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  1.  36
    Burger Van é én wereld?Donald Loose - 2003 - Bijdragen 64 (4):369-399.
    Are we the Citizens of just one empirical world? Have all reminiscences to the transcendental become atavistic in the political domain? This article defends the lasting relevance of the kantian doctrine of analogy for the significance of both religion and politics in post-modern times. The symbolic representation of the indemonstrable concept of practical reason itself functions as well in politics as in religion in the manner of a typology of the law and a legislation, which must be understood as the (...)
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  2.  29
    Bookreviews.P. C. Beentjes, Bart J. Koet, Joseph Pamplaniyil, Pim Valkenberg, Willem Lemmens, Donald Loose, Walter Van Herck & Inigo Bocken - 2006 - Bijdragen 67 (2):229-239.
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    (1 other version)Bookreviews.P. C. Beentjes, Rob Faesen, Frank G. Bosman, Walter Van Herck, C. Baumgartner, Ton Meijers, Th Bell, Pim Valkenberg, Erik Meganck, Edwin Koster, Peter Reynaert, Donald Loose, Paul Schotsmans & Staf Hellemans - 2008 - Bijdragen 69 (3):339-358.
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  4.  40
    ‘A schematism of analogy with which we cannot dispense’. Kant on indirect representation in politics.Donald Loose - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 74 (2):90-107.
    In this article the importance of the representational character of politics is illustrated on the basis of the philosophy of Kant. The vanishing of the noumenal in post-modern thinking seems to imply fundamental changes in the sensitive response – aesthetics of the beautiful and the sublime – to politics. In the Kantian paradigm the meaning of our affective response to the violence of (human) nature is ruled by a moral perspective of practical reason. Although the representation of practical reason in (...)
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  5.  4
    Democratie op wankele bodem: over de politiek en het politieke.Donald Loose - 2021 - Amsterdam: Boom.
    De democratie staat onder druk. Burgers koesteren wantrouwen jegens de politiek en jegens elkaar. Globalisering en neoliberalisme hebben geleid tot populistisch verzet en nieuw nationalisme. Om de oorzaken van het huidige maatschappelijke wantrouwen te doorgronden, moeten we onze eigen tijd ontstijgen en lessen trekken uit de rijke traditie van het democratisch project - van Machiavelli en Rousseau tot Tocqueville en Gauchet.0In 'Democratie op wankele bodem' bespreekt Donald Loose het ideologische fundament van de westerse democratie. In de rechtsstatelijke traditie, de representatieve (...)
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  6.  47
    De verlichting en de problematiek van het kwaad.Donald Loose - 2006 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 46 (2):28-38.
    Met de verlichting komt de mens centraal te staan als de verantwoordelijke in het spanningsveld van vrijheid en determinisme. Daarmee dreigt hij zich ook de schuld van alle kwaad op de hals te halen en wordt de theodicee een antropodicee. Hij kan daar op twee manieren onderuit komen: ofwel wordt alle dwingende natuurwetmatigheid secundair en is nog slechts het morele kwaad relevant, ofwel wordt de vrijheid zelf herleid tot het natuurlijk determinisme. Kant wist echter die spanning in het verlichtingsdenken overeind (...)
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  7.  56
    Een tweevoudig rijk van de vrijheid-A Twofold Reign of Freedom.Donald Loose - 2006 - Bijdragen 67 (2):115-141.
    A Twofold Reign of Freedom. Politics and the Moral Symbolism of Religion according to Kant This article emphasises the importance of rational religion’s moral symbolism in Kant’s political philosophy. Although Kant discontinues the classical theologico-political doctrine in a republican way, the cohesion of religion and politics is re-introduced through the mediation of the moral laws of freedom. The moral law subdivides in the principles of justice and the ones of virtue. Both perspectives give rise to subsequent questions in which essential (...)
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  8. Gido Berns (1939 – 2018).Donald Loose - 2018 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 58 (4):42-43.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Identiteit En Staatsburgerschap. Een Uitdaging Voor Europa.Donald Loose - 2022 - de Uil Van Minerva 35 (2).
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  10.  68
    Sortie de la religion, sortie de la politique?Donald Loose - 2005 - Bijdragen 66 (3):239-253.
    In The disenchantment of the world Marcel Gauchet defined Christianity as the religion of the exodus from religion, which also functions as a paradigm for a political interpretation of religion and the understanding of modern secular politics. However, Gauchet himself asserts that he considers the primitive heteronomous religion as the standard for understanding any religion. I intend to show on the contrary that he is mainly relying on modern auto-critical and hermeneutical Christian religion as the interpretative scheme for all religion (...)
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  11.  34
    Saint Paul of the philosophers.Donald Loose - 2009 - Bijdragen 70 (2):135-151.
  12.  51
    The sublime and its teleology: Kant, German idealism, phenomenology.Donald Loose (ed.) - 2011 - Boston: Brill.
    Based on their critical analysis of Kant's "Critique of Judgment", the authors of this book show from different perspectives in what way the Kantian concept of the sublime is still a main stream of inspiration for contemporary thinking.
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