Results for 'Mass media Social aspects.'

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  1.  65
    Mass Media and European Cultural Citizenship.Gheorghe-Ilie Fârte - 2009 - Cultura 6 (1):22-33.
    The main thesis of my article is that the viability of the European Union does not depend so much on its political structure as on its being anchored in a culture-based public sphere and on the establishment of a cultural European citizenship. The public sphere could be defined as an unique world, characterized by consensus and cooperation, in which only public goods can be sought and acquired, or as an unique world, characterized by rivalry and competition, in which everyone could (...)
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    Digital era: from mass media towards a mass of media.Žygintas Pečiulis - 2016 - Filosofija. Sociologija 27 (3).
    We live in a digital era, which can be described in various aspects: the digitalization of analogue information storage, the emergence of web society, the replacement of the vertical mass communication model with horizontal social networks, the decrease in the influence of traditional media. The article deals with the main characteristics of the digital era: interactivity, momentariness, hypertextuality, and convergence. The discussion of social network phenomenon and traditional media crisis serves in revealing the following relevant (...)
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    Influential Modifications of the Genre System of Modern Mass Media.Valentyna Stiekolshchykova, Ruslana Savchuk, Olena Makarchuk, Iryna Filatenko, Oleksandra Humanenko & Nataliia Shoturma - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (2):461-474.
    The article is devoted to the consideration of the issue of influential modifications of the genre system of modern mass media. It has been established that the mass media are one of the main means of communication for the wide audience. The meaning of the words "modification", "mass media", "mobile journalism", "new media" has been studied. The article notes that "new media" appeared in the 60s of the XX century. The main characteristics (...)
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    Stanisław Kowalczyk. Wolność naturą i prawem człowieka, Indywidualny i społeczny wymiar wolności [Freedom - A Human's Nature and One's Right. The Individual and Social Aspects of Freedom].Stanisław A. Wargacki - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 7 (1):260-262.
    The book by professor Stanisław Kowalczyk, renowned scholar in the field of social philosophy, is, without doubt, one of the most important studies on the idea of freedom. The concept of freedom is as old as mankind. It has many meanings and has been interpreted in many different ways. For instance, we also have the word „liberty," which means „freedom or right" and is synonymous with the word freedom, which means „the condition of being free." The author indicates that (...)
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    Understanding media: a popular philosophy.Dominic Boyer - 2007 - Chicago, Ill.: Prickly Paradigm Press.
    Why do we understand media the way we do? Sometimes we think about media simply as means of communication and instruments of human creativity. At other times we understand media as powerful technologies that influence human culture and that can even govern how we think and act. Dominic Boyer grapples with these complexities in Understanding Media, where he questions what our different strategies of engaging media actually tell us about media, their messages and powers." (...)
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    Legal theory and the media of law.Thomas Vesting - 2018 - Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. Edited by James C. Wagner.
    As many disciplines in the humanities have experienced a focus on culture's impact in recent decades, questions surrounding the significance of media such as writing, print, and computer networks have become increasingly relevant. This book seeks to demonstrate that a media and cultural theory perspective can also be highly productive for legal theory. Thomas Vesting approaches law as an artificial and constructive element within culture and emphasizes the many possibilities that varied forms of media have opened to (...)
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    Processes of inclusion in mass communication: A new perspective in media research.Tilmann Sutter - 2005 - Communications 30 (4):431-444.
    Concepts of interaction theory play a central role in media research that deals with the relationship between media offerings and media reception. They cover the diverse activities of media users as well as the adaptation strategies utilized of mass communication. The first part of this article briefly describes where these broad and poorly defined concepts of interaction can be found in different areas of media research. One of the problems is deciding in which cases (...)
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    Doing ethics in media: theories and practical applications.Jay Black - 2011 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Chris Roberts.
    Providing an accessible examination of ethics, Doing Ethics in Media, introduces students to ethical theory and provides a grounded discussion of ethics in the context of today's media outlets. Emphasizing the understanding of ethics, the text will help readers 'do ethics' expeditiously, honestly, and efficiently when they enter the workplace and need to make critical ethical decisions on deadline. The text is organized around six decision-making questions, and cases demonstrate the application of these questions to real-world scenarios. Each (...)
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    Doing ethics in media: theories and practical applications.Chris Roberts - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Jay Black.
    The second edition of Doing Ethics in Media continues its mission of providing an accessible but comprehensive introduction to media ethics, with a theoretical grounding in moral philosophy, to help students think clearly and systematically about dilemmas in the rapidly changing media environment. Each chapter highlights specific considerations, cases, and practical applications for the fields of journalism, advertising, digital media, entertainment, public relations, and social media. Six fundamental decision-making questions - the "5Ws and H" (...)
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  10.  8
    Mensch Und Medien: Philosophische Und Sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven.Manuela Pietrass & Rüdiger Funiok (eds.) - 2010 - Vs Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
    Die Medialisierung der Lebenswelt bedingt eine Veränderung der Erfahrung von Wirklichkeit, der Erkenntnisweisen und des gesellschaftlichen Miteinanders. Diese Veränderungen sind anthropologisch relevant, denn durch die Medien werden sie vorgeformt, und zugleich eröffnen die Medien einen Möglichkeitsraum für zukünftige Entwicklungsweisen. In diesem Kontext einer medialen Vorbedingung von Möglichkeiten des Menschseins und ihrer Ausgestaltung sind die Beiträge des Sammelbandes angesiedelt. „Wie realisiert sich Menschsein unter den Bedingungen der Medialität?“ ist die leitende Fragestellung.
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  11.  22
    Study of language specificity of media texts in training of philologers and journalists.L. V. Ratsiburskaya - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitaryj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 4 (2):160.
    The language specificity of modern media texts and the aspects of studying it in the courses ‘Language and style of modern mass media‘ and ‘Modern mediatext‘ are considered in the article. The language specificity of contemporary media texts is connected, on the one hand, with the subjectivization of the text, enforcement of personality, democratization and with the increase of proportion of a foreign word, intertexuality, intellectualization of the text on the other hand. Subjectivization of the text (...)
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  12. Literatura e información.Emilio Sosa López - 1972 - [Córdoba, Argentina]: Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
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    Masukomi wa nani o tsutaenai ka: media shakai no kashikoi ikikata.Kenʼichi Shimomura - 2010 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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    Global media ethics: problems and perspectives.Stephen J. A. Ward (ed.) - 2013 - Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Global Media Ethics is the first comprehensive cross-cultural exploration of the conceptual and practical issues facing media ethics in a global world. A team of leading journalism experts investigate the impact of major global trends on responsible journalism. The first full-length, truly global textbook on media ethics; Explores how current global changes in media promote and inhibit responsible journalism; Includes relevant and timely ethical discussions based on major trends in journalism and global media; Questions existing (...)
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    Pura Imagen.Sarah Corona Berkin (ed.) - 2012 - Dirección General de Publicaciones Del Consejo Nacional Para la Cultura y Las Artes.
    From fields as art history, semiotics and communication theories, a dozen researchers attempt to provide new and compelling approaches about the genesis of the images, their functions in relation to our existence and how we establish and construct our social and power relations, through the book.
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    Cancel Culture as a Tool of Social Influence.К Палій - 2024 - Philosophical Horizons 48:61-69.
    Cancel culture necessitates a thorough examination for optimizing the efficacy of reputation management and societal influence. It’s essential to assess its effectiveness in driving social change, recognize ethical nuances, and pinpoint potential issues. Originally a value-driven phenomenon, it has evolved into a manipulative tool, amplifying societal emotions. Despite attempts at crisis communication, it often fails to alleviate the consequences for individuals or businesses subjected to «cancellation». The purpose of the study. The article explores cancel culture as a mechanism for (...)
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    Using Classic Social Media Cases to Distill Ethical Guidelines for Digital Engagement.Shannon A. Bowen - 2013 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 28 (2):119-133.
    Through systematic case analyses of much-discussed social media cases, both negative aspects and best practices of social media use are revealed. Ethical theory is applied to these cases as a means of analysis to reveal the moral principles associated with each case. Four cases are analyzed, ranging from bad to arguably innovative. Based upon comparing the moral principles upheld or violated, descriptive ethics are used to infer normative ethical guidelines to govern the use of social (...)
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    Confucianism for the Contemporary World: Global Order, Politial Plurality, and Social Action ed. by Tze-ki Ton and Kristin Stapleton.Bin Song - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (3).
    This edited volume consists of papers reflecting upon the significance of the contemporary revival of Confucianism for aspects of the global order such as capitalism, Asian modernity, liberal democracy, civil society, and mass media consumption. Read as a whole, the volume neither advocates a particular interpretation of Confucian thought, nor claims the efficacy of Confucianism in resolving human predicaments. Instead, it conceptualizes the Confucian revival as primarily an on-going social phenomenon and tries to analyze its broader impacts (...)
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  19.  19
    The reflection of negative social phenomena in contemporary opera practice.Michaela Mojžišová - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (1):66-74.
    There are two approaches that dominate contemporary opera performances. The first may be characterised as producing a subtle, aesthetic and stylistic means of expression. The second runs up visual, interpretation and content means to their maximum expressivity and the audience is exposed to violence, sex and experience disgust. This paper analyses specific productions by renowned European theatre and opera directors, in order to shed light on the way in which opera directors cope with the threat of terrorism, sexual violence, and (...)
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  20.  6
    Il pensiero involontario nella società irretita.Franco Ferrarotti - 2019 - Roma: Armando editore.
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    The Etiology of Social Change.Kathleen M. Carley, Michael K. Martin & Brian R. Hirshman - 2009 - Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (4):621-650.
    A fundamental aspect of human beings is that they learn. The process of learning and what is learned are impacted by a number of factors, both cognitive and social; that is, humans are boundedly rational. Cognitive and social limitations interact, making it difficult to reason about how to provide information to impact what humans know, believe, and do. Herein, we use a multi‐agent dynamic‐network simulation system, Construct, to conduct such reasoning. In particular, we ask, What media should (...)
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  22.  15
    Raum Wissen Medien: Zur Raumtheoretischen Reformulierung des Medienbegriffs.Dorit Müller & Sebastian Scholz (eds.) - 2012 - Transcript.
    Long description: Trotz ”Spatial Turn“ in den Kulturwissenschaften bildet die Verknüpfung von Raum, Wissen und Medien noch immer ein Forschungsdesiderat. Dem begegnet dieser Band, indem er die Wechselverhältnisse von räumlichen Zusammenhängen, medialen Konstellationen und Wissenskonstitution untersucht. Die medien- und geschichtswissenschaftlichen Beiträge analysieren sowohl räumliche und mediale Bedingungen wissenschaftlicher Praxis als auch Räume und Räumlichkeiten von Medien. Dabei richten sie den Blick vornehmlich auf die Konstruktionsweisen von Wissensräumen durch analoge und digitale Medien und fragen aus einer topologischen Perspektive nach der epistemischen (...)
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    Image in the post-millennium: mediation, process and critical tension.Maria João Baltazar, Tomé Quadros, Jonas Staal & Rita Amaral (eds.) - 2021 - [Eindhoven, The Netherlands]: Onomatopee.
    How does the complex structure of the image today connect to perception, what does this visual culture offer and what is left to the perciever? As we find ourselves in a culture of digital media, wherein Design, Cinema and New Media intersect, this book zooms in on the imagees dynamic factors seen as a field of work in which the creation of contents and forms is inscribed in a post-digital era.
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    Переосмислення морально-етичних та інформаційних аспектів життя соціуму у філософському дослідженні інституту інтелектуальної власності.Stovpets Oleksandr - 2016 - Схід 6 (146):120-127.
    The article analyzes four areas of social life - the so-called "information power", public morality, public information and mass-media information. It's argued that they have become closely related in the information-dependent society. Understanding of their cross correlations and mutual determinations, as well as interconnections of those categories, is an important matter on the way of Intellectual Property philosophic research, believing the IP is one of the fundamental social institutions of our time. Regarding the abovementioned, the purpose (...)
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  25.  13
    Dalla società irretita al nuovo umanesimo.Franco Ferrarotti - 2019 - Roma: Armando editore.
    L’Autore di questo libro è noto per le sue vitrioliche critiche al web e in generale alla comunicazione elettronica. Ma questo libro è la prova che non si tratta di neo-luddismo, vale a dire di una opposizione a priori all’innovazione tecnologica. L’Autore semplicemente richiama il dovere di valutare le “ricadute” del progresso tecnico, sia sociali che psicologico-individuali. L’eccesso delle informazioni, rapide e varie, può determinare una grave de-concentrazione, ansia immotivata, disorientamento. In questo libro si indicano le condizioni per un progresso (...)
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  26.  6
    Sguardi nel tempo delle tecnologie.Eleonora Fiorani - 2017 - Milano: Lupetti.
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  27.  3
    New and Traditional Media as Tools of Influence in the Context of the Election Process.Дмитро ФОМІН - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (2):206-212.
    The article demonstrates the role of traditional and new media, as well as other forms of Internet communications as means of influencing the course of the election process in Ukraine and the formation of public opinion. We focused attention on the fact that in the conditions of transformational processes and political shifts, the level of trust in the latest online means of information dissemination, as well as the intensity of their influence on public opinion, are steadily growing. In this (...)
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  28.  14
    The System of Media Critics in the Journalistic Environment in Postmodern Conditions.Hanna Marchuk, Galyna Prystai, Solomiia Khorob, Nataliya Marchuk & Nataliia Shoturma - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1):141-151.
    Media criticism is an area of modern journalism that provides critical cognition and assessment of socially significant, relevant aspects of information production in the media. Media criticism studies and evaluates the mobile complex of the diverse relationships of the print and electronic press with the media audience and society as a whole, contributes to the introduction of social and professional adjustments to the activities of the print and electronic press. Modern media criticism covers not (...)
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    Social Networks through the Prism of Cognition.Radosław Michalski, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Przemysław Kazienko, Christian Lebiere, Omar Lizardo & Marcin Kulisiewicz - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    Human relations are driven by social events—people interact, exchange information, share knowledge and emotions, and gather news from mass media. These events leave traces in human memory, the strength of which depends on cognitive factors such as emotions or attention span. Each trace continuously weakens over time unless another related event activity strengthens it. Here, we introduce a novel cognition-driven social network model that accounts for cognitive aspects of social perception. The model explicitly represents each (...)
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  30.  35
    Titles of mass media interview in aspect of linguistic pragmatics.N. V. Bychkovskaya - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russia 5 (1):58.
    Titles of modern interviews are studied on the material of German mass media texts. Leading syntactic structures, communicative signs and pragmatical aspects of titles are analyzed. The most attention is paid to titles in form of questions or exclamation, which have the strongest communicative pragmatical effect. Exclamation and questions in the position of titles lose value of incentive and interrogative, incentive or interrogative remain only formally, which makes them quasi-incentive and quasi-interrogative. Exclamation and question functions go by the (...)
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  31.  13
    Transformational influence of fake messages on the behavioral activity of an individual: psycholinguistic aspect.Olha Krasnytska, Oleh Khmiliar, Liudmyla Piankivska & Sergiy Cherevychnyi - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (2).
    The article highlights the issue of the psychological impact of fakes on the individual, which is intensively increased through various mass media and especially social networks. The general research aim comprises the study of features of the psychological influence of fakes on an individual and classification of this influence. It was proven that fakes intensify the person's stress, weaken adaptive reserves, reduce efficiency, and lead to stress disorders. Numerous fake messages cause intense emotional transformation of the individual (...)
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  32.  12
    Pobreza, lenguaje y medios en América Latina: los casos de Argentina, Brasil, Colombia y México.Ana Beatriz Chiquito & Gabriel Quiroz (eds.) - 2017 - Bern: Peter Lang Verlag.
    En una serie de interesantes artículos, esta publicación presenta, de manera innovadora, cómo los diarios más importantes de la Argentina, Brasil, Colombia y México comunican las nociones sobre la pobreza, cómo las encuadran y el lenguaje que utilizan para hacerlo. Los artículos contextualizan estas nociones a través de un análisis multidisciplinario y las relacionan con las teorías contemporáneas más relevantes sobre el tema, así como con el discurso político vigente y las medidas para erradicarla. Los artículos son resultado de las (...)
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    Firm–Employee Relationships from a Social Responsibility Perspective: Developments from Communist Thinking to Market Ideology in Romania. A Mass Media Story.Oana Apostol & Salme Näsi - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (3):301-315.
    Firm–employee relationships are dependent on the wider societal context and on the role business plays in society. Changes in institutional arrangements in society affect the perceived responsibilities of firms to their personnel. In this study, we examine mass media discussions about firm–employee relationships from a social responsibility perspective via a longitudinal study in Romanian society. Our analysis indicates how the expected responsibilities of firms towards employees have altered with the changing role of firms in society since the (...)
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  34.  27
    Media discourse in China and Japan on the COVID-19 pandemic: comparative analysis of the first three months.Gulsan Ara Parvin, Md Habibur Rahman, S. M. Reazul Ahsan, Md Anwarul Abedin & Mrittika Basu - 2022 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 20 (2):308-328.
    Purpose This study aims to analyze how English-language versions of e-newspapers in the first two countries affected, China and Japan, which are non-English-speaking countries and have different socio-economic and political settings, have highlighted Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic news and informed the global community. Design/methodology/approach A text-mining approach was used to explore experts’ thoughts as published by the two leading English-language newspapers in China and Japan from January to March 2020. This study analyzes the Opinion section, which mainly comprises editorial and (...)
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  35.  17
    Die Macht der Öffentlichkeit: (Massen-)Medien und ihre Funktion in der Demokratie.Christian Polke - 2014 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 58 (1):8-20.
    Mass Media and new social media are one of the most significant indicators for deep transformations our societies are currently undergoing. This brings along serious problems how we can organize and stabilize our public life, especially in questions of democratic representation and self-government. It is for this reason the article first discusses critically the rhetoric talk of media as »fourth power in state« to consider then the function and role media morally should have in (...)
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    Steven Best is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Texas, El Paso. He has published widely on philosophy, cultural criticism, mass media, social theory, and postmodern theory. His books, all published by Guilford Press, New York, include Postmodern Theory: Critical Interrogations (with D. Kellner); The Politics of Historical Vision: Marx, Foucault, and Habermas; The Postmodern Turn: Paradigm. [REVIEW]Allyson Field & Stephen Hastings-King - 1999 - Substance 90:179.
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    (1 other version)Mass media and political power in italy.A. D. Zolotykh - 2013 - Liberal Arts in Russia 2 (2):131--141.
    The process of merging the political, economic and media power in Italy and the role of the Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi are discussed. “La Repubblica” and “L’Unita” publications are investigated (2009–2010) and compared via the famous European media as “The Financial Times”, “The Times”, “The Independent”, ”Le Monde”, “La Liberation”, “Le Nouvel Obstrvateur”, “El Pais” and “Der Spigel”. In particular the author pays the attention to polemics devoted to the information freedom protection. The existence of media (...)
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  38.  44
    The mass media and terrorism.David L. Altheide - 2007 - Discourse and Communication 1 (3):287-308.
    The mass media promotes terrorism by stressing fear and an uncertain future. Major changes in US foreign and domestic policy essentially went unreported and unchallenged by the dominant news organizations. Notwithstanding the long relationship in the United States between fear and crime, the role of the mass media in promoting fear has become more pronounced since the United States `discovered' international terrorism on 11 September 2001. Extensive qualitative media analysis shows that political decision-makers quickly adjusted (...)
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    A “curious blend”: The successful farmer in American farm magazines, 1984–1991. [REVIEW]Gerry Walter - 1995 - Agriculture and Human Values 12 (3):55-68.
    Mass media images offer audiences models for how to perform the social roles they depict. Opinions and other attributes of credible media models may likewise be embraced by audience members seeking to identify with those models. Thus farm magazine narratives about “successful” farmers may encourage readers to model or aspire to featured farmers' production and management techniques and ascribe legitimacy to models' responses to current agricultural issues. However, production of agrarian images in the mass (...) — including images of farms, farmers, and farmers' values — are inevitably biased such that media representations of successful farmers selectively present objective characteristics in terms of the media's own ideological frameworks, which in turn reflect the dominant ideology of the social relations in which the media are engaged. As a first step in identifying farm magazines' role in creating social models for farmers, this study analyzes articles featuring “successful,” “leading,” or “innovative” farmers in leading agricultural magazines. The featured farmers are categorized according to enterprise characteristics and characterizations of them and their management philosophies. Findings show that farmers in farm magazines have larger than average operations and are portrayed in a way that blends a “farming as business” orientation with more conventional agrarian values but that generally omits non-business aspects of farm life. (shrink)
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    Hyperreality: Paradigm for the Third Millenium.Nobuyoshi Terashima & John Tiffin (eds.) - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    _'HyperReality is a technological capability like nanotechnology, human cloning and artificial intelligence. Like them, it does not as yet exist in the sense of being clearly demonstrable and publicly available. Like them, it is maturing in laboratories where the question "if" has been replaced by the question "when?" and like them, the implications of its appearance as a basic infrastructure technology are profound and merit careful consideration.'_ - _Nobuyoshi Terashima_ _What comes after the Internet?_ Imagine a world where it is (...)
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    La opinión pública en la red: análisis pragmático de la voz de los ciudadanos.Ana Mancera Rueda - 2020 - Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert. Edited by Ana Pano Alamán.
    Desde hace varias décadas, la opinión pública se ha ido trasladando, en gran parte, desde los salones domésticos y los cafés a la red. El desarrollo de las tecnologías 2.0 ha dado lugar a una metamorfosis de la noción de "público" y ha hecho posible que, en el ciberespacio, el debate colectivo sea más abierto, participativo y distribuido respecto al que se produce en los medios tradicionales. Esta nueva esfera pública virtual, en la que surge y vive la opinión de (...)
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    Clearing the air: A systematic review of mass media campaigns to increase indoor radon testing and remediation.Sofie Apers, Heidi Vandebosch & Tanja Perko - 2024 - Communications 49 (1):144-165.
    Indoor radon is a natural radioactive gas that enters homes through cracks in the foundations. It is one of the leading causes of lung cancer. Although radon can be detected with an indoor radon test and can be mitigated by means of either ventilation or professional measures, testing and mitigating rates of the at-risk population remain insufficient. The objective of this study is to systematically review the current level of evidence regarding the design and effectiveness of mass media (...)
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    Social Responsibilities of the Mass Media[REVIEW]Hilde Hein - 1982 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 16 (1):119.
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    The case against mass media codes of ethics.Jay Black & Ralph D. Barney - 1985 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 1 (1):27 – 36.
    Insights from First Amendment considerations and from developmental psychology are utilized in suggesting that whatever value codes of ethics may hold for the mass media, they represent serious difficulties in inculcating substantial ethical values in individual journalists and in the profession as a whole. Evidence from developmental psychology suggests that codes are probably of some limited value to the neophyte working in the media. Codes also help assure non?journalists that the industry really is concerned about ethics. However, (...)
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    Stereotypic Happiness of “American Dream”.Svilana Lyubymova - 2021 - Cultura 18 (2):173-186.
    The starting-point and the goal of every human being is pursuit of happiness. Though varying individually, understanding of happiness is rather unified in the world. The purpose of this paper is to outline principal aspects of a stereotypic “American dream” in the frame of modernity. Since Jefferson outlined a well-being through “life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness”, the model of welfare, that was expressively named by Adams “American Dream”, has changed to obsession with heavy materialist acquisition and perpetual search for (...)
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  46. The Ground We Tread.Vilém Flusser - 2012 - Continent 2 (2):60-63.
    continent. 2.2 (2012): 60–63 Translated by Rodrigo Maltez Novaes. From the forthcoming book Post-History , Minneapolis: Univocal Publishing, 2013. It is not necessary to have a keen ear in order to find out that the steps we take towards the future sound hollow. But it is necessary to have concentrated hearing if one wishes to find out which type of vacuity resonates with our progress. There are several types of vacuity, and ours must be compared to others, if the aim (...)
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    Unilateral Exposure to Mass Media: Non-Communicative Person.Denis I. Chistyakov - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (3):467-479.
    The article discusses the forms and ways of the impact of modern digital media on people, groups, and society as a whole. The unilateral communication effect on a person is emphasized. The accent is made on the transmission model of information dissemination, taking into account the formation of its ritualized form. The author pays his particular attention to the status and role of an individual in interaction with mass media; provides arguments about the exclusion of a person (...)
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    Transparency and accountability in mass media campaigns about organ donation: a response to Morgan and Feeley.Mohamed Y. Rady, Joan L. McGregor & Joseph L. Verheijde - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (4):869-876.
    We respond to Morgan and Feeley’s critique on our article “Mass Media in Organ Donation: Managing Conflicting Messages and Interests.” We noted that Morgan and Feeley agree with the position that the primary aims of media campaigns are: “to educate the general public about organ donation process” and “help individuals make informed decisions” about organ donation. For those reasons, the educational messages in media campaigns should not be restricted to “information from pilot work or focus groups” (...)
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    Self-observation, self-reference and operational coupling in social systems: steps towards a coherent epistemology of mass media.Juan Miguel Aguado - 2009 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 1 (1):59-74.
    This paper is concerned with the role of self-observation in managing complexity in meaning systems. Revising Niklas Luhmann's theory of mass media, we approach the mass media system as a social sub-system functionally specialized in the coupling of psychic systems' self-observation and social systems' self-observation.According to Autopoietic Systems Theory and von Foerster's second order cybernetics, self-observation presupposes a capability for meta-observation that demands a specific distinction between observer and actor. This distinction seems especially relevant (...)
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    Musik-Medien-Kunst: wissenschaftliche und künstlerische Perspektiven.Beate Flath (ed.) - 2013 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Long description: Welche Betrachtungsmöglichkeiten ergeben sich aus den vielfältigen Verknüpfungen von Musik, Medien und Kunst? Der Band widmet sich dieser Frage aus wissenschaftlicher ebenso wie aus künstlerischer Perspektive. Zentrale Angelpunkte dabei sind Kommunikation, Technologie und Wahrnehmung als Gegenstände und/oder methodische Konzepte in Wissenschaft und Kunst. Die Beiträge machen unterschiedliche Blickwinkel auf gemeinsame Themenfelder sichtbar, um darin mögliche Schnittmengen, Übergänge und Bruchlinien zu erschließen.
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