Results for 'Matt Walpole'

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  1.  26
    Myth and Reality in the Rain Forest. How Conservation Strategies are Failing in West Africa. By John F. Oates. Pp. 338. (University of California Press, Berkeley, 1999.) US$ 19.95, ISBN 0-520-22252-0, paperback. [REVIEW]Matt Walpole - 2003 - Journal of Biosocial Science 35 (2):318-319.
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  2. The Skillfulness of Virtue: Improving Our Moral and Epistemic Lives.Matt Stichter - 2018 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Skillfulness of Virtue provides a new framework for understanding virtue as a skill, based on psychological research on self-regulation and expertise. Matt Stichter lays the foundations of his argument by bringing together theories of self-regulation and skill acquisition, which he then uses as grounds to discuss virtue development as a process of skill acquisition. This account of virtue as skill has important implications for debates about virtue in both virtue ethics and virtue epistemology. Furthermore, it engages seriously with (...)
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    Simply Responsible: Basic Blame, Scant Praise, and Minimal Agency.Matt King - 2023 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    We evaluate people all the time for a wide variety of activities. We blame them for miscalculations, uninspired art, and committing crimes. We praise them for detailed brushwork, a superb pass, and their acts of kindness. We accomplish things, from solving crosswords to mastering guitar solos. We bungle our endeavors, whether this is letting a friend down or burning dinner. Sometimes these deeds are morally significant, but many times they are not. Simply Responsible defends the radical proposal that the blameworthy (...)
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    De Platon à Matrix: l'âme du monde: hommage à Jean-François Mattéi.Jean-François Mattéi (ed.) - 2015 - Paris: Éditions Manucius.
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  5. Bodily Affects as Prenoetic Elements in Enactive Perception.Matt Bower & Shaun Gallagher - 2013 - Phenomenology and Mind 4 (1):78-93.
    In this paper we attempt to advance the enactive discourse on perception by highlighting the role of bodily affects as prenoetic constraints on perceptual experience. Enactivists argue for an essential connection between perception and action, where action primarily means skillful bodily intervention in one’s surroundings. Analyses of sensory-motor contingencies (as in Noë 2004) are important contributions to the enactive account. Yet this is an incomplete story since sensory-motor contingencies are of no avail to the perceiving agent without motivational pull in (...)
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  6. Against Equality of Opportunity.Matt Cavanagh - 2002 - Clarendon Press.
    These days almost everyone seems to think it obvious that equality of opportunity is at least part of what constitutes a fair society. At the same time they are so vague about what equality of opportunity actually amounts to that it can begin to look like an empty term, a convenient shorthand for the way jobs should be allocated, whatever that happens to be. Matt Cavanagh offers a highly provocative and original new view, suggesting that the way we think (...)
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    The political philosophy of New Labour.Matt Beech - 2006 - New York: Distributed in the U.S. by Palgrave Macmillan.
    Matt Beech traces the ideological roots of the Labour Party from its nineteenth century origins in the Labour Movement, through the twentieth century, until the years under Tony Blair. He claims that New Labour in power evolved as a revisionist social democratic government and traces its search for new political ideas both to the New Right and Old Labour. Using interviews with former Labour politicians, advisers and academics, he presents an original and comprehensive analysis of Labour's political philosophy.
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  8. Differentiating the Skills of Practical Wisdom.Matt Stichter - 2021 - In Maria Silvia Vaccarezza & Mario De Caro (eds.), Practical Wisdom: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 96-113.
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    Diy Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media.Matt Ratto & Megan Boler (eds.) - 2014 - MIT Press.
    Today, DIY -- do-it-yourself -- describes more than self-taught carpentry. Social media enables DIY citizens to organize and protest in new ways and to repurpose corporate content in order to offer political counternarratives. This book examines the usefulness and limits of DIY citizenship, exploring the diverse forms of political participation and "critical making" that have emerged in recent years. The authors and artists in this collection describe DIY citizens whose activities range from activist fan blogging and video production to knitting (...)
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    Intellectualist Aristotelian Character Education: An Outline and Assessment.Matt Ferkany & Benjamin Creed - 2014 - Educational Theory 64 (6):567-587.
    Since its resurgence in the 1990s, character education has been subject to a bevy of common criticisms, including that it is didactic and crudely behaviorist; premised on a faulty trait psychology; victim‐blaming; culturally imperialist, racist, religious, or ideologically conservative; and many other horrible things besides. Matt Ferkany and Benjamin Creed examine an intellectualist Aristotelian form of character education that has gained popularity recently and find that it is largely not susceptible to such criticisms. In this form, character education is (...)
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    Matt Ridley.¿ Qué nos hace humanos? Trad. Teresa Carretero e Irene Cifuentes. Bogotá: Taurus, 2004. 336 p.Matt Ridley - 2005 - Ideas Y Valores 54 (129).
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  12. Libertarianism.Matt Zwolinski - 2008 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This paper is an encyclopedia entry on the political philosophy of libertarianism, written for the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. It discusses the major contemporary strands of libertarianism and their historical roots, and presents some of the main criticisms of these strands. Its focus is on libertarianism as a doctrine about distributive justice and political authority, and specifically on the consequentialist and natural rights formulations of these views.
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  13. Do campaigns for historical redress erode the Canadian welfare state?Matt James - 2006 - In Keith Banting & Will Kymlicka (eds.), Multiculturalism and the Welfare State: Recognition and Redistribution in Contemporary Democracies. Oxford University Press.
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  14.  9
    Semantics: the nature of words and their meanings.Hugh R. Walpole - 1941 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
  15.  12
    Pariahs: hubris, reputation and organisational crises.Matt Nixon - 2016 - Faringdon, Oxfordshire: Libri Publishing.
    In the last few years repeated scandals have rocked their worlds of many industries. Stories which have hit the headlines recently have included news of * Deliberate cheating by car makers to evade emissions tests * LIBOR and FX manipulation by bankers * Falsification of drug testing results plus allegations of bribery and corruption in major pharmaceutical corporations * Unlawful tapping of phones of the famous by newspapers * Cover-ups over high death rates in hospitals. While it is not always (...)
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  16. Christian Wolff.Matt Hettche & Corey W. Dyck - 2019 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  17. The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of.Matt Ridley - forthcoming - Human Nature.
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  18.  64
    The foundation of the unconscious: Schelling, Freud, and the birth of the modern psyche.Matt Ffytche - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The unconscious, cornerstone of psychoanalysis, was a key twentieth-century concept and retains an enormous influence on psychological and cultural theory. Yet there is a surprising lack of investigation into its roots in the critical philosophy and Romantic psychology of the early nineteenth century, long before Freud. Why did the unconscious emerge as such a powerful idea? And why at that point? This interdisciplinary study breaks new ground in tracing the emergence of the unconscious through the work of philosopher Friedrich Schelling, (...)
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  19. An event-based definition of art-horror.Matt Hills - 2003 - In Steven Jay Schneider & Daniel Shaw (eds.), Dark thoughts: philosophic reflections on cinematic horror. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. pp. 138--157.
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  20. Environmental Virtue Ethics: What It Is and What It Needs to Be.Matt Zwolinski & David Schmidtz - 2013 - In Daniel C. Russell (ed.), The Cambridge companion to virtue ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 221.
  21.  91
    Colonies are individuals.Matt Haber - 2013 - In Frederic Bouchard & Philippe Huneman (eds.), From Groups to Individuals: Evolution and Emerging Individuality. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. pp. 195.
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    (1 other version)The unconscious as infinite sets: an essay in bi-logic.Ignacio Matte Blanco - 1975 - London: Duckworth.
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  23. The notion of terroir.Matt Kramer - 2008 - In Fritz Allhoff (ed.), Wine and Philosophy. Blackwell. pp. 225--234.
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  24. The (mostly harmless) inconsistency of knowledge ascriptions.Matt Weiner - 2009 - Philosophers' Imprint 9:1-25.
    I argue for an alternative to invariantist, contextualist, and relativist semantics for ‘know’. This is that our use of ‘know’ is inconsistent; it is governed by several mutually inconsistent inference principles. Yet this inconsistency does not prevent us from assigning an effective content to most individual knowledge ascriptions, and it leads to trouble only in exceptional circumstances. Accordingly, we have no reason to abandon our inconsistent knowledge-talk.
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  25. A critique of Ayn Rand's theory of rights: response to Miller and Mossoff.Matt Zwolinski - 2019 - In Gregory Salmieri & Robert Mayhew (eds.), Foundations of a Free Society: Reflections on Ayn Rand's Political Philosophy. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
  26. Ignorance is power, as well as joy" : trying to manage information in turn-of-the century America.Susan J. Matt & Luke Fernandez - 2022 - In Renate Dürr (ed.), Threatened knowledge: practices of knowing and ignoring from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  27. On the tyranny of individualism : MAGA boy, media, and the drum.Matt Sheedy - 2024 - In Jason W. M. Ellsworth & Andie Alexander (eds.), Fabricating authenticity. Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing.
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  28. David R. Hiley, Doubt and the Demands of Democratic Citizenship Reviewed by.Matt Sleat - 2008 - Philosophy in Review 28 (3):205-207.
  29.  10
    Otherwise Law-Abiding Citizens: A Scientific and Moral Assessment of Cannabis Use.Matt Stolick - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    Matthew Stolick presents a detailed social and scientific exploration of the social history of cannabis, chemical make-up of the cannabis plant, and effects of cannabis use. Applying the moral thought of Aristotle, Kant, Mill, and Christianity, Stolick demonstrates the amoral nature of cannabis use.
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  30. Ritual Textuality: Pattern and Motion in Performance.Matt Tomlinson - 2014
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    Science and Poetry: A Symposium.Matt Walton & Theodore Weiss - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (2):236 - 255.
    You may challenge this. You may say that after all scientists need gadgets. They need cyclotrons and space probes, telescopes and microscopes. They need the mechanical skills to make them work. The other day I heard a talk by a novelist who remarked that maybe you don't need to have a poignant love affair to be a writer, but it helps. I take this to mean that writers as well as scientists need data, which implies the equipment and skills for (...)
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  32. Vale Christopher Hitchens.Matt Cherry - 2012 - The Australian Humanist (105):13.
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  33. C‐theories of time: On the adirectionality of time.Matt Farr - 2020 - Philosophy Compass (12):1-17.
    “The universe is expanding, not contracting.” Many statements of this form appear unambiguously true; after all, the discovery of the universe’s expansion is one of the great triumphs of empirical science. However, the statement is time-directed: the universe expands towards what we call the future; it contracts towards the past. If we deny that time has a direction, should we also deny that the universe is really expanding? This article draws together and discusses what I call ‘C-theories’ of time — (...)
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    Citizens of a common intellectual homeland: the transatlantic origins of American democracy and nationhood.Armin Mattes - 2015 - Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
    Notions of democracy and nationhood constitute the pivotal legacy of the American Revolution, but to understand their development one must move beyond a purely American context. Citizens of a Common Intellectual Homeland explores the simultaneous emergence of modern concepts of democracy and the nation on both sides of the Atlantic during the age of revolutions. Armin Mattes argues that in their origin the two concepts were indistinguishable because they arose from a common revolutionary impulse directed against the prevailing hierarchical political (...)
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  35.  20
    The political brain: the emergence of neuropolitics.Matt Qvortrup - 2024 - New York, NY: Central European University Press.
    We have politics on our mind-or, rather, we have politics in different parts of our brains. In this path-breaking study, Matt Qvortrup takes the reader on a whistle stop tour through the fascinating, and sometimes frightening, world of neuropolitics; the discipline that combines neuroscience and politics, and is even being used to win elections. Putting the 'science' back into political science, The Political Brain shows how fMRI-scans can identify differences between Liberals and Conservatives, can predict our behaviour with sometimes (...)
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  36. Causation and Time Reversal.Matt Farr - 2020 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (1):177-204.
    What would it be for a process to happen backwards in time? Would such a process involve different causal relations? It is common to understand the time-reversal invariance of a physical theory in causal terms, such that whatever can happen forwards in time can also happen backwards in time. This has led many to hold that time-reversal symmetry is incompatible with the asymmetry of cause and effect. This article critiques the causal reading of time reversal. First, I argue that the (...)
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  37. Structural exploitation.Matt Zwolinski - 2012 - Social Philosophy and Policy 29 (1):154-179.
    Research Articles Matt Zwolinski, Social Philosophy and Policy, FirstView Article.
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  38. Ethics of seamless infrastructures: Resources and future directions.Matt Ratto - 2007 - International Review of Information Ethics 8:12.
    The argument of this paper is that the rhetoric of "seamlessness" and its embodiment within certain information infrastructures may be ethically problematic due to the way it articulates a particular kind of passivity and lack of engagement between people and their actions and between people and their social and material environment. The paper describes "seamlessness" as a socio-technical value, details its use in context, and outlines three areas of scholarship that can provide necessary perspectives and methods for research on "seamlessness" (...)
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  39. Duff on Hart Treatment.Matt Matravers - 2011 - In Rowan Cruft, Matthew H. Kramer & Mark R. Reiff (eds.), Crime, punishment, and responsibility: the jurisprudence of Antony Duff. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Punishment and Political Theory.Matt Matravers (ed.) - 1999 - Hart Publishing.
    This book addresses the interdependence of the study of punishment and of political theory as well as specific issues that arise in both.
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    Locke’s Science of Knowledge.Matt Priselac - 2016 - Routledge.
    John Locke’s _An Essay Concerning Human Understanding_ begins with a clear statement of an epistemological goal: to explain the limits of human knowledge, opinion, and ignorance. The actual text of the _Essay_, in stark contrast, takes a long and seemingly meandering path before returning to that goal at the _Essay_’s end—one with many detours through questions in philosophy of mind, metaphysics, and philosophy of language. Over time, Locke scholarship has come to focus on Locke’s contributions to these parts of philosophy. (...)
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  42. Immanuel Kant: Metaphysics.Matt McCormick - 2001 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Immanuel Kant is one of the most influential philosophers in the history of Western philosophy. His contributions to metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics have had a profound impact on almost every philosophical movement that followed him. This portion of the Encyclopedia entry will focus on his metaphysics and epistemology in one of his most important works, The Critique of Pure Reason . (All references will be to the A (1781) and B(1787) edition pages in Werner Pluhar's translation. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1996.) (...)
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  43. (1 other version)Levelling the levels.Matt Lee - 2009 - In Edward Willatt & Matt Lee (eds.), Thinking Between Deleuze and Kant: A Strange Encounter. Continuum. pp. 49-66.
    What I want to do in this paper is focus on the way in which Deleuze might be said to 'level the levels' of the Kantian philosophy. The levels which Deleuze levels are found in the distinction between the transcendentally ideal and the empirically real. Just what is at stake in these terms? If Kant's move is to insist on the sensible, we might almost want to say that it is an insistence on a matter that matters which underlies this (...)
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    Virtue as a Skill.Matt Stichter - 2017 - In Nancy E. Snow (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Virtue. Oxford University Press. pp. 57-84.
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  45. Price Gouging and Market Failure.Matt Zwolinski - 2010 - In Gerald Gaus, Julian Lamont & Christi Favor (eds.), ESSAYS ON PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS & ECONOMIC: INTEGRATION AND COMMON RESEARCH PROJECTS. Stanford University Press.
    Price gouging occurs when, in the wake of an emergency, sellers of a certain necessary goods sharply raise their prices beyond the level needed to cover increased costs. Most people think that price gouging is immoral, and most states have laws rendering the practice a civil or criminal offense. But the alleged wrongness of price gouging has been seriously under-theorized. This paper examines the argument that price gouging is morally objectionable and/or the proper subject of legal regulation because of the (...)
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  46. The Separateness of Persons.Matt Zwolinski - 2003 - Dissertation, The University of Arizona
    One of the distinctive ideas of contemporary liberal political philosophy is that the separateness of persons is somehow normatively momentous. A proper respect for separateness is supposed to lead us not only to reject aggregative theories such as utilitarianism, but to embrace some particular positive theory about the sorts of obligations and claims we have amongst each other. Typically, philosophers have focused on the way in which the separateness of persons is important to matters of distribution. Given the intuitively unjust (...)
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    On Liberty and Peace Part 2: Peace.Matt Edge - 2011 - Imprint Academic.
    The author writes:In this project I set out to provide an answer to two fundamental questions of political philosophy. How can human beings live together, in conditions of co-operation over time, enjoying what Immanuel Kant famously called ‘perpetual peace’? And how much individual freedom can we expect to enjoy, and to what degree can we expect that individual freedom to be equal, whilst engaged in the enterprise described by the first question? These may be age-old questions, but I aim, in (...)
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  48. Immanent anthropology : a comparative study of "process" in contemporary France.Matt Hodges - 2014 - In Laura Bear (ed.), Doubt, conflict, mediation: the anthropology of modern time. Malden, MA: Wiley.
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    Philosophy on Tap: Pint-Sized Puzzles for the Pub Philosopher.Matt Lawrence - 2011 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    When beer starts to flow, philosophical discussions naturally follow. _Philosophy on Tap_ takes pub philosophy to the next level, pairing 48 of life's greatest philosophical questions with 48 of the world's best beers. Features a unique presentation of philosophical puzzles, paradoxes, and debates by considering 48 of life's biggest questions in the context of 48 distinctive beers from around the world Provides a highly engaging and sociable approach to the classic philosophical problems as well as a unique look at the (...)
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  50. The limits of meaning in fijian methodist sermons.Matt Tomlinson - 2006 - In Matthew Engelke & Matt Tomlinson (eds.), The limits of meaning: case studies in the anthropology of Christianity. New York: Berghahn Books.
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