Results for 'Muris Cicic'

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  1. Is cross-cultural similarity an indicator of similar marketing ethics?Anusorn Singhapakdi, Janet K. M. Marta, C. P. Rao & Muris Cicic - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 32 (1):55 - 68.
    This study compares Australian marketers with those in the United States along lines that are particular to the study of ethics. The test measured two different moral philosophies, idealism and relativism, and compared perceptions of ethical problems, ethical intentions, and corporate ethical values. According to Hofstede''s cultural typologies, there should be little difference between American and Australian marketers, but the study did find significant differences. Australians tended to be more idealistic and more relativistic than Americans and the other results were (...)
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    Distorted cognition and pathological anxiety in children and adolescents.Peter Muris & Andy P. Field - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (3):395-421.
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    Two Accounts of the Problem of Enhanced Control.Damir Čičić - 2021 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 21 (2):301-318.
    According to event-causal libertarianism, an action is free in the sense relevant to moral responsibility when it is caused indeterministically by an agent’s beliefs, desires, intentions, or by their occurrences. This paper attempts to clarify one of the major objections to this theory: the objection that the theory cannot explain the relevance of indeterminism to this kind of freedom (known as free will). Christopher Evan Franklin (2011, 2018) has argued that the problem of explaining the relevance of indeterminism to free (...)
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  4. The conflicting aspects of Hugh McCann's theory of action.Damir Čičić - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (9):918.
  5.  16
    The Dunciad d’Alexander Pope et The London Spy de Ned Ward : expériences de visualisation textuelle.Allison Muri - 2022 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 41:205.
    Text visualization is the technique of using graphs and charts to examine text as data. Often, these do not represent a text directly and instead display an output based on word counts, word sequences, and so on. This technique can provide insights into important keywords in a text, provide an overview of textual content, or reveal trends and patterns within one text or across many texts. This paper describes recent development of and experiments with several tools for the Grub Street (...)
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    Of Shit and the Soul: Tropes of Cybernetic Disembodiment in Contemporary Culture.Allison Muri - 2003 - Body and Society 9 (3):73-92.
    Since the 1980s, popular media, literature and theory have suggested that technology has induced a newly evolved, posthuman and postmodern cyborg consciousness. This article examines the premise of human evolution towards a disembodied `post-human' state in cyberpunk literature and film, as well as some influential cyber-theory. Rather than indicating a revolutionary change in human consciousness, both cyber-lit and cybertheory incorporate and reinscribe Western Christian narratives about human identity. Images of disembodiment tend to reaffirm traditional religious concepts of human reproduction, individual (...)
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  7. Vamos cantar histórias?Leila Mury Bergmann & Maria Cecília Ar Torres - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2).
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    Der Arzt Im Altertum: Griechisch Und Lateinische Quellenstücke von Hippokrates Bis Galen.Walter Müri (ed.) - 2001 - De Gruyter.
    Griechische und lateinische Quellenstücke von Hippokrates bis Galen. Welche Fortschritte die Medizin nahm, nachdem man nicht mehr Dämonen als Verursacher von Krankheiten verantwortlich machte, weist Walter Müris Sammlung medizinischer Quellentexte nach. Ob in der Prognostik, der Diätetik, der Anatomie oder der Chirurgie: Neben den recht abenteuerlichen Thesen der sogenannten Hypothesenmedizin oder der auf der Viersäftelehre beruhenden Humoralpathologie leuchten zunehmend Erkenntnisse auf, die auch nach heutigen wissenschaftlichen Maßstäben erstaunlich fortschrittlich sind. Walter Müri lässt die Ärzte selbst zu Wort kommen, von Hippokrates (...)
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    Graphs, Maps, and Digital Topographies: Visualizing The Dunciad as Heterotopia.Allison Muri - 2011 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 30:79.
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  10. Vamos cantar histórias?Leila Mury Bergmann & Maria Cecília A. R. Torres - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2).
    Resumo Palavras-chave Keywords : Children’s literature. Music. Pedagogical practice : This article’s main purpose is to present a few possibilities of work with activities that involve pieces of children’s literature and music in the perspective of Children’s Education and first years of Primary School. As theoretical support, the paper presents several studies from authors such as Brito (2003), Ponso (2008), Souza (2006), Torres and Gallicchio (2004), among others who suggest developing activities of sound exploration through audition/appreciation and improvise/ sound editing (...)
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    Review: Craig Ott and Harold A. Netland (eds): Globalizing Theology: Belief and Practice in an Era of World Christianity. Nottingham: Apollos, 2007. 384 pages. ISBN: 1-84474-173-7. [REVIEW]Sabine Muri - 2009 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 26 (3):213-215.
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    The parietal cortex and saccade planning: lessons from human lesion studies.Radek Ptak & René M. Müri - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  13.  26
    Imagining Reproduction: The Politics of Reproduction, Technology and the Woman Machine. [REVIEW]Allison Muri - 2010 - Journal of Medical Humanities 31 (1):53-67.
    Scholars widely assume that the term generation, is preferable to reproduction in the context of early modern history, based on the premise that reproduction to mean procreation was not in use until the end of the eighteenth century. This shift in usage presumably corresponds to the rise of mechanistic philosophy; feminist scholarship, particularly that deriving from the hostile critique fashionable in the 1980s has claimed reproduction is associated with medical practitioners’ perceptions of women as baby-producing machines. However, this interpretation, whether (...)
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  14. Voprosy polevogo opisanii︠a︡ i︠a︡zyka: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.R. G. Gataullin, R. Z. Muri︠a︡sov & S. G. Shafikov (eds.) - 2003 - Ufa: Bashkirskiĭ gos. universitet.
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    Symptoms of Selective Mutism in Non-clinical 3- to 6-Year-Old Children: Relations With Social Anxiety, Autistic Features, and Behavioral Inhibition. [REVIEW]Peter Muris, Nona Monait, Lotte Weijsters & Thomas H. Ollendick - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Selective mutism is a psychiatric condition that is characterized by a failure to speak in specific social situations despite speaking normally in other situations. There is abundant evidence that anxiety, and social anxiety in particular, is a prominent feature of SM, which is the main reason why this condition is currently classified as an anxiety disorder. Meanwhile, there is increasing support for the notion that autism-related problems are also involved in SM. The present study examined the relations between SM and (...)
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  16.  22
    Childhood Disorder: Dysregulated Self-Conscious Emotions? Psychopathological Correlates of Implicit and Explicit Shame and Guilt in Clinical and Non-clinical Children and Adolescents.Eline Hendriks, Peter Muris, Cor Meesters & Katrijn Houben - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:822725.
    This study examined psychopathological correlates of implicit and explicit shame and guilt in 30 clinical and 129 non-clinical youths aged 8–17 years. Shame and guilt were measured explicitly via two self-reports and a parent report, and implicitly by means of an Implicit Association Test (IAT), while a wide range of psychopathological symptoms were assessed with questionnaires completed by children, parents, and teachers. The results showed no differences of implicit and explicit shame and guilt between the clinical and non-clinical group, implying (...)
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    Book Review: Matthew Cook, Rob Haskell, Ruth Julian, Natee Tanchanpongs (eds.) Local Theology for the Global Church: Principles for an Evangelical Approach to contextualization. [REVIEW]Sabine Müri - 2012 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 29 (3):244-245.
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  18. Immersive 3D Virtual Reality Cancellation Task for Visual Neglect Assessment: A Pilot Study.Samuel E. J. Knobel, Brigitte C. Kaufmann, Stephan M. Gerber, Dario Cazzoli, René M. Müri, Thomas Nyffeler & Tobias Nef - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Decision-making in amnesia: Do advantageous decisions require conscious knowledge of previous behavioural choices?Klemens Gutbrod, Claudine Krouzel, Helene Hofer, René Müri, Walter J. Perrig & Radek Ptak - 2006 - Neuropsychologia 44 (8):1315-1324.
  20. Pareto utility.Masako Ikefuji, Roger J. A. Laeven, Jan R. Magnus & Chris Muris - 2013 - Theory and Decision 75 (1):43-57.
    In searching for an appropriate utility function in the expected utility framework, we formulate four properties that we want the utility function to satisfy. We conduct a search for such a function, and we identify Pareto utility as a function satisfying all four desired properties. Pareto utility is a flexible yet simple and parsimonious two-parameter family. It exhibits decreasing absolute risk aversion and increasing but bounded relative risk aversion. It is applicable irrespective of the probability distribution relevant to the prospect (...)
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  21.  33
    Language context modulates reading route: an electrical neuroimaging study.Karin A. Buetler, Diego de León Rodríguez, Marina Laganaro, René Müri, Lucas Spierer & Jean-Marie Annoni - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Multimodal Communication in Aphasia: Perception and Production of Co-speech Gestures During Face-to-Face Conversation.Basil C. Preisig, Noëmi Eggenberger, Dario Cazzoli, Thomas Nyffeler, Klemens Gutbrod, Jean-Marie Annoni, Jurka R. Meichtry, Tobias Nef & René M. Müri - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:360859.
    The role of nonverbal communication in patients with post-stroke language impairment (aphasia) is not yet fully understood. This study investigated how aphasic patients perceive and produce co-speech gestures during face-to-face interaction, and whether distinct brain lesions would predict the frequency of spontaneous co-speech gesturing. For this purpose, we recorded samples of conversations in patients with aphasia and healthy participants. Gesture perception was assessed by means of a head-mounted eye-tracking system, and the produced co-speech gestures were coded according to a linguistic (...)
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    The Impact of Language Opacity and Proficiency on Reading Strategies in Bilinguals: An Eye Movement Study.Diego de León Rodríguez, Karin A. Buetler, Noëmi Eggenberger, Marina Laganaro, Thomas Nyffeler, Jean-Marie Annoni & René M. Müri - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    “Tricking the Brain” Using Immersive Virtual Reality: Modifying the Self-Perception Over Embodied Avatar Influences Motor Cortical Excitability and Action Initiation.Karin A. Buetler, Joaquin Penalver-Andres, Özhan Özen, Luca Ferriroli, René M. Müri, Dario Cazzoli & Laura Marchal-Crespo - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    To offer engaging neurorehabilitation training to neurologic patients, motor tasks are often visualized in virtual reality. Recently introduced head-mounted displays allow to realistically mimic the body of the user from a first-person perspective in a highly immersive VR environment. In this immersive environment, users may embody avatars with different body characteristics. Importantly, body characteristics impact how people perform actions. Therefore, alternating body perceptions using immersive VR may be a powerful tool to promote motor activity in neurologic patients. However, the ability (...)
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    al-Murīd fī ṣuḥbat ʻAbd al-Ḥalīm ʻUways.كساب، وليد - 2015 - [Cairo]: Dār al-Bashīr lil-Thaqāfah wa-al-ʻUlūm.
    ʻUways, ʻAbd al-Ḥalīm; Muslim philosophers; biography.
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  26. Von Bern nach Muri. Vier unveröffentlichte Briefe Walter Benjamins an Paul Häbe..Uwe Steiner - 2001 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 75 (3):463-490.
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    Johannes de Muris' Autograph of the De arte mensurandi.Stephen Victor - 1970 - Isis 61 (3):389-395.
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    Walter Müri: Der Arzt im Altertum. Griechische und lateinische Quellenstücke mit der Uebertragung ins Deutsche. Pp. 215. Munich: Heimeran, 1938. Paper, RM. 4.50 (cloth, 5.50). [REVIEW]C. J. Fordyce - 1939 - The Classical Review 53 (02):92-.
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    Johannes de Muris, De arte mensurandi: A Geometrical Handbook of the Fourteenth Century by Johannes de Muris; H. L. L. Busard. [REVIEW]Edward Grant - 2000 - Isis 91:349-350.
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    La materia della sovranità. Una critica filosofica dei muri.Ernesto Calogero Sferrazza Papa - 2021 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 62:443-470.
    Despite the postmodern image of a smooth and borderless world, physical barriers currently represent one of the most important instruments of political articulation of the statal space. However, several ethical and political problems arise from it. This paper presents a philosophical critique of teichopolitical rationalities, namely, the politics of walls. The first section analyses two ancient teichopolitical paradigms. The second section analyses the wall as an element that nullifies the image of a global borderless world. The third section deals with (...)
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    Douleur et finalité réponse a M. G. mury.Maurice Pradines - 1947 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 52 (2):158 - 187.
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    The Use of the Moerbeke Translations of Archimedes in the Works of Johannes de Muris.Marshall Clagett - 1952 - Isis 43 (3):236-242.
  33. Descartes; introd. et choix de textes par Gilbert Mury.René Descartes - 1947 - Paris,: Éditions à l'Enfant poète.
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    Gendai no shi to hōmuri o kangaeru: gakusaiteki apurōchi.Gō Kondō (ed.) - 2014 - Kyōto: Mineruba Shobō.
    昨今、死にまつわる問題、とりわけ葬儀についての関心が高く、経済誌などでも特集記事が組まれるほどである。そのようななか、本書では、現代における死生観を問い直し、多様化する葬送儀礼のあり方をめぐって学際的 に検討する。.
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  35. Muntakhab-i Rawnaq al-Majālis va Bustān al-ʻĀrifīn va Tuḥfat al-Murīdīn.ʻUmar ibn al-Ḥasan Samarqandī - 1975 - Tihrān: Dānishgāh-i Tihrān. Edited by Aḥmad ʻAlī Rajāʼī, Abū al-Layth al-Samarqandī, Naṣr ibn Muḥammad & ʻUmar ibn al-Ḥasan Samarqandī.
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    A general scheme for automatic generation of search heuristics from specification dependencies☆☆preliminary versions of this paper were presented in [15,16,18]. This work was supported in part by nsf grant iis-0086529 and by muri onr award n00014-00-1-0617. [REVIEW]Kalev Kask & Rina Dechter - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 129 (1-2):91-131.
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    Traité de Philosophie. l'Action. Par Gilbert Mury et Timmy Oriol. Libr. Didier, Paris, 1964. I Vol. 709 pages. [REVIEW]Robert Saint-Jean - 1967 - Dialogue 5 (4):665.
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    Some School Books - 1. H. G. Lord: A Structural Latin Course. Book I. Pp. 272; 25 photographs, 5 drawings. London: University of London Press, 1951. Cloth, 6 s. 6 d. - 2 and 3. Paul Crouzet: Nouvelle Méthode Latine. Pp. xiii + 390; 8 pp. of photographs, numerous drawings. Nouvelle Grammaire Latine. Pp. xx + 150. Paris: Marcel Didier, 1951. Boards, 800, 450 fr. - 4. William R. Murie: Lanx Satura. Pp. 28. London and Glasgow: Blackie, 1952. Paper, 1 s. - 5. J. M. Milne: An Anthology of Classical Latin. Pp. vii + 208. London and Glasgow: Blackie, 1952. Boards, 5 s. 6 d[REVIEW]M. Edwards - 1953 - The Classical Review 3 (3-4):192-193.
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    Dërëm ak ngërëm: la philosophie du développement intégral dans la muridiyya.Djiby Diakhaté - 2022 - Dakar: L'Harmattan Sénégal. Edited by Cheikh Guèye.
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    A Virgilian Crux: Aeneid 8.342-43.Neil Adkin - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (4):527-531.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 122.4 (2001) 527-531 [Access article in PDF] A Virgilian Crux: Aeneid 8.342-43 Neil Adkin When Evander conducts Aeneas around the future site of Rome, the objects of interest he points out to his guest include the following: "hinc lucum ingentem, quem Romulus acer asylum / rettulit, et gelida monstrat sub rupe Lupercal" (8.342-43). John Conington (1883, 119) complained that rettulit had "not been satisfactorily explained." (...)
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    Démocratie et révolution.Georges Labica - 2003 - Le Temps des Cerises.
    Georges Labica offre, comme il le dit lui-même, à tous ceux qui refusent le " nouvel ordre mondial actuel " et luttent pour le changer radicalement, ce bilan d'une œuvre, à la fois théorique et militante, longuement mûrie. Qu'il s'agisse des mots, des concepts ou des choses, étroitement imbriqués, la pensée critique, dont Marx demeure la référence obligée, ne saurait rien laisser en l'état de ce qui constitue notre présent. La leçon en est limpide. Démocratie et révolution apparaissent plus que (...)
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    How does probability theory generalize logic?David Miller - 2004
    Rolando Chuaqui y yo, nos encontramos una ´ unica vez, en Bah´ıa Blanca en agosto 1992, en el Simposio Latino- Americano de L´ ogica Matem´ atica. Lamentablemente, Chuaqui muri´ o antes de mi pr´ oxima visita a Am´ erica del Sur, igual que otro gran l´ ogico latinoamericano, Carlos Alchourr´ on. Chuaqui estuvo en Bah´ıa Blanca juntos con varios alumnos que hablaron sobre aspectos de la l´.
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    Florence Rochefort, Hier, les femmes.Danièle Voldman - 2008 - Clio 28:287-287.
    Après l’école, les campagnes et les vacances, les éditions Aubanel publient un nouvel album qui, de la Belle Époque à 1945, expose les traces photographiques des femmes d’hier. Dans cette magnifique galerie de portraits féminins de tous âges et de toutes conditions, on retiendra d’abord les victimes : émouvantes photos de jeunes veuves de la Première guerre ou d’une grande sœur précocement mûrie par les soins donnés à sa tribu de jeunes frères et sœurs ; puis les icônes et les (...)
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    Comment l’histoire intellectuelle peut-elle servir une réforme de l’histoire économique et sociale?Éric Brian - 2021 - Revue de Synthèse 142 (3-4):290-308.
    Résumé Le projet intellectuel de Jean-Claude Perrot a été formé à l’occasion de la préparation de sa thèse sur la genèse de la ville de Caen. Au cours de cette enquête, il a mesuré les limites de l’histoire économique et sociale qui s’imposait alors comme modèle et les apports d’une histoire des connaissances économiques et sociales contemporaines des phénomènes étudiés. Cette vision d’ensemble a mûri pendant une trentaine d’années pour aboutir d’une part à des propositions neuves relatives à l’histoire intellectuelle (...)
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    Urban Rituals in Sacred Landscapes in Hellenistic Asia Minor.Nicole Belayche - 2022 - Kernos 35:353-358.
    Christina G. Williamson [désormais CGW] nous offre une réflexion particulièrement mûrie, aux plans théorique et documentaire, sur l’« urbanizing role » des sanctuaires « extra-urbains » (donc « ruraux » / countryside sanctuaries, définis p. 23) qu’elle scrute au travers des rituels (urban rituals, « e.g. festivals and processions, the scope of their festivals, their economies, their administration and nature of priesthoods, degrees of autonomy, and their symbolic power », p. 51). L’horizon he...
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    Sylvie Monchatre et Bernard Woehl , Temps de travail, travail du temps.Sylvie Célérier - 2015 - Temporalités 21.
    Un ouvrage sur le temps et un ouvrage collectif, deux raisons qui dissuaderaient peut-être de se plonger dans la lecture de Temps de travail, travail du temps qu’éditent Sylvie Monchatre et Bernard Woehl aux Éditions de la Sorbonne. On aurait tort, car on se priverait alors d’une réflexion lentement mûrie au fil d’un séminaire de deux ans qui a réuni des spécialistes confirmés des difficiles questions que posent les rapports du travail aux temps. Spécialistes rarement réunis et qu’une journée..
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    Fī sharʻīyat al-ikhtilāf al-thaqāfī wa-al-dīnī: ṣūrat al-ākhar al-mukhtalif fī al-turāth al-kalāmī al-Islāmī.Yūsuf Hayshū - 2014 - al-Dār al-Bayḍāʼ: Afrīqiyā al-Sharq.
    Ibn al-Bannāʼ, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, 1256?-1321?'s al-Rawḍ al-murīʻ fī ṣināʻat al-badīʻ; arabic language; rhetoric; criticism and interpretation.
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    La Langue des Sciences Sociales dans le Tableau historique de Condorcet.Jean-Pierre Schandeler - 2012 - Revue de Synthèse 133 (3):345-367.
    La réflexion de Condorcet sur les « sciences sociales » apparaît bien avant la Révolution, au cours des années 1770. Le projet de Tableau historique, mûri depuis cette période, mais réellement mis en oeuvre en 1793–1794, prend pour objet les conditions de possibilité de ces sciences et de leur langue. Condorcet y analyse les obstacles qui se dressent et propose, à partir de cas concrets, une réflexion sur la constitution d’une langue à la fois savante et accessible au citoyen éclairé.
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    Teoria del muro.Ernesto Sferrazza Papa - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 65:155-176.
    In questo articolo l’autore analizza il tema del muro statale a partire da una prospettiva interdisciplinare che connette ontologia, filosofia della tecnologia e filosofia politica. La tesi principale del saggio è che vi sia una differenza ontologica fra il muro e il confine su cui esso si inscrive. Dopo una breve discussione di alcune note teorie ontologiche, l’autore argomenta a favore della tesi per cui il muro non sia un oggetto sociale, bensì un artefatto. Più specificamente, il muro è un (...)
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    The Absent Body of Labour Power: Uno Kōzō’s Logic of Capital.Gavin Walker - 2013 - Historical Materialism 21 (4):201-234.
    The debate around labour power, and particularly regarding its status as the ‘most peculiar’ of commodities, has been widely revisited in contemporary Marxist thought and critical theory. This concept, which has often resurfaced in works by Negri, Spivak, Virno and numerous other contemporary thinkers, has a long prehistory in the work of Marx and subsequent Marxist theorists, perhaps most importantly in the work of Uno Kōzō, arguably the most influential and widely known Marxist thinker in modern Japan. Uno’s work, and (...)
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