Results for 'Maria Marti'

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  1.  11
    Las colonias de hormigas como individuos biológicos.Ana María Martí Balsalobre - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 23 (47):47-80.
    En este trabajo abordo un caso específico del problema clásico de la individuación en la Filosofía de la Biología: el de las colonias de insectos, y en particular, de hormigas. El carácter individual de un conjunto de hormigas que forman una colonia puede ser objeto de controversia, ya que, desde un punto de vista intuitivo, no parece constituir un individuo. Mi objetivo es demostrar que las colonias de hormigas son individuos biológicos. Para ello, me centro en dos de los tipos (...)
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  2. Autoconcepto, estilos de afrontamiento y conducta del alumnado universitario.María del Carmen Orte Socias, Martí Xavier March Cerdà & Lluís Ballester Brage - 2006 - Aposta 27:1.
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    Collaboration Variability in Autism Spectrum Disorder.Maria Blancas, Giovanni Maffei, Martí Sánchez-Fibla, Vasiliki Vouloutsi & Paul F. M. J. Verschure - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:559793.
    This paper addresses how impairments in prediction in young adults with autism spectrum disorder relate to their behavior during a collaboration. To assess it, we developed a task where participants play in collaboration with a synthetic agent to maximize their score. The agent’s behavior changes during the different phases of the game, requiring participants to model their sensorimotor contingencies to play collaboratively. Our results (n = 30) show differences between autistic and neurotypical individuals in their behavioral adaptation to the other (...)
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    Parent Involvement in the Getting Ready for School Intervention Is Associated With Changes in School Readiness Skills.Maria Marti, Emily C. Merz, Kelsey R. Repka, Cassie Landers, Kimberly G. Noble & Helena Duch - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Ethical values in emergency medical services.Anders Bremer, María Jiménez Herrera, Christer Axelsson, Dolors Burjalés Martí, Lars Sandman & Gian Luca Casali - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (8):928-942.
    Background: Ambulance professionals often address conflicts between ethical values. As individuals’ values represent basic convictions of what is right or good and motivate behaviour, research is needed to understand their value profiles. Objectives: To translate and adapt the Managerial Values Profile to Spanish and Swedish, and measure the presence of utilitarianism, moral rights and/or social justice in ambulance professionals’ value profiles in Spain and Sweden. Methods: The instrument was translated and culturally adapted. A content validity index was calculated. Pilot tests (...)
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    Character Strengths Predict an Increase in Mental Health and Subjective Well-Being Over a One-Month Period During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown.María Luisa Martínez-Martí, Cecilia Inés Theirs, David Pascual & Guido Corradi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study examines whether character strengths predict resilience (operationalized as stable or higher mental health and subjective well-being despite an adverse event) over a period of approximately one month during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in Spain. Using a longitudinal design, participants (N = 348 adults) completed online measures of sociodemographic data, information regarding their situation in relation to the COVID-19, character strengths, general mental health, life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect. All variables were measured at Time 1 and Time (...)
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    The ups and downs of ignorance.Marco Degano, Paul Marty, Sonia Ramotowska, Maria Aloni, Richard Breheny, Jacopo Romoli & Yasutada Sudo - 2025 - Natural Language Semantics 33 (1):1-41.
    Plain disjunctive sentences, such as _The mystery box contains a blue ball or a yellow ball_, typically imply that the speaker does not know which of the two disjuncts is true. This is known as an ignorance inference. We can distinguish between two aspects of this inference: the negated universal upper bound part (i.e., the speaker is uncertain about each disjunct), which we call uncertainty, and the existential lower bound part (i.e., the speaker considers each disjunct possible), which we call (...)
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    (1 other version)V congreso de lenguajes naturales Y lenguajes formales (villafranca Dei penedés, barcelona, 18-23 de septiembre de 1989). [REVIEW]Antonin María Antonia Martí - 1989 - Theoria 4 (2):560-564.
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    Weibliches Begehren.Irene Maria Marti - 1992 - Die Philosophin 3 (6):78-79.
  10.  11
    CASADO, María, LÓPEZ BARONI, Manuel Jesús (coords.): El Convenio de Oviedo cumple 20 años. Propuestas para su modificación.Martí Colom Nicolau - 2023 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 38.
    CASADO, María, LÓPEZ BARONI, Manuel Jesús (coords.): El Convenio de Oviedo cumple 20 años. Propuestas para su modificación.
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  11. " Tam Marti, quam mercurio". Note on early spreading of records of Guicciardini in England.Valentina Lepri & Maria Elena Severini - 2009 - Rinascimento 49:419-457.
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  12. " Ese don raro de asir la música y el espíritu de las lenguas": Los mecanismos implícitos en el proceso de traducción en la obra de José Martí.María Fernanda Pampín - 2012 - Anclajes 16 (2):59 - 71.
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    José María Torres López, Filosofía biológica de Leonardo Polo. Eunsa, Pamplona, 2016, 358 pp. [REVIEW]Miguel Martí - 2017 - Studia Poliana 19:153-155.
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    Convergence of Marxist and Jose Marti-related thinking from the analysis of culture in Juan Marinello Vidaurreta.Andria Torres Guerra, María Victoria Stuart Bruce & Juana María Guerra Arencibia - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):649-669.
    RESUMEN Juan Marinello Vidaurreta, eminente trabajador de las letras, que no cambió la pluma por la política, sino que hizo de la política incesante gestión de creación espiritual. Vivió tres etapas decisivas de Cuba: los rezagos de la colonia española; la República mediatizada, que combatió; y el socialismo, que ayudó a consolidar. El objetivo es demostrar la confluencia del pensamiento martiano y marxista desde el análisis de la cultura en la obra de Juan Marinello Vidaurreta. Se asumió la concepción dialéctica (...)
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    Abolición, independencia y confederación: Los escritos de Ramón Emeterio Betances," El Antillano".Adriana María Arpini - 2008 - Cuyo 25:119-144.
    Los nombres de José Martí, Eugenio María de Hostos, Gregorio Luperón y Ramón Emeterio Betances sintetizan las luchas llevadas adelante, durante el siglo XIX, para conquistar la independencia y las libertades en la región del Caribe colonizada por España. Reconstruimos algunos de los episodios de esa lucha a través de los escritos de Ramón Emeterio Betances, "El Antillano". Tras una breve introducción biográfica y contextual, la exposición se ordena en torno a dos pares de ideas centrales de su pensamiento: las (...)
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    Scientific writing: a professional upgrading need for health sciences professors.Laura María Pérez de Valdivia, Ener Raúl Rivera Martín & Geycell Emma Guevara Fernández - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (3):504-518.
    El presente trabajo es un estudio descriptivo y con un enfoque sincrónico que da muestra de las deficiencias de los profesores universitarios al redactar textos científicos. Este estudio tiene como objetivo proponer varias acciones de superación para perfeccionar el manejo del lenguaje y el arte de redactar de los docentes de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas "Dr. Faustino Pérez Hernández" de la provincia Sancti Spíritus que cursan la octava edición de la Maestría en Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad (...)
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    Collaborative professional teaching culture. Analytical category.Yamirka García Pérez, José Ignacio Herrera Rodríguez, María de los Ángeles García Valero & Geycell Emma Guevara Fernández - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (3):474-485.
    Fundamentación: el desarrollo de la cultura profesional docente colaborativo se sustenta en los postulados vigotskianos, donde se concibe al profesor como un sujeto comprometido con las demandas y exigencias de la sociedad. Objetivo: socializar las categorías de análisis que se deben tener en cuenta en un colectivo docente para el desarrollo de una cultura profesional colaborativa en el proceso de formación del profesional de la educación superior. Método: se realizó un estudio etnográfico en la Universidad José Martí Pérez, de Sancti (...)
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  18. Sufismo y política en María Zambrano.David Fernández Navas - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (2):393-403.
    Se ofrece una interpretación de la filosofía política de María Zambrano desde el sufismo deIbnʿArabī. Primero, explicaremos tres nociones centrales en la obra del Šayḫ, como la doble fidelidad a la dimensión de la «incomparabilidad» (tanzīh) y de la «similaridad» (tašbīh), la «nueva creación» (ḫalq al-ǧadīd) y el «hombre perfecto» (insān al-kāmil). Después, trataremos algunos de los textos más políticos de Zambrano, como Horizonte del liberalismo(1929), Isla de Puerto Rico (1940), «Martí, camino de su muerte» (1953) y Persona y democracia (...)
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  19. The essence of genuine reference.Genoveva Marti - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 24 (3):275-289.
    We have witnessed a fundamental change of perspective in the conception of reference. What the proponents of the new approach criticized and what they proposed to abandon is relatively clear; it is much less clear though what is at the heart of the philosophy that inspired the change. The proponents of the new approach all agreed in disagreeing with Frege: natural languages may, and in fact do, contain expressions that refer without the mediation of a Fregean sense. The core motto (...)
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    Zero N: Number features and ⊥.Luisa Martí - 2022 - Natural Language Semantics 30 (2):215-237.
    In this paper I demonstrate that there is an explanation of the number marking we see on nouns when they combine with the numeral _zero_ which combines Martí’s (Semant. Pragmat., 2020a, ) account of the morphosyntax and semantics of the numeral-noun construction with Bylinina and Nouwen’s (Glossa 3(1):98, 2018 ) semantics for _zero_ and which does not need to appeal to any further principles (e.g., agreement).
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    Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity.Maria-Viktoria Abricka & Sarah B. Pomeroy - 1976 - American Journal of Philology 97 (3):310.
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    The Force of Law? Transparency of Scientific Advice in Times of Covid-19.Neus Vidal Marti - 2022 - Jus Cogens 4 (3):237-262.
    Freedom of Information Acts (FOIA) are valuable legal tools to access information held by public authorities but during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic time frames to reply to requests were de jure or de facto suspended in many countries. However, the lack of effective legal tools to achieve transparency was not automatically paired with governmental secrecy. This research paper analyses which are the factors that prompted some governments to move from secrecy to transparency while the essential legal tool (...)
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    Tolerance, flexibility and the application of kind terms.Genoveva Martí & Lorena Ramírez-Ludeña - 2018 - Synthese (Suppl 12):1-14.
    We explore two ways of distinguishing the semantic operation of kind terms. First, we focus on a distinction between terms with a flexible versus terms with an inflexible semantics. Flexibility depends on whether some changes in the domain of application are taken to be possible while being consistent with past usage and what is intuitively the same meaning. On the other hand we discuss terms whose mode of operation is tolerant, in that the cohabitation in the speakers’ community of more (...)
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  24. The Republican Democratization of Criminal Law and Justice.Jose Luis Marti - 2009 - In Samantha Besson & José Luis Martí, Legal Republicanism: National and International Perspectives. Oxford University Press.
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    The temptation of mimicry.Patrizia Marti - 2014 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 15 (2):184-189.
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    Zahra Meghani Women Migrant Workers: Ethical, Political and Legal Problems: Routledge, New York, 2016, 269 pp, price £90 , ISBN 9780415534079.Gabriela Marti - 2016 - Feminist Legal Studies 24 (2):233-237.
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    Time for educational poetics: why does the future need educational poetics?Xicoténcatl Martínez Ruiz - 2019 - Boston: Brill Sense.
    Time for Educational Poetics address a discussion of today's philosophy of education and educational research: educational poetics is not limited to a theoretical construction, but rather focuses on creative, imaginative and poetic experience, to being recreated in the teaching-learning process.
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    The “Is” and “Ought” Convention.Duen Marti-Huang - 1987 - Dialectica 41 (1‐2):145-153.
    SummaryInstead of telling us why one should or should not derive an ‘ought’ from an ‘is’, most philosophers try to see whether this can or cannot be done. Since there are no clearly stated rules of inference for the ordinary language, the is‐ought dichotomy is re‐examined within the context of the deontic logic. This paper shows that rules like ‐AB ÓOB enables us to adopt the theorems of the propositional logic normatively, because logical standards for exactness, truth, completeness, etc. are (...)
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    The Law in Arendt.José Luis Martí - 2015 - Jurisprudence 6 (2):421-427.
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    The language of ethics and community in Graham Greene's fiction.Paula Martín Salván - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book maps out the lexico-conceptual articulation of Greene's narrative dramatization of ethical situations. This main aim issues from three working hypotheses: in the first place, a reduced set of terms such as peace, despair, pity or commitment have a striking lexical recurrence in Greene's texts. They are considered here as keywords that articulate his discourse at a conceptual level. In the second place, those keywords are invested with narrative potential. They have the capacity to generate narrative situations and developments. (...)
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    Tales of philosophy.Félix Martí-Ibáñez (ed.) - 1967 - New York,: C. N. Potter.
  32.  12
    The Prospects of 21st Century Constitutionalism.Urs Marti & Georg Kohler - 2003 - In Georg Kohler & Urs Marti, Konturen der Neuen Weltordnung: Beiträge Zu Einer Theorie der Normativen Prinzipien Internationaler Politik. De Gruyter.
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  33. The snare of paternalism.U. Marti - 1997 - Filosoficky Casopis 45 (4).
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    Teoría y método de la arqueología.Fernández Martínez & M. Víctor - 1989 - Madrid: Síntesis.
    El objetivo fundamental de la arqueología ha sido el de perseguir la vida que ha habido detrás de todos los objetos encontrados del pasado humano 'huesos, cerámica y trozos de piedra' y tratar de descifrar sus contextos histórico y cultural. Este libro ofrece un resumen del discurso escrito de los arqueólogos sobre la instrumentación técnica y los métodos que se han ido proponiendo como la mejor forma de acercarse objetivamente a este pasado.
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    Una ética para hoy: la filosofía moral en Julián Marías.Sánchez-Romero Martín-Arroyo & M. José - 2016 - Salamanca: Publicaciones Universidad Pontificia.
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  36. Use Theories of Meaning.Genoveva Marti - 2005 - In Keith Brown, Elsevier Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. 2nd edition. Elsevier.
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    Valores cristianos y Europa: una reflexión visión histórica desde la ética.González Martín & F. Javier - 2008 - Madrid: Ediciones FIEC.
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    Vigir i badar: ontologia de la dominació i anarquisme metafísic.Felip Martí-Jufresa - 2016 - Catarroja: Editorial Afers.
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    Zwischen Himmel und Erde: die Finanzkrise: unsere Zeit in ihren kulturhistorischen Hintergründen.José Martínez (ed.) - 2016 - Reichenwalde: Verlag Vier Himmelsrichtungen.
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  40. Toward a Decolonial Feminism.Marìa Lugones - 2010 - Hypatia 25 (4):742-759.
    In “Heterosexualism and the Colonial/Modern Gender System” (Lugones 2007), I proposed to read the relation between the colonizer and the colonized in terms of gender, race, and sexuality. By this I did not mean to add a gendered reading and a racial reading to the already understood colonial relations. Rather I proposed a rereading of modern capitalist colonial modernity itself. This is because the colonial imposition of gender cuts across questions of ecology, economics, government, relations with the spirit world, and (...)
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    La modernidad de la filosofía de Balmes: sentido común y praxis.María Teresa López Abellán - 1986 - Anuario Filosófico 19 (2):173-178.
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    La prostitución: el “pecado” de las mujeres | Prostitution: the “Sin” of Women.María Luisa Maqueda Abreu - 2017 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 35:64-89.
    Resumen: Este artículo se propone analizar las razones por las que las prostitutas, a causa de su opción sexual, han sido criminalizadas por imposición de distintos órdenes normativos, fuertemente coercitivos, que censuran gravemente su desviación. Ellos –y sus potentes discursos-se muestran capaces de explicar ese continuum ininterrumpido e inacabable de estigma, persecución, inferiorización, aislamiento social o encarcelamiento que acompaña a la historia de la prostitución de las mujeres y que la mantiene todavía hoy en las profundidades de la jerarquía sexual (...)
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  43. Observaciones sobre la condición del "nôus" en Plotino.María Beatriz Abrego - 2009 - Revista Agustiniana 50 (151):7-19.
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    Teologia dogmática e experiência espiritual cristã: Repensando a relação com H.U. von Balthasar.Maria Abrão - 2016 - Horizonte 14 (43):1039-1063.
    In proposing this reflection about the relationship between dogmatic theology and Christian spiritual experience, we want to demonstrate in this article how a great 20 th century theologian, Hans Urs von Balthasar, invites the reader to enter into the reading and understanding of the historical and theological reasons that have guided some options and postures assumed, as well as to recognize the impacts caused both in the theology and in the spiritual experience and yet, more widely, in Christianity and its (...)
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    J. L.Borges y la ética.María Isabel Ackerley - 2008 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 20:299-308.
    Borges, un escritor ecuménico en los bordes insondables del infinito del otro. Borges, un pensador del tiempo que lo acompaña en una oscuridad que ilumina. Un artista que el mismo tiempo se aventura a perpetuar. Un filósofo que soslaya la palabra cuya adivinanza nos seduce al límite de lo innombrable. Un ser donde la ética es su obra. De esta obra en la cual se refleja su ética, o de esa ética donde su obra es la autora, es de lo (...)
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    The Role of History in Latin American Philosophy: Contemporary Perspectives.Arleen Salles & Elizabeth Millán-Zaiber (eds.) - 2012 - SUNY Press.
    Argues that there are original positions to be found in the work of Latin American philosophers. This book brings the history of Latin American philosophy to an English-speaking audience through the prominent voices of Mauricio Beuchot, Horacio Cerutti-Guldberg, María Luisa Femenías, Jorge J. E. Gracia, Oscar R. Martí, León Olivé, Carlos Pereda, and Eduardo Rabossi. They argue that Spanish is not a philosophically irrelevant language and that there are original positions to be found in the work of Latin American philosophers. (...)
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    Physical and conceptual constructions in advanced learning environments.Henrik Hautop Lund & Patrizia Marti - 2004 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 5 (2):271-301.
    I-BLOCKS are an innovative concept of building blocks allowing users to manipulate conceptual structures and compose atomic actions while building physical constructions. They represent an example of enabling technologies for tangible interfaces since they emphasise physicality of interaction through the use of spatial and kinaesthetic knowledge. The technology presented in this paper is integrated in physical building blocks augmented with embedded and invisible microprocessors. Connectivity and behaviour of such structures are defined by the physical connectivity between the blocks. These are (...)
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    The Role of History in Latin American Philosophy: Contemporary Perspectives.Elizabeth Millâan-Zaibert & Arleen L. F. Salles - 2005 - SUNY Press.
    This book brings the history of Latin American philosophy to an English-speaking audience through the prominent voices of Mauricio Beuchot, Horacio Cerutti-Guldberg, María Luisa Femenías, Jorge J. E. Gracia, Oscar R. Martí, León Olivé, Carlos Pereda, and Eduardo Rabossi. They argue that Spanish is not a philosophically irrelevant language and that there are original positions to be found in the work of Latin American philosophers.
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  49. Creativity naturalized.Maria Kronfeldner - 2009 - Philosophical Quarterly 59 (237):577-592.
    I argue that creativity is compatible with determinism and therefore with naturalistic explanation. I explore different kinds of novelty, corresponding with four distinct concepts of creativity – anthropological, historical, psychological and metaphysical. Psychological creativity incorporates originality and spontaneity. Taken together, these point to the independence of the creative mind from social learning, experience and previously acquired knowledge. This independence is nevertheless compatible with determinism. Creativity is opposed to specific causal factors, but it does not exclude causal determination as such. So (...)
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    Empirical Data and the Theory of Reference.Genoveva Marti - 2012 - In Bill Kabasenche, Michael O'Rourke & Matthew Slater, Reference and Referring: Topics in Contemporary Philosophy, Volume 10. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp. 63-82.
    This paper is an extended response to Machery, Olivola and De Blanc (2009). I argue that the concerns I raised about Machery, Mallon, Nichols and Stich (2004) in Marti (2009) still stand.
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