Results for 'Marcelino Villegas'

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  1. La narrativa árabe contemporánea y sus fuentes: Mahdi 'Isa s-Saar y los Ijwan as-safa'.Marcelino Villegas - 1986 - Al-Qantara 7 (1):287-300.
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    Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo, filósofo.Marcelino Ocaña García - 1997 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 14:185-202.
    Sin ningún afán polémico, el presente artículo aspira a presentar algunos rasgos de Menéndez Pelayo, que puedan legitimar su caracterización como filósofo ; faceta esta, quizá, la menos vistosa de este gran historiador y crítico, incansable lector y escritor fecundo. Rastreando sus obras más específicas sobre el particular, se expone su pensamiento al respecto, no solo para saber como entiende los conceptos filosóficos más básicos, sino también para ver la posibilidad de enmarcarlo en alguna corriente filosófica que admita su clasificación.
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    Axiomatizing non-deterministic many-valued generalized consequence relations.Sérgio Marcelino & Carlos Caleiro - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S22):5373-5390.
    We discuss the axiomatization of generalized consequence relations determined by non-deterministic matrices. We show that, under reasonable expressiveness requirements, simple axiomatizations can always be obtained, using inference rules which can have more than one conclusion. Further, when the non-deterministic matrices are finite we obtain finite axiomatizations with a suitable generalized subformula property.
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  4. Memory and a priori best strategy in complex adaptive systems.Marcelino Quito, Christopher Monterola & Caesar Saloma - 2004 - Complexity 9 (3):41-46.
  5. El ateísmo en el Theoprastus redivivus.Marcelino Rodríguez Donis - 1999 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 21:243-262.
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  6. Hacia una teoría general sobre los hijos de puta.Marcelino Cereijido - 2012 - Buenos Aires: Tusquets Editores.
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    Azar, naturaleza y arte en los atomistas y en Platón.Marcelino Rodríguez Donís - 1997 - Anuario Filosófico 30 (57):21-70.
    This paper aims to analyze the idea of randomness in Greek philo-sophy since Empedocle to Plato to show determinism as unavoidable companion of most deterministic doctrines. Despite their adherence to determinism, even Plato and Aristotle introduce randomness to account for the various forms of reality, following so Empedocle and the atomists. There are as many contentions for randomness as for necessity in Greek and Latin thought.
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  8. Los profetas y el mesías: Lukács y Ortega como precursores de Heidegger en Zeitgeist de la modernidad (1900-1929).M. Francisco Gil Villegas - 1996 - México, D.F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
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    El cuidado de personas mayores en la agenda política de América Latina y el Caribe.Sagrario Garay Villegas & María Concepción Arroyo Rueda - 2022 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 28:33-49.
    La mirada del envejecimiento, desde una visión de derechos, tiene como antecedente la Segunda Asamblea Mundial sobre Envejecimiento, de la cual se derivó el Plan Internacional de Acción en Envejecimiento de Madrid, que ha sido un documento clave de seguimiento en las reuniones regionales intergubernamentales y no gubernamentales sobre envejecimiento en la región latinoamericana. Adicionalmente, existen dos instrumentos claves a considerar en las políticas de envejecimiento de la región: el Consenso de Montevideo y la Convención Interamericana para la Protección de (...)
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    Molinismo y libertad.Marcelino Ocaña García - 2000 - Córdoba: Publicaciones Obra Social y Cultural CajaSur.
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  11. Cosmopolitismo y relativismo en el historicismo alemán.Francisco Gil Villegas - 2009 - In Immanuel Kant, Granja Castro, Dulce María, Gustavo Leyva & James Bohman (eds.), Cosmopolitismo: democracia en la era de la globalización. México [D.F.]: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humandidades.
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  12. Los cuatro sermones de San Pedro el Venerable (II).Gabriel Soler I. Villegas - 2011 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 35 (71):47-76.
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  13. Los cuatro sermones de San Pedro el Venerable (I).Gabriel Soler I. Villegas - 2010 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 34 (69):21-88.
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    Tendencias epistemológicas en la ciencia jurídica.Villegas Lara & René Arturo - 2019 - Guatemala: ESGER Editorial.
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    Introducción y teoría fundamental del derecho y del estado.Rafael Rojina Villegas - 1943 - México,: [Talleres de "El Nacional"].
    I. Teoría del derecho.--II. Teoría del estado.
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    Filosofías del buen vivir, del mal vivir y otros ensayos.Gregorio Valera-Villegas, Gladys Madriz & Walter Omar Kohan (eds.) - 2012 - Caracas: Ediciones del Solar.
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    En torno a una interpretación agustiniana.Marcelino Zalba - 1970 - Augustinus 15 (57):3-18.
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  18. Las organizaciones y el comportamiento organizacional.Marcelino Tovilla Zárate - 2006 - Episteme 2 (8).
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    La oligarquía y el establecimiento como constructos históricos sociológicos.Anne Marie Zwerg-Villegas - 2012 - Aposta 55:1.
    Colombia padece la imagen de que, desde sus inicios como colonia española hasta el presente, el país ha sido controlado por la oligarquía. Este ensayo examinará las evidencias que apuntan a esta alegación y confirmará que en sus inicios la Nación sí fue dominado por un grupo élite y reducido. Sin embargo, en años modernos, la oligarquía persiste pero que un grupo más extendido--una para-oligarquía o el Establecimiento--tiene mayor incidencia en las determinaciones en el progreso del país a través de (...)
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  20. The Phenomenal Concept Strategy Cannot Explain Problem Intuitions.Marcelino Botin - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (7-8):7-31.
    The meta-problem of consciousness is the problem of explaining why we think there is a hard problem of consciousness. The meta-problem promises to help us solve the hard problem. The Phenomenal Concept Strategy promises to solve both problems at once while allowing for a metaphysics of mind that avoids dualism, which is hard to defend, and illusionism which is hard to accept. I argue that the strategy fails to fulfil this promise. Standard accounts of the PCS cannot provide an adequate (...)
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    Decidability and complexity of fibred logics without shared connectives.Sérgio Marcelino & Carlos Caleiro - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (5).
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    A posteriori Russellian physicalism: a new solution to the meta-problem of consciousness.Marcelino Botin - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    The meta-problem of consciousness is the problem of explaining why we believe that there is a hard problem of consciousness. A solution to the former promises to take us one step closer to solving the latter. While many hope for a physicalist realist solution to the meta-problem, I argue that the two prominent physicalist realist positions in the literature, orthodox Russellian and type-B physicalism, cannot deliver a solution. I then introduce a posteriori Russellian physicalism, a Russellian version of the phenomenal (...)
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  23. Russellian Physicalists get our phenomenal concepts wrong.Marcelino Botin - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (7):1829-1848.
    Russellian physicalism is becoming increasingly popular because it promises to deliver what everybody wants, realism and physicalism about consciousness. But Russellian physicalists are not the first to swear on “the promise”, standard Type-B physicalism is a less fanciful view that also claims to give everything and take nothing. In this paper, I argue that our hopes should not be placed on Russellian physicalism because, unlike Type-B physicalism, it cannot explain how phenomenal concepts can reveal the nature of phenomenal properties without (...)
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  24. The Complexity of H-wave Amplitude Fluctuations and Their Bilateral Cross-Covariance Are Modified According to the Previous Fitness History of Young Subjects under Track Training.Maria E. Ceballos-Villegas, Juan J. Saldaña Mena, Ana L. Gutierrez Lozano, Francisco J. Sepúlveda-Cañamar, Nayeli Huidobro, Elias Manjarrez & Joel Lomeli - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11:285728.
    The Hoffmann reflex (H-wave) is produced by alpha-motoneuron activation in the spinal cord. A feature of this electromyography response is that it exhibits fluctuations in amplitude even during repetitive stimulation with the same intensity of current. We herein explore the hypothesis that physical training induces plastic changes in the motor system. Such changes are evaluated with the fractal dimension (FD) analysis of the H-wave amplitude-fluctuations (H-wave FD) and the cross-covariance (CCV) between the bilateral H-wave amplitudes. The aim of this study (...)
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    An Unexpected Boolean Connective.Sérgio Marcelino - 2022 - Logica Universalis 16 (1):85-103.
    We consider a 2-valued non-deterministic connective \({\wedge \!\!\!\!\!\vee }\) defined by the table resulting from the entry-wise union of the tables of conjunction and disjunction. Being half conjunction and half disjunction we named it _platypus_. The value of \({\wedge \!\!\!\!\!\vee }\) is not completely determined by the input, contrasting with usual notion of Boolean connective. We call non-deterministic Boolean connective any connective based on multi-functions over the Boolean set. In this way, non-determinism allows for an extended notion of truth-functional connective. (...)
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  26. Historia de las ideas estéticas en España por el doctor D. Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo..Marcelino Menéndez Y. Pelayo - 1890 - Madrid,: Impr. de A. Pérez Dubrull.
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  27. Historia de la filosofía.Villegas Angel & Camilo[From Old Catalog] - 1941 - Cartegena: [Tip. "Atlántida"].
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    La meditación sobre la esencia de Zubiri.Marcelino Legido - 1963 - Salmanticensis 10 (1):363-381.
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    Ilustración y valoración.Abel Naranjo Villegas - 1952 - [Bogotá,: Ministerio de Educación Nacional.
  30. La influencia española en la secularización de la filosofía en Colombia.A. Naranjo Villegas - 1986 - Franciscanum 28 (82):63-68.
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    Teoría de relaciones.Carlos Alejandro Ordóñez Villegas - 2018 - Proceedings of the Xxiii World Congress of Philosophy.
    The origin of Being as a live concept is one of the most difficult questions in history of metaphysics and ontology. This work analyses the postulate that being is constructed by the interaction of terms. In fact, being and the idea of Being has come from the possibility of relations. It is known that metaphysics and ontology has overestimated think Being like something that never change, a substance unchangeable. Reduce Being as ousía, translated as substance, does not understand central affirmation (...)
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    (1 other version)Assessment of Eight Entrepreneurial Personality Dimensions: Validity Evidence of the BEPE Battery.Marcelino Cuesta, Javier Suárez-Álvarez, Luis M. Lozano, Eduardo García-Cueto & José Muñiz - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Background. The study of entrepreneurial activity has undergone intense development in recent decades. Traditionally this topic has been addressed from three approaches: economic, sociological and psychological. In the study of enterprising personality, two fundamental perspectives stand out: the use of general personality traits, like the Big Five, and the use of more specific traits related to entrepreneurial spirit, such as self-efficacy, autonomy, innovation, optimism, and others. The objective of this study is to provide validity evidence for a new instrument for (...)
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    Conceptual Roles of Evolvability across Evolutionary Biology: Between Diversity and Unification.Cristina Villegas, Alan C. Love, Laura Nuño de la Rosa, Ingo Brigandt & Günter P. Wagner - 2023 - In Thomas F. Hansen, David Houle, Mihaela Pavlicev & Christophe Pélabon (eds.), Evolvability: A Unifying Concept in Evolutionary Biology? National Geographic Books. pp. 35–54.
    A number of biologists and philosophers have noted the diversity of interpretations of evolvability in contemporary evolutionary research. Different clusters of research defined by co-citation patterns or shared methodological orientation sometimes concentrate on distinct conceptions of evolvability. We examine five different activities where the notion of evolvability plays conceptual roles in evolutionary biological investigation: setting a research agenda, characterization, explanation, prediction, and control. Our analysis of representative examples demonstrates how different conceptual roles of evolvability are quasi-independent and yet exhibit important (...)
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  34. Finite axiomatizability of logics of distributive lattices with negation.Sérgio Marcelino & Umberto Rivieccio - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    This paper focuses on order-preserving logics defined from varieties of distributive lattices with negation, and in particular on the problem of whether these can be axiomatized by means Hilbert-style calculi that are finite. On the negative side, we provide a syntactic condition on the equational presentation of a variety that entails failure of finite axiomatizability for the corresponding logic. An application of this result is that the logic of all distributive lattices with negation is not finitely axiomatizable; we likewise establish (...)
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    Locally Tabular $$ne $$ Locally Finite.Sérgio Marcelino & Umberto Rivieccio - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (3):383-400.
    We show that for an arbitrary logic being locally tabular is a strictly weaker property than being locally finite. We describe our hunt for a logic that allows us to separate the two properties, revealing weaker and weaker conditions under which they must coincide, and showing how they are intertwined. We single out several classes of logics where the two notions coincide, including logics that are determined by a finite set of finite matrices, selfextensional logics, algebraizable and equivalential logics. Furthermore, (...)
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    Spirituality and belief: Implications for study and practice of Christian spirituality.Diana L. Villegas - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3).
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    Moral distance, AI, and the ethics of care.Carolina Villegas-Galaviz & Kirsten Martin - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-12.
    This paper investigates how the introduction of AI to decision making increases moral distance and recommends the ethics of care to augment the ethical examination of AI decision making. With AI decision making, face-to-face interactions are minimized, and decisions are part of a more opaque process that humans do not always understand. Within decision-making research, the concept of moral distance is used to explain why individuals behave unethically towards those who are not seen. Moral distance abstracts those who are impacted (...)
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  38. La Spátphilosophie de Schelling y el materialismo filosófico (Manuel F. Lorenzo, La última orilla).Marcelino Luna Almazara - 1990 - El Basilisco 3:89.
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    Sujeto y subjetividad en S. Kierkegaard.Marcelino Ocaña García - 1985 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 5:59-80.
    In this paper we aim to defend a version of the thesis of “extended mind” against the criticism of some authors that consider that the “extracraneal” devices cannott acomplish the requirements that the components of mental processes must meet. We propose a quality of integration as a criterion to be a mental process, and we consider that, in some situations, external devices can be considered as meeting this criterion.
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  40. La particuiarización como estrategia de descubrimiento de nuevos resultados: un ejemplo en geometría.Marcelino Ibañes Jalón - 2003 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 1:1.
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    Contribuições da América Latina para os estudos sobre delimitação de fronteiras.Marcelino Teixeira Lisboa - 2019 - Dialogos 23 (1):287.
    As fronteiras são um tema conceitualmente polissêmico e um objeto multidisciplinar. Estudos que tratam desse tema são de grande valia para os campos da Geografia, Relações Internacionais, Direito, História, entre outros. Visando contribuir com esse debate, essa resenha apresenta uma visão do livro Formação das Fronteiras Latino-Americanas, que caracteriza-se como uma importante contribuição, com diversas questões diferenciadas na discussão realizada.
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    Alienação da técnica na filosofia de mayz vallenilla.Carlos Javier Lozada Villegas - 2021 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 12 (23):10-24.
    Neste ensaio, gostaria de esclarecer, por meio da filosofia de Mayz Vallenilla, a estreita relação que existe entre técnica e alienação, como uma filosofia da técnica que se preocupa com o comportamento do homem, portanto, com sua alienação. Como resultado, este ensaio será dividido em três partes: na primeira seção, será desenvolvido um diálogo entre um historiador e um sociólogo, para construir uma breve história da técnica; na segunda seção apresentarei um diálogo sobre o conceito de alienação entre Marx e (...)
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  43. El problema de la validez del Derecho y la insuficiencia de la solución positivista según G. Radbruch.Marcelino Rodríguez Molinero - 2006 - In Ramos Pascua, José Antonio, Rodilla González & A. M. (eds.), El positivismo jurídico a examen: estudios en homenaje a José Delgado Pinto. Salamanca, España: Caja Duero.
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    Introducción a la ciencia del derecho.Marcelino Rodríguez Molinero - 1991 - Salamanca: Libreria Cervantes.
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  45. Naturaleza y sentido de la filosofía del derecho.Marcelino Rodríguez Molinero - 1975 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 15:379-397.
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  46. (1 other version)Filosofía del derecho.Abel Naranjo Villegas - 1947 - [Bogotá]: Librería y Ediciones Teoría.
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    A propósito de la Cronología del "De Substantiis Separatis" de Tomás de Aquino.Marcelino Otero & Alfonso García Marqués - 1983 - Anuario Filosófico 16 (2):109-122.
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    El enemigo en Del arte de la guerra: ¿quién es el enemigo de las milicias maquiavelianas?Hugo David Tavera Villegas - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26 (3):169-178.
    En este ensayo propongo una aproximación al contenido de Del arte de la guerra de Maquiavelo desde la pregunta por el enemigo: ¿quién es el enemigo en Del arte de la guerra? ¿Quién es el adversario del ejército que Maquiavelo busca organizar en el libro? Dentro de la literatura secundaria sobre el florentino identifico tres tipos de respuesta a esta pregunta, lo que llamo aquí tres diferentes manifestaciones del enemigo. Según estas lecturas, el enemigo de la milicia maquiaveliana es a) (...)
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  49. Historia de la Poesía Hispano-americana.Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo, J. M. Sanchez de Muniain & Adolfo Muñoz-Alonso - 1957 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 13 (2):218-220.
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    Actualidad de un filósofo del siglo XVI: Francisco de Vitoria.Marcelino Ocaña García - 1994 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 11:191-220.
    Francisco de Vitoria, no por su catalogación como teólogo, deja de ser auténtico filósofo; no por haber vivido en el siglo xvi, se encuentra desvinculado de la temática más candente de nuestra actualidad; no por vestir unos hábitos religiosos y vivirenmarcado en un régimen imperialista e inquisitorial, se encontró maniatado o coaccionado en sus ideas y pensamiento. En algunos puntos se encontró, incluso, más avanzado que nosotros mismos. Y. en todo caso, como asegura James Brown Scott, "la escuela moderna del (...)
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