In 1985, Marcel Gauchet published his book Le désenchantement du monde. Une histoire politique de la religion, which came to fill a gap in terms of great synthesis in the studies of sociology of religion. His analysis of religion shows that, far from being reduced to a superstructure, the religious has actively modeled collective reality and its political forms. Mobilized by the study of this book, more than twenty years ago, I published the article Para ler Gauchet, in the journal Religion and Society. In this article, I return to the reading of Désenchantement du Monde and my own text to think critically the thesis of Gauchet from three lines of intersection within the current production of the social sciences of religion. The first is referred to the criticism of Thomas Csordas from the point o view of fenomenology. In the second, I discuss the subordinate place that religion occupies in Gauchet's thinking and propose the urgency of overcoming the dichotomy between the secular and the religious. The third line presents a critique of Western thinking from the postcolonial.