Results for 'Maria Boolos'

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  1.  59
    Local anatomy, stimulation site, and time alter directional deep brain stimulation impedances.Joseph W. Olson, Christopher L. Gonzalez, Sarah Brinkerhoff, Maria Boolos, Melissa H. Wade, Christopher P. Hurt, Arie Nakhmani, Bart L. Guthrie & Harrison C. Walker - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Directional deep brain stimulation contacts provide greater spatial flexibility for therapy than traditional ring-shaped electrodes, but little is known about longitudinal changes of impedance and orientation. We measured monopolar and bipolar impedance of DBS contacts in 31 patients who underwent unilateral subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation as part of a randomized study. At different follow-up visits, patients were assigned new stimulation configurations and impedance was measured. Additionally, we measured the orientation of the directional lead during surgery, immediately after surgery, and (...)
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    Some Notes on Boolos’ Semantics: Genesis, Ontological Quests and Model-Theoretic Equivalence to Standard Semantics.Francesco Maria Ferrari - 2018 - Axiomathes 28 (2):125-154.
    The main aim of this work is to evaluate whether Boolos’ semantics for second-order languages is model-theoretically equivalent to standard model-theoretic semantics. Such an equivalence result is, actually, directly proved in the “Appendix”. I argue that Boolos’ intent in developing such a semantics is not to avoid set-theoretic notions in favor of pluralities. It is, rather, to prevent that predicates, in the sense of functions, refer to classes of classes. Boolos’ formal semantics differs from a semantics of (...)
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    La modernidad de la filosofía de Balmes: sentido común y praxis.María Teresa López Abellán - 1986 - Anuario Filosófico 19 (2):173-178.
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    La prostitución: el “pecado” de las mujeres | Prostitution: the “Sin” of Women.María Luisa Maqueda Abreu - 2017 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 35:64-89.
    Resumen: Este artículo se propone analizar las razones por las que las prostitutas, a causa de su opción sexual, han sido criminalizadas por imposición de distintos órdenes normativos, fuertemente coercitivos, que censuran gravemente su desviación. Ellos –y sus potentes discursos-se muestran capaces de explicar ese continuum ininterrumpido e inacabable de estigma, persecución, inferiorización, aislamiento social o encarcelamiento que acompaña a la historia de la prostitución de las mujeres y que la mantiene todavía hoy en las profundidades de la jerarquía sexual (...)
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  5. Observaciones sobre la condición del "nôus" en Plotino.María Beatriz Abrego - 2009 - Revista Agustiniana 50 (151):7-19.
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    Teologia dogmática e experiência espiritual cristã: Repensando a relação com H.U. von Balthasar.Maria Abrão - 2016 - Horizonte 14 (43):1039-1063.
    In proposing this reflection about the relationship between dogmatic theology and Christian spiritual experience, we want to demonstrate in this article how a great 20 th century theologian, Hans Urs von Balthasar, invites the reader to enter into the reading and understanding of the historical and theological reasons that have guided some options and postures assumed, as well as to recognize the impacts caused both in the theology and in the spiritual experience and yet, more widely, in Christianity and its (...)
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  7. Experts, Public Policy and the Question of Trust.Maria Baghramian & Michel Croce - 2021 - In Michael Hannon & Jeroen de Ridder, The Routledge Handbook of Political Epistemology. New York: Routledge.
    This chapter discusses the topics of trust and expertise from the perspective of political epistemology. In particular, it addresses four main questions: (§1) How should we characterise experts and their expertise? (§2) How can non-experts recognize a reliable expert? (§3) What does it take for non-experts to trust experts? (§4) What problems impede trust in experts?
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    Feminist Interpretations of Mary Wollstonecraft.Maria J. Falco (ed.) - 1995 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Combining the liberalism of Locke and the "civic humanism" of Republicanism, Mary Wollstonecraft explored the need of women for coed and equal education with men, economic independence whether married or not, and representation as citizens in the halls of government. In doing so, she foreshadowed and surpassed her much better known successor, John Stuart Mill. Ten feminist scholars prominent in the fields of political philosophy, constitutional and international law, rhetoric, literature, and psychology argue here that Wollstonecraft, by reason of the (...)
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  9. Surface composition as bridging.Bittner Maria - 2001 - Journal of Semantics 18 (2):127-177.
    The development of explicit theories of dynamic context change has led to a fundamentally new perspective on the interpretation of discourse. In this paper I show that this development also opens up the possibility of approaching subclausal composition along similar lines. More specifically, I argue that a dynamic theory where type-driven rules apply directly to overt surface structures and fill in missing information by building anaphoric bridges is more faithful to natural language semantics than the classical Montagovian approach.
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  10. COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death: disentangling facts and values.Maria Cristina Amoretti & Elisabetta Lalumera - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (1):1-4.
    In the ongoing pandemic, death statistics influence people’s feelings and government policy. But when does COVID-19 qualify as the cause of death? As philosophers of medicine interested in conceptual clarification, we address the question by analyzing the World Health Organization’s rules for the certification of death. We show that for COVID-19, WHO rules take into account both facts and values.
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    Expectancy and Emotion.Maria Miceli & Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
    The mind is a powerful anticipatory device. It frequently makes predictions about the future, telling us not only how the world might or will be, but also how it should be - or better - how we would like it to be. This book explores anticipation-based emotions - the emotions associated with the interaction between 'what is' and 'what is not '.
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  12. Letting Happen, Omissions and Causation.Maria Alvarez - 2001 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 61 (1):63-81.
    In this paper I consider whether it is possible to cause an event by letting it happen.
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  13. The freedom we mean: A causal independence account of creativity and academic freedom.Maria Kronfeldner - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (2):1-23.
    Academic freedom has often been defended in a progressivist manner: without academic freedom, creativity would be in peril, and with it the advancement of knowledge, i.e. the epistemic progress in science. In this paper, I want to critically discuss the limits of such a progressivist defense of academic freedom, also known under the label ‘argument from truth.’ The critique is offered, however, with a constructive goal in mind, namely to offer an alternative account that connects creativity and academic freedom in (...)
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    Difficulties in Learning Thermodynamic Concepts Are They Linked to the Historical Development of this Field?María I. Cotignola, Clelia Bordogna, Graciela Punte & Osvaldo M. Cappannini - 2002 - Science & Education 11 (3):279-291.
  15. A Refutation of the Relativism of Truth.Maria Kokoszyńska - 1951 - Studia Philosophica 4:1-57.
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  16. Radical multiculturalism and women of color feminisms.María Lugones - forthcoming - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política.
  17.  27
    Knowing-Who in Quantified Epistemic Logic.Maria Aloni - 2018 - In Hans van Ditmarsch & Gabriel Sandu, Jaakko Hintikka on Knowledge and Game Theoretical Semantics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 109-129.
    This article proposes an account of knowing-who constructions within a generalisation of Hintikka’s quantified epistemic logic employing the notion of a conceptual cover Aloni PhD thesis [1]. The proposed logical system captures the inherent context-sensitivity of knowing-wh constructions Boër and Lycan, as well as expresses non-trivial cases of so-called concealed questions Heim. Assuming that quantifying into epistemic contexts and knowing-who are linked in the way Hintikka had proposed, the context dependence of the latter will translate into a context dependence of (...)
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  18. Involving the Virtual Subject.Bakardjieva Maria & Feenberg Andrew - 2000 - Ethics and Information Technology 2 (4):233-240.
    As users of computer networks have become more active in producing their own electronic records, in the form of transcripts of onlinediscussions, ethicists have attempted to interpret this new situation interms of earlier models of personal data protection. But thistransference results in unprecedented problems for researchers. Thispaper examines some of the central dichotomies and paradoxes in thedebate on research ethics online in the context of the concrete study ofa virtual community that we carried out. We argue that alienation, notprivacy, is (...)
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  19. The right to ignore: An epistemic defense of the nature/culture divide.Maria Kronfeldner - 2017 - In Joyce Richard, Handbook of Evolution and Philosophy. Routledge. pp. 210-224.
    This paper addresses whether the often-bemoaned loss of unity of knowledge about humans, which results from the disciplinary fragmentation of science, is something to be overcome. The fragmentation of being human rests on a couple of distinctions, such as the nature-culture divide. Since antiquity the distinction between nature (roughly, what we inherit biologically) and culture (roughly, what is acquired by social interaction) has been a commonplace in science and society. Recently, the nature/culture divide has come under attack in various ways, (...)
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    Mental and bodily awareness in infancy: consciousness of self-existence.Maria Legerstee - 1998 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 5 (5-6):5-6.
    In this article, I will draw on my own work and related publications to present some intuitions and hypotheses about the nature of the self and the mechanisms that lead to the development of consciousness or self awareness in human infants during the first 6 months of life. My main purpose is to show that the origins of a concept of self include the physical and the mental selves. I believe that it is essential when trying to understand what a (...)
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  21.  28
    How in spite of the rhetoric, history of chemistry has been ignored in presenting atomic structure in textbooks.María A. Rodríguez & Mansoor Niaz - 2002 - Science & Education 11 (5):423-441.
  22.  13
    The Many Faces of Relativism.Maria Baghramian (ed.) - 2014 - London: Routledge.
    This book is a study of relativism as a dominant intellectual preoccupation of our time. Relativism asks how we are to find a way out of intractable differences of perspectives and disagreements in various domains. Standards of truth, rationality, and ethical right and wrong vary greatly and there are no universal criteria for adjudicating between them. In considering this problem, relativism suggests that what is true or right can only be determined within variable contexts of assessment. This book brings together (...)
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  23. The causalism/anti-causalism debate in the theory of action: what it is and why it matters.Maria Alvarez - unknown
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    Reflective judgment as world disclosure.María Pía Lara - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (1-2):83-100.
    In this article I deal with Kant's concept of reflective judgment, and recover it through its links to the aesthetic dimension as its fundamental scenario. Then I go on to explain why Hannah Arendt understood this important Kantian connection, and why she thought it would allow her to develop it through a political dimension. Last, having reviewed both Kant and Arendt's contributions to the concept of reflective judgment, I recover my own input to the concept by showing its linguistic dimension (...)
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    The Distinction Between Epistemic and Non-Epistemic Values in the Natural Sciences.Maria Pournari - 2008 - Science & Education 17 (6):669-676.
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    Guest editors’ preface.Maria Silvia Vaccarezza, Michel Croce & Angelo Campodonico - 2019 - Journal of Moral Education 48 (3):275-279.
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    Vulnerabilidad y precariedad. Enfrentar las urgencias ético-políticas del presente y el futuro.María José Guerra - 2021 - Isegoría 64:01-01.
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  28. XIV*—Why Conceptual Schemes?Maria Baghramian - 1998 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 98 (1):287-306.
    Maria Baghramian; XIV*—Why Conceptual Schemes?, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 98, Issue 1, 1 June 1998, Pages 287–306,
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    Margaret Cavendish. Escritura, estilo Y filosofía natural.Diana María Acevedo-Zapata - 2017 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 58 (137):271-290.
    RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho é indicar como a exploração estilística de Margaret Cavendish responde às particularidades do conceito de natureza dela, por exemplo, a tese de que a natureza é uma matéria viva, infinita, mutável e heterogênea. Primeiramente, mostrarei o modo pelo qual a autora está presente em seus escritos, como ela escreve de uma perspectiva de primeira pessoa sobre sua própria experiência e de quem ela é. Resumirei brevemente sua biografia e o contexto no qual ela praticou filosofia. (...)
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  30. Civil Society and the Politisation of Needs.Maria Markus - 1995 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 164:161-161.
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  31. Beginning teachers immersed into science: Scientist and science teacher identities.Maria Varelas, Roger House & Stacy Wenzel - 2005 - Science Education 89 (3):492-516.
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    Mimological Reveries? Disconfirming the Hypothesis of Phono-Emotional Iconicity in Poetry.Maria Kraxenberger & Winfried Menninghaus - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Social and ethical dimension of the natural sciences, complex problems of the age, interdisciplinarity, and the contribution of education.Maria Develaki - 2008 - Science & Education 17 (8-9):873-888.
  34. Urban primary‐grade children think and talk science: Curricular and instructional practices that nurture participation and argumentation.Maria Varelas, Christine C. Pappas, Justine M. Kane, Amy Arsenault, Jennifer Hankes & Begona Marnotes Cowan - 2008 - Science Education 92 (1):65-95.
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    A morte, musa da filosofia.Maria Lúcia Cacciola - 2007 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 9:91-107.
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  36. Políticas de amizade: Portinari eo mundo cultural ibero-americano Friendship policies: Portinari and the Ibero-American World.Maria de Fátima Fontes Piazza - 2006 - Topoi 7 (12):222-246.
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  37. Leibniz’s theory of substance and his metaphysics of the Incarnation.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2014 - In Paul Lodge & Tom Stoneham, Locke and Leibniz on Substance. New York: Routledge. pp. 231-252.
    This paper explores the development of Leibniz’s metaphysics of the Incarnation in the context of his philosophy. In particular it asks to what extent Leibniz’s repeated endorsement of the traditional analogy between the union in humankind of soul (mind) and body, and the union in Christ of divine and human natures, could be accommodated by his more general metaphysical doctrines. Such an investigation highlights some of the deepest commitments in Leibniz’s theory of substance as well as detect in it some (...)
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    El concepto kierkegaardiano de ironía.María Binetti - 2003 - Acta Philosophica 12 (2):198-218.
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    Spinning and weaving: ideas of domestic order in Homer.Maria C. Pantelia - 1993 - American Journal of Philology 114 (4).
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    Ethics and the sense of history.Maria Grazia Sandrini - 1994 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 49 (2):347-351.
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  41. The Dreben Panel.W. V. Quine, Burton Dreben, Martin Davies, George Boolos & Rudolf Fara - 1994 - Philosophy International.
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    Acceptability in France of Induced Abortion for Adolescents.MaríA. Teresa Muñoz Sastre - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (8):26-32.
    Background: This study investigated the factors affecting the acceptability in France of abortions. Method: 80 study participants from Toulouse and 124 from Metz judged the acceptability of abortion in 64 vignettes composed of five factors: 1) the adolescent's age (15 or 17.5 years), 2) the adolescent's plans to continue schooling or not, 3) the fetus' age (1, 2, 3, or 4 months), 4) the adolescent's parents' agreement or not, and 5) the agreement or not of baby's father. Results: Three clusters (...)
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  43. A velha arte de governar: o Conselho de Estado no Brasil Imperial The old art of governing: The Brazilian Imperial State Council.Maria Fernanda Vieira Martins - 2006 - Topoi 7 (12):178-221.
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    Acting for Aesthetic Reasons.Maria Alvarez & Aaron Ridley - 2020 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 54 (1):65–84.
    It seems natural to think that there are aesthetic reasons for action and that an artist must be guided by such reasons as he or she begins work on the canvas or poem or symphony or marble. This latter supposition seems at odds, however, not only with classical inspiration theory but also with the views of one of the last century’s most important philosophers of art, R. G. Collingwood. We propose an account of acting for an aesthetic reason inspired by (...)
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    The question of whether or not animals have souls or rationality without a subject.Maria Teresa Marcialis - 1993 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 48 (1):83-100.
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  46. Metaphysics and the Logical Analysis of ‘Nothing’.Maria Schaar - 2017 - In Jan Woleński, Friedrich Stadler & Anna Brożek, The Significance of the Lvov-Warsaw School in the European Culture. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    Le teorie della percezione in Democrito.Maria Michela Sassi - 1978 - Firenze: La nuova Italia.
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  48. (1 other version)The Self, the Soul, and the Individual in the City of the Laws.Maria Michela Sassi - 2008 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 35:125-148.
  49. Thomas Reid.Maria Alvarez - 2010 - In Timothy O'Connor & Constantine Sandis, A Companion to the Philosophy of Action. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 505–512.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Active Powers Active Powers, Human Agency, and Liberty Agent Causation and Volitionism Conclusion: Agent Causation References Further reading.
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    Is Mindful Parenting Associated With Adolescents’ Emotional Eating? The Mediating Role of Adolescents’ Self-Compassion and Body Shame.Maria João Gouveia, Maria Cristina Canavarro & Helena Moreira - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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