Results for 'Margaret Semrud-Clikeman'

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  1.  58
    Supporting Acquisition of Spelling Skills in Different Orthographies Using an Empirically Validated Digital Learning Environment.Heikki Juhani Lyytinen, Margaret Semrud-Clikeman, Hong Li, Kenneth Pugh & Ulla Richardson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper discusses how the association learning principle works for supporting acquisition of basic spelling and reading skills using digital game-based learning environment with the Finland-based GraphoLearn technology. This program has been designed and validated to work with early readers of different alphabetic writing systems using repetition and reinforcing connections between spoken and written units. Initially GL was developed and found effective in training children at risk of reading disorders in Finland. Today GL training has been shown to support learning (...)
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  2. Sociality and Responsibility: New Essays in Plural Subject Theory.Margaret Gilbert - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    One of the most distinguished living social philosophers, Margaret Gilbert develops and extends her application of plural subject theory of human sociality, first introduced in her earlier works On Social Facts and Living Together. Sociality and Responsibility presents an extended discussion of her proposal that joint commitments inherently involve obligations and rights, proposing, in effect, a new theory of obligations and rights. In addition, it demonstrates the extensive range and fruitfulness of plural subject theory by presenting accounts of social (...)
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    A Political Theory of Territory.Margaret Moore - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Margaret Moore offers a comprehensive normative theory of territory.
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  4. Defeasibility And The Normative Grasp Of Context.Margaret Little & Mark Lance - 2004 - Erkenntnis 61 (2):435-455.
    In this article, we present an analysis of defeasible generalizations -- generalizations which are essentially exception-laden, yet genuinely explanatory -- in terms of various notions of privileged conditions. We argue that any plausible epistemology must make essential use of defeasible generalizations so understood. We also consider the epistemic significance of the sort of understanding of context that is required for understanding of explanatory defeasible generalizations on any topic.
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  5. Politics as Culture: Hannah Arendt and the Public Realm.Margaret Canovan - 1985 - History of Political Thought 6 (3):617.
  6. Voluntary euthanasia and the common law.Margaret Otlowski - 1997 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    Margaret Otlowski investigates the complex and controversial issue of active voluntary euthanasia. She critically examines the criminal law prohibition of medically administered active voluntary euthanasia in common law jurisdictions, and carefully looks at the situation as handled in practice. The evidence of patient demands for active euthanasia and the willingness of some doctors to respond to patients' requests is explored, and an argument for reform of the law is made with reference to the position in the Netherlands (where active (...)
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  7. Stoicism & emotion.Margaret Graver - 2007 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    On the surface, stoicism and emotion seem like contradictory terms. Yet the Stoic philosophers of ancient Greece and Rome were deeply interested in the emotions, which they understood as complex judgments about what we regard as valuable in our surroundings. Stoicism and Emotion shows that they did not simply advocate an across-the-board suppression of feeling, as stoicism implies in today’s English, but instead conducted a searching examination of these powerful psychological responses, seeking to understand what attitude toward them expresses the (...)
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    Ethical Grounding for a Profession of Hospital Chaplaincy.Margaret E. Mohrmann - 2008 - Hastings Center Report 38 (6):18-23.
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    Change of Perspective in Ovid, Metamorphoses 12.11-23.Margaret Worsham Musgrove - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (2):267-283.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Change of Perspective in Ovid, Metamorphoses 12.11-23Margaret Worsham MusgroveIn the first of the trojan stories which dominate Metamorphoses books 12 and 13, Ovid recounts a well-known Homeric episode, the omen of the snake at Aulis; a snake climbs into a tree and eats a nestful of eight baby birds plus their mother. According to Calchas' interpretation, this omen symbolized the nine years the Greeks would besiege Troy before taking (...)
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    Gr nbaum and psychoanalysis.Margaret Nash - 1989 - Philosophical Psychology 2 (3):325 – 343.
    This paper argues that Adolf Gr nbaum's evaluation of the scientific status of psychoanalysis is marred by its failure to locate Freud's notion of natural science. Contrary to his claims, Griinbaum does not assess Freud's theory on Freud's own terms. The presuppositions that Griinbaum brings to the question of the scientific status of psychoanalysis are problematic and his criticisms and methodological restrictions may not be defensible when psychoanalysis is taken to develop methodologically out of medical science rather than out of (...)
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    The man without a penis: Libidinal economies that (re)cognize the hypernature of gender.Margaret Nash - 1992 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 18 (2):125-134.
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    Simone De Beauvoir: An Interview.Margaret A. Simons - 1979 - Feminist Studies 5 (2):330.
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    Leibniz and Locke on "First Truths".Margaret D. Wilson - 1967 - Journal of the History of Ideas 28 (3):347.
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    Close-Ups of History: Three Decades Through the Lens of an Ap Photographer.Henry D. Burroughs & Margaret Burroughs - 2007 - University of Missouri.
    "The professional memoir of Henry Burroughs--former president of the White House Press Photographers Association, chairman of the Senate Standing Committee for Photographers, and "shooter" for the Associated Press for thirty-three years--whose career docu.
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    Meaningful existence, embodiment and physical education.Margaret Whitehead - 1990 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 24 (1):3–14.
    Margaret Whitehead; Meaningful Existence, Embodiment and Physical Education, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 24, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 3–14, ht.
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  16. Excerpts from Washburn’s The Evidence of Mind.Margaret Floy Washburn & Joel Katzav - 2023 - In Joel Katzav, Dorothy Rogers & Krist Vaesen, Knowledge, Mind and Reality: An Introduction by Early Twentieth-Century American Women Philosophers. Cham: Springer. pp. 189-198.
    This chapter includes Margaret Floy Washburn’s discussion of the basis of inferences about animal minds and her discussion of what it is like to be an amoeba.
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  17. On Tenure.Margaret Atherton - 1978 - Philosophical Forum 10 (2):341.
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  18. Basic Education. The Montessori Method.Margaret Drummond - 1946 - Hibbert Journal 45:70.
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  19.  28
    Millenarianism and Science in the Late Seventeenth Century.Margaret C. Jacob - 1976 - Journal of the History of Ideas 37 (2):335.
  20. The Cross Cultural Approach to the Study of Personality.Margaret Mead - 1956 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 10 (1):48.
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  21. Richard Baxter and the Problem of Certainty.Margaret L. Wiley - 1947 - Hibbert Journal 46:342.
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  22.  26
    Sir Thomas Browne and the Genesis of Paradox.Margaret L. Wiley - 1948 - Journal of the History of Ideas 9 (1/4):303.
  23.  20
    Observations upon experimental philosophy.Margaret Cavendish Newcastle (ed.) - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Margaret Cavendish's 1668 edition of Observations upon Experimental Philosophy, presented here in its first modern edition, holds a unique position in early modern philosophy. Cavendish rejects the Aristotelianism which was taught in the universities in the seventeenth century, and the picture of nature as a grand machine which was propounded by Hobbes, Descartes and members of the Royal Society of London, such as Boyle. She also rejects the views of nature which make reference to immaterial spirits. Instead she develops (...)
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  24.  41
    Satisfactory explanations in the primary school.Margaret A. Fairhurst - 1981 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 15 (2):205–213.
    Margaret A Fairhurst; Satisfactory Explanations in the Primary School, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 15, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 205–213, https.
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  25.  60
    Jan W. wojcik 1944-2006.Margaret Osler - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (4):iv-iv.
    Margaret J. Osler - Jan W. Wojcik 1944-2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44:4 Journal of the History of Philosophy 44.4 iv Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Jan W. Wojcik 1944–2006 Margaret J. Osler Jan Wojcik, who served as Book Review Editor for The Journal of the History of Philosohy, died in Paris, France,..
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    René Descartes: Tutte le lettere, 1619-1650.Margaret J. Osler - 2007 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45 (2):332-333.
    Margaret J. Osler - René Descartes: Tutte le lettere, 1619-1650 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45:2 Journal of the History of Philosophy 45.2 332-333 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by Margaret J. Osler The University of Calgary Giulia Belgioioso, editor. René Descartes: Tutte le lettere, 1619–1650. Testo francese, latino, e olandese. Milano: Bompiani/ Il Pensiero Occidentale, 2005. lviii + 3104. Cloth, e 48.00. The publication of a new scholarly edition of important primary sources is (...)
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  27. The Smithsonian and the American Indian: Making a Moral Anthropology in Victorian America.Curtis M. Hinsley & Margaret Humphreys - 1996 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 18 (3):363.
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  28. Politicised Knowledge for Depoliticised Times: Knowledge, Power and Learning.Carrie Paechter, Margaret Preedy, David Scott & Janet Soler - 2002 - British Journal of Educational Studies 50 (4):507-510.
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  29. Wolfgang lser, Prospecting: From Reader Response to Literary Anthropology Reviewed by.Margaret M. Van de Pitte - 1990 - Philosophy in Review 10 (8):322-325.
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    New books. [REVIEW]Margaret Washburn - 1896 - Mind 5 (1):121-122.
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  31. "Arendt: Essays in Understanding 1930-1954 - Uncollected and Unpublished Works by Hannah Arendt", ed. Jerome Kohn. [REVIEW]Margaret Canovan - 1995 - History of Political Thought 16 (2):294.
  32. Alan S. Kahan, "Aristocratic Liberalism - the Social and Political thought of Jacob Burckhardt, John Stuart Mill, and Alexis de Tocqueville". [REVIEW]Margaret Canovan - 1994 - History of Political Thought 15 (1):140.
  33. The Enlightenment of Joseph Priestley. A Study of his Life and Work from 1733 to 1773. [REVIEW]Margaret Canovan - 1999 - Enlightenment and Dissent 18:242-245.
  34. Macnamara, John, "Names for Things: A Study of Human Learning". [REVIEW]Margaret Rapp - 1982 - Ethics 93:630.
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  35. "Robert O. Johann", The Pragmatic Meaning of God. [REVIEW]Margaret Reesor - 1967 - Dialogue 6 (2):246.
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  36. A. J. ARBERRY, Sufism-An Account of the Mystics of Islam. [REVIEW]Margaret Smith - 1950 - Hibbert Journal 49:405.
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    Review: Johnson, Robert N., Self-Improvement: An Essay in Kantian Ethics[REVIEW]Anne Margaret Baxley - 2015 - Kantian Review 20 (1):133-137.
    Book Reviews Anne Margaret Baxley, Kantian Review, FirstView Article.
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    Margaret Cavendish: essential writings.Margaret Cavendish Duchess of Newcastle - 2019 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by David Cunning.
    Introduction -- Worlds Olio -- Philosophical and physical opinion -- Philosophical letters -- Observations upon experimental philosophy -- Grounds of natural philosophy -- Poems and fancies -- Fiction -- List of suggested secondary readings.
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    Student perceptions of earnings management: the effects of national origin and gender.Paul M. Clikeman, Marshall A. Geiger & Brendan T. O'Connell - 2001 - Teaching Business Ethics 5 (4):389-410.
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    Contributions to realist social theory: an interview with Margaret S. Archer.Margaret S. Archer & Jamie Morgan - 2020 - Journal of Critical Realism 19 (2):179-200.
    In this wide-ranging interview Professor Margaret Archer discusses a variety of aspects of her work, academic career and influences, beginning with the role the study of education systems played in...
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    The Educated Woman in America. Selected Writings of Catherine Beecher, Margaret Fuller and M. Carey Thomas.Margaret Fuller, M. Carey Thomas, Barbara M. Cross & Catherine Beecher - 1966 - British Journal of Educational Studies 14 (3):103-104.
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    Reply by Margaret J. Osler and Richard A. Watson.Margaret J. Osler & Richard A. Watson - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (3):407-407.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.3 (2003) 407 [Access article in PDF] Reply By Margaret J. Osler and Richard A. Watson In his comments on our historiographical Notes in the October 2002 issue of JHP, A. P. Martinich misrepresents our position by erroneously claiming that we presume a sharp dichotomy between the analytic history of philosophy and the historical history of philosophy. Neither of us accepts such (...)
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  43. Alexander Morgan Capron and Margaret Jane Radin.Margaret Jane Radin - 1994 - Contemporary Issues in Bioethics 16:258.
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    Margaret A. Simons, Rebel at Heart.Margaret A. Simons & Erika Ruonakoski - 2021 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 31 (2):317-335.
    In this interview, Margaret A. Simons describes her path to philosophy and existentialism, her struggles in the male-dominated field in the 1960s and 1970s, and her political activism in the civil rights and women’s liberation movements. She also discusses her encounters with Simone de Beauvoir and Beauvoir’s refusal to own her philosophical originality, suggesting that Beauvoir may have adopted a more conventional narrative of a female intellectual to circumvent the public’s resistance to her radical ideas in the 1950s.
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    Margaret Davies and Ngaire Naffine. Are Persons Property? Legal Debates about Property and Personality [Book Symposium.].Margaret Davies, Ngaire Naffine, Anthony J. Connolly, Margaret Thornton, Rosalind F. Atherton & Peter Drahos - 2003 - Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 28 (2003):189.
  46. Moral Repair: Reconstructing Moral Relations After Wrongdoing.Margaret Urban Walker - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    Moral Repair examines the ethics and moral psychology of responses to wrongdoing. Explaining the emotional bonds and normative expectations that keep human beings responsive to moral standards and responsible to each other, Margaret Urban Walker uses realistic examples of both personal betrayal and political violence to analyze how moral bonds are damaged by serious wrongs and what must be done to repair the damage. Focusing on victims of wrong, their right to validation, and their sense of justice, Walker presents (...)
  47.  31
    Paola di Guilio in a conversation with Margaret Dunlop.Margaret Dunlop - 1997 - Nursing Inquiry 4 (3):203-204.
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    Margaret Martin.Margaret Martin - 2017 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (11).
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    Margaret L. Andersen.Margaret L. Andersen - 2011 - Gender and Society 25 (3):360-363.
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  50. Unifying Scientific Theories: Physical Concepts and Mathematical Structures.Margaret Morrison - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is about the methods used for unifying different scientific theories under one all-embracing theory. The process has characterized much of the history of science and is prominent in contemporary physics; the search for a 'theory of everything' involves the same attempt at unification. Margaret Morrison argues that, contrary to popular philosophical views, unification and explanation often have little to do with each other. The mechanisms that facilitate unification are not those that enable us to explain how or (...)
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