Results for 'Marc Meola'

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  1.  83
    Comment on "Toward an Epistemology of Intellectual Property".Marc Meola - 2007 - Journal of Information Ethics 16 (2):52-54.
  2. Logical Constraints on Judgement Aggregation.Marc Pauly & Martin van Hees - 2006 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 35 (6):569 - 585.
    Logical puzzles like the doctrinal paradox raise the problem of how to aggregate individual judgements into a collective judgement, or alternatively, how to merge collectively inconsistent knowledge bases. In this paper, we view judgement aggregation as a function on propositional logic valuations, and we investigate how logic constrains judgement aggregation. In particular, we show that there is no non-dictatorial decision method for aggregating sets of judgements in a logically consistent way if the decision method is local, i.e., only depends on (...)
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  3. Bridging the Responsibility Gap in Automated Warfare.Marc Champagne & Ryan Tonkens - 2015 - Philosophy and Technology 28 (1):125-137.
    Sparrow argues that military robots capable of making their own decisions would be independent enough to allow us denial for their actions, yet too unlike us to be the targets of meaningful blame or praise—thereby fostering what Matthias has dubbed “the responsibility gap.” We agree with Sparrow that someone must be held responsible for all actions taken in a military conflict. That said, we think Sparrow overlooks the possibility of what we term “blank check” responsibility: A person of sufficiently high (...)
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  4. Really Statistical Explanations and Genetic Drift.Marc Lange - 2013 - Philosophy of Science 80 (2):169-188.
    Really statistical explanation is a hitherto neglected form of noncausal scientific explanation. Explanations in population biology that appeal to drift are RS explanations. An RS explanation supplies a kind of understanding that a causal explanation of the same result cannot supply. Roughly speaking, an RS explanation shows the result to be mere statistical fallout.
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  5. Reliable Misrepresentation and Teleosemantics.Marc Artiga - 2013 - Disputatio (37):265-281.
    Mendelovici (forthcoming) has recently argued that (1) tracking theories of mental representation (including teleosemantics) are incompatible with the possibility of reliable misrepresentation and that (2) this is an important difficulty for them. Furthermore, she argues that this problem commits teleosemantics to an unjustified a priori rejection of color eliminativism. In this paper I argue that (1) teleosemantics can accommodate most cases of reliable misrepresentation, (2) those cases the theory fails to account for are not objectionable and (3) teleosemantics is not (...)
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    Mánillusionens problem.Konrad Marc-Wogau - 1935 - Theoria 1 (1-2):139-182.
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  7. Re-organizing organizational accounts of function.Marc Artiga - 2011 - Applied ontology 6 (2):105-124.
    In this paper I discuss a recent theory on functions called Organizational Account. This theory seeks to provide a new definition of function that overcomes the distinction between etiological and dispositional accounts and that could be used in biology as well as in technology. I present a definition of function that I think captures the intuitions of Organizational Accounts and consider several objections.
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  8. Wrongful Harm to Future Generations: The Case of Climate Change.Marc D. Davidson - 2008 - Environmental Values 17 (4):471 - 488.
    In this article I argue that governments are justified in addressing the potential for human induced climate damages on the basis of future generations' rights to bodily integrity and personal property. First, although future generations' entitlements to property originate in our present entitlements, the principle of self-ownership requires us to take 'reasonable care' of the products of future labour. Second, while Parfit's non-identity problem has as yet no satisfactory solution, the present absence of an equilibrium between theory and intuitions justifies (...)
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    Vers une autre conception de la collection.Jacques Serrano, Marc Halévy, Ghislain Mollet-Viéville & Émilie Mouret - 2011 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 8 (2):129-134.
    Résumé Jacques Serrano conçoit un système d’échange économique structurellement de même nature que sa production artistique non-matérialisée, qui permet de repenser la fonction et le statut de collectionneur. Cette réflexion s’accompagne d’un exemple de mise en application. Marc Halévy éclaire les enjeux économiques de cette proposition, et Ghislain Mollet-Viéville en analyse l’originalité en termes de collection.
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    Réponses aux commentaires.Jean-Marc Narbonne - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (1):277-293.
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  11. P. Andrew Leynes, Richard L. Marsh, Jason L. Hicks, Joseph D. Allen, and Christopher B. Mayhorn.Jonathan Smallwood, Marc Obonsawin, Derek Heim & Robert West - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11:478-479.
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    The Research Community Philosophy and History of the Discipline of Education : A Retrospect of Collaborative Research over Two Decades. Continued—Part Two.Paul Smeyers & Marc Depaepe - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (5):1395-1397.
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    Empathy in Business Ethics Education.Marc A. Cohen - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 9:359-375.
    This paper addresses the tactical question of how we ought to proceed in teachingbusiness ethics, taking as a starting point that business ethics should be concerned with cooperative,mutually beneficial outcomes, and in particular with fostering behavior that contributes to thoseoutcomes. This paper suggests that focus on moral reasoning as a tactical outcome—as a way ofachieving behavior in support of cooperative outcomes—is misplaced. Instead, we ought to focuson cultivating empathetic experiences. Intuitively, the problem we need to address in business ethicsis not (...)
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    Theory and implementation of coalitional analysis in cooperative decision making.Haiyan Xu, D. Marc Kilgour, Keith W. Hipel & Edward A. McBean - 2014 - Theory and Decision 76 (2):147-171.
    Stability definitions for describing human behavior under conflict when coalitions may form are generalized within the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution and algebraic formulations of these definitions are provided to allow computer implementation. The more general definitions of coalitional stabilities relax the assumption of transitive graphs capturing movements under the control of decision makers, either independently or cooperatively, and allow the convenient expansion to the case of coalitions of the four basic individual stabilities consisting of Nash stability, general metarationality, symmetric (...)
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    Model-based contextual policy search for data-efficient generalization of robot skills.Andras Kupcsik, Marc Peter Deisenroth, Jan Peters, Ai Poh Loh, Prahlad Vadakkepat & Gerhard Neumann - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 247 (C):415-439.
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    The conditions for building a partnership between students and patients: Educational engineering for pharmacy students.Caroline Hache, Marc-Antoine Luc & Guillaume Hache - 2024 - Revue Phronesis 13 (4):91-108.
    Collaborative practices and patient -as- partner approaches are expanding in healthcare. The involvement of patients in the training of healthcare professionals appears as an opportunity for the development of such training and contributes to the practical experience of working with patients alongside the theoretical and scientific aspects of training. However, although the theories underpinning patient involvement in training are well developed, to date theire have been few practical applications to contextual situations, and there is a need to reflect on the (...)
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    Phantasia, imaginación e imagen.Marc Richir - 2012 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas (9):333-347.
    Este artículo se basa en el texto nº1 del tomo XXIII de Husserliana, Phantasia, conciencia de imagen, recuerdo. En primer lugar entendemos que Husserl es el mayor crítico de la filosofía de la representación que ha dado el siglo XX. No sólo en punto a la percepción; también, como se verá, en punto a la phantasia. Sin embargo, por la misma razón, probablemente ha sido también el más fino analista del fenómeno de la representación entendido, ahora sí, como conciencia de (...)
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    A Motivational Account of Convergence in Emotion Expressions Within Groups: The Emotional Conformity Framework.Svenja A. Wolf, Marc W. Heerdink & Gerben A. van Kleef - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (4):363-379.
    Although convergence in emotion expressions within small groups is well documented, the motives that explain why members converge are rarely explicated. We approach expressive convergence from a conformity perspective and introduce the Emotional Conformity Framework, in which we posit that members match their groupmates’ emotion expressions because they are motivated to gain an accurate understanding of reality (informational conformity motive) or to form and maintain social relationships (normative conformity motive). These motives determine members’ standards for correctness, social responses, and plausible (...)
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  19. Chapter 1 of Ways of Seeing: The representational theory of the visual mind.Pierre Jacob & Marc Jeannerod - unknown
    This is the first chapter of Ways of Seeing co-authored with Marc Jeannerod. We ague for a representational approach to the puzzles of both visual perception and visually-guided actions.
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  20. Ontologie du langage.Gustav Siewerth & Marc Zemb - 1958 - Desclée de Brouwer.
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    Conflicting Approaches to the Study of Social Capital.Dietlind Stolle & Marc Hooghe - 2003 - Ethical Perspectives 10 (1):22-45.
    In recent years, the concept of social capital has become quite fashionable in social science research. Especially Robert Putnam’s ‘Making Democracy Work’ has provoked an enormous amount of research on this societal resource. It has become customary to make a distinction between network and attitudinal approaches of social capital, focusing on individual network positions and the role of civic attitudes respectively.We argue that these two approaches do not exclude one another: it is just as legitimate to study the larger societal (...)
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    Differences that make a difference: Do locus equations result from physical principles characterizing all mammalian vocal tracts?W. Tecumseh Fitch & Marc D. Hauser - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):264-265.
    Sussman and colleagues provide no evidence supporting their claim that the human vocal production system is specialized to produce locus equations with high correlations and linearity. We propose the alternative null hypothesis that these features result from physical and physiological factors common to all mammalian vocal tracts and we recommend caution in assuming that human speech production mechanisms are unique.
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  23. Trump Revealed : An American Journey of Ambition, Ego, Money, and Power.Michael Kranish & Marc Fisher - 2016
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    Expanding the range of vulnerabilities to pathological gambling: A consideration of over-fast discounting processes.Carl W. Lejuez & Marc N. Potenza - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):452-453.
    Redish et al. present a compelling, interdisciplinary, unified framework of addiction. The effort to integrate pathological gambling is especially important, but only the vulnerability of misclassifying situations is described in detail as being linked directly to this disorder. This commentary focuses on further developing the comprehensiveness of this framework for pathological gambling using over-fast discounting as an illustrative example.
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    La beauté artistique: l'impossible définition indispensable: prolégomènes pour une "artologie" future.Marc-Mathieu Münch - 2014 - Genève: Diffusion hors France, Éditions Slatkine.
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  26. Godless Morality.Peter Singer & Marc Hauser - unknown
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  27. Bertolt Brecht, Politics, and Comedy.Marc Silberman - 2012 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 79 (1):169-188.
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    Resting state functional connectivity predicts subsequent motor sequence learning.Mary Alison, Wens Vincent, Op De Beeck Marc, Leproult Rachel, De Tiège Xavier & Peigneux Philippe - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  29. Early contributors and fair rewards in crowdfunding.Sylvain Béal, Marc Deschamps, Catherine Refait-Alexandre & Guillaume Sekli - 2025 - Theory and Decision 98 (1):33-59.
    We address the issue of fairly rewarding contributors to a crowdfunded project. We develop a theoretical non-strategic model, and introduce a new reward rule: a contributor’s reward depends both on her financial contribution and on the timing of her contribution. Following the axiomatic method used in models of resource sharing, we characterize this new reward rule by a pair of natural axioms. The resulting rewards coincide with the Shapley value of a suitable cooperative game built from the crowdfunding project. This (...)
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    Integrating Humans and Nature: Reconciling the Boundaries of Science and Society.G. Bradshaw & Marc Bekoff - 2000 - Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15:309-310.
    Guidelines for submitting commentsPolicy: Comments that contribute to the discussion of the article will be posted within approximately three business days. We do not accept anonymous comments. Please include your email address; the address will not be displayed in the posted comment. Cell Press Editors will screen the comments to ensure that they are relevant and appropriate but comments will not be edited. The ultimate decision on publication of an online comment is at the Editors' discretion. Formatting: Please include a (...)
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    Extrinsic obstacles and loop formation in deformed metals and alloys.Daniel Caillard, Marc Legros & Alain Couret - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (1-3):203-221.
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    Bilan et enjeux culturels du commerce international de librairie entre la France et l’Allemagne au XIXe siècle.Jean-Marc Chatelain - 1992 - Revue de Synthèse 113 (1-2):85-97.
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    Justice et tolérance.Jean-Marc Trigeaud - 1997 - Bordeaux: Bière.
  34.  23
    The Shemshāra Archives, 2: The Administrative TextsThe Shemshara Archives, 2: The Administrative Texts.Marc van de Mieroop & Jesper Eidem - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (3):497.
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    Many a Standard at a Time: The Ottomans' Leverage with Imperial Studies.Marc Aymes - 2013 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 8 (1):26-43.
    This article aims to explore the consequences of including Ottoman studies in the larger field of imperial studies. It strives to combine a close reading of the Ottoman imperial epithets with considerations of how the Ottomans may contribute to theorizing empire as a model. In particular, the article engages in a discussion of whether the "sublime sultanate" developed into a colonial pattern of empire over its final century of existence. As it turns out, the Ottoman practice of administration did not (...)
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    Sur la réception en France de l'Histoire du matérialisme, par F.A. Lange.Marc Bonnemaison - 2011 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 69 (1):61-75.
    Résumé Dans la seconde moitié du xix e siècle, l’essor des sciences de la nature et du matérialisme est tel en Allemagne et en France qu’il impose la nécessité d’une redéfinition de la philosophie. Le livre de F.A. Lange, l’ Histoire du matérialisme, répond à cet impératif. Il favorisa un renouveau du kantisme en Allemagne. Qu’en est-il de sa réception lors de sa parution en France?
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    Deleuze et la comédie : petite forme et grande santé.Marc Cerisuelo - 2008 - Rue Descartes 59 (1):94.
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    Liminaire.Marc Chabot - 1992 - Horizons Philosophiques 3 (1):465-466.
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    L'intime et quelques autres choses….Marc Chabot - 1999 - Horizons Philosophiques 10 (1):47-57.
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    Gérard Siegwalt : une théologie en dialogue.Marc Dumas - 2010 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 66 (2).
  41.  56
    Le jeune Hegel et le problème de la fausse réconciliation.Marc Herceg - 2005 - Archives de Philosophie 4 (4):637-662.
    Lors de son séjour à Berne, celui qui deviendra le plus grand philosophe de la réconciliation pense l’échec, voire l’impossibilité de toute réconciliation. Le jeune Hegel commence par affirmer la nécessité d’un retour aux sources de la réconciliation chrétienne; puis il s’interroge sur l’échec de la réconciliation proposée par le Christ, sur la persistance de l’irréconciliation, et sur la fausse réconciliation. La conclusion fait ressortir le thème du renversement d’une doctrine initialement pure et celui du remède contre la fausse réconciliation.
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    How immaterialism can save your soul.Marc A. Hight - 2010 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 135 (1):109 - 122.
    I argue that Berkeley has reasonable grounds for believing both that (a) the supposition of the existence of material substance leads to atheism and (b) endorsing immaterialism provides a better support for the Christian faith than any rival that posits the existence of matter. Together, those claims lead to the conclusion that if one wants to be a Christian, there is good reason to think that one ought to be an immaterialist. Je montre que Berkeley a raison de croire que (...)
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    Conscience de l'action, conscience de soi.Marc Jeannerod - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (3):325 - 330.
    La plupart de nos actions sont exécutées sous le contrôle de mécanismes automatiques. Le sentiment d'avoir volontairement causé une action et, par extension, la conscience de soi relèvent de mécanismes antérieurs au sentiment qu'ils causent, antériorité fondée sur la lenteur des processus aboutissant à l'expérience consciente. La conscience n'a done pas de rôle causal immédiat sur l'activité nerveuse ni sur le comportement, elle intervient a posteriori pour structurer le moi cognitif et maintenir l'unité du moi. Most of our actions are (...)
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    Over schoonheid: hedendaagse beschouwingen bij een klassiek begrip.Marc De Kesel (ed.) - 2008 - Gent: A&S/Books.
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    The Irony of Animal Cruelty Legislation.Marc Lucht - 2012 - Society and Animals 20 (4):411-412.
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    L'inquiétude dans De la Recherche de la vérité.Marc Parmentier - 2011 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 96 (1):85.
    L’article vise à mettre en évidence, dans De la recherche de la vérité, la juxtaposition d’un concept théologique et d’un concept purement anthropologique de l’inquiétude. Dans les livres III et IV de son ouvrage, Malebranche tente d’inscrire la confrontation entre l’amour des biens finis et l’amour pour le bien en général dans un cadre mécaniste d’inspiration cartésienne. Cette tentative n’aboutit pas à un modèle simple et univoque, on peut toutefois en préserver la cohérence en interprétant l’inquiétude comme la manifestation propre (...)
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    The status of hearers’ rights in freedom of expression.Marc Ramsay - 2012 - Legal Theory 18 (1):31-68.
    Freedom of expression is often treated as a right held by speakers, with hearers holding only a derivative right to receive expression. Roger Shiner in particular argues that we should recognize hearers rights. However, Larry Alexander argues that, if there is a moral right of freedom of expression, it is most plausibly a hearer's right to receive expression, not a speaker's right. I argue that hearers have a basic (or original) right to receive a speaker's expression, one that stands alongside (...)
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    Wozu Raum?: Systemtheorie, critical geopolitics und raumbezogene Semantiken.Marc Redepenning (ed.) - 2006 - Leipzig: Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde.
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    El sentido de la fenomenología.Marc Richir - 2012 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 9:315.
    El presente artículo se apoya en el comentario de un texto contenido en el § 5 del Apéndice general a las Investigaciones lógicas. A partir de ese texto problematizamos el concepto husserliano (jamás de veras comprendido por Heidegger) de fenómeno. A continuación se presentan algunas aporías relativas a la variación eidética en la exposición que de ella se da en Experiencia y juicio, así como otras relativas al problema de la percepción interna que, en la fenomenología no estándar que a (...)
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    Pragmatismus moderate und radikale Versionen.Marc Rölli - 2012 - Philosophische Rundschau 59 (1):26 - 49.
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