Results for 'Marcellin Atemkeng'

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  1.  50
    Integrating AI ethics in wildlife conservation AI systems in South Africa: a review, challenges, and future research agenda.Irene Nandutu, Marcellin Atemkeng & Patrice Okouma - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (1):245-257.
    With the increased use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in wildlife conservation, issues around whether AI-based monitoring tools in wildlife conservation comply with standards regarding AI Ethics are on the rise. This review aims to summarise current debates and identify gaps as well as suggest future research by investigating (1) current AI Ethics and AI Ethics issues in wildlife conservation, (2) Initiatives Stakeholders in AI for wildlife conservation should consider integrating AI Ethics in wildlife conservation. We find that the existing literature (...)
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  2. Interstitial ethics: attending to frames of intelligibility in Harry Parker's Anatomy of a soldier.Katia Marcellin - 2025 - In Jean-Michel Ganteau & Susana Onega Jaén (eds.), The ethics of (in-)attention in contemporary Anglophone narrative. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Perceived Seriousness of Business Ethics Issues.Marcelline R. Fusilier, Carroll D. Aby Jr, Joel K. Worley & Stephen Elliott - 1996 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 15 (1):67-78.
  4.  8
    Descartes et la problématique de la raison et de la foi: essai.Alla Marcellin Konin - 2015 - Nantes: Éditions Amalthée.
    Dans cet ouvrage, la philosophie de Rene Descartes nous apporte un discours nouveau sur le probleme relatif au rapport permanent entre la raison et la foi a partir de ses Meditations metaphysiques. Cette philosophie nous invite a nous questionner sur la necessite d un choix entre l engagement de croire et la liberte de savoir. Ce livre nous permet de mieux comprendre les enjeux d une telle problematique. Alla Marcellin Konin a partage l experience de plusieurs annees d enseignement (...)
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    Spinoza: Desire and Supreme Good, from Philosophizing to Wise.Alla Marcellin Konin & N’Dré Sam Beugre - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy 11 (3):56-62.
    If Spinoza is a thinker very present in the Faculties of Philosophy, on the other hand, he is presented as one of the great forgotten of the humanist programs of secondary education. Contrary to what happened with other philosophers, who had more chance of spreading in non-specialized contexts (we can cite Nietzsche, Pascal, Plato or Schopenhauer as obvious examples), Spinoza is generally considered a excessively systematic author, and complex, whose works would have been written for a small group of scholars. (...)
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    Structures spatiotemporelles et significations des formes symboliques chez Ernst Cassirer.Marcellin-Tibérius Kalombo Mbuyamba - 2023 - Louvain-la-Neuve: EME éditions.
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  7. OBCS: The Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics.Jie Zheng, Marcelline R. Harris, Anna Maria Masci, Yu Lin, Alfred Hero, Barry Smith & Yongqun He - 2014 - Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Biomedical Ontology 1327:65.
    Statistics play a critical role in biological and clinical research. To promote logically consistent representation and classification of statistical entities, we have developed the Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics (OBCS). OBCS extends the Ontology of Biomedical Investigations (OBI), an OBO Foundry ontology supported by some 20 communities. Currently, OBCS contains 686 terms, including 381 classes imported from OBI and 147 classes specific to OBCS. The goal of this paper is to present OBCS for community critique and to describe a (...)
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  8. The Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics (OBCS) for standardized and reproducible statistical analysis.Jie Zheng, Marcelline R. Harris, Anna Maria Masci, Lin Yu, Alfred Hero, Barry Smith & Yongqun He - 2016 - Journal of Biomedical Semantics 7 (53).
    Statistics play a critical role in biological and clinical research. However, most reports of scientific results in the published literature make it difficult for the reader to reproduce the statistical analyses performed in achieving those results because they provide inadequate documentation of the statistical tests and algorithms applied. The Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics (OBCS) is put forward here as a step towards solving this problem. Terms in OBCS, including ‘data collection’, ‘data transformation in statistics’, ‘data visualization’, ‘statistical data (...)
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  9.  25
    De la culpabilité ivoirienne : condition d’une paix durable.N'Dré Sam Beugré & Konin Alla Marcellin - 2024 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Teórica y Práctica 3 (1):69-94.
    Le concept de conflit revêt divers aspects. Entre les litiges, les violences, les différends, les désaccords, les guerres, il importe de définir les éléments de la conflictualité et le caractère institutionnel des recherches en matière de gestion et de résolution des conflits de nos jours. Néanmoins, nous sommes parvenus à percevoir que la clé du succès des résolutions des conflits pour une paix durable réside dans l’expérience humaine de la culpabilité et du pardon. Ce n’est certes pas des éléments nouveaux (...)
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    Enhancing farmers’ agency in the global crop commons through use of biocultural community protocols.Michael Halewood, Ana Bedmar Villanueva, Jazzy Rasolojaona, Michelle Andriamahazo, Naritiana Rakotoniaina, Bienvenu Bossou, Toussaint Mikpon, Raymond Vodouhe, Lena Fey, Andreas Drews, P. Lava Kumar, Bernadette Rasoanirina, Thérèse Rasoazafindrabe, Marcellin Aigbe, Blaise Agbahounzo, Gloria Otieno, Kathryn Garforth, Tobias Kiene & Kent Nnadozie - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (2):579-594.
    Crop genetic resources constitute a ‘new’ global commons, characterized by multiple layers of activities of farmers, genebanks, public and private research and development organizations, and regulatory agencies operating from local to global levels. This paper presents sui generis biocultural community protocols that were developed by four communities in Benin and Madagascar to improve their ability to contribute to, and benefit from, the crop commons. The communities were motivated in part by the fact that their national governments’ had recently ratified the (...)
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  11.  36
    Evaluating and extending the Informed Consent Ontology for representing permissions from the clinical domain.Elizabeth E. Umberfield, Cooper Stansbury, Kathleen Ford, Yun Jiang, Sharon L. R. Kardia, Andrea K. Thomer & Marcelline R. Harris - 2022 - Applied ontology 17 (2):321-336.
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate, revise, and extend the Informed Consent Ontology (ICO) for expressing clinical permissions, including reuse of residual clinical biospecimens and health data. This study followed a formative evaluation design and used a bottom-up modeling approach. Data were collected from the literature on US federal regulations and a study of clinical consent forms. Eleven federal regulations and fifteen permission-sentences from clinical consent forms were iteratively modeled to identify entities and their relationships, followed by community (...)
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    Les sciences de la nature et les sciences historiques (lettre à Marcellin Berthelot) & L'avenir de la science (chapitres II et XVI).Ernest Renan - 1944 - Princeton,: Princeton University Press. Edited by Ira Owen Wade.
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  13. Le langage et la pensée chez l'enfant. Pages choisies de Marcellin Berthelot.Arnold Reymond - 1924 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 12 (51):157.
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    Ammianus - J. Fontaine (ed., trans., comm.) (with E. Frézouls, J.-D. Berger): Ammien Marcellin: Histoire: Tome III: Livres xx–xxii (Collection des universités de France publiée sous le patronage de l'association Guillaume Budé). Pp. lxviii + 358, 4 maps. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1996. ISBN: 2-251-01394-6. - J. Szidat: Historischer Kommentar zu Ammianus Marcellinus Buck XX–XXI: Teil III: Die Konfrontation. (Historia Einzelschriften, 89.) Pp. 286, 7 maps. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1996. Paper. DM/Sw. frs. 88/öS 687. ISBN: 3-515-06570-9. [REVIEW]E. D. Hunt - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (1):60-62.
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    Ammianus G. Sabbah (ed., trans.): Ammien Marcellin Histoire. Tome VI . Livres xxix–xxxi (Collection des Universités de France publiée sous le patronage de l'Association Guillaume Budé). Pp. lxvi + 367, maps. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1999. Cased. ISBN: 2-251-01408-X. [REVIEW]Robin Seager - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (01):56-.
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  16.  44
    Characterized by Darkness: Reconsidering the Origins of the Brutish Neanderthal.Paige Madison - 2020 - Journal of the History of Biology 53 (4):493-519.
    The extinct human relatives known as Neanderthals have long been described as brutish and dumb. This conception is often traced to paleontologist Marcellin Boule, who published a detailed analysis on a Neanderthal skeleton in the early twentieth century. The conventional historical narrative claims that Boule made an error in his analysis, causing the Neanderthals to be considered brutish. This essay challenges the narrative of “Boule’s error,” arguing instead that the brutish Neanderthal concept originated much earlier in the history of (...)
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    Pierre Duhem: Mixture and chemical combination and related essays. Edited and translated, with an introduction, by Paul Needham.Robert J. Deltete & Anastasios Brenner - 2004 - Foundations of Chemistry 6 (3):203-232.
    The following is an essay review of Paul Needham's translation of Pierre Duhem's Lemixte et la combinaison chimique and a numberof other essays. In this review we describe theintent and general features of Le mixte and try to place it in the larger context of Duhem'sprogram for energetics. The long essay (Essay3) opposing Marcellin Berthelot'sthermochemistry is singled out for detailedcommentary, since it gives Duhem's reasons forendorsing Josiah Willard Gibbs's chemicalstatics. We argue that a chemical mechanics ofa Gibbsian sort, defended (...)
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  18.  11
    Teilhard de Chardin en Chine: correspondance inédite, 1923-1940.Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - 2004 - Paris: Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Edited by Amélie Vialet & Arnaud Hurel.
    Au début du XXe siècle, si la Chine demeure encore largement une terre vierge pour les explorateurs occidentaux, elle fascine également les chercheurs. Qu'ils soient géographes, géologues, paléontologues ou préhistoriens, tous savent que de formidables découvertes restent à y faire. Suédois et Américains font rapidement le voyage vers l'Empire du Milieu, mais ce sont des Français qui, sur le terrain, vont écrire les plus belles pages de la découverte du Paléolithique de Chine, des premières industries lithiques à l'étude du gisement (...)
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    Résoudre des problèmes qui pour nous équivalent un peu à la quadrature du cercle.Patrice Bret - 2023 - Philosophia Scientiae 27.
    Parent pauvre de la formation polytechnicienne à l’époque de Poincaré, la chimie resta en dehors des centres d’intérêt du savant malgré l’importance sociale qu’elle acquit à la fin du xixe siècle. Le mathématicien, physicien et philosophie y fut confronté assez fortuitement en 1907 comme président de la Commission scientifique d’étude des poudres de guerre créée après l’explosion du cuirassé Iéna car Marcellin Berthelot, qui avait été pressenti comme éminent spécialiste des poudres et explosifs mourut dans l’intervalle. Dans un contexte (...)
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  20.  49
    Ancient Hunters and Their Modern Representatives: William Sollas’s Anthropology from Disappointed Bridge to Trunkless Tree and the Instrumentalisation of Racial Conflict.Marianne Sommer - 2005 - Journal of the History of Biology 38 (2):327-365.
    During the first decades of the 20th century, many anthropologists who had previously adhered to a linear view of human evolution, from an ape via Pithecanthropus erectus and Neanderthal to modern humans, began to change their outlook. A shift towards a branching model of human evolution began to take hold. Among the scientific factors motivating this trend was the insight that mammalian evolution in general was best represented by a branching tree, rather than by a straight line, and that several (...)
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