Results for 'Mark Gardner'

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  1.  64
    Splitting, lumping, and priming.Mark Gardner & Cecilia Heyes - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (5):690-691.
    Byrne & Russon's proposal that stimulus enhancement, emulation, and response facilitation should be lumped together as priming effects conceals important questions about nonimitative social learning, fails to forge a useful link between the social learning and cognitive psychological literatures, and leaves unexplained the most interesting feature of phenomena ascribed to.
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    Hopping, skipping or jumping to conclusions? Clarifying the role of the JTC bias in delusions.Cordelia Fine, Mark Gardner, Jillian Craigie & Ian Gold - 2007 - Cogn Neuropsychiatry 12 (1):46-77.
    Introduction. There is substantial evidence that patients with delusions exhibit a reasoning bias—known as the “jumping to conclusions” bias—which leads them to accept hypotheses as correct on the basis of less evidence than controls. We address three questions concerning the JTC bias that require clarification. Firstly, what is the best measure of the JTC bias? Second, is the JTC bias correlated specifically with delusions, or only with the symptomatology of schizophrenia? And third, is the bias enhanced by emotionally salient material? (...)
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    Empathic and non-empathic routes to visuospatial perspective-taking.Petra C. Gronholm, Maria Flynn, Caroline J. Edmonds & Mark R. Gardner - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):494-500.
    The present study examined whether strategy moderated the relationship between visuospatial perspective-taking and empathy. Participants undertook both a perspective-taking task requiring speeded spatial judgements made from the perspective of an observed figure and the Empathy Quotient questionnaire, a measure of trait empathy. Perspective-taking performance was found to be related to empathy in that more empathic individuals showed facilitated performance particularly for figures sharing their own spatial orientation. This relationship was restricted to participants that reported perspective-taking by mentally transforming their spatial (...)
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    The Mark of Responsibility.John Gardner - 2003 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 23 (2):157-171.
    This paper tackles three common misconceptions about responsibility. The first misconception is that it is against our interests to be responsible for our actions. The second is that our responsibility for our actions is fixed at the time when we act. The third is that we can only be responsible to someone in particular, not responsible full stop. The three misconceptions turn out to be related, and disabusing ourselves of them helps us to rediscover the most fundamental point of the (...)
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    Physical Manipulation of the Brain.Henry K. Beecher, Edgar A. Bering, Donald T. Chalkley, José M. R. Delgado, Vernon H. Mark, Karl H. Pribram, Gardner C. Quarton, Theodore B. Rasmussen, William Beecher Scoville, William H. Sweet, Daniel Callahan, K. Danner Clouser, Harold Edgar, Rudolph Ehrensing, James R. Gavin, Willard Gaylin, Bruce Hilton, Perry London, Robert Michels, Robert Neville, Ann Orlov, Herbert G. Vaughan, Paul Weiss & Jose M. R. Delgado - 1973 - Hastings Center Report 3 (Special Supplement):1.
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    In Memoriam: Mark Sacks (29 December 1953–17 June 2008).Sebastian Gardner Axel Honneth - 2009 - European Journal of Philosophy 17 (1):159-166.
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  7. Offences and defences: selected essays in the philosophy of criminal law.John Gardner - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The wrongness of rape -- Rationality and the rule of law in offences against the person -- Complicity and causality -- In defence of defences -- Justifications and reasons -- The gist of excuses -- Fletcher on offences and defences -- Provocation and pluralism -- The mark of responsibility -- The functions and justifications of criminal law and punishment -- Crime : in proportion and in perspective -- Reply to critics.
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  8. Book Review of John Gardner’s Offences and Defences: Selected Essays in the Philosophy of Criminal Law. [REVIEW]Mark Thornton - 2010 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 23 (1):255-262.
    This volume contains eleven previously published essays on criminal law together with a new "Reply to Critics" by the Professor of Jurisprudence at Oxford, John Gardner. The principal themes of the essays, covering offences, defences, and punishment, are summarized in this review, which also highlights areas of controversy and various lines of criticism.
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  9. Reasonable doubt : uncertainty in education, science and law.Tony Gardner-Medwin - 2011 - In Philip Dawid, William Twining & Mimi Vasilaki, Evidence, Inference and Enquiry. Oxford: Oup/British Academy. pp. 465-483.
    The use of evidence to resolve uncertainties is key to many endeavours, most conspicuously science and law. Despite this, the logic of uncertainty is seldom taught explicitly, and often seems misunderstood. Traditional educational practice even fails to encourage students to identify uncertainty when they express knowledge, though mark schemes that reward the identification of reliable and uncertain responses have long been shown to encourage more insightful understanding. In our information-rich society the ability to identify uncertainty is often more important (...)
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    Commentary on Mark L. Latash and J. Greg Anson (1996). What are “normal movements” in atypical populations? BBS 19: 55–106. [REVIEW]Christiansen Gardner Press - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20:3.
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    Zhu Xi's Reading of the Analects: Canon, Commentary and the Classical Tradition.Daniel K. Gardner - 2003 - Columbia University Press.
    The _Analects_ is a compendium of the sayings of Confucius (551-479 b.c.e.), transcribed and passed down by his disciples. How it came to be transformed by Zhu Xi (1130-1200) into one of the most philosophically significant texts in the Confucian tradition is the subject of this book. Scholarly attention in China had long been devoted to the _Analects._ By the time of Zhu Xi, a rich history of commentary had grown up around it. But Zhu, claiming that the _Analects_ was (...)
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  12.  13
    Bodily Intra-actions with Biometric Devices.Barbara Jenkins & Paula Gardner - 2016 - Body and Society 22 (1):3-30.
    We investigated the interface between biomedia and humans by inviting participants to interact with biometric devices that measured and visualized their body data. At first, they struggled with the alienating and disembodying nature of the devices and the constrained, reductionist representation of data. Through their bodily interactions with these devices, however, participants reframed the data and inserted their bodies into the process of data collection. Drawing on the ideas of Bergson, Grosz, Merleau-Ponty and Bachelard, we argue that by working with (...)
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  13.  41
    Are Cultural Rights Human Rights?: A Cosmopolitan Conception of Cultural Rights.Eric William Metcalfe, David Miller & John Gardner - 2000
    The liberal conception of the state is marked by an insistence upon the equal civil and political rights of each inhabitant. Recently, though, a number of writers have argued that this emphasis on uniform rights ignores the fact that the populations of most states are culturally diverse, and that their inhabitants have significant interests qua members of particular cultures. They argue that liberals should recognize special, group-based cultural rights as a necessary part of a theory of justice in multicultural societies. (...)
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  14. Book Review: Rethinking Criminal Law Theory: New Canadian Perspectives in the Philosophy of Domestic, Transnational, and International Law, edited by François Tanguay-Renaud & James Stribopoulos. [REVIEW]Mark Thornton - 2013 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 26 (1):243-249.
    Professor John Gardner says on the jacket, “these essays – without exception insightful and penetrating – set a high standard for the rest of us to aspire to.” This collection of 15 essays by 16 Canadian authors originated in a conference at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University. The majority of contributors are based in southern Ontario . Two are from western Canada , two from the UK and one from the US . The essays are arranged in three (...)
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  15.  82
    Attitudes toward cheating before and after the implementation of a modified honor code: A case study.Miguel Roig & Amanda Marks - 2006 - Ethics and Behavior 16 (2):163 – 171.
    A sample of students from a private, multicampus, midsize university completed 2 copies of Gardner and Melvin's (1988) Attitudes Toward Cheating Scale a semester before the implementation of a modified honor code. The authors instructed students to complete 1 copy of the scale according to their own opinions and the other copy according to what they thought would be the opinion of a "typical college professor." During the following semester when the honor code went into effect, the authors recruited (...)
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  16.  16
    The influence of the enlightenment on the French Revolution.William Farr Church - 1973 - Lexington, Mass.,: D. C. Heath.
    Mark Gardner's romance with Meg Lowman is actually impeded, not enhanced, by his new book "How To Meet a Gorgeous Girl.".
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  17.  27
    The Six Core Theories of Modern Physics.Charles F. Stevens - 1995 - Bradford.
    " -- Dr. Daniel Gardner, Cornell University Medical College Charles Stevens, a prominent neurobiologist who originally trained as a biophysicist (with George Uhlenbeck and Mark Kac), wrote this book almost by accident.
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  18.  45
    Newborns' preferential tracking of face-like stimuli and its subsequent decline.Mark H. Johnson, Suzanne Dziurawiec, Hadyn Ellis & John Morton - 1991 - Cognition 40 (1-2):1-19.
  19.  36
    Neither Naïve nor Critical Reconstruction: Dispute Mediators, Impasse, and the Design of Argumentation.Mark Aakhus - 2003 - Argumentation 17 (3):265-290.
    This study investigates how dispute-mediators handle impasse in the re-negotiation of divorce decrees by divorced couples. Three sources of impasse and three strategies for handling impasse are identified based on analysis of mediation transcripts. The concern here lies not so much in the disputant's arguments but in the discussion procedures dispute-mediators use to craft the disputant's argumentation into a tool to solve conflict. Their moves are understood here as a practice of reconstructing argumentative discourse that is neither naïve nor critical (...)
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  20.  30
    Structural Challenges of Precision Medicine.Mark A. Rothstein - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (2):274-279.
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    Science court: A case study in designing discourse to manage policy controversy.Mark Aakhus - 1999 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 12 (2):20-37.
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  22.  20
    (1 other version)Activity Concepts and Expertise.Mark Addis - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 51 (3):574-587.
  23.  14
    Sustainable agriculture: a Christian ethic of gratitude.Mark E. Graham - 2005 - Cleveland: Pilgrim Press.
    This book . . . is an invitation to all Christians to begin constructing a food ethics; to the academic Christian ethicist, it presents an opportunity to join a discussion on a topic relevant in so many ways to the life of every American; to the Christian for whom the spark of the divine is detectable in the everyday life, it is a chance to begin making ethical sense out of something done every day for the entirety of one's natural (...)
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    Groove: an aesthetic of measured time.Mark Abel - 2014 - Boston: Brill.
    What is the relationship between music and time? How does musical rhythm express our social experience of time? In Groove: An Aesthetic of Measured Time, Mark Abel explains the rise to prominence in Western music of a new way of organising rhythm - groove. He provides a historical account of its emergence around the turn of the twentieth century, and analyses the musical components which make it work. Drawing on materialist interpretations of art and culture, Mark Abel engages (...)
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  25.  65
    Frans H. van Eemeren and Bart Garssen : Topical Themes in Argumentation Theory: Twenty Exploratory Studies.Mark Aakhus - 2014 - Argumentation 28 (4):489-492.
    Every 4 years, for the past three decades, the world of argumentation research has gathered in Amsterdam at the International Society for the Study of Argumentation conferences to explore advances in understanding argumentation and how argumentation advances our understanding of the human condition. While comprehensive proceedings of selected papers are produced to document what has transpired in the world of argumentation over the preceding 4 years, there remains the important matter of taking the intellectual pulse of the world’s argumentation scholars, (...)
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  26.  62
    Scientific Discovery in the Social Sciences.Mark Addis, Fernand Gobet & Peter Sozou (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume offers selected papers exploring issues arising from scientific discovery in the social sciences. It features a range of disciplines including behavioural sciences, computer science, finance, and statistics with an emphasis on philosophy. The first of the three parts examines methods of social scientific discovery. Chapters investigate the nature of causal analysis, philosophical issues around scale development in behavioural science research, imagination in social scientific practice, and relationships between paradigms of inquiry and scientific fraud. The next part considers the (...)
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  27.  50
    A Palaeographical Corruption in Ovid, Ex Ponto 4.6.Mark Akrigg - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (1):283-284.
    In lines 35–8 Ovid compliments the poem's recipient Brutus on his skill as a forensic orator. The transmitted text is as follows:hostibus eueniat quam sis uiolentus in armissentire et linguae tela subire tuae,quae tibi tam tenui cura limantur ut omnesistius ingenium corporis esse negent.
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  28.  37
    Humility and Inquiry: A Response to Tibor Solymosi.Mark Tschaepe - 2019 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 3 (1):122-133.
    In his essay, “Affording our Culture: “Smart” Technology and the Prospects for Creative Democracy,” Tibor Solymosi addresses my challenge for neuropragmatism to counter what I have elsewhere called dopamine democracy. Although I believe that Solymosi has begun to provide an explanation for how neuropragmatism may counter dopamine democracy, especially with his conceptions Œ and cultural affordances, I respond with a helpful addition to his approach by returning to the theory of inquiry as put forth by John Dewey. In particular, I (...)
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  29.  34
    Data without Democracy: The Cruel Optimism of Education Technology and Assessment.Mark D. Tschaepe - 2021 - Education and Culture 37 (1):7-24.
  30.  38
    Why China failed to create an endogenous industrial capitalism.Mark Elvin - 1984 - Theory and Society 13 (3):379-391.
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  31.  47
    Transcendental Idealism: What Jerusalem Has To Say to Königsberg.Mark Glouberman - 2010 - Dialogue 49 (1):25-51.
    RÉSUMÉ: La Bible éclaire la distinction kantienne entre les apparences et les choses en soi. Les deux récits bibliques de la création, dans Genèse 1 et 2, offrent différentes analyses ontologiques, et seule la deuxième est, comme les apparences de Kant, relative à la condition humaine. Mais, tandis que l’autre région dont Kant parle est sans caractérisation positive, la Bible décrit amplement le monde tel qu’il est avant l’avènement des hommes et des femmes. La Bible traite de ce domaine du (...)
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  32. Thomas Sutton on univocation, equivocation, and analogy.Mark G. Henninger - 2006 - The Thomist 70 (4):537-575.
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  33. Introduction.Mark Hill - 2020 - In Mark Hill & Norman Doe, Christianity and Criminal Law. New York: Routledge.
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  34. Editing Digital Photos for Dummies.Mark Justice Hinton, Barbara Obermeier & Doug Sahlin - 2010 - For Dummies.
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  35. Why 'Transactional Realism'Won't Work: A Reply to Biesta.Mark Holowchak - unknown
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  36. Galatians and Romans [Book Review].Mark Kenney - 2013 - The Australasian Catholic Record 90 (2):250.
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  37. Why Do We Hope?: Images in the Psalms [Book Review].Mark Kenney - 2009 - The Australasian Catholic Record 86 (3):371.
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  38. On the persistence and difficulties of political community : existential roots and pragmatic outcomes of national awareness.Mark Luccarelli - 2020 - In Mark Luccarelli, Rosario Forlenza & Steven Colatrella, Bringing the nation back in: cosmopolitanism, nationalism, and the struggle to define a new politics. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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  39.  8
    American Poetic Materialism From Whitman to Stevens.Mark Noble - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    In American Poetic Materialism from Whitman to Stevens, Mark Noble examines writers who rethink the human in material terms. Do our experiences correlate to our material elements? Do visions of a common physical ground imply a common purpose? Noble proposes new readings of Walt Whitman, Ralph Waldo Emerson, William James, George Santayana and Wallace Stevens that explore a literary history wrestling with the consequences of its own materialism. At a moment when several new models of the relationship between human (...)
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  40.  64
    John Locke.Mark Glouberman - 1993 - Idealistic Studies 23 (2-3):111-122.
    Throughout the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant locates his position relative to those of his predecessors and near contemporaries. Save for Spinoza, all the ‘greats’ of the early modern canon put in appearances. But while Kant’s idiom is respectful—Hume is referred to as ‘celebrated’ ; Berkeley is characterised as ‘good’ ; both Locke and Leibniz are called ‘illustrious’ —this ‘language of good will’ recalls Mark Antony’s ‘honourable man’. In fact, the debt Kant acknowledges to the prior toilers is largely (...)
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  41.  14
    Animal century: a celebration of changing attitudes to animals.Mark Gold - 1998 - Charlbury, Oxfordshire: J. Carpenter.
    Animal Century records some of the most important events and influences behind this often overlooked element of our social history, paying tribute to the courage and endurance that has helped to create a groundswell of public sympathy for our fellow creatures in many countries of the world. Mark Gold's moving and thought-provoking account includes in-depth previously unpublished interviews with many key players - including Maneka Gandhi, Jane Goodall, Celia Hammond, Virginia McKenna and Peter Singer - and celebrates the compassion (...)
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    Selective Conscientious Objection.Mark Anderson & William O’Meara - 1988 - Philosophy Research Archives 14 (9999):1-19.
    The purpose of this paper is to consider the following three problems:(1) Whether selective conscientious objection is morally reasonable in general; and if so,(2) Whether selective conscientious objection should be recognized as a constitutional right by judicial interpretation; or(3) Whether selective conscientious objection should become part of any new draft law that would be passed by Congress.
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  43.  7
    Great Economists Since Keynes: An Introduction to the Lives and Works of One Hundred Modern Economists.Mark Blaug - 1989 - Cambridge University Press.
  44. Human suffering and the limits of secular bioethics.Mark Cherry - 2014 - In Ronald Michael Green & Nathan J. Palpant, Suffering and Bioethics. New York, US: Oup Usa.
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  45. Emile Durkheim and Provinces of Ethics.Mark Cladis - 1990 - Interpretation 17 (2):255-273.
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  46. Rousseau and the Redemptive Mountain Village: The Way of Family, Work, Community, and Love.Mark Cladis - 2001 - Interpretation 29 (1):35-54.
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  47. Carrying Capacity.Mark Cohen - 2004 - Free Inquiry 24.
  48.  95
    Cappelen, Content Relativism, and the “Creative Interpreter”.Mark Criley - 2013 - Southwest Philosophy Review 29 (1):211-219.
    In recent work, Herman Cappelen has defended a position he calls content relativism (CR): the thesis that one and the same utterance may have different content at different contexts of assessment or interpretation. In his most recent treatment of the topic, Cappelen argues for CR using examples involving prescriptive language: instructions, orders, and laws. By pointing out some problems for Cappelen’s argument and suggesting ways they might be fixed, I hope to show how CR might best be developed and defended.
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  49.  11
    Thracymachus Buys a House.Mark Cyzyk - 2008 - Philosophy Now 66:25-27.
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    Brian Matz, Gregory of Nazianzus.Mark DelCogliano - 2018 - Augustinian Studies 49 (2):306-308.
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