Results for 'Mark Erwin'

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  1. Ethical Challenges Arising in the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Overview from the Association of Bioethics Program Directors (ABPD) Task Force.Amy L. McGuire, Mark P. Aulisio, F. Daniel Davis, Cheryl Erwin, Thomas D. Harter, Reshma Jagsi, Robert Klitzman, Robert Macauley, Eric Racine, Susan M. Wolf, Matthew Wynia & Paul Root Wolpe - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):15-27.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has raised a host of ethical challenges, but key among these has been the possibility that health care systems might need to ration scarce critical care resources. Rationing p...
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    Wittgenstein and the waste land.Mark Erwin - 1997 - Philosophy and Literature 21 (2):279-291.
  3. Cognitive and Computer Systems for Understanding Narrative Text.William J. Rapaport, Erwin M. Segal, Stuart C. Shapiro, David A. Zubin, Gail A. Bruder, Judith Felson Duchan & David M. Mark - manuscript
    This project continues our interdisciplinary research into computational and cognitive aspects of narrative comprehension. Our ultimate goal is the development of a computational theory of how humans understand narrative texts. The theory will be informed by joint research from the viewpoints of linguistics, cognitive psychology, the study of language acquisition, literary theory, geography, philosophy, and artificial intelligence. The linguists, literary theorists, and geographers in our group are developing theories of narrative language and spatial understanding that are being tested by the (...)
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    The Future of the Democratic Left in Industrial Democracies.Erwin C. Hargrove (ed.) - 2003 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This volume offers a comparative analysis of the challenges facing center-left parties in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, the European Union, Poland, and Russia. Among the questions addressed are: -If the traditional social bases of left parties are now too limited for winning in majoritarian politics, what kind of coalitions and ideas, which reach beyond those bases and yet retain them, may be effective? - If the answer to the first question is that such umbrella coalitions are too (...)
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  5. Microbiopolitics: Security Mechanisms, the Hela Cell, and The Human Strain.Sean Erwin - 2014 - Humanities and Technology Review 33.
    This paper examines the notion of the biopolitical body from the standpoint of Foucault’s logic of the security mechanism and the history he tells of vaccine technology. It then investigates how the increasing importance of the genetic code for determining the meaning and limits of the human in the field of 20th century cell biology has been a cause for ongoing transformation in the practices that currently extend vaccine research and development. I argue that these transformations mark the emergence (...)
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    Siren Songs: Gender, Audiences, and Narrators in the Odyssey (review).Erwin F. Cook - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (3):461-464.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Siren Songs: Gender, Audiences, and Narrators in the OdysseyErwin F. CookLillian Doherty. Siren Songs: Gender, Audiences, and Narrators in the Odyssey. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1995. viii 1 220 pp. Cloth, $37.50.Siren Songs makes a significant contribution to feminist literature on Homer. Most importantly, Doherty is able to show in detail how the very sensibilities that make Homer appealing to the modern reader can seduce the (...)
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    (1 other version)My view of the world.Erwin Schrödinger - 1964 - Cambridge,: University Press.
    A Nobel prize winner, a great man and a great scientist, Erwin Schrödinger has made his mark in physics, but his eye scans a far wider horizon: here are two stimulating and discursive essays which summarize his philosophical views on the nature of the world. Schrödinger's world view, derived from the Indian writings of the Vedanta, is that there is only a single consciousness of which we are all different aspects. He admits that this view is mystical and (...)
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    Die Entstehung der Säulenbasen des Altertums unter Berücksichtigung verwandter Kapitelle. By Erwin and Reinhold Wurz. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Architektur, Beiheft 15. Pp. ii + 150. Over 400 illustrations. Heidelberg: Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1925. Marks 20. [REVIEW]D. S. Robertson - 1925 - The Classical Review 39 (7-8):208-208.
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    The Genesis of Iconology.Jaś Elsner & Katharina Lorenz - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 38 (3):483-512.
    Erwin Panofsky explicitly states that the first half of the opening chapter of Studies in Iconology—his landmark American publication of 1939—contains ‘the revised content of a methodological article published by the writer in 1932’, which is now translated for the first time in this issue of Critical Inquiry.1 That article, published in the philosophical journal Logos, is among his most important works. First, it marks the apogee of his series of philosophically reflective essays on how to do art history,2 (...)
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  10. (2 other versions)Decision theory as philosophy.Mark Kaplan - 1983 - Philosophy of Science 50 (4):549-577.
    Is Bayesian decision theory a panacea for many of the problems in epistemology and the philosophy of science, or is it philosophical snake-oil? For years a debate had been waged amongst specialists regarding the import and legitimacy of this body of theory. Mark Kaplan had written the first accessible and non-technical book to address this controversy. Introducing a new variant on Bayesian decision theory the author offers a compelling case that, while no panacea, decision theory does in fact have (...)
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  11. Hylomorphism.Mark Johnston - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy 103 (12):652-698.
  12. (1 other version)Constitution is not identity.Mark Johnston - 1992 - Mind 101 (401):89-106.
  13. The authority of affect.Mark Johnston - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 63 (1):181-214.
    A while ago I pulled the short straw, and became chair of my department. One nice part of the job is to praise people I work with, which I can do sincerely because they are very praiseworthy. I also have to read a lot of praise by others; the familiar things—project evaluations, letters of recommendation, promotion dossiers, and so on and so forth. As a result, I have learnt to attend to praise a little more closely.
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  14. Platonism and anti-Platonism in mathematics.Mark Balaguer - 1998 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this book, Balaguer demonstrates that there are no good arguments for or against mathematical platonism. He does this by establishing that both platonism and anti-platonism are defensible views. Introducing a form of platonism ("full-blooded platonism") that solves all problems traditionally associated with the view, he proceeds to defend anti-platonism (in particular, mathematical fictionalism) against various attacks, most notably the Quine-Putnam indispensability attack. He concludes by arguing that it is not simply that we do not currently have any good argument (...)
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    Do we really know how many clinical trials are conducted ethically? Why research ethics committee review practices need to be strengthened and initial steps we could take to strengthen them.Mark Yarborough - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (8):572-579.
    Research Ethics Committees (RECs) play a critical gatekeeping role in clinical trials. This role is meant to ensure that only those trials that meet certain ethical thresholds proceed through their gate. Two of these thresholds are that the potential benefits of trials are reasonable in relation to risks and that trials are capable of producing a requisite amount of social value. While one ought not expect perfect execution by RECs of their gatekeeping role, one should expect routine success in it. (...)
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  16. Color pluralism.Mark Eli Kalderon - 2007 - Philosophical Review 116 (4):563-601.
    Colors are sensible qualities. They are qualities that objects are perceived to have. Thus, when Norm, a normal perceiver, perceives a blue bead, the bead is perceived have a certain quality, perceived blueness. `Quality', here, is no mere synonym for property; rather, a quality is a kind of property a qualitative, as opposed to quan• titative, property. (The quantitative is a way of contrasting with the qualitative perhaps not the only way.).
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  17. It's not what you know that counts.Mark Kaplan - 1985 - Journal of Philosophy 82 (7):350-363.
  18. A defense of presentism in a relativistic setting.Mark Hinchliff - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):586.
    Presentism is the view, roughly speaking, that only presently existing things exist. Though presentism offers many attractive solutions to problems in metaphysics, philosophy of language, and philosophy of mind, it faces threats from two main sources: McTaggart and the special theory of relativity. This paper explores the prospects for fitting presentism together with the special theory. Two models are proposed, one which fits presentism into a relativistic setting (the cone model) and one which fits the special theory into a presentistic (...)
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  19. Relevant alternatives and closure.Mark Heller - 1999 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 77 (2):196 – 208.
  20. The simple solution to the problem of generality.Mark Heller - 1995 - Noûs 29 (4):501-515.
  21. Manifest kinds.Mark Johnston - 1997 - Journal of Philosophy 94 (11):564-583.
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  22. A bayesian theory of rational acceptance.Mark Kaplan - 1981 - Journal of Philosophy 78 (6):305-330.
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    From epistemology to policy: reorienting philosophy courses for science students.Mark Thomas Young - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (2):1-14.
    Philosophy of science has traditionally focused on the epistemological dimensions of scientific practice at the expense of the ethical and political questions scientists encounter when addressing questions of policy in advisory contexts. In this article, I will explore how an exclusive focus on epistemology and theoretical reason can function to reinforce common, yet flawed assumptions concerning the role of scientific knowledge in policy decision making when reproduced in philosophy courses for science students. In order to address this concern, I will (...)
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  24. Intuition and Ineffability: Tacit Knowledge and Engineering Design.Mark Young - 2018 - In Albrecht Fritzsche & Sascha Julian Oks, The Future of Engineering: Philosophical Foundations, Ethical Problems and Application Cases. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Inside job: how government insiders subvert the public interest.Mark A. Zupan - 2017 - New York, NY: Cato Institute Cambridge University Press.
    National decline is typically blamed on special interests from the demand side of politics corrupting a country's institutions. The usual demand-side suspects include crony capitalists, consumer activists, economic elites, and labor unions. Less attention is given to government insiders on the supply side of politics - rulers, elected officials, bureaucrats, and public employees. In autocracies and democracies, government insiders have the motive, means, and opportunity to co-opt political power for their benefit and at the expense of national well-being. Many storied (...)
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    Now You See It : Users, Maintainers and the Invisibility of Infrastructure.Mark Thomas Young - 2021 - In Michael Nagenborg, Taylor Stone, Margoth González Woge & Pieter E. Vermaas, Technology and the City: Towards a Philosophy of Urban Technologies. Springer Verlag. pp. 101-119.
    When infrastructural technology is functioning correctly, it is often considered to recede from view and become invisible. According to this perspective, visibility is restored in cases of breakdown and malfunction, which for this reason, are often understood to represent important epistemic opportunities for grasping previously hidden aspects of infrastructure. This article seeks to outline the limitations of the idea that infrastructural failure has a positive epistemic function by distinguishing between two fundamentally different ways in which the nature of technological function (...)
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  27. Things change.Mark Heller - 1992 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 52 (3):695-704.
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  28. (1 other version)To what must an epistemology be true?Mark Kaplan - 2000 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 61 (2):279-304.
    J. L. Austin famously thought that facts about the circumstances in which it is ordinarily appropriate and reasonable to make claims to knowledge have a great bearing on the propriety of a philosophical account of knowledge. His major criticism of the epistemological doctrines about which he wrote was precisely that they lacked fidelity to our ordinary linguistic practices. In The Significance of Philosophical Scepticism, Barry Stroud argues that Austin was misguided: it is one thing for it to be inappropriate under (...)
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  29. Epistemology on Holiday.Mark Kaplan - 1991 - Journal of Philosophy 88 (3):132-154.
  30. Are explicit performatives assertions?Mark Jary - 2007 - Linguistics and Philosophy 30 (2):207 - 234.
    This paper contributes to the study of explicit performative utterances in the following ways. First, it presents arguments that support Austin’s view that these utterances are not assertions. In doing so, it offers an original explanation of why they cannot be true or false. Second, it puts forward a new analysis of explicit performatives as cases of showing performing, rather than of instances of asserting or declaring that one is performing a particular act. Finally, it develops a new account of (...)
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    Advancing Polylogical Analysis of Large-Scale Argumentation: Disagreement Management in the Fracking Controversy.Mark Aakhus & Marcin Lewiński - 2017 - Argumentation 31 (1):179-207.
    This paper offers a new way to make sense of disagreement expansion from a polylogical perspective by incorporating various places in addition to players and positions into the analysis. The concepts build on prior implicit ideas about disagreement space by suggesting how to more fully account for argumentative context, and its construction, in large-scale complex controversies. As a basis for our polylogical analysis, we use a New York Times news story reporting on an oil train explosion—a significant point in the (...)
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  32. Varieties of four dimensionalism.Mark Heller - 1993 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 71 (1):47 – 59.
  33. What is wrong with sentimentality?Mark Jefferson - 1983 - Mind 92 (368):519-529.
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  34. What are the bearers of virtues?Mark Alfano - 2014 - In Hagop Sarkissian & Jennifer Cole Wright, Advances in Experimental Moral Psychology. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 73-90.
    It’s natural to assume that the bearers of virtues are individual agents, which would make virtues monadic dispositional properties. I argue instead that the most attractive theory of virtue treats a virtue as a triadic relation among the agent, the social milieu, and the asocial environment. A given person may or may not be disposed to behave in virtuous ways depending on how her social milieu speaks to and of her, what they expect of her, and how they monitor her. (...)
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    Individual differences in spelling ability influence phonological processing during visual word recognition.Mark Yates & Timothy J. Slattery - 2019 - Cognition 187 (C):139-149.
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    Maintenance and Philosophy of Technology: Keeping Things Going.Mark Thomas Young & Mark Coeckelbergh (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Routledge.
    What can we learn about the nature of technology by studying practices of maintenance and repair? This volume addresses this question by bringing together scholarship from philosophers of technology working at the forefront of this emerging and exciting topic. -/- The chapters in this volume explore how attending to maintenance and repair can challenge and complement existing ways of thinking about technology focused on use and design and introduce new philosophical perspectives on the relationship between technology, time and human practice. (...)
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    Paul Crowther., Critical Aesthetics and Postmodernity.Mark Youngerman - 1996 - International Studies in Philosophy 28 (2):122-124.
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    An allegory of renaissance politics in a contemporary italian engraving: The prognostic of 1510.Mark J. Zucker - 1989 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 52 (1):236-240.
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    Distributism and the Catholic Worker.Mark Zwick & Louise Zwick - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (1/2):281-282.
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    Might-counterfactuals and gratuitous differences.Mark Heller - 1995 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 73 (1):91 – 101.
  41. Imagination in moral judgment.Mark Johnson - 1985 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 46 (2):265-280.
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    Kant's unified theory of beauty.Mark L. Johnson - 1979 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 38 (2):167-178.
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    The time course of phonological code activation in two writing systems.Mark S. Seidenberg - 1985 - Cognition 19 (1):1-30.
  44. Vagueness and the standard ontology.Mark Heller - 1988 - Noûs 22 (1):109-131.
  45. Verificationism as philosophical narcissism.Mark Johnston - 1993 - Philosophical Perspectives 7:307-330.
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  46. Bayesianism without the Black box.Mark Kaplan - 1989 - Philosophy of Science 56 (1):48-69.
    Crucial to bayesian contributions to the philosophy of science has been a characteristic psychology, according to which investigators harbor degree of confidence assignments that (insofar as the agents are rational) obey the axioms of the probability calculus. The rub is that, if the evidence of introspection is to be trusted, this fruitful psychology is false: actual investigators harbor no such assignments. The orthodox bayesian response has been to argue that the evidence of introspection is not to be trusted here; it (...)
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    Posthuman agency: Between theoretical traditions.Mark Peter Jones - 1996 - Sociological Theory 14 (3):290-309.
    With his recent introduction of `posthumanism, " a decentered variant of constructivist sociology of science, Andrew Pickering advertises novel conceptual resources for social theorists. In fact, he tenders nothing less than a fundamental reordering of social thought. By invoking the concept of "material agency, " Pickering seeks to redefine the relationship between "Nature" and "Society," while dismissing the "humanist bias" inherent in sociological inquiry. However, for all its ambition and good intentions, posthumanism delivers only analytical inconsistencies, the consequences of an (...)
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    Uncovering the Mechanisms Responsible for Why Language Learning May Promote Healthy Cognitive Aging.Mark Antoniou & Sarah M. Wright - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  49. Is affect always mere effect?Mark Johnston - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 63 (1):225-228.
    Ralph Wedgwood balks at my argument at three significant points. I have some brief, and I hope helpful, reactions to the resistance that he offers.
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    Naturalism and rationality.Newton Garver & Peter H. Hare (eds.) - 1986 - Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books.
    How does our understanding of what it means to be rational affect our interpretation of the world around us? ... Essayists discuss the nature and extent of rationality - its content, focus, and the intrinsic guidelines for using the term "rational" when describing persons or actions. The distinguished contributors to this collection include Max Black, Steven J. Brams, James H. Bunn, Christopher Cherniak, Murray Clarke, Marjorie Clay, Paul Diesing, Antony Flew, John T. Kearns, D. Mark Kilgour, Hilary Kornblith, Charles (...)
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