Results for 'Luigi Bruschi'

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  1.  19
    Chi ha paura della giustizia? Aesch Choeph. 55–65.Luigi Bruschi - 2005 - Hermes 133 (2):139-162.
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    Psychopathological Features of Bipolar Depression: Italian Validation of the Bipolar Depression Rating Scale.Angelo Bruschi, Marianna Mazza, Giovanni Camardese, Salvatore Calò, Claudia Palumbo, Laura Mandelli, Antonino Callea, Alessio Gori, Marco Di Nicola, Giuseppe Marano, Michael Berk, Guido di Sciascio & Luigi Janiri - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    La giustizia [di] Platone. Plato, Luigi Marchegiani & Eugenio Ferrai - 1967 - Milano: A. Giuffrè. Edited by Luigi Marchegiani & Eugenio Ferrai.
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    (1 other version)The Rank Function and Hilbert'S Second ϵ‐Theorem.Pier Luigi Ferrari - 1989 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 35 (4):367-373.
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    Fenomenologia dell'ombra: tre saggi.Luigi Azzariti-Fumaroli - 2020 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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    La Filosofia contemporanea di fronte all' esperienza religiosa: atti del convegno di Reggio Emilia (25-29 maggio 1982).Fabio Bazzani, Luigi Rustichelli & Istituto Antonio Banfi - 1988
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    Lo spazio sociale della ragione. Da Hegel in avanti.Italo Testa & Luigi Ruggiu (eds.) - 2009
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    Studying the COVID-19 infodemic at scale.Sylvie Briand, Pier Luigi Sacco, Manlio De Domenico & Anatoliy Gruzd - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    This special theme issue of Big Data & Society presents leading-edge, interdisciplinary research that focuses on examining how health-related information is circulating on social media. In particular, we are focusing on how computational and Big Data approaches can help to provide a better understanding of the ongoing COVID-19 infodemic and to develop effective strategies to combat it.
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    Social dimension in ERP adoption and implementation.Luigi De Bernardis - 2012 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 10 (3):156-186.
    PurposeThe purpose of this study is to illustrate how the adoption of new enterprise resource planning systems affects sensemaking in the process of Organizational Identity integration after a Merger and Acquisition.Design/methodology/approachWithin a wider case study about an acquisition in chemical/pharmaceutical industry, the paper describes the effects of SAP adoption and implementation on the organizational identity. This methodology, based on semi‐structured interviews to project leaders and to team members, has allowed a deep comprehension of the context, even if results cannot provide (...)
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  10. Signatura rerum: segni, magia e conoscenza da Paracelso a Leibniz.Massimo Luigi Bianchi - 1987 - Roma: Edizioni dell'Ateneo.
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    Responsabilità di fronte al male.Gian Luigi Brena - 2005 - Idee 59:9-25.
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  12. Metafisica e modernità: studi in onore di Pietro Faggiotto.Franco Chiereghin, Ferdinando Luigi Marcolungo & Pietro Faggiotto (eds.) - 1993 - Padova: Antenore.
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  13. Ordo: atti del II Colloquio internazionale: Roma, 7-9 gennaio 1977.Massimo Luigi Bianchi & Marta Fattori (eds.) - 1979 - Roma: Edizioni dell'Ateneo & Bizzarri.
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    La filosofia che i sensi ci additano =.Tommaso Campanella & Luigi De Franco - 1974 - Napoli: Libreria scientifica editrice. Edited by Luigi De Franco.
  15. Opera latina Francofurti impressa annis 1617-1630.Tommaso Campanella & Luigi Firpo - 1617 - Torino: Bottega d'Erasmo. Edited by Luigi Firpo.
    1. Prodromus philosophiae instaurandae. De sensu rerum et magia. Apologia pro Galileo.--2. Realis philosophia epilogistica. Astrologicorum libri VII.
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    Digging deeper on “deep” learning: A computational ecology approach.Massimo Buscema & Pier Luigi Sacco - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    7 Happiness and experienced utility.Luigino Bruni & Pier Luigi Porta - 2011 - In J. B. Davis & D. W. Hands, Elgar Companion to Recent Economic Methodology. Edward Elgar Publishers.
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  18. Addendum alla poesia esametrica pubblicata in Museum Helveticum (vol. III [1951] fasc. I, p. 2 ssg.) da R. Merkelbach, sotto il titolo 'Eine orphische Unterweltsbeschreibung auf Papyrus.'. [REVIEW]Achille Vogliano & Luigi Castiglioni - 1952 - Prolegomena: Documenti E Studi Storici E Filologici 1:100-107.
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  19. Luigi Knapp e la sua filosofia del diritto.Luigi Secco - 1936 - Padova,: R. Zannoni.
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    Luigi Giussani, the Church, and Youth in the 1950's.Luigi Giussani - 2007 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 10 (4):131-150.
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    Gaetano Filangieri: lo Stato secondo ragione: catalogo della mostra.Renato Bruschi - 1991 - Napoli: Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici. Edited by Saverio Ricci & Stefano Nutini.
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    Interculturalidade: uma experiência da troca de cartas entre alunos do Brasil e do Japão.Giovana Fernanda Bruschi, Izabel Cristina Durli Menin & Marcos Villela Pereira - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 26:021009.
    The aim of this article is to promote an analysis of the intercultural experience carried out through the exchange of letters with children from the city of Ninomiya, Kanagawa Province – Japan, with children from the Municipal Education Network of the Veranópolis, Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil. The exchanges take place annually through the Post and Telegraph service in Brazil and Japan, between students from the 3rd to 9th years of this network. Japanese children write to Veranians and vice (...)
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    Willard van Orman Quine: a bibliographic guide.Rita Bruschi - 1986 - Firenze: La nuova Italia editrice.
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    Dialettica dell'immagine: studi sull'imaginismo di Luigi Stefanini.Luigi Alici (ed.) - 1991 - Genova: Marietti.
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  25. Luigi Pirandello and Miguel de Unamuno:" Identity" and" creation of persona".Carmine Luigi Ferraro - 2007 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 99 (2):297-326.
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    Opere di Luigi Scaravelli.Luigi Scaravelli & Mario Corsi - 1968 - Firenze,: La nuova Italia. Edited by Mario Corsi.
    1. Critica de capire e altri scritti. 2. Scritti kantiani. 3. L'analitica trascendentale. 4. Il problema della scienza e il giudizio storico.
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    Botero e la 'Ragion di Stato': atti del convegno in memoria di Luigi Firpo (Torino 8-10 marzo 1990).Luigi Firpo & Artemio Enzo Baldini (eds.) - 1992 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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  28. Non serve all'uomo la potenza dell'oro per vivere meglio.Aldo Bruschi - 1963 - Milano,: Gastaldi.
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    Racist Subjectivation, Capitalism, and Colonialism.Fabio Bruschi - 2019 - Symposium 23 (1):138-157.
    This article highlights the impasses of anti-racist struggles that understand racism as an opinion or a prejudice and use education as their only means for addressing it. Racism should rather be understood as a socio-historical subjective structure rooted in the process of constitution of the division of labour on a global scale through colonialism, a process that was crucial to the institution of capitalism. This is why we will put forth the importance of rejecting the narrations that camouflage colonization with (...)
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  30.  21
    Reconstructing neural representations of tactile space.Luigi Tamè, Raffaele Tucciarelli, Renata Sadibolova, Martin I. Sereno & Matthew R. Longo - 2021 - NeuroImage 229.
    Psychophysical experiments have demonstrated large and highly systematic perceptual distortions of tactile space. Such a space can be referred to our experience of the spatial organisation of objects, at representational level, through touch, in analogy with the familiar concept of visual space. We investigated the neural basis of tactile space by analysing activity patterns induced by tactile stimulation of nine points on a 3 × 3 square grid on the hand dorsum using functional magnetic resonance imaging. We used a searchlight (...)
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  31. Gioberti.Luigi Stefanini - 1947 - Milano,: Fratelli Bocca.
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    The Risk of Education: Discovering Our Ultimate Destiny.Luigi Giussani - 2019 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Luigi Giussani, a high school religion teacher throughout the 1950s and 1960s, grounded his teachings in the vast body of experience to be found in Christianity's two-thousand-year history. He told his students, “I'm not here to make you adopt the ideas I will give you as your own, but to teach you a method for judging the things I will say.” Throughout his life, education was one of Giussani's primary intellectual interests. He believed that effective education required an adequate (...)
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  33. Estetica: Teoria della formatività.Luigi Pareyson - 1955 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 10 (2):314-315.
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  34. Estetica.Luigi Pareyson - 1974 - Firenze,: Firenze, Sansoni.
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    Risk evaluation and informed consent for ovum donation: A clinical perspective.Luigi Mastroianni - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (4):28 – 29.
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    Kallimachos: Werke. Griechisch und deutsch (review).Luigi Lehnus - 2007 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 100 (3):320-322.
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    Le matérialisme politique de Louis Althusser.Fabio Bruschi - 2020 - [Paris]: Mimesis.
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    Principia iuris: teoria del diritto e della democrazia.Luigi Ferrajoli - 2007 - Roma: GLF editori Laterza.
    1. Teoria del diritto -- 2. Teoria della democrazia -- 3. La sintassi del diritto.
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    Il Cervelletto. Nuovi Studi di Fisiologia Normale e Patologica.Luigi Luciani - 1893 - Philosophical Review 2 (4):475-477.
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    A Necessary but Impossible Political Practice: Althusser between Machiavelli and Marx.Fabio Bruschi - 2019 - Historical Materialism 28 (1):85-113.
    Althusser’s Machiavelli and Us has often been considered as the French Marxist’s first step on the path beyond Marxism. This article opposes this interpretation by showing that, while Machiavelli helps Althusser to renounce any attempt to deduce a communist political practice from the necessity portrayed by a theory of history, Althusser was mindful not to identify the relationship between the communist party and the masses with the relationship between the Prince and the people. From a Marxist perspective, a communist political (...)
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    The term “political oeconomy” in Adam Smith.Luigi Alonzi - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (2):321-339.
    This article analyses the use of the term “‘political oeconomy” in the Wealth of Nations, considered by many the founding text of the discipline of Political Economy. It shows that Adam Smith could not accept the use of the term “political oeconomy” that had been made by other authors to indicate the subject matter of his scientific inquiry, devoted to the nature and causes of the wealth of nations; he used the term “political oeconomy” as a synonym for economic policy, (...)
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  42. Introduzione alla morale sociale.Luigi Giancola - 1950 - Roma,: A. Belardetti.
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    Il “disaccordo razionale” tra scienza galileiana e maraviglia barocca.Luigi Ingaliso - 2007 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 20:257-274.
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  44. Richard Ferdinand Kahn 1905-1989.Luigi L. Pasinetti - 1991 - In Pasinetti Luigi L., Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 76: 1990 Lectures and Memoirs. pp. 143.
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  45. Metafisica dell'arte.Luigi Stefanini - 1949 - Philosophia (Misc.) 11:81.
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    Linguistica illuminista.Luigi Rosiello - 1967 - [Bologna]: Il Mulino.
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    Sympathy and moral sense: 1725–1740.Luigi Turco - 1999 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 7 (1):79 – 101.
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    Alla ricerca della sovranità: persona, Chiesa e Stato nel pensiero di Luigi Sturzo.Luigi Barbieri - 2011 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino. Edited by Luigi Sturzo.
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    On Luigi Pareyson's L'Estetica di Kant: A Review ArticleL'Estetica di Kant.Merle E. Brown & Luigi Pareyson - 1971 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 29 (3):403.
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    (1 other version)Is Perfection of this World? A Quaestio on Creatures’ Perfection in Terms of Propinquity to or Distance from the First Being, Ascribed to Matěj of Knín.Luigi Campi - 2020 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 62:213-250.
    The article focuses on Matěj of Knín, a member of the circle of the Bohemian followers of John Wyclif. It proposes a reconstruction of Matěj’s academic career and sheds light on the role he played...
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