Results for 'Marta Pucciarelli'

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  1.  13
    Douala as a “hybrid space”: Comparing online and offline representations of a sub-Saharan city.Marta Pucciarelli & Sara Vannini - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (223):219-250.
    This study investigates the complex relationship between the physical and digital spaces of the city of Douala, Cameroon by comparing its online representation with the social representations emerging orally by locals. Using the results of two existing studies reporting on the online image of the city, we investigate the social representations foreigners and locally relevant people have of Douala and uncover similarities and discrepancies of the two resulting representations. Outcomes from the analysis permit reflection on the implications of these and (...)
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    Concept of ethical preparedness: benefits for clinical laboratory scientists.Marta Szabat - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (8):527-527.
    The concept of ethical preparedness (EP), defined as a set of practices in genomic medicine aimed not only at efficiently managing sensitive issues in the laboratory but also at ensuring adherence to ethical principles,1 has potential benefits for clinical laboratory scientists, contingent on three key conditions. First, fostering cooperation and mutual support between commercial and non-commercial laboratories in cases involving moral dilemmas or the uncertain nature of variants identified in the laboratory is crucial for establishing the best practices in genomic (...)
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    Cultural Action for Freedom.Paulo Freire, Marta Soler-Gallart & Bárbara M. Brizuela - 1972 - Harvard Educational Review.
    In this volume, we have chosen to highlight the importance of education to human rights by reprinting two articles written by Paulo Freire in 1970 for the _Harvard Educational Review_. These articles contain many of Freire's original ideas on human rights and education—issues that are central to his work. Freire was a pioneer in promoting the universal right to education and literacy as part of a commitment to people's struggle against oppression. As Jerome Bruner recognized after Freire's death in May (...)
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    Women and Partnership Genealogies in Drosophila Population Genetics.Marta Velasco Martín - 2020 - Perspectives on Science 28 (2):277-317.
    Drosophila flies began to be used in the study of species evolution during the late 1930s. The geneticists Natasha Sivertzeva-Dobzhansky and Elizabeth Reed pioneered this work in the United States, and María Monclús conducted similar studies in Spain. The research they carried out with their husbands enabled Drosophila population genetics to take off and reveals a genealogy of women geneticists grounded in mutual inspiration. Their work also shows that women were present in population genetics from the beginning, although their contributions (...)
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  5. Is cross-cultural similarity an indicator of similar marketing ethics?Anusorn Singhapakdi, Janet K. M. Marta, C. P. Rao & Muris Cicic - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 32 (1):55 - 68.
    This study compares Australian marketers with those in the United States along lines that are particular to the study of ethics. The test measured two different moral philosophies, idealism and relativism, and compared perceptions of ethical problems, ethical intentions, and corporate ethical values. According to Hofstede''s cultural typologies, there should be little difference between American and Australian marketers, but the study did find significant differences. Australians tended to be more idealistic and more relativistic than Americans and the other results were (...)
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    Blame as a sentiment.Marta Johansson Werkmäster - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 30 (3):239-253.
    The nature of blame is not to be identified solely with a judgment, or an overt act, or an angry emotion. Instead, blame should be identified with a sentiment: more specifically, a multi-track disposition that manifests itself in various different emotions, thoughts or actions in a range of different circumstances. This paper aims to argue for these two claims. I start by arguing that blame is not solely a judgment, overt act, or an angry emotion. Then I develop the view (...)
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    “The game would have been better for me if…”: children’s counterfactual thinking about their own performance in a game.Marta Stragà, Angela Faiella, Ingrid Santini & Donatella Ferrante - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 29 (4):663-697.
    The mental simulation of past and future scenarios allows individuals to understand the past, make predictions about the future, plan and regulate their behavior. A great deal of research has focus...
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    (1 other version)Smart cities: reviewing the debate about their ethical implications.Marta Ziosi, Benjamin Hewitt, Prathm Juneja, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-16.
    This paper considers a host of definitions and labels attached to the concept of smart cities to identify four dimensions that ground a review of ethical concerns emerging from the current debate. These are: network infrastructure, with the corresponding concerns of control, surveillance, and data privacy and ownership; post-political governance, embodied in the tensions between public and private decision-making and cities as post-political entities; social inclusion, expressed in the aspects of citizen participation and inclusion, and inequality and discrimination; and sustainability, (...)
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    Experiencias educativas e inclusivas con alumnado con TDAH: una revisión teórica.Cecilia Latorre Cosculluela, Marta Liesa Orús & Sandra Vázquez Toledo - 2020 - Voces de la Educación 5 (10):75-89.
    Inclusive education guides democratic schools that advocate for justice and equity, especially for those students with different needs. In this manuscript, the Making Socially Accepting Inclusive Classrooms model and peer mediation are reviewed as the most effective procedures for this purpose.
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  10. El destino del cuidado en la obra de Tomás de Aquino.Marta Lopez Alonso - 2011 - Ciencia Tomista 138 (3):545-579.
    Durante siglos lo que era un hecho que daba consistencia a la vida humana –cuidar– ha parecido ser sistemáticamente descatalogado y descargado de todo rango y categoría ética. La profusa presencia del cuidado en las fuentes griegas de la antigüedad desde la palabra epiméleia nos ha obligado a profundizar en los sentidos que la cura latina posee en la obra de Santo Tomás dada la preeminencia de esta para la teología moral posterior vinculada a la d– en el catálogo de (...)
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    Plato on Correcting Philosophical Corruption.Marta Heckel - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (2):579-592.
    Plato's Republic VII suggests that if we ask someone to philosophize when they are too young, they can become corrupted (537e–539d). Republic VII also suggests that to avoid this corruption, we must not expose youth to argument (539a–b). This is not a reasonable option outside of Kallipolis, so a question arises: does Plato describe how to correct corruption if we do not manage to prevent it? This paper shows that a parallel between this passage from Republic VII and a passage (...)
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    Ortega y Gasset en la nación.Campomar Fornieles & M. Marta - 2003 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: El Elefante Blanco.
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  13. Bulletin d’histoire des doctrines médiévales.Marta Borgo, Marc Millais, Kristina Mitalaité, Jean-Christophe de Nadaï & Adriano Oliva - 2024 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 108 (4):699-751.
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    Humanimales: abrir las fronteras de lo humano.Marta Segarra - 2022 - Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg.
    ¿Qué tenemos en común y qué nos separa de los animales? ¿Somos un animal más? Las humanidades clásicas, basadas en el excepcionalismo humano, han dado paso a las posthumanidades, que incluyen los estudios animales, así como otras perspectivas que desafían la noción tradicional del sujeto humano, como los estudios de género, poscoloniales y decoloniales, la ecocrítica o la teoría queer. Pensarnos en nuestra relación con los animales tiene consecuencias filosóficas en ámbitos como la ciencia, los afectos, el trabajo y el (...)
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    The “Commitment Model” of Clinical Ethics Consultation: Revisiting the Meaning of Expertise and Professionalization.Marta Spranzi, Nicolas Foureur, Milena Maglio & Maria Cristina Murano - 2021 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 32 (4):287-298.
    While in Europe the debate over clinical ethics consultants’ expertise and professionalization is ongoing, in France it remains rather marginal. In this article, we illustrate how the “commitment model” adopted by the Clinical Ethics Center of the Greater Paris University Hospitals situates itself in such a debate. We first present the commitment model by drawing upon an emblematic case of consultation, and then describe, in turn, its understandings of democratic expertise and of the professionalization of clinical ethics consultation. Accordingly, the (...)
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  16. Communicative patterns in apperception. Micro-expressions in the eco-linguistic model of communication: beyond linguistic egos and towards an agenda-free, inclusive relating.Marta Bogusławska-Tafelska, Michał Wyciński & Natalia Malenko - 2021 - In Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak & Marta Boguslawska-Tafelska (eds.), Intersubjective plateaus in language and communication. New York: Peter Lang.
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  17. Is There A Specific Experience of Thinking?Marta Jorba Grau - 2010 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 25 (2):187-196.
    In this paper I discuss whether there is a specific experience of thinking or not. I address this question by analysing if it is possible to reduce the phenomenal character of thinking to the phenomenal character of sensory experiences. My purpose is to defend that there is a specific phenomenality for at least some thinking mental states. I present Husserl's theory of intentionality in the Logical Investigations as a way to defend this claim and I consider its assumptions. Then I (...)
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    Reading Comprehension in Both Spanish and English as a Foreign Language by High School Spanish Students.Elena Cueva, Marta Álvarez-Cañizo & Paz Suárez-Coalla - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Several studies have highlighted that reading comprehension is determined by different linguistic skills: semantics, syntax, and morphology, in addition to one’s own competence in reading fluency. On the other hand, according to the Linguistic Interdependence Hypothesis, linguistic skills developed in one’s own native language facilitate the development of these skills in a second one. In this study, we wanted to explore the linguistic abilities that determine reading comprehension in Spanish and in English in Secondary Education students. To do this, 73 (...)
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    Galicia studies in language: historical semantics brought to the fore.Beata Kopecka, Marta Pikor-Niedziałek, Agnieszka Uberman & Grzegorz Kleparski (eds.) - 2012 - Chełm: Wydawn. TAWA.
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    Motivation and Commitment to Sports Practice During the Lockdown Caused by Covid-19.Marta Leyton-Román, Ricardo de la Vega & Ruth Jiménez-Castuera - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In Spain, the state of alarm declared on March 14, 2020 caused changes in the population in relation to the habits of physical activity and sports practice. This study analyzed what motivational variables predicted the self-efficacy and commitment to sports practice, as well as the differences according to gender, during lockdown and the progressive de-escalation caused by COVID-19, using the theory of self-determination as a theoretical framework. The study sample was conformed of 179 subjects between 18 and 65 years of (...)
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    Www. Redalyc. Org.Réplica de Marta Philp - 2009 - Diálogos (Maringa) 13 (3):583-584.
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    Logical connectives for two-state semantics.Marta Cialdea Mayer & Luis Fariñas del Cerro - 2023 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 33 (3-4):520-536.
    1. A. Heyting (1930) introduced an intermediate logic whose semantics is based on a pair of states (‘here’ and ‘there’). This logic was axiomatized by Hosoi (1966), using the sequence of intermedia...
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  23. El camino hacia la interculturalidad en las aulas.Ana Arancibia & Marta Guijarro - 2005 - Critica 55 (926):8-11.
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    Slaves of Market Information.Marta de la Cuesta, Carmen Valor & Francisco Pablo Holgado - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:352-363.
    Information asymmetries are regarded as the main obstacle for consumers to buy responsibly. CSR labels are considered the best tool to give consumers information about the brand's social and environmental performance. Yet, the information and credibility gap associated to the labels may render labels useless. This study aims to unveil the relationship of Spanish consumers with CSR labels, in order to assess the posited consequences of the information and credibility gap. To do so, 385 consumers were interviewed at the main (...)
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    Diccionario de pensadoras españolas de los siglos XIX y XX.Marta Nogueroles Jové & Juana Sánchez-Gey (eds.) - 2020 - Madrid, España: Editorial Sindéresis.
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    Are the Realist Bundle Theorists Committed to the Principle of Constituent Identity?Marta Emilia Bielińska - 2023 - Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy 37 (2-4):89-103.
    One of the key questions in the contemporary analytic ontology concerns the relation between the Principle of Identity of Indiscernibles (PII) and the Bundle Theory (BT). The majority of authors believe that BT implies PII. Therefore, it is widely believed that the world violating PII presented by Max Black (1952. “The Identity of Indiscernibles.” Mind 61 (242): 153–64) is also devastating for BT. However, this has been questioned by Rodriguez-Pereyra (2004. “The Bundle Theory is Compatible with Distinct but Indiscernible Particulars.” (...)
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    Unlimited Associative Learning as a Null Hypothesis.Marta Halina - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (5):1186-1195.
    A common strategy in comparative cognition is to require that one reject associative learning as an explanation for behavior before concluding that an organism is capable of causal reasoning. In this paper, I argue that standard causal-reasoning tasks can be explained by a powerful form of associative learning: unlimited associative learning (UAL). The lesson, however, is not that researchers should conduct more studies to reject UAL, but that they should instead focus on 1) enriching the cognitive hypothesis space and 2) (...)
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    Romantyzm Nietzschego.Marta Kopij - forthcoming - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica:57-72.
    Das Thema "Nietzsche und die Romantik" stellt eine unerschöpfliche Forschungsquelle und dabei ein mehrdimensionales, hermeneutisches Problem in der Literatur- und Philosophiegeschichte dar. Als erster nahm Karl Joël in seiner 1905 erschienenen Monographie "Nietzsche und die Romantik" die Frage der geistigen Verwandtschaft Nietzsches mit romantischen Autoren und der Verwurzelung seiner Philosophie in dem romantischen Komplex unter die Lupe. Aufschlussreiche Forschungsergebnisse lieferten darüber hinaus die Arbeiten von Ernst Behler, Linda Duncan, Ingrid Hennemann Barale, Steffen Dietzsch, Norbert Langer und Dirk von Petersdorff. Insgesamt (...)
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    L'anàlisi filosòfica en G.E. Moore i la seva relació amb el sentit comú i el llenguatge ordinari.Marta Moragas - 1997 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 28:97-121.
    Aquest treball explora la concepció de l'anàlisi de Moore tot relacionant-la amb la sevadefensa del sentit comú i el llenguatge ordinari com el seu vehicle d'expressió. La secció 1 estudiael paper que l'anàlisi representa en la seva filosofia, així com la seva importància perafrontar problemes filosòfics. La secció 2 descriu en què consisteix l'anàlisi segons Moore, discuteixels criteris que ha de satisfer una anàlisi correcta, i classifica els diferents tipus d'anà-lisi trobats en els escrits de Moore, alhora que nega que (...)
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    Mark it out! Spontaneous cognitive offloading in route planning.Irene Florean, Marta Stragà, Timo Mäntylä & Fabio Del Missier - forthcoming - Thinking and Reasoning.
    We examined spontaneous external offloading in a study requiring participants to plan the shortest route to connect locations on maps while satisfying ordering constraints. We manipulated map difficulty (low/high) and the possibility for participants to offload cognition by allowing/not allowing them to use a pen during planning (offloading/no offloading). Participants used more types of offloading strategies in the high (vs. low) difficulty maps and showed a better performance in the offloading (vs. no offloading) condition in the high difficulty maps only. (...)
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    John Dewey's Pragmatist Aesthetics.Marta Vaamonde - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 16 (1):177-188.
    Everyday Aesthetics, radicalizing Dewey’s notion of the continuity between art and experience, aims to find aesthetic qualities in ordinary experience. The problem is that it reduces the aesthetic significance that Dewey attributed to artistic production. Analyzing Dewey’s work and its interpreters, I will demonstrate that the continuity of ordinary experience and art is what lends art its vital and distinctive character. The work of art contributes to developing other ways of seeing and acting in the world, reinforcing life in common, (...)
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    Cavallero, Pablo A. La lengua griega en Bizancio.Marta Alesso - 2022 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 26 (1):193-198.
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    The Values in Pressure of Time.Marta B. - 1993 - Human Affairs 3 (2):97-100.
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    Individuality and Beyond: Nietzsche Reads Emerson by Benedetta Zavatta.Marta Faustino - 2021 - Review of Metaphysics 74 (3):422-424.
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    A Ciência Jurídica e Seus Dois Maridos, Colocando as Verdades Fora Do Lugar: Uma Projeção da Teoria da Carna V Alização Literária No Direito.Marta Regina Gama Gonçalves - 2018 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 4 (1):155.
    Este trabalho objetiva tecer reflexões acerca dos efeitos da proposta de Luis Alberto Warat de projetar no campo do Direito os aportes da Teoria da Carnavalização literária de Mikhail Bakhtin e da constituição do que ele denominou Epistemologia Carnavalizada. A partir das diversas linhas abertas pela sua obra A ciência jurídica e seus dois maridos, atravessada pelos conceitos bakhtinianos de carnaval, carnavalização, polifonia, dialogia e polissemia, intenta-se construir uma genealogia intermitente que coloca a própria obra como autêntico ato de carnavalização (...)
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    Lucha de clases, poder político, estado.Marta Harnecker - 1972 - [Bogotá]: Editor Rojo. Edited by Nicos Ar Poulantzas.
    Harnecker, M. Política y clases sociales en Poulantzas (estudio crítico) -- Poulantzas, N. Sobre el concepto de política.
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    Lekarze i firmy farmaceutyczne – standardy etyczne wzajemnych relacji w Unii Europejskiej.Marta Makowska - 2012 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 15:143-154.
    Within last twenty years in the European Union much regulation concerning advertisements of drugs changed. The aggressive marketing operations of producers of medicines caused that new solutions, not only legal but also ethical, had appeared. The European Union is imposing reliable solutions upon its members in the form of directives to which they must adapt their law. They can however decide to choose stricter law than the one which is recommended to them. The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industry and Associations (...)
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    Remains of the World War I: War against War by Ernst Friedrich and Two Approaches to Reading Archives.Marta Maliszewska - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
    In this paper, I analyze two methods of reading archives: ‘against the grain’ and ‘along the grain’. First one focuses mainly on revealing what is marginalized and omitted in archive’s dominant narration. The other carefully studies the logic of an archive itself. As such, reading against the grain allows to reveal victims’ forgotten stories, while reading along the grain helps to understand perpetrators’ perspective that may further lead to better recognition of the mechanisms of organized violence. I apply both approaches (...)
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    Zwischen Kunst und luxuria: die korinthischen Bronzen in Plinius’ Naturalis historia.Marta García Morcillo - 2010 - Hermes 138 (4):442-454.
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    The Feminine Body and the Culture of Care.Marta Rodriguez - 2022 - The New Bioethics 28 (3):199-207.
    Can we speak of a feminine approach to caring for the body? If there is such an approach, how does culture influence or even construct it? Do we need a new culture of care in the medical field? Wha...
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    Entrevista a Raimund Herder, director de Herder Editorial.Marta Tafalla - 2015 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 55:73.
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    Ecoanimal: una estética plurisensorial, ecologista y animalista.Marta Tafalla - 2019 - Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (España): Plaza y Valdés Editores.
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    Demenageries: thinking (of) animals after Derrida.Anne-Emmanuelle Berger & Marta Segarra (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Rodopi.
    Thoughtprints Anne E. Berger andMarta Segarra I admit to it in the name of autobiography and in order to confide in you the following: [...] I have a particularly animalist perception and interpretation of what I do, think, write, live, ...
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    Use of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to Identify Material and Relevant CSR Performance Indicators.Marta de la Cuesta, Juan Diego Paredes & Eva Pardo - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:479-488.
    This study focuses on the application of multicriteria decision-making techniques, specifically the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), to identify corporate socialresponsibility information which both companies and stakeholders consider relevant and material. This work explains how the AHP methodology was applied in the selection of material indicators in corporate social responsibility reporting, the interpretation of these indicators and their relative importance. The results of this study are summarized in 60 indicators distributed in four areas: environment, economy, corporate governance and social. As this (...)
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    Debate feminista contemporáneo: aportaciones de John Dewey.Marta Vaamonde Gamo - 2015 - Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, Minerva.
  46. Przygody gnozy według Erika Voegelina.Marta Zimniak-hałajko - 2003 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 46 (2):89-100.
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    L'amour: création et société.Marta Álvarez, Ida Hekmat & Sabine Lauret-Taft (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Michel Houdiard éditeur.
    Ce volume envisage l'amour en tant qu'objet polymorphe : Eros, Philia, Agapé, mais aussi Storgé. Les mots grecs rendent compte, du large spectre amoureux : amour romantique, amour sexuel, amour de soi, de l'autre, pour l'autre... des catégories qui placent les manifestations du sentiment amoureux dans un espace de contraintes et de possibilités qui relève du social et du discursif. Les travaux qui sont ici réunis s'attachent ainsi à interroger des genres artistiques et discursifs dans lesquels s'ancre l'amour, ils abordent (...)
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  48. Democracy and democracies: between theory and facts // Democracia e democracias: entre teoria e fatos.Marta Rios Alves Nunes da Costa - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (2):135-146.
    Existem muitas teorias sobre democracia. Na verdade, enquanto se fala de “teoria democrática” como se existisse um consenso acerca do que esta poderia significar, a partir do momento em que nos debruçamos sobre diferentes autores, apercebemo-nos de que há tantas teorias quanto há perspectivas sobre o tema. Neste artigo tenho como interlocutores Robert Dahl, Benjamin Barber, Robert Goodin e David Plotke. O artigo tem três momentos. No primeiro, desenho o contexto geral para uma reflexão crítica sobre democracia, partindo da análise (...)
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  49. Artículo convertido automáticamente ver artículo original.Julio Navío Marco & Marta Solórzano - 2012 - Telos (Venezuela) 14 (1):104-122.
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    Spatial genome organization, TGFβ, and biomolecular condensates: Do they talk during development?Marta Vicioso-Mantis & Marian A. Martínez-Balbás - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (12):2200145.
    Cis‐regulatory elements govern gene expression programs to determine cell identity during development. Recently, the possibility that multiple enhancers are orchestrated in clusters of enhancers has been suggested. How these elements are arranged in the 3D space to control the activation of a specific promoter remains unclear. Our recent work revealed that the TGFβ pathway drives the assembly of enhancer clusters and precise gene activation during neurogenesis. We discovered that the TGFβ pathway coactivator JMJD3 was essential in maintaining these structures in (...)
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