Results for 'Martha King'

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  1.  10
    Humanism and Secularization: From Petrarch to Valla.Martha King (ed.) - 2003 - Duke University Press.
    The Renaissance movement known as humanism eventually spread from Italy through all of western Europe, transforming early modern culture in ways that are still being felt and debated. Central to these debates—and to this book—is the question of whether the humanist movement contributed to the secularization of Western cultural traditions at the end of the Middle Ages. A preeminent scholar of Italian humanism, Riccardo Fubini approaches this question in a new way—by redefining the problem of secularization more carefully to show (...)
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    Plato's philosopher‐king.Martha Kneale - 1978 - Philosophical Books 19 (3):105-106.
  3. Transitional Anger.Martha C. Nussbaum - 2015 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 1 (1):41--56.
    ABSTRACT ABSTRACT: A close philosophical analysis of the emotion of anger will show that it is normatively irrational: in some cases, based on futile magical thinking, in others, based on defective values.
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    Political emotions: why love matters for justice.Martha C. Nussbaum - 2013 - Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
    How can we achieve and sustain a "decent" liberal society, one that aspires to justice and equal opportunity for all and inspires individuals to sacrifice for the common good? In this book, a continuation of her explorations of emotions and the nature of social justice, Martha Nussbaum makes the case for love. Amid the fears, resentments, and competitive concerns that are endemic even to good societies, public emotions rooted in love—in intense attachments to things outside our control—can foster commitment (...)
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    5. From Anger to Love: Self-Purification and Political Resistance.Martha C. Nussbaum - 2018 - In Brandon M. Terry & Tommie Shelby, To Shape a New World: Essays on the Political Philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr. Harvard University Press. pp. 105-126.
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    Practices of Reason. [REVIEW]John King-Farlow - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 48 (1):160-162.
    Reeve's new book will be hailed by scholars and prove welcome both to senior undergraduates in classics and to graduates in philosophy who also face a major examination on the Nicomachean Ethics. This masterpiece of Aristotle can at first overwhelm us with a great bundle of partly ordinary, partly technical uses of such terms as theos, phronësis, endoxa, nous, epistëmë, eudaimonia, phainomena, philia, aporiai, and hëdonë. Reeve tries generously to clarify all these and more, also to relate their meanings to (...)
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    Martha Wolff, ed. Kings, Queens, and Courtiers: Art in Early Renaissance France. Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 2011. Pp. 208; many b&w and color figs. $60. ISBN: 9780300170252. [REVIEW]Pamela Sheingorn - 2013 - Speculum 88 (2):602-602.
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    Review essay: Shakespearean judgments Kevin Curran, ed., Shakespeare and Judgment Bradin Cormack, Martha C. Nussbaum, Richard Strier, eds., Shakespeare and the Law: A Conversation Among Disciplines and Professions Sir Brian Vickers, The One King Lear[REVIEW]Benjamin V. Beier - 2018 - Moreana 55 (1):102-113.
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    The Papers of Thomas A. Edison. Volume 3: Menlo Park: The Early Years, April 1876-December 1877Thomas A. Edison Robert A. Rosenberg Paul B. Israel Keith A. Nier Martha J. King[REVIEW]Ronald Kline - 1996 - Isis 87 (2):378-379.
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    Robert A. Rosenberg, Paul B. Israel, Keith A. Nier and Martha J. King , The Papers of Thomas A. Edison. Volume 3: Menlo Park: The Early Years, April 1876 – December 1877. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. Pp. xlvii + 727. ISBN 0-8018-3102-4. £54.00. [REVIEW]Ben Marsden - 1996 - British Journal for the History of Science 29 (2):247-249.
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  11. Reviews : Louis Marin, Portrait of the King, trans. Martha M. Houle, foreword by Tom Conley, London: Macmillan, 1988, £29.50, 290 pp. Wendy Steiner, Pictures of Romance: Form against Context in Painting and Literature, London: University of Chicago Press, 1988, £22.50, 218 pp. [REVIEW]Stephen Bann - 1990 - History of the Human Sciences 3 (2):301-305.
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    Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Legacy of Boston Personalism.J. Edward Hackett - 2022 - The Pluralist 17 (3):45-70.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Legacy of Boston PersonalismJ. Edward Hackett1. IntroductionWhen the question of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s philosophical legacy arises in the academy, so far, the question remains open-ended (though, as I will shortly argue, the question has already been answered by King himself). Beyond his presence in public American consciousness, King left behind speeches, sermons, correspondence, and writings (...)
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    To Shape a New World: Essays on the Political Philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr. ed. by Tommie Shelby and Brandon M. Terry (review). [REVIEW]Erin R. Pineda - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (2):339-341.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:To Shape a New World: Essays on the Political Philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr. ed. by Tommie Shelby and Brandon M. TerryErin R. PinedaTommie Shelby and Brandon M. Terry, editors. To Shape a New World: Essays on the Political Philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2020. Pp. 464. Paperback, $20.00.In the summer of 2020, as cities across the globe erupted (...)
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  14. Love, Anger, and Racial Injustice.Myisha Cherry - 2018 - In Adrienne M. Martin, The Routledge Handbook of Love in Philosophy. New York: Routledge Handbooks in Philoso.
    Luminaries like Martin Luther King, Jr. urge that Black Americans love even those who hate them. This can look like a rejection of anger at racial injustice. We see this rejection, too, in the growing trend of characterizing social justice movements as radical hate groups, and people who get angry at injustice as bitter and unloving. Philosophers like Martha Nussbaum argue that anger is backward-looking, status focused, and retributive. Citing the life of the Prodigal Son, the victims of (...)
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  15.  22
    Anger and Approbation.Lee A. Mcbride Iii - 2017 - In Myisha Cherry & Owen Flanagan, The Moral Psychology of Anger. London: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 1-13.
    Martha Nussbaum argues that “garden-variety anger” is normatively irrational, politically unnecessary, and inevitably destructive (Nussbaum 2015). Anger, on this account, is portrayed as a primitive vestige of bygone days, an impediment to the genuine pursuit of justice and the honoring of obligations. Yet, on Nussbaum’s account, there is one exception: “transitional anger” – anger that quickly transitions into compassionate hope, focusing on future welfare. Martin Luther King, Jr. is evoked as an exemplar here. In response, this paper revisits (...)
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    Biotechnology is not compatible with sustainable agriculture.Martha L. Crouch - 1995 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 8 (2):98-111.
    Biotechnology increases commercialization of food production, which competes with food for home use. Most people in the world grow their own food, and are more secure without the mediation of the market. To the extent that biotechnology enhances market competitiveness, world food security will decrease. This instability will result in a greater gap between rich and poor, increasing poverty of women and children, less ability and incentive to protect the environment, and greater need for militarization to maintain order. Therefore, biotechnology (...)
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    Martin Buber: Bildung, Menschenbild und hebräischer Humanismus: mit der unveröffentlichten deutschen Originalfassung des Artikels "Erwachsenenbildung" von Martin Buber.Martha Friedenthal-Haase & Ralf Koerrenz (eds.) - 2005 - Paderborn: Schöningh.
    Der große jüdische Religionsphilosoph Martin Buber (1878-1965) war auch als Pädagoge und Andragoge eine bedeutende Persönlichkeit in der Geistesgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. 1924 war er Gast der damals von Wilhelm Flitner geleiteten Volkshochschule Jena. An seinen dortigen Begegnungen lässt sich exemplarisch das Selbstverständnis und die Methodik Bubers eindrucksvoll sichtbar machen. Von der Analyse der Jenaer Konstellation geht dieser Sammelband aus, führt aber darüber hinaus zu Bubers weitgespannten Wirkungsfeldern, wobei auch bisher unerschlossenes Archivmaterial ausgewertet wird. Vertieft werden neben pädagogisch-andragogischen auch religiöse, (...)
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    Iusnaturalistas y iuspositivistas mexicanos, ss. XVI-XX.Irigoyen Troconis & Martha Patricia (eds.) - 1998 - México, D.F.: Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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  19. Redirecting Feminist Critiques of Science.Martha Mccaughey - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (4):72-84.
    Applying the insights of Donna Haraway (1989, 1991) and Helen Longino (1989, 1990), this paper reviews Sandra Harding's (1986a) tripartite model of feminist critiques of science-empiricist, standpoint, and postmodern-and argues that it is based on misunderstandings of the relationship between scientific inquiry, objectivity, and values. An alternative view of scientific inquiry makes it possible to see feminist scientists as postmodern and postmodern feminists as having standpoints.
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    Desarrollo de la formación de técnicos y tecnólogos de la Salud en Cuba.Martha Nieves Rodríguez Gallo, Georgina García Linares, Mercedes Caridad García González, Nancy Ortega González & Ovidio Antonio Sánchez Fernández - 2011 - Humanidades Médicas 11 (3):489-503.
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    American philosophy: from Wounded Knee to the present.Erin McKenna - 2015 - London: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Scott L. Pratt.
    Introduction -- Defining pluralism : Simon Pokagon, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, and Thomas fortune -- Evolution and American Indian philosophy -- Feminist resistance : Anna Julia Cooper, Jane Addams, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman -- Labor, empire and the social gospel : Washington Gladden, Walter Rauschenbusch, and Jane Addams -- A new name for an old way of thinking : William James -- Making ideas clear : Charles Sanders Peirce -- The beloved community and its discontents : Josiah Royce and the realists (...)
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  22. Environmental Ethics and the Case for Hunting.Roger J. H. King - 1991 - Environmental Ethics 13 (1):59-85.
    Hunting is a complex phenomenon. l examine it from four different perspectives-animal liberation, the land ethic, primitivism, and ecofeminism-and find no moral justification for sport hunting in any of them. At the same time, however, I argue that there are theoretical flaws in each of these approaches. Animal liberationists focus too much on the individual animal and ignore the difference between domestic and wild animals. Leopold’s land ethic fails to come to terms with the self-domestication of humans. I argue that (...)
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    ‘A day that unites the nation': contesting historical narratives in national day discussions.Brianne Hastie, Martha Augoustinos & Kellie Elovalis - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (5):491-507.
    National days often represent unifying narratives about nation-states. Recent calls for historical redress within settler-colonial nations, however, have been based on redefinitions of triumphalist historical narratives, incorporating darker histories of colonialisation’s ongoing effects. This has resulted in controversy about national days, especially in Australia (celebrated on the anniversary of British colonisation). Discussions about Australia's national day may show us if, and how, these competing historical narratives can be integrated into a unified national story. A critical discursive examination of Australian news (...)
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  24.  29
    Unified psychophysics: Wouldn't it be loverly….Robert Teghtsoonian & Martha Teghtsoonian - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):292-292.
  25. (1 other version)Diagnóstico de estilos gerenciales del sector de fabricación de muebles del área metropolitana centro occidente.Ochoa Martha Cecilia Usme & Acosta Pámela Flórez - 2007 - Scientia 13.
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    Pensar la política.Giuseppe Duso & Martha Rivero (eds.) - 1990 - México: UNAM.
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    Tumor progression: Small GTPases and loss of cell–cell adhesion.Encarnación Lozano, Martha Betson & Vania M. M. Braga - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (5):452-463.
    Tumor progression involves the transition from normal to malignant cells, through a series of cumulative alterations. During this process, invasive and migratory properties are acquired, enabling cells to metastasize (reach and grow in tissues far from their origin). Numerous cellular changes take place during epithelial malignancy, and disruption of E‐cadherin based cell‐cell adhesion is a major event. The small Rho GTPases (Rho, Rac and Cdc42) have been implicated in multiple steps during cellular transformation, including alterations on the adhesion status of (...)
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    Arabian Drugs in Early Medieval Mediterranean Medicine. By Zohar Amar and Efraim Lev.Anya King - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (1).
    Arabian Drugs in Early Medieval Mediterranean Medicine. By Zohar Amar and Efraim Lev. Edinburgh Studies in Classical Islamic History and Culture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017. Pp. xiv + 290, ills. $125, £80.
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    A Trinitarian Response to Buddhist Antitheistic Arguments.John B. King - 2017 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 37:157-171.
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    Creating a funding regime for social research in Britain: The Heyworth Committee on social studies and the founding of the social science research council.Desmond King - 1997 - Minerva 35 (1):1-26.
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    Definition and empirical research.R. B. King - 1973 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 5 (1):37–42.
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    Democracy 2.0: what it will take to have another 200 years of freedom.Lance M. King - 2011 - Salt Lake City, UT: Principles & Systems, LLC.
  33. Explaining Donnellan's Distinction.Jeffrey King & Michael Liston - 1984 - Analysis 44 (1):13 - 14.
  34. Evolution of intelligence, language, and other emergent processes for consciousness: A comparative perspective.Joseph E. King, Duane M. Rumbaugh & E. S. Savage-Rumbaugh - 1998 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & Alwyn Scott, Toward a Science of Consciousness II: The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press.
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    Induction and Cantor's Second Principle of Generation.David King - 2000 - Philosophy Today 44 (3):318-325.
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    No Title available.Peter King - 1990 - History and Philosophy of Logic 11 (2):231-261.
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    One hundred philosophers: the life and work of the world's greatest thinkers.Peter J. King - 2004 - Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series.
    For some of the world's great thinkers, including Aristotle, Aquinas, and Hegel, philosophy is a vast system of fixed, capital-T Truth for humankind to discover, explore and comprehend. For others, even among those with philosophies as diverse as William James and Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosophy is simply a tool, or a process for ascertaining individual factual truths specific to a given time and place. It is often said that if you ask any ten philosophers to define their subject, you're likely to (...)
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    One Man’s Meat Is Another Man’s Person.Peter J. King - 2006 - In Alexander Batthyany & Avshalom C. Elitzur, Mind and its place in the world: non-reductionist approaches to the ontology of consciousness. Lancaster, LA: Ontos. pp. 61-76.
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  39.  49
    On the Conversion of Philosophy: The Problems and Promise of Emmanuel Falque’s Theology of Philosophy.Christopher J. King - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (1):75-84.
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    Philosophy around the Web.Peter J. King - 199u - [Oxford, England?: [S.N.].
    A guide and a gateway to philosopy resources on the Internet. The site is organized into fourteen main catagories ranging from reasons for studying philosopy to parapsychology. Links are rigorously vetted for accuracy and usefulness.
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    Philosophers: Hypatia.Peter King - manuscript
    Hypatia was born in Alexandria in the fourth century CE (there's disagreement about her age at death, so that different scholars put her year of birth at either about 370 or about 355CE). The daughter of the mathematician and philosopher, Theon, who taught at the university of Alexandria, attached to the world-famous library, and who seems to have been responsible for Hypatia's education, though she might also have been taught by Plutarch the Younger in Athens. She helped her father with (...)
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  42. Sharing Digital Photos for Dummies, Pocket Edition.Julie Adair King, Mark Justice Hinton & Barbara Obermeier - 2010 - For Dummies.
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    Shock Privatization: The Effects of Rapid Large-Scale Privatization on Enterprise Restructuring.Lawrence King - 2003 - Politics and Society 31 (1):3-30.
    The neoliberal-inspired “shock therapy” policies were designed to allow efficiency considerations to shape the new capitalist economies. Most experts theorized that these policies would enable postcommunist countries to close the gap with the West. After more than a decade, this prediction has been falsified. Fieldwork in 25 Russian firms demonstrates that the neoliberal prescription of mass privatization creates shocks that make successful enterprise restructuring almost impossible. Instead, most firms lower their technological level of production and retreat to nonmarket activity to (...)
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  44.  35
    Simples, Third Men and Logical Constructions.John King-Farlow - 1985 - Philosophical Inquiry 7 (1):13-20.
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    Two Dogmas of Linguistic Empiricism.John King-Farlow - 1972 - Dialogue 11 (3):325-336.
    The first person singular is the nucleus on which all the other referential devices depend… The final point of reference, by which a statement is attached to reality, is the speaker's reference to himself, as one thing and one person among others… The world is always open to conceptual re-arrangement. But the re-arrangement is only the addition of new tiers of discrimination to a foundation that remains constant: the recognition of persisting things singled out by active observers who have a (...)
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  46. The German revolt against modernism.Albion R. King - 1931 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 12 (2):107.
  47.  59
    The Potential of Shared Decision Making to Reduce Health Disparities.Jaime S. King, Mark H. Eckman & Benjamin W. Moulton - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (s1):30-33.
    Current methods of obtaining an informed consent leave much to be desired. Patients rarely read consent forms or understand all of the risks, benefits, or alternatives associated with their treatment. Evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of treatment options often presents a more significant challenge for patients with lower levels of health literacy. This article reviews the evidence of shortcomings in our informed consent system and then explores the potential for a new approach to engage patients at all levels of health (...)
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    The state and the social structures of welfare in advanced industrial democracies.Desmond S. King - 1987 - Theory and Society 16 (6):841-868.
  49.  16
    The theories of memory in Aristotle and Plotinus.R. King - unknown
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    Your Father in Heaven: Discipleship in Matthew as a process of becoming children of God. By Henry Pattaramadathil SJ.Nicholas King - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (1):161-162.
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