Results for 'M. Difrancesco'

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  1. Cognition embodied and minds without selves.M. Difrancesco - 1994 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 49 (3):559-566.
  2. Russell, Bertrand, idealism and the origin of analytical philosophy.M. Difrancesco - 1992 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 47 (4):761-774.
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    Plan of Rome - Roma prima di Sisto V.: la pianta di Roma Du Pérac-Lafréry del 1577, riprodotta dall esemplare esistenle nel Museo Britannico per cura e con introduzione diFrancesco Ehrle, d.Cd.G., Prefetto delta Biblioteca Vaticana. Danesi, 1908. Sm. folio in portfolio. 70 pp. text, one folding map 1 × 0·820 m. 15 lire (12 s.). [REVIEW]Thomas Ashby - 1909 - The Classical Review 23 (04):127-128.
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    Content extraction of historical Malay manuscripts based on Event Ontology Framework.M. N. Zahila, A. Noorhidawati & M. K. Yanti Idaya Aspura - 2021 - Applied ontology 16 (3):249-275.
    This article aims to explore representation of the content knowledge of historical Malay manuscripts by extracting the event features using an event ontology framework. The manuscript used during the testing is Sulalatus Salatin (Sejarah Melayu ) by Abdul Ahmad Samad and it was published at University of Malaya Digital Library database. In aligning to a domain-specific ontology, the Simple Event Model (SEM) model is adopted and an event-based ontology for historical Malay manuscripts is designed. Information extraction approach is done manually (...)
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    Summary of the 71st Meeting of the Bureau of the S.I.E.P.M.Maarten J. F. M. Hoenen - 2006 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 48:345-355.
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    Les Louanges à Marie d'après S. Antoine de Padoue, le Docteur Evangélique by Ferdinand Coiteux, O.F.M.Raphael M. Huber - 1947 - Franciscan Studies 7 (1):108-109.
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    Church's thesis, continuity, and set theory.M. Beeson & A. Ščedrov - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (2):630-643.
    Under the assumption that all "rules" are recursive (ECT) the statement $\operatorname{Cont}(N^N,N)$ that all functions from N N to N are continuous becomes equivalent to a statement KLS in the language of arithmetic about "effective operations". Our main result is that KLS is underivable in intuitionistic Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory + ECT. Similar results apply for functions from R to R and from 2 N to N. Such results were known for weaker theories, e.g. HA and HAS. We extend not only (...)
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    Verweyen, Johannes M., Der Edelmensch und seine Werte.J. M. Verweyen - 1920 - Kant Studien 24 (1).
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    Unity, Plurality and Politics: Essays in Honour of F. M. Barnard.Richard Vernon & J. M. Porter - 1986 - Routledge.
    First published in 1986. Nations have a unity often described as 'cultural'; and within them there are divergences some of which are termed 'political'. But culture and politics do not, therefore, comprise two wholly distinct zones or orders of experience, the one marked by unity, the other by plurality. Unity and plurality interpenetrate. These insights, which derive from the thinking of Herder, have been fundamental to the work of F. M. Barnard. In this volume a number of scholars contribute, in (...)
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    Cholera and Nothing More.M. R. Hunt - 2010 - Public Health Ethics 3 (1):55-59.
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  11. Cultura e risveglio delle coscienze nel primo Agostino (386-391).M. Perrini - 1987 - Humanitas 42 (2):186-202.
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  12. Quantified modal logic, reference and essentialism.M. Perrick & H. de Swart - 1993 - Logique Et Analyse 143 (143-144):219-231.
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  13. «Ricominciare là dove Croce aveva fallito»: L'itinerario speculativo di Nicola Petruzzellis.M. Perrini - 1990 - Humanitas 45 (5):633-640.
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    The effect of delay on simultaneous and successive discrimination in children.M. J. Perkins, H. P. Banks & Allen D. Calvin - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 48 (6):416.
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    15. Allitteration bei Ammianus Marcellinus.M. Petschenig - 1897 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 56 (1):556-560.
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  16. La sixième demande du Notre Père et le livre des Jubilés.M. Philonenko - 1998 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 78 (2):27-37.
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  17. Trié̂t gia lữ hành Trà̂n Đức Thảo.Thành Hưng Phạm & Ngọc Hà Trần (eds.) - 2005 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuá̂t bản Đại học quó̂c gia Hà Nội.
    Festschrifts of Vietnamese philosopher Trà̂n Đức Thảo, 1917-1993.
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    Simónides de Ceos y la poesía como téchne.Carlos Julio Pájaro M. - 2012 - Co-herencia 9 (17):155-175.
    La ‘explicación’ platónica de la creación poética en el Ion como efecto de la inspiración permite identificar las condiciones culturales que le subyacen: por carecer de escritura, la sabiduría griega, incluida la poética, es transmitida oralmente. La circunstancia en que realiza su actividad el poeta llevan a Platón a proponer entonces que esta no obedece a la téchne y, por tanto, el poeta no puede dar razón de lo que dice. Esta crítica alcanza a los sofistas en sus usos ‘pedagógicos’ (...)
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  19.  83
    On Making Others Do Good.M. L. Pokriefka - 1984 - Analysis 44 (3):143 - 144.
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    Philosophy in Search of a New “Measure of all Things”.M. Polishchuk - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:631-639.
    The tragic experience of the XX century, the worth expression of which was Holocaust, challenges the fundamental values of civilized society. Its terrifying symbol is Auschwitz, extermination camp, Universe of terror – “the kingdom not of this world”. Its understanding is beyond classical concepts of good and evil and can not be described in the usual categories of crime and punishment. The entrance to this “kingdom” can be illustrated by Dante’s words written at the entrance to Hell (Inferno): “Abandon all (...)
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  21. Distinguishing conscious from nonconscious discrimination: Exploring functional analogs of blindsight in normals using visuo-motor responses to masked targets.M. C. Price, E. Norman & S. C. Duff - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):S48 - S48.
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    Die literatuur as pleitsbesorger =.M. J. Prins - 1980 - [Alice]: Fort Hare University Press.
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  23. The Archaeology of Israel: Constructing the Past, Interpreting the Present (edited by Neil Asher Silberman and David B. Small).M. Prior - 2000 - Heythrop Journal 41 (3):329-331.
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  24. El problema de la racionalidad tecnológica.M. A. Quintanilla - 1980 - Estudios Filosóficos 29 (8):105-131.
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    Transpiração e Sistemas Subterr'neos de Vegetação de Verão dos Campos Cerrados de Emas.M. Rachid - 1947 - Boletim da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras, Universidade de São Paulo. Botânica 5:5.
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  26. Baruch Spinoza. Una conferenza internazionale organizzata dal Jerusalem International Spinoza Institute.M. Ragazzi - 1988 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 43 (2):381-387.
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  27. Philosophy : A particularist interpretation with universal appeal.M. B. Ramose - 2005 - In Theophilus Okere, J. Obi Oguejiofor & Godfrey Igwebuike Onah, African philosophy and the hermeneutics of culture: essays in honour of Theophilus Okere. Piscataway, NJ: Distributed in North America by Transaction Publishers.
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  28. The Self-Aware Image: An Insight into Early Modern Meta-Painting. By Victor I. Stoichita.M. Rampley - 1999 - The European Legacy 4:117-126.
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  29. Beiträge zu den Sektionen des 5. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses.M. Rauchfuss - 1986 - Kant Studien 77 (4):507.
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  30. Toward a text interaction in spanish semiotics.M. Rector - 1988 - Semiotica 69 (3-4):369-374.
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  31.  18
    Statius, Silvae 3.3.149.M. D. Reeve - 1982 - American Journal of Philology 103 (4):443.
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    Women’s Perceptions of Childbirth Risk and Place of Birth.M. Regan & K. McElroy - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 24 (3):239-252.
    In the United States, clinical interventions such as epidurals, intravenous infusions, oxytocin, and intrauterine pressure catheters are used almost routinely in births in the hospital setting, despite evidence that the overutilization of such interventions likely plays a key role in increasing the need for cesarean section (CS). In 2010, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 32.8 percent of births in the U.S. were by CS. The U.S. National Institutes of Health has reported that CS increases (...)
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  33. Daniel v. WACHTER: Dinge und Eigenschaften. Versuch zur Ontologie. Dettelbach: Röll, 2000, 252 S. (Book Review).M. Reicher - 2001 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 61:291–295.
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    Liberdade Subjetiva Moderna em Hegele Críticas Posteriores.M. F. Resende - 2010 - Páginas de Filosofía 2 (2):53-63.
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    Islamisation and Its Opponents in Java: A Political, Social, Cultural and Religious History, C. 1930 to the Present.M. C. Ricklefs - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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    L'affect philosophe.M. Richir, H. Paret, T. Lenain, A. -M. Roviello, G. Florival, A. Roviello & P. Verstraeten - 1990 - J. Vrin.
    Le volume s'enquiert des liens entre l'affectivite et l'activite philosophique. Sur le mode historique et/ou problematique il s'agit de traiter de questions telles que: Y a-t-il une ou des tonalites affectives specifiques a la philosophie: etonnement, angoisse, ennui, serenite, melancolie,...? L'activite philosophique est-elle associee a un deni de l'affectivite et sous quelles formes: nihilisme, detachement, refoulement...? Quel rapport le philosophe noue-t-il a l'ambivalence de l'affect (indecidabilite, double bind,...)? Qu'en est-il de la reception thematique de l'affectivite en philosophie: une philosophie ou (...)
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    Red Virgin Soil. Soviet Literature in the 1920's.M. Rieser & Robert A. Maguire - 1971 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 29 (4):568.
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  38. Enkele opmerkingen over taak en verantwoordelijkheid van de journalist.M. Rooij - 1971 - Leiden,: Stenfert Kroese.
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  39. Bi-reshut ha-yaḥid.M. Rosen - 1943 - Nyu-York: Bi-defus ha-aḥim Shulzinger.
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  40. Evil in Modern Thought: An Alternative History of Philosophy. By Susan Neiman.M. Roth - 2004 - The European Legacy 9:559-559.
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  41. Ruling the Root.M. Rotenberg - 2002 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 15 (1-2):222-223.
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    Mānabendranātha Rāẏa: jībana o darśana.M. N. Roy - 2000 - Hāoṛā: Myānāskr̥pṭa Inḍiẏā. Edited by Samaren Roy.
    Selected articles on Marxism, nationalism, and humanism by a radical humanist leader and Communist international; includes study on his life and work.
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  43. Science and philosophy.M. N. Roy - 1947 - Delhi: Ajanta Books International.
  44. Chto takoe marksistskai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡ poznanii︠a︡.M. M. Rozentalʹ - 1955 - Moskva,: Gos. izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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  45. Gnoseologii︠a︡ kulʹtury.M. A. Rozov - 2015 - Moskva: Novyĭ khronograf.
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  46. Kratŭk filosofski rechnik.M. M. Rozentalʹ - 1947 - Edited by I︠U︡din, Pavel Fedorovich & [From Old Catalog].
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  47. O proizvedenii F. Ėngelʹsa 'Li︠u︡dvig Feĭerbakh.".M. M. Rozentalʹ - 1952
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  48. The british society of aesthetics—annual meeting.M. R. - 1964 - British Journal of Aesthetics 4 (1):57-57.
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  49. The ontology of the questionnaire - Max Weber on measurement and mass investigation.M. R. - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 32 (4):647-684.
    Although contemporary sociologists of science have sometimes claimed Max Weber as a methodological precursor, they have not examined Weber's own writings about science. Between 1908 and 1912 Weber published a series of critical studies of the extension of scientific authority into public life. The most notable of these concerned attempts to implement the experimental psychology or psycho-physics laboratory in factories and other real-world settings. Weber's critique centered on the problem of social measurement. He emphasized the discontinuities between the space of (...)
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  50. La notion de sympathie dans l'éthique de D. Hume.M. Rutkowski - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 266:13-25.
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