Results for 'Max Krause'

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  1.  26
    Hypsikles: Die Aufgangszeiten der Gestirne.G. J. Toomer, V. De Falco & Max Krause - 1970 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 90 (2):298.
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    Jabir ibn Hayyan. Contribution a l'histoire des idees scientifiques dans l'Islam. Paul Kraus.Max Meyerhof - 1944 - Isis 35 (3):213-217.
  3.  4
    Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Recht und Sittlichkeit bei Immanuel Kant und Karl Chr. Fr. Krause.Max Gössl - 1961 - München,:
  4.  39
    The Bektashi Order of DervishesMa'ālim al-Qurba fi Aḥkām al-ḤisbaDie Sphärik von Menelaos aus Alexandrien in der Verbesserung von Abū Naṣr Manṣūr B. 'Ali B. 'IrāqDas Bild des Frühislam in der arabischen Dichtung von der Hiǧra bis zum Tode des Khalif̣en 'UmarMa'alim al-Qurba fi Ahkam al-HisbaDie Spharik von Menelaos aus Alexandrien in der Verbesserung von Abu Nasr Mansur B. 'Ali B. 'IraqDas Bild des Fruhislam in der arabischen Dichtung von der Higra bis zum Tode des Khalifen 'Umar. [REVIEW]Philip K. Hitti, John Kingsley Birge, Reuben Levy, Max Krause & Omar A. Farrukh - 1939 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 59 (4):522.
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    Gå så med glæde til dit arbejde - socialitet og sakramentalitet i Martin Luthers kaldslære.Eva Krause Jørgensen - 2018 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 76:61-74.
    THEN GO TO YOUR WORK WITH JOY - SOCIALITY AND SACRAMENTAILITY IN MARTIN LUTHER'S TEACHING OF THE CALLINGThe article investigates Martin Luther’s teaching of the calling in a social perspective. In the tradition following the pioneering work of Max Weber, the Reformation has often been interpreted a steppingstone towards processes of disenchantment, secularization and rationalization. In recent years, a growing body of literature has argued that this tradition overlooks crucial elements of reformation spirituality such as sacramentality, sociality and the affirmation (...)
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    Die Sphaerik von Menelaos aus Alexandrien in der Verbesserung von Abū Nasr Mansur b.'Ali b.'Iraq by Max Krause[REVIEW]Solomon Gandz & George Sarton - 1938 - Isis 29:417-423.
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    The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin, 1910-1940.Gershom Scholem, Theodor W. Adorno, Manfred R. Jacobson & Evelyn M. Jacobson (eds.) - 2012 - University of Chicago Press.
    Called “the most important critic of his time” by Hannah Arendt, Walter Benjamin has only become more influential over the years, as his work has assumed a crucial place in current debates over the interactions of art, culture, and meaning. A “natural and extraordinary talent for letter writing was one of the most captivating facets of his nature,” writes Gershom Scholem in his Foreword to this volume; and Benjamin's correspondence reveals the evolution of some of his most powerful ideas, while (...)
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    The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin, 1910-1940.Walter Benjamin, Gershom Scholem & Theodor W. Adorno - 2012 - University of Chicago Press.
    Called “the most important critic of his time” by Hannah Arendt, Walter Benjamin has only become more influential over the years, as his work has assumed a crucial place in current debates over the interactions of art, culture, and meaning. A “natural and extraordinary talent for letter writing was one of the most captivating facets of his nature,” writes Gershom Scholem in his Foreword to this volume; and Benjamin's correspondence reveals the evolution of some of his most powerful ideas, while (...)
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  9. Contradiction, Quantum Mechanics, and the Square of Opposition.Jonas R. B. Arenhart & Décio Krause - unknown
    We discuss the idea that superpositions in quantum mechanics may involve contradictions or contradictory properties. A state of superposition such as the one comprised in the famous Schrödinger’s cat, for instance, is sometimes said to attribute contradictory properties to the cat: being dead and alive at the same time. If that were the case, we would be facing a revolution in logic and science, since we would have one of our greatest scientific achievements showing that real contradictions exist.We analyze that (...)
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  10. Q-spaces and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.Graciela Domenech, Federico Holik & Décio Krause - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (11):969-994.
    Our aim in this paper is to take quite seriously Heinz Post’s claim that the non-individuality and the indiscernibility of quantum objects should be introduced right at the start, and not made a posteriori by introducing symmetry conditions. Using a different mathematical framework, namely, quasi-set theory, we avoid working within a label-tensor-product-vector-space-formalism, to use Redhead and Teller’s words, and get a more intuitive way of dealing with the formalism of quantum mechanics, although the underlying logic should be modified. We build (...)
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    Hitler and the Germans.Eric Voegelin, Brendan Purcell & Detlev Clemens (eds.) - 1989 - University of Missouri.
    Between 1933 and 1938, Eric Voegelin published four books that brought him into increasingly open opposition to the Hitler regime in Germany. As a result, he was forced to leave Austria in 1938, narrowly escaping arrest by the Gestapo as he fled to Switzerland and later to the United States. Twenty years later, he was invited to Munich to become Director of the new Institute of Political Science at Ludwig-Maximilian University. In 1964, Voegelin gave a series of memorable lectures on (...)
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  12. Eric Voegelin on Nazi Political Extremism.Clifford F. Porter - 2002 - Journal of the History of Ideas 63 (1):151-171.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 63.1 (2002) 151-171 [Access article in PDF] Eric Voegelin on Nazi Political Extremism Clifford F. Porter Eric Voegelin (1901-1985) is not as well known among historians as he is among political theorists, yet he has had a continuing influence on both German Social Democrat and Christian Democrat political leaders. His early life is very much a reflection of both the intellectual developments and (...)
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    Introduction: Aesthetics of finance.Torsten Andreasen, Mikkel Krause Frantzen & Frederik Tygstrup - 2020 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 29 (60):4-9.
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  14. From content to method: the Liber de causis in Albert the Great.Henryk Anzulewicz & Katja Krause - 2019 - In Dragos Calma, Reading Proclus and the Book of causes: Western scholarly networks and debates. Boston: Brill.
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    Potentiality and Contradiction in Quantum Mechanics.Jonas R. B. Arenhart & Decio Krause - unknown
    Following J.-Y.Béziau in his pioneer work on non-standard interpretations of the traditional square of opposition, we have applied the abstract structure of the square to study the relation of opposition between states in superposition in orthodox quantum mechanics in [1]. Our conclusion was that such states are contraries, contradicting previous analyzes that have led to different results, such as those claiming that those states represent contradictory properties. In this chapter we bring the issue once again into the center of the (...)
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    Uterustransplantation. Ethisch gerechtfertigt?Claudia Bozzaro, Franziska Krause & Melanie Weismann - 2019 - Ethik in der Medizin 31 (2):113-129.
    ZusammenfassungDie Uterustransplantation ermöglicht Frauen mit einer absoluten uterinen Infertilität eine Schwangerschaft mit biologisch eigenem Kind. Das neuartige experimentelle Verfahren wirft eine Reihe von ethischen Fragen auf. Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, relevante ethische Problemkonstellationen im Kontext der Uterustransplantation überblickshaft darzulegen und kritisch zu diskutieren. Als systematischer Rahmen der Darstellung dienen die vier Prinzipien der Medizinethik Autonomie, Nicht-Schaden, Wohltun und Gerechtigkeit nach Beauchamp und Childress. Nach eingehender ethischer Betrachtung plädieren die Autorinnen mit Blick auf die Akkumulation schwerwiegender ethischer Probleme für die (...)
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    Quantifiers and the Foundations of Quasi-Set Theory.Jonas R. Becker Arenhart & Décio Krause - 2009 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 13 (3):251-268.
    In this paper we discuss some questions proposed by Prof. Newton da Costa on the foundations of quasi-set theory. His main doubts concern the possibility of a reasonable semantical understanding of the theory, mainly due to the fact that identity and difference do not apply to some entities of the theory’s intended domain of discourse. According to him, the quantifiers employed in the theory, when understood in the usual way, rely on the assumption that identity applies to all entities in (...)
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    Coming Out of the Niche? Social Banking in Germany: An Empirical Analysis of Consumer Characteristics and Market Size.Dirk Battenfeld & Kathleen Krause - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (3):889-911.
    The social banking market constitutes a small but rapidly growing submarket of the global banking sector. Due to an explicit commitment to sustainability, social banking is a segment of banking services which is not exclusively focused on economic performance criteria, but pursues ecological and social goal dimensions on an equal footing. Information on the number and reachability of potential social banking customers is essential for social banks to further promote sustainable consumption in finance. In scientific research, social banking is considered (...)
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  19.  84
    From primitive identity to the non-individuality of quantum objects.Jonas Becker Arenhart & Décio Krause - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 46 (2):273-282.
    We consider the claim by Dorato and Morganti 591–610) that primitive individuality should be attributed to the entities dealt with by non-relativistic quantum mechanics. There are two central ingredients in the proposal: in the case of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, individuality should be taken as a primitive notion and primitive individuality is naturalistically acceptable. We argue that, strictly understood, naturalism faces difficulties in helping to provide a theory with a unique principle of individuation. We also hold that even when taken in (...)
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  20.  66
    Oppositions and quantum mechanics.Jonas R. B. Arenhart & Décio Krause - unknown
    In this paper we deal with two applications of the square of opposition to controversial issues in the philosophy of quantum mechanics. The first one concerns the kind of opposition represented by states in superposition. A superposition of “spin up” and “spin down” for a given spatial direction, for instance, is sometimes said to originate particular kinds of opposition such as contradictoriness. The second application concerns the problem of identical particles. Identity and indiscernibility are entangled in discussions of this problem (...)
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    The Quasi-lattice of Indiscernible Elements.Mauri Cunha do Nascimento, Décio Krause & Hércules Araújo Feitosa - 2011 - Studia Logica 97 (1):101-126.
    The literature on quantum logic emphasizes that the algebraic structures involved with orthodox quantum mechanics are non distributive. In this paper we develop a particular algebraic structure, the quasi-lattice ( I{\mathfrak{I}} -lattice), which can be modeled by an algebraic structure built in quasi-set theory Q{\mathfrak{Q}}. This structure is non distributive and involve indiscernible elements. Thus we show that in taking into account indiscernibility as a primitive concept, the quasi-lattice that ‘naturally’ arises is non distributive.
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  22. Scientific Theories, Models and the Semantic Approach.Otávio Bueno & Décio Krause - 2007 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 11 (2):187-201.
    According to the semantic view, a theory is characterized by a class of models. In this paper, we examine critically some of the assumptions that underlie this approach. First, we recall that models are models of something. Thus we cannot leave completely aside the axiomatization of the theories under consideration, nor can we ignore the metamathematics used to elaborate these models, for changes in the metamathematics often impose restrictions on the resulting models. Second, based on a parallel between van Fraassen’s (...)
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    Die Zielvereinbarung – ein arbeitsrechtlicher Problemfall.Roland Schwarze & Rüdiger Krause - 2008 - In Roland Schwarze & Rüdiger Krause, Festschrift Für Hansjörg Otto Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 23. Mai 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kontrollpflicht und Zensurverbot im Arbeitskampf.Roland Schwarze & Rüdiger Krause - 2008 - In Roland Schwarze & Rüdiger Krause, Festschrift Für Hansjörg Otto Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 23. Mai 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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  25. Humanidad por defecto, cooperación por defecto.Rodrigo González & Soledad Krause - 2022 - Isegoría: Revista de Filosofía Moral y Política 67 (julio-diciembre):1-11.
    According to John Searle, default positions, i.e., those intelligibility and action presuppositions, are some departing points from which pre-reflective and pragmatic assumptions are made. Postulating such points helps us deal with certain perennial philosophical issues, by leaving them aside. These problems are the existence of the external world, truth and facts, “direct” perception, the meaning of words, and causality. In this article, we argue that those default positions described by Searle constitute a default humanity, and their absence would dehumanize us. (...)
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    (1 other version)Francis Bacon.John Max Patrick - 1961 - [London]: Published for the British Council by Longmans, Green.
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    More Than Eggs – Relationship Between Productivity and Learning in Laying Hens.Anissa Dudde, E. Tobias Krause, Lindsay R. Matthews & Lars Schrader - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:389984.
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  28. Why Non-individuality? A Discussion on Individuality, Identity, and Cardinality in the Quantum Context.Jonas Rafael Becker Arenhart & Décio Krause - 2012 - Erkenntnis (1):1-18.
    Recently, in the debate about the ontology of quantum mechanics some authors have defended the view that quantum particles are individuals in a primitive sense, so that individuality should be preferred over non-individuality (the alternative option). Primitive individuality involves two main claims: (1) every item is identical with itself and (2) it is distinct from every other item. Non-relativistic quantum mechanics is said to provide positive evidence for that position, since in every situation comprising multiple particles there is a well-defined (...)
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    Probabilistic modelling for software quality control.Norman Fenton, Paul Krause & Martin Neil - 2002 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 12 (2):173-188.
    As is clear to any user of software, quality control of software has not reached the same levels of sophistication as it has with traditional manufacturing. In this paper we argue that this is because insufficient thought is being given to the methods of reasoning under uncertainty that are appropriate to this domain. We then describe how we have built a large-scale Bayesian network to overcome the difficulties that have so far been met in software quality control. This exploits a (...)
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  30. Observações sobre a neutralidade ontológica da matemática.Geraldo Gelowate, Décio Krause & Antonio Mariano Nogueira Coelho - 2003 - Episteme 17:145-157.
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  31. Nietzsche-Handbuch. Leben – Werk – Wirkung, 2. akt. u. erw. Aufl.K. Graetz, S. Kaufmann & R. Krause (eds.) - forthcoming - Metzler.
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    The Cambridge companion to Montesquieu.Keegan Callanan & Sharon R. Krause (eds.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    The Companion to Montesquieu provides a first port-of-call for readers new to the study of Montesquieu, even as it makes major contributions to the specialist literature. The volume will attract scholars of multiple disciplines and readers interested in concepts like liberty, cosmopolitanism, sovereignty, and slavery treated in the thematic chapters.
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    (1 other version)Briefwechsel.Norbert Campagna, Skadi S. Krause & Oliver Hidalgo - 2021 - In Norbert Campagna, Oliver Hidalgo & Skadi Krause, Tocqueville-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Berlin: J.B. Metzler. pp. 69-85.
    Sieht man von Gustave de Beaumont ab, mit dem er die Amerikareise antrat, und von Louis de Kergorlay, so war sicherlich Jean-Jacques Ampère der engste Freund Tocquevilles. Er besaß im Schloss Tocqueville ein für ihn bestimmtes Quartier und wurde stets mit großer Freude von Tocqueville und seiner Frau empfangen.
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    Erratum zu: Écrits sur le système pénitentiaire en France et à l’étranger.Norbert Campagna, Oliver Hidalgo & Skadi Siiri Krause - 2021 - In Norbert Campagna, Oliver Hidalgo & Skadi Krause, Tocqueville-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Berlin: J.B. Metzler.
    Erratum zu:N. Campagna et al.,Tocqueville-Handbuch, sur le système pénitentiaire en France et à l’étra.
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    Tocqueville-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung.Norbert Campagna, Oliver Hidalgo & Skadi Krause (eds.) - 2021 - Berlin: J.B. Metzler.
    Das Handbuch gewährt einen umfassenden Überblick über Tocquevilles Leben, Werk und Wirkung auf dem aktuellen Stand der historischen, philosophischen und sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung. Dem äußerst facettenreichen, in Deutschland aber nach wie vor unterschätzten Autor widmet dieser Band eine ebenso kompakte wie systematische Darstellung, die auf der Basis eines strukturierten Zugriffs und unter Berücksichtigung aller seiner Schriften verschiedene Aspekte seines Denkens erfasst. Deutschsprachige Leserinnen und Leser können sich schnell und zielführend fundierte Informationen über Tocquevilles Theorien, seine zentralen Begriffe sowie die wichtigsten Einflüsse (...)
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  36.  18
    Åh, al den ævl og kævl! De mangfoldige offentligheder.Eva Krause Jørgensen - 2015 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 71:270-272.
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    Hvad er middelalderisme? – Redaktionelt forord.Eva Krause Jørgensen & Berit Kjærulff - 2019 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 79:7-15.
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    Nederlagets tænkning.Eva Krause Jørgensen - 2018 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 76.
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    (1 other version)Redaktionelt forord.Eva Krause Jørgensen - 2014 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 70:7-12.
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    Indistinguibilidade, não reflexividade, ontologia e física quântica.Jonas Rafael Becker Arenhart & Décio Krause - 2012 - Scientiae Studia 10 (1):41-69.
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    Ecology, Capitalism and Waste: From Hyperobject to Hyperabject.Mikkel Krause Frantzen & Jens Bjering - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (6):87-109.
    The article develops the notion of the ‘hyperabject’ – coined by Danish poet Theis Ørntoft – into a proper theoretical concept. The term hyperabject is a synthesis of Timothy Morton's concept of hyperobjects and Julia Kristeva's theory of abjection, and in the article we argue that the concept of the hyperabject entails a necessary critique of and correction to Morton's ecological thought, as well as various other versions of speculative realism, new materialism and object-oriented ontology.
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    La confianza en la construcción de la realidad social.María Soledad Krause Muñoz & Rodrigo González Fernández - 2016 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 41 (1):33-53.
    El artículo analiza el rol que cumple la confianza en la construcción de la realidad social, argumentando que constituye uno de sus componentes esenciales. Lo es porque hace posible el nacimiento, permanencia y reconocimiento colectivo de las instituciones, así como su iteración y organización en subsistemas.
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  43. La ontología social y el círculo virtuoso de la educación pública.Rodrigo A. González F. & María Soledad Krause M. - 2018 - Trans/Form/Ação 41 (2):157-176.
    En este artículo argumentamos que la naturaleza pública o privada de la educación tiene una incidencia directa en las instituciones que conforman la realidad social. Para sustentar lo anterior, en primer lugar discutimos cómo, según Searle, habitamos un mundo de instituciones gobernadas por reglas y poderes deónticos, ontológicamente irreductibles. Luego, postulamos que la intencionalidad colectiva requiere de la confianza para mantenerse, y esta aumenta cuando gobiernan reglas y poderes deónticos en circunstancias normales. Finalmente, planteamos que la educación pública es una (...)
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  44. La responsabilidad en el derecho penal internacional: una aproximación desde la filosofía de John Searle. Reflexiones a partir del caso Lubanga.Rodrigo González & Soledad Krause - 2013 - Revista Tribuna Internacional 2 (3):33-54.
    En este trabajo examinamos el tópico de la responsabilidad en el derecho penal internacional a la luz de la filosofía de John Searle, y del fallo dictado por la Corte Penal Internacional en el caso de Thomas Lubanga. En el primer acápite analizamos la declaración de responsabilidad penal en función de la teoría de actos de habla de Austin y de Searle, tratándola como un acto ilocucionario cuyo significado es dependiente de un marco institucional específico. Luego, en el segundo acápite, (...)
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    Arthur J. Penty and the politics of the architectural profession, 1906–1937.Max Ridge - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (7):1220-1241.
    The British political theorist and architect Arthur J. Penty (1875-1937) is today remembered as the co-originator of ‘post-industrialism’ and as the first guild socialist. His writings evince a lifelong aversion to the evils of commercial society, as well as an intense appreciation for Medieval life. Yet Penty's conservative tendencies belie his attentiveness to what Harold Perkin would call ‘professional society.’ Though he abhorred capitalism, Penty believed in assigning status to workers on the basis of social function and technical expertise. Most (...)
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    Satisfaction of Spiritual Needs and Self-Rated Health among Churchgoers.Deborah Bruce †, Neal Krause, Cynthia Woolever & R. David Hayward - 2014 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 36 (1):86-104.
    Research indicates that greater involvement in religion may be associated with better physical health. The purpose of this study is to see if the satisfaction of spiritual needs is associated with health. This model that contains the following core hypotheses: Individuals who attend church more often are more likely to receive spiritual support from fellow church members than people who attend worship services less frequently ; receiving more spiritual support is associated with stronger feelings of belonging in a congregation; individuals (...)
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    (1 other version)Das nachgelassene Werk: Vom Uebergange von den metaphysischen Anfangsgründen der Naturwissenschaft zur Physik.Immanuel Kant & Albrecht Krause - 1888 - Moritz Schauenburg.
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    What time is it?: Subverting and suppressing, conflating and compressing time in commodified space and architecture.Cher Krause Knight - 2003 - Analecta Husserliana 78:325-336.
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    Quantum Logical Structures For Identical Particles.Federico Holik, Krause Decio & Gómez Ignacio - 2016 - Cadernos de História E Filosofia da Ciéncia 2 (1):13-58.
    In this work we discuss logical structures related to indistinguishable particles. Most of the framework used to develop these structures was presented in [17, 28] and in [20, 14, 15, 16]. We use these structures and constructions to discuss possible ontologies for identical particles. In other words, we use these structures in order to characterize the logical structure of quantum systems for the case of indistinguishable particles, and draw possible philosophical implications. We also review some proposals available in the literature (...)
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  50. Classical Logic or Non-Reflexive Logic?: A Case of Semantic Underdetermination.Jonas Becker Arenhart & Décio Krause - 2012 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 68 (1-2):73-86.
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