Results for 'Lucía Sánchez-Taragaza'

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  1.  15
    Aprendizaje por competencias en la formación inicial docente.Lucía Sánchez-Taragaza & Francesc M. Esteve-Mon - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-11.
    La finalidad de esta investigación es analizar en qué grado se refleja el aprendizaje por competencias en el Máster de Educación Secundaria en una Universidad española. Se ha realizado un análisis de contenido de las guías docentes mediante el software ‘ATLAS.ti’. Siguiendo un enfoque deductivo, las categorías analizadas han sido: 1) metodología activa, 2) contexto real, 3) proyectos integrados, 4) reflexión, y 5)evaluación plural. Los resultados muestran que hay pocas evidencias del diseñocurricular por competencias. En la discusión y conclusiones se (...)
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    The Way We See Others in Intercultural Relations: The Role of Stereotypes in the Acculturation Preferences of Spanish and Moroccan-Origin Adolescents.Ana Urbiola, Lucía López-Rodríguez, María Sánchez-Castelló, Marisol Navas & Isabel Cuadrado - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Although the relationship between stereotypes and acculturation preferences has been previously studied from the majority perspective among adults, the perspective of adolescents and minority groups is understudied. This research analyzed the contribution of four stereotype dimensions to the acculturation preferences of Spanish adolescents and adolescents of Moroccan-origin, the moderating role of stereotypes in intergroup acculturation discrepancies, and the interaction of stereotypes with acculturation perceptions on acculturation preferences. A sample of 488 Spanish adolescents and 360 adolescents of Moroccan-origin living in Spain, (...)
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  3.  22
    Evolution of Prospective Secondary Education Economics Teachers’ Personal and Emotional Metaphors.Lucía Mellado, Laura Parte, Susana Sánchez-Herrera & María Luisa Bermejo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study examines personal and emotional metaphors of prospective economics teachers about the roles they themselves as teachers and their pupils would play by analysing their drawings and responses to open questions. This is a longitudinal study that analyses the evolution of future instructors using two periods: before and after their teaching practicum. Metaphors are categorised into four classes: behaviourist/transmissive, cognitivist/constructivist, situative/socio-historical, and self-referential. The categories for emotions are primary or social and positive, negative, or neutral. The results show that (...)
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    Laboratorios remotos y educación inclusiva.Fernando Andrade-Sánchez, Carlos Andrés Muñoz-Melguizo, Francisco Javier Vasquez-Raigoza & Yeny Lucía Villa-Tavera - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-10.
    Las reflexiones académicas sobre la educación se han nutrido en múltiples ocasiones de conceptos de otras disciplinas o campos, de esta manera, el presente artículo explora el potencial simbiótico de los laboratorios remotos con la educación inclusiva a través de un rastreo de la literatura latinoamericana alrededor de estas categorías, así como de sus posibles usos didácticos, ya que, gracias a sus características interactivas y culturalmente flexibles, este encuentro conceptual se hace con el objetivo de fortalecer los procesos de emancipación (...)
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    Effect of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on Elite Spanish Student-Athletes’ Perception of the Dual Career.Lucia Abenza-Cano, Alejandro Leiva-Arcas, Raquel Vaquero-Cristóbal, Juan Alfonso García-Roca, Lourdes Meroño & Antonio Sánchez-Pato - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The aim of the present research was to assess elite student-athletes’ perception of the dual career during the lockdown caused by the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, compared with a group of elite student-athletes who could develop their dual career under normal conditions. A total of 150 elite athletes who were also undergraduate or postgraduate students self-completed the “Perceptions of dual career student-athletes ” questionnaire. From them, 78 did it during the mandatory lockdown period due to the state of emergency caused (...)
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  6. Unidad de la ciencia y pluralismo epistémico: dos proyectos epistemológicos con objetivos políticos comunes.Sandra Lucía Ramírez Sánchez - 2006 - Ludus Vitalis 14 (25):75-94.
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    Los caminos compartidos del tacto y el sonido hacia la emoción: Evidencias neurocientíficas actuales.Álvaro García López, María José Lucía Mulas, Belén Ruiz Mezcua & José Manuel Sánchez Pena - 2023 - Arbor 199 (810):a722.
    La característica más representativa de la música es su capacidad de generar emoción. Pero ¿por qué la música emociona? En este artículo mostramos los conocimientos actuales de la teoría musical y la neurociencia que intentan explicar las relaciones que existen entre la música y las emociones. En primer lugar, se repasan los conocimientos actuales sobre el procesamiento de los sonidos musicales a nivel cerebral y las posibles explicaciones del origen de la emoción musical, así como la contribución de los distintos (...)
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  8.  23
    Effects of Self-Regulation vs. External Regulation on the Factors and Symptoms of Academic Stress in Undergraduate Students.Jesús de la Fuente, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez, Jose Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Paul Sander, Angélica Garzón-Umerenkova & Lucía Zapata - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The SRL vs. ERL theory has shown that the combination of levels of student self-regulation and regulation from the teaching context produces linear effects on achievement emotions and coping strategies. However, a similar effect on stress factors and symptoms of university students has not yet been demonstrated. The aim of this study was to test this prediction. It was hypothesized that the level of student self-regulation (low/medium/high), in interaction with the level of external regulation from teaching (low/medium/high), would also produce (...)
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  9.  43
    Students’ Factors Affecting Undergraduates’ Perceptions of their Teaching and Learning Process within ECTS Experience.Jesús De la Fuente, María Cardelle-Elawar, F. Javier Peralta, M. Dolores Sánchez, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente & Lucía Zapata - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
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  10.  39
    Experience, Subjectivity and Politics in the Italian Feminist Movement: Redefining the Boundaries between Body and Discourse.Ana Belén Martín Sevillano & Lucía Gómez Sánchez - 2006 - European Journal of Women's Studies 13 (4):343-355.
    This article describes the political practices of a part of the Italian women’s movement that, as of the 1980s, gave way to the sexual difference thought. Through a political analysis of their own experience, which removed any humanist identity assumptions, the women’s movement generated new practices and discourses. With these, women were able to exert self-criticism, and simultaneously to produce new subjectivities articulated around the sexual difference concept. The difference thought helped highlight the limits of institutional policy, renewing the premises (...)
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  11.  16
    Academic Outcomes in Bilingual Children With Developmental Language Disorder: A Longitudinal Study.Eva Aguilar-Mediavilla, Lucía Buil-Legaz, Raül López-Penadés, Victor A. Sanchez-Azanza & Daniel Adrover-Roig - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  12.  21
    Spanish Pre-Olympic Athletes’ Motivations and Barriers to Pursuing Dual Career as a Function of Sociodemographic, Sport and Academic Variables.Adrián Mateo-Orcajada, Alejandro Leiva-Arcas, Raquel Vaquero-Cristóbal, Lucía Abenza-Cano, Juan Alfonso García-Roca, Lourdes Meroño, Emanuele Isidori & Antonio Sánchez-Pato - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The dual career allows elite athletes to attain their maximum competitive and academic performance, but the COVID-19 pandemic hindered their development and changed their perception of the importance given to the sporting and educational environment. For this reason, the aim of the present study was to determine the differences in the motivations and perceived barriers, the importance given to academic qualifications, and the perception of the dual career from a multifactorial perspective, of elite athletes according to sex, type of sport (...)
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  13. Breast Cancer and Resilience: The Controversial Role of Perceived Emotional Intelligence.Rocio Guil, Paula Ruiz-González, Ana Merchán-Clavellino, Lucía Morales-Sánchez, Antonio Zayas & Rocio Gómez-Molinero - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Cancer is a chronic disease that causes the most deaths in the world, being a public health problem nowadays. Even though breast cancer affects the daily lives of patients, many women become resilient after the disease, decreasing the impact of the diagnosis. Based on a positive psychology approach, the concept of co-vitality arises understood as a set of socio-emotional competencies that enhance psychological adaptation. In this sense, emotional intelligence is one of the main protective factors associated with resilience. However, it (...)
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  14. Involving Older Adults During COVID-19 Restrictions in Developing an Ecosystem Supporting Active Aging: Overview of Alternative Elicitation Methods and Common Requirements From Five European Countries.Kerli Mooses, Mariana Camacho, Filippo Cavallo, Michael David Burnard, Carina Dantas, Grazia D’Onofrio, Adriano Fernandes, Laura Fiorini, Ana Gama, Ana Perandrés Gómez, Lucia Gonzalez, Diana Guardado, Tahira Iqbal, María Sanchez Melero, Francisco José Melero Muñoz, Francisco Javier Moreno Muro, Femke Nijboer, Sofia Ortet, Erika Rovini, Lara Toccafondi, Sefora Tunc & Kuldar Taveter - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundInformation and communication technology solutions have the potential to support active and healthy aging and improve monitoring and treatment outcomes. To make such solutions acceptable, all stakeholders must be involved in the requirements elicitation process. Due to the COVID-19 situation, alternative approaches to commonly used face-to-face methods must often be used. One aim of the current article is to share a unique experience from the Pharaon project where due to the COVID-19 outbreak alternative elicitation methods were used. In addition, an (...)
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  15.  61
    Dos intelectuales anarquistas frente al problema de la mujer: Federica Montseny y Lucía Sánchez Saornil.Mary Nash - 1975 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 44:71.
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  16. The Role of Four Universal Moral Competencies in Ethical Decision-Making.Rafael Morales-Sánchez & Carmen Cabello-Medina - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (4):717-734.
    Current frameworks on ethical decision-making process have some limitations. This paper argues that the consideration of moral competencies, understood as moral virtues in the workplace, can enhance our understanding of why moral character contributes to ethical decision-making. After discussing the universal nature of four moral competencies (prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance), we analyse their influence on the various stages of the ethical decision-making process. We conclude by considering the managerial implications of our findings and proposing further research.
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  17. Naturalness by law.Verónica Gómez Sánchez - 2023 - Noûs 57 (1):100-127.
    The intuitive distinction between natural and unnatural properties (e.g., green vs. grue) informs our theorizing not only in fundamental physics, but also in non-fundamental domains. This paper develops a reductive account of this broad notion of naturalness that covers non-fundamental properties: for a property to be natural, I propose, is for it to figure in a law of nature. After motivating the account, I defend it from a potential circularity charge. I argue that a suitably broad notion of lawhood can (...)
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  18.  34
    Entrepreneurial Potential and Gender Effects: The Role of Personality Traits in University Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions.Alexander Ward, Brizeida R. Hernández-Sánchez & Jose C. Sánchez-García - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:493645.
    The percentage of female entrepreneurs is far below the level of males, although it has increased over the past several years. Based on the theory of planned behavior, the purpose of this article is to specify a model in which the relationship among entrepreneurial potential, gender and entrepreneurial intention are explored, by analyzing how perceived behavioral control (PBC) and perceived entrepreneurial skills, as exogenous variables, affect expression of intention for business, and how these are mediated by their entrepreneurial motivations and (...)
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  19. Crystallized Regularities.Verónica Gómez Sánchez - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy 117 (8):434-466.
    This essay proposes a reductive account of robust macro-regularities. On the view proposed, regularities can earn their elite scientific status by featuring in good summaries of restricted regions in the space of physical possibilities: our “modal neighborhoods.” I argue that this view vindicates “nomic foundationalism”, while doing justice to the practice of invoking physically contingent generalizations in higher-level explanations. Moreover, the view suggests an explanation for the particular significance of robust macro-regularities: we rely on summaries of our modal neighborhoods when (...)
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  20.  13
    El Centro de Investigación del Cáncer : un ejemplo de cultura científica.Almudena Timón Sánchez - 2002 - Arbor 173 (683-684):653-668.
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    La retirada de la presencia. Lenguaje y negatividad en la filosofía de Maurice Blanchot.Rayiv David Torres Sánchez - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (169):255-278.
    Se analiza la relación entre la escritura y la presencia en la obra de Maurice Blanchot, se delimita el fundamento textual de la presencia en el orden de la literatura y se toman como referentes teóricos los conceptos de “espacio literario” y “pensamiento del afuera” de Michel Foucault. Si bien el propósito de examinar dicha relación es deconstruir el vínculo entre presencia y lenguaje, Blanchot conduce a considerar esa continuidad en términos de una presencia nunca completa ni devenida que se (...)
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  22. De la Sisif la Prometeu: (curente de idei în filosofia contemporană).Lucia Dumitrescu-Codreanu - 1977 - București: Editura Politică.
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  23. From Nomic Humeanism to Normative Relativism.Veronica Gomez Sanchez - 2023 - Philosophical Perspectives 36 (1):118-139.
    It is commonly thought that that the best system account of lawhood ((Mill (1843), Ramsey (1978)[fp. 1928], Lewis (1973)) makes available a nice explanation for why laws are ‘distinctively appropriate targets of scientific inquiry’ (Hall, 2015). The explanation takes the following general form: laws are especially valuable for agents like us because they efficiently encode a lot of valuable (non-nomic) information in a tractable format. The goal of this paper is to challenge this style of explanation: I argue that the (...)
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  24.  53
    Different Paths to Collaboration Between Businesses and Civil Society and the Role of Third Parties.Daniel Arenas, Pablo Sanchez & Matthew Murphy - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (4):723-739.
    In this article, we suggest that one of the unexplored paths toward collaboration between firms and civil society organizations starts with confrontation or potential conflict, and that the transition toward collaboration can be further understood if one focuses on triadic relationships rather than dyadic ones. We analyze the presence of third parties and their different roles to explain how collaboration is facilitated. The article aims at bringing together the bodies of research on business–civil society confrontation and on business–civil society collaboration. (...)
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  25.  22
    Masking Emotions: Face Masks Impair How We Read Emotions.Monica Gori, Lucia Schiatti & Maria Bianca Amadeo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:669432.
    To date, COVID-19 has spread across the world, changing our way of life and forcing us to wear face masks. This report demonstrates that face masks influence the human ability to infer emotions by observing facial configurations. Specifically, a mask obstructing a face limits the ability of people of all ages to infer emotions expressed by facial features, but the difficulties associated with the mask’s use are significantly pronounced in children aged between 3 and 5 years old. These findings are (...)
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    The Effects of Attitudes, Subjective Norms, Attributions, and Individualism–Collectivism on Managers’ Responses to Bribery in Organizations: Evidence from a Developing Nation.Guillermo Wated & Juan I. Sanchez - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 61 (2):111-127.
    The goal of this study was to introduce a model explaining how managers' attitudes, subjective norms, attributions, and the individualism-collectivism cultural dimension affect the way managers' deal with employee bribery in organizations. Twenty-six internal and external attributions related to bribery were identified through a series of structured interviews with 65 subject matter experts. These attributions, together with the other variables in the model, were evaluated by 354 Ecuadorian managers. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that attitudes and external attributions significantly predicted managers' (...)
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  27.  80
    Personal Audiovisual Aptitude Influences the Interaction Between Landscape and Soundscape Appraisal.Kang Sun, Gemma M. Echevarria Sanchez, Bert De Coensel, Timothy Van Renterghem, Durk Talsma & Dick Botteldooren - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  28. The coinages of Muhammed I (238-273 h.).Rafael Frochoso Sanchez - 2006 - Al-Qantara 27 (2):375-389.
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  29.  14
    Neuroimágenes y neurodisciplinas.Alfredo Martínez Sánchez - 2013 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 59:115-124.
    La eclosión de las neurodisciplinas está conectada con el amplio y creciente uso de neuroimágenes en neurociencia cognitiva, en particular de las obtenidas mediante resonancia magnética funcional. Sin embargo, la aplicación de estudios sobre el cerebro basados en esta técnica a la filosofía, la ética o el derecho, entre otros campos, no es tan clara como a veces se supone y encuentra importantes limitaciones.
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    Diversity in the mechanisms of gene regulation by estrogen receptors.Rocio Sanchez, Denis Nguyen, Walter Rocha, John H. White & Sylvie Mader - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (3):244-254.
    The sequencing of the human genome has opened the way for using bioinformatics to identify sets of genes controlled by specific regulatory signals. Here, we review the unexpected diversity of DNA response elements mediating transcriptional regulation by estrogen receptors (ERs), which control the broad physiological effects of estrogens. Consensus palindromic estrogen response elements are found in only a few known estrogen target genes, whereas most responsive genes contain only low‐affinity half palindromes, which may also control regulation by other nuclear receptors. (...)
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  31.  18
    El placer, intelección de la acción: acerca de la trascendencia del sí mismo en la ética a Nicómano.Nuria Sánchez-Madrid - 2007 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 20:37-64.
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    Genetic structure of the bithorax complex.Ernesto Sánchez-Herrero, Jordi Casanova & Ginés Morata - 1988 - Bioessays 8 (4):124-128.
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  33. Guía temático-bibliográfica para el estudio de las "Epistulae ad Lucilium" de L. A. Séneca.María A. Fátima Martín Sánchez - 1989 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 16:263-306.
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  34. Presencia del fenómeno Camp en el poema Strip Tease de Néstor Perlongher.Yolanda Álvarez Sánchez - 2009 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 16:149-161.
    Este ensayo da cuenta de la presencia del fenómeno camp como manifestación estética en el poema Strip Tease del escritor argentino Néstor Perlongher. Dicha manifestación estética aparece como un contradiscurso frente a los discursos de lo normativo y de lo permitido para dar cuenta de una manera de ser y de sentir mediante la escritura. Para el análisis del poema se partió de la relación que se puede establecer entre signos semióticos y a partir de los cuales una sintagmática actualiza (...)
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    Sistemas ideológicos y control social.Augusto Sánchez-Sandoval - 2005 - México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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    Sleep well, mind wander less: A systematic review of the relationship between sleep outcomes and spontaneous cognition.Ana Lucía Cárdenas-Egúsquiza & Dorthe Berntsen - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 102 (C):103333.
  37.  14
    Os espaços público, privado e doméstico: algumas contribuições e problematizações dos estudos feministas a partir dos anos 1960.Vanessa Lucia de Assis Rebesco - 2020 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 2 (2):531-559.
    O objetivo deste artigo é discutir as complexas e flutuantes definições sobre os espaços público e privado a partir dos anos 1960, focando especialmente nas críticas elaboradas pelas feministas, para destacar as importantes contribuições dessas teóricas tanto para o alargamento conceitual desses dois espaços quanto para a problematização da esfera doméstica. Dos anos 1960 em diante, as feministas mostram que as tradicionais e históricas polarizações dos espaços sociais legitimam estruturas e práticas de dominação masculina, assim, ficam mais evidentes as relações (...)
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    Nonclassical Probability, Convex Hulls, and Dutch Books.Michał Gil Sanchez, Zalán Gyenis & Leszek Wroński - 2024 - Episteme 21 (2):498-518.
    We report a solution to an open problem regarding the axiomatization of the convex hull of a type of nonclassical evaluations. We then investigate the meaning of this result for the larger context of the relation between rational credence functions and nonclassical probability. We claim that the notions of bets and Dutch Books typically employed in formal epistemology are of doubtful use outside the realm of classical logic, eventually proposing two novel ways of understanding Dutch Books in nonclassical settings.
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    lugar de la estética en la estromatología de Ortiz de Urbina.Silverio Sánchez Corredera - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 122:7-42.
    Tras la publicación de Estromatología, en 2014, y de Orden oculto, en 2021, Ricardo Sánchez Ortiz de Urbina cierra su sistema filosófico, la «estromatología», con Por amor al Arte, en 2024. En el presenta artículo se estudia el encaje que esta última obra tiene en sus escritos anteriores. La estructura de la naturaleza humana se afina ahora más y, frente a ella, el lugar de la Naturaleza y la Eidética (conocimientos científicos) quedan ubicados de manera muy diferente al uso (...)
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    Editorial: Non invasive Stimulation Techniques: “Modulating Cognition”.Olga Lucía Gamboa - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Meister Eckhart's Treatise on Being, What Is, and Nothing, and the Relationship Between His Commentaries on Genesis.Andrés Quero Sánchez - 2016 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 23:259.
    This article shows firs that the text hitherto known as the Prologue to the Works of Propositions by Meister Eckhart is in fact his treatise On Being, What is, and Nothing, to which he himself refers in his Sermons and Lectures on the Twenty-fourth Chapter of «Ecclesiasticus». The article also analyses the relationship between the two extant commentaries on Genesis by Eckhart: the Expositio on Genesis and the Book of the Parables of Genesis.
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    Lévinas, Filósofo Judío.Jose David Ramirez Sanchez - 2010 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 31 (103).
    La filosofía de Lévinas se inspira en las fuentes tradicionales del judaísmo, por más que apenas consienta que afloren a la superficie del discurso. De ahí la conveniencia de abordar su obra como un palimpsesto en el que operan dos niveles textuales, uno de ellos explícito y el otro velado. El Otro y el Mismo se relacionan entre sí según el modelo bíblico del vínculo YHWH-Israel: mientras que la Revelación inspira la epifanía del rostro, la Redención subyace a la reconstrucción (...)
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    Paul B. Thompson and Patricia E. Norris: sustainability–what everyone needs to know.Lucía Díez Sanjuán - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (3):1371-1372.
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    Probability and Symmetric Logic.Michał Gil Sanchez, Zalán Gyenis & Leszek Wroński - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (1):183-198.
    In this paper we study the interaction between symmetric logic and probability. In particular, we axiomatize the convex hull of the set of evaluations of symmetric logic, yielding the notion of probability in symmetric logic. This answers an open problem of Williams ( 2016 ) and Paris ( 2001 ).
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    Women’s Job Search Competence: A Question of Motivation, Behavior, or Gender.Lucía I. Llinares-Insa, Pilar González-Navarro, Ana I. Córdoba-Iñesta & Juan J. Zacarés-González - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Complaints filed against nursing professionals.Adaiele Lucia Nogueira Vieira da Silva, Mariluci Camargo Ferreira da Silva Candido, Sebastião Junior Henrique Duarte & Regina Maria dos Santos - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (8):889-901.
    Background:In their daily practice, Brazilian nurses have been met with complaints from co-workers and patients, as well as bioethical dilemmas intrinsic to the profession, particularly in the cont...
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    The Psycho-Physiological Profile of Adolescent Elite Sailors: Testing a Three-Way Moderation Model.Anna Antonia Valenzano, Lucia Monacis, Flavio Ceglie, Giovanni Messina, Rita Polito, Maria Sinatra & Giuseppe Cibelli - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Avaliação intelectual de escolares com hipotireoidismo congênito.Cláudia Androvandi & Maria Lucia Tiellet Nunes - 2004 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 20:55-64.
    O hipotireoidismo congênito (HC) é uma doença endócrina resultante da carência de hormônios tireoidianos no organismo. Os programas de rastreamento neonatal para HC possibilitam evitar a maior parte das conseqüências neuropsicológicas, permitindo que as crianças tenham um desenvolvimento normal. Est..
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    Na companhia de Hilda Hilst, Mira Schendel e Amélia Toledo.Maria Lúcia Cacciola - 2023 - Discurso 53 (1):218-222.
    O texto a seguir foi apresentado no II Encontro do Grupo de Trabalho de Filosofia e Gênero da ANPOF, na USP, entre os dias 4 e 6 de setembro de 2019, e trata-se de um depoimento de Maria Lúcia Cacciolla.
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  50.  6
    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on perinatal loss among Italian couples: A mixed-method study.Ines Testoni, Lucia Ronconi, Erika Iacona, Alice Trainini, Nella Tralli, Luisella Nodari, Giulia Limongelli & Loredana Cena - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundPerinatal bereavement is an event that greatly impacts the emotional, psychological, and psychosocial aspects of those who want to have a child.ObjectivesSince there are few studies on the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on couples grieving for perinatal loss, this research aimed to survey this experience.ParticipantsBetween 2020 and 2021, in Italian provinces highly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, 21 parents participated: 16 mothers and 5 fathers, among which there were 4 couples.MethodsA mixed-method design was used through self-report questionnaires and (...)
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