Results for 'Maria Flynn'

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  1.  38
    Empathic and non-empathic routes to visuospatial perspective-taking.Petra C. Gronholm, Maria Flynn, Caroline J. Edmonds & Mark R. Gardner - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):494-500.
    The present study examined whether strategy moderated the relationship between visuospatial perspective-taking and empathy. Participants undertook both a perspective-taking task requiring speeded spatial judgements made from the perspective of an observed figure and the Empathy Quotient questionnaire, a measure of trait empathy. Perspective-taking performance was found to be related to empathy in that more empathic individuals showed facilitated performance particularly for figures sharing their own spatial orientation. This relationship was restricted to participants that reported perspective-taking by mentally transforming their spatial (...)
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    Assessing the Effectiveness of Automated Emotion Recognition in Adults and Children for Clinical Investigation.Maria Flynn, Dimitris Effraimidis, Anastassia Angelopoulou, Epaminondas Kapetanios, David Williams, Jude Hemanth & Tony Towell - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  3. What’s Left of Human Nature? A Post-Essentialist, Pluralist and Interactive Account of a Contested Concept.Maria E. Kronfeldner - 2018 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    Human nature has always been a foundational issue for philosophy. What does it mean to have a human nature? Is the concept the relic of a bygone age? What is the use of such a concept? What are the epistemic and ontological commitments people make when they use the concept? In What’s Left of Human Nature? Maria Kronfeldner offers a philosophical account of human nature that defends the concept against contemporary criticism. In particular, she takes on challenges related to (...)
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    Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity.Maria-Viktoria Abricka & Sarah B. Pomeroy - 1976 - American Journal of Philology 97 (3):310.
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    Heritability estimates versus large environmental effects: The IQ paradox resolved.William T. Dickens & James R. Flynn - 2001 - Psychological Review 108 (2):346-369.
  6. Kinds of Reasons: An Essay in the Philosophy of Action.Maria Alvarez - 2010 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Understanding human beings and their distinctive rational and volitional capacities requires a clear account of such things as reasons, desires, emotions, and motives, and how they combine to produce and explain human behaviour. Maria Alvarez presents a fresh and incisive study of these concepts, centred on reasons and their role in human agency.
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  7. Explaining Creativity.Maria Kronfeldner - 2018 - In Berys Gaut & Matthew Kieran, Routledge Handbook on Creativity and Philosophy. Routledge. pp. 213-29.
    Creativity has often been declared, especially by philosophers, as the last frontier of science. The assumption is that it will defy explanation forever. I will defend two claims in order to oppose this assumption and to demystify creativity: (1) the perspective that creativity cannot be explained wrongly identifies creativity with what I shall call metaphysical freedom; (2) the Darwinian approach to creativity, a prominent naturalistic account of creativity, fails to give an explanation of creativity, because it confuses conceptual issues with (...)
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    La modernidad de la filosofía de Balmes: sentido común y praxis.María Teresa López Abellán - 1986 - Anuario Filosófico 19 (2):173-178.
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    La prostitución: el “pecado” de las mujeres | Prostitution: the “Sin” of Women.María Luisa Maqueda Abreu - 2017 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 35:64-89.
    Resumen: Este artículo se propone analizar las razones por las que las prostitutas, a causa de su opción sexual, han sido criminalizadas por imposición de distintos órdenes normativos, fuertemente coercitivos, que censuran gravemente su desviación. Ellos –y sus potentes discursos-se muestran capaces de explicar ese continuum ininterrumpido e inacabable de estigma, persecución, inferiorización, aislamiento social o encarcelamiento que acompaña a la historia de la prostitución de las mujeres y que la mantiene todavía hoy en las profundidades de la jerarquía sexual (...)
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  10. Observaciones sobre la condición del "nôus" en Plotino.María Beatriz Abrego - 2009 - Revista Agustiniana 50 (151):7-19.
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    Teologia dogmática e experiência espiritual cristã: Repensando a relação com H.U. von Balthasar.Maria Abrão - 2016 - Horizonte 14 (43):1039-1063.
    In proposing this reflection about the relationship between dogmatic theology and Christian spiritual experience, we want to demonstrate in this article how a great 20 th century theologian, Hans Urs von Balthasar, invites the reader to enter into the reading and understanding of the historical and theological reasons that have guided some options and postures assumed, as well as to recognize the impacts caused both in the theology and in the spiritual experience and yet, more widely, in Christianity and its (...)
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    J. L.Borges y la ética.María Isabel Ackerley - 2008 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 20:299-308.
    Borges, un escritor ecuménico en los bordes insondables del infinito del otro. Borges, un pensador del tiempo que lo acompaña en una oscuridad que ilumina. Un artista que el mismo tiempo se aventura a perpetuar. Un filósofo que soslaya la palabra cuya adivinanza nos seduce al límite de lo innombrable. Un ser donde la ética es su obra. De esta obra en la cual se refleja su ética, o de esa ética donde su obra es la autora, es de lo (...)
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    Presentation – Inhabiting the Frontiers of Thought: The Contribution of Jesuit Philosophers to 20 th Century Philosophy.Andreas Gonçalves Lind, Bruno Nobre & João Carlos Onofre Pinto - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (4):1249-1252.
    The contribution of Jesuits to the different fields of knowledge, including philosophy, is historically well known. In fact, since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, in the 16th century, Jesuits from different generations and cultures have taken part in the philosophical debates of their time and their different contexts. Since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, in 1540, the Jesuits, individually and as a body, have engaged in a fruitful dialogue between the Christian tradition and different dimensions of (...)
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    Contempt and disgust: the emotions of disrespect.Maria Miceli & Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2018 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 48 (2):205-229.
    Contempt and disgust share a number of features which distinguish them from other hostile emotions: they both present two distinct facets—a nonmoral facet and a moral one; they both imply a negative evaluation of the dispositional kind as well as disrespect towards the target of the feeling; and they trigger avoidance and exclusion action tendencies. However, while sharing a common core, contempt and disgust are in our view distinct emotions, qualified by different cognitive-motivational features. Contempt is felt exclusively towards human (...)
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  15.  55
    Role of Country- and Firm-Level Determinants in Environmental, Social, and Governance Disclosure.Maria Baldini, Lorenzo Dal Maso, Giovanni Liberatore, Francesco Mazzi & Simone Terzani - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (1):79-98.
    In recent years, companies receive pressure to release environmental, social, and governance disclosure, since these are perceived as critical issues by society. Despite this pressure, ESG disclosure practices considerably vary by firm. Prior academic literature investigated country- and firm-level factors determining such variation, alternatively adopting the institutional and legitimacy theory. By combining these theories in a unique framework, this study investigates the extent to which social structures and social legitimization influence ESG disclosure practices and each pillar. Results obtained using a (...)
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  16.  44
    Lacan's ‘Of the Gaze as Objet Petit a’ as Anamorphic Discourse.Maria Scott - 2008 - Paragraph 31 (3):327-343.
    This article makes the case for a symmetry between the form and content of Lacan's 1964 seminars on vision in The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis. As well as theorizing anamorphosis, or visual resistance, as a model of the dialectic between the eye and the gaze, the seminars function to lure and frustrate their auditor-readers. This reading, supported by Lacan's references to his own discourse as a labyrinth and network of threads, shows how a policy of syntactic ambiguity and apparent (...)
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  17.  78
    Muerte y metodología en la fenomenología husserliana.María Celeste Vecino - 2018 - Ideas Y Valores 67 (166):75-91.
    Se analiza el tratamiento que da Husserl en sus escritos tardíos al fenómeno-límite de la muerte, así como a la problemática que surge en la relación entre el hombre mundano y el sujeto trascendental. El acceso a la dimensión última de la subjetividad constituyente, que la reflexión sobre la muerte exige y motiva, revela una anonimia fundamental del yo, que pone en cuestión la posibilidad de la fenomenología de auto-fundamentarse siguiendo sus propios principios metodológicos: la ausencia de presupuestos y la (...)
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  18.  59
    An Approach to Comparative Phenomenology: Nishida's Place of Nothingness and Merleau-Ponty's Negativity.Maria Carmen López Sáenz - 2018 - Philosophy East and West 68 (2):497-515.
    Phenomenology and the Kyoto School implement an interaction among cultures1 that is not limited to illustrating Western philosophy wxith exotic similes. Insofar as my position is concerned, I will start out with phenomenology in order to study Nishida's work, trying on the one hand to understand the meaning that he gives to nothingness in relation to the Merleau-Pontian concept of creux in order, on the other hand, to enlarge reason and philosophy.To achieve this, I shall establish a comparison of the (...)
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    Kazimierz Twardowski: A Grammar for Philosophy.Maria van der Schaar - 2015 - Leiden: Brill | Rodopi.
    In _Kazimierz Twardowski: A Grammar for Philosophy_ Maria van der Schaar shows the importance of Twardowski’s method, his philosophical grammar, for both the Lvov-Warsaw School, and analytic philosophy today.
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    Transformations through Proximity Flying: A Phenomenological Investigation.Maria Holmbom, Eric Brymer & Robert D. Schweitzer - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  21. A Brief History of Relativism.Maria Baghramian - 2010 - In Michael Krausz, Relativism: A Contemporary Anthology. Columbia University Press. pp. 31-50.
  22.  73
    The Virtuous Manager: A Vision for Leadership in Business.Gabriel Flynn - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (3):359-372.
    This article seeks to contribute to a vision for leadership in business based on a recovery of virtue. The vision for leadership articulated here draws principally on the writings of the classical philosopher Aristotle and of the contemporary philosopher Josef Pieper. Without discounting the ever-increasing complexity of modern business, this essay will attempt to reconstruct Aristotle’s emphasis on virtue and moral character, and argues for the philosopher’s relevance to modern management and corporate leadership. The paper concludes that the message of (...)
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  23.  36
    Drawing to reconstruct: Pilot study on acknowledging prisoners' internal and external resources in a penitentiary institution.Maria Letizia Cesana, Francesca Giordano, Diego Boerchi, Marta Rivolta & Cristina Castelli - 2018 - World Futures 74 (6):392-411.
    Since the first offender rehabilitation treatments, all theoretical approaches have been focusing on reducing risk factors that may influence recidivism, without satisfactory results. Recent resilience research has instead shown the important mediating or moderating role of protective factors and provided the theoretical principles for the Good Lives Model Comprehensive. This holistic model suggests the importance of integrating the reduction of risk factors with the reinforcement of protective factors in offenders' treatment programs. This combined action is considered the main condition through (...)
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    Type D Personality and Alexithymia: Common Characteristics of Two Different Constructs. Implications for Research and Clinical Practice.Maria S. Epifanio, Sonia Ingoglia, Pietro Alfano, Gianluca Lo Coco & Sabina La Grutta - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  25.  48
    “You Can See How Things Will End by the Way They Begin”: The Contribution of Early Mutual Obligations for the Development of the Psychological Contract.Maria Luisa Farnese, Stefano Livi, Barbara Barbieri & René Schalk - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Atypical Within-Session Motor Procedural Learning after Traumatic Brain Injury but Well-Preserved Between-Session Procedural Memory Consolidation.Maria Korman, Sharon Shaklai, Keren Cisamariu, Carmit Gal, Rinatia Maaravi-Hesseg, Ishay Levy, Ofer Keren, Avi Karni & Yaron Sacher - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  27. Was sollen Philosoph/innen tun? Kommentar Kommentar zur Podiumsdiskussion „Bedrohtes Denken“ (DGPhil Kongress 2017).Maria Kronfeldner & Alexander Reutlinger - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 72 (1):114-118.
    Wie können Philosoph/innen mit der Bedrohung der akademischen Freiheit umgehen, die von rechtspopulistischen Strömungen (in Deutschland, Europa und weltweit) und autoritären Staaten (wie der Türkei und Ungarn) ausgeht? – Diese Frage stand im Zentrum der Podiumsdiskussion „Bedrohtes Denken“, die während des DGPhil Kongresses in Berlin am Tag der Bundestagswahl 2017 stattfand. Es war eine Diskussion, deren Ende von der bedrückenden Nachricht überschattet wurde, die rechtsextreme AfD werde drittstärkste Kraft im neuen Bundestag. Angesichts dieses zutiefst beunruhigenden Wahlergebnisses glauben wir, dass es (...)
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  28. Knowledge about Our Experience and Distinguishing between Possibilities.Maria Matuszkiewicz - 2017 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 38:147-168.
    In my article I reconstruct the main threads of Robert Stalnaker’s book Our Knowledge of the Internal World, which focuses on the problem of our epistemic relation to our experience and the relation between experience and knowledge. First, the book proposes an interesting view of externalism, which combines classical externalist claims with a contextualist approach to content ascriptions. The approach accommodates some important internalist intuitions by showing how content ascriptions can be sensitive to the perspective from which a subject perceives (...)
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    Creating Emotionally Intelligent Schools With RULER.Lori Nathanson, Susan E. Rivers, Lisa M. Flynn & Marc A. Brackett - 2016 - Emotion Review 8 (4):305-310.
    How educators and students process and respond to emotions can either enhance or impede the development of the whole child. Social and emotional learning (SEL) refers to the processes of developing social and emotional competencies, which depend on individuals’ capacity to recognize, understand, and manage emotions (i.e., emotional intelligence or EI). Consensus across disciplines about the importance of EI highlights the need to advance the science of how to teach SEL. RULER, an evidence-based approach to teaching EI, provides an educational (...)
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    Unique Predictors of Sleep Quality in Junior Athletes: The Protective Function of Mental Resilience, and the Detrimental Impact of Sex, Worry and Perceived Stress.Maria Hrozanova, Frode Moen & Ståle Pallesen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  31.  76
    An Economic Justification for Open Access to Essential Medicine Patents in Developing Countries.Sean Flynn, Aidan Hollis & Mike Palmedo - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (2):184-208.
    Not all intellectual property rights grant the right to exclude that is indicative of “property rules,” as that term was used by Guido Calabresi and A. Douglas Melamed in their seminal article. Some intellectual property rights are “liability rules,” in which the right holder has an entitlement to compensation for use of the protected invention, not a right to preclude the use. Although patent laws normally grant a right to exclude others from use of the protected invention as a default, (...)
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  32.  39
    Research in History and Philosophy of Mathematics: The CSHPM 2016 Annual Meeting in Calgary, Alberta.Maria Zack & Dirk Schlimm (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Birkhäuser.
    Proceedings of the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics.
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    Judith Butler y las facetas de la “vulnerabilidad”: el poder de “agencia” en el activismo artístico de Mujeres Creando.María del Carmen Molina Barea - 2018 - Isegoría 58:221-238.
    The present paper adresses the objective of elucidating the phenomenological mechanisms which, according to the celebrated queer theory author Judith Butler, operate within performative politics. In this connection, this paper analyses the power of agency of minor identities as a resistance force against what Butler calls frames and its politic-ontological regularisation. Such biopolitical potential is fostered by the vulnerability and precarity of abject bodies. In this context, it will be considered the case of Bolivian anarcha-feminist group Mujeres Creando, which generates (...)
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    What Guides Moral Consideration? Wittgenstein and Diamond on Imagination and Animal Ethics.Maria Balaska - 2016 - Journal of Animal Ethics 6 (1):10-19.
    I draw on the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein and Cora Diamond to argue that imagination plays a key role in moral consideration. By broadening our concepts and drawing similarities, our imagination can help us see nonhuman beings as fellow beings, namely as beings with whom we share a life. I address two related issues: First, how can we ensure that the exercise of imagination does not merely lead to nonsense? Second, can the imagination remedy the supposed incommensurability between beings with (...)
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  35.  21
    Bellezza e piacere. La fatica del giudizio estetico in qualche pagina medievale.Maria Tilde Bettetini - 2018 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (1):7-12.
    Through some pages of Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas we see some medieval solutions to the platonic drama of a beauty defined by numbers and measures, however with suprasensible roots: how can we say beautiful what cannot be measured? If Beauty is Harmony and Proportion, consequently how can it derive from a suprasensible beauty? How will it be possible to express aesthetic judgments that go beyond measurement? The medieval answers to these questions are far beyond the postmodern uncertainties, maintaining (...)
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    Italian Adagio: Every Law has Its Loophole.Maria Pina Dore, Giovanni M. Pes & Fabrizia Faustinella - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (2):651-653.
    The Italian law of December 2010 establishes new criteria and parameters for the evaluation of faculty members. The parameters are represented by the number of articles published in journals listed in the main international data banks, the total number of citations and the h index. Candidates with qualifications at least in two out of three parameters may access the national competitions for associate or full professor and apply for an academic appointment. This system developed with the aim to fight nepotism (...)
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  37.  31
    Length of Utterance, in Morphemes or in Words?: MLU3-w, a Reliable Measure of Language Development in Early Basque.Maria-José Ezeizabarrena & Iñaki Garcia Fernandez - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    La scène-paysage : penser une scénographie du regard.Maria Clara Ferrer - 2018 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 20 (2):149-162.
    Quelles mutations de la scène contemporaine le concept de paysage, de plus en plus présent dans le discours théâtral actuel, est-il capable d’éclairer? De quoi le paysage est-il le nom? Par le prisme de la scène-paysage, l’article engage une réflexion sur les possibles conceptions d’une scène non anthropocentrique, en visitant des spectacles de Robert Wilson, Claude Régy et Maguy Marin. Ni décor pour les personnages ni fond de scène pour les acteurs, le paysage, caractérisé par la ligne d’horizon qui l’unifie (...)
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  39.  27
    Lipps et Freud. Pour une psychologie dynamique de l’inconscient.Maria Gyemant - 2018 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 97 (1):27.
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    Qu'est-ce qu'un phénomène physique? Sur la théorie des sensations dans la Psychologie du point de vue empirique de Franz Brentano et ses conséquences pour la scientificité de la psychologie.Maria Gyemant - 2015 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 113 (1):63-83.
    Dans sa Psychologie du point de vue empirique Brentano fonde le caractère scientifique de la psychologie sur le geste qui délimite le domaine particulier de cette science aux seuls phénomènes psychiques, en excluant les phénomènes physiques. La distinction entre ces deux types de phénomènes devient ainsi essentielle pour le projet brentanien d’une psychologie scientifique. L’objectif de ce travail est de montrer d’une part que la critique que Husserl fait à la fin de ses Recherches logiques de la distinction brentanienne entre (...)
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    Who judges? Democracy and the dilemmas of multiculturalism.María Herrera Lima - 2005 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 (7):727-737.
    Among the many interesting problems considered in this book, I will center my commentary on two issues: (1) on the role of narrative reconstructions as an alternative to objectivist accounts of culture; (2) on the implications of her proposed reformulation of discourse ethics as interactive universalism for the dilemmas of multiculturalism. On the question of the dialogical-narrative reconstructions of identity, a combination of perspectives of participants as well as of external observers is suggested, instead of a shift from the latter (...)
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    La memoria e il presente. Tre sermoni su Bernardino da Siena.Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (48):1324.
    Nel 1451, nel 1460 e nel 1494 tre diversi predicatori, Giacomo della Marca, Roberto Caracciolo e Bernardino da Feltre, celebrano la grandezza di Bernardino da Siena scomparso nel 1444. I sermoni dei tre appartenenti all’Osservanza francescana hanno lo scopo di mantenere la memoria di questo “secondo Francesco” e di offrire alle folle un modello. Sono tre mattoni utili per la ricostruzione della vita del Senese ma soprattutto per agire sugli uomini e sulle donne che accorrevano a sentire i tre famosi (...)
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  43. Hans-Georg Gadamer. Los seres humanos se relacionan con el mundo a través del lenguaje.María G. Navarro - 2017 - Barcelona: RBA Editores. Colección «Aprender a pensar».
  44.  14
    Hesiod in Plato’s Theaetetus.Maria Pavlou - 2018 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (2):177-205.
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    Critical theory epistemological perspective and its actuality.María Luz Ruffini - 2017 - Cinta de Moebio 60:306-315.
    Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta un abordaje explicativo del enfoque epistemológico -tal como es definido por J. Padrón- propio de la corriente de pensamiento convencionalmente denominada teoría crítica. En la primera parte abordamos su dimensión ontológica a través de la categoría de totalidad, tal como T. Adorno y M. Horkheimer la desarrollan a lo largo de sus trabajos, en oposición al empirismo popperiano. En la sección siguiente damos cuenta de la dimensión gnoseológica de la teoría crítica, desarrollando las reflexiones (...)
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    "discamus naturales incurvationes rectificare”. "De ludo globi" I: un diálogo entre el hombre y la naturaleza.María Cecilia Rusconi - 2018 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 35 (2):345-356.
    Como lo indica su título, el diálogo De ludo globi está construido en torno a un juego. Este juego consta de dos elementos: una bocha de madera levemente ahuecada y una superficie sobre la que están dibujados diez círculos concéntricos. El significado de cada uno de los círculos es detallado en el Libro II. Por su parte, el Libro I se ocupa de la forma de la bocha y su movimiento. El desafío al que se enfrenta el presente trabajo reside (...)
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    Teologia e kantismo nell’estetica di Mariano Campo.Maria Antonietta Spinosa - 2017 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 10 (2):113-124.
    Through the analysis of Mariano Campo’s published works and thanks to further insights offered by some unpublished manuscripts, the profile of a philosopher is outlined, whose main interest, throughout his academic and research activity, has been aesthetics. More specifically, Campo has focused on the centrality of feelings to human aesthetic experience: it is through feeling that we experience a transfiguration of reality, which happens paradigmatically when, in front of an artwork, we appreciate it as an integral whole, a totality.
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    Infancias: Voces desde la diversidad.Maria Teresa Suarez - 2018 - Childhood and Philosophy 14 (29).
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    Blocking incidental frustration during bargaining.Maria Esperanza S. Vargas, Anna-Leigh Brown, Cassandra M. Durkee & Hoeun Sim - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (2):146-156.
    The current study examined the effects of an intervention aimed at blocking the transfer of frustration from a previous experience (i.e. recall task) to a subsequent and unrelated task (i.e. ultimatum bargaining task). Participants who went through the intervention were more likely to accept unfair offers in the ultimatum bargaining task than those who did not go through the intervention. These results show that participants who were blocked from transferring their feelings of frustration from the recall task to the subsequent (...)
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  50. XIV*—Why Conceptual Schemes?Maria Baghramian - 1998 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 98 (1):287-306.
    Maria Baghramian; XIV*—Why Conceptual Schemes?, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 98, Issue 1, 1 June 1998, Pages 287–306,
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