Results for 'Malin Arvidsson'

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  1. Forgotten Responsibilities? Nordic Truth Commissions, Sámi History, and the Difficulty of Transnational Perspectives on Historical Responsibility.Otso Kortekangas, Natan Elgabsi & Malin Arvidsson - 2024 - Ethnicities.
    The article studies the Norwegian, Finnish and Swedish truth commissions dealing withstate-Sámi (an indigenous population living in northern Scandinavia, Finland and north-western Russia) relations through the concept of transnational historical justice. The fact that three separate commissions are studying the history of the Sámi has been criticized by earlier researchers, but never from the perspective of intergenerational, and more specifically historical justice. Our study of the mandate documents and the report of the Norwegian commission (the only one published in the (...)
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    A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Entrepreneurs’ Gender on their Access to Bank Finance.Malin Malmström, Barbara Burkhard, Charlotta Sirén, Dean Shepherd & Joakim Wincent - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-18.
    This meta-analysis of 31 studies over 20 years advances our understanding of the gender gap in entrepreneurial bank finance. Findings from previous research on the relationship between entrepreneurs’ gender and bank financing are mixed, which suggests the need to pay particular attention to entrepreneurs’ social context. In this study, we develop a model of how social gender norms explain variation in women entrepreneurs’ (vis-à-vis men entrepreneurs’) access to bank finance. Specifically, we theorize how women’s formal (their nations’ political ideologies) and (...)
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    Potato Ethics: What Rural Communities Can Teach Us about Healthcare.Malin Fors - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (2):265-277.
    In this paper I offer the term “potato ethics” to describe a particular professional rural health sensibility. I contrast this attitude with the sensibility behind urban professional ethics, which often focus on the narrow doctor–patient treatment relationship. The phrase appropriates a Swedish metaphor, the image of the potato as a humble side dish: plain, useful, versatile, and compatible with any main course. Potato ethics involves making oneself useful, being pragmatic, choosing to be like an invisible elf who prevents discontinuity rather (...)
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  4.  42
    Capitalism and the Commons.Adam Arvidsson - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (2):3-30.
    This article investigates the potential role of the commons in the future transformation of digital capitalism by comparing it to the role of the commons in the transition to capitalism. In medieval and early modern Europe the commons supported gradual social and technological innovation as well as a new civil society organized around the combination of commons-based petty production and new ideals of freedom and equality. Today the new commons generated by the global real subsumption of ordinary life processes are (...)
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    The Ethical Economy: Rebuilding Value After the Crisis.Adam Arvidsson & Nicolai Peitersen - 2013 - Columbia University Press.
    A more ethical economic system is now possible, one that rectifies the crisis spots of our current downturn while balancing the injustices of extreme poverty and wealth. Adam Arvidsson and Nicolai Peitersen, a scholar and an entrepreneur, outline the shape such an economy might take, identifying its origins in innovations already existent in our production, valuation, and distribution systems. Much like nineteenth-century entrepreneurs, philosophers, bankers, artisans, and social organizers who planned a course for modern capitalism that was more economically (...)
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    Teachers’ Ways of Talking About Nature of Science and Its Teaching.Malin Ideland, Andreas Redfors, Lena Hansson & Lotta Leden - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (9-10):1141-1172.
    Nature of science has for a long time been regarded as a key component in science teaching. Much research has focused on students’ and teachers’ views of NOS, while less attention has been paid to teachers’ perspectives on NOS teaching. This article focuses on in-service science teachers’ ways of talking about NOS and NOS teaching, e.g. what they talk about as possible and valuable to address in the science classroom, in Swedish compulsory school. These teachers are, according to the national (...)
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  7.  42
    “Just Carbon”: Ideas About Graphene Risks by Graphene Researchers and Innovation Advisors.Rickard Arvidsson, Max Boholm, Mikael Johansson & Monica Lindh de Montoya - 2018 - NanoEthics 12 (3):199-210.
    Graphene is a nanomaterial with many promising and innovative applications, yet early studies indicate that graphene may pose risks to humans and the environment. According to ideas of responsible research and innovation, all relevant actors should strive to reduce risks related to technological innovations. Through semi-structured interviews, we investigated the idea of graphene as a risk held by two types of key actors: graphene researchers and innovation advisors at universities, where the latter are facilitating the movement of graphene from the (...)
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  8.  17
    International law and posthuman theory.Matilda Arvidsson & Emily Jones (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Assembling a series of voices from across the field, this book demonstrates how posthuman theory can be employed to better understand and tackle some of the challenges faced by contemporary international law. With the vast environmental devastation being caused by climate change, the increasing use of artificial intelligence by international legal actors, and the need for international law to face up to its colonial past, international law needs to change. But in regulating and preserving a stable global order in which (...)
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    Cognitive mapping approach analyzing societal decision-making.Malin Brannback & Pentti Malaska - 1995 - World Futures 44 (4):231-245.
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    “All of Me Is Completely Different”: Experiences and Consequences Among Victims of Technology-Assisted Child Sexual Abuse.Malin Joleby, Carolina Lunde, Sara Landström & Linda S. Jonsson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The aim of the present study was to gain a first-person perspective on the experiences of technology-assisted child sexual abuse (TA-CSA), and a deeper understanding of the way it may affect its victims. Seven young women (aged 17–24) with experience of TA-CSA before the age of 18 participated in individual in-depth interviews. The interviews were teller-focused with the aim of capturing the interviewee’s own story about how they made sense of their experiences over time, and what impact the victimization had (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Whitehead’s Philosophy and Quantum Physics.Shimon Malin - 2002 - Process Studies 31 (1):171-174.
  12. Post-structural comparative politics: acknowledging the political effects of research.Malin Ronnblom - 2012 - In Angelique Bletsas & Chris Beasley, Engaging with Carol Bacchi: Strategic Interventions and Exchanges. University of Adelaide Press.
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  13. Civic Purpose in Late Adolescence: Factors that Prevent Decline in Civic Engagement After High School.Heather Malin, Hyemin Han & Indrawati Liauw - 2017 - Developmental Psychology 53 (7):1384-1397.
    This study investigated the effects of internal and demographic variables on civic development in late adolescence using the construct civic purpose. We conducted surveys on civic engagement with 480 high school seniors, and surveyed them again two years later. Using multivariate regression and linear mixed models, we tested the main effects of civic purpose dimensions (beyond-the-self motivation, future civic intention), ethnicity, and education on civic development from Time 1 to Time 2. Results showed that while there is an overall decrease (...)
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  14.  27
    Attitudes toward the use of humanoid robots in healthcare—a cross-sectional study.Malin Andtfolk, Linda Nyholm, Hilde Eide, Auvo Rauhala & Lisbeth Fagerström - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (4):1739-1748.
    The use of robotic technology in healthcare is increasing. The aim was to explore attitudes toward the use of humanoid robots in healthcare among patients, relatives, care professionals, school actors and other relevant actors in healthcare and to analyze the associations between participants’ background variables and attitudes. The data were collected through a cross-sectional survey (N = 264) in 2018 where participants met a humanoid robot. The survey was comprised of background variables and items from a modified Robot Attitude Scale. (...)
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  15.  41
    Facebook and Finance: On the Social Logic of the Derivative.Adam Arvidsson - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (6):3-23.
    This article suggests that Facebook embodies a new logic of capitalist governance, what has been termed the ‘social logic of the derivative’. The logic of the derivative is rooted in the now dominant financial level of the capitalist economy, and is mediated by social media and the algorithmic processing of large digital data sets. This article makes three precise claims: First, that the modus operandi of Facebook mirrors the operations of derivative financial instruments. Second, that the algorithms that Facebook uses (...)
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  16. Machinic Assemblages.Peta Malins - 2004 - Janus Head 7 (1):84-104.
    The body conceived of as a machinic assemblage becomes a body that is multiple. Its function or meaning no longer depends on an interior truth or identity, but on the particular assemblages it forms with other bodies. In this paper I draw on the work of Deleuze and Guattari to explore what happens to the drug using body when it is rethought as a machinic assemblage. Following an exploration of how the body of the drug user is put together and (...)
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    10 Cross-cultural comparative case studies: a means of uncovering dimensions of trust.Malin Tillmar - 2012 - In Fergus Lyon, Guido Möllering & Mark Saunders, Handbook of research methods on trust. Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar. pp. 102.
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  18.  34
    Bringing in the controversy: re-politicizing the de-politicized strategy of ethics committees.Malin Ideland, Tora Holmberg & Lonneke Poort - 2013 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 9 (1):1-13.
    Human/animal relations are potentially controversial and biotechnologically produced animals and animal-like creatures – bio-objects such as transgenics, clones, cybrids and other hybrids – have often created lively political debate since they challenge established social and moral norms. Ethical issues regarding the human/animal relations in biotechnological developments have at times been widely debated in many European countries and beyond. However, the general trend is a move away from parliamentary and public debate towards institutionalized ethics and technified expert panels. We explore by (...)
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  19.  34
    Gender and Sexuality in Stoic Philosophy.Malin Grahn-Wilder - 2018 - New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book investigates the Ancient Stoic thinkers’ views on gender and sexuality. A detailed scrutiny of metaphysics, ethics and political philosophy reveals that the Stoic philosophers held an exceptionally equal view of men and women’s rational capacities. In its own time, Stoicism was frequently called ‘ the manly school’ of philosophy, but this volume shows that the Stoics would have also transformed many traditional notions of masculinity. Malin Grahn-Wilder compares the earlier philosophies of Plato and Aristotle to show that (...)
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  20.  44
    Nature loves to hide: quantum physics and reality, a western perspective.Shimon Malin - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The strangeness of modern physics has sparked several popular books--such as The Tao of Physics--that explore its affinity with Eastern mysticism. But the founders of quantum mechanics were educated in the classical traditions of Western civilization and Western philosophy. In Nature Loves to Hide, physicist Shimon Malin takes readers on a fascinating tour of quantum theory--one that turns to Western philosophical thought to clarify this strange yet inescapable explanation of reality. Malin translates quantum mechanics into plain English, explaining (...)
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  21. City folds : injecting drug use and urban space.Peta Malins - 2007 - In Anna Hickey-Moody & Peta Malins, Deleuzian encounters: studies in contemporary social issues. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Correlates of Orthographic Learning in Swedish Children With Cochlear Implants.Malin Wass, Ulrika Löfkvist, Lena Anmyr, Eva Karltorp, Elisabet Östlund & Björn Lyxell - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Predictors of Reading Comprehension in Children With Cochlear Implants.Malin Wass, Lena Anmyr, Björn Lyxell, Elisabet Östlund, Eva Karltorp & Ulrika Löfkvist - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Science, Coloniality, and “the Great Rationality Divide”.Malin Ideland - 2018 - Science & Education 27 (7-8):783-803.
    This article aims to analyze how science is discursively attached to certain parts of the world and certain “kinds of people,” i.e., how scientific knowledge is culturally connected to the West and to whiteness. In focus is how the power technology of coloniality organizes scientific content in textbooks as well as how science students are met in the classroom. The empirical data consist of Swedish science textbooks. The analysis is guided by three questions: if and how the colonial history of (...)
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  25. Gud i Bibeln.Ebbe Arvidsson - 1966 - Stockholm,: Dakonistyrelsen.
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  26. Posthuman feminism as a theoretical and methodological approach to international law.Matilda Arvidsson - 2024 - In Matilda Arvidsson & Emily Jones, International law and posthuman theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
  27.  8
    On the nature of history: essays about history and dissidence.James Claude Malin - 1954 - Ann Arbor,: J.W. Edwards.
  28.  42
    When Is ‘Yes to the Mill’ Environmental Justice? Interrogating Sites of Acceptance in Response to Energy Development.Stephanie Malin - 2014 - Analyse & Kritik 36 (2):263-286.
    Though grassroots organizations have mobilized against US environmental injustices since; the 1980s, academic definitions of environmental justice (EJ) remain limited in important ways, including: a tendency to privilege cases where activists achieve a successful, ‘tidy’ outcome; inattention to roles natural resource dependence and free market systems play in structuring environmental inequality; and a tendency to under-analyze alternative notions of EJ that result, utilized by activists who prioritize local autonomy and procedural justice in land-use decision making. Here, I argue that these (...)
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  29. Be/holding each other : transgenic invisibilities, anomaly, and subjectivity in the GFP bunny project.Malin Palani - 2018 - In Sarah Bezan & James Tink, Seeing animals after Derrida. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  30. El derecho y la postmodernidad (o de lo jurídico, el mal y el sentimiento trágico de la vida).Malin Pino - forthcoming - Dikaiosyne.
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    Afraid and restricted vs bold and equal: Women’s fear of violence and gender equality discourses in Sweden.Malin Rönnblom & Linda Sandberg - 2013 - European Journal of Women's Studies 20 (2):189-203.
    This study analyses the responses and reactions among women in Umeå during the period of threat from the Haga Man: a serial rapist operating between 1998 and 2006, and highlights how women in this new situation handled feelings of vulnerability and fear of violence in public space. The article analyses the ways women positioned themselves in their narratives and how this could be understood in terms of how they negotiated spaces for agency within a context where public space has been (...)
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    Documentary Time: Film and Phenomenology.Malin Wahlberg - 2008 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Finding the theoretical space where cinema and philosophy meet, Malin Wahlberg’s sophisticated approach to the experience of documentary film aligns with attempts to reconsider the premises of existential phenomenology. The configuration of time is crucial in organizing the sensory affects of film in general but, as Wahlberg adroitly demonstrates, in nonfiction films the problem of managing time is writ large by the moving image’s interaction with social memory and historical figures. Wahlberg discusses a thought-provoking corpus of classical and recent (...)
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  33.  21
    Teaching for Purpose: Preparing Students for Lives of Meaning.Heather Malin - 2018 - Harvard Education Press.
    _In _Teaching for Purpose_, Heather Malin explores the idea of purpose as the purpose of education and shows how educators can prepare youth to live intentional, fulfilling lives._ The book highlights the important role that purpose—defined as “a future-directed goal that is personally meaningful and aimed at contributing to something larger than the self”—plays in optimal youth development and in motivating students to promote the cognitive and noncognitive skills that teachers want to instill. Based on a decade of research (...)
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  34. Communication of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Study of the Views of Management Teams in Large Companies. [REVIEW]Susanne Arvidsson - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (3):339 - 354.
    In light of the many corporate scandals, social and ethical commitment of society has increased considerably, which puts pressure on companies to communicate information related to corporate social responsibility (CSR). The reasons underlying the decision by management teams to engage in ethical communication are scarcely focussed on. Thus, grounded on legitimacy and stakeholder theory, this study analyses the views management teams in large listed companies have on communication of CSR. The focus is on aspects on interest, motives/reasons, users and problems (...)
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    The dying dreamer: architecture of parallel realities.Malin Zimm - 2003 - Technoetic Arts 1 (1):61-68.
    Architectural experience and creation is studied through a selection of projects, each driven by an obsessive creator towards particular levels of architectural experience, both physical and virtual. The article investigates the processes of turning dreams into physical space, exemplified by four extraordinary creators and collectors of space, each one a pursuer of obsessive architectural activities, all haunted by transitive dreams: Baron Des Esseintes, Joris-Karl Huysmans’ fictional character in the novel À Rebours (Against Nature) from 1884; Kurt Schwitters, the dadaist painter (...)
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    Book Note,(commenting on Sheldon Leader, Freedom of Association: A Study in Labor Law and Political Theory).Martin H. Malin - 1994 - Ethics 104:670.
  37.  16
    Dialogue for Part II.Geoffrey Chew Malin & Henry Stapp - 2003 - In Timothy E. Eastman & Henry Keeton, Physics and Whitehead: Quantum, Process, and Experience. Albany, USA: State University of New York Press.
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    Den Judiska Kvinnoklubben (JKK) och de judiska flyktingarna under 1930- och 1940-talen.Malin Thor Tureby - 2019 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 30 (2):3-26.
    In a Swedish context, Jewish women’s experiences and actions have gone unrecorded and unrecognised; most narratives of Swedish Jewish history offer only a partial account of their past. Marginalised or ignored, or absorbed into universalised categories of ‘Jews’, ‘women’ or ‘survivors’, the experiences and histories of Jewish women are in general not represented in previous Swedish research on the history of the Jewish minority, the Swedish Jewish response to the Nazi terror and the Holocaust or the history of the women’s (...)
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    Can the dead be brought into disrepute?Malin Masterton, Mats G. Hansson, Anna T. Höglund & Gert Helgesson - 2007 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 28 (2):137-149.
    Queen Christina of Sweden was unconventional in her time, leading to hypotheses on her gender and possible hermaphroditic nature. If genetic analysis can substantiate the latter claim, could this bring the queen into disrepute 300 years after her death? Joan C. Callahan has argued that if a reputation changes, this constitutes a change only in the group of people changing their views and not in the person whose reputation it is. Is this so? This paper analyses what constitutes change and (...)
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    The meaning and significance of quantum states.S. Malin - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (11):1083-1094.
    Recent investigations have conclusively proved that, because of their collapse, quantum states transform noncovariantly under Lorentz transformations. This result is shown to imply that quantum states do not represent probability distributions for the results of measurements. They represent, rather, perspectives of such probability distributions from the point of view of the frame of reference in which they are given. The ontological status of these “perspectives of potentialities” is discussed. It is conjectured that they propagate from the location of a measurement (...)
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    Whitehead's Philosophy and the Collapse of Quantum States.Shimon Malin - 2003 - In Timothy E. Eastman & Henry Keeton, Physics and Whitehead: Quantum, Process, and Experience. Albany, USA: State University of New York Press. pp. 74.
  42.  87
    “Mais vous avez tout à fait raison M. le Premier ministre”Termes d’adresse et débats politiques télévisés de l’entre-deux-tours.Malin Roitman & Françoise Sullet-Nylander - 2016 - Pragmática Sociocultural 4 (1):1-24.
    Résumé Depuis 1974, le débat de l’entre-deux-tours affrontant les “finalistes” avant le second tour des élections présidentielles est devenu une “institution” en France. Après avoir mené plusieurs études linguistico-discursives sur ce même corpus − en particulier sur les modes de questionnement, la réfutation et les formes de discours rapporté −, les auteures s’intéressent ici aux termes d’adresses utilisés par les deux candidats en face-à-face dans les six débats susnommés. Les études de l’ouvrage dirigé par Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni, S’adresser à autrui. Les (...)
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    A Definition Framework for the Terms Nanomaterial and Nanoparticle.Max Boholm & Rickard Arvidsson - 2016 - NanoEthics 10 (1):25-40.
    Scientific writings and policy documents define the terms nanomaterial and nanoparticle in various ways. This variation is considered problematic because the absence of a shared definition is understood as potentially hindering nanomaterial knowledge production and regulation. Another view is that the existence of a shared definition may itself cause problems, as rigid definitions arguably exclude important aspects of the studied phenomena. The aim of this paper is to inform this state of disagreement by providing analytical concepts for a systematic understanding (...)
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  44. A Whiteheadian approach to Bell's correlations.Shimon Malin - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (10):1035-1044.
    Certain properties of the Bell-type correlations and, in particular, the impossibility of using them to transmit signals faster than light, are investigated from the point of view of the conceptual structure of quantum mechanics and of Whitehead's process philosophy. The collapses of quantum states are shown to correspond to perspectives of different frames of reference on a Whiteheadian process of self-creation of actual entities. The analysis suggests a fundamental limitation on the capacity to describe the propagation of influences among the (...)
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    In search of the missing subject: narrative identity and posthumous wronging.Malin Masterton, Mats G. Hansson & Anna T. Höglund - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 41 (4):340-346.
    With the advanced methods of analysing old biological material, it is pressing to discuss what should be allowed to be done with human remains, particularly for well documented historical individuals. We argue that Queen Christina of Sweden, who challenged the traditional gender roles, has an interest in maintaining her privacy when there are continued attempts to reveal her ‘true’ gender. In the long-running philosophical debate on posthumous wronging, the fundamental question is: Who is wronged? Our aim is to find this (...)
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    Ethical review boards are poor advocates for patient perspectives.Malin Masterton, Tobias Renberg, Mats G. Hansson & Sofia Kälvemark Sporrong - 2014 - Research Ethics 10 (3):169-181.
    In medical research, patients are increasingly recognized with ‘lay knowledge’ but their views are poorly researched. The study objective was to investigate patients’ attitudes to medical research. This is in comparison to lay and expert members on ethical review boards, as their task is to evaluate the risk−benefits of research, which are ultimately grounded in attitudes and values. From focus-group interviews with patients suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases, a postal questionnaire was developed and sent to patient members of the Swedish (...)
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  47. Stoalaisuus Michel Foucault'n ajattelussa.Malin Grahn - 2006 - Ajatus 63:187.
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  48. St-François, 1957, 155-214. 470. Hocedez, E.:" Louvain et Rome.Impr Malines - 1927 - Gregorianum 8:l6l - 182.
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    Good, Bad and Troublesome: Infertility Physicians' Perceptions of Women Patients.Maili Malin - 2003 - European Journal of Women's Studies 10 (3):301-319.
    Clinical decision-making concerns the normal and the not normal and is marked by moral discourse. In the area of assisted reproduction technologies, little is known about physicians' attitudes towards their patients, and therefore one aim of this study is to enquire into infertility clinicians' perceptions of their patients. Additionally, this study seeks to establish what kinds of patients are defined by the clinicians as Others, as less appropriate candidates for infertility treatment. In this study, clinical judgements were affected by the (...)
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    Quantum states and potentialities of quantum systems.Shimon Malin - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (12):1297-1305.
    In a previous article it was shown that in general quantum states represent perspectives on the potentialities of quantum systems, rather than the potentialities themselves. In the present paper the following questions are investigated in the context of this result: (1) How do quantum states which undergo collapse transform under pure translations? (2) Under what conditions do quantum states represent the potentialities themselves? Two alternatives are presented in response to the first question: (1) Quantum states are scalars under translations. (2) (...)
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