Results for 'Maja Olecka'

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  1.  1
    Signatures of Nonlinear Aging: Molecular Stages of Life.Maja Olecka, Helen Morrison & Steve Hoffmann - forthcoming - Bioessays:e202400222.
    The traditional view of aging as a gradual, progressive process is increasingly being challenged. A growing body of evidence suggests the existence of abrupt transitions in the aging process, marked by sudden molecular shifts. Interestingly, the data indicates that such transitions occur not only in late life but also throughout the entire lifespan. Further research on the nature of such events could enhance our understanding of aging and pave the way for novel therapeutic strategies, including personalized medicine. We propose that (...)
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    War and the Politics of Ethics.Maja Zehfuss - 2018 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book examines the tension inherent in the waging of ethical war, and argues that war and its relationship to ethics need to be rethought fundamentally.
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  3. Ontological ambiguity in clinical care?Maja Amundsen - 1999 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2:81-109.
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    Disagreement about cognitive phenomenology.Maja Spener - 2011 - In Tim Bayne and Michelle Montague, Cognitive Phenomenology. Oxford University Press. pp. 268.
  5.  49
    Studying Social Robots in Practiced Places.Maja Hojer Bruun, Signe Hanghøj & Cathrine Hasse - 2015 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 19 (2):143-165.
    What is the strength of anthropological fieldwork when we want to understand human technologies? In this article we argue that anthropological fieldwork can be understood as a process of gaining insight into different contextualisations in practiced places that will open up new understandings of technologies in use, e.g., technologies as multistable ontologies. The argument builds on an empirical study of robots at a Danish rehabilitation centre. Ethnographic methods combined with anthropological learning processes open up new way for exploring how robots (...)
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    The state’s sexual desires: the performance of sexuality in the Dutch asylum procedure.Maja Hertoghs & Willem Schinkel - 2018 - Theory and Society 47 (6):691-716.
    The facticity of sexuality is a key driver of the asylum procedure in “LGBT” cases, where non-heterosexual identities can be grounds for gaining” refugee status.” The procedure becomes a test of sexual veracity by means of a truthful performance. This performance is primarily discursive, but it is also bodily in terms of the way bodily comportment is considered indicative of a “true story.” Underlying this process is a conception of sexuality as a fixed, invisible but ever present identity. Sexuality, we (...)
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  7. Synkretyzm kultury i jego antynomie.Maja E. Cybulska - 1969 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 2 (9):5-23.
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  8. Sartre wobec literatury.Maja E. Cybulska - 1969 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 1 (4):99-105.
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    Seele – Welt – Gott: Kants Neuordnung der traditionellen Gliederung der Metaphysik und der damit verbundene methodologische Status des Kantischen Zweckbegriffs.Maja Schepelmann - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing, Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 775-786.
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    Warum angebliche Nachdrucke kantischer Schriften rechtmäßige Auflagen sind. Über die Nützlichkeit von Auflagenvergleichen und die historische Bedeutung der Buchmessen.Maja Schepelmann - 2023 - Kant Studien 114 (2):354-382.
    This paper argues against the assertion that several of Kant’s writings were published in the form of pirate editions. It seeks to establish that most of the the editions in question (printed between 1769 and 1803) were lawfully printed. Presumably, these editions were to be sold exclusively at book fairs in Frankfurt and Leipzig; both locations are printed on their title pages, although no information on the publisher is provided. The paper also presents crucial results of detailed comparisons of all (...)
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  11. (2 other versions)Introspecting in the 20th century.Maja Spener - 2017 - In Amy Kind, Philosophy of Mind in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries: The History of the Philosophy of Mind, Volume 6. New York: Routledge. pp. 148-174.
  12.  62
    How decisions emerge: Action dynamics in intertemporal decision making.Maja Dshemuchadse, Stefan Scherbaum & Thomas Goschke - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (1):93.
  13.  43
    Blaming the unvaccinated during the COVID-19 pandemic: the roles of political ideology and risk perceptions in the USA.Maja Graso, Karl Aquino, Fan Xuan Chen & Kevin Bardosh - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (4):246-252.
    Individuals unvaccinated against COVID-19 (C19) experienced prejudice and blame for the pandemic. Because people vastly overestimate C19 risks, we examined whether these negative judgements could be partially understood as a form of scapegoating (ie, blaming a group unfairly for an undesirable outcome) and whether political ideology (previously shown to shape risk perceptions in the USA) moderates scapegoating of the unvaccinated. We grounded our analyses in scapegoating literature and risk perception during C19. We obtained support for our speculations through two vignette-based (...)
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  14.  32
    Immanuel Kant 1724-2024: Ein europäischer Denker: Eine Tagung in Berlin vom 27. 5. bis 29. 5. 2019.Maja Schepelmann - 2019 - Kant Studien 110 (4):622-631.
  15.  11
    Zur philosophischen Hermeneutik Ernst Cassirers.Maja Soboleva - 2001 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2001:273-286.
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  16. Love and personal relationships: Navigating on the border between the ideal and the real.Maja Djikic & Keith Oatley - 2004 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 34 (2):199–209.
    In the psychological literature, love is often seen as a construct inseparable from that of close, interpersonal relationships. As a result, it has been often assumed that the same motivational factors underlie both phenomena. This often leads researchers to propose that love does not exist in itself—that it is an emotion which stems solely from a need for attachment, fulfillment of reproductive aims, or for social exchange. The popular cultural imagination, however, perceives love as a unique, mysterious, altruistic, ever-lasting bond (...)
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    Spanish-Polish Mutual Perception Since the Democratic Transition.Maja Biernacka - 2009 - Dialogue and Universalism 19 (6-7):161-165.
    The article presents the processes of public discourse construction and dynamics. On the national level, symbolic processes are related to the position of the country in the international environment. Being a collective political actor on the discursive scene, the country is involved in legitimation mechanisms in the interaction stream with other political actors, i.e. its foreign counterparts. Upon intentions to enter the mainstream European culture after the transition period, Spain became discursively involved in the mutual legitimation procedures involving a number (...)
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    The dog days – Elliott Erwitt as a humorist in photography.Maja Bieńkowska - 2019 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 55 (2).
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    A heteroglossia of big data knowledges.Maja Bak Herrie - 2022 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 31 (63).
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    Turning biases into hypotheses through method: A logic of scientific discovery for machine learning.Maja Bak Herrie & Simon Aagaard Enni - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    Machine learning systems have shown great potential for performing or supporting inferential reasoning through analyzing large data sets, thereby potentially facilitating more informed decision-making. However, a hindrance to such use of ML systems is that the predictive models created through ML are often complex, opaque, and poorly understood, even if the programs “learning” the models are simple, transparent, and well understood. ML models become difficult to trust, since lay-people, specialists, and even researchers have difficulties gauging the reasonableness, correctness, and reliability (...)
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    Informal Institutions in a Transition Economy: Does Business Ethics Matter?Maja Vehovec - 2001 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 11 (1).
    The paper is based on the New Institutional Economic Theory, which emphasizes institutions as a vital component in the creation of wealth and economic growth. It is widely accepted that formal institutions change rapidly through political and legislative decisions. Informal institutions are deeply embedded in customs, tradition and inherited behavioral norms. Thus, change comes at a very slow pace. This research is focused on the business ethics segment of informal institutions.The paper is based on the effects of institutional changes on (...)
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  22. Consciousness, introspection, and subjective measures.Maja Spener - 2020 - In Uriah Kriegel, The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Consciousness. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter discusses the main types of so-called ’subjective measures of consciousness’ used in current-day science of consciousness. After explaining the key worry about such measures, namely the problem of an ever-present response bias, I discuss the question of whether subjective measures of consciousness are introspective. I show that there is no clear answer to this question, as proponents of subjective measures do not employ a worked-out notion of subjective access. In turn, this makes the problem of response bias less (...)
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    Spatial complexity of character-based writing systems and arithmetic in primary school: a longitudinal study.Maja Rodic, Tatiana Tikhomirova, Tatiana Kolienko, Sergey Malykh, Olga Bogdanova, Dina Y. Zueva, Elena I. Gynku, Sirui Wan, Xinlin Zhou & Yulia Kovas - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    How Individuals With Down Syndrome Process Faces and Words Conveying Emotions? Evidence From a Priming Paradigm.Maja Roch, Francesca Pesciarelli & Irene Leo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Importance of Intergenerational Leadership Praxes and Availability of Key Information for Older Employee Burnout and Engagement in the Context of Firm Size.Maja Rožman & Borut Milfelner - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The main aim of this study was to analyze the effects of availability of key information and intergenerational leadership on burnout divided into physical symptoms of burnout and emotional symptoms of burnout and work engagement regarding the firm size during the coronavirus disease 2019. The empirical study included 583 older employees in Slovenia who participated in the survey during the COVID-19 pandemic. Structural equation modeling was used to explore the effects between constructs. We analyzed structural paths for the entire sample (...)
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    Świat choć trochę lepszy dziś niż wczoraj.Maja Rup - 2023 - Civitas 30:175-191.
    Tekst stanowi recenzję książki Joanny Erbel pt. Wychylone w przyszłość. Jak zmienić świat na lepsze. W recenzji omówiona zostaje kluczowa dla książki koncepcja protopii, która oznacza proces stopniowego ulepszania rzeczywistości. Przywoływane przez Erbel przykłady skutecznych rozwiązań przeanalizowane są w kontekście kategorii lokalności i ucieleśnienia. Przedstawiona zostaje krytyka koncepcji innowacji opartej na rozwiązaniach instytucjonalnych, zaawansowanych technologicznie i wymagających dużych nakładów finansowych.
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  27. Constructivism in international relations: the politics of reality.Maja Zehfuss - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Maya Zehfuss critiques constructivist theories of international relations (currently considered to be at the cutting edge of the discipline) and finds them wanting and even politically dangerous. Zehfuss uses Germany's first shift toward using its military abroad after the end of the Cold War to illustrate why constructivism does not work and how it leads to particular analytical outcomes and forecloses others. She argues that scholars are limiting their abilities to act responsibly in international relations by looking towards constructivism as (...)
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    Acculturation and School Adjustment of Immigrant Youth in Six European Countries: Findings from the Programme for International Student Assessment.Maja K. Schachner, Jia He, Boris Heizmann & Fons J. R. Van de Vijver - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  29.  18
    Locked-in or ready for climate change mitigation? Agri-food networks as structures for dairy-beef farming.Maja Farstad, Heidi Vinge & Egil Petter Stræte - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):29-41.
    Many countries have included agriculture as one of the sectors where they intend to obtain significant greenhouse gas emission reductions. In Norway, the dairy-beef sector, in particular, has been targeted for considerable emission cuts. Despite publicly expressed interest within the agricultural sector for reducing emissions, significant measures have yet to be implemented. In this paper, we draw on qualitative data from Norway when examining the extent the wider agri-food network around farmers promotes or restrains the transition toward low-emission agricultural production. (...)
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    Kants Gesamtwerk in neuer Perspektive.Maja Schepelmann - 2017 - Münster: Mentis.
    Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral) originally presented unter the title: Metaphysik, Logik und Methode Kants--Universitèat Paderborn, 2016.
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    Kants Verwendung lateinischer Ausdrücke in der Tugendlehre.Maja Schepelmann & Dieter Schönecker - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann, The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 379-388.
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    How we read Kant: an Empiricist and a Transcendental Reading of Kant’s Theory of Experience.Maja Soboleva - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (3):1331-1344.
    The issue of the nature of cognitive experience has been a subject of lively debate in recent works on epistemology, and the philosophy of mind. During this debate, the relevance of Kant to contemporary theories of cognition has been re-discovered. However, participants in this debate disagree whether Kant was a conceptualist or a non-conceptualist, with regard to the character of intuitions. The central point of controversy concerns whether or not Kant’s sensible intuitions involve understanding and have a conceptual content. In (...)
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    Von der Phänomenologie zur Sprachphilosophie Über Michail Bachtin.Maja Soboleva - 2008 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 56 (1):21-34.
    Im Zentrum der Abhandlung steht die dialogische Bedeutungstheorie Bachtins. Es wird gezeigt, wie die grundlegenden Begriffe der Phänomenologie durch den dialogischen und sprechhandlungstheoretischen Ansatz modifiziert wurden. Folgende Aspekte werden herausgearbeitet: Konstitution des Gegenstandes im Dialog, doppelte Intentionalität des sprachlichen Bewusstseins, Phänomenologie der Relation von Frage und Antwort, produktive Hermeneutik der Sinnkonstruktion. Abschließend wird auf die Bachtinsche Neuformulierung des Subjekts auf dialogischer Grundlage eingegangen.
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    Geschichtliche Entwicklung des Homologiebegriffs.Maja Bollinger - 1972 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 9 (2):94-170.
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  35. Metafore pogrešnosti tri filozofske metafore (pogrešnosti)-Srđan Damnjanović: Rečnik grešaka, Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika, Beograd, 2009.Maja Rogač - 2010 - Filozofija I Društvo 21 (2):323-325.
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    Boundaries of civility promotion in education and leadership.Maja Graso - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (10):686-687.
    McCullough et al 1 confront a challenge that no organisation has fully eradicated: incivility. They emphasise that civility is not merely a matter of common decency and good conduct but also a moral imperative, an aspirational value that should be promoted and modelled by all the members of the institutions and throughout all the stages of practitioners’ careers. In their fusion of ancient wisdom and philosophical classics with their own insights on contemporary workplaces, they forward a defensible case for why (...)
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    The Ibogaine Experience: A Qualitative Study on the Acute Subjective Effects of Ibogaine.Maja Kohek, Maurice Ohren, Paul Hornby, Miguel Ángel Alcázar-Córcoles & José Carlos Bouso - 2020 - Anthropology of Consciousness 31 (1):91-119.
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    Antecedents of Environmentally and Socially Responsible Sustainable Consumer Behavior.Maja Hosta & Vesna Zabkar - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (2):273-293.
    Responsible sustainable consumer behavior involves a complex pattern of environmental and social issues, in line with the view of sustainability as a construct with both environmental and social pillar. So far, environmental dimension was far more researched than social dimension. In this article, we investigate the antecedents of both environmentally and socially RSCB and willingness to behave in environmentally/socially responsible way. We include measures of concern, perceived consumer control/effectiveness, personal/social norms and ethical ideologies/obligation to better explain and extend the traditional (...)
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  39.  89
    Kant and the Science of Logic. A Historical and Philosophical Reconstruction: Huaping Lu-Adler, New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. xxiv + 244 pp., Hardback $74.00. ISBN 9780190907143.Maja Schepelmann - 2019 - History and Philosophy of Logic 41 (1):96-97.
    Volume 41, Issue 1, February 2020, Page 96-97.
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  40. Nie masz filozofii bez historii filozofii.Maja Chmura - 2011 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 3 (18).
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  41. O ciele co słowem się stało. Transcendentalny wymiar winy w myśli E. Lévinasa.Maja Chmura - 2011 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 38.
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    Public Expectations of Gene Therapy: Scientific Futures and Their Performative Effects on Scientific Citizenship.Maja Horst - 2007 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 32 (2):150-171.
    The article combines a criticism of public understanding of science with the sociology of expectations to examine how particular expectations toward scientific progress have performative effects for the construction of publics as citizens of science. By analyzing a particular controversy about gene therapy in Denmark, the article demonstrates how different sets of expectations can be used to discriminate among three different assemblages: the assemblage of consumption, the assemblage of comportment, and the assemblage of heroic action. Each of these assemblages makes (...)
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  43.  91
    Taking Our Own Medicine: On an Experiment in Science Communication.Maja Horst - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (4):801-815.
    In 2007 a social scientist and a designer created a spatial installation to communicate social science research about the regulation of emerging science and technology. The rationale behind the experiment was to improve scientific knowledge production by making the researcher sensitive to new forms of reactions and objections. Based on an account of the conceptual background to the installation and the way it was designed, the paper discusses the nature of the engagement enacted through the experiment. It is argued that (...)
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  44.  18
    Ontologism in the Theoretical Philosophy of Nikolai Bukharin.Maja Soboleva - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 73 (2):193-204.
    This paper focuses on the theoretical philosophy of Bukharin as developed in his book Filosofskie arabeski. I analyze three concepts—perception, being, and dialectics—and show that and how they deviate from the meaning that they commonly have among other Russian Marxists. In this work, Bukharin drafts a theory that can be interpreted as a “relational ontology,” since it focuses on the relations between entities and since these relations are considered to be more fundamental than the entities themselves and provide epistemic access (...)
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    Bad apples or bad barrels? Qualitative study of negative experiences of encounters in healthcare.Maja Wessel, Niels Lynöe, Niklas Juth & Gert Helgesson - 2014 - Clinical Ethics 9 (2-3):77-86.
    Assessments of quality in healthcare often focus on treatment outcome or patient safety, but rarely acknowledge the importance of patients’ encounters with healthcare personnel. The aim of this study was to gain an improved understanding of negative experiences of healthcare encounters by investigating experiences of the general population. A questionnaire was distributed to a randomly selected sample population of 1484 inhabitants in Stockholm County, Sweden. The material was subjected to conventional content analysis. Seventeen different types of complaint about negative encounters (...)
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  46. Cultural identities from the bottom up.Maja Breznik - 2005 - Theoria 108:15.
  47. Neuroplasticity or the importance of having a plastic brain.Maja Bresjanac & Grega Repovš - 2009 - In Eva Zerovnik, Olga Markič & Andrej Ule, Philosophical Insights About Modern Science. New York, USA: Nova Science Publishers.
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  48. Neuroplasticity, or the importance of having a plastic brain.Maja Bresjanac & Grega Repovš - 2009 - In Eva Zerovnik, Olga Markič & Andrej Ule, Philosophical Insights About Modern Science. New York, USA: Nova Science Publishers.
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    Posebni skepticizem v umetnosti.Maja Breznik - 2011 - Ljubljana: Sophia, zavod za založniško dejavnost. Edited by Rastko Močnik & Boris Buden.
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    The Importance of Cultural Learning Processes for the Study of Technology.Maja Hojer Bruun - 2016 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 20 (3):258-260.
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