verbindung, die hier lange ubersehen wurde, betrifft Levinas' Interesse und Kritik an Kants Moralphilosophie. Der Stein des Anstosses ist die Zeit und ob sie im Sinne Kants eine Anschauungsform ist, in der uns jene Pflicht erscheint, die dem Dasein einen Sinn verleiht. Fur Levinas ist die Zeit weniger die Form einer solchen Erkenntnis als die Kluft, die uns von der Bedeutung unserer Verantwortung trennt. Levinas' gespaltenes (...)
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    Lezioni di filosofia.Max Rieser - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 27 (2):241-242.
  41.  66
    The world as-perceived, the world as-described by physics, and the thing-itself: A reply to Rentoul and Wetherick.Max Velmans - 1992 - Philosophical Psychology 5 (2):167 – 172.
    This paper summarised the main arguments presented in "Consciousness, brain and the physical world" Philosophical Psychology (1990) to introduce a symposium on that paper. This was the first symposium on Velmans' Reflexive Model of Perception (the departure point for Reflexive Monism). This summary of the 1990 paper was followed by three critiques (by Robert Rentoul, Norman Wetherick, and Grant Gillett) followed by two replies. At the time of this upload (25 years later) many of the points in the 1991 paper (...)
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  42. Biologie und Philosophie.Max Hartmann - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (3):126-126.
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  43. Australia and New Zealand are soft theocracies.Max Wallace - 2014 - Australian Humanist, The 113:11.
    Wallace, Max In trying to find an accurate way to describe the relationship between government and religion, I devised the term 'soft theocracy' and defined it as a 'state where church and government purposes coincide to garnishee taxpayers' money and resources, structurally through tax exemptions and functionally through grants and privileges'.
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  44. A secular chronology, part I - 1215 to 1970.Max Wallace - 2015 - Australian Humanist, The 119:14.
    Wallace, Max 1215 - Magna Carta raises the principle of equality through a 'fair trial for all', leading to the notion of the rule of law. 1517 - Martin Luther posts a document on the front door of the Catholic Church in Wittenberg, Germany. It contains 95 theses attacking church indulgences. Luther later spreads his ideas through the newly invented printing press. It is the start of the Reformation.
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  45. Finding separation of church and state for New Zealand.Max Wallace & Wallace - 2013 - The Australian Humanist 112:7.
    Wallace, Max; Wallace, Meg On 31 July this year submissions closed to the government's Constitutional Advisory Panel concerning a constitution for New Zealand. New Zealand, like England, does not have a written constitution. On 13 July there was a day-long seminar sponsored by the Law Faculty at Victoria University in Wellington on the question of separation of church and state. One reason for this seminar was the lack of constitutional separation in New Zealand.
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  46. Rich enough? Do church schools need government money?Max Wallace - 2013 - The Australian Humanist 111 (111):7.
    Wallace, Max This paper poses a paradox: the post-Gonski situation appears uncertain for mainly low socio-economic status government schools as the apparent government- in-waiting, the Coalition, have made a number of ominous statements as to whether they will follow through on the Gillard government's embrace of the Gonski funding reform.
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    Understanding Consciousness, Edition 2.Max Velmans - 2009 - Routledge/Psychology Press.
    A current, comprehensive summary of Velmans' theoretical work that updates and deepens the analysis given in Edition 1. Part 1 reviews the strengths and weaknesses of all currently dominant theories of consciousness in a form suitable for undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers focusing mainly on dualism, physicalism, functionalism and consciousness in machines. Part 2 gives a new analysis of consciousness, grounded in its everyday phenomenology, which undermines the basis of the dualism versus reductionist debate. It also examines the consequences for realism (...)
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  48.  54
    The logical foundations of Peirce's aesthetics.Max Oliver Hocutt - 1962 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 21 (2):157-166.
  49.  44
    Attribute and Class.Max Black & Frederic Brenton Fitch - 1950 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 15 (3):205.
  50.  89
    Lessons From Cognitive Neuropsychology for Cognitive Science: A Reply to Patterson and Plaut (2009).Max Coltheart - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (1):3-11.
    A recent article in this journal (Patterson & Plaut, 2009) argued that cognitive neuropsychology has told us very little over the past 30 or 40 years about “how the brain accomplishes its cognitive business.” This may well be true, but it is not important, because the principal aim of cognitive neuropsychology is not to learn about the brain. Its principal aim is instead to learn about the mind, that is, to elucidate the functional architecture of cognition. I show that this (...)
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