Results for 'Loyal Durand'

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  1.  34
    On the Theory of Measurement in Quantum Mechanical Systems.Loyal Durand Iii - 1960 - Philosophy of Science 27 (2):115-.
    This paper is concerned with the description of the process of measurement within the context of a quantum theory of the physical world. It is noted that quantum mechanics permits a quasi-classical description of those macroscopic phenomena in terms of which the observer forms his perceptions. Thus, the process of measurement in quantum mechanics can be understood on the quasi-classical level by transcribing from the strictly classical observables of Newtonian physics to their quasi-classical counterparts the known rules for the measurement (...)
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    On the Theory of Measurement in Quantum Mechanical Systems.Loyal Durand - 1960 - Philosophy of Science 27 (2):115-133.
    This paper is concerned with the description of the process of measurement within the context of a quantum theory of the physical world. It is noted that quantum mechanics permits a quasi-classical description of those macroscopic phenomena in terms of which the observer forms his perceptions. Thus, the process of measurement in quantum mechanics can be understood on the quasi-classical level by transcribing from the strictly classical observables of Newtonian physics to their quasi-classical counterparts the known rules for the measurement (...)
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    Variations sur l'imaginaire: l'épistémologie ouverte de Gilbert Durand: orientations et innovations.Yves Durand, Jean-Pierre Sironneau & Alberto Filipe Araújo (eds.) - 2011 - Bruxelles: E.M.E..
    Depuis les années 1960, Gilbert Durand a fondé et développé une méthodologie et une épistémologie novatrices de l'étude des imaginaires individuels et culturels qui ont inspiré une Ecole de Grenoble, qui n'a cessé d'essaimer à travers un grand nombre de centres de recherches en France et dans le monde. Sa pensée, connue à travers la mythocritique et la mythanalyse, enrichie par une vaste culture historique et pluriculturelle, a été appliquée dans les domaines les plus divers des sciences humaines et (...)
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    Erratum.Maria Cabré-Durand - 2023 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 64:343-344.
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    Wandering Translation.Emeline Durand - 2024 - Philosophy Today 68 (4):693-703.
    In this paper, I propose to reconstruct Schürmann’s early concept of translation in dialogue with Eckhart and Heidegger and in connection with the concept of releasement. Taking recourse to the different versions of his research on Eckhart’s German sermons, from his early thesis and dissertation to the French and American editions of Wandering Joy, I comment on Schürmann’s practice of translation and seek to elucidate the stylistic, existential and ontological dimensions of his translation theory. In conclusion, I discuss the relevance (...)
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    Valéry Pratt, Nuremberg, les droits de l’homme, le cosmopolitisme. Pour une philosophie du droit international, Lormont, Le Bord de l’eau, 2018.Jean-Marc Durand-Gasselin - 2020 - Cités 83 (3):155-158.
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  7.  46
    Religious naturalism-where does it lead?Loyal Rue - 2007 - Zygon 42 (2):409-422.
  8.  69
    By the grace of guile: the role of deception in natural history and human affairs.Loyal D. Rue - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The nihilists are right, admits philosopher Loyal Rue. The universe is blind and aimless, indifferent to us and void of meaning. There are no absolute truths and no objective values. There is no right or wrong way to live, only alternative ways. There is no correct reading of a text or a picture or a dance. God is dead, nihilism reigns. But, Rue adds, nihilism is a truth inconsistent with personal happiness and social coherence. What we need instead is (...)
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  9.  23
    Everybody's Story: Wising Up to the Epic of Evolution.Loyal Rue & Edward O. Wilson - 1999 - State University of New York Press.
    This exhilarating tale of natural history illuminates the evolution of matter, life, and consciousness. In Everybody’s Story, Loyal Rue finds the means for global solidarity and cooperation in the shared story of humanity.
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    Informed consent in clinical research in France: assessment and factors associated with therapeutic misconception.I. S. Durand-Zaleski, C. Alberti, P. Durieux, X. Duval, S. Gottot, P. Ravaud, S. Gainotti, C. Vincent-Genod, D. Moreau & P. Amiel - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (9):e16-e16.
    Background: Informed consent in clinical research is mandated throughout the world. Both patient subjects and investigators are required to understand and accept the distinction between research and treatment.Aim: To document the extent and to identify factors associated with therapeutic misconception in a population of patient subjects or parent proxies recruited from a variety of multicentre trials .Patients and methods: The study comprised two phases: the development of a questionnaire to assess the quality of informed consent and a survey of patient (...)
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  11. Greater Khorasan: History, Geography, Archaeology and Material Culture.David Durand-Guédy - 2015 - De Gruyter.
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  12.  29
    Making the World Safe for US.Cliff DuRand - 2006 - Radical Philosophy Today 3:143-147.
    In the roots of political culture in the USA, Tocqueville long ago noted with concern an individualism that could undercut needed structures of shared community. This individualism, argues the author, is one key feature of American culture that tends to empower military interventionism by empowering American elites to go their own way and pursue their own interests, without too much worry that they will be held accountable to more communitarian standards. Yet, American culture is not one-sided, and the author encourages (...)
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  13.  4
    Présence de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: une œuvre majeure pour le XXIe siècle.Roger Durand - 2005 - Saint-Etienne: Aubin.
    Après une présentation des grands moments de la vie de Teilhard de Chardin, l'auteur étudie ses idées les plus novatrices : la notion d'évolution et l'origine des formes dans la nature, en les confrontant avec les éléments majeurs de sa pensée, dont la notion d'Immanence divine, la Création, l'Incarnation et la Rédemption, le Christ universel, la Route de l'Ouest.
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  14.  89
    Garcilaso Between the World of the Incas and That of Renaissance Concepts.José Durand & Edouard Roditi - 1963 - Diogenes 11 (43):21-45.
    The Spanish conquests of the Americas were not yet completed when famous Humanists already began to appear in the first generation of native-born Spanish-speaking Americans. A mestizo born in 1539 and who liked to call himself “the Indian whose mouth is full” thus published in 1590, in Madrid, the first-fruits of the Humanism of the New World. The son of an Indian woman, he succeeded in very unusual circumstances in writing a superb Castilian version of a classic work of Renaissance (...)
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    Bourdieu and Collins on the reproduction of elites.Steven Loyal - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 154 (1):80-96.
    In this paper I compare and contrast the reproduction of elite strata in Randall Collins’s path-breaking book, The Credential Society (1979), with Pierre Bourdieu’s important discussion found in The State Nobility (1996). Although both approaches draw on Weber and Durkheim, focus on the interaction between material and cultural processes, subscribe to a relational form of analysis, and share a similar political world-view – social democrat and radical republican respectively – they also differ. These differences relate to their respective philosophical anthropology, (...)
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  16.  86
    The Nature of Programmed Cell Death.Pierre M. Durand & Grant Ramsey - 2019 - Biological Theory 14 (1):30-41.
    In multicellular organisms, cells are frequently programmed to die. This makes good sense: cells that fail to, or are no longer playing important roles are eliminated. From the cell’s perspective, this also makes sense, since somatic cells in multicellular organisms require the cooperation of clonal relatives. In unicellular organisms, however, programmed cell death poses a difficult and unresolved evolutionary problem. The empirical evidence for PCD in diverse microbial taxa has spurred debates about what precisely PCD means in the case of (...)
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  17.  45
    Complex tilings.Bruno Durand, Leonid A. Levin & Alexander Shen - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (2):593-613.
    We study the minimal complexity of tilings of a plane with a given tile set. We note that every tile set admits either no tiling or some tiling with.
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  18.  52
    Religion Generalized and Naturalized.Loyal Rue - 2000 - Zygon 35 (3):587-602.
    Much of contemporary scholarly opinion rejects the attempt to construct a general theory of religion (that is, its origin, structure, and functions). This view says that particular religious traditions are unique, sui generis, incommensurable, and cannot therefore be generalized. Much of contemporary opinion also rejects the attempt to explain religious phenomena using the categories and concepts of the natural and social sciences. This view says that the phenomena of religion cannot be understood apart from a recognition of “the sacred,” or (...)
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  19.  76
    “Agency” as a Red Herring in Social Theory.Steven Loyal & Barry Barnes - 2001 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 31 (4):507-524.
    University Of Exeter, England The central argument of this article is that there is no fact of the matter, no evidence, however tentative or questionable, that will serve adequately to identify actions "chosen" or "determined" for the purposes of sociological theory. This argument will be developed with reference to the two theorists of the greatest importance in advocating the sociological value of the concept of agency: Talcott Parsons, with his "voluntaristic theory of action," set the scene for the whole agency (...)
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  20. Matérialisme interdisciplinaire et Théorie critique.Jean-Marc Durand-Gasselin - 2023 - In Patrice Bretaudière & Isabelle Krier (eds.), Les matérialistes paradoxaux. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    On the disfiguration of the image of man in the West.Gilbert Durand - 1977 - Ipswich: Golgonooza Press.
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  22.  39
    The Reconstitution of Private Property in the People's Republic of China.Cliff DuRand - 1986 - Social Theory and Practice 12 (3):337-350.
  23.  45
    A Guide to Thinking about Emergence.Loyal Rue - 2007 - Zygon 42 (4):829-835.
  24.  81
    Mates and the hierarchy.Marion Durand & Gurpreet Rattan - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-24.
    Mates’s Puzzle has flown below many philosophers’ radar, despite its relations to both Frege’s Puzzle and the Paradox of Analysis. We explain the relations amongst these puzzles on the way to arguing that Mates’s Puzzle suggests a generalization of Frege’s Puzzle, and of the sense-reference distinction itself, in the form of hierarchy of senses. We explain how Mates’s Puzzle and the hierarchy, to different degrees, illuminate each other, and how their connection is missed in the literature. However, we argue that (...)
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  25. Amythia: Crisis in the Natural History of Western Culture.Loyal D. Rue - 1990 - Religious Studies 26 (1):177-179.
  26. A cell-intrinsic timer that operates during oligodendrocyte development.Be Atrice Durand & Martin Raff - unknown - Bioessays 22:65.
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  27.  21
    Totalitarisme et autoritarisme dans la Théorie critique.Jean-Marc Durand-Gasselin - 2022 - Cités 93 (1):45-63.
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    Heuristic Mysteries- Invention, Language, Chance.Béatrice Durand-Sendrail, Denise L. Davis & Jennifer Curtiss Gage - 1997 - Diogenes 45 (178):87-105.
    To be able to make “change” happen in the lives of patients entrusted to his care, Watzlawick says he tried to produce a theory about it. He was forced to acknowledge that the mechanisms of change resist systematization and, therefore, all wishes to elicit them as well.Well-being is to therapy what discovery is to thought and the event is to History: the position – unforeseen, unforeseeable – in reality of what did not hitherto exist. And heuristics would be, if not (...)
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  29.  29
    The Teaching of Saint Gregory: An Early Armenian Catechism.M. G. De Durand - 1973 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 66 (1).
  30.  37
    Carbon partitioning in forage crops.Jean-Louis Durand, Claude Varlet-Grancher, Gilles Lemaire, François Gastal & Bruno Moulia - 1991 - Acta Biotheoretica 39 (3-4):213-224.
    The paper describes the conceptual models used to understand the processes determining plant growth rates in response to environmental changes. A series of experiments and growth models were used at three organizational levels: the specific plant organs, the whole plant and the plant canopy. The energy conversion efficiency and the total plant carbon balance were first examined. The carbon partitioning amongst the plant parts was then studied. The energy conversion efficiency is generally understood. In modelling carbon partitioning it was first (...)
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    Dynamique de positionnement dans les interactions tutorales : une analyse interactionnelle dans le champ de la formation à l’éducation de l’enfance1.Isabelle Durand - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 5 (3-4):125-141.
    This contribution reports on a study conducted as part of a research on early childhood educators’ vocational training in Geneva. We wish to better understand the interrelational positioning challenges that the students face during the activities in which they participate in the workplace. The multimodal analysis highlights the frequent shifts of the participants’ reciprocal positions in mentoring interactions, and shows the coexistence of two inverted asymmetrical relations in a form of “double-cross asymmetry”. In this context, the trainees’ positioning is vulnerable (...)
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  32.  14
    Des Événements aux Objets: La Méthode de l'Abstraction Extensive Chez A. N. Whitehead. Préface de Michel Malherbe.Guillaume Durand - 2006 - De Gruyter.
    De 1905 à 1922, l uvre d'Alfred North Whitehead a pour but principal de montrer comment les objets fondamentaux de la géométrie, de la physique et de la perception sont abstraits à partir d'un seul et unique type d' entités définies comme les éléments ultimes de l'expérience sensible : les événements. WHitehead développe dès lors la méthode de l'abstraction extensive : un modèle logico-mathématique qui permet d'exprimer ces différents types d'objets dans les termes mêmes des événements et de leurs relations. (...)
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  33.  12
    Les menaces de l'« espéranglais ».Charles Durand - 2004 - Hermes 40:222.
    Cette communication examine les problèmes associés à l'usage de l'anglais comme un néoespéranto contemporain. Toutefois, l'anglais ne présente aucune des caractéristiques d'une langue internationale planifiée et son usage fait automatiquement retomber les organisations internationales qui l'utilisent comme langue de travail sous la houlette d'anglophones natifs. D'autre part, pour les natifs des autres langues, la perte des outils de définition et de représentation des connaissances stérilise leur créativité et les entraîne dans un conformisme réducteur, qui accélère leur déclin. La prise de (...)
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    Mathieu Hauchecorne, La Gauche américaine en France. La réception de John Rawls et des théories de la justice, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2019.Jean-Marc Durand-Gasselin - 2020 - Cités 82 (2):185-189.
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  35. Pour ou contre l'éducation nouvelle?Suzanne Marie Durand - 1951 - [Bruges]: Desclée, De Brouwer.
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    Sidgwick's utility and Whitehead's virtue: metaphysics and morality.Kevin K. J. Durand - 2002 - Lanham, Md.: University Press of America.
    Chapter Introduction Henry Sidgwick is one of the most influential and least remembered philosophers of the and 20th centuries....
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    Amythia: Crisis in the Natural History of Western Culture.Loyal D. Rue - 2004 - The University of Alabama Press.
    "A stimulating and readable venture in the history of ideas. Blending arguments and material from philosophy, theology, history and science, Rue addresses a fundamental problem in Western Culture: the crisis of meaning and the eclipse of the shared value system upon which personal wholeness and social coherence in the West have been based." —Journal of Interdisciplinary Discourse.
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    Sociobiology and Moral Discourse.Loyal Rue - 1998 - Zygon 33 (4):525-533.
    In the intellectual lineage of sociobiology (understood as evolutionary social science), this article considers the place of moral discourse in the evolution of emergent systems for mediating behavior. Given that humans share molecular systems, reflex systems, drive systems, emotional systems, and cognitive systems with chimpanzees, why is it that human behavior is so radically different from chimpanzee behavior? The answer is that, unlike chimps, humans possess symbolic systems, empowering them to override chimplike default morality in favor of symbolically mediated moral (...)
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  39.  22
    Réflexions sur les quatre premiers conciles œcuméniques.Georges-Matthieu de Durand - 2002 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 1 (1):3-26.
    Résumé Rivalité des sièges, rapports de force entre le pouvoir civil, le corps épiscopal et la papauté dans l’histoire des conciles. Le mot homoousios : son origine, son insertion au symbole de Nicée, l’importance que lui donne Athanase. Amertume de Grégoire de Nazianze après Constantinople I, due à des offenses personnelles et au défaut d’exigences dogmatiques à l’égard des courants pneumatomaque et apollinariste. Utilisation de Theotokos à Éphèse par Cyrille, progrès de l’influence de celui-ci jusqu’en 444. L’expression « en deux (...)
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    Sources et signification de Chalcédoine (451).Georges-Matthieu de Durand - 2002 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 3 (3):369-386.
    Résumé L’équilibre des forces (le pape, l’empereur, le corps épiscopal) fut plus apparent que réel à Chalcédoine. Sa définition n’en a pas moins sa validité permanente : empêcher d’occulter la réalité humaine du Christ, tout en tenant qu’il est « un seul et le même » avec le Verbe. Deux christologies savantes, celle d’Antioche et celle d’Occident résumée par Léon, se sont ici heurtées et combinées avec la vision de la personne du Christ se constituant à Alexandrie, formulée non sans (...)
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  41.  18
    Corrigendum to “Boris Groys and the total art of Stalinism”.Steven Loyal & Siniša Malešević - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 154 (1):142-142.
    In this paper I compare and contrast the reproduction of elite strata in Randall Collins’s path-breaking book, The Credential Society, with Pierre Bourdieu’s important discussion found in The State Nobility. Although both approaches draw on Weber and Durkheim, focus on the interaction between material and cultural processes, subscribe to a relational form of analysis, and share a similar political world-view – social democrat and radical republican respectively – they also differ. These differences relate to their respective philosophical anthropology, the nature (...)
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  42.  57
    Redefining myth and religion: Introduction to a conversation.Loyal D. Rue - 1994 - Zygon 29 (3):315-320.
    Minimally, myth means “story,” and religion means “that which binds” a community into a coherent unity. Myth and religion are closely associated because a shared myth is the most efficient and effective means for achieving social coherence. Ancient myths were initially formulated in terms of the science of their day, Thus, an integration of science, myth, and religion is essential to a healthy culture. As these elements become disintegrated there arises a need to generate new mythic visions. The question of (...)
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  43.  4
    Pratiquer la justice: fondements, orientations, questions.Alain Durand - 2009 - Paris: Editions du Cerf.
    Les études tentant de répondre à la question " Qu'est-ce que la justice? " et à cette autre, inséparable, " Qu'est-ce qu'une société juste? " sont assez nombreuses ces dernières années, mais elles ne sont pas toujours faciles d'accès, au contraire du livre d'Alain Durand. Par un discours systématique et structuré, il présente quelques réflexions occasionnées par des lectures ou par des événements et tendances de fond liés à l'actualité. L'auteur se confronte à de grands auteurs qui, depuis Aristote (...)
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  44.  23
    Y a-t-il une démocratie participative à Montréal? Entre gouvernance métropolitaine, gestion de proximité et démocratie radicale.Jonathan Durand Folco - 2016 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 11 (1):80-100.
    Jonathan Durand Folco | : Cet article présente une analyse critique de l’institutionnalisation de la participation citoyenne, à différentes échelles, à Montréal. Nous prendrons l’exemple de la consultation publique de la Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal et du budget interactif du Plateau-Mont-Royal pour illustrer les modèles de la gouvernance métropolitaine et de la gestion de proximité, pour ensuite montrer en quoi ces deux types de dispositifs participatifs soulèvent le problème de la trivialité. Nous soutiendrons enfin qu’une application systématique d’une conception (...)
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    La mise en politique de la transition énergétique : la durabilité à l’épreuve des conflits de temporalités.Laura Oiry Durand - 2018 - Temporalités 28.
    La notion de transition énergétique est aujourd’hui l’une des figures de proue du concept plus général de développement durable. Elle est marquée par la double temporalité de l’urgence de sa mise en œuvre et du temps long dont elle se réclame. La mise en politique de cette transition génère des conflits – notamment autour des grands projets d’infrastructures – que cet article analyse en cherchant à croiser les temporalités et les échelles d’action des différents acteurs impliqués. Il met en évidence (...)
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  46. The concepts and origins of cell mortality.Pierre M. Durand & Grant Ramsey - 2023 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 45 (23):1-23.
    Organismal death is foundational to the evolution of life, and many biological concepts such as natural selection and life history strategy are so fashioned only because individuals are mortal. Organisms, irrespective of their organization, are composed of basic functional units—cells—and it is our understanding of cell death that lies at the heart of most general explanatory frameworks for organismal mortality. Cell death can be exogenous, arising from transmissible diseases, predation, or other misfortunes, but there are also endogenous forms of death (...)
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    Una apreciación de la Ética de Spinoza en torno a la libertad como libertad humana.María Fernanda Limo Durand - 2023 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 21:81-99.
    El presente artículo busca mostrar la relevancia de la filosofía de Spinoza con respecto a la realización de la libertad. Su idea de libertad no rechaza las emociones, y las vincula con nuestra capacidad de ser seres racionales. Spinoza es de los primeros filósofos que aprecia una dimensión interna de las emociones y la considera como parte de nuestra propia naturaleza, pues afirma que la esencia humana es el deseo mismo. El ser humano es consciente de este deseo, el cual (...)
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  48.  10
    The Stoic Theory of Case.Marion Durand - 2024 - Apeiron 57 (4):611-639.
    This article presents a new account of the Stoic theory of case. It argues that cases belong to the Stoic class of lekta and that they play a twofold semantic role. Firstly, they relate words to the world in a process akin to reference. Secondly, they encode syntactic information which captures structural elements of the world, contributing to language’s ability to represent reality and its structure by enabling it to capture both objects and the ways in which these objects relate (...)
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    L’immortalité aux immortels.Gilbert Durand - 2014 - Iris 35:9-38.
    Dans la première moitié du xxe siècle, une tendance à la remythologisation caractérise le roman. Proust, Thomas Mann et Faulkner permettent à Gilbert Durand de dresser un portrait de « l’immortel » héros à partir de quatre traits : le temps sans mort et sans souci de sa propre fin ; le temps qui passe de l’entropie à l’infinie répétition ; l’obsession du sang ; l’absence d’âme et d’état d’âme. Le roman perd tout sentimentalisme, tout réalisme, tout psychologisme. Le (...)
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    Dieu, la contre-enquête: comment se faire un avis raisonnable?Thomas C. Durand - 2022 - Paris: HumenSciences.
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