Results for 'Maja Rodic'

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  1.  47
    Spatial complexity of character-based writing systems and arithmetic in primary school: a longitudinal study.Maja Rodic, Tatiana Tikhomirova, Tatiana Kolienko, Sergey Malykh, Olga Bogdanova, Dina Y. Zueva, Elena I. Gynku, Sirui Wan, Xinlin Zhou & Yulia Kovas - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Sreća kao problem.Maja Profaca - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (4):763-773.
    Suvremena zapadna društva pridaju veliku pozornost problemima vezanima uz ljudsku sreću. Ono što je karakteristično za ovu zaokupljenost tretiranje je negativnih emocija kao poremećaja. Služeći se interdisciplinarnim pristupom, ovaj je članak pokušao izložiti nekoliko važnih problema aktualnih gledišta o sreći, socijalizaciji emocija te ukazati na moguća ograničenja nekih utjecajnih teorija.Some of the important occupations of contemporary western societies are questions concerning human happiness. A characteristic of this absorption is treating negative emotions as a mere disorder. By using an interdisciplinary approach (...)
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    War and the Politics of Ethics.Maja Zehfuss - 2018 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book examines the tension inherent in the waging of ethical war, and argues that war and its relationship to ethics need to be rethought fundamentally.
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    Disagreement about cognitive phenomenology.Maja Spener - 2011 - In Tim Bayne and Michelle Montague, Cognitive Phenomenology. Oxford University Press. pp. 268.
  5. Wolność bez alternatyw. W poszukiwaniu podstaw moralnej odpowiedzialności.Maja Kittel & Leopold Hess - 2012 - Diametros 34:51-78.
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    Ernst Cassirer's philosophy of mathematics.Maja Lovrenov - 2006 - Filozofski Vestnik 27 (3):121 - +.
    The article considers Cassirer’s philosophy of mathematics in opposition to empiricist theories, Frege’s logicism, and its realism, Hilbert’s formalism and its nominalism, and Brouwer’s intuitionism grounding mathematics in the intuition of time. For Cassirer mathematical objects are purely relational structures and not abstractions of certain characteristics, as is the case with empiricists and Frege. In opposition to logicists, Cassirer argues for the synthetic nature of mathematics. Contrary to Brouwer, he does not ground this in intuition but ascribes to mathematics a (...)
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    Le rôle de l'invariance dans l'interprétation de Cassirer de la théorie de la relativité.Maja Lovrenov - 2006 - Synthesis Philosophica 21 (2):233-241.
    Cet article traite les explications de Cassirer sur les problèmes philosophiques que soulève la théorie de la relativité. La question principale posée par cet article est de voir comment Cassirer en tant que néokantien répond aux découvertes d’Einstein. Il s’agit surtout du problème de la présupposition de la nature a priori de la géométrie euclidienne. La réponse de Cassirer démontre que la philosophie de Kant est suffisamment étendue pour y inclure aussi les géométries non-euclidiennes dans la détermination du monde physique. (...)
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    Konfiguracije privatnog.Maja Profaca - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (4):861-867.
    Pravo na privatnost složen je koncept koji je prolazio svoje povijesne i društvene promjene. Premda je ponekad značio depriviranost i neravnopravnost, ipak mu se priznavala važnost za slobodu, demokraciju, autonomiju i razvoj pojedinca. S umreženim društvom pojavili su se novi aspekti problema privatnosti i socijalne uključenosti koji zahtijevaju njihova nova, kritička promišljanja u svjetlu različitih društvenih vrijednosti i tehnologijskog konteksta.Right to privacy is a complex concept with historical and social changes of its own. Although sometimes it was connected with deprivation (...)
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  9. Habitus und Literatur : Texte in Bourdieus Soziologie.Maja Suderland - 2013 - In Alexander Lenger, Christian Schneickert & Florian Schumacher, Pierre Bourdieus Konzeption des Habitus: Grundlagen, Zugänge, Forschungsperspektiven. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
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    The Ibogaine Experience: A Qualitative Study on the Acute Subjective Effects of Ibogaine.Maja Kohek, Maurice Ohren, Paul Hornby, Miguel Ángel Alcázar-Córcoles & José Carlos Bouso - 2020 - Anthropology of Consciousness 31 (1):91-119.
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    Geschichtliche Entwicklung des Homologiebegriffs.Maja Bollinger - 1972 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 9 (2):94-170.
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    Serbian Nationalism: Nationalism of My Own People.Maja Korac - 1993 - Feminist Review 45 (1):108-112.
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    Yet Another Look at the Conceivability and Possibility of Zombies.Maja Malec - 2015 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):115-124.
    Since 1996, when David Chalmers introduced the zombie argument against physicalism in The Conscious Mind, numerous works of ever-increasing technical complexity and nuanced argumentation have been written on the conceivability and possibility of zombies. In this paper, I focus on the main points of the argument. First, I discuss the conceivability of zombies. I briefly outline three other thought-experiments in order to determine what is expected of a good thought-experiment and its workings. Next, I turn to Chalmers' defense of their (...)
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    Backmatter.Maja Soboleva - 2016 - In Das Denken des Denkens: Ein Philosophischer Überblick. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 224-226.
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  15. 12 Jacques Derrida.Maja Zehfuss - 2009 - In Jenny Edkins & Nick Vaughan-Williams, Critical theorists and international relations. New York, N.Y.: Routledge. pp. 137.
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  16.  62
    How decisions emerge: Action dynamics in intertemporal decision making.Maja Dshemuchadse, Stefan Scherbaum & Thomas Goschke - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (1):93.
  17.  58
    Using first-person data about consciousness.Maja Spener - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (1):165-179.
    In Describing Inner Experience, Hurlburt and Schwitzgebel explore the proper limits of scepticism about consciousness and the prospect of a scientific investigation of consciousness. Their debate with each other focuses on the question about whether we can trust people's reports about their inner experiences and on Hurlburt's introspective method, DES. I point out that their discussion leaves unclear the crucial question of the aims and objectives of DES. This makes it difficult genuinely to assess DES's merits and the problems for (...)
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  18. Moderate scepticism about introspection.Maja Spener - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 165 (3):1187-1194.
  19.  17
    What History of Philosophy Do We Need, or, Is Soviet Scientific Approach to the History of Philosophy Really Scientific?Maja Soboleva - 2018 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 73 (2):235-249.
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    Catherine Zuckert, Machiavelli’s Politics, University Of Chicago Press, Chicago & London, 2017.Maja Korolija - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (4):633-635.
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  21. Ontological ambiguity in clinical care?Maja Amundsen - 1999 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2:81-109.
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  22.  11
    (Nie)świadomość zwierząt a ich status moralny. Jak pogodzić etykę z filozofią umysłu?Maja Kittel - 2006 - Etyka 39:99-114.
    Filozofowie umysłu zaczynają odgrywać istotną rolę w debacie na temat statusu moralnego zwierząt. Współczesne, obiecujące koncepcje świadomości każą uznać, że zwierzęta nie są zdolne do cierpienia w ludzkim sensie, co budzi sprzeciw wielu badaczy troszczących się o los zwierząt. Ponadto, etycy uznający zdolność do cierpienia za podstawowe kryterium przyznawania statusu moralnego, są w kłopocie, gdyż wyniki nauk kognitywnych wydają się kłócić z ich intuicjami. Proponuję usunąć ten problem przez odrzucenie poglądu uznającego konieczny związek między posiadaniem statusu moralnego a zdolnością do (...)
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  23. O groźnych wytworach czynności psychicznych i jak je zwalczać. Poradnik dla filozofa.Maja Kittel - 2008 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 67.
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    Relation of science and political ideology with examples from science and education field in relations between USSR and FPRY.Maja Korolija - 2017 - Filozofija I Društvo 28 (4):1160-1171.
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    Kommentar II zum Fall: „Selektiver Fetozid bei Zwillingsschwangerschaft“.Maja Caroline Lehmann - 2017 - Ethik in der Medizin 29 (3):239-241.
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  26.  45
    Newton’s Bucket (Thought) Experiment.Maja Malec - 2019 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 11 (2):125-132.
    The bucket experiment in Newton’s Principia is quite simple. Nonetheless, physicists as well as philosophers and historians of science are still debating its purpose and success. I present two interpretations found in the literature. According to the first, Newton tries to prove absolute rotation and thus the existence of absolute space. According to the second, he tries to provide a definition of absolute rotation as it is used in his mechanics. Closely connected to this is his rejection of Descartes’ explanation (...)
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  27. Asian philosophies for the third millennium.Maja Milcinski - 2009 - Journal of Dharma 34 (2):221-232.
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    Impermanence and Death in Sino-Japanese Philosophical Context.Maja Milcinski - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 24:58-63.
    This paper discusses the notions of impermanence and death as treated in the Chinese and Japanese philosophical traditions, particularly in connection with the Buddhist concept of emptiness and void and the original Daoist answers to the problem. Methodological problems are mentioned and two ways of approaching the theme are proposed: the logically discursive and the meditative mystical one, with the two symbols of each, Uroboros and the open circle. The switch of consciousness is suggested as an essential condition for liberation (...)
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  29.  6
    Kitajska in Japonska: med religijo in filozofijo.Maja Milčinski - 1995 - Ljubljana: Trias Wtc.
    Glavna tema knjige je problem razmejevanja med religijo in filozofijo na Kitajskem in Japonskem, predvsem v odnosu na problem minljivosti in mistične izkušnje.
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    Stara kitajska modrost: Mengzi ; Zhongyong ; Daxue.Maja Milécinski & Mencius (eds.) - 1988 - Ljubljana: Paralele.
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  31. Transcultural Aspects of Warriorship.Maja Milcinski - 2007 - Journal of Dharma 32 (1):61.
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  32.  26
    How Individuals With Down Syndrome Process Faces and Words Conveying Emotions? Evidence From a Priming Paradigm.Maja Roch, Francesca Pesciarelli & Irene Leo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Importance of Intergenerational Leadership Praxes and Availability of Key Information for Older Employee Burnout and Engagement in the Context of Firm Size.Maja Rožman & Borut Milfelner - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The main aim of this study was to analyze the effects of availability of key information and intergenerational leadership on burnout divided into physical symptoms of burnout and emotional symptoms of burnout and work engagement regarding the firm size during the coronavirus disease 2019. The empirical study included 583 older employees in Slovenia who participated in the survey during the COVID-19 pandemic. Structural equation modeling was used to explore the effects between constructs. We analyzed structural paths for the entire sample (...)
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  34.  12
    Autorinnen und Autoren.Maja Soboleva - 2016 - In Das Denken des Denkens: Ein Philosophischer Überblick. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 221-223.
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    Ist,Heimat‘ ein Mythos?: Der Heimatbegriff zwischen Bezeichnung und Bedeutung.Maja Soboleva - 2020 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68 (4):514-531.
    The concept of “Heimat” has recently become a subject of lively debate in society and science. In the course of this debate it has become clear that this concept has been endowed with very different, even controversial meanings, the consequences being methodological and political confusion on the issue. The aim of this paper is to clarify the concept using linguistic-hermeneutic analysis. Two terms borrowed from Georg Misch, “discursive” and “evocative” language, allow for the differentiation of two forms of discourse on (...)
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  36.  11
    (1 other version)Kant on evil in the human nature.Maja Soboleva - 2013 - Kantian Journal 4:15-29.
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    Kantianism: Schools and Directions.Maja Evgen'evna Soboleva & Соболева Майя Евгеньевна - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):499-512.
    The study offers an overview of philosophical currents formed under the influence of Kant’s critical philosophy. Such directions of Kantianism as German Idealism represented by F. Jacobi, Neo-Kantianism represented by E. Cassirer and A. Riehl, ontological interpretation of Kant’s theory by M. Heidegger and analytical tradition of Neo-Kantianism represented by J. McDowell are considered in detail. These examples demonstrate different approaches to understanding Kant which have been developed throughout history. Among them, one can identify the epistemological approach that views Kant’s (...)
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  38.  11
    Time and Enlightenment.Maja Soboleva - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (4):694-703.
    The subject of the work's analysis is the phrase Time, forward!. It seems that, on the one hand, this statement can be given a sociological interpretation. In this case, its content is the idea of acceleration and purposefulness of the big, collective time, which dominates the individual and determines his life. On the other hand, referring to Hegel, one can identify the project of Enlightenment behind this phrase. It involves the movement of the spirit from a state of alienation from (...)
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  39. Von Marburg nach Pittsburgh-2: Anschauung in der Struktur der Erfahrung.Maja Soboleva - 2016 - Folia Philosophica 35:71-84.
    The paper focuses on the problem of constitution of our cognitive experience. Two approaches to this problem proposed by Cassirer and McDowell are central for the analysis. Both authors use Kant’s theory of cognition as a foundation for their own conceptions und they develop their independent interpretations of it according to the traditions they belong to. Although McDowell’s interpretation emerged within analytical philosophy, we can see similarity with Cassirer’s theory. Comparative studies of these theories will point out the convergences and (...)
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  40.  49
    Studying Social Robots in Practiced Places.Maja Hojer Bruun, Signe Hanghøj & Cathrine Hasse - 2015 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 19 (2):143-165.
    What is the strength of anthropological fieldwork when we want to understand human technologies? In this article we argue that anthropological fieldwork can be understood as a process of gaining insight into different contextualisations in practiced places that will open up new understandings of technologies in use, e.g., technologies as multistable ontologies. The argument builds on an empirical study of robots at a Danish rehabilitation centre. Ethnographic methods combined with anthropological learning processes open up new way for exploring how robots (...)
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  41.  13
    What is more puzzling, real essences or the world of undifferentiated stuff?Maja Malec - 2012 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):169-178.
    Conventionalists about modality deny that the world has a modal structure. Metaphysical necessity is not a real feature of the world, but a linguistic necessity grounded in conventions governing our use of words. In this paper, I focus on Allan Sidelle’s conventionalist account and especially on his claim that the idea of real necessity should be abandoned since it is puzzling. My strategy for the defense of the realist notion of modality is twofold. First, the ontology of undifferentiated stuff, which (...)
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  42.  40
    How we read Kant: an Empiricist and a Transcendental Reading of Kant’s Theory of Experience.Maja Soboleva - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (3):1331-1344.
    The issue of the nature of cognitive experience has been a subject of lively debate in recent works on epistemology, and the philosophy of mind. During this debate, the relevance of Kant to contemporary theories of cognition has been re-discovered. However, participants in this debate disagree whether Kant was a conceptualist or a non-conceptualist, with regard to the character of intuitions. The central point of controversy concerns whether or not Kant’s sensible intuitions involve understanding and have a conceptual content. In (...)
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  43.  20
    Evaluation Practices of Doctoral Examination Committees: Boundary-Work Under Pressure.Maja Elmgren, Åsa Lindberg-Sand & Anders Sonesson - 2024 - Minerva 62 (3):427-456.
    The doctorate forms the basis for academic careers and the regeneration of academia, and has increasingly become important for other sectors of society. The latter is reflected in efforts on institutional, national as well as supranational levels to change and adapt the doctoral degree to new expectations. As doctoral education is embedded in research, changes in governance and funding of research further affect the doctorate. The evaluation of the doctoral thesis appears, however, to have remained true to the academic tradition: (...)
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  44. Constructivism in international relations: the politics of reality.Maja Zehfuss - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Maya Zehfuss critiques constructivist theories of international relations (currently considered to be at the cutting edge of the discipline) and finds them wanting and even politically dangerous. Zehfuss uses Germany's first shift toward using its military abroad after the end of the Cold War to illustrate why constructivism does not work and how it leads to particular analytical outcomes and forecloses others. She argues that scholars are limiting their abilities to act responsibly in international relations by looking towards constructivism as (...)
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  45.  43
    Blaming the unvaccinated during the COVID-19 pandemic: the roles of political ideology and risk perceptions in the USA.Maja Graso, Karl Aquino, Fan Xuan Chen & Kevin Bardosh - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (4):246-252.
    Individuals unvaccinated against COVID-19 (C19) experienced prejudice and blame for the pandemic. Because people vastly overestimate C19 risks, we examined whether these negative judgements could be partially understood as a form of scapegoating (ie, blaming a group unfairly for an undesirable outcome) and whether political ideology (previously shown to shape risk perceptions in the USA) moderates scapegoating of the unvaccinated. We grounded our analyses in scapegoating literature and risk perception during C19. We obtained support for our speculations through two vignette-based (...)
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  46.  36
    Bad apples or bad barrels? Qualitative study of negative experiences of encounters in healthcare.Maja Wessel, Niels Lynöe, Niklas Juth & Gert Helgesson - 2014 - Clinical Ethics 9 (2-3):77-86.
    Assessments of quality in healthcare often focus on treatment outcome or patient safety, but rarely acknowledge the importance of patients’ encounters with healthcare personnel. The aim of this study was to gain an improved understanding of negative experiences of healthcare encounters by investigating experiences of the general population. A questionnaire was distributed to a randomly selected sample population of 1484 inhabitants in Stockholm County, Sweden. The material was subjected to conventional content analysis. Seventeen different types of complaint about negative encounters (...)
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  47.  18
    Ontologism in the Theoretical Philosophy of Nikolai Bukharin.Maja Soboleva - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 73 (2):193-204.
    This paper focuses on the theoretical philosophy of Bukharin as developed in his book Filosofskie arabeski. I analyze three concepts—perception, being, and dialectics—and show that and how they deviate from the meaning that they commonly have among other Russian Marxists. In this work, Bukharin drafts a theory that can be interpreted as a “relational ontology,” since it focuses on the relations between entities and since these relations are considered to be more fundamental than the entities themselves and provide epistemic access (...)
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  48. Education beyond rationality.Maja Milcinski - 2006 - Journal of Dharma 31 (2):187-197.
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    Filozofija odsotnosti jaza.Maja Milčinski - 1997 - Filozofski Vestnik 18 (3).
    Članek obravnava problem odsotnosti jaza v japonski budistični filozofiji. Dogcvi in Nishida, oba zagovornika budistične vadbe zazen, sta svoji filozofiji gradila na odsotnosti jaza in dala tudi originalni toeriji telesa. Filozofija odsotnosti jaza, ki se veže na problem praznine v budizmu, pomeni tudi izziv sodobni evropski filozofiji, ker zahteva preverjanje predpostavk racionalnosti in mišljenja.
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    The Aesthetics of Decay.Maja Milčinski - 1999 - Filozofski Vestnik 20 (S2).
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