Results for 'Martin Aske'

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  1.  9
    Literature into history : A.D. Harvey , 207 pp., $35.00 cloth. [REVIEW]Martin Aske - 1990 - History of European Ideas 12 (2):303-305.
  2.  10
    Locke, Wesley, and the method of English romanticism : Richard E. Brantley , xi + 300pp., $30.00 cloth. [REVIEW]Martin Aske - 1988 - History of European Ideas 9 (2):237-239.
  3.  9
    Science and the Meaning of Truth: Studies Introductory to Asking what is Meant Today by Physical Explanation of Nature..Martin Johnson - 1946 - London,: Faber & Faber.
  4.  14
    Songs of Experience: Modern American and European Variations on a Universal Theme.Martin Jay - 2005 - University of California Press.
    Few words in both everyday parlance and theoretical discourse have been as rhapsodically defended or as fervently resisted as "experience." Yet, to date, there have been no comprehensive studies of how the concept of experience has evolved over time and why so many thinkers in so many different traditions have been compelled to understand it. _Songs of Experience _is a remarkable history of Western ideas about the nature of human experience written by one of our best-known intellectual historians. With its (...)
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    The Teaching of Ethics and the Moral Competence of Medical and Nursing Students.Vera Sílvia Meireles Martins, Cristina Maria Nogueira Costa Santos, Patrícia Unger Raphael Bataglia & Ivone Maria Resende Figueiredo Duarte - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 29 (2):113-126.
    In a time marked by the development of innovative treatments in healthcare and the need for health professionals to deal with resulting ethical dilemmas in clinical practice, this study was developed to determine the influence of the bioethics teaching on the moral competence of medical and nursing students. The authors conduct a longitudinal study using the Moral Competence Test extended version before and after attending the ethics curricular unit, in three nursing schools and three medical schools of Portugal. In this (...)
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    Autonomy After Auschwitz: Adorno, German Idealism, and Modernity.Martin Shuster - 2014 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Ever since Kant and Hegel, the notion of autonomy—the idea that we are beholden to no law except one we impose upon ourselves—has been considered the truest philosophical expression of human freedom. But could our commitment to autonomy, as Theodor Adorno asked, be related to the extreme evils that we have witnessed in modernity? In Autonomy after Auschwitz, Martin Shuster explores this difficult question with astonishing theoretical acumen, examining the precise ways autonomy can lead us down a path of (...)
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  7.  24
    Assessing the quality of evidence from epidemiological agent-based models for the COVID-19 pandemic.Martin Zach & Mariusz Maziarz - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (1):1-4.
    Agent-based models (ABMs) are one of the main sources of evidence for decisions regarding mitigation and suppression measures against the spread of SARS-CoV-2. These models have not been previously included in the hierarchy of evidence put forth by the evidence-based medicine movement, which prioritizes those research methods that deliver results less susceptible to the risk of confounding. We point out the need to assess the quality of evidence delivered by ABMs and ask the question of what is the risk that (...)
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    On Compositionality.Martin Jönsson - 2008 - Dissertation, Lund University
    The goal of inquiry in this essay is to ascertain to what extent the Principle of Compositionality – the thesis that the meaning of a complex expression is determined by the meaning of its parts and its mode of composition – can be justifiably imposed as a constraint on semantic theories, and thereby provide information about what meanings are. Apart from the introduction and the concluding chapter the thesis is divided into five chapters addressing different questions pertaining to the overarching (...)
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    Humanism and its Aftermath: The Shared Fate of Deconstruction and Politics.Bill Martin - 1995 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanity Books.
    Humanism and Its Aftermath argues for a more engaged deconstruction, one that grapples with actual social institutions and practices while not compromising in its articulation of the difficulties of Jacques Derrida's texts. Against more aestheticized versions of deconstructive politics, Martin argues for a fundamental relation of theory to practice. Using more revolutionary and unorthodox theories and practices of Marxism as a standard for engaged theory, Martin asks if radical deconstruction can develop a sense of urgency without falling into (...)
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  10.  39
    Being asked to tell an unpleasant truth about another person activates anterior insula and medial prefrontal cortex.Melissa M. Littlefield, Martin J. Dietz, Kasper J. des FitzgeraldKnudsen & James Tonks - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  11.  20
    The Context of Explanation.Martin Bunzl - 1993 - Springer Verlag.
    In this book Martin Bunzl considers the prospects for a general and comprehensive account of explanation, given the variety of interests that prompt explanations in science. Bunzl argues that any successful account of explanation must deal with two very different contexts - one static and one dynamic. Traditionally, theories of explanation have been built for the former of these two contexts. That is to say, they are designed to show how it is that a 'finished' body of scientific knowledge (...)
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  12.  42
    William Wants A Doll. Can He Have One? Feminists, Child Care Advisors, and Gender-Neutral Child Rearing.Karin A. Martin - 2005 - Gender and Society 19 (4):456-479.
    Using an analysis of child care books and parenting Web sites, this article asks if second-wave feminism’s vision of gender-neutral child rearing has been incorporated into contemporary advice on child rearing. The data suggest that while feminist understandings of gender have made significant inroads into popular advice, especially with regard to the social construction of gender, something akin to “a stalled revolution” has taken place. Children’s gender nonconformity is still viewed as problematic because it is linked implicitly and explicitly to (...)
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    On inception.Martin Heidegger - 2023 - Bloomington, Indiana, USA: Indiana University Press. Edited by Peter Hanly.
    On Inception is a translation of Martin Heidegger's Gesamtausgabe 70. This work belongs to the crucial period, before and during WWII, when Heidegger was at work on a series of treatises that begins with "Contributions to Philosophy" and includes "The Event" and "The History of Beyng." These works are difficult, even hermetic, but represent a crucial development in Heidegger's thinking. On Inception deepens the investigation underway in the other volumes of the series and provides a unique perspective on Heidegger's (...)
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  14. An interview with Avigail Eisenberg : “Reasoning about the Identity of Aboriginal People”.Martin Blanchard - 2006 - Les Ateliers de L’Ethique 1 (1):103-111.
    Avigail Eisenberg is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science, University of Victoria. She was also a fellow of CRÉUM during the 2004-2005 academic year. She has written important texts on the issues of identity, race, gender, minority rights, and in particular, Aboriginal claims. Her writing displays intelligent and acute commentaries in which she demonstrates an ability to tackle difficult questions in a refreshing way. Martin Blanchard of CRÉUM asked Professor Eisenberg if she would be willing to (...)
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    Bajo el signo del reconocimiento. Sobre la misión del pensar logotectónico.Martín Zubiria - 2011 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 44:287-302.
    The 1980 appearance of “Topologie der Metaphysik”, by Heribert Boeder, meant an absolute transformation in the ordinary way of conceiving the nature of philosophical knowledge. it meant above all a deep and fruitful transformation in two fundamental thesis of Modern Thought: that referred to the comprehension of the ἀλήθεια as “desheltering”, and that which makes the “being of beings” the unitary thing of the metaphysical learning. Thirty years after the apparition of the mentioned work, we have asked ourselves, considering the (...)
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  16.  86
    Verificationism Then and Now.Per Martin-löf - 1995 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 3:187-196.
    The term verificationism is used in two different ways: the first is in relation to the verification principle of meaning, which we usually and rightly associate with the logical empiricists, although, as we now know, it derives in reality from Wittgenstein, and the second is in relation to the theory of meaning for intuitionistic logic that has been developed, beginning of course with Brouwer, Heyting and Kolmogorov in the twenties and early thirties, but in much more detail lately, particularly in (...)
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  17. Dios y el ser humano, una mutua iluminación.Martín Gelabert Ballester - 2010 - Ciencia Tomista 137 (443):487-508.
    Tomás de Aquino comienza su síntesis teológica definitiva preguntándose por la legitimidad y necesidad de la teología. Inmediatamente después se plantea la pregunta por sus contenidos: ¿de qué trata la ciencia teológica? Si la teología es la ciencia de la Revelación y su fundamento está en la revelación que Dios en Cristo hace de sí mismo, parece que su contenido tiene que ser Dios mismo. Un contenido que solo es cognoscible si Dios se da a conocer, porque el ser humano, (...)
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    The Nature of Knowing: A Resource Manual for Understanding Knowledge.Martin Davies & Kenneth Sievers - 2006 - Melton VIC 3337, Australia: Ibid Press.
    This is a textbook in philosophy aimed at school kids doing the International Baccalaureate. One important aim of Theory of Knowledge in the International Baccalaureate is to teach students how to think for themselves. The student is encouraged to reflect on what they are learning and to reflect on themselves as learners. Theory of Knowledge is different from other areas in the International Baccalaureate because there are few hard facts to be learned. The Theory of Knowledge program aims to develop (...)
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    Does it matter?: the unsustainable world of the materialists.Graham Dunstan Martin - 2005 - Edinburgh: Floris Books.
    Materialists claim that the mind, consciousness, life, evolution and the universe can be explained as the purposeless dance of unconscious particles, governed by chance. This book asks, does materialism make sense? Graham Dunstan Martin delves into areas as diverse as quantum physics, cosmology, artificial intelligence, brain science, biology, mysticism and philosophy, to assess the probabilities that the materialists are right. Are we, he asks, living souls? Does our universe in fact have a Designer? He concludes that computers will never (...)
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  20. The Jump Theodicies.Martin Cooke - unknown
    Mawson recently argued that since a temporal God can’t know what we’ll freely choose, so he’s not completely omniscient and hence not omnipotent, whence his beneficence is a matter of luck. However, even (transfinite) arithmetic is inde-finitely extensible and only an everlasting, changeable God could learn forever. Furthermore an epistemically perfect being would hardly, I argue, be completely certain that there were no other perfect beings, because such negative empirical be-liefs could hardly be fully justified. So if God could learn, (...)
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  21.  28
    Effective Search Problems.Martin Kummer & Frank Stephan - 1994 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40 (2):224-236.
    The task of computing a function F with the help of an oracle X can be viewed as a search problem where the cost measure is the number of queries to X. We ask for the minimal number that can be achieved by a suitable choice of X and call this quantity the query complexity of F. This concept is suggested by earlier work of Beigel, Gasarch, Gill, and Owings on “Bounded query classes”. We introduce a fault tolerant version and (...)
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  22. Scientists’ Views on (Moral) Luck.Martin Sand & Karin Jongsma - forthcoming - Journal of Responsible Innovation:1-22.
    Scientific discoveries are often to some degree influenced by luck. Whether luck’s influence is at odds with common-sense intuitions about responsibility, is the central concern of the philosophical debate about moral luck. Do scientists acknowledge that luck plays a role in their work and – if so – do they consider it morally problematic? The present article discusses the results of four focus groups with scientists, who were asked about their views on luck in their fields and its moral implications. (...)
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  23.  36
    The intentionality of observation.Edwin Martin - 1973 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 3 (September):121-129.
    A main thrust of much of Quine's work is that meaning, belief, desire, motive and other so-called “intentional phenomena” are under-determined by all possible evidence: the totality of possible evidence could not determine whether two persons meant, believed, desired, or had as motives the same thing. One way to identify a person's beliefs, desires and motives is to frame a theory of his meanings, for then we could ask him what he believed and desired; this will be a theory of (...)
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  24.  13
    Giambattista Vico’s open agenda of modernity.Martin Konitzer - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (157):571-575.
    Giambattista Vico’s ‘Nova Sciencia’ can be read as an early program of qualitative research in humanities. By discussing Vico’s theory of metaphor, Vanessa Albus presents Vico as a predecessor of modern neurolinguistics and semiotics. Moreover Vico anticipates in metaphorical terms the flexible rules of actual ‘grounded theory’ as ‘lead lesbian ruler’ or Peirce’s logical principle of ‘abduction’ as ‘salto.’ One may ask whether this is an ‘open agenda of modernity’ complementary to Toulmin’s hypothesis of a ‘hidden’ one represented by Montaigne.
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    Wittgenstein's Language Plays.Martin Puchner - 2015 - Philosophy and Literature 39 (1):107-127.
    Early on in the Philosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein lists various examples of the term Sprachspiel. He begins with “commanding and following commands” and ends with “asking a favor, thanking, cursing, greeting, praying,” all familiar ingredients of what we would now call a speech act theory of language. In the middle of this list, however, is an example that has received little attention: “playing theater”.1 With this formulation, Wittgenstein moves away from a focus on games such as chess, which have unduly dominated (...)
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  26.  15
    I think therefore I eat: the world's greatest minds tackle the food question.Martin Cohen - 2018 - Nashville, Tennessee: Turner Publishing Company.
    "The worst thing about food science, the elephant in the room, is that it's not just the opinions that are changing—but the 'facts' themselves shift too." Did you know that the great philosophers were the original foodies? To eat or not to eat? That’s an easy question to answer. But what to eat? That’s a deep and profoundly difficult one. Doctors and nutritionists often disagree with each other, while celebrities and scientists keep pitching us new recipes and special diets. No (...)
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  27. Buddhism as ‘Chinese Philosophy’: Buddhism in Hegel's History of Philosophy.Jay Martin - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (6):613-628.
    The question of Hegel's views on Buddhism and its place within his system must be asked again as the history of effects, transmission, and reception continues to unfold. This unfolding highlights not only Hegel's effect on the Western European reception and understanding of Buddhism (and its sharp orientalist critique), but also the canny use of Hegel's philosophy by certain members of the so-called Kyoto School of Japanese neo-Buddhist philosophy, who, though primarily concerning themselves with Heidegger, were notable in their creative (...)
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  28.  56
    Corporate Social Responsibility and the Teaching of Management Accounting.Martin Kelly & Andrea Bather - 2009 - Philosophy of Management 8 (1):15-20.
    Throughout most of the 20th century Management Accounting was developed on the premise that it should help managers to decide how best to maximise the short-term financial profits of their businesses. In the emergent Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) business environment Post, Preston and Sachs1 ask, ‘To whom and for what is the corporation responsible?’. In response to this question we examine publications describing recent changes in the corporate environment, and provide evidence of business decisions being made on the bases of: (...)
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    Do patients have a moral duty to provide their clinical data for research? A critical examination of possible reasons.Martin Jungkunz, Anja Köngeter, Katja Mehlis, Markus Spitz, Eva C. Winkler & Christoph Schickhardt - 2022 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (2):195-220.
    Research question The secondary use of clinical data for research and learning activities has the potential to significantly improve medical knowledge and clinical care. To realize this potential, an ethical and legal basis for data use is needed, preferably in the form of patient consent. This raises the question: Do patients have a moral duty to provide their clinical data for research and learning activities? Methods On the basis of an ethical approach that we call “caring liberalism,” we evaluate plausibility (...)
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  30.  79
    Relearning the Art of Paying Attention: A Conversation.Martin Savransky & Isabelle Stengers - 2018 - Substance 47 (1):130-145.
    The first question I wanted to ask you has to do with the manner in which you do philosophy, in the sense that the concepts that you create, develop and experiment with, always resist the temptation to tell others what to do. In fact, at the very beginning of your “The Cosmopolitical Proposal”, you begin with a question that I think resonates with this. You write: “How can we present a proposal intended not to say what is, or what ought (...)
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  31. Embodied and disembodied cognition: Spatial perspective-taking.Barbara Tversky & Bridgette Martin Hard - 2009 - Cognition 110 (1):124-129.
    Although people can take spatial perspectives different from their own, it is widely assumed that egocentric perspectives are natural and have primacy. Two studies asked respondents to describe the spatial relations between two objects on a table in photographed scenes; in some versions, a person sitting behind the objects was either looking at or reaching for one of the objects. The mere presence of another person in a position to act on the objects induced a good proportion of respondents to (...)
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    On Certainty, Change, and “Mathematical Hinges”.James V. Martin - 2022 - Topoi 41 (5):987-1002.
    Annalisa Coliva (Int J Study Skept 10(3–4):346–366, 2020) asks, “Are there mathematical hinges?” I argue here, against Coliva’s own conclusion, that there are. I further claim that this affirmative answer allows a case to be made for taking the concept of a hinge to be a useful and general-purpose tool for studying mathematical practice in its real complexity. Seeing how Wittgenstein can, and why he would, countenance mathematical hinges additionally gives us a deeper understanding of some of his latest thoughts (...)
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    The Moral-Psychology of the Common Agent – A Reply to Ido Geiger.Martin Sticker - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (5):976-989.
    Ido Geiger's paper ‘What it is the Use of the Universal Law Formula of the Categorical Imperative?’ is part of a growing trend in Kant scholarship, which stresses the significance of the rational competence of ordinary human beings. I argue that this approach needs to take into account that the common agent is an active reasoner who has the means to find out what she ought to do. The purpose of my paper is to show how universality already figures in (...)
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  34.  72
    Can we Use Conceptual Spaces to Model Moral Principles?Steven Verheyen & Martin Peterson - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 12 (2):373-395.
    Can the theory of conceptual spaces developed by Peter Gärdenfors and others be applied to moral issues? Martin Peterson argues that several moral principles can be construed as regions in a shared similarity space, but Kristin Shrader-Frechette and Gert-Jan Lokhorst question Peterson’s claim. They argue that the moral similarity judgments used to construct the space are underspecified and subjective. In this paper, we present new data indicating that moral principles can indeed be construed as regions in a multidimensional conceptual (...)
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    From Morality to Mental Health: Virtue and Vice in a Therapeutic Culture.Mike W. Martin - 2006 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    Morality and mental health are now inseparably linked in our view of character. Alcoholics are sick, yet they are punished for drunk driving. Drug addicts are criminals, but their punishment can be court ordered therapy. The line between character flaws and personality disorders has become fuzzy, with even the seven deadly sins seen as mental disorders. In addition to pathologizing wrong-doing, we also psychologize virtue; self-respect becomes self-esteem, integrity becomes psychological integration, and responsibility becomes maturity. Moral advice is now sought (...)
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  36.  73
    Reason and Ritual.Martin Hollis - 1968 - Philosophy 43 (165):231 - 247.
    Certain primitive Yoruba carry about with them boxes covered with cowrie shells, which they treat with special regard. When asked what they are doing, they apparently reply that the boxes are their heads or souls and that they are protecting them against witchcraft. Is that an interesting fact or a bad translation? The question is, I believe, partly philosophical. In what follows, I shall propound and try to solve the philosopher's question, arguing that it has large implications for the theory (...)
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    Cuppability of Simple and Hypersimple Sets.Martin Kummer & Marcus Schaefer - 2007 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 48 (3):349-369.
    An incomplete degree is cuppable if it can be joined by an incomplete degree to a complete degree. For sets fulfilling some type of simplicity property one can now ask whether these sets are cuppable with respect to a certain type of reducibilities. Several such results are known. In this paper we settle all the remaining cases for the standard notions of simplicity and all the main strong reducibilities.
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  38. (1 other version)The Concept of Time.Martin Heidegger - 1992 - New York: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Ingo Farin.
    The Concept of Time presents the reconstructed text of a lecture delivered by Martin Heidegger to the Marburg Theological Society in 1924. It offers a fascinating insight into the developmental years leading up to the publication, in 1927, of his magnum opus Being and Time, itself one of the most influential philosophical works this century. In The Concept of Time Heidegger introduces many of the central themes of his analyses of human existence which were subsequently incorporated into Being and (...)
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  39.  13
    Taking Women Professionals Out of the Office: The Case of Women in Sales.Karin A. Martin & Laurie A. Morgan - 2006 - Gender and Society 20 (1):108-128.
    Many women professionals traverse settings beyond the office in their work, but research on women professionals rarely follows them out of the office. Using a large, archived data set of focus groups with sales professionals, the authors ask how work in out-of-the-office settings affects women’s careers. The authors distinguish between two types of settings. In “heterosocial” settings, interaction rules are traditionally and normatively gendered; women and men are understood by others as heterosexually linked pairs, women become targets of gossip, and (...)
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    Education Reconfigured: Culture, Encounter, and Change.Jane Roland Martin - 2011 - Routledge.
    As philosophers throughout the ages have asked: What is justice? What is truth? What is art? What is law? In _Education Reconfigured_, the internationally acclaimed philosopher of education, Jane Roland Martin, now asks: What is education? In answer, she puts forward a unified theory that casts education in a brand new light. Martin’s "theory of education as encounter" places culture alongside the individual at the heart of the educational process, thus responding to the call John Dewey made over (...)
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  41.  22
    The Changing Nature of Mass Belief Systems: The Rise of Concept and Policy Ideologues.Martin P. Wattenberg - 2019 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 31 (2):198-229.
    ABSTRACTThe proportion of the American electorate that is “constrained” by ideology has risen dramatically since Philip E. Converse suggested, in the early 1960s, that ideology is the province of only a small fraction of the mass public. In part, the rise of ideological voters has been obscured by the tendency of scholars after Converse to equate them with those who use terms referring to ideological concepts, such as liberal and conservative, in open-ended interviews. These “concept ideologues,” however, are not the (...)
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  42. Justification, Normalcy and Randomness.Martin Smith - forthcoming - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
    Some random processes, like a series of coin flips, can produce outcomes that seem particularly remarkable or striking. This paper explores an epistemic puzzle that arises when thinking about these outcomes and asking what, if anything, we can justifiably believe about them. The puzzle has no obvious solution, and any theory of epistemic justification will need to contend with it sooner or later. The puzzle proves especially useful for bringing out the differences between three prominent theories; the probabilist theory, the (...)
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  43.  19
    Wittgenstein's Novels.Martin Klebes - 2006 - New York: Routledge.
    Analyzing features of Wittgenstein's philosophical work and including in-depth textual analyses, this study investigates the impact of Ludwig Wittgenstein's work on contemporary German and French novelists. Drawing upon aesthetics, architectural history, philosophy of science, and photography, the book seeks to explain why references both to Wittgenstein as a person, as well as to his work are more pervasive than other equally renowned twentieth century philosophers and asks why some authors such as Händler and Roubaud, are less well-known and only partially (...)
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    The Structure of Ideas: Problems for Thinking about the Pure Ego.Javier San Martín - 2022 - Phainomenon 33 (1):51-68.
    In the first part of my paper, we will journey through the general structure of the first volume of Ideas, from which we will be able to deduce the position of Volume II. After carrying out a general analysis of the noesis/noema correlation structure in Section III and having provided, in Section IV, the basics of a phenomenology of reason, the second volume of Ideas should study the general fields in which the objects of transcendental experience appear: the world, the (...)
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    What is Film-Philosophy? Round Table.David Martin-Jones - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (1):81 mins.
    Held on Monday 12th October 2009, 5.30 - 7.00 pm, University of St Andrews, Scotland. Participants Dr Robert Sinnerbrink (Philosophy, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia) Dr John Mullarkey (Philosophy, University of Dundee) Professor Berys Gaut (Philosophy, University of St Andrews) Dr David Martin-Jones (Film Studies, University of St Andrews) Dr William Brown (Film Studies, University of St Andrews)Over the course of at least the last hundred years the intellectual study of cinema has experienced a number of shifts towards and away (...)
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    Addressing Fascism: A New Politics of Experience?Thaddeus D. Martin - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (5):152.
    (1) Background: The rise of fascism in American and, indeed, throughout the world, prompts a question: why does fascism remain persistent in human existence? The question is one that Karl Jaspers might have asked regarding the origin and goal of history. The political description of fascism is not adequate to describe the lived experience of those drawn to it, and to assume such people to be irrational does not suffice. Rather, culture provides semiotic structure, which is phenomenologically embodied by people (...)
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    The Original Time of Heaven in Ancient Chinese Thought.Martin Moo - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 30 (4):62-64.
    Saint Augustine said, in a certain place: "I know what Time is, but when anybody asks me to explain what it is, I cannot answer." I make it my own, this humble confession of one of the greatest thinkers in the early Christian West, when I am asked now to speak and reflect on "The Time of Heaven in Chinese Ancient Philosophy." With this Augustinian reservation, I will try to respond to Dr. Zhang's inspiring presentation of this theme. For philosophers, (...)
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    The Rorschach: A Developmental Perspective.Martin Leichtman - 2016 - Routledge.
    Martin Leichtman's _The Rorschach_ is a work of stunning originality that takes as its point of departure a circumstance that has long confounded Rorschach examiners. Attempts to use the Rorschach with young children yield results that are inconsistent if not comical. What, after all, does one make of a protocol when the child treats a card like a frisbee or confidently detects "piadigats" and "red foombas"? A far more consequential problem facing examiners of adults and children alike concerns the (...)
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  49. Axiomatizing semantic theories of truth?Martin Fischer, Volker Halbach, Jönne Kriener & Johannes Stern - 2015 - Review of Symbolic Logic 8 (2):257-278.
    We discuss the interplay between the axiomatic and the semantic approach to truth. Often, semantic constructions have guided the development of axiomatic theories and certain axiomatic theories have been claimed to capture a semantic construction. We ask under which conditions an axiomatic theory captures a semantic construction. After discussing some potential criteria, we focus on the criterion of ℕ-categoricity and discuss its usefulness and limits.
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  50. Answer to Our Prayers.Martin Pickup - 2018 - Faith and Philosophy 35 (1):84-104.
    There is a concern about the effectiveness of petitionary prayer. If I pray for something good, wouldn’t God give it to me anyway? And if I pray for something bad, won’t God refrain from giving it to me even though I’ve asked? This problem has received significant attention. The typical solutions suggest that the prayer itself can alter whether something is good or bad. I will argue that this is insufficient to fully address the problem, but also that the problem (...)
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