Results for 'Magnus Ljung'

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  1.  17
    Delivering too much, too little or off target—possible consequences of differences in perceptions on agricultural advisory services.Jannica Krafft, Jenny Höckert, Magnus Ljung, Sara Lundberg & Christina Lunner Kolstrup - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):185-199.
    Advisory services are considered to play an important role in the development of competitiveness and sustainability in agriculture. Advisory services have been studied at policy level, structural level and within case studies, but there is still restricted knowledge about advisors’ and farmers’ view on advisory services in general. This paper presents the views of Swedish advisors and farmers on advisory services. In a survey-based study, perceptions of farm advisors and full-time farmers in commercial Swedish agriculture on advisory services were identified (...)
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    Yrjo Him och den litterara estetiken.Per Erik Ljung - 1991 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 4 (6).
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  3. Whistleblowing in Organizations: An Examination of Correlates of Whistleblowing Intentions, Actions, and Retaliation.Jessica R. Mesmer-Magnus & Chockalingam Viswesvaran - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (3):277-297.
    Whistleblowing on organizational wrongdoing is becoming increasingly prevalent. What aspects of the person, the context, and the transgression relate to whistleblowing intentions and to actual whistleblowing on corporate wrongdoing? Which aspects relate to retaliation against whistleblowers? Can we draw conclusions about the whistleblowing process by assessing whistleblowing intentions? Meta-analytic examination of 193 correlations obtained from 26 samples (N = 18,781) reveals differences in the correlates of whistleblowing intentions and actions. Stronger relationships were found between personal, contextual, and wrongdoing characteristics and (...)
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    T-Pattern Detection and Analysis (TPA) With THEMETM: A Mixed Methods Approach.Magnus S. Magnusson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  5. Generative AI and photographic transparency.P. D. Magnus - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-6.
    There is a history of thinking that photographs provide a special kind of access to the objects depicted in them, beyond the access that would be provided by a painting or drawing. What is included in the photograph does not depend on the photographer’s beliefs about what is in front of the camera. This feature leads Kendall Walton to argue that photographs literally allow us to see the objects which appear in them. Current generative algorithms produce images in response to (...)
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    Training guide dogs of the blind with the “phantom man” method: Historic background and semiotic footing.Riin Magnus - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (198):181-204.
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    The Practice of Phenomenological Empathy Training.Magnus Englander - 2019 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 50 (1):42-59.
    This article provides concrete examples of a phenomenological approach to empathy training, which is a pedagogical method designed for higher education. First, the phenomenology of empathy and empathy training is briefly described. Second, excerpts from training sessions in higher education are provided as examples. The examples are meant as to concretize the purpose of the training in relation to the overall pedagogical process. In addition, some clarifications are made about how a phenomenological approach can facilitate university students’ deeper understanding of (...)
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  8. Precis of A Philosophy of Cover Songs.P. D. Magnus - manuscript
    A brief overview of _A Philosophy of Cover Songs_, highlighting some of the main themes in the book. The first part addresses the nature of covers and makes some important initial distinctions. The second part addresses the appreciation and evaluation of covers. The third part addresses covers as a clue to the ontology of songs. Written to introduce a session at the American Society for Aesthetics Rocky Mountain Division meeting in Santa Fe, New Mexico (July 13, 2024).
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  9. Almqvist och'beteckningsväsendet'.Per Erik Ljung - 1992 - Res Publica 22.
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  10. The Virtue of Responsibility: Femininity, Temporality, and Space in Michael Cunningham's The Hours.Annika Ljung-Baruth - 2008 - Analecta Husserliana 96:159-167.
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    The Philosophical Ancestors and Heirs of Jakob von Uexküll.Riin Magnus - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (1):227-231.
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  12. Poverty, negative duties and the global institutional order.Magnus Reitberger - 2008 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 7 (4):379-402.
    Do we violate human rights when we cooperate with and impose a global institutional order that engenders extreme poverty? Thomas Pogge argues that by shaping and enforcing the social conditions that foreseeably and avoidably cause global poverty we are violating the negative duty not to cooperate in the imposition of a coercive institutional order that avoidably leaves human rights unfulfilled. This article argues that Pogge's argument fails to distinguish between harms caused by the global institutions themselves and harms caused by (...)
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  13.  23
    Bioethics, Sociality, and Mental Illness.Magnus Englander - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (2):161-169.
    The phenomenology of bioethics is approached here in relation to the lived experience as it relates to the everyday lifeworld of persons suffering from mental illness. Taking a road less traveled, the purpose here is to elucidate ethical issues relating to sociality, using findings from qualitative phenomenological psychological research. Qualitative studies of schizophrenia and postpartum depression serve as examples. Layered throughout is the applied phenomenological argument pointing to the importance of returning to mundane intersubjectivity and the reversibility between mental illness, (...)
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  14.  48
    A Defense of the Dead Donor Rule.David Magnus - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S4):36-38.
    Discussion of the “dead donor rule” is challenging because it implicates views about a wide range of issues, including whether and when patients are appropriately declared dead, the validity of the doctrine of double effect, and the moral difference between or equivalence of active euthanasia and withdrawal of life‐sustaining treatment. The DDR will be defined here as the prohibition against removal of organs necessary for the life of the patient—that is, the prohibition of intentionally ending the life of a patient (...)
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  15.  27
    Non-normative critique: Foucault and pragmatic sociology as tactical re-politicization.Magnus Paulsen Hansen - 2016 - European Journal of Social Theory 19 (1):127-145.
    The close ties between modes of governing, subjectivities and critique in contemporary societies challenge the role of critical social research. The classical normative ethos of the unmasking researcher unravelling various oppressive structures of dominant vs. dominated groups in society is inadequate when it comes to understand de-politicizing mechanisms and the struggles they bring about. This article argues that only a non-normative position can stay attentive to the constant and complex evolution of modes of governing and the critical operations actors themselves (...)
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    Mediatization at the margins: Cosmopolitanism, network capital and spatial transformation in rural Sweden.Magnus Andersson & André Jansson - 2012 - Communications 37 (2):173-194.
    The significance of mediatization in countryside settings is an under-researched topic in media studies. In this paper, based on qualitative fieldwork carried out in two rural areas in Sweden, we study how mediatization integrates the prospects of cosmopolitan social change. The current phase of the mediatization process, which imposes a more dynamic register of networked communication, nourishes a new type of cosmopolitan identity in the countryside. As shown in the study, this development is constituted by complex configurations of different forms (...)
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  17. On Trusting Wikipedia.P. D. Magnus - 2009 - Episteme 6 (1):74-90.
    Given the fact that many people use Wikipedia, we should ask: Can we trust it? The empirical evidence suggests that Wikipedia articles are sometimes quite good but that they vary a great deal. As such, it is wrong to ask for a monolithic verdict on Wikipedia. Interacting with Wikipedia involves assessing where it is likely to be reliable and where not. I identify five strategies that we use to assess claims from other sources and argue that, to a greater of (...)
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  18. Scurvy and the ontology of natural kinds.P. D. Magnus - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 80 (5):1031-1039.
    Some philosophers understand natural kinds to be the categories which are constraints on enquiry. In order to elaborate the metaphysics appropriate to such an account, I consider the complicated history of scurvy, citrus, and vitamin C. It may be tempting to understand these categories in a shallow way (as mere property clusters) or in a deep way (as fundamental properties). Neither approach is adequate, and the case instead calls for middle-range ontology: starting from categories which we identify in the world (...)
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  19. 'The Use and Abuse of The Will to Power.Bernd Magnus - 1988 - In Robert C. Solomon (ed.), Reading Nietzsche. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 218--35.
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  20. The scope of inductive risk.P. D. Magnus - 2022 - Metaphilosophy 53 (1):17-24.
    The Argument from Inductive Risk (AIR) is taken to show that values are inevitably involved in making judgements or forming beliefs. After reviewing this conclusion, I pose cases which are prima facie counterexamples: the unreflective application of conventions, use of black-boxed instruments, reliance on opaque algorithms, and unskilled observation reports. These cases are counterexamples to the AIR posed in ethical terms as a matter of personal values. Nevertheless, it need not be understood in those terms. The values which load a (...)
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  21.  87
    The concept of genetic disease.David Magnus - 2004 - In Arthur L. Caplan, James J. McCartney & Dominic A. Sisti (eds.), Health, Disease, and Illness: Concepts in Medicine. Georgetown University Press. pp. 233--42.
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  22. Hobbes’s hidden monster: A new interpretation of the frontispiece of Leviathan.Magnus Kristiansson & Johan Tralau - 2014 - European Journal of Political Theory 13 (3):299-320.
    In recent years, much work has been done on the role of images in Hobbes. But there is an unsolved riddle with regard to the famous frontispiece of Leviathan (1651). Why is there nothing monstrous in the sovereign body depicted, despite the fact that it is named for a Biblical sea monster? In this article it is argued that there is a monster just barely hidden in the image and that the iconographical tradition helps us rediscover this creature. We argue (...)
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  23.  22
    Gerald S. Witherspoon was first ad.David Magnus & Glenn McGee - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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  24. Fibs in the Wikipedia.P. D. Magnus - manuscript
    These are details of research conducted in November and December 2007. The file is meant as a supplement to publication, and I have not attempted here to provide any analysis of the results.
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  25.  53
    Phenomenological psychology and qualitative research.Magnus Englander & James Morley - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (1):25-53.
    This article presents the tradition of phenomenologically founded psychological research that was originally initiated by Amedeo Giorgi. This data analysis method is inseparable from the broader project of establishing an autonomous phenomenologically based human scientific psychology. After recounting the history of the method from the 1960’s to the present, we explain the rationale for why we view data collection as a process that should be adaptable to the unique mode of appearance of each particular phenomenon being researched. The substance of (...)
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  26.  20
    Begründung und Auswahlkriterien für die Lektüre von historiographischen und biographischen Texten am Beispiel der Nepos-Lektüre.Magnus Frisch - 2015 - In Boris Dunsch & Felix M. Prokoph (eds.), Geschichte und Gegenwart. Beiträge zu Cornelius Nepos aus Fachwissenschaft, Fachdidaktik und Unterrichtspraxis. Mit einem Forschungsbericht und einer Arbeitsbibliographie. Wiesbaden 2015 (Philippika – Marburger altertumskundliche Abhandlungen; Bd. 91). S. Harrassowitz. pp. 137-166.
    Der Beitrag diskutiert Kriterien der Textauswahl für die Lektüre biographischer und historiographischer Texte im Lateinunterricht am Beispiel der Viten des Nepos. Dabei wird auch ein allgemeiner Überblick über Kriterien der Lektüreauswahl gegeben und die Geschichte der Neposlektüre im Lateinunterricht nachgezeichnet. Es werden Argumente für die Lektüre der Neposviten unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten diskutiert.
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  27. Cicero als Bildungsautor der Gegenwart (Ars Didactica – Alte Sprachen lehren und lernen; Bd. 6).Magnus Frisch (ed.) - 2020 - Heidelberg:
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    Beyond the IRB: Local Service Versus Global Oversight.David Magnus & Molly Havard - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (5):1-2.
  29.  18
    The History of The American Journal of Bioethics.David Magnus - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (10):3-3.
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  30. Priming a Pilot Implementation: Experiences From an Effects Specifications Workshop.Magnus Hansen and Maria Ie Pedersen - 2013 - Iris 34.
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  31.  13
    Volte-Face on the Welfare State: Social Partners, Knowledge Economies, and the Expansion of Work-Family Policies.Magnus Bergli Rasmussen & Øyvind Søraas Skorge - 2022 - Politics and Society 50 (2):222-254.
    To what extent organized employers and trade unions support social policies is contested. This article examines the case of work-family policies, which have surged to become a central part of the welfare state. In that expansion, the joint role of employers and unions has largely been disregarded in the comparative political economy literature. The article posits that the shift from Fordist to knowledge economies is the impetus for the social partners’ support for WFPs. If women make up an increasing share (...)
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    (1 other version)Targeting rents: Global taxes on natural resources.Magnus Reitberger - 2017 - European Journal of Political Theory 19 (4):445-464.
    In the debate on global justice, proposals to tax natural resources in order to reduce global poverty and fund other worthwhile objectives have attracted scholarly attention and controversy. In thi...
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  33. Nach der Selbstverwirklichung? Artikulationsformen des Individualisierungsprozesses.Magnus Schlette - 2013 - In Stefan Niklas & Martin Roussel (eds.), Formen der Artikulation: philosophische Beiträge zu einem kulturwissenschaftlichen Grundbegriff. München: Wilhelm Fink.
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    Radikalismus und idealismus.Magnus Schwantje - 1919 - Berlin,: Hrsg. von dem Bund für radikale ethik.
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    Ioniska tänkare: studium i försokratisk filosofi = [Ionian thinkers: a study in pre-Socratic philosophy].Magnus Selling - 1977 - Lund: Doxa (distr.).
  36. Theories of Economic Justice.Eric Von Magnus - 1978 - Dissertation, Syracuse University
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    Freiheit Und Determinismus: Ein Philosophischer Kommentar Zu Ciceros Schrift de Fato.Magnus Schallenberg - 2008 - Walter de Gruyter.
    In der 1970 gegründeten Reihe erscheinen Arbeiten, die philosophiehistorische Studien mit einem systematischen Ansatz oder systematische Studien mit philosophiehistorischen Rekonstruktionen verbinden. Neben deutschsprachigen werden auch englischsprachige Monographien veröffentlicht. Gründungsherausgeber sind: Erhard Scheibe, Günther Patzig und Wolfgang Wieland. Von 1990 bis 2007 wurde die Reihe von Jürgen Mittelstraß mitherausgegeben.
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  38.  65
    Preference, rationality, and risk taking.Eric Von Magnus - 1984 - Ethics 94 (4):637-648.
  39.  79
    Hermeneutical Justice in Fricker, Dotson, and Arendt.Magnus Ferguson - 2020 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (1):21-34.
    I propose that Hannah Arendt’s hermeneutical philosophy can make important contributions to ongoing debates in the study of epistemic injustice. Building on Kristie Dotson’s concern that Miranda Fricker’s formulation of hermeneutical injustice is needlessly restrictive, I argue that Arendt’s concept of ‘thinking’ challenges us to imagine a form of hermeneutical virtue that is rigorously self-critical. The self-destructive tendency of Arendtian thinking may help to guard against the specific danger that Dotson identifies - namely, that an overly rigid approach to hermeneutical (...)
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  40. Critique and cognitive capacities: Towards an action-oriented model.Magnus Hörnqvist - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (1):62-85.
    In response to an impasse, articulated in the late 1980s, the cognitive capacities of ordinary people assumed central place in contemporary critical social theory. The participants’ perspective gained precedence over scientific standards branded as external. The notion of cognition, however, went unchallenged. This article continues the move away from external standards, and discusses two models of critique, which differ based on their underlying notions of cognition. The representational model builds on cognitive content, misrecognition and normativity; three features which are illustrated (...)
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  41. The Interview: Data Collection in Descriptive Phenomenological Human Scientific Research.Magnus Englander - 2012 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 43 (1):13-35.
    In this article, interviewing from a descriptive, phenomenological, human scientific perspective is examined. Methodological issues are raised in relation to evaluative criteria as well as reflective matters that concern the phenomenological researcher. The data collection issues covered are 1) the selection of participants, 2) the number of participants in a study, 3) the interviewer and the questions, and 4) data collection procedures. Certain conclusions were drawn indicating that phenomenological research methods cannot be evaluated on the basis of an empiricist theory (...)
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  42.  43
    (1 other version)Perception, Imagery, Memory and Consciousness.Magnus Johnsson - 2022 - Filozofia i Nauka 10:229-244.
    I propose and discuss some principles that I believe are substantial for perception, various kinds of memory, expectations and the capacity for imagination in the mammal brain, as well as for the design of a biologically inspired artificial cognitive architecture. I also suggest why these same principles could explain our ability to represent novel concepts and imagine non-existing and perhaps impossible objects, while there are still limits to what we can imagine and think about. Some ideas regarding how these principles (...)
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  43. Postmodern pragmatism: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Derrida, and Rorty.Bernd Magnus, R. Hollinger & D. Depew - 1995 - In Robert Hollinger & David Depew (eds.), Pragmatism: from progressivism to postmodernism. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
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    Stakeholder Theory and the ‘Black Box Problem’: Internal Clarity or Confusion?Magnus Frostenson - 2009 - Philosophy of Management 8 (3):37-46.
    Portraying the firm as a ‘black box’, as traditional conceptions of the firm tend to do, has been strongly criticised by stakeholder theorists. This article claims, however, that the ‘black box problem’ has not been satisfactorily resolved by stakeholder theory itself. The failure to bring clarity to the internal realities of the firm has led to unacceptable conceptions of the firm from a moral agency point of view. For example, stakeholder theory tends to portray the firm as an exchange system (...)
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  45.  20
    Teacher Educators in Neoliberal Times: A Phenomenological Self-Study.Magnus Levinsson, Anita Norlund & Dennis Beach - 2020 - Phenomenology and Practice 14 (1):7-23.
    In Sweden, and most Western countries, pervasive neoliberal policies have dramatically transformed the entire education sector in a matter of decades. As teacher educators, we have experienced how neoliberal currents have pushed Swedish teacher education towards a teacher training paradigm which may risk undermining the foundations for professional judgement. Moreover, the Bologna Process and the introduction of New Public Management have had significant consequences for what it means to be a teacher educator. In this study, we present our everyday experiences (...)
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    Eternal Recurrence.Bernd Magnus - 1979 - In Mazzino Montinari, Wolfgang Müller-Lauter, Heinz Wenzel, Günter Abel & Werner Stegmaier (eds.), 1979. De Gruyter. pp. 362-377.
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    Gauss on least-squares and maximum-likelihood estimation.Jan R. Magnus - 2022 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 76 (4):425-430.
    Gauss’ 1809 discussion of least squares, which can be viewed as the beginning of mathematical statistics, is reviewed. The general consensus seems to be that Gauss’ arguments are at fault, but we show that his reasoning is in fact correct, given his self-imposed restrictions, and persuasive without these restrictions.
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    Technik, Ereignis, Material: neue Perspektiven auf Ontologie, Aisthesis und Ethik der stofflichen Welt.David Magnus & Sergej Rickenbacher (eds.) - 2019 - Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos.
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    Fridom eller livet. Nokre liner mellom subjektsomgrepa hos Badiou og Lacan.Magnus Bøe Michelsen - 2010 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 28 (4):283-299.
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    Democracy & Political Religion.Magnus Schlette - 2020 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 12 (2).
    This article focuses on the controversy between Reinhold Niebuhr and John Dewey about the function of religion and religious institutions in a democratic society. It shows how Dewey positions his concept of a “common faith” within his project of democratic experimentalism, before revisiting Niebuhr’s criticism of this concept and particularly its anthropological inclinations. Subsequently, the article highlights the affinity of Niebuhr’s interpretation of Dewey’s A Common Faith to Eric Voegelin’s concept of political religions and compares the different concepts of transcendence (...)
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