Results for 'Marta Limosani'

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  1.  50
    Can a Good Person be a Good Trader? An Ethical Defense of Financial Trading.David Thunder & Marta Rocchi - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (1):89-103.
    In a 2015 article entitled “The Irrelevance of Ethics,” MacIntyre argues that acquiring the moral virtues would undermine someone’s capacity to be a good trader in the financial system and, conversely, that a proper training in the virtues of good trading directly militates against the acquisition of the moral virtues. In this paper, we reconsider MacIntyre’s rather damning indictment of financial trading, arguing that his negative assessment is overstated. The financial system is in fact more internally diverse and dynamic, and (...)
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  2. Is cross-cultural similarity an indicator of similar marketing ethics?Anusorn Singhapakdi, Janet K. M. Marta, C. P. Rao & Muris Cicic - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 32 (1):55 - 68.
    This study compares Australian marketers with those in the United States along lines that are particular to the study of ethics. The test measured two different moral philosophies, idealism and relativism, and compared perceptions of ethical problems, ethical intentions, and corporate ethical values. According to Hofstede''s cultural typologies, there should be little difference between American and Australian marketers, but the study did find significant differences. Australians tended to be more idealistic and more relativistic than Americans and the other results were (...)
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    Practical Identity, Obligation, and Sociality.Ana Marta González - 2018 - Journal of Social Philosophy 49 (4):610-625.
    In this article, I explore the way in which Korsgaard’s approach to obligation as springing from the reflective rejection of that which threatens one’s own identity can account for obligations towards others, without making the latter relative to obligations to oneself. To this end, I begin by stressing the role of reflexivity in ethical relationships, and show how this reflexivity is mediated by reference to law, which applies both to the self and to the other. On this basis, I then (...)
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  4. Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Importance of Ethics in Marketing Situations: A Study of Thai Businesspeople.Anusorn Singhapakdi, Mahesh Gopinath, Janet K. Marta & Larry L. Carter - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (4):887-904.
    Building on an existing framework concerning ethical intention, this research explores how Thai business people perceive the importance of ethics in various scenarios. This study investigates the relative influences of personal characteristics and the organizational environment underlying the Thai business people’s ethical perception. Corporate ethical values and idealism are shown to positively influence a Thai manager’s perceptions about the importance of ethics. While their ability to perceive the existence of an ethical problem is negatively influenced by relativism, it is positively (...)
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    Are Online Haters Psychopaths? Psychological Predictors of Online Hating Behavior.Piotr Sorokowski, Marta Kowal, Przemysław Zdybek & Anna Oleszkiewicz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Effects of Brief Mindfulness Training on Attentional Processes: Mindfulness Increases Prepulse Facilitation but Not Prepulse Inhibition.Ole Åsli, Marta F. Johansen & Ida Solhaug - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Mindfulness is intentional focus of one’s attention on emotions, thoughts, or sensations occurring in the present moment with a nonjudgmental attitude. Recently there has been increased interest in the effects of mindfulness practice on psychological processes such as concentration, focus, and attention. In the present study, a prepulse inhibition/facilitation paradigm was employed to investigate the effect of brief mindfulness practice on automatic attention regulation processes. PPI occurs when a relatively weak prepulse is presented 30–500 ms before a startle-inducing stimulus, and (...)
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    Alcance y límites del deber de obediencia al gobierno según Hume.Ana Marta González - 2009 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 37 (1):77-116.
    Se explora la justificación que ofrece Hume del gobierno en dos momentos, y, a partir de ahí, los argumentos con los que pretende salvar la posibilidad de la resistencia civil sin afirmar tajantemente un derecho a la resistencia. Para ello pone en juego su distinción entre obligación natural —u obligación de interés—y obligación moral —-avalada por el sentimiento. Al hilo de esta distinción puede señalarse un criterio para distinguir normalidad y excepción, y, eventualmente, el tipo de situación que podría respaldar (...)
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    Derecho natural y derechos humanos: síntesis práctica y complementariedad teórica.Ana Marta González - 1998 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 15 (1):73-98.
    La idea moderna de derechos humanos y el concepto clásico de ley natural no son equivalentes. Ciertamente comparten la idea de que no toda ley es convencional. Pero más allá de esto, la noción clásica de ley natural es definida claramente en el marco de las virtudes y, consecuentemente, tiene una orientación más práctica y está atada más de cerca a la historia; la noción de derechos humanos, que han heredado las teorías modernas de los derechos naturales, conduce a la (...)
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    Naturaleza y dignidad: un estudio desde Robert Spaemann.Ana Marta González - 1996 - Pamplona, España: Eunsa.
    El uso habitual del lenguaje reconocía hasta hace todavía relativamente poco tiempo un sentido ético-normativo en los términos "natural" y "naturaleza". De un tiempo a esta parte, sin embargo, ha penetrado profunda¬mente en el sentido común epocal la idea de la diferenciación del hombre con respecto a la naturaleza. De ahí que, ante la invitación a secundar la naturaleza, no sea infrecuente escuchar la respuesta: "¿por qué? ¡si yo soy un ser racional, una persona!". Esta mentalidad coexiste culturalmente con la (...)
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    Information-seeking behaviour of sniffer dogs during match-to-sample training in the scent lineup.Aleksandra Górecka, Marta Walczak & Tadeusz Jezierski - 2008 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 39 (2):71-80.
    Information-seeking behaviour of sniffer dogs during match-to-sample training in the scent lineup Qualitative and quantitative changes in dogs' information-seeking behaviours during the subsequent phases of operant conditioning training using a scent lineup, were investigated. Particular interest was paid to behaviours which may have an impact on errors committed by dogs at work in a scent lineup and thus on the reliability of the canine identification of humans on the base of scent. Significant individual differences were found in dogs' performance in (...)
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    The World and the Wild.David Rothenberg & Marta Ulvaeus - 2001 - University of Arizona Press.
    Can nature be restored to a pristine state through deliberate action? Must the preservation of wilderness always subordinate the interests of humans to those of other species? Can indigenous peoples be entrusted with the guardianship of their own wild resources? This collection of international writings tackles tough questions like these as it expands wilderness conservation beyond its American roots. One of the first anthologies to consider wilderness as a global issue, it takes a stand against the notion that wilderness is (...)
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  12. Sociological Theory and the Question of Religion.Andrew McKinnon & Marta Trzebiatowska - 2014
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    Demenageries: thinking (of) animals after Derrida.Anne-Emmanuelle Berger & Marta Segarra (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Rodopi.
    Thoughtprints Anne E. Berger andMarta Segarra I admit to it in the name of autobiography and in order to confide in you the following: [...] I have a particularly animalist perception and interpretation of what I do, think, write, live, ...
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    Improved Perception of Aggression Under (un)Related Threat of Shock.Fábio Silva, Marta I. Garrido & Sandra C. Soares - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (5):e13451.
    Anxiety shifts visual attention and perceptual mechanisms, preparing oneself to detect potentially threatening information more rapidly. Despite being demonstrated for threat‐related social stimuli, such as fearful expressions, it remains unexplored if these effects encompass other social cues of danger, such as aggressive gestures/actions. To this end, we recruited a total of 65 participants and asked them to identify, as quickly and accurately as possible, potentially aggressive actions depicted by an agent. By introducing and manipulating the occurrence of electric shocks, we (...)
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    From Philosopher to Network. Using Digital Traces for Understanding Paul Ricoeur's Legacy.Alberto Romele & Marta Severo - unknown
    What is the difference between a researcher in philosophy and a philosopher? There are two kinds of answer that we can give to this question. We can say that the difference lies in a sort of internal quality; or, as the authors of this paper do, we can argue that a philosopher would not be a philosopher without the intervention of an ensemble of social actors such as universities, departments, funding, colleagues, editors, journals, media, and so on. In the first (...)
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    Generating and Understanding Jokes by Five- And Nine-Year-Olds as an Expression of Theory of Mind.Marta Białecka-Pikul & Maria Kielar-Turska - 2009 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 40 (4):163-169.
    Generating and Understanding Jokes by Five- And Nine-Year-Olds as an Expression of Theory of Mind The main aim of the presented research is to describe children's ability to generate and understand humorous stories and pictures drawn by their peers and older or younger children. From the perspective of research on children's theories of mind, we assume that in middle childhood we will observe a transition from the basic, copy theory of mind to the interpretative one. We examined 60 five- and (...)
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    Seasonality of marriages in spanish and French parishes in the cerdanya valley, eastern pyrenees.Montserrat Salvat, Marta Vigo, Helen Macbeth & Jaume Bertranpetit - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (1):51-62.
    The Cerdanya valley in the eastern Pyrenees has a physical unity into which a political frontier has been imposed to divide it. The social and cultural repercussions of this Franco-Spanish border have created obstacles to marriage which are not due to topography. Choice of month of marriage is under cultural control and the study of seasonality in marriages recorded in the registers of all the Cerdan parishes on both sides of the border demonstrated differences over time and between French and (...)
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    Bulletin d’histoire des doctrines médiévales.Élisabeth Boncour, Marta Borgo, Olivier Boulnois, Iacopo Costa, Ruedi Imbach, Marc Millais, Jean-Christophe de Nadaï & Adriano Oliva - 2018 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 102 (4):643.
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    (1 other version)Réplica de Marta Philp.Marta Philp - 2009 - Diálogos (Maringa) 13 (3).
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  20. Aristotle on Becoming Virtuous by Doing Virtuous Actions.Marta Jimenez - 2016 - Phronesis 61 (1):3-32.
    Aristotle ’s claim that we become virtuous by doing virtuous actions raises a familiar problem: How can we perform virtuous actions unless we are already virtuous? I reject deflationary accounts of the answer given in _Nicomachean Ethics_ 2.4 and argue instead that proper habituation involves doing virtuous actions with the right motive, i.e. for the sake of the noble, even though learners do not yet have virtuous dispositions. My interpretation confers continuity to habituation and explains in a non-mysterious way how (...)
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  21.  56
    The dreaming brain/mind, consciousness and psychosis.Ivan Limosani, Armando D’Agostino, Maria Laura Manzone & Silvio Scarone - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):987-992.
    Several independent lines of research in neurobiology seem to support the phenomenologically-grounded view of the dreaming brain/mind as a useful model for psychosis. Hallucinatory phenomena and thought disorders found in psychosis share several peculiarities with dreaming, where internally generated, vivid sensorimotor imagery along with often heightened and incongruous emotion are paired with a decrease in ego functions which ultimately leads to a severe impairment in reality testing. Contemporary conceptualizations of severe mental disorders view psychosis as one psychopathological dimension that may (...)
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  22. Landscape Protection vs. Onshore Wind Energy Investments in Poland—A Legal Perspective.Marta Woźniak - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-20.
    The purpose of this article is to present the legal aspects of landscape protection in the context of onshore wind energy investments in Poland, in comparison with the tendency in other European countries. Landscape protection can be considered in several contexts of meaning: natural, cultural and planning. The influence of wind farms on the landscape is identified in each of these contexts, but in the study of law, the impact of these investments on the environment and people is most often (...)
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  23. Predicting the presuppositions of soft triggers.Márta Abrusán - 2011 - Linguistics and Philosophy 34 (6):491-535.
    The central idea behind this paper is that presuppositions of soft triggers arise from the way our attention structures the informational content of a sentence. Some aspects of the information conveyed are such that we pay attention to them by default, even in the absence of contextual information. On the other hand, contextual cues or conversational goals can divert attention to types of information that we would not pay attention to by default. Either way, whatever we do not pay attention (...)
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  24. Aristotle on Shame and Learning to Be Good.Marta Jimenez - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    This book presents a novel interpretation of Aristotle's account of how shame instils virtue, and defends its philosophical import. Shame is shown to provide motivational continuity between the actions of the learners and the virtuous dispositions that they will eventually acquire.
  25. Deception : lying and beyond.Marta Dynel - 2021 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of the Philosophy of Language. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  26. Edukacja dla wszystkich. Pytania o ingerencję osób niepełnosprawnych.Marta Wiatr - 2005 - Prakseologia 145 (145):111-118.
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    Metaphors of intersectionality: Reframing the debate with a new proposal.Marta Jorba & Maria Rodó-Zárate - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (1):23-38.
    Whereas intersectionality presents a fruitful framework for theoretical and empirical research, some of its fundamental features present great confusion. The term ‘intersectionality’ and its metaphor of the crossroads seem to reproduce what it aims to avoid: conceiving categories as separate. Despite the attempts for developing new metaphors that illustrate the mutual constitution relation among categories, gender, race or class keep being imagined as discrete units that intersect, mix or combine. Here we identify two main problems in metaphors: the lack of (...)
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  28. Presupposition cancellation: explaining the ‘soft–hard’ trigger distinction.Márta Abrusán - 2016 - Natural Language Semantics 24 (2):165-202.
    Some presuppositions are easier to cancel than others in embedded contexts. This contrast has been used as evidence for distinguishing two fundamentally different kinds of presuppositions, ‘soft’ and ‘hard’. ‘Soft’ presuppositions are usually assumed to arise in a pragmatic way, while ‘hard’ presuppositions are thought to be genuine semantic presuppositions. This paper argues against such a distinction and proposes to derive the difference in cancellation from inherent differences in how presupposition triggers interact with the context: their focus sensitivity, anaphoricity, and (...)
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  29. An exploration into enactive forms of forgetting.Marta Caravà - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (4):703-722.
    Remembering and forgetting are the two poles of the memory system. Consequently, any approach to memory should be able to explain both remembering and forgetting in order to gain a comprehensive and insightful understanding of the memory system. Can an enactive approach to memory processes do so? In this article I propose a possible way to provide a positive answer to this question. In line with some current enactive approaches to memory, I suggest that forgetting –similarly to remembering– might be (...)
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    Pulse Diagnosis in Early Chinese Medicine: The Telling Touch.Marta Hanson - 2012 - Early Science and Medicine 17 (3):351-353.
  31.  56
    Can Finance Be a Virtuous Practice? A MacIntyrean Account.Marta Rocchi, Ignacio Ferrero & Ron Beadle - 2021 - Business Ethics Quarterly 31 (1):75-105.
    ABSTRACTFinance may suffer from institutional deformations that subordinate its distinctive goods to the pursuit of external goods, but this should encourage attempts to reform the institutionalization of finance rather than to reject its potential for virtuous business activity. This article argues that finance should be regarded as a domain-relative practice. Alongside management, its moral status thereby varies with the purposes it serves. Hence, when practitioners working in finance facilitate projects that create common goods, it allows them to develop virtues. This (...)
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    Mastery in Goal Scoring, T-Pattern Detection, and Polar Coordinate Analysis of Motor Skills Used by Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.Marta Castañer, Daniel Barreira, Oleguer Camerino, M. Teresa Anguera, Tiago Fernandes & Raúl Hileno - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    (1 other version)Specifically human: Human work and care in the age of machines.Marta Bertolaso & Marta Rocchi - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 31 (3):888-898.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  34. But I Was So Sure! Metacognitive Judgments Are Less Accurate Given Prospectively than Retrospectively.Marta Siedlecka, Borysław Paulewicz & Michał Wierzchoń - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  35. Husserlian Horizons, Cognitive Affordances and Motivating Reasons for Action.Marta Jorba - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (5):1-22.
    According to Husserl’s phenomenology, the intentional horizon is a general structure of experience. However, its characterisation beyond perceptual experience has not been explored yet. This paper aims, first, to fill this gap by arguing that there is a viable notion of cognitive horizon that presents features that are analogous to features of the perceptual horizon. Secondly, it proposes to characterise a specific structure of the cognitive horizon—that which presents possibilities for action—as a cognitive affordance. Cognitive affordances present cognitive elements as (...)
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    The Flesh of Images: Merleau-Ponty Between Painting and Cinema.Marta Nijhuis (ed.) - 2015 - State University of New York Press.
    _Highlights Merleau-Ponty’s interest in film and connects it to his aesthetic theory._.
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    Generative AI in healthcare: A call for a Māori perspective.Marta Seretny, Kerry Hiini & George Laking - 2024 - Bioethics 39 (1):155-157.
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  38. Cognitive Phenomenology, Access to Contents, and Inner Speech.Marta Jorba & Agustin Vicente - 2014 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 21 (9-10):74-99.
    In this paper we introduce two issues relevantly related to the cognitive phenomenology debate, which, to our minds, have not been yet properly addressed: the relation between access and phenomenal consciousness in cognition and the relation between conscious thought and inner speech. In the first case, we ask for an explanation of how we have access to thought contents, and in the second case, an explanation of why is inner speech so pervasive in our conscious thinking. We discuss the prospects (...)
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    The Art of Dialectic Between Dialogue and Rhetoric: The Aristotelian Tradition.Marta Spranzi - 2011 - John Benjamins.
    introduction Dialectic and the notion of tradition The past does not pull back but presses forward. (Hannah Arendt 1977: 10) Through the confrontation over ...
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  40. Insightful artificial intelligence.Marta Halina - 2021 - Mind and Language 36 (2):315-329.
    In March 2016, DeepMind's computer programme AlphaGo surprised the world by defeating the world‐champion Go player, Lee Sedol. AlphaGo exhibits a novel, surprising and valuable style of play and has been recognised as “creative” by the artificial intelligence (AI) and Go communities. This article examines whether AlphaGo engages in creative problem solving according to the standards of comparative psychology. I argue that AlphaGo displays one important aspect of creative problem solving (namely mental scenario building in the form of Monte Carlo (...)
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    Authorial intention and global coherence in fictional text comprehension: A cognitive approach.Márta Horváth - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (203):39-51.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2015 Heft: 203 Seiten: 39-51.
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  42. Sutton's Solution to the Grounding Problem and Intrinsically Composed Colocated Objects.Marta Campdelacreu - 2016 - Critica 48 (143):77-92.
    En Sutton 2012, Catherine Sutton presenta una nueva e interesante solución al mayor problema al que se enfrenta el co-ubicacionismo : el problema de la fundamentación. Sin embargo, si es correcto rechazar la tesis defendida por Sutton según la cual los trozos o pedazos de materia están extrínsecamente compuestos,entonces su respuesta al problema de la fundamentación resulta incompleta. Además, es difícil ver cómo podría completarse.
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    Hierarchies and causal relationships in interpretative models of the neoplastic process.Marta Bertolaso - 2011 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 33 (4).
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    Goal Scoring in Soccer: A Polar Coordinate Analysis of Motor Skills Used by Lionel Messi.Marta Castañer, Daniel Barreira, Oleguer Camerino, M. Teresa Anguera, Albert Canton & Raúl Hileno - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  45. Attitudinal Cognitive Phenomenology and the Horizon of Possibilities.Marta Jorba - 2015 - In Thiemo Breyer & Christopher Gutland (eds.), Phenomenology of Thinking: Philosophical Investigations Into the Character of Cognitive Experiences. New York: Routledge. pp. 77-96.
    This article presents two ways of contributing to the debate on cognitive phenomenology. First, it is argued that cognitive attitudes have a specific phenomenal character or attitudinal cognitive phenomenology and, second, an element in cognitive experiences is described, i.e., the horizon of possibilities, which arguably gives us more evidence for cognitive phenomenology views.
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    L'anàlisi filosòfica en G.E. Moore i la seva relació amb el sentit comú i el llenguatge ordinari.Marta Moragas - 1997 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 28:97-121.
    Aquest treball explora la concepció de l'anàlisi de Moore tot relacionant-la amb la sevadefensa del sentit comú i el llenguatge ordinari com el seu vehicle d'expressió. La secció 1 estudiael paper que l'anàlisi representa en la seva filosofia, així com la seva importància perafrontar problemes filosòfics. La secció 2 descriu en què consisteix l'anàlisi segons Moore, discuteixels criteris que ha de satisfer una anàlisi correcta, i classifica els diferents tipus d'anà-lisi trobats en els escrits de Moore, alhora que nega que (...)
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  47. Not So Blue to be Sad: Affective Affordances and Expressive Properties in Affective Regulation.Marta Caravà & Marta Benenti - 2024 - Topoi (3):1-12.
    In our everyday interaction with the environment, we often perceive objects and spaces as opportunities to feel, maintain, enhance, and change our affective states and processes. The concept of affective affordance was coined to accommodate this aspect of ordinary perception and the many ways in which we rely on the material environment to regulate our emo- tions. One natural way to think of affective affordances in emotion regulation is to interpret them as tools for regulating felt affective states. We argue (...)
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    Pierwsza walka Karola Marksa, czyli "Uwagi dotyczące nowej pruskiej instrukcji o cenzurze".Marta Baranowska - 2018 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:171-183.
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    Problem „dzieciństwa kulturowego” jako wytworu nowych mediów.Marta Baszewska - 2017 - Ruch Filozoficzny 73 (2):59.
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    Auctions, Rituals and Emotions in the Art Market.Marta Herrero - 2010 - Thesis Eleven 103 (1):97-107.
    This article explores the possibilities offered by Collins’ model of interaction rituals to an understanding of the emotional dynamics of art auctions. It argues that whilst it explains how the art object becomes the focus of attention, and thus the repository of solidarity and emotional energy, it also obliterates some of the institutional aspects of the auction market that can influence such outcomes. It discusses the need to include an examination of the specific practices of auction houses operating in an (...)
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