Results for 'Mariangela Marrone'

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  1.  33
    Michail Bachtin e Christa Wolf: letteratura e alterità.Mariangela Marrone - 1994 - Idee 26:261-272.
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    William of Auvergne and Robert Grosseteste: New Ideas of Truth in Early Thirteenth Century.Steven P. Marrone - 1983 - Princeton University Press.
    Focusing on the seminal works of two early thirteenth-century philosophers, Steven P. Marrone shows how the idea of science" and the desire to be "scientific" first penetrated the scholarly discourse of the medieval West. Originally published in 1983. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover (...)
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  3. Epistemically Different Epistemic Peers.Mariangela Zoe Cocchiaro & Bryan Frances - 2019 - Topoi 40 (5):1063-1073.
    For over a decade now epistemologists have been thinking about the peer disagreement problem of whether a person is reasonable in not lowering her confidence in her belief P when she comes to accept that she has an epistemic peer on P who disbelieves P. However, epistemologists have overlooked a key realistic way how epistemic peers can, or even have to, differ epistemically—a way that reveals the inadequacy of both conformist and non-conformist views on peer disagreement by uncovering how the (...)
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    Salvatore Camporeale's Contribution to Theology and the History of the Church.Mariangela Regoliosi - 2005 - Journal of the History of Ideas 66 (4):527-539.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 66.4 (2005) 527-539 [Access article in PDF] Salvatore Camporeale's Contribution to Theology and the History of the Church Mariangela Regoliosi University of Florence Salvatore Camporeale's research, as rich and varied as it was, revolved around several primary axes and was inspired by several fundamental concerns.1 One of the objectives that certainly oriented his cultural effort was a serious, critical, and passionate desire (...)
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    Possible connections between the montessori method and philosophy for children.Mariangela Scarpini - 2020 - Childhood and Philosophy 16 (36):01-22.
    This paper aims to focus on certain aspects of two education methods: one initiated in the first half of the twentieth century by Maria Montessori, and the other in the second half of that century by Matthew Lipman. The aim – neither comparative nor analytical – is to shed light on the connections and, more specifically, the elements of the Montessori Method that reflect on Lipman’s proposal. The question this paper aims to answer is: can P4C find fertile ground in (...)
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  6. Henry of Ghent and Duns Scotus on the knowledge of being.Steven P. Marrone - 1988 - Speculum 63 (1):22-57.
    The idea of a special connection between the thought of John Duns Scotus and that of his forebear, Henry of Ghent, goes back to the time of Duns himself, and in the modern scholarly world it is as old as the critical study of medieval philosophy. Moreover in the last four decades there has been a proliferation of articles claiming that one cannot understand Duns until one has mastered the work of Henry. Nowhere has the connection between the two stood (...)
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  7.  26
    William of Auvergne and Aristotle on Knowing.Steven Marrone - 2004 - In Pia Antolic-Piper, Alexander Fidora & Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Erkenntnis Und Wissenschaft/ Knowledge and Science: Probleme der Epistemologie in der Philosophie des Mittelalters/ Problems of Epistemology in Medieval Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 143-160.
  8. Il retrofit tecnologico degli edifici esistenti: qualità dell'abitare, sostenibilità ambientale, rilancio economico.Mariangela Bellomo & Sergio Pone - forthcoming - Techne.
  9. Amélie, fenomenologa senza saperlo. Una lettura in chiave pedagogica del film Il Favoloso Mondo di Amélie.Mariangela Giusti - 2002 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 11:129-162.
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    Marco Dallari, La zattera della bellezza, Il Margine Erickson, Trento, ISBN 9791259820044, 310 pagine, 2021.Mariangela Giusti - 2022 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 26 (62):117-118.
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  11. Pratiche educative e democrazia.Mariangela Giusti - 2002 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 12:37-47.
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  12. O direito humano à educação de pessoas jovens e adultas presas // The human right to education of imprisoned young and adult persons.Mariangela Graciano & Haddad - 2015 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 20 (Espec):39-66.
    O presente artigo discute a educação de pessoas jovens e adultas privadas de liberdade como um direito humano. Analisa as principais normas nacional e internacionais que fundamentam esse direito e discute o modo precário como ele vem sendo implantado no Brasil, tomando por base empírica a pesquisa realizada pela organização nãogovernamental Ação Educativa e parceiros em quatro penitenciárias e quatro centros de detenção provisória do Estado de São Paulo. As informações levantadas entre os meses de outubro e novembro de 2012 (...)
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  13. Bibliografica.Pierpaolo Marrone - 1994 - Giornale di Metafisica:249.
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  14. Identità personale, preferenze, narratività.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2008 - Etica E Politica 10 (2):274-296.
    The paper explores various conceptual formats that are designed to help us organize our thoughts concerning what we do, expecially personal identity, intertemporal preferences, and maximization. I discuss some suggestions from Parfit on personal identity and from Hare on interpersonal preference.
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  15. The Return of James Mill.Mariangela Ripoli - 1998 - Utilitas 10 (1):105-.
    This paper argues that James Mill is worthy of greater study than he now receives. It outlines the course of scholarship on James Mill, and considers various hypotheses to explain the decline of interest in his writings. Two examples, in education and penal theory, are presented of cases in which James Mill's views differed significantly from Bentham's, and anticipated those of John Stuart Mill.
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  16.  23
    Soberania, poder e biopolítica: Arendt, Foucault e Negri.Mariangela Nascimento - 2012 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 6 (2):152-169.
    Este artigo aponta as mudanças de paradigmas que revelam a crise da soberania, conceito central de toda a estrutura teórica e política da modernidade, que tem origem e se sustenta na ideia do poder como fenômeno que transcende a realidade objetiva dos homens. A crise da soberania coloca em evidência o poder como potência que se manifesta através das relações de forças no campo social. É essa mudança de perspectiva que atribui ao poder concretude histórica. E é nela que se (...)
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    Caso de “Homens Infames".Mariângela Nascimento Pagliarini & Marcia Heloisa Tavares de Figueredo Lima - 2022 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9:308-336.
    Estudo bibliográfico, teórico-exploratório sobre memória institucional e sua complexa relação com a memória histórica nacional. Teve por objetivo geral contribuir para a reflexão acerca do modo como a biblioteca do Tribunal de Justiça Militar do Rio Grande do Sul poderia analisar documentos sensíveis para organizar, preservar e disseminar as informações contidas nos processos judiciais históricos atinentes a fatos ocorridos de 1964 a 1985 de forma a torná-las disponíveis para pesquisas futuras. Apresenta breve reflexão sobre memória institucional e sua tensão frente (...)
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    Malebranchiana.Mariangela Priarolo - 2000 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
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  19. Riflessioni umanistiche sullo «scrivere storia».Mariangela Regoliosi - 1991 - Rinascimento 31:3-37.
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  20.  41
    Impact of an educational intervention to promote condom use among the male partners of HIV positive women.Mariangela Freitas da Silveira & Ina Silva dos Santos - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (1):102-111.
  21.  32
    Epistemology of Disagreement: Which Disagreement?Mariangela Zoe Cocchiaro - 2024 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 101 (2):189-215.
    Far from considering the phenomenon of disagreement across the board, the peer debate in epistemology solely focuses on cases of disagreements that are at least assumed to be genuine. What counts as a genuine disagreement is most of the times kept on the level of a pre-theoretical intuition according to which the peers disagree insofar as they hold incompatible doxastic attitudes with respect to a proposition P (King, 2012). Yet, the pre-theoretical intuition yields the wrong verdict when the bone of (...)
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    The Consequences of Error: Leibniz and Toleration.Mariangela Priarolo - 2016 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 71 (4):745-764.
  23.  25
    Not All Disagreements Are Treatment Refusals: The Need for New Paradigms for Considering Parental Treatment Requests.Jonathan M. Marron - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (8):56-58.
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    What chance-credence norms should be.Mariangela Zoe Cocchiaro, Zalán Gyenis & Leszek Wroński - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-22.
    We show a somewhat surprising result concerning the relationship between the Principal Principle and its allegedly generalized form. Then, we formulate a few desiderata concerning chance-credence norms and argue that none of the norms widely discussed in the literature satisfies all of them. We suggest that the New Principle comes out as the best contender.
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    Food meaning: From tasty to flavorful.Gianfranco Marrone - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (211):187-201.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Heft: Ahead of print.
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  26.  35
    Henry of Ghent and Divine Illumination: A Response to Andrea Aiello and Robert Wielockx.Steven P. Marrone - 2022 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 63:3-10.
    In 2008, Andrea Aiello and Robert Wielockx published an article in Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale that criticized a crucial aspect of my understanding of Henry of Ghent’s theory of human knowledge of the truth. They targeted my claim that after 1279 or 1280, Henry began to move away from his early description of human knowledge of pure truth (sincera veritas) as dependent on an Augustinian illumination of the intellect by God’s light of Truth and to turn to (...)
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    Povertà è sua madre: ragione filosofica e nuovo pensiero.Mariangela Caporale - 2016 - Ariccia (RM): Aracne editrice int.le S.r.l..
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    Espressione e significato nella musica.Mariangela Donà - 1968 - Firenze: L. S. Olschki.
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  29. Al-Jabri and his introduction to the Qur'an.Mariangela Laviano - 2017 - In Mohammed Hashas, Zaid Eyadat & Francesca Maria Corrao, Islam, state, and modernity: Mohammed Abed al-Jabri and the future of the Arab world. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  30. Autenticità, interpretazione, razionalità. Note su Alessandro Ferrara, Autenticità riflessiva.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2000 - Etica E Politica 2 (2).
    In this paper, the author criticises some basic assumptions of Ferrara's book, which deal with: a) the concept of the so-called 'fact of pluralism'; b) the idea of linguistical turn; c) some of Ferrara's episodical but significant remarks on strategic rationality; d) the role of experts in sciences.
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  31. Aspettative morali legittime: glosse al paragrafo 48 di Una teoria della giustizia di J. Rawls.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2007 - Etica E Politica 9 (2):393-402.
    The aim of this paper is to focus on the role of fairness within an apparently secondary passage of Rawls’ A Theory of Justice, in order to show that it is necessary to the impartial construction of perfect procedural justice.
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    Hexaëmeron.Steven P. Marrone - 1985 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 23 (3):427-429.
  33.  18
    It’s the End of the Work as We Know It: End of the Work, Complete Automation, Robotic Anarcommunism.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2020 - Humana Mente 13 (37).
    In this article I explore some consequences of the relations between technique, capitalism and radical liberation ideologies. My thesis is that the latter are going to rise to the extent that wage labor will become a scarce commodity. Through total automation, however, what may occur will not be the end of the reign of scarcity, but a new oppressive order.
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  34. La fine dello spazio, l’emergere degli spazi.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2001 - Etica E Politica 3 (2).
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  35. Prima e terza persona. Un recente contributo alla "Philosophy of Mind".P. Marrone - 1989 - Aquinas 32 (1):141.
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  36. Politica, immaginazione, verità nell’ultimo Rorty.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2009 - Etica E Politica 11 (2):303-329.
    The paper is devoted to a discussion of Rorty’s Truth and Progress. Some Rorty’s core ideas are discussed: ethnocentrism, pragmatism, liberalism, cultural differences, darwinism, feminism. The conclusion is that his idea of moral judgment as expression of our ethnocentrism does not allow a rational defence of liberal societies.
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    Pop-ethics: 40 occasioni per la filosofia morale.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2016 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  38. Specchi americani: la filosofia europea nel Nuovo Mondo.C. Marrone (ed.) - 1994 - Roma: Castelvecchi.
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  39. Structuring Dialogue.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2013 - Etica E Politica 15 (2):380-385.
    In this paper I offer some observations on the liberalism of Ackerman andI interpret it as a mixed method of solution of the problems of rivalness of goods by means of a set of dialogical norms.
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    Spazi hobbesiani?Pierpaolo Marrone - 2022 - Scienza E Filosofia 27:137-159.
    Hobbesian spaces? In this article I explore some issues related to cyberwar and its implications for the extension of the Hobbesian paradigm of the state of nature to international relations with particular reference to cyberspace. My conclusion is that there are many reasons to believe that this explanatory paradigm should also apply in this area.
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    The Absolute and the Ordained Powers of die Pope: An Unedited Text of Henry of Ghent.John Marrone - 1974 - Mediaeval Studies 36 (1):7-27.
  42. Valore, piacere, utilità: un'indagine di A. Lambertino.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2003 - Etica E Politica 5 (1):1.
    The article is a critical note of A. Lambertino's work, Valore e piacere. It focuses particularly on the chapters dedicated to Kant, Nietzsche, Freud and on the last chapter, which clearly expresses the author's point of view. The conclusion is that the ethical position presented by Lambertino corresponds to a moderate ethical intellectualism.
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    Ethics and aesthetics in Toni Morrison's fiction.Mariangela Palladino - 2018 - Boston: Brill Rodopi.
    Introduction -- Ethics and aesthetics, theories of intersection -- Memory, redemption and salvation -- Disembodied tellers and delayed signification -- Orality and the ethics of telling -- Healing hands, harming hands -- "Body talk": beloved and fragmentation.
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    A cidade, entre a cruz e o avião.Mariângela de Andrade Paraizo - 2006 - Horizonte 4 (8):49-59.
    Este artigo propõe uma leitura da relação entre a cidade, a morte e algumas das religiões que presidiram ou consolidaram a formação das cidades. Tendo por objetivo investigar paradigmas que nortearam a criação e habitabilidade de cidades em diferentes lugares e períodos históricos, pressupõe que uma reflexão sobre esses paradigmas, ainda que breve, fornecerá algum subsídio para uma leitura da cidade contemporânea e da crise que atravessa. Nesse intuito, propõe o cotejamento de textos históricos e míticos, atribuindo igual valor ao (...)
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  45.  14
    Il determinismo: storia di un'idea.Mariangela Priarolo - 2011 - Roma: Carocci.
  46. Knowing how to know God? Suarez, Leibniz and the eternal truth.Mariangela Priarolo - 2008 - Rinascimento 48:451-467.
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    Nero: la religione di un colore e i suoi fedeli laici.Mariangela Surace - 2000 - Roma: Castelvecchi.
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  48. Truth and Scientific Knowledge in the Thought of Henry of Ghent.Steven P. Marrone - 1987 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 49 (4):678-678.
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    Structural Racism in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Don’t Forget about the Children!Jonathan M. Marron - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (3):94-97.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has been unprecedented, in every sense of the word. At the time of writing, there have been nearly 80 million confirmed cases of coronavirus and nearly 2 million deaths worldw...
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  50.  27
    La saisie esthétique, transformation non narrative de la subjectivité.Gianfranco Marrone - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (219):115-132.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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