Results for 'Majlinda Lako'

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  1.  21
    The limbal epithelium of the eye – A review of limbal stem cell biology, disease and treatment.Charles Osei-Bempong, Francisco C. Figueiredo & Majlinda Lako - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (3):211-219.
    The limbus is a narrow band of tissue that encircles the cornea, the transparent ‘window’ into the eye. The outermost layer of the cornea is the epithelium, which is necessary for clear vision. The limbus acts as a ‘reservoir’ for limbal stem cells which maintain and regenerate the corneal epithelium. It also functions as a barrier to the conjunctiva and its blood vessels. Limbal stem cell deficiency is a general term for diseases which are characterised by the impairment of the (...)
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    Los escritores del boom y la revolución marxista.Majlinda Abdiu - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (50).
    The Cuban Revolution in 1959 installed in the Caribbean island the ideology of the extreme left, the revolutionary government, the transition from populism to Marxism in broad sectors of Latin American intllectual youth. Such context produced the entry into the geopolitical and sociocultural scene of the boom era as a movement for the liberal emancipation of Latin America and postulated its protagonists as mobilizers and inspirers of the ideological conflict in the bosom of the Cold War. These are two unpublished (...)
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  3. La narrativa existencial de Vargas Vargas Llosa, réquiem por las víctimas en Perú.Majlinda Abdiu - 2020 - Araucaria 22 (43).
    El discurso literario se compromete bajo la perspectiva del siglo XXI a observar literariamente y justificar artísticamente la rebelión de Mario Vargas Llosa como escritor cosmopolita y opositor impecable de la violencia política y del terrorismo nacional e internacional contra cada represión, humillación y violación antihumana. El escenario ofrece reminiscencias claras en la filosofía marxista de la izquierda francesa, el espíritu existencialista de Sartre y Marcuse y el naturalismo sugestivo de Flaubert. El trabajo echa luz a la metamorfosis literaria de (...)
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    Mental Representations of Political Discourse in an Authoritarian Society.Majlinda Bregasi & Albert Bikaj - 2022 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 14 (2):127-136.
    After the Second World War Albania was left under the Eastern Bloc. In 1967 Enver Hoxha, the leader of Albania from 1944 until his death in 1985, decided to implement the Chinese Cultural Revolutionary model. This article analyzes his speech, on February 6, 1967, before his comrades, who were supposed to be his eyes, ears, and mouth. It was in this way that his face, his thoughts and his words became ubiquitous throughout the country. In a highly authoritarian society political (...)
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    Saving Face and Atrocities: Sequence Expansions and Indirectness in Television Interviews.Majlinda Bregasi - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (1):89-106.
    This article addresses the conversational process taking place during a TV interview in which the contrast shows up between the canonical procedure overseeing the succession and nature of conversational roles and turn-takings in contemporary media contexts and the preservation of an atavistic attitude tied to a traditional culture, Albanian tradition of oda. The discourse in these chambers is a revered phenomenon in the Albanian culture. The interviewee uses the traditional code of oral communication in the oda as a strategy for (...)
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    Analyses of Social Networks and their Social or Antisocial Impact.Majlinda Fetaji - 2019 - Seeu Review 14 (1):226-249.
    The research focus is set in the investigation of positive and negative aspects of use of social networks using a ‘bifocal approach’ to social networks analysis. Our bifocal approach uses qualitative approach reviewing published literature primarely blogs, forums, web sites, etc and interchangeably compares and conveys the results with focus groups. The objective of the research study is to show that social networks can runs both ways, it can be helpful while at the same time can be very dangerous and (...)
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  7. if" s, and'sandbut" saboutconjunction. InC. J. Fillmore & D. Landendoen.R. Lako - 1971 - In Charles J. Fillmore & D. Terence Langendoen, Studies in linguistic semantics. New York, N.Y.: Irvington.
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  8. Switching Health Insurance Plans: Results from a Health Survey. [REVIEW]Christiaan J. Lako, Pauline Rosenau & Chris Daw - 2011 - Health Care Analysis 19 (4):312-328.
    The study is designed to provide an informal summary of what is known about consumer switching of health insurance plans and to contribute to knowledge about what motivates consumers who choose to switch health plans. Do consumers switch plans largely on the basis of critical reflection and assessment of information about the quality, and price? The literature suggests that switching is complicated, not always possible, and often overwhelming to consumers. Price does not always determine choice. Quality is very hard for (...)
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    Demand-Driven Care and Hospital Choice. Dutch Health Policy Toward Demand-Driven Care: Results from a Survey into Hospital Choice. [REVIEW]Christiaan J. Lako & Pauline Rosenau - 2008 - Health Care Analysis 17 (1):20-35.
    In the Netherlands, current policy opinion emphasizes demand-driven health care. Central to this model is the view, advocated by some Dutch health policy makers, that patients should be encouraged to be aware of and make use of health quality and health outcomes information in making personal health care provider choices. The success of the new health care system in the Netherlands is premised on this being the case. After a literature review and description of the new Dutch health care system, (...)
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  10. Filozófia és információelmélet.Lakó László - 1972 - In Tibor Elek, A Természettudományos megismerés ismeretelméleti kérdései. [Budapest]: Kossuth.
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    Nepālako rājanītimā naitikatā =.Viśvadīpa Adhikārī - 2005 - Kāṭhamāḍauṃ: Bhr̥kuṭī Ekeḍemika Pablikeśans.
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    Nepālako darśanaparamparā.Birendra Prasad Mishra - 2022 - Kāṭhamāḍaum̐: Nepāla Prajñā-Pratishṭhāna.
    Study on Indic philosophy and religion; with a special reference to Nepal.
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  13.  24
    The Luo Care for Widows (Lako) and Contemporary Challenges.Oriare Nyarwath - 2012 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 4 (1):91-110.
    This paper examines the Luo custom of caring for a ‘widow’ and for the home of a deceased husband, its rationale and some of its contemporary challenges. The paper maintains that this custom is still the best alternative available to the Luo widow and for the care of the home of one’s deceased brother, especially in the context of Luo culture. However, it recommends a number of adjustments to the practice to discourage some of the abuses that are becoming prevalent (...)
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  14.  29
    Plato's "Republic" in the Independent State of Croatia (1941–1945). Ideas, Reality and Censorship.Višeslav Aralica - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (3):701-729.
    Analizom rasprava koje su o Platonovu djelu "Država" napisali hrvatski intelektualci desne političke orijentacije u Nezavisnoj Državi Hrvatskoj, autor pokušava prikazati političku misao desnice u Hrvatskoj toga vremena. Analiza se usredotočuje na način na koji su ti intelektualci koristili Platona i njegovu viziju savršene države pri legitimiziranju totalitarne države i njezinih nositelja, totalitarnih pokreta, ali i pri njihovu kritiziranju. Ni legitimizacija niti kritika koje se iz Platonova djela izvode nisu iznenađenje: organicizam i monistički totalitarizam poklapao se s naumom desnih političkih (...)
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  15.  11
    History, Structure, and Origins of the Autochthonous Scripts for Munda Languages.Anastasia Krylova - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (2):331-344.
    The article deals with four original scripts for Munda languages, invented in the 20th century by the native speakers of Munda. These are as follows: Ol Chiki, invented by Raghunath Murmu for Santali language; Sorang Sompeng, invented by Mangei Gomango for Sora; Warang Citi, invented by Lako Bodra for Ho; Bani Hisir, invented by Rohidas Singh for Mundari. The author analyzes the structures of the character sets and makes assumptions regarding the origins of the characters. In some cases, the (...)
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  16.  18
    A Rasch modeling approach to analyzing students’ incorrect answers on multiple-choice questions: An example from wave optics.Džana Salibašić Glamočić & Vanes Mešić - 2022 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (1):217-240.
    Analiza studentskih poteškoća vezanih za određenu nastavnu temu može pomoći predavaču u stjecanju boljeg uvida u studentsko razumijevanje određene teme, što je preduvjet za visokokvalitetnu nastavu. Svrha ovog istraživanja sastojala se u demonstriranju načina na koji analize ometača mogu biti iskorištene za identificiranje studentskih poteškoća u određenom području. Kako bismo mogli provoditi invarijantna mjerenja i lako povezati studentske poteškoće s razinama njihovih postignuća, odlučili smo se studiju provesti u okviru Rasch formalizma. Naše istraživanje obuhvatilo je 14 zadataka iz područja (...)
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  17.  30
    Democracy and politics of difference: Through the prism of current situation.Sanja Petkovska - 2011 - Filozofija I Društvo 22 (3):95-119.
    Problemi identiteta i razlike u okviru politicke teorije artikulisani su u vidu spora koji se od uspostavljanja liberalnih demokratija intenzivira, spora o nacinu na koji se politicka zajednica uspostavlja i opravdava, u relaciji sa pitanjem odnosa pojedinca i kolektiva. Rad analizira najaktuelnije refleksije evropske politike na problem razlike i verovatnost teze o kraju multikulturalizma koja se cula na konferenciji za bezbednost odrzanoj u Minhenu 2011. godine, kroz objasnjenje geneze problema i razmatranje ponudjenih resenja. Pored toga, rad obrazlaze pojam moderne drzave (...)
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