Results for 'Vanes Mešić'

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  1.  18
    A Rasch modeling approach to analyzing students’ incorrect answers on multiple-choice questions: An example from wave optics.Džana Salibašić Glamočić & Vanes Mešić - 2022 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (1):217-240.
    Analiza studentskih poteškoća vezanih za određenu nastavnu temu može pomoći predavaču u stjecanju boljeg uvida u studentsko razumijevanje određene teme, što je preduvjet za visokokvalitetnu nastavu. Svrha ovog istraživanja sastojala se u demonstriranju načina na koji analize ometača mogu biti iskorištene za identificiranje studentskih poteškoća u određenom području. Kako bismo mogli provoditi invarijantna mjerenja i lako povezati studentske poteškoće s razinama njihovih postignuća, odlučili smo se studiju provesti u okviru Rasch formalizma. Naše istraživanje obuhvatilo je 14 zadataka iz područja valne (...)
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    Jun-zi orientation: unique aspects of Asian business practices.Vane-Ing Tian, Alan C. B. Tse & Samart Powpaka - 2020 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 9 (2):395-416.
    With the growing importance of China and other Asian economies in international business, both executives and academic researchers are eager to understand the unique aspects of Asian business practices. Extant literature suggests that market orientation has a positive effect on firm performance in China. However, the moral and social norms in China are very different from those in Western societies; a business orientation developed based on Confucius ethics, a core Chinese philosophy that affects China and many Asian economies, should provide (...)
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    Idealism, relativism, and perception of ethicality of employee behavior in Mainland China and Hong Kong.Vane-Ing Tian, Wai Ling Winnie Chiu & Hoi Yi Crystal Chan - forthcoming - Asian Journal of Business Ethics:1-18.
    This paper is aimed at investigating the differences in ethical perception between Mainland China and Hong Kong through qualitative analysis. The level of idealism and relativism of the informants are measured quantitatively. The qualitative analysis of the viewpoints of participants from Hong Kong and other Chinese cities offers a profound understanding of ethical perception. Contradicting previous studies, our research offers a fresh perspective, indicating that those with high idealism are not always the ones who condemn misconduct or advocate for whistle-blowing. (...)
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    Agency, Meaning, Perception and Mimicry: Perspectives from the Process of Life and Third Way of Evolution.R. I. Vane-Wright - 2019 - Biosemiotics 12 (1):57-77.
    The concept of biological mimicry is viewed as a ‘process of life’ theory rather than a ‘process of change’ theory—regardless of the historical interest and heuristic value of the subject for the study of evolution. Mimicry is a dynamic ecological system reflecting the possibilities for mutualism and parasitism created by a pre-established bipartite signal-based relationship between two organisms – a potential model and its signal receiver (potential operator). In a mimicry system agency and perception play essential, interconnected roles. Mimicry thus (...)
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  5. La gran unión de la Orden en 1956.Carlos Alonso Vañes - 2007 - Revista Agustiniana 48 (145):11-28.
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  6. Cartas originales de Carlos V al Papa Clemente VII.(Segunda parte).Carlos Alonso Vañes - 2011 - Ciudad de Dios 224 (1):155-189.
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  7. La Orden de San Agustín en España y la provincia de Castilla a lo largo del siglo XVI.Carlos Alonso Vañes - 2003 - Revista Agustiniana 44 (133):11-30.
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  8. Hermeneutiek van de liefde.Sjaak Vane - 2011 - Filosofie En Praktijk 32 (4):38.
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    Jak najít pravého prince?Jan Váně & Josef Petrželka - 2011 - Studia Philosophica 58 (1):139-158.
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  10. Capítulo provincial de 1582 y división de la Provincia de Castilla.Carlos Alonso Vañes - 1994 - Revista Agustiniana 35 (106):41-76.
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  11. Semblanza del P. Luis de los Ríos, OSA (ca. 1560-post 1624).Carlos Alonso Vañes - 2003 - Ciudad de Dios 216 (2):843-875.
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  12. Una embajada de Theimuraz, rey georgiano, al rey Felipe IV de España y al Papa Urbano VIII (1625-1629).Carlos Alonso Vañes - 2005 - Ciudad de Dios 218 (2):443-494.
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    Dodécaphonie penale: liber discipulorum en l'honneur du Professeur Robert Roth.Robert Roth, Sévane Garibian & Yvan Jeanneret (eds.) - 2016 - Genève: Schulthess.
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    Zur Kritik der Hegelschen Sprachkonzeption am Beispiel des Begriffs Aufheben.Ivica Tokić & Sanela Mešić - 2015 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2015 (1):501-506.
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  15. Diary Dates 2013.L. R. Left, Paul Vane-Tempest, L. R. Right, Bill Campbell Qc, Wood Mallesons & Kathy Leigh - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Negative processing biases predict subsequent depressive symptoms.Stephanie S. Rude, Richard M. Wenzlaff, Bryce Gibbs, Jennifer Vane & Tavia Whitney - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (3):423-440.
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    Negative processing biases predict subsequent depressive symptoms Stephanie S. Rude.Richard M. Wenzlaff, Bryce Gibbs, Jennifer Vane & Tavia Whitney - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion: May 2002 6 (3):423-440.
  18.  32
    Can customer loyalty be explained by virtue ethics? The Chinese way.Kenneth K. Kwong, Felix Tang, Vane-ing Tian & Alex L. K. Fung - 2015 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 4 (1):101-115.
    Virtue ethics is regarded as the key in search of moral excellence among corporations. Yet, there are limited works to empirically investigate what virtuous character morally good corporations is expected to exhibit in the course of business from the perspective of customers. To fill this gap, we argue that customers are to evaluate firm’s virtuous character using Confucian cardinal virtues (ren, yi, and li) and perceived virtuousness determines customer loyalty. We test this argument using a sample of 276 Hong Kong (...)
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  19.  17
    XLIII. Calculation of μ-mesic energy levels in heavy atoms.Sheila Brenner - 1956 - Philosophical Magazine 1 (5):432-440.
  20.  12
    Svobodata na izrazi︠a︡vane i zhurnalisticheskata etika.Vesela Tabakova - 2008 - Sofii︠a︡: UI "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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    Women, Wives and the Campaign against Pit Closures in County Durham: Understanding the Vane Tempest Vigil.Jean Spence - 1998 - Feminist Review 60 (1):33-60.
    The majority of the women who campaigned to save the Vane Tempest Colliery from closure in 1993 were involved because of their political understanding and allegiances rather than as a consequence of their practical involvement in mining life. Even those women who were married to miners did not conform to the stereotypical conception of ‘miner's wife’. However, the supporting labour movement and the media persisted in conceptualizing the Women's Vigil through romantic and masculinist discourses of miners and mining communities which (...)
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  22. Osŭshtestvi︠a︡vane na politekhnicheskoto obuchenie pri izuchavane osnovi na darvinizma.Vasil Bozarov - 1961
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    Politics Spun out of Theology and Prophecy: Sir Henry Vane on the Spiritual Environment of Public Power.D. Parnham - 2001 - History of Political Thought 22 (1):53-83.
    Sir Henry Vane the younger was highly critical of Oliver Cromwell's ecclesiastical policy. The article explores the idioms in which Vane conducted his attack on Cromwell, and shows how Vane spun a conception of both the politics of the present and the politics of the future out of various fibres of religious discourse. Vane cultivated a theologically based doctrine of liberty of conscience, and thus insisted that there were significant reasons of a religious nature for limiting magisterial power. Thomas Hobbes (...)
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    The political thought of Sir Henry Vane, the younger.Margaret Atwood Judson - 1969 - Philadelphia,: University of Pennsylvania Press.
    This book is a volume in the Penn Press Anniversary Collection. To mark its 125th anniversary in 2015, the University of Pennsylvania Press rereleased more than 1,100 titles from Penn Press's distinguished backlist from 1899-1999 that had fallen out of print. Spanning an entire century, the Anniversary Collection offers peer-reviewed scholarship in a wide range of subject areas.
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  25. Biologichno otrazhenie i prisposobi︠a︡vane.Ivan Kalaĭkov - 1975
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    Psikhologii︠a︡ na esteticheskoto prezhivi︠a︡vane.Bili︠a︡na Ĭordanova - 2016 - Blagoevgrad: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Neofit Rilski,".
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    Aluminium and its alloys for scientific instruments, 1855–1900.Anita McConnell - 1989 - Annals of Science 46 (6):611-620.
    Among the first artefacts of aluminium exhibited at the Paris Exposition of 1855 were scientific instruments. France retained this lead, with her craftsmen employing the metal in balance-beams, telescopes, binoculars, sextants, and anemometer vanes. Within a few years instrument-makers in other countries took up the use of aluminium-bronze alloys, which offered greater strength and rigidity. These alloys served in the construction of various precision astronomical, surveying, and other instruments. Differing reports on aluminium, its alloys, and their qualities were largely (...)
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  28. Investigating Extended Embodiment Using a Computational Model and Human Experimentation.Y. Sato, H. Iizuka & T. Ikegami - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (1):73-84.
    Context: Our body schema is not restricted to biological body boundaries (such as the skin), as can be seen in the use of a cane by a person who is visually impaired or the “rubber hands” experiment. The tool becomes a part of the body schema when the focus of our attention is shifted from the tool to the task to be performed. Problem: A body schema is formed through interactions among brain, body, tool, and environment. Nevertheless, the dynamic mechanisms (...)
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    Explanation in Biology.John Maynard Smith - 1990 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 27:65-72.
    During the war, I worked in aircraft design. About a year after D-day, an exhibition was arranged at Farnborough of the mass of German equipment that had been captured, including the doodlebug and the V2 rocket. I and a friend spent a fascinating two days wandering round the exhibits. The questions that kept arising were ‘Why did they make it like that?’, or, equivalently ‘I wonder what that is for?’ We were particularly puzzled by a gyroscope in the control system (...)
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  30. Sociální inovace: doba hledání a tříbení.Jiří Loudín - 2015 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 37 (1):97-112.
    Přehledová studie sleduje a analyzuje proměny pojmu sociální inovace. Na základě silné společenské poptávky se z původně dílčí, teoreticky nediskutované a nefixované kategorie stává kategorie obecná. Pokrývá širokou oblast nemateriálních inovací a zároveň se profiluje jako aktivita normativní a intencionální, zaměřená na obecně uznávané sociální cíle. Co do ideově-hodnotových orientací současných koncepcí sociálních inovací studie identifikuje kromě mainstreamu, který zůstává u otevřených hodnotových charakteristik, ještě směr emancipačně-mobilizační a sociálně-tržně odpovědný. V epistemologické rovině se teoretici sociálních inovací hlásí především k praktickému (...)
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  31. Experimental Test of a Thermodynamic Paradox.D. P. Sheehan, D. J. Mallin, J. T. Garamella & W. F. Sheehan - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (3):235-247.
    In 2000, a simple, foundational thermodynamic paradox was proposed: a sealed blackbody cavity contains a diatomic gas and a radiometer whose apposing vane surfaces dissociate and recombine the gas to different degrees (A $_{2} \rightleftharpoons $ 2A). As a result of differing desorption rates for A and A $_{2}$ , there arise between the vane faces permanent pressure and temperature differences, either of which can be harnessed to perform work, in apparent conflict with the second law of thermodynamics. Here we (...)
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