Results for 'Mary Morton'

932 found
  1.  29
    We Can Work it Out: The Importance of Rupture and Repair Processes in Infancy and Adult Life for Flourishing.Mary Morton - 2016 - Health Care Analysis 24 (2):119-132.
    This paper argues that insights into infant emotional development, particularly the capacity to engage with rupture and repair, can be applied to the understanding and promotion of flourishing in later life, individually and socially. Starting with the Queen’s visit to the Republic of Ireland as an example of successful social repair after rupture that enables flourishing, the paper goes on to outline some relevant psychological theory that undergirds this. It then considers some of the practical relevance and problems that apply (...)
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    Pre- and postnatal drivers of childhood intelligence: Evidence from singapore.Gail Pacheco, Mary Hedges, Chris Schilling & Susan Morton - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (1):41-56.
    SummaryThis study seeks to investigate what influences intelligence in early childhood. The Singapore Cohort Study of the Risk Factors of Myopia is used to assess determinants of childhood IQ and changes in IQ. This longitudinal data set, collected in 1999, includes a wealth of demographic, socioeconomic and prenatal characteristics. The richness of the data allows various econometric approaches to be employed, including the use of ordered and multinomial logit analysis. Mother's education is found to be a consistent and key determinant (...)
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  3.  51
    Accessing food resources: Rural and urban patterns of giving and getting food. [REVIEW]Lois Wright Morton, Ella Annette Bitto, Mary Jane Oakland & Mary Sand - 2007 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (1):107-119.
    Reciprocity and redistribution economies are often used by low-income households to increase access to food, adequate diets, and food security. A United States study of two high poverty rural counties and two low-income urban neighborhoods reveal poor urban households are more likely to access food through the redistribution economy than poor rural households. Reciprocal nonmarket food exchanges occur more frequently in low-income rural households studied compared to low-income urban ones. The rural low-income purposeful sample was significantly more likely to give (...)
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    From the Margin to the mainstream: Campus compact's project on integrating service with academic study. [REVIEW]Keith Morton & Marie Troppe - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (1):21 - 32.
    This article offers an introduction to service learning and a brief review of the research on the effects of service learning on academic and values development. It outlines in detail the history of Campus Compact, an organization of 517 college and university presidents founded in 1985, and its Project on Integrating Service with Academic Study. Lessons learned about institutionalizing service learning and information about resources for doing so are also summarized. The findings are based on a three-year, national project supported (...)
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    The Object of Therapy: Mary E. Black and the Progressive Possibilities of Weaving.Erin Morton - 2011 - Utopian Studies 22 (2):321-340.
    ABSTRACT This article will examine the career of weaver and occupational therapist Mary E. Black by using her life as a lens through which to explore the intersection of arts and crafts revivalism with occupational therapy in early twentiethcentury northeastern North America. Born in Massachusetts, Black grew up in and was educated in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. She trained as ward's aide in Montreal in 1919 and worked in a string of hospitals and sanitariums throughout the United States and Nova (...)
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    Stem cell research in a catholic institution: Yes or no?Michael R. Prieur, Joan Atkinson, Laurie Hardingham, David Hill, Gillian Kernaghan, Debra Miller, Sandy Morton, Mary Rowell, John F. Vallely & Suzanne Wilson - 2006 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 16 (1):73-98.
    : Catholic teaching has no moral difficulties with research on stem cells derived from adult stem cells or fetal cord blood. The ethical problem comes with embryonic stem cells since their genesis involves the destruction of a human embryo. However, there seems to be significant promise of health benefits from such research. Although Catholic teaching does not permit any destruction of human embryos, the question remains whether researchers in a Catholic institution, or any researchers opposed to destruction of human embryos, (...)
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    Richard H. and Mary A. Rouse, Preachers, Florilegia, and Sermons: Studies on the “Manipulus florum” of Thomas of Ireland. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1979. Paper. Pp. xii, 476; 6 plates. $24. [REVIEW]Morton W. Bloomfield - 1981 - Speculum 56 (1):220.
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  8.  79
    Philosophy, Science, and Method. Essays in Honor of Ernest NagelSidney Morgenbesser Patrick Suppes Morton White.Mary Hesse - 1974 - Isis 65 (4):528-529.
  9.  37
    A Pantheology of Pandemic: Sex, Race, Nature, and The Virus.Mary-Jane Rubenstein - 2022 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 43 (1):5-23.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Pantheology of Pandemic: Sex, Race, Nature, and The VirusMary-Jane Rubenstein (bio)I. PunitheologyThe explanations started pouring in even before the virus attained “pandemic” status in March of 2020: we were being punished. According to a vocal subset of Evangelical pastors and ultra-Orthodox rabbis, the death-dealing virus was divine retribution for the sins of (who else?) LGBT-identified people and their allies, who aggressively violated what the pastors and rabbis called (...)
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  10.  28
    William Morton Wheeler, Biologist. Mary Alice Evans, Howard Ensign Evans.Robert Colodny - 1972 - Isis 63 (2):297-297.
  11. Plato on Punishment.Mary Margaret Mackenzie - 1981 - Philosophy 57 (221):416-418.
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  12.  48
    The importance of communication in collaborative decision making: facilitating shared mind and the management of uncertainty.Mary C. Politi & Richard L. Street - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (4):579-584.
  13.  13
    Jung and the Human Psyche: An Understandable Introduction.Mary Ann Mattoon - 2005 - Routledge.
    _Jung and the Human Psyche: An Understandable Introduction_ presents a comprehensive introduction to Jungian theory, taking the reader through the major themes of Jung's work in a clear way, relating such concepts to individual experience. Drawing on her extensive experience in practicing and teaching Jungian psychology, Mary Ann Mattoon succeeds in making the fundamental insights of Jung's work accessible. The major topics of Jungian psychology are presented in a manner that is clear, emotionally engaging, well illustrated and non-dogmatic. Areas (...)
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  14. The Verification of the Free Will Hypothesis.Mary Carman Rose - 1970 - In Ervin Laszlo & James Benjamin Wilbur, Human values and natural science. New York,: Gordon & Beach. pp. 181.
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  15. Phenomenologies of freedom.Mary Aloysius Schaldenbrand - 1960 - Washington,: Catholic University of America Press.
  16. Augustine's Two Theories of Language.Mary Sirridge - 2000 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 11:35-57.
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  17.  15
    A Metaphysics of LanguageRomantic Religion: A Study of Barfield, Lewis, Williams, and Tolkien.Mary Francis Slattery, Brice Parain & R. J. Reilly - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 30 (3):406.
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    Reflections on futures for music education philosophy.Estelle Ruth Jorgensen - 2006 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 14 (1):15-22.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reflections on Futures for Music Education PhilosophyEstelle R. JorgensenIn 1990, when I convened the first International Symposium for the Philosophy of Music Education at Bloomington, Indiana, there was one dominant philosophy of music education in the United States and another was about to make its appearance. The five succeeding symposia (Toronto, Canada, in 1994, led by David Elliott; Los Angeles, United States, in 1997, led by Anthony Palmer and (...)
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  19.  40
    Eloge: Marianne Gosztonyi Ainley, 1937–2008.Mary Baldwin - 2009 - Isis 100 (4):852-855.
  20.  23
    Some Difficult Words in the Ancrene Riwle.Mary Baldwin - 1976 - Mediaeval Studies 38 (1):268-290.
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  21.  15
    'I Like the Bird': Luke 13.34, Avian Metaphors and Feminist Theology.Mary Ann Beavis - 2003 - Feminist Theology 12 (1):119-128.
    Starting from two well-known avian metaphors for Godde, this article explores non-human and specifically avian imagery for the divine in a variety of contexts, including the Hebrew Bible, the Jewish tradition, the ancient Near East and contemporary world religions. The imagery has wide-ranging symbolic reference. It has the advantage of being counter to the androcentric and anthropocentric bias of much language about Godde, and reflecting the potential of birds and animals to image Godde.
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    The Actor and the Spectator.Mary Midgley - 1977 - Philosophical Quarterly 27 (107):185-186.
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  23. Philosophy : teaching Chinese philosophy from the outside in.Mary Bockover - 2010 - In David Edward Jones & Ellen R. Klein, Asian texts, Asian contexts: encounters with Asian philosophies and religions. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    Suggestions for Increasing Ethical Stability.Mary Everest Boole - 1902 - The Monist 12 (2):236-272.
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    Evaluating Amnesia in Multiple Personality Disorder.Mary Jo Nissen, James L. Ross, Daniel B. Willingham, Thomas B. Mackenzie & Daniel L. Schacter - 1994 - In Mary Jo Nissen, James L. Ross, Daniel B. Willingham, Thomas B. Mackenzie & Daniel L. Schacter, [no title].
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    Actes du colloque: Enseignement de l'histoire des sciences aux scientifiques. J. Dhombres.Mary Nye - 1982 - Isis 73 (3):446-447.
  27.  16
    Hobbes Reenvisions Hebraic and Christian History.Mary Nyquist - 2022 - Hobbes Studies 35 (1):67-89.
    In this essay, I examine Hobbes’s interpretation of Scriptural passages that figure prominently in contemporaneous political debates. Hobbes’s interpretative practices affirm his major systematic aims but also contribute to his inventive reenvisioning of Hebraic and Christian political history. The privileged position Hobbes gives Hebraic forms of rule together with his treatment of I Samuel 8 are motivated, in part, by a need to counter Aristotle’s influence on an exegetical tradition that opposes monarchy-as-tyranny in connection with this central, much-debated text. Hobbes (...)
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  28.  4
    :Jesus in Our Wombs: Embodying Modernity in a Mexican Convent.Mary Ann Reidhead - 2006 - Anthropology of Consciousness 17 (1):87-89.
  29.  9
    Revisiting BISFT Summer School 1996, Marino Institute Dublin, ‘Being Women: Ways of Knowing’.Mary Condren - 2019 - Feminist Theology 27 (3):236-252.
    In her paper ‘Mercy Not Sacrifice: Toward a Celtic Theology’ delivered in Dublin in 1996, Mary Condren began by addressing the problem of ‘a way of knowing’, that is, the concept of knowing and the relationship between power and knowledge, asking, ‘When we yearn for a Celtic or female way of knowing what is the fundamental impulse behind it, what is the longing behind it? What is the myth behind it?’[1]Is it possible to look to the Celtic past for (...)
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  30.  75
    Tempered Regrets Under Total Ignorance.Mary H. Acker - 1997 - Theory and Decision 42 (3):207-213.
    Several decision rules, including the minimax regret rule, have been posited to suggest optimizing strategies for an individual when neither objective nor subjective probabilities can be associated to the various states of the world. These all share the shortcoming of focusing only on extreme outcomes. This paper suggests an alternative approach of ‘tempered regrets’ which may more closely replicate the decision process of individuals in those situations in which avoiding the worst outcome tempers the loss from not achieving the best (...)
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  31.  21
    A discursive exploration of the practices that shape and discipline nurses’ responses to postoperative delirium.Mary Kjorven, Kathy Rush & Rachelle Hole - 2011 - Nursing Inquiry 18 (4):325-335.
    KJORVEN M, RUSH K and HOLE R. Nursing Inquiry 2011; 18: 325–335 A discursive exploration of the practices that shape and discipline nurses’ responses to postoperative deliriumAlthough delirium is classified as a medical emergency, it is often not treated as such by health care providers. The aim of this study was to critically examine, through a poststructural, Foucauldian concept of discourse, the language practices and discourses that shape and discipline nurses' care of older adults with postoperative delirium (POD) with a (...)
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  32.  26
    Immortal Egypt: Invited Lectures on the Middle East at the University of Texas at Austin.Mary Ellen Lane & Denise Schmandt-Besserat - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):436.
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  33.  18
    Pat Barker's double vision: vulnerability and trauma in the pastoral mode.Mary Trabucco - 2012 - Colloquy 23:98-117.
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  34.  11
    Reflections on America, Amerikkka.Mary Evelyn Tucker - 2009 - Feminist Theology 17 (2):158-165.
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  35.  5
    Aesthetics: monographs.Mary A. Vance - 1984 - Monticello, Ill.: Vance Bibliographies.
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  36. New Philosophy of Human Nature: Neither Known to nor Attained by the Great Ancient Philosophers, Which Will Improve Human Life and Helath.Mary Ellen Waithe, Maria Colomer Vintro & C. Angel Zorita (eds.) - 2007 - University of Illinois Press.
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  37.  18
    Identity, Narrative and Politics.Mary Walsh - 2004 - Contemporary Political Theory 3 (3):353-355.
  38. Neuroethics.Mary Jean Walker - 2022 - In Ezio Di Nucci, Ji-Young Lee & Isaac A. Wagner, The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Bioethics. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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  39.  17
    A Listening Church on the Synodal Pathway: Discernment and Decision‐Making in Communion.Mary McCaughey - 2023 - New Blackfriars 104 (1113):526-548.
    Pope Francis's has described his vision for a synodal Church, not simply as a once off programme of renewal, but as God's desire for the Church of the third millennium. As such, it aims to concretise the ecclesiology of the Second Vatican Council, making the Church today more manifestly one of communion, participation, and mission. It differs from previous synods and Councils in history in that it more directly invites and involves all the baptised in a direct process of listening (...)
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    ‘Death to the Prancing Prince’: Effeminacy, Sport Discourses and the Salvation of Men's Dancing.Mary Louise Adams - 2005 - Body and Society 11 (4):63-86.
    For much of the 20th century, dance writers and critics regularly bemoaned a shortage of male dancers. As one writer put it, the average American father would rather see his son dead than performing on stage in tights. This article looks at commentary about male dancing as a means of understanding popular conceptions of effeminacy. It addresses the way discourses about sport, physical prowess and hard bodies have been appropriated in attempts to validate the manliness of male dancers. Drawing on (...)
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  41. ch. Ten "Deepest Ecstasy" Meets Cinema's Social Subjects: Theorizing the Screen Star.Mary R. Desjardins - 2018 - In Hunter Vaughan & Tom Conley, The Anthem handbook of screen theory. London: Anthem Press.
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    The paradox of deviance in addicted mexican american mothers.Mary Devitt & Joan Moore - 1989 - Gender and Society 3 (1):53-70.
    Two aspects of mothering—using drugs during pregnancy and giving up the rearing of one's children—are the focus of this analysis of 58 addicted Chicana mothers who spent their adolescent years in barrio gangs. From a traditional stance, such women were doubly deviant, since they violated gender-role prescriptions by joining a barrio gang and by becoming involved in heroin and street life. Half of these women added to this deviance by using heroin during pregnancy, and 40 percent relinquished at least one (...)
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  43. Construction without spatial constraints: A reply to Emily Carson.Mary Domski - 2006 - Locke Studies 6:85-99.
  44. The transcendental and the geometrical: Kant's argument for the infinity of space.Mary Domski - 2008 - In Valerio Rohden, Ricardo R. Terra, Guido A. de Almeida & Margit Ruffing, Law and Peace in Kant's Philosophy. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Acceptance.Mary Douglas - 1995 - Science, Technology and Human Values 20 (2):262-265.
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  46. A philosophical approach to literature.Mary Gonzaga Udell - 1961 - New York,: Pageant Press.
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  47. Julian Tenison Woods: From entangled histories to history shaper.Mary Cresp & Janice Tranter - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (3):286.
    Cresp, Mary; Tranter, Janice Entanglements were part of Julian Edmund Tenison Woods' life from the time of his birth in London on 15 November 1832. His mother, Henrietta Tenison, daughter of a Church of Ireland rector, had several relatives in the Anglican clergy, including Thomas Tenison, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Edmund Tenison, Bishop of Ossory. Julian's father, James Dominic, was the son of a Cork businessman and studied law in Ireland. He was Catholic, but not practising during his working (...)
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  48.  31
    Addressing the COVID-19 Mental Health Crisis: A Perspective on Using Interdisciplinary Universal Interventions.Geraldine Przybylko, Darren Peter Morton & Melanie Elise Renfrew - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Mental health is reaching a crisis point due to the ramifications of COVID-19. In an attempt to curb the spread of the virus and circumvent health systems from being overwhelmed, governments have imposed regulations such as lockdown restrictions and home confinement. These restrictions, while effective for infection control, have contributed to poorer lifestyle behaviors. Currently, Positive Psychology and Lifestyle Medicine are two distinct but complimentary disciplines that offer an array of evidence-based approaches for promoting mental health and well-being across a (...)
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  49.  26
    Unanswered Questions: On Reading "A History of Art Education".Mary Ann Stankiewicz - 1991 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 25 (2):46.
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    The Education of the People: A History of Primary Education in England and Wales in the Nineteenth Century.Mary Sturt - 2007 - London: Routledge.
    Originally published in 1967.This book illustrates how, during the nineteenth century, the idea grew up that the provision of universal education was one of the functions of the state.
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