Max A. Freund [20]Michael Freund [15]M. Freund [3]Max Freund [1]
Matthew Freund [1]Margitta Freund [1]Max Alberto Freund [1]
  1.  57
    Modal logic: an introduction to its syntax and semantics.Nino Barnabas Cocchiarella & Max A. Freund - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Max A. Freund.
    In this text, a variety of modal logics at the sentential, first-order, and second-order levels are developed with clarity, precision and philosophical insight.
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    The Logic of Sortals: A Conceptualist Approach.Max A. Freund - 2019 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    Sortal concepts are at the center of certain logical discussions and have played a significant role in solutions to particular problems in philosophy. Apart from logic and philosophy, the study of sortal concepts has found its place in specific fields of psychology, such as the theory of infant cognitive development and the theory of human perception. In this monograph, different formal logics for sortal concepts and sortal-related logical notions are characterized. Most of these logics are intensional in nature and possess, (...)
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  3.  12
    Rationality, transitivity, and contraposition.Michael Freund, Daniel Lehmann & Paul Morris - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 52 (2):191-203.
  4. Modal logic. An introduction to its syntax and semantics.Nino B. Cocchiarella & Max A. Freund - 2010 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 16 (2):275-276.
  5.  38
    Predication and sortal concepts.Max A. Freund - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 12):3085-3106.
    We shall distinguish between sortal predication and standard predication. The former kind of predication necessarily involves sortal concepts but the latter, as it is customarily viewed, does not. It is generally thought that the only essential occurrence of a concept in a standard predication is the concept being predicated. In this paper, we shall put forward an alternative view. We shall propose to understand standard predication as a cognitive act essentially requiring sortal concepts. We shall call this view conceptual predication (...)
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    On the notion of concept I.Michael Freund - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (4-5):570-590.
  7.  97
    Nonmonotonic reasoning: From finitary relations to infinitary inference operations.Michael Freund & Daniel Lehmann - 1994 - Studia Logica 53 (2):161 - 201.
    A. Tarski [22] proposed the study of infinitary consequence operations as the central topic of mathematical logic. He considered monotonicity to be a property of all such operations. In this paper, we weaken the monotonicity requirement and consider more general operations, inference operations. These operations describe the nonmonotonic logics both humans and machines seem to be using when infering defeasible information from incomplete knowledge. We single out a number of interesting families of inference operations. This study of infinitary inference operations (...)
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    Preferential reasoning in the perspective of Poole default logic.Michael Freund - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 98 (1-2):209-235.
  9.  28
    Nonmonotonic inference operations.Michael Freund & Daniel Lehmann - 1993 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 1 (1):23-68.
    A. Tarski [21] proposed the study of infinitary consequence operations as the central topic of mathematical logic. He considered monotonicity to be a property of all such operations. In this paper, we weaken the monotonicity requirement and consider more general operations, inference operations. These operations describe the nonmonotonic logics both humans and machines seem to be using when infering dofeasible information from incomplete knowledge. We single out a number of interesting families of inference operations. This study of infinitary inference operations (...)
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  10.  80
    A temporal logic for sortals.Max A. Freund - 2001 - Studia Logica 69 (3):351-380.
    With the past and future tense propositional operators in its syntax, a formal logical system for sortal quantifiers, sortal identity and (second order) quantification over sortal concepts is formulated. A completeness proof for the system is constructed and its absolute consistency proved. The completeness proof is given relative to a notion of logical validity provided by an intensional semantic system, which assumes an approach to sortals from a modern form of conceptualism.
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    A modal sortal logic.Max A. Freund - 2004 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 33 (3):237-260.
    An intensional semantic system for languages containing, in their logical syntax, sortal quantifiers, sortal identities, (second-order) quantifiers over sortals and the necessity operator is constructed. This semantics provides non-standard assignments to predicate expressions, which diverge in kind from the entities assigned to sortal terms by the same semantic system. The nature of the entities assigned to predicate expressions shows, at the same time, that there is an internal semantic connection between those expressions and sortal terms. A formal logical system is (...)
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  12.  48
    Supracompact inference operations.Michael Freund - 1993 - Studia Logica 52 (3):457 - 481.
    When a proposition is cumulatively entailed by a finite setA of premisses, there exists, trivially, a finite subsetB ofA such thatB B entails for all finite subsetsB that are entailed byA. This property is no longer valid whenA is taken to be an arbitrary infinite set, even when the considered inference operation is supposed to be compact. This leads to a refinement of the classical definition of compactness. We call supracompact the inference operations that satisfy the non-finitary analogue of the (...)
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    A Temporal Epistemic Deontic Logic.Max A. Freund - 2024 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 65 (3):229-246.
    Within legal contexts, a claim to knowledge requires that the evidence appealed to fulfills conditions established by legal norms that belong to the so-called Evidence Law. In addition, the epistemic justification presupposed by this kind of knowledge is temporally affected by the changing character of the evidence and the judicial discretion usually exercised in the applications of the Evidence Law. As such, these two scenarios involve three modalities: temporal, epistemic, and deontic. The present paper philosophically discusses the links between these (...)
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  14.  9
    Statics and dynamics of induced systems.Michael Freund - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 110 (1):103-134.
  15.  78
    A complete and consistent formal system for sortals.Max A. Freund - 2000 - Studia Logica 65 (3):367-381.
    A formal logical system for sortal quantifiers, sortal identity and (second order) quantification over sortal concepts is formulated. The absolute consistency of the system is proved. A completeness proof for the system is also constructed. This proof is relative to a concept of logical validity provided by a semantics, which assumes as its philosophical background an approach to sortals from a modern form of conceptualism.
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  16.  12
    On the revision of preferences and rational inference processes.Michael Freund - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 152 (1):105-137.
  17.  26
    Is adaptive control in language production mediated by learning?Michael Freund & Nazbanou Nozari - 2018 - Cognition 176 (C):107-130.
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  18.  82
    A Two Dimensional Tense-modal Sortal Logic.Max A. Freund - 2007 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 36 (5):571-598.
    We consider a formal language whose logical syntax involves both modal and tense propositional operators, as well as sortal quantifiers, sortal identities and (second order) quantifiers over sortals. We construct an intensional semantics for the language and characterize a formal logical system which we prove to be sound and complete with respect to the semantics. Conceptualism is the philosophical background of the semantic system.
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  19.  12
    Default extensions: dealing with computer information.M. Freund - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence 92 (1-2):277-288.
  20.  27
    Logic and Philosophy of Logic: Recent Trends in Latin America and Spain.Max A. Freund, Max Fernandez de Castro & Marco Ruffino (eds.) - 2018 - College Publications.
    Logic and philosophy of logic have increasingly become areas of research and great interest in Latin America and Spain, where significant work has been done and continues to be done in both of these fields. The goal of this volume is to draw attention to this work through a collection of original and unpublished papers by specialists from Latin America and Spain. Some of the papers are of importance for set-theory and model theory. They cover topics such as the foundations (...)
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  21. A minimal logical system for computable concepts and effective knowability.M. Freund - 1994 - Logique Et Analyse 34 (4):339-66.
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  22.  24
    A Modal-tense Sortal Logic with Variable-Domain Second-order Quantification.Max Alberto Freund - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Logic 12 (1).
    We propose a new intensional semantics for modal-tense second-order languages with sortal predicates. The semantics provides a variable-domain interpretation of the second-order quantifiers. A formal logical system is characterized and proved to be sound and complete with respect to the semantics. A contemporary variant of conceptualism as a theory of universals is the philosophical background of the semantics. Justification for the variable-domain interpretation of the second-order quantifiers presupposes such a conceptualist framework.
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  23.  28
    Consideraciones lógico-epistémicas relativas a una forma de conceptualismo ramificado.Max A. Freund - 1991 - Critica 23 (69):3-25.
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  24.  20
    Conceptual Realism and Interpretation.Max A. Freund - 2002 - ProtoSociology 17:119-137.
    Conceptual realism (a logico-philosophical semantic theory) has introduced a logical distinction between the cognitive structure of an assertion and its truth-conditions. We shall argue that the cognitive structure is part of the meaning of an assertion and that, consequently, should be taken into account when interpreting a natural language. We shall also explore this topic in relation to the problem of radical interpretation. The distinction will be made evident by first formulating a logical system (having conceptual realism as its philosophical (...)
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    Conceptualismo realista y computabilidad.Max A. Freund - 2005 - Critica 37 (111):3-38.
    El artículo formula una interpretación de la computabilidad desde la perspectiva del conceptualismo realista. En esta interpretación, la noción central es la de concepto computable, el cual se entiende como cierto tipo de capacidad cognitiva. Aquí se muestra cómo difiere esa interpretación conceptualista de la clásica, denominada teoría de la computabilidad efectiva, en la cual el concepto fundamental es el de algoritmo; también se discute la relación entre estas dos interpretaciones. La discusión explora las consecuencias de la idea de que (...)
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  26.  24
    Die Idee der Toleranz im England der Grossen Revolution.Michael Freund - 1929 - Philosophical Review 38 (1):84-88.
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    Die Politik der Freiheit.Michael Freund - 1970 - Bremen,: C. Schünemann.
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  28. Formal Investigations of Holistic Realist Ramified Conceptualism.Max A. Freund - 1989 - Dissertation, Indiana University
    This dissertation constitutes an inquiry into the formal aspects of a particular form of conceptual intentional realism: Holistic Realist Ramified Conceptualism. Several axiomatic systems, which have this theory as their philosophical background are developed and/or studied from a syntactical and semantical point of view. ;Among systems studied are Cocchiarella's RRC$\sbsp{\lambda}{\*}$ and HRRC$\sbsp{\lambda}{\*}$. A set theoretical semantics for these systems is developed. Also, completeness theorems with respect to certain extensions of RRC$\sbsp{\lambda}{\*}$ and HRRC$\sbsp{\lambda}{\*}$ and certain notions of validity related to that (...)
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  29.  38
    Full Meet Revision on Stratified Bases.Michael Freund - 2001 - Theoria 67 (3):189-213.
    We show how to construct partial nontrivial base revision operators that satisfy the analogues of the AGM postulates and depends on no extra‐logical consideration. These operators, closely related to the full meet revision process, are defined on stratified bases, in which the information can be ranked in logical sequences. Stratified bases, which can be viewed as sets of graded sheaves, are exactly the knowledge bases for which the full meet revision operator satisfies the rationality postulate K*8. As the revision of (...)
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  30. La concepción semántica de la verdad.Max Freund - 1983 - In Luis A. Camacho, Conocimiento y poder. San José, Costa Rica: Editorial Nueva Década.
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  31. Lesniewski, Quine y Geach: un análisis de sus demostraciones con respecto a la restricción del axioma V del sistema de Frege.Max A. Freund - 1982 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 52:177-180.
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  32.  31
    On Categorial Membership.Michael Freund - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (5):1045-1068.
    We investigate the family of concepts that an agent comes to know through a set of defining features, and examine the role played by these features in the process of categorization. In a qualitative framework, categorial membership is evaluated through an order relation among the objects at hand, which translates the fact that an object may fall more than another under a given concept. For concepts defined by their features, this global membership order depends on the degree with which each (...)
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  33.  7
    On the notion of concept II.Michael Freund - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (1):167-179.
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    The relative consistency of system RRC* and some of its extensions.Max A. Freund - 1994 - Studia Logica 53 (3):351 - 360.
    We present a relative consistency proof for second order systemRRC* and for certain important extensions of this system. The proof proceeds as follows: we prove first the equiconsistency of the strongest of such extensions (viz., systemH RRC*+(/CP**)) with second order systemT * . Now, N. Cocchiarella has shown thatT * is relatively consistent to systemT*+Ext; clearly, it follows thatH RRC*+(/CP**) is relatively consistent toT*+E xt. As an immediate consequence, the relative consistency ofRRC* and the other extensions also follows, being all (...)
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    The W systems: between maximum entropy and minimal ranking….Michael Freund - 1994 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 4 (1):79-90.
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    Un sistema lógico de segundo orden conceptualista con operadores lambda ramificados.Max A. Freund - 1992 - Critica 24 (72):47-72.
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    Semantics for Two Second-Order Logical Systems: $\equiv$ RRC* and Cocchiarella's RRC.Max A. Freund - 1996 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 37 (3):483-505.
    We develop a set-theoretic semantics for Cocchiarella's second-order logical system . Such a semantics is a modification of the nonstandard sort of second-order semantics described, firstly, by Simms and later extended by Cocchiarella. We formulate a new second order logical system and prove its relative consistency. We call such a system and construct its set-theoretic semantics. Finally, we prove completeness theorems for proper normal extensions of the two systems with respect to certain notions of validity provided by the semantics.
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    Las notas sobre Klee heredadas de Heidegger.Günter Seubold, Beatriz Bernal & Margitta Freund - 2013 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 47:177-187.
    Seubold presenta el contenido de unas notas fragmentarias, no fechadas por Heidegger, sobre Paul Klee, pero que según él, pueden inscribirse hacia 1956, por lo cual sugiere que deben ser leídas a la luz de su filosofía tardía. En este ensayo, Seubold presenta algunos textos de Paul Klee citados por Heidegger, también se refiere a las obras del pintor suizo que más causaron impresión en el filósofo, y además, ofrece algunas interpretaciones del mismo Heidegger sobre el carácter metafísico del arte (...)
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  39. David J. Anderson and Edward N. Zalta/Frege, Boolos, and Logical Objects 1–26 Michael Glanzberg/A Contextual-Hierarchical Approach to Truth and the Liar Paradox 27–88 James Hawthorne/Three Models of Sequential Belief Updat. [REVIEW]Max A. Freund, A. Modal Sortal Logic, R. Logic, Luca Alberucci, Vincenzo Salipante & On Modal - 2004 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 33:639-640.
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    Graef, Hilda, Edith Stein. [REVIEW]M. Freund - 1963 - Augustinianum 3 (1):166-167.
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    Review of Uwe Meixner, The Theory of Ontic Modalities[REVIEW]Max A. Freund - 2007 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2007 (7).
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