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Pierpaolo Marrone [30]P. Marrone [4]Pierpalo Marrone [1]
  1. Autenticità, interpretazione, razionalità. Note su Alessandro Ferrara, Autenticità riflessiva.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2000 - Etica E Politica 2 (2).
    In this paper, the author criticises some basic assumptions of Ferrara's book, which deal with: a) the concept of the so-called 'fact of pluralism'; b) the idea of linguistical turn; c) some of Ferrara's episodical but significant remarks on strategic rationality; d) the role of experts in sciences.
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  2. Aspettative morali legittime: glosse al paragrafo 48 di Una teoria della giustizia di J. Rawls.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2007 - Etica E Politica 9 (2):393-402.
    The aim of this paper is to focus on the role of fairness within an apparently secondary passage of Rawls’ A Theory of Justice, in order to show that it is necessary to the impartial construction of perfect procedural justice.
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    A particularistic moral mind.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2021 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 12 (2):110-124.
    : In this paper I offer some criticisms of Jonathan Dancy’s moral particularism. In Dancy’s version moral particularism states that there are neither general nor universal moral principles, that moral action is not the application of principles to particular cases, that moral reasoning has no motivational force because it deduces what must be done by moral principles, and that the agent who acts morally is not a person who has moral principles. However, Dancy’s proposal fails to explain the regularity of (...)
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  4. Appunti su regole, contesto e intuizione in etica.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2005 - Giornale di Metafisica 27 (2):491-515.
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  5. Bibliografica.Pierpaolo Marrone - 1994 - Giornale di Metafisica:249.
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  6. Contrattualismo morale e intellettualismo etico in T. Scanlon.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2010 - Etica E Politica 12 (2):367-429.
    This paper deals with the major concepts of Scanlon’s moral contractualism. It is possible to describe moral contractualism as the ability to identify priorities and moral reasons in deliberative action, that no one could reasonably reject. These capabilities require us to take into account the interests of others in our moral judgments. The result is that Scanlon overthrow the philosophy of Hobbes: morality is not originated from politics; on the contrary, politics is a function of morality. His answer to the (...)
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  7. Cosa resta della spiegazione. Un commento a Donatelli.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2006 - Etica E Politica 8 (1):1-5.
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  8. David Gauthier: strategia, mercato, natura.Pierpaolo Marrone - 1995 - Giornale di Metafisica 17 (3):523.
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  9. Espressionismo, olismo, deflazionismo in Simon Blackburn.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2008 - Etica E Politica 10 (1):236-263.
    Expressionism, holism, and deflationism are central concepts in Blackburn quasi-realistic metaethics. The paper deals with these in order to evaluate the general tenability of Blackburn’s version of non-cognitivism.
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  10. Glosse a Lecaldano.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2005 - Etica E Politica 7 (2):1-5.
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  11. Hume: passioni, contenuto cognitivo, razionalità.Pierpaolo Marrone - 1999 - Etica E Politica 1 (1).
    The article focuses on the relations between passions and cognition in Hume’s philosophy. Although it is widely recognised that Hume attributed a central role to emotions in our natural structure, it is not frequently understood that in Hume’s conceptual framework passions themselves have a gnoseological content. In this paper some arguments are provided in order to show that this is the case.
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  12. Identità personale, preferenze, narratività.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2008 - Etica E Politica 10 (2):274-296.
    The paper explores various conceptual formats that are designed to help us organize our thoughts concerning what we do, expecially personal identity, intertemporal preferences, and maximization. I discuss some suggestions from Parfit on personal identity and from Hare on interpersonal preference.
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    It’s the End of the Work as We Know It: End of the Work, Complete Automation, Robotic Anarcommunism.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2020 - Humana Mente 13 (37).
    In this article I explore some consequences of the relations between technique, capitalism and radical liberation ideologies. My thesis is that the latter are going to rise to the extent that wage labor will become a scarce commodity. Through total automation, however, what may occur will not be the end of the reign of scarcity, but a new oppressive order.
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  14. Liberalismo e democrazia: la giustificazione estetica di Rorty.P. Marrone - 1990 - Aquinas 33 (2):427-436.
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  15. La fine dello spazio, l’emergere degli spazi.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2001 - Etica E Politica 3 (2).
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  16. Ordine, coazione, genealogia: Schmitt, Galli, e la modernità.Pierpaolo Marrone - 1997 - Giornale di Metafisica 19 (2):377-390.
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  17. Prima e terza persona. Un recente contributo alla "Philosophy of Mind".P. Marrone - 1989 - Aquinas 32 (1):141.
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    Pop-sophia: 12 ingressi (senza omaggi) alla filosofia.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2018 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  19. Politica, immaginazione, verità nell’ultimo Rorty.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2009 - Etica E Politica 11 (2):303-329.
    The paper is devoted to a discussion of Rorty’s Truth and Progress. Some Rorty’s core ideas are discussed: ethnocentrism, pragmatism, liberalism, cultural differences, darwinism, feminism. The conclusion is that his idea of moral judgment as expression of our ethnocentrism does not allow a rational defence of liberal societies.
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    Pop-ethics: 40 occasioni per la filosofia morale.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2016 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  21. Questioni di consenso.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2011 - Etica E Politica 13 (1):362-373.
    After recalling the Lockean doctrine of tacit consent and Hume’s criticisms to contractualistic theories, I propose a method for the selection of rulers.
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    Ricoeur e Derrida: due approcci ermeneutici al tema della metafora.Pierpaolo Marrone - 1991 - Idee 17:65-79.
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  23. Relativismo e realismo morale. Appunti per una confutazione e una prospota.Pierpaolo Marrone - 1999 - Giornale di Metafisica 21 (3):299-322.
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  24. Ragioni per l’azione, norme e contesto della scelta: riflessioni sull’utilità attesa e sul conseguenzialismo.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2005 - Teoria 25 (1):93-116.
    The paper deals with the received view, shared by many social scientists, of expected utility theory as a descriptive and prescriptive vision both of right action and of right procedure of thought. It states that in the classical formulation of the theory there are scarce hints for such a monistic interpretation, which does not pay justice to the pluralistic reality of the reason for action.
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    Rorty’s Politics of Truth.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2012 - Philosophical Readings 4 (2):48-71.
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  26. Rorty, Rawls, e il relativismo.Pierpaolo Marrone - 1994 - Giornale di Metafisica 16 (1):239.
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  27. Strumenti analitici per la comprensione della filosofia continentale.P. Marrone - 1991 - Aquinas 34 (3):593-603.
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  28. Structuring Dialogue.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2013 - Etica E Politica 15 (2):380-385.
    In this paper I offer some observations on the liberalism of Ackerman andI interpret it as a mixed method of solution of the problems of rivalness of goods by means of a set of dialogical norms.
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    Spazi hobbesiani?Pierpaolo Marrone - 2022 - Scienza E Filosofia 27:137-159.
    Hobbesian spaces? In this article I explore some issues related to cyberwar and its implications for the extension of the Hobbesian paradigm of the state of nature to international relations with particular reference to cyberspace. My conclusion is that there are many reasons to believe that this explanatory paradigm should also apply in this area.
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    Soggetto, identità, alterità.Pierpaolo Marrone (ed.) - 2016 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  31. Some Remarks on Moral Rules.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2013 - Etica E Politica 15 (1):583-605.
    In this article I discuss some aspects of prima facie statements and compare them with some deductive properties of moral rules. The conclusion I draw is in the sense of a re-evaluation of some aspects of moral intuitionism, which seems essential to the concepts of moral imagination and moral education.
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  32. Uno scambio con i moderatori di it.discussioni.sessualità.Pierpaolo Marrone - 1999 - Etica E Politica 1 (2).
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  33. Valore, piacere, utilità: un'indagine di A. Lambertino.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2003 - Etica E Politica 5 (1):1.
    The article is a critical note of A. Lambertino's work, Valore e piacere. It focuses particularly on the chapters dedicated to Kant, Nietzsche, Freud and on the last chapter, which clearly expresses the author's point of view. The conclusion is that the ethical position presented by Lambertino corresponds to a moderate ethical intellectualism.
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  34. P. P. RUFFINENGO, "Le cose, il pensiero, l'Essere. Fondazione critica della Metafisica". [REVIEW]P. Marrone - 1988 - Aquinas 31 (2):415.
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