Results for 'Marcel Gauchet. Disenchantment of the world. Theory of religion. Postcolonialism. Modernity'

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  1.  17
    The Disenchantment of the World: A Political History of Religion.Marcel Gauchet - 1997 - Princeton University Press.
    Marcel Gauchet has launched one of the most ambitious and controversial works of speculative history recently to appear, based on the contention that Christianity is "the religion of the end of religion." In The Disenchantment of the World, Gauchet reinterprets the development of the modern west, with all its political and psychological complexities, in terms of mankind's changing relation to religion. He views Western history as a movement away from religious society, beginning with prophetic Judaism, gaining tremendous momentum (...)
  2.  26
    Para ler Gauchet 20 anos depois.Carlos Alberto Steil - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (46):364-375.
    In 1985, Marcel Gauchet published his book Le désenchantement du monde. Une histoire politique de la religion, which came to fill a gap in terms of great synthesis in the studies of sociology of religion. His analysis of religion shows that, far from being reduced to a superstructure, the religious has actively modeled collective reality and its political forms. Mobilized by the study of this book, more than twenty years ago, I published the article Para ler Gauchet, in the (...)
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  3. The Disenchantment of the World: A Political History of Religion. By Marcel Gauchet, translated by Oscar Burge.J. E. Weakland - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (1):151-151.
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    The politics of disenchantment: Marcel Gauchet and the French struggle with secularization.Knox Peden - 2017 - Intellectual History Review 27 (1):135-150.
    This article looks at Marcel Gauchet’s major metahistorical statement, The Disenchantment of the World: A Political History of Religion (1985), and uses it to advance a series of claims about the place of secularization in debates within and about French politics, especially in relation to modern French history. The argument is put forward that Gauchet’s work is best understood as offering an alternative philosophy of history to Marxism that could serve to support a broadly republican realignment of French (...)
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    The Idea of a History of the Subject.Marcel Gauchet, Carol Wenzel-Rideout & Louis Sass - 2014 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 21 (4):285-298.
    Summary In this interview, The Idea of the History of the Subject, first published in French in 2003, the philosopher Marcel Gauchet offers a succinct account of the interdisciplinary project that lies at the heart of his own lifework as well as that of a number of his fellow intellectual travelers, especially in France. This is the attempt to articulate the conditions of modern selfhood and subjectivity, and to understand these in relation to the ever-changing yet always social nature (...)
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  6.  65
    Redefining the Unconscious.Gauchet Marcel - 2002 - Thesis Eleven 71 (1):4-23.
    The notion of the unconscious is central to Freudian theory, and is at the same time dependent on a network of other concepts and assumptions. The theory as a whole is best understood as a historical anthropology, in the double sense that it reflects a historical transformation of the human condition and that its frame of reference is embedded in the cultural universe of a historical epoch. A critical reconstruction of the psychoanalytical project, now urgently needed, therefore faces (...)
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    Modernity and collective subjectivity in Marcel Gauchet.Mark T. Hewson - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 175 (1):43-62.
    This article examines Marcel Gauchet’s claim that the political history of religion is the key to a new understanding of contemporary liberal democratic societies in the shape that they have come to assume since the 1970s. The Disenchantment of the World presents a history of religion starting out from the thesis that, from the perspective of universal history, the primary function of religion can be identified with the production of the unity and identity of societies. Present-day liberal democracies, (...)
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    Sortie de la religion, sortie de la politique?Donald Loose - 2005 - Bijdragen 66 (3):239-253.
    In The disenchantment of the world Marcel Gauchet defined Christianity as the religion of the exodus from religion, which also functions as a paradigm for a political interpretation of religion and the understanding of modern secular politics. However, Gauchet himself asserts that he considers the primitive heteronomous religion as the standard for understanding any religion. I intend to show on the contrary that he is mainly relying on modern auto-critical and hermeneutical Christian religion as the interpretative scheme for (...)
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    Enchanting Social Democracy: The Resilience of a Belief System.François Godard - 2011 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 23 (4):475-494.
    Marcel Gauchet's theory of democracy focuses on the secularization of Western societies and the emergence of “autonomy” in them—Weber's “disenchantment of the world.” The nineteenth-century liberalism that resulted failed to generate a sense of collective purpose that could fill the gap left by the retreat of religion. Totalitarian ideologies achieved this by harnessing the passions unleashed by World War I, but at the cost of radicalization. Conversely, the (unexpected and lasting) post-1945 “social state” set the groundwork for (...)
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    Marcel Gauchet and the loss of common purpose: imaginary Islam and the crisis of European democracy.Natalie Doyle - 2017 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    French post-Marxist theory and Gauchet's model of critique -- French post-Marxist theory and the political : Gauchet and religion -- Gauchet and the genesis of modern society -- The legacy of French sociology and anthropology : Gauchet and the question of the post-secular -- The crisis of European democracy : the neo-liberal ideology and political radicalization.
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  11.  27
    Mundo desencantado: o ethos pós-religioso do homem contempor'neo à luz do pensamento de Marcel Gauchet.Fabiano Victor Campos - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (46):376-411.
    This article analyzes the meaning of the expression "disenchantment of the world" in the French philosopher Marcel Gauchet’s thought. In order to do so, it seeks to show that, through the thesis of an exit of religion, Gauchet presents the historical development of religion in three distinct stages but successive and interrelated each other, that is to say: The religion of the past as the configurator of the original experience of heteronomy in its most absolute form of the (...)
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  12.  75
    Desacralization and the Disenchantment of the World.Daryl J. Wennemann - 1991 - Philosophy and Theology 5 (3):237-249.
    In this paper I explore Jacques Ellul’s sociology of religion in terms of Weber’s disenchantment thesis. In contrast to Mircea Eliade’s depiction of modern persons as nonreligious, owing to scientific and technological development, Ellul argues that traditional religions have merely been replaced by new ones. This has occurred, according to Ellul, because the desacralization of one realm of experience results in the resacralization of another realm of experience.
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  13.  84
    Re-Enchanting The World: An Examination Of Ethics, Religion, And Their Relationship In The Work Of Charles Taylor.David McPherson - 2013 - Dissertation, Marquette University
    In this dissertation I examine the topics of ethics, religion, and their relationship in the work of Charles Taylor. I take Taylor's attempt to confront modern disenchantment by seeking a kind of re-enchantment as my guiding thread. Seeking re-enchantment means, first of all, defending an `engaged realist' account of strong evaluation, i.e., qualitative distinctions of value that are seen as normative for our desires. Secondly, it means overcoming self-enclosure and achieving self-transcendence, which I argue should be understood in terms (...)
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  14.  46
    Reflexive Modernization and the End of the Nation State. On the Eclipse of the Political in Ulrich Beck's Cosmopolitanism.Antoon Braeckman - 2008 - Ethical Perspectives 15 (3):343-367.
    The theory of reflexive modernization plausibly advocates postnational cosmopolitanism. As the nation state is eroding today, we are becoming citizens of a ‘global risk society’ whose unity and cohesion is generated by the risk that is threatening us world-wide. By the same token, this world risk society is no longer unified in any political sense. There is no world state; its very idea is even rejected. In this sense, the cosmopolitanism argued for in the theory of reflexive modernization (...)
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  15.  32
    Reflexive Modernization and the End of the Nation State. On the Eclipse of the Political in Ulrich Beck's Cosmopolitanism.Toon Braeckman - 2008 - Ethical Perspectives 15 (3):343-367.
    The theory of reflexive modernization plausibly advocates postnational cosmopolitanism. As the nation state is eroding today, we are becoming citizens of a ‘global risk society’ whose unity and cohesion is generated by the risk that is threatening us world-wide. By the same token, this world risk society is no longer unified in any political sense. There is no world state; its very idea is even rejected. In this sense, the cosmopolitanism argued for in the theory of reflexive modernization (...)
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  16.  79
    The assumption by man of his original fracturing: Marcel gauchet, Gladys Swain, and the history of the self: Samuel Moyn.Samuel Moyn - 2009 - Modern Intellectual History 6 (2):315-341.
    This essay reconstructs conceptually and situates historically contemporary French philosopher Marcel Gauchet's theory of the origins and development of modern selfhood. It argues that his history of the self as the interiorization of constitutive alienation, and of the history of self-consciousness as the progressive recognition of this alienation, originated out of a unique combination of historical factors—the radical politics of May 1968, the rise of the antipsychiatry movement, and the new psychoanalysis of Jacques Lacan. The essay considers Gauchet's (...)
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  17.  28
    Book Review: The Sacred Game: The Role of the Sacred in the Genesis of Modern Literary Fiction. [REVIEW]Andrew J. McKenna - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):189-191.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Sacred Game: The Role of the Sacred in the Genesis of Modern Literary FictionAndrew J. McKennaThe Sacred Game: The Role of the Sacred in the Genesis of Modern Literary Fiction, by Cesareo Bandera; 318 pp. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994, $16.50.When we consider the early relations of philosophy and literature, we most often think of Republic X and about degrees of separation between reality and (...)
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  18.  21
    Is the essence of Christianity a disenchanted world? A critical discussion of Marcel Gauchet.Patrick Giddy - 2019 - South African Journal of Philosophy 38 (3):313-329.
    Marcel Gauchet argues that whatever impulse previously gave rise to religion is now fully translated by the values of representative politics, empirical method, future orientation and productivity as an end in itself. The good and productive citizen replaces the dutiful Christian. His foundational thesis is twofold: (a) religion is the surrender of human autonomy to a power other than human beings, issuing in a hierarchical social structure thought to be given by nature; and (b), paradoxically, religion has at the (...)
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  19.  54
    Marcel Gauchet, The Disenchantment of the World.The Editors - 1998 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 10 (1):63-63.
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  20.  30
    The Origins of Autonomy.Andreas Kalyvas - 1998 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1998 (113):139-149.
    Marcel Gauchet's book is an ambitious study of the rise and demise of religion.1 Written in the tradition of the “grand narratives,” he seeks to reconstruct the multiple linkages between the transformation of religion and the secularization of Western civilization.2 Relying on Max Weber and Cornelius Castoriadis, Gauchet seeks to explain the transition from a religious universe to a preeminently profane world that has broken irrecoverably with its religious past. How, Gauchet asks, did the transition take place? How (...)
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  21.  45
    The Future of the Christian Past: Marcel Gauchet and Charles Taylor on the Essence of Religion and its Evolution.Andre Cloots, Stijn Latré & Guido Vanheeswijck - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (6):958-974.
    This article explores the differences between Marcel Gauchet and Charles Taylor with respect to their theories of secularization. It starts by looking at their resemblances; it continues by distinguishing a two-fold difference in their approach. The variation within their similar methodologies is examined, and then the consequences of these divergent definitions of religion are investigated. We focus on four themes: the role of the Axial religions, the significance of Incarnation and Reformation, the significance of Christianity as the ‘religion of (...)
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  22.  20
    Trumpism and the Defense of Individual Liberties: Considerations on Marcel Gauchet’s Discussion of Individualism.Brian C. J. Singer - 2022 - Critical Horizons 23 (2):111-133.
    Marcel Gauchet spoke of the “eclipse of the political” during the neo-liberal era, but with the rise of populism he is now forced to speak of a “revenge of the political”. As the eclipse was discussed in terms of a new era of individualization, understood as the culmination of the “disenchantment of the world”, one has a right to ask what is the place of individualization in the era of the political’s revenge, particularly as, in the face of (...)
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  23.  48
    Religious Enthusiasm, the Spanish Inquisition, and the Disenchantment of the World.Andrew W. Keitt - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (2):231-250.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Religious Enthusiasm, the Spanish Inquisition, and the Disenchantment of the WorldAndrew KeittIn 1688 Anglican divine William Wharton published a short tract entitled The Enthusiasm of the Church of Rome demonstrated in some observations upon the life of Ignatius Loyola. Typical of the confessional propaganda of the day, Wharton's work contrasted the "rationality" of Protestantism with what he considered to be the superstition and obscurantism of the Catholic faith:It (...)
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  24.  21
    Hegel and the critical theory of religion.Rudolf J. Siebert - 2021 - Kalamazoo, MI: Ekpyrosis Press. Edited by Dustin Byrd.
    For over fifty years, Rudolf J. Siebert (b.1927) has developed his Critical Theory of Religion and Society out of the Critical Theory of the Institute for Social Research, commonly known as the "Frankfurt School." Born from the World War II ruins of his hometown in Frankfurt, Germany, Siebert's Hegelian thought has developed in conversation with Christian theology, German Idealism, comparative religion, political-economy, sociology, psychology, and history. Also known as Dialectical Religiology, Siebert's literary corpus is saturated with the dialectics (...)
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  25.  85
    The Charm of Disenchantment: A Quest for the Intellectual Attraction of Secularization Theory[REVIEW]Herbert De Vriese - 2010 - Sophia 49 (3):407-428.
    In the course of Western history, philosophy has proven to be an active participant in the process of secularization. This article seeks to examine that philosophical role more closely. The central question is how the role of philosophy must be rethought in light of the contemporary critique of classical secularization theory. The first part of the article sheds light on the current crisis of secularization theory. Drawing on recent scholarship in the social sciences, it explains why the classical (...)
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  26.  14
    The Invisible Threshold: Two Plays by Gabriel Marcel.Brendan Sweetman, Maria Traub & Geoffrey Karabin (eds.) - 2019 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    The plays in this new volume were written early in Marcel’s career, and were published together under the title Le Seuil invisible (The Invisible Threshold) in 1913. The first play, Grace, explores the theme of religious conversion. The drama depicts a crisis between characters of genuine depth and sincerity, who are struggling with different interpretations of shared experiences. Similar themes are addressed but developed differently in the second play, The Sandcastle. This drama explores the confrontation between one’s beliefs and (...)
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  27.  47
    (1 other version)The Scholastic Theory of Moral Law In The Modern World.Alan Donagan - 1966 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 40:30-40.
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  28.  79
    What We Have Lost with Religion.Marcel Gauchet - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (195):38-40.
    My title is deliberately provocative. It is intended to give pause to all those - quite a few, I imagine - who are convinced that they owe nothing at all to religion in any shape or form and who, as a result, think they have lost nothing in the recent difficulties that have stripped the Christian churches of most of the hold they still retained over European society. Because it goes without saying, in today's thinking, that religion is a question (...)
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  29.  42
    Qual a função das instituições religiosas nas sociedades saídas da religião?Marcel Gauchet - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (46):345-363.
    What this paper proposes is a reflexion on the role religious institutions play in nowadays societies come out from religion. A society that maintains a place for religion where churches are dismissed aside onto the civil society. What we verify is that the social forces conserve a certain vocation to allow for the credo to make it through modern times and to coexist with an exit from religion. The paper is divided in five different parts. The first one sets about (...)
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  30. Paradoxes of modernity: culture and conduct in the theory of Max Weber.Wolfgang Schluchter - 1996 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    One of the world's pre-eminent Max Weber scholars here presents a comprehensive analysis of Weber's ambiguous stance toward modernity considered from a normative, theoretical, and historical point of view. The book is in two parts. Part I scrutinises Weber's world view. On the basis of his thinking about the meaning and inter-relationships of science, politics, and ethics in the modern era, Weber is seen as the embodiment of a social scientist and political thinker who exposes himself to intellectual risks (...)
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  31. Is there an inherent secularising tendency in Christianity (Gauchet)? Yes, but beware (Voegelin and Taylor).Patrick Giddy - 2022 - Studia Historicae Ecclesiasticae:1-15.
    The secularisation idea is that modernity leaves religion behind. But for Gauchet, modernity just is religion transformed, without remainder. The Axial Age discovery of the inner world of the psyche and its symbolic expressions, was at the same time a growth in understanding of God as creator, transcendent and incommensurable with all of creation. Henceforth, religion would be in the key of personal struggle and symbolic transformation, putting aside heteronomy. Taylor adds a caveat: the self-image of the self-sufficient, (...)
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  32.  18
    Globalization, modernity, and the rise of religious fundamentalism: the challenge of religious resurgence against the "end of history" (a dialectical kaleidoscopic analysis).Dimitrios Methenitis - 2019 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    The emergence of religious fundamentalism in a globalized, post-colonial world poses a significant challenge to the "End of History" narratives common in academic and non-academic literature alike. Globalization, Modernity and the Rise of Religious Fundamentalismproposes that we must seek new explanations for this phenomenon that recasts the relationship between globalization, modernity and religion. One model through which this possible is that of a dialectical kaleidoscopic methodology - one that applies a variety of theoretical tools and takes a truly (...)
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  33.  17
    Philosophy in World Perspective: A Comparative Hermeneutic of the Major Theories.David A. Dilworth - 1989 - Yale University Press.
    Philosophers and theologians from around the world and throughout history have grappled with such fundamental issues as the nature of the world and man's relation to it, as well as the optimal forms of human perception, language and behaviour. Yet it has always been difficult to compare the works of thinkers from different eras and cultures. In this work of systematic philosophy, David Dilworth places the major texts of ancient and modern, and Western and Oriental philosphy and religion into one (...)
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  34.  15
    The encyclopedic philosophy of Michel Serres: writing the modern world and anticipating the future.Keith A. Moser - 2016 - Augusta, Georgia: Anaphora Literary Press.
    This monograph represents the first comprehensive study dedicated to the interdisciplinary French philosopher Michel Serres. As the title of this project unequivocally suggests, Serres s prolific body of work paints a rending portrait of what it means for a sentient being to live in the modern world. This book reflects Serres s profound conviction that philosopher c est anticiper / to philosophize (about something) is to anticipate ( Philosophie Magazine ). According to Serres, a philosopher is someone who possesses an (...)
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  35.  28
    Le pouvoir moderne et le dispositif asilaire selon Michel Foucault et Marcel Gauchet.Olivier Lecomte - 2015 - Dialogue 54 (2):313-331.
    The concept of modernity, according to Michel Foucault and Marcel Gauchet, is closely related to the idea of a new form of power. While Foucault analyzes power from within, Gauchet develops a theory of power based on a relation to externality. Both perceive the asylum as one of the most representative settings of this modern form of power. I show that Gauchet’s model preserves Foucault’s contribution, while giving it a new significance.
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  36.  41
    Minds and Gods: The Cognitive Foundations of Religion.Todd Tremlin - 2006 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Around the world and throughout history, in cultures as diverse as ancient Mesopotamia and modern America, human beings have been compelled by belief in gods and developed complex religions around them. But why? What makes belief in supernatural beings so widespread? And why are the gods of so many different people so similar in nature? This provocative book explains the origins and persistence of religious ideas by looking through the lens of science at the common structures and functions of human (...)
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  37.  32
    Marcel Gauchet e a saída contempor'nea da religião.Henrique Marques Lott - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (46):412-442.
    This paper’s objective is to ascertain the current situation of the so-called exit from religion within the theories of French philosopher Marcel Gauchet. Our purpose is a comprehensive approach of some concepts that permeate his thought about the religious phenomenon. The analysis here developed is divided in four distinct parts. In the first, we explore the specific bases of Gauchet’s concept of religion. It is a concept which, as we shall see, entails a notion of exit from religion in (...)
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  38.  31
    Asian Modernization and Mediatization of Religion.Sunny Yoon - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (39):68-90.
    Religion has become a new focus of study in the investigation of current crises and social conflicts in the post-modern world. This study seeks to examine the role of religion in social change and to discover possible alternatives to social problems. East Asian countries have followed a different path of development from Western societies, which is illustrated by the close affinity between religion and modernization, in contrast to the assumptions of secularization theories. The strong role of religion in modernization promotes (...)
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  39.  51
    (1 other version)“O religioso após a religião”: um debate entre Marcel Gauchet e Luc Ferry (“The religious after religion”: an debate between Marcel Gauchet and Luc Ferry) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2010v8n19p71. [REVIEW]Henrique Marques Lott & Wilmar do Valle Barbosa - 2010 - Horizonte 8 (19):71-100.
    A riqueza do debate ocorrido entre os filósofos Luc Ferry e Marcel Gauchet, em janeiro de 1999, deu origem a este artigo, em que os autores exploram os temas e as questões discutidas naquela ocasião. O artigo apresenta as diferentes posições dos dois pensadores franceses, cuja preocupação maior é pensar as condições de possibilidade da religião e do religioso nos tempos atuais. Tempos em que, segundo os debatedores, predomina a individualização da crença e nos quais a presença de uma (...)
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  40.  11
    Theory of Religious Cycles: Tradition, Modernity, and the Bahá’Í Faith.Mikhail Sergeev - 2015 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    In _Theory of Religious Cycles: Tradition, Modernity and the Bahá’í Faith_ Mikhail Sergeev offers a new interpretation of the Soviet period of Russian history by developing a theory of religious cycles, which he applies to modernity and all major world religions.
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    The political economy of social psychiatry: Max Weber's conception of disenchantment.Vincentas R. Giedraitis - 2008 - Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.
    Is social psychiatry at a tipping point, acknowledging that many normal types of behavior are being over-medicalized? What notions of enchantment can we glean from Max Weber's social thought as they relate to our modern, rational, bureaucratic world? Giedraitis explores these issues using the German economist and sociologist Max Weber's theories of rationalization and disenchantment, and connects them to the dangers of bureaucratizing mental health. Giedraitis conducts an innovative study using psychotherapists as respondents to measure varying degrees of "rational" (...)
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    Religion and Modernization in Theology Faculty Students -The Case of Sivas Cumhuriyet University-.Şaban Erdi̇ç - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (3):1021-1035.
    In the context of the main principles, modernity has affected the relationship of individuals with society in two ways; either by promoting a comprehensive individualization or by paradoxically surrendering individual freedoms to new relations due to the many risks it carries. In the modernization process, religion has been affected not only in the context of traditional and everyday patterns; but also, it has been significantly influenced in terms of its dimensions corresponding to the public space. This study examined the (...)
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  43.  24
    The critical theory of religion: From having to being.Dustin J. Byrd, Michael R. Ott & Rudolf J. Siebert - 2013 - Critical Research on Religion 1 (1):33-42.
    In our essay we trace the evolution of the critical theory of religion, or comparative dialectical religiology, out of the critical theory of society of the Institute for Social Research or the Frankfurt School. For us, the history of religions reflects the history of humanity’s intellectual and spiritual evolution. As we developed our critical theory of religion, we have tried to supersede concretely the great accomplishments of three generations of critical theorists, particularly in the field of religion. (...)
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    The power of the sacred: an alternative to the narrative of disenchantment.Hans Joas - 2021 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press. Edited by Alex Skinner.
    "Disenchantment" is a key term in the self-understanding of modernity. But what exactly do we mean when we use this concept? What was its original meaning when Max Weber introduced it? And can the conventional meaning or Max Weber's view really be defended, given the present state of knowledge about the history of religion? This book is an attempt to divest this concept of its enduring enchantment. The first chapters of the book deal with the three empirical disciplines (...)
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    Scheler's Critique of Husserl's Theory of the World of the Natural Standpoint.Quentin Smith - 1978 - Modern Schoolman 55 (4):387-396.
    Scheler's critique of Husserl's theory of the world of the natural standpoint may be understood as a decisive factor in the transition of phenomenological philosophy from the "rationalism" of Husserl to the 'existentialism" of Heidegger. Husserl's theory that the value characteristics of the world are founded on the natural characteristics signifies, as we will show, that the individual objects of the world are "logical individuals." By criticizing this view, and by showing that it is really the value characteristics (...)
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    The ordinary and the extraordinary: The ‘religious’ imprint of Weber's concept of rationalization.Antoon Braeckman - 2004 - Bijdragen 65 (3):283-302.
    Weber’s concept of rationalization internally relies on an opposition that is borrowed from a religious semantics: the opposition between the extraordinary and the ordinary. Taking as point of departure the expression ‘the disenchantment of the world’ I argue that this expression, and the concept of rationalization, which is connected with it, have to be understood as elements of a categorical field of tension that is dominated precisely by the mentioned opposition. Referring to the sociology of religion, in which Weber (...)
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  47.  39
    Social imaginaries and the theory of the normative utterance.Meili Steele - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (10):1045-1071.
    From Charles Taylor to Marcel Gauchet, theorists of the social imaginary have given us new ways to talk about the shared structures of meanings and practices of the West. Theorists of this group have argued against the narrow horizons of meaning that are deployed by deliberative political theories in developing their basic normative concepts and principles, providing an alternative to the oscillation between the constructivism and the realism. Theorists of the imaginary have enabled us to think about normatively charged (...)
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  48.  10
    Postcolonialism and Islam: theory, literature, culture, society and film.Geoffrey Nash, Kathleen Kerr-Koch & Sarah E. Hackett (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    With a focus on the areas of theory, literature, culture, society and film, this collection of essays examines, questions and broadens the applicability of Postcolonialism and Islam from a multifaceted and cross-disciplinary perspective.Topics covered include the relationship between Postcolonialism and Orientalism, theoretical perspectives on Postcolonialism and Islam, the position of Islam within postcolonial literature, Muslim identity in British and European contexts, and the role of Islam in colonial and postcolonial cinema in Egypt and India. At a time at which (...)
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  49.  24
    Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture (review).Dallas G. Denery Ii - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (1):103-104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European CultureDallas G. Denery IIStuart Clark. Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture. Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. Pp. xi + 415. Cloth, $75.00.A popular and pervasive historical narrative links the Renaissance development of linear perspective with Europe’s transition from a pre-modern to an early modern society. Erwin Panofsky gave this narrative its definitive form early (...)
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  50.  14
    The Coloniality of the Secular: Race, Religion, and Poetics of World-Making.Yountae An - 2024 - Duke University Press.
    In _The Coloniality of the Secular_, An Yountae investigates the collusive ties between the modern concepts of the secular, religion, race, and coloniality in the Americas. Drawing on the work of Édouard Glissant, Frantz Fanon, Aimé Césaire, Sylvia Wynter, and Enrique Dussel, An maps the intersections of revolutionary non-Western thought with religious ideas to show how decoloniality redefines the sacred as an integral part of its liberation vision. He examines these thinkers’ rejection of colonial religions and interrogates the narrow conception (...)
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