Results for 'MEŞE İlknur'

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  1.  41
    Engellenmiş Annelik: Zihinsel Engelli Çocukların Anneleri.İlknur MEŞE - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 12):841-841.
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    Motherhood Creating Its Killer: Based On Elif Shafak's Novel "Alexander" Questioning The Femininity And Masculinity In Turkey.MEŞE İlknur - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8:399-411.
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    Awareness of scientific publication ethics in higher education.İlknur Haberal Can & Mehtap Honca - 2023 - International Journal of Ethics Education 8 (1):67-84.
    Ethical violations can cause wasteful use of resources, unfair advantage for some scientists over others, and setting a bad example to the scientific community and young scientists_._ Awareness of these violations helps to prevent moral contamination of the academic community. A web-based survey with 30 items was sent to all residents and academic staff worked at different faculties in our university to evaluate the participants' thoughts and knowledge about academic publication ethics. There were 48 female and 53 male respondents. 44.6% (...)
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    Investigation of the Awareness of Automated News in terms of Public Opinion: Artificial Intelligence Journalism.İlknur Aydoğdu Karaaslan, Baha Ahmet Yılmaz & Yağmur Karadağ - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1658-1671.
    Developments in information and communication technologies have created change and transformation in news production and reading habits, and the use of artificial intelligence in the journalism sector has become inevitable as the process transforms society. With artificial intelligence journalism, news can be produced and edited quickly. However, this speed and automation can create problems for readers in terms of accuracy and detail in consuming the news. In this context, the roles of journalists are also changing, and they are effective in (...)
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    Wang Yangming’in "Sezgisel Bilgi" Kuramı: Eylemde Zihinsel-Spiritüel Bütünlük.İlknur Sertdemir - 2022 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):177-193.
    Milattan önce 6. yy’ da Konfuçyüs tarafından kuralcı bir çerçevede açıklanan ve bilgelikerdemlilik sentezini temel alan düşünce ekolüne ahlaki psikoloji kuramını getiren ilk fikir adamı Mengzi’dır. İnsanın doğuştan iyiliği önermesiyle duygu, düşünce ve eylem arasındaki tutarlılığı içgörüsel farkındalığa kaynak gösteren Mengzi, Çin felsefesine yeni bir soluk getirir. Bu önerme, 11.yy’da Neo-Konfuçyüsçü filozof Cheng Hao’ın sezgisel öğrenme metoduyla korunsa da önermenin Doğu Asya topraklarına yayılmasındaki asıl katkı Ming dönemi siyasetçisi, hattatı ve generali Wang Yangming’e aittir. Wang Yangming, Mengzi’dan aktardığı zihinsel-spiritüel bütünlüğü (...)
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    Functional Use of Directional Local Field Potentials in the Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation.Ilknur Telkes, Shelby Sabourin, Jennifer Durphy, Octavian Adam, Vishad Sukul, Nataly Raviv, Michael D. Staudt & Julie G. Pilitsis - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    A Stele of Prince Anaziti in the Yozgat Museum.İlknur Taş & Mark Weeden - 2010 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 130 (3):349-359.
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  8. Konfuçyüs Öğretisinde Nepotizm Sorunu.İlknur Sertdemir - 2022 - Felsefe Dünyasi 1 (75):364-383.
    The teaching of Confucius, one of the doctrines built Chinese philosophy, is the movement of thought that has penetrated politics, education, manners and customs in East Asia for centuries. Reading the principles that advise wisdom and virtue through classical texts, we can find out normative moral knowledge. This teaching, in which ethical standards guiding human relations are regulative, promotes hierarchy as required by patriarchal and patrimonial regime. Social structure is grounded on discrimination between nobles and commons. Since the rights and (...)
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  9. Eski Çin’de Kölelik ve Sosyal Eşitsizlik: Shang Hanedanı Örneği.İlknur Sertdemir - 2024 - Doğu Asya Araştırmaları Dergisi 7 (13):49-71.
    The three great sovereigns of ancient Chinese history, which have subsumed almost nine centuries before Common Era, referred to Xia (2070-1600 BC), Shang (1600-1046 BC) and Zhou (1046- 256 BC) dynasties. The people of Shang, who represented the transition from a primitive to a civilized continuum with the invention of writing, were exposed to social stratification due to the self-interests of courtiers indulging in superstitions, relying on prophecy and necromancy. As a result of this stratification, the first examples of class (...)
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  10. Modern Konfuçyüsçü Mou Zongsan’ın “Bilişsel Farkındalık” Olumsuzlaması.İlknur Sertdemir - 2024 - Şarkiyat Mecmuası 1 (44):161-177.
    Çin anakarasında yirminci yüzyılın başları; dilden edebiyata, geleneksel düşünceden eğitim sistemine ve hatta siyasal rejime dek pek çok alanda modernleşmeye gidilen süreci kapsar. Kültürel çaptaki bu yenilikçi hareketler arasında; antik çağa tarihlenen, Konfuçyüs (MÖ 479-551) tarafından ilkeleştirilen ve Mengzi’nın (MÖ 372-289) insan doğası görüşü sayesinde geniş kitlelerce benimsenen düşünce akımının “Yeni Konfuçyanizm” adı altında kurulması oldukça mühimdir. Konfuçyüs’ün normatif ahlak anlayışının aksine bu yeni akım, Mengzi’nın doğuştancı kuramına daha yakın durmaktadır. Yeni Konfuçyanizm’in temellerini atan Xiong Shili (1885-1968), Mengzi öğretisinde okunabilen (...)
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  11. Cheng Kardeşlerde Muhtelif Öğrenme Yöntemleri.İlknur Sertdemir - 2024 - Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 51:29-44.
    The normative moral teaching that unifies sageness into virtuousness was organized by Confucius’ 孔子(551-479 BC) to restore order in the chaotic environment of ancient China. Compelling individuals and society to fulfill their duties according to the mandate of heaven and the course of cosmos, this teaching evolved into different methodologies due to the subjective commentaries of later philosophers. With the beginning of the Neo-Confucianism movement in the 8th century AD, which integrated metaphysical forces with ethical acts and deeds, the meanings (...)
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    ANDRÉ DUARTE Departamento de Filosofia–UFPR E-mail: andremduarte@ uol. com. br.Foram Onze Meses Como Reitor - 2001 - Natureza Humana 3 (1):187-196.
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    From Structuralism to Points of Rupture.Dave Mesing - 2019 - Symposium 23 (1):115-137.
    This paper considers the ontological and political implications of the concept of the subject within structuralism. I turn first to Balibar in order to articulate structuralism as a tendency or movement rather than fixed set of positions, using some indications he has provided in order to demonstrate how thoroughly embedded the subject is as a problem within this tendency. I argue that Laclau and Mouffe’s work on hegemony deepens the political stakes of this problem while also introducing the grammar of (...)
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  14. Intuitive Learning in Moral Awareness. Cognitive-Affective Processes in Mencius’ Innatist Theory.İlknur Sertdemir - 2022 - Academicus International Scientific Journal 13 (25):235-254.
    Mencius, referred to as second sage in Chinese philosophy history, grounds his theory about original goodness of human nature on psychological components by bringing in something new down ancient ages. Including the principles of virtuous action associated with Confucius to his doctrine, but by composing them along psychosocial development, he theorizes utterly out of the ordinary that makes all the difference to the school. In his argument stated a positive opinion, he explains the method of forming individuals' moral awareness by (...)
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  15. Guy Debord.Dave Mesing - 2017 - In Adam Kotsko & Carlo Salzani (eds.), Agamben's Philosophical Lineage. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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  16. Book of Changes: Cosmological and Anthropological Metaphors in Chinese Philosophy.İlknur Sertdemir - 2021 - Academicus International Scientific Journal 12 (24):214-225.
    Ancient Chinese history holds a quality which has syncretized traditional thought with its cultural wealth unified of mystical and mythological figures in the background. Such that classical documents, which had begun to be written before Common Era, has directly influenced the political regime, education system and status of society in China. One of the most prominent features of these works is to propound collective knowledge about perception of cosmology, attitudes to earthiness, community standards, policy and morality. Among Five Classics works (...)
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  17. Çin Düşünce Geleneğinde İnsan Doğası Kuramı ve Ahlaki Davranış Yöntemleri.İlknur Sertdemir - 2021 - Doğu Asya Araştırmaları Dergisi 4 (8):28-53.
    Theoretical arguments about the normative tendencies of human beings hold an important place within the context of Chinese philosophy, which began to be formed foundations by the intellectual and cultural developments corresponding to the five centuries BC. Traditional thought in China that synthesizes the earthly and unearthly phenomenon, exemplifies the correlation between moral tendencies and natural changes through the argumental doctrines of collected ideas on human nature and existence. Approaches based on this correlation include a variety of opinions regarding good (...)
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    The Intervening Prince: Althusser, Foucault, and a Theory of Strategy.Dave Mesing - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 41 (1).
    This paper stages an encounter between Foucault and Althusser on the question of strategy. By contrasting a few passages in La Volonté de savoir with some of Althusser’s writings on Machiavelli and Lenin, I propose an alternative between the two thinkers according to a schema of strategic thought (Foucault) and a philosophy for strategy (Althusser). This narrow focus enables me to generate a working definition of strategy as the anticipation of an encounter which modifies, abolishes, or otherwise alters the relations (...)
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    Contemplating the Impact of the Moderators Agency Cost and Number of Supervisors on Corporate Sustainability Under the Aegis of a Cognitive CEO.Muddassar Sarfraz, Ilknur Ozturk, Syed Ghulam Meran Shah & Adnan Maqbool - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Bodies as open projects: reflections on gender and sexuality.Mese van den Berg - 2011 - South African Journal of Philosophy 30 (3):385-402.
    This article argues that the social constructivist paradigm falls into the same dualistic trap as biological essentialism when attempting to respond to questions of gender and sexuality. I argue that social constructivism, like biological determinism, presumes a ‘split’ world, where subjective lived experiences are separated from the world of socio-cultural forces. Following a phenomenological approach, grounded in Merleau-Ponty’s ontological view of the body, this article attempts to move beyond the dualistic metadiscourses of social constructivism in maintaining that identity is a (...)
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    Guest Editors’ Preface.James Bahoh & Dave Mesing - 2016 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 8 (3):252-254.
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    The Spinoza-Machiavelli Encounter: Time and Occasion.Vittorio Morfino & Dave Mesing - 2018 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Vittorio Morfino draws out the implications of the dynamic Spinoza-Machiavelli encounter by focusing on the concepts of causality, temporality and politics. This allows him to think through the relationship between ontology and politics, leading to an understanding of history as a complex and plural interweaving of different rhythms.
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    Demonstrating the Impact of Cognitive CEO on Firms’ Performance and CSR Activity.Hui Li, Yong Hang, Syed Ghulam Meran Shah, Aswad Akram & Ilknur Ozturk - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Review of After the Postsecular and Postmodern: Essays in Continental Philosophy of Religion, edited by Anthony Paul Smith and Daniel Whistler: Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011, ISBN:978-1443827041, pb, 415pp. [REVIEW]Dave Mesing - 2013 - Sophia 52 (4):715-717.
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    Nurses as the leading fighters during the COVID-19 pandemic: Self-transcendence.Mesiya Aydın, İlknur Aydın Avci & Özen Kulakaç - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (4):802-818.
    Background The Covid 19 pandemic has led to and continues to pose challenges for healthcare systems globally, especially in intensive care units. This research was conducted to examine the self-transcendence of the leading fighters, intensive care nurses, during the Covid 19 pandemic. Methods The descriptive phenomenological research method was used in the study. The research was carried out between June and December 2020 with the nurses who care for Covid 19 patients in the Covid 19 intensive care service in different (...)
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    Substantiating Nexus Between Consumption Values and Sustainable Consumption Behavior: A Way Toward Sustainable Business.Jianmin Sun, Huma Safdar, Zain ul Abidin Jaffri, Syed Ibn-ul-Hassan & Ilknur Ozturk - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:908391.
    The unprecedented economic growth in recent decades has cultivated the exploitation of natural resources and over-consumption, leading to ecological deterioration and sustainability. The ever-increasing consumption in developing countries is creating a significant environmental strain. Thus, the industry and consumers’ environmental issues and their harmful effects on human health have led to concerns among researchers, scientists, academic communities, and policymakers. The present work examines the impact of different consumption value factors on sustainable consumption behavior concerning consumer choice in Pakistan and China. (...)
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    Coronavirus Disease 2019 Safety Measures for Sustainable Tourism: The Mediating Effect of Tourist Trust.Muddassar Sarfraz, Mohsin Raza, Rimsha Khalid, Larisa Ivascu, Gadah Albasher & Ilknur Ozturk - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic is continuing to have severe effects on tourism-related industries, as safety precautions have become essential to follow. Based on this, this study aims to explore the role of perceptions of the tourist of safety in tourism destination choice with the mediating effect of tourist trust in the context of the Chinese tourism sector. In addition, this study considers improvements to safety measures for sustainable tourism and the benefits of the technology transformation in the travel industry because (...)
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    The Notes Mese and Hypate in Greek Music.C. Abdy Williams - 1898 - The Classical Review 12 (02):98-100.
  29. Crónica de 3 meses por Chihuahua y Cd. Juárez.Fernando Castro Campos - 2011 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 2 (3):15 - 8.
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    Hē philosophia stē mesē ekpaideusē.Giōrgos S. Dēmētrakos - 1993 - Athēna: Gutenberg.
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    Aristóteles y la posibilidad de una mése politeía.Laura Sancho Rocher - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (49).
    En el libro 4 de la _Política_ de Aristóteles encontramos una forma de constitución recta que se da cuando los _mésoi_, los ciudadanos de recursos moderados, son, no solo numerosos, sino mayoritarios. Los ciudadanos medios garantizan el gobierno de la ley y de la razón, fundamentan la amistad entre ciudadanos y la estabilidad del régimen. Nos planteamos en este ensayo qué relación tiene esta forma constitucional con la politia, entendida como mezcla de democracia y oligarquía; con la democracia, como gobierno (...)
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    Práticas parentais de mães adultas e adolescentes com bebês de um a doze meses.Olga Maria Piazentin Rolim Rodrigues, Elisa Rachel Pisani Altafim & Rafaela de Almeida Schiavo - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 34:96-108.
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    Ibn ʿĀṣim, Kitāb al-Anwā wa-l-azmina, al-Qawl fi l-šuhūr (Tratado sobre los anwāʾ y los tiempos; Capitulo sobre los meses)Ibn Asim, Kitab al-Anwa wa-l-azmina, al-Qawl fi l-suhur.Daniel Martin Varisco, Miquel Forcada Nogués & Miquel Forcada Nogues - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (2):324.
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    Práticas parentais de mães adultas e adolescentes com bebês de um a doze meses.Olga Maria Piazentin Rolim Rodrigues, Elisa Rachel Pisani Altafim & Rafaela de Almeida Schiavo - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 34:96-108.
    As práticas parentais possuem uma função primordial no desenvolvimento infantil e uma estreita relação com os seus repertórios comportamentais. O presente estudo objetivou analisar práticas de mães de bebês adultas e adolescentes, comparando-as com a idade dos bebês. Participaram 111 mães de bebês d..
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    Adalékok Káin "esti meséjéhez": gazdaság és szocializáció a jelenkori liberális társadalomban.Emmerich Menyhay - 1998 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. Edited by Judit Balázs.
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    Baeteman, G., Meditazioni per il ritiro del mese. [REVIEW]G. Schiavella - 1964 - Augustinianum 4 (1):221-221.
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    As sombras que a invisibilidade da pandemia projeta: quais alternativas para o porvir?Vânia Gomes Zuin & Caroindes Julia Corrêa Gomes - 2022 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 27:022016.
    Há meses a população mundial enfrenta a pandemia causada pelo COVID-19, uma situação ímpar e talvez a mais desafiadora que rememoramos. Para a maioria dos sujeitos, esta crise junta-se às demais emergências e reforça injustiças, violências, discriminações e sofrimento, uma vez que são considerados _invisíveis_ e sobrevivem em espaços desprovidos de higiene, saúde, educação e segurança e repletos de outras manifestações de _renúncia_ e _impossibilidade_. Considerando que a própria estrutura social é a responsável por chegarmos onde estamos, precisamos nos contrapor (...)
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    Dossiê Completo.Vilmar Prata, Nilton Milanez & Beatriz Almeida - 2023 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 41.
    Entre os meses de outubro e novembro de 1983, Michel Foucault proferiu, em Berkeley, seisconferências, problematizando as relações do sujeito com a verdade, a partir do conceito grego deparresía (παρρησία). Essas conferências, como tantas outras que compunham uma série de cursosoferecidos pelo filósofo francês, foram gravadas, posteriormente, transcritas e organizadas em livrosque colaboram de modo singular com pesquisas até os dias atuais. As conferências foram editadas pelaUniversidade de Berkeley em 1985 e foram traduzidas no Brasil, ganhando formato de artigos, no (...)
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  39. No tener un hogar es mucho más que estar sin techo.Sonia Olea Ferreras - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (975):49-53.
    En los últimos meses no hay día que no leamos en las noticias o escuchemos en la radio la tragedia de una familia, grupos de jóvenes o de personas mayores que son expulsadas de sus viviendas. Incluso las redes sociales se hacen eco al instante de procesos de desahucio en muchos barrios de nuestras ciudades.
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  40. La autoridad del profesor.Immaculada Egido Gálvez - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (971):71-75.
    Hace tan sólo unos meses se produjo en España un nuevo debate en relación con la educación, centrado en esta ocasión en el tema de la autoridad del profesorado. Tras anunciar la Comunidad de Madrid su propuesta de otorgar a los profesores el rango de autoridad pública, finalmente plasmada en la Ley 2/2010 de Autoridad del profesor, la controversia sobre la oportunidad de esta medida no se hizo esperar, poniéndose de manifiesto la existencia de opiniones encontradas en torno a la (...)
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  41. Tres dimensiones del ser humano: individual, social, histórica.Xavier Zubiri - 2006 - Madrid: Fundación Xavier Zubiri.
    En enero de 1974 Zubiri dio un breve curso en la Sociedad de Estudios y Publicaciones de Madrid sobre el tema Tres dimensiones del ser humano: individual, social e histórica. Meses después publicó la última de esas lecciones bajo el título de La dimensión histórica del ser humano. El presente volumen recoge el texto de las tres conferencias, más la versión escrita de la última de ellas. La tesis que Zubiri desarrolla en estas lecciones es que el ser humano es (...)
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    Una aproximación al concepto de género en Derecho Penal francés y español. De la polémica a su validez constitucional | An approach to the gender concept in French and Spanish criminal law. From the controversy to its constitutional validity.Alicia Ginebra Brox Sáenz de la Calzada - 2019 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 40:23-44.
    Resumen: Tras varios meses de debate, Francia acaba de sustituir en el Código Penal la expresión “identidad sexual” por la de “identidad de género”, incluyendo por fin el concepto de género en el texto legal. Este artículo, que es una humilde reflexión sobre la utilidad de dicho reconocimiento, recoge los principales argumentos alegados durante la fase prelegislativa. He realizado el trabajo desde una perspectiva comparada, ya que el debate surgido en el país galo es semejante al que tuvo lugar en (...)
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    As Vivências Religiosas de Professoras da Educação Infantil e a Escrita de Pareceres: O Gênero Em Questão.Adriane Knoblauch & Leniara Pellegrinello Camargo - 2023 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 29:197-211.
    Este artigo trata da problematização da escrita dos pareceres descritivos de crianças pequenas em relação à questão de gênero em um Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil, da cidade de Curitiba, a partir das relações entre docência e religião. Os dados da pesquisa foram coletados a partir de questionários, observação, entrevista e análise dos pareceres entre os meses de agosto e dezembro de 2018. Objetivou-se verificar se a vivência religiosa das professoras influencia nas decisões sobre as escritas. A análise ocorreu a (...)
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  44. La violencia de género en cifras.Manuela Aguilera - 2009 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 59 (960):12-17.
    Los datos son escalofriantes: el pasado año murieron 70 mujeres asesinadas a manos de sus parejas o exparejas (más siete casos que aún se encuentran bajo investigación). Tan sólo en los primeros 9 meses del año se recibieron 108.261 denuncias a un ritmo de 400 diarias, lo que supuso un incremento del 15,9% con respecto a 2007. Pero a pesar de que han aumentado las denuncias, se ha recrudecido la intensidad de las agresiones. Desde 1999 a nuestros días, más de (...)
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    La construcción del esquema corporal infantil desde una perspectiva merleaupontyana. La propiocepción como fundamento del accouplement fenomenológico.Jesica Buffone - 2019 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 31 (2):297-320.
    Este trabajo tendrá como objetivo llevar a cabo un análisis de la apropiación que el filósofo Maurice Merleau-Ponty realiza del concepto de esquema corporal, para así dilucidar las implicancias que el mismo posee en la descripción que elabora de la construcción del cuerpo propio en la primera infancia. Teniendo en cuenta que el reconocimiento del otro y de mí mismo como una individualidad disociada del entorno es un proceso que se desarrolla durante los primeros meses de vida del bebé, se (...)
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    Democracia E totalitarismo.Luis Andrés Castillo - 2011 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 2 (3):24-34.
    As notas a seguir traduzem a exposição inicial sobre o tema Democracia e totalitarismo, preparado para o eixo político do projeto de extensão Café Filosófico, ainda sob o calor da tese de doutorado que defendi meses antes, com o título Do fim da experiência ao fim do jurídico: percurso de Giorgio Agamben. Nesta ocasião, com o objetivo de propiciar um momento de recuperação e problematização de noções que costumeiramente tomamos como dadas, procurei aproximar os fenômenos políticos compreendidos por democracia e (...)
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    «Sociología del espacio». La distribución espacial de los paritorios como cultura material de los paradigmas obstétricos inmanentes y su repercusión en términos de humanización asistencial.José Manuel Hernández Garre, Baldomero De Maya Sánchez & Paloma Echevarría Pérez - 2020 - Arbor 196 (796):560.
    Desde la perspectiva de la «sociología del espacio» el estudio explora las conexiones que se dan entre los factores ideológicos (paradigmas de representación del parto), los siste­mas de organización clínica (culturas del parto) y las evoluciones arquitectónicas (tipologías espaciales de los paritorios), y sus re­percusiones en clave de humanización asistencial. Para ello se ha realizado una investigación etnográfica de veinticuatro meses de duración en seis paritorios del servicio estatal de salud de una re­gión del sur de España. La técnica de (...)
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    A Quantitative Research on the Relationship of Self-Monitoring with Religious Orientation and Religious Group Membership.Büşra Kılıç Ahmedi - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):539-563.
    Self-monitoring theory explains the individual differences in using interpersonal adjustment techniques like self-control, self-regulation, and self-presentation. Self-monitoring plays a key role for understanding the social life. Therefore, it has been one of most popular research topics in social psychology. The aim of this study is to find out if there is a meaningful relationship between religious orientation and self-monitoring, and to determine the direction of the relationship if it exists. Besides, examining the effect of religious group membership on self-monitoring is (...)
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    Medidas insuficientes para un cambio en la evaluación de la investigación en España: glosando las nuevas directrices de la ANECA.Emilio Delgado López-Cozar, Ismael Ràfols & Ernest Abadal - 2022 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 27 (2).
    En una carta publicada hace seis meses, pocas semanas después de que la Agencia Española de Evaluación se adhiriera a la declaración dora, hacíamos un llamamiento a las autoridades científicas españolas para que abandonaran las políticas de evaluación de la investigación basadas en un uso excesivo e indiscriminado de los indicadores bibliométricos —especialmente el Journal Impact Factor —, para valorar el desempeño individual de los académicos. En concreto se les animaba a «que suscriban y cumplan con la dora y sigan (...)
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    ¿Dónde está Santiago Maldonado? Disputas por la memoria del pasado reciente en Argentina.Daniela Pighin - 2019 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 10 (19):e030.
    Santiago Maldonado desapareció el 1° de agosto de 2017 durante la represión que Gendarmería Nacional realizó en la localidad de Cushamen, en la provincia de Chubut, contra la protesta de la comunidad mapuche en la que Maldonado participaba. El sur argentino tiene una larga experiencia de reclamos del pueblo mapuche centrados en recuperar las tierras que consideran ancestrales, lograr la autonomía jurisdiccional y alcanzar el reconocimiento de libertad económico - productiva y de su identidad cultural. El 1° de agosto de (...)
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