Results for 'Gilles Lemaire'

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  1.  41
    Carbon partitioning in forage crops.Jean-Louis Durand, Claude Varlet-Grancher, Gilles Lemaire, François Gastal & Bruno Moulia - 1991 - Acta Biotheoretica 39 (3-4):213-224.
    The paper describes the conceptual models used to understand the processes determining plant growth rates in response to environmental changes. A series of experiments and growth models were used at three organizational levels: the specific plant organs, the whole plant and the plant canopy. The energy conversion efficiency and the total plant carbon balance were first examined. The carbon partitioning amongst the plant parts was then studied. The energy conversion efficiency is generally understood. In modelling carbon partitioning it was first (...)
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  2. Difference and Repetition.Gilles Deleuze & Paul Patton - 1994 - London: Athlone.
    This brilliant exposition of the critique of identity is a classic in contemporary philosophy and one of Deleuze's most important works. Of fundamental importance to literary critics and philosophers,Difference and Repetition develops two central concepts—pure difference and complex repetition&mdasha;and shows how the two concepts are related. While difference implies divergence and decentering, repetition is associated with displacement and disguising. Central in initiating the shift in French thought away from Hegel and Marx toward Nietzsche and Freud, _Difference and Repetition_ moves deftly (...)
  3. Nietzsche and Philosophy.Gilles Deleuze & Michael Hardt (eds.) - 1983 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Praised for its rare combination of scholarly rigor and imaginative interpretation, _Nietzsche and Philosophy_ has long been recognized as one of the most important analyses of Nietzsche. It is also one of the best introductions to Deleuze's thought, establishing many of his central philosophical positions. In _Nietzsche and Philosophy_, Deleuze identifies and explores three crucial concepts in Nietzschean thought-multiplicity, becoming, and affirmation-and clarifies Nietzsche's views regarding the will to power, eternal return, nihilism, and difference. For Deleuze, Nietzsche challenged conventional philosophical (...)
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  4. A thousand plateaus: capitalism and schizophrenia.Gilles Deleuze - 1987 - London: Athlone Press. Edited by Félix Guattari.
    Suggests an open system of psychological exploration to cut through accepted norms of morality, language, and politics.
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    Expressionism in philosophy: Spinoza.Gilles Deleuze - 1990 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    In this extraordinary work Gilles Deleuze reflects on one of the figures of the past who has most influenced his own sweeping reconfiguration of the tasks of philosophy.
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  6.  18
    Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia.Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari - 1977 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
  7.  26
    Capitalisme et schizophrénie.Gilles Deleuze - 1972
    "Mille Plateaux (Paris, Éditions de Minuit, 1980) est le second des deux volumes ayant pour sous-titre Capitalisme et schizophrénie issu de la collaboration entre le philosophe Gilles Deleuze et le philosophe et psychanalyste Félix Guattari. Cet ouvrage continue à explorer par des voies inédites - en s'attaquant notamment à une série d'erreurs afférentes selon les auteurs à l'arborescence, à l'État, au langage... - la question déjà avancée dans L'Anti-Œdipe (premier volume) d'une ontologie révolutionnaire des devenirs ("presque imperceptibles") qui ne (...)
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  8. What is Philosophy?Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari - 1991 - Columbia University Press.
    Deleuze and Guattari differentiate between philosophy, science, and the arts - seeing each as a means of confronting chaos - and challenge the common view that philosophy is an extension of logic. The authors also discuss the similarities and distinctions between creative and philosophical writing. Fresh anecdotes from the history of philosophy illuminate this book, along with engaging discussions of composers, painters, writers, and architects.
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  9. Conceptual Integration Networks.Gilles Fauconnier & Mark Turner - 1998 - Cognitive Science 22 (2):133-187.
    Conceptual integration—“blending”—is a general cognitive operation on a par with analogy, recursion, mental modeling, conceptual categorization, and framing. It serves a variety of cognitive purposes. It is dynamic, supple, and active in the moment of thinking. It yields products that frequently become entrenched in conceptual structure and grammar, and it often performs new work on its previously entrenched products as inputs. Blending is easy to detect in spectacular cases but it is for the most part a routine, workaday process that (...)
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  10.  63
    Foucault.Gilles Deleuze - 1986 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Examines the philosophical foundations of Foucault's writings and discusses his views on knowledge, punishment, power, and subjectivation.
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  11.  32
    Essays Critical and Clinical.Gilles Deleuze (ed.) - 1997 - Minneapolis: Univ of Minnesota Press.
    The final work of the late philosopher Gilles Deleuze includes essays on such diverse literary figures as Herman Melville, Walt Whitman, D.H. Lawrence, Lewis Carroll, and others, along with philosophers Plato, Spinoza, Kant, and others. Taken together, these 18 essays--all newly revised or published here for the first time--present a profoundly new approach to literature.
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  12. Pure immanence: essays on a life.Gilles Deleuze - 2001 - Cambridge: the MIT Press. Edited by Anne Boyman.
    The essays in this book present a complex theme at the heart of the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, what in his last writing he called simply "a life." They capture a problem that runs throughout his work--his long search for a new and superior empiricism. Announced in his first book, on David Hume, then taking off with his early studies of Nietzsche and Bergson, the problem of an "empiricist conversion" became central to Deleuze's work, in particular to his aesthetics (...)
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  13. Anti-Oedipus.Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari - 1972 - Minnesota University Press.
    A critical examination of the figure of Oedipus in psychoanalysis and Western culture as it relates to the history of society and capitalism.
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  14.  75
    Spinoza, practical philosophy.Gilles Deleuze - 1988 - San Francisco: City Lights Books.
    This book, which presents Spinoza's main ideas in dictionary form, has as its subject the opposition between ethics and morality, and the link between ethical ...
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  15.  20
    Logique du sens.Gilles Deleuze - 1969 - Paris,: Éditions de Minuit.
    Considered one of the most important works of one of France's foremost philosophers, and long-awaited in English, "The Logic Of Sense" is an essay in literary and psychoanalytic theory, and philosophy, and helps to illuminate such works as "Anti-Oedipus".
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  16.  20
    Bergsonism.Gilles Deleuze - 1988 - New York: Zone Books.
    Examines the philosophy of Henri Bergson, explains his concepts of duration, memory, and elan vital, and discusses the influence of science on Bergson.
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    Negotiations, 1972-1990.Gilles Deleuze - 1995 - Columbia University Press.
    For those not yet acquainted with the work of this philosopher, this book provides a point of entry to his complex theories. For those more familiar with Deleuze, this collection should be useful in broadening their understanding of this influential thinker's journey in search of knowledge.
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  18.  97
    Cinema 1: The Movement Image.Gilles Deleuze, Hugh Tomlinson & Barbara Habberjam - 1988 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46 (3):436-437.
  19.  39
    Two Regimes of Madness: Texts and Interviews 1975--1995.Gilles Deleuze - 2006 - Semiotext(E).
    Texts and interviews from the period that saw the publication of Deleuze's major works. People tend to confuse winning freedom with conversion to capitalism. It is doubtful that the joys of capitalism are enough to free peoples.... The American “revolution” failed long ago, long before the Soviet one. Revolutionary situations and attempts are born of capitalism itself and will not soon disappear, alas. Philosophy remains tied to a revolutionary becoming that is not to be confused with the history of revolutions.—from (...)
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  20.  24
    Domains and connections.Gilles Fauconnier - 1990 - Cognitive Linguistics 1 (1):151-174.
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  21.  27
    Actuel et le virtuel.Gilles Deleuze & Claire Parnet - 1996
    Il faudrait que le dialogue se fasse, non pas entre des personnes, mais entre les lignes, entre des chapitres ou des parties de chapitre. Ce seraient les vrais personnages. Perdre la mémoire : il faudrait plutôt dresser des " blocs ", les faire flotter. Un bloc d'enfance n'est pas un souvenir d'enfant. Un bloc nous accompagne, est toujours anonyme et contemporain, et fonctionne dans le présent - Oublier l'histoire : la question des devenirs, et de leur géographie. Un devenir-révolutionnaire est (...)
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  22.  27
    Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari - 1991 - Minuit.
    La philosophie n'est ni contemplation, ni réflexion, ni communication. Elle est l'activité qui crée les concepts. Comment se distingue-t-elle de ses rivales, qui prétendent nous fournir en concepts? La philosophie doit nous dire quelle est la nature créative du concept, et quels en sont les concomitants : la pure immanence, le plan d'immanence, et les personnages conceptuels. Par là, la philosophie se distingue de la science et de la logique. Celles-ci n'opèrent pas par concepts, mais par fonctions, sur un plan (...)
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  23.  48
    Cavaillès et Lautman, deux pionniers.Gilles-Gaston Granger - 2002 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 127 (3):293-301.
    Tous deux résistants, Cavaillès et Lautmann ont été fusillés par les Allemands.Ils étaient l’un et l’autre « philosophes des mathématiques », mais leur réflexion proprement philosophique porte sur les rapports des mathématiques et de la logique, et, plus généralement, sur la pensée formelle.À la notion lautmanienne de « dialectique » mathématique, s’oppose – ou du moins se juxtapose –, du côté de Cavaillès, l’idée de la nécessité interne d’une histoire des concepts.Both resisting during WWII, Cavaillès et Lautmann were shot by (...)
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  24.  28
    Nomadology: The War Machine.Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari - 1986 - Semiotext(E).
    Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari redefine the relation between the state and its war machine. Far from being a part of the state, warriers are nomads who always come from the outside and keep threatening the authority of the state. In this daring essay inspired by Nietzsche, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari redefine the relation between the state and its war machine. Far from being a part of the state, warriers are nomads who always come from the outside (...)
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  25.  73
    Two refoundation projects of democracy in contemporary French philosophy: Cornelius Castoriadis and Jacques Rancière.Gilles Labelle - 2001 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 27 (4):75-103.
    In this paper I examine two theories of democracy that can be found in contemporary French philosophy. Both Cornelius Castoriadis and Jacques Rancière offer a critique of modern democracy with the purpose of refounding it. The ‘refoundation narratives’ they propose are both based on an account of the origins of democracy in ancient Greece. According to Castoriadis, ancient democracy is grounded in a ‘magma’ of ‘social imaginary significations’ in which ‘autonomy’ is considered the correct response to Being defined as an (...)
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  26.  49
    Empiricism and subjectivity: an essay on Hume's theory of human nature.Gilles Deleuze - 1991 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    At last available in paperback, this book anticipates and explains the post-structuralist turn to empiricism. Presenting a challenging reading of David Hume's philosophy, the work is invaluable for understanding the progress of Deleuze's thought.
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  27.  38
    Kant's critical philosophy: the doctrine of the faculties.Gilles Deleuze - 1984 - London: Athlone Press.
    Provides a short introduction to Kant, emphasizing Kant's own view of his philosophy. Deleuze offers an overview of the whole of Kant's critical philosophy.
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  28. A formal ontology of artefacts.Gilles Kassel - 2010 - Applied ontology 5 (3-4):223-246.
    This article presents a formal ontology which accounts for the general nature of artefacts. The objective is to help structure application ontologies in areas where specific artefacts are present - in other words, virtually any area of activity. The conceptualization relies on recent philosophical and psychological research on artefacts, having resulted in a largely consensual theoretical basis. Furthermore, this ontology of artefacts extends the foundational DOLCE ontology and supplements its axiomatization. The conceptual primitives are as follows: artificial entity, intentional production (...)
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  29.  68
    What is Bottom-Up and What is Top-Down in Predictive Coding?Karsten Rauss & Gilles Pourtois - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  30. Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation.Gilles Deleuze - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 63 (4):392-394.
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  31.  22
    Marx dans l'œuvre de Bourdieu. Approbations fréquentes, oppositions radicales.Éric Gilles - 2014 - Actuel Marx 56 (2):147-163.
    The aim of the present article is to examine the paradox that while Bourdieu appears to be highly favorable to Marx, there is a radical disagreement between their two theoretical systems. In Bourdieu’s writing, comments favorable to Marx outweigh criticism by a ratio of 4,5 to 1. Marxists, in contrast, come in for ten times more criticism than support. Bourdieu’s approval of Marx in fact concerns only what are secondary aspects, while the few critiques he addresses delineate a structural opposition (...)
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    Operation Arbitration: Privatizing Medical Malpractice Claims.Myriam Gilles - 2014 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 15 (2):671-696.
    Binding arbitration is generally less available in tort suits than in contract suits because most tort plaintiffs do not have a pre-dispute contract with the defendant, and are unlikely to consent to arbitration after the occurrence of an unforeseen injury. But the Federal Arbitration Act applies to all “contract[s] evincing a transaction involving commerce,” including contracts for healthcare and medical services. Given the broad trend towards arbitration in nearly every other business-to-consumer industry, coupled with some rollbacks in tort reform measures (...)
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    The topological complexity of a natural class of norms on Banach spaces.Gilles Godefroy, Mohammed Yahdi & Robert Kaufman - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 111 (1-2):3-13.
    Let X be a non-reflexive Banach space such that X ∗ is separable. Let N be the set of all equivalent norms on X , equipped with the topology of uniform convergence on bounded subsets of X . We show that the subset Z of N consisting of Fréchet-differentiable norms whose dual norm is not strictly convex reduces any difference of analytic sets. It follows that Z is exactly a difference of analytic sets when N is equipped with the standard (...)
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  34.  72
    Langage et individuation.Gilles G. Granger - 1984 - Synthese 59 (1):109 - 114.
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    Proposições para um positivismo.Gilles Granger - 1970 - Discurso 1 (1):19-26.
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  36. Syntaxe, sémantique, pragmatique.Gilles G. Granger - 1976 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 30 (3/4=117/118):376.
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  37.  19
    Un état des comptes du royaume de Chypre en 1412-1413.Gilles Grivaud - 1998 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 122 (1):377-401.
    Une copie vénitienne d'un bilan financier, dressé par la Secrète du royaume de Chypre pour l'année 1412-1413, vient démontrer les capacités de réaction des derniers Lusignan aux crises du XIVe s. Le compte examiné, en dépit de ses nombreuses lacunes, assure que Janus, suivant l'exemple de Jacques Ier, renforce l'exploitation directe du domaine de la couronne, fiscalise les fiefs, développe les recettes extraordinaires (dîme royale, mète du sel). Ainsi, durant la seconde décennie du XVe s., le royaume franc conserve des (...)
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    Commentary.Gilles Verpraet - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (194):83-85.
    The slow construction of the urban civilization: the socio-historic distances in the reading of an urban form.The post-Soviet city is generally envisioned as a city in transition, on a more or less direct course towards the market city. This observation recalls the reconstitution of the residential property stock through privatizations, the redefinition of the individual in countries shaped by collectivist references, the post-national reconstitution of the economy and the political structures (Dressier, Gatti, and Perez-Agote, 1999). L. Kogan's approach suggests that (...)
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  39.  8
    Benny Lévy, l'éclat de la pensée.Gilles Hanus - 2013 - Lagrasse: Verdier.
    Les textes de Benny Lévy restent méconnus, car l'image que l'on a de lui fait obstacle à leur lecture. Ecartant cette image, nous nous en tiendrons à sa manière si singulière de lire les textes, quels qu'ils fussent, de leur donner vie. Qu'un texte puisse, grâce à la voix qui le porte et le déplie, grâce au travail, acharné et patient, de la lecture qui en explore les articulations les plus manifestes mais aussi les plus secrètes, parler à chacun en (...)
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    L'épreuve du collectif.Gilles Hanus - 2016 - Lagrasse: Verdier.
    Introduction. Exister, c'est être seul -- 1. Conformisme et aristocratisme -- 2. Penser et lire -- 3. Communauté et économie -- 4. De la politique à l'enseignement -- 5. Des degrés de communauté -- 6. L'épreuve du collectif -- 7. Du "je" au "nous" -- 8. Une communauté à deux? -- 9. Le collectif en conflit -- 10. Ennemis et adversaires -- Conclusion. Quelques-uns.
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    Virilité et « ensauvagement ».Gilles Havard - 2008 - Clio 27:57-74.
    Le corps du coureur de bois, ce personnage nord-américain de la traite des fourrures, dénigré par les élites coloniales, parfois qualifié d’« Indien blanc » par l’historiographie, peut servir de support à l’étude des processus d’acculturation euro-indiens. Au contact des sociétés autochtones, ce corps échappe à certaines des normes de la société coloniale. Épilation de la barbe, séances de tatouage, rituels de guérison chamanique et d’hospitalité sexuelle, intimité avec les femmes autochtones, tout concourt à modifier le rapport au corps des (...)
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    Pourparlers, 1972-1990.Gilles Deleuze - 1972 - Les Editions de Minuit.
    Pourquoi réunir des textes d'entretiens qui s'étendent presque sur vingt ans? Il arrive que des pourparlers durent si longtemps qu'on ne sait plus s'ils font encore partie de la guerre ou déjà de la paix. Il est vrai que la philosophie ne se sépare pas d'une colère contre l'époque, mais aussi d'une sérénité qu'elle nous assure. La philosophie cependant n'est pas une Puissance. Les religions, les Etats, le capitalisme, la science, le droit, l'opinion, la télévision sont des puissances, mais pas (...)
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    Formal Ontology in Information Systems.Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, Antony P. Galton, Torsten Hahmann & Maria M. Hedblom - unknown
    FOIS is the flagship conference of the International Association for Ontology and its Applications, a non-profit organization which promotes interdisciplinary research and international collaboration at the intersection of philosophical ontology, linguistics, logic, cognitive science, and computer science. This book presents the papers delivered at FOIS 2023, the 13th edition of the Formal Ontology in Information Systems conference. The event was held as a sequentially-hybrid event, face-to-face in Sherbrooke, Canada, from 17 to 20 July 2023, and online from 18 to 20 (...)
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  44.  11
    Essai d'une philosophie du style.Gilles Gaston Granger - 1968 - Paris,: A. Colin.
    Cet ouvrage propose la définition d'un concept généralisé du style, considéré non plus seulement comme catégorie esthétique, mais comme applicable à tout travail humain. L'auteur applique ce concept de style à des exemples d'œuvres mathématiques, puis au cas plus familier des œuvres de langage, avant d'esquisser le projet d'une stylistique des sciences de l'homme, complémentaire d'une histoire des connaissances et d'une épistémologie des structures. Gilles-Gaston Granger, spécialiste d'épistémologie, est professeur honoraire au Collège de France. Chapitre I. Contenu, forme et (...)
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  45.  13
    (1 other version)Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque.Gilles Deleuze - 1992 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
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    Proust and Signs: The Complete Text.Gilles Deleuze - 2000 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    A criticism of the book "a la recherche du temps perdu".
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    (1 other version)Post-Christendom Ignorance in Secular Society.Gilles Beauchamp - 2025 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 42 (1):431-449.
    In banning religious symbols for civil servants in a position of authority, Québec's laicity law disproportionately burdens religious minorities. Nevertheless, politicians seem to somehow avoid this problem, and the law is largely supported by the population. This insensibility to religious discrimination calls for an explanation. I argue that part of the explanation for this unequal treatment of religion in secular society lies in active religious ignorance. Drawing a parallel from how white ignorance functions to protect racial inequalities, I argue that (...)
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  48. Desire and pleasure.Gilles Deleuze - 1997 - In Arnold Ira Davidson, Foucault and his interlocutors. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 185--86.
    The following text is not just unpublished. There is something intimate, secret, confidential about it. It consists of a series of notes - classed from A to H - that Gilles Deleuze had entrusted to me in order that I give them to Michel Foucault. It was in 1977. Foucault had just published La Volonté de savoir, the introduction to a Histoire de la Sexualité which challenged the play of categories through which the struggles of sexual liberation reflected itself. (...)
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  49. Spinoza.Gilles Deleuze - 1970 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 32 (1):122-123.
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    Kant's Critical Philosophy.Gilles Deleuze, Hugh Tomlinson & Barbara Habberjam - 1987 - Philosophical Review 96 (4):615-617.
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