Results for 'Lourdes Mata'

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  1.  14
    (1 other version)“To be or not to be Retained … That’s the Question!” Retention, Self-esteem, Self-concept, Achievement Goals, and Grades.Francisco Peixoto, Vera Monteiro, Lourdes Mata, Cristina Sanches, Joana Pipa & Leandro S. Almeida - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Produções Imagéticas: Uma Pesquisa No Modo Criança.Vanderleia de Lourdes Rodrigues Lopes de Oliveira & Bianca Santos Chisté - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-24.
    This article is part of a research project guided by a methodology for the production of images by children from 2 to 6 years old, developed in the Zona da Mata, in Rondônia. Children's filmic and photographic image productions inspired this inquiry, and suggest a novel way of thinking about children, childhood and research. Based on the questions, What can children's image productions tell us in a survey carried out in periods of social isolation? and What do children’s representations (...)
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    A fascinação weberiana: as origens da obra de Max Weber.Sérgio da Mata - 2013 - Belo Horizonte: FAPEMIG.
    Resenha referente ao livro MATA, Sérgio da. A fascinação weberiana. As origens da obra de Max Weber. Belo Horizonte: Fino Traço, 2013.
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  4. The nasrid caliphate.M. Jesus Rubiera Mata - 2008 - Al-Qantara 29 (2):293-305.
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    Razón suficiente.Lourdes Valdivia - 2007 - Signos Filosóficos 60 (17):165-170.
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    Expanding community, vitality and what is permissible: African cultural knowledge and Afro-Caribbean religions in bioethical discourses of euthanasia.Jarrel De Matas, Ginika Oguagha & Francis H. H. Amuzu - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Although Kirk Lougheed recognises the need to integrate diverse frameworks into its predominantly Anglo-American tradition,1 his argument contains a limited understanding of vital force as well as a restricted view of communal relationships. We therefore suggest a broader framework for understanding vitality, community and what is permissible by emphasising how African beliefs by the Akan, advance care directives and Afro-Caribbean religious practice such as Santería expand perspectives within global bioethics and thus encourage more inclusive approaches to addressing bioethical dilemmas. For (...)
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    Conflict detection and social perception: bringing meta-reasoning and social cognition together.André Mata - 2019 - Thinking and Reasoning 26 (1):140-149.
    Research on implicit conflict detection suggests that people are sensitive to violations of logical principles. When they make reasoning errors, their epistemic radar presumably detects an anomaly....
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  8. López Gutiérrez, María de Lourdes." La pintura del siglo XX” Episteme No. 5 Año 2, Julio-Septiembre 2005.María de Lourdes López Gutiérrez - 2005 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 2 (5).
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    Kant on emotions and Williams' criticism.Lourdes Borges - 2013 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 58 (1).
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  10. Contribuição ao personalismo jurídico.Edgar de Godoi da Mata-Machado - 1954 - Rio de Janeiro,: Edição Revista Forense.
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    REYNOLDS, Andrew (2002): Peirce´ s Scientific Metaphysics.Maria de Lourdes Bacha - 2002 - Cognitio 3:139-141.
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  12. Destino, Libertad, Historia personal: Leibniz y la tradición filosófica.Lourdes Dina Rensoli Laliga - 1997 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 24:99-118.
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  13. Adding the missing link back into mate choice research.Rui Mata, Andreas Wilke & Peter M. Todd - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):289-289.
    Evolutionary psychologists should go beyond research on individual differences in attitudes and focus more on detailed models of psychological mechanisms. We argue for complementing attitude research with agent-based computational modeling of mate choice. Agent-based models require detailed specification of individual choice mechanisms that can be evaluated in terms of both their psychological plausibility and the population-level outcomes they produce.
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    Violence Against Migrant Women: The Istanbul Convention Through a Postcolonial Feminist Lens.Lourdes Peroni - 2016 - Feminist Legal Studies 24 (1):49-67.
    This article examines the recent Council of Europe Convention on violence against women through the lens of postcolonial feminist critiques. The article argues that, while there is certainly cause for optimism, the Convention still falls into some of the traps identified by postcolonial feminists. The Convention largely circumvents the stigmatising risks that arise from framing certain VAW forms primarily as a problem of some ‘cultures’. Yet dangers linger in the Convention’s approach to ‘honour’ as an unacceptable justification for VAW. Inherent (...)
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  15.  24
    (1 other version)Aspecto Médico y la Dimensión Existencial de la Enfermedad: Reflexiones Bioéticas.Lourdes Velázquez - 2019 - Medicina y Ética 31 (1):171-193.
    Según la concepción «clásica», el fin de la medicina era el de ayudar a conservar y recuperar la salud, entendida como un bienestar físico, emocional y vital, al cual contribuían acciones materiales, influjos sobrenaturales y cosmológicos. Con el Renacimiento, la ciencia moderna ofrece sus conocimientos a la medicina, en la cual desaparece la consideración de influjos sobrenaturales y cósmicos. Además, la concepción dualista cartesiana reducía la medicina a ocuparse exclusivamente del cuerpo del hombre, interpretado como una máquina según modelos propuestos (...)
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  16. From "Harmony" to "Cooperative Conflicts" Amartya Sen's Contribution to Household Theory.Lourdes Beneria - 2008 - In Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur, Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development. Oxford University Press.
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    Building a philosophy of education for our times.Lourdes J. Custodio - 2009 - España, Manila: UST Pub. House.
  18. Direito e coerção.Edgar de Godoi da Mata-Machado - 1957 - Rio de Janeiro,: Revista Forense.
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    (1 other version)Elementos de teoria geral do direito: para os cursos de introdução à ciência do direito.Edgar de Godoi da Mata-Machado - 1972 - Belo Horizonte: Editora Vega.
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  20. Desenvolvimento E educação: Intervenções da cepal E de organismos internacionais na américa latina.Maria de Lourdes Bernartt - 2011 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 13 (2):p - 297.
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    Einstein e as interfaces entre história, filosofia e ensino de física.Irinéa de Lourdes Batista - 2005 - Scientiae Studia 3 (4):733-739.
  22.  21
    Metalinguistic “Troubles” with Kripkean Proper Names.Maria de Lourdes Valdivia Dounce - 2022 - Athens Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):91-102.
    Proper names interpreted as rigid designators do not allow us to formulate metalinguistic statements of the form ‘NN might not have been named “NN”’. All we can do is to show what we are trying to say. But we cannot properly formulate such a metalinguistic statement about a rigid name. The rigidity of the name establishes a relationship with its bearer that is much stronger than the contingent relationship that is supposed to exist in the natural languages between the name (...)
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    O Maquinário da Conversação.Maria de Lourdes Bacha - 2004 - Cognitio 5 (2):90-93.
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    Verdade, Racionalidade e Pragmatismo: Temas de Peirce.Maria de Lourdes Bacha - 2003 - Cognitio 4 (2):84-87.
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    Anthropological Locations: Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science edited.Lourdes Giordani - 1998 - Anthropology of Consciousness 9 (4):73-78.
    Anthropological Locations: Boundaries and Grounds of. Field Science. Akhil Gupta and James Ferguson eds. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press. 1997. viii. 275 pp. $45.00 (cloth); $16.95 (paper).
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  26. ? Es viable una ética utilitaria?Lourdes Gordillo - 1986 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 3:49-57.
  27. La estética hermenéutica frente al esteticismo difuso y la destrucción de la memoria.Lourdes Otero León - 2006 - Diálogo Filosófico 66:453-472.
    Frente a las estéticas de la negatividad, tanto H. R. Jauss, como H. G. Gadamer reivindican la función institutiva del lenguaje artístico; de esta manera pretenden volver a vincular la estética y la praxis social. Jauss renegará de la autonomía del arte -desgarramiento del mundo social y del trabajo-, para conectar de nuevo la experiencia estética con la praxis social. Sin embargo, para Gadamer, la autonomía del arte -libertad con respecto a fines representativos- no está reñida con la vida social (...)
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  28. Narcisismo, Amor y Misticismo en El Segundo Sexo y en las novelas memorialistas de Simone de Beauvoir: Una hermenéutica de la sospecha y de la facticidad.Lourdes Otero León - 2010 - A Parte Rei 67:5.
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  29. Paul Ricoeur e Gabriel Marcel.M. De Lourdes Sirgado Ganho - 1990 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 46 (1):169-180.
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  30. La Identidad: su Semántica y su Metafísica. Una Aproximación Desde la Filosofía Analítica.Lourdes Valdivia (ed.) - 2014 - Ciudad de México, México: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM.
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    Reseña de" François recanati, literal meaning, Reino Unido, cambridge university press, 2004, 179 p." de Thomas Nagel.Lourdes Valdivia - 2006 - Signos Filosóficos 8 (15):181-188.
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    The role of language comprehension in reasoning: How “good-enough” representations induce biases.André Mata, Anna-Lena Schubert & Mário B. Ferreira - 2014 - Cognition 133 (2):457-463.
  33.  35
    Migrations and Boundary Work: Harvard, Radical Economists, and the Committee on Political Discrimination.Tiago Mata - 2009 - Science in Context 22 (1):115-143.
    ArgumentIn the late 1960s, in the midst of campus unrest, a group of young economists calling themselves “radicals” challenged the boundaries of economics. In the radicals' cultural cartography, economic science and politics were represented as overlapping. These claims were scandalous because they were voiced from Harvard University, drawing on its authority. With radicals' claims the subject of increasing media attention, the economics mainstream sought to re-assert the longstanding cultural map of economic science, where objectivity and advocacy were distinguishable. The resolution (...)
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    Falseamiento y consumo de la identidad, de Rousseau a Adorno.Álex Matas Pons - 2015 - Isegoría 53:631-646.
    Este artículo analiza cómo los modelos de producción y de consumo de los años veinte determinaron la obsesión cultural por la autenticidad. A partir de los análisis que hicieron Benjamin, Adorno y Kracauer se analiza el modo en que la industria cultural favorece la identificación estética con las estrellas de la conocida como sociedad de masas. A continuación, se explica por qué el origen de esta realidad hay que buscarlo en el proyecto literario y político de Rousseau y en el (...)
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  35. Memorial de idéias políticas.Edgar de Godoi da Mata-Machado - 1975 - Belo Horizonte: Editora Vega.
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    Desde El Umbral.Lourdes Gonzalez Herrero - 1992 - Radical Philosophy Review of Books 6:40-41.
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  37. El proyecto ecuménico de Leibniz.Lourdes Dina Rensoli Laliga - 1995 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 22:183-198.
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    LEIBNIZ, GW: Writings on China.Lourdes Rensoli Laliga - 1997 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 31:240.
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  39. Las Memorias como género Literario y Filosófico en Simone de Beauvoir: Memorialismo, Bildungsroman y Crítica de Género.Lourdes Otero León - 2008 - A Parte Rei 60:5.
  40. El pensamiento filosófico en la Ciudad de México: epocas precortesiana y colonial.Terán Mata & Juan Manuel - 1975 - [México]: Departamento del Distrito Federal, Secretaría de Obras y Servicios.
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  41. Envejecimiento y mercado de trabajo, la paradoja de la jubilación anticipada.Lourdes Pérez Ortiz - 2006 - Critica 56 (936):26-29.
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    El perdón en el contexto educativo: recomendaciones prácticas para su desarrollo en las escuelas.Lourdes Rey Peña & Cirenia Quintana Orts - forthcoming - Voces de la Educación:129-143.
    En este artículo se destacan los beneficios de entrenar el perdón. Se profundiza en la comprensión del perdón y los beneficios sobre la salud de los niños y adolescentes destacando las ventajas de perdonar en situaciones de acoso escolar. También se describen algunas propuestas de intervención y se proponen claves a considerar en el desarrollo de programas de intervención educativos.
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    Epistemología y hermenéutica de la ciencia: una visión desde la obra de Kuhn.Jesús A. Valero Matas & Juan R. Coca - 2013 - Arbor 189 (761):a039.
    La intención de este trabajo es mostrar cómo es posible desarrollar una hermenéutica de la ciencia. Para esto se utilizarán los desarrollos epistemológicos de Kuhn y se desarrollará un análisis teórico de los mismos. Finalmente se exponen los elementos que condicionan la actividad tecnocientífica. Este trabajo busca, como conclusión, exponer los elementos que deberían estar presentes en una hermenéutica de la ciencia.
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    Artificialidad y naturalidad en la discusión bioética.Lourdes Velazquez - 2020 - Medicina y Ética 31:327-355.
    El problema de la manera correcta de utilizar lo artificial se ha presentado varias veces en los debates de bioética, y a menudo ha tenido que enfrentarse con un principio que siempre ha sido considerado fundamental en la ética y adoptado como criterio para evaluar la rectitud moral de las acciones humanas; es decir, el hecho de ser conformes con la naturaleza. Según este planteamiento, lo artificial es potencialmente malo, mientras que lo natural siempre es bueno. La tensión entre estos (...)
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    Being Bullied at School: Gratitude as Potential Protective Factor for Suicide Risk in Adolescents.Lourdes Rey, Cirenia Quintana-Orts, Sergio Mérida-López & Natalio Extremera - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    What can we do in Philosophy using Frege’s and Kripke’s logics?Lourdes Valdivia Dounce - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (1):119-133.
    In this article I issue a challenge to philosophers engaged in constructing logical languages. Formal languages that have had a great influence on various areas of philosophy have ineffable statements that arise from metaphysical assumptions, thus limiting what we can do with them. I deal with two cases. The case of Frege known as “The paradox of the concept horse”, and that of Kripke that is not as famous as the Fregean problem, which I call “The necessary bearing of the (...)
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    Complexity theory and language development: in celebration of Diane Larsen-Freeman.Lourdes Ortega, Zhaohong Han & Diane Larsen-Freeman (eds.) - 2017 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    This volume is both a state-of-the-art display of current thinking on second language development as a complex system. It is also a tribute to Diane Larsen-Freeman for her decades of intellectual leadership in the academic disciplines of applied linguistics and second language acquisition. The chapters therein range from theoretical expositions to methodological analyses, pedagogical proposals, and conceptual frameworks for future research. In a balanced and in-depth manner, the authors provide a comprehensive and interdisciplinary understanding of second language development, with a (...)
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  48.  25
    André Malraux's journey to China: antimémoires.Lourdes de los Ángeles Terrón Barbosa - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-10.
    Malraux's writing forcefully poses the problem of the relations between the real and the imaginary, between action and its representation, between poetry and truth. As this article will show, André Malraux found in his trip to China the inspiration for a new process of artistic creation that culminates in his work Antimémoires, where action and history build the guiding thread of a metaphysical and mythological travel story. Our analysis will show how his life and his work, deeply united, are the (...)
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    Emmanuel Carballo: entre la crítica práctica y el humanismo literario.Lourdes Castañón - 2016 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 5 (2):57-67.
    Emmanuel Carballo construyó en torno a su nombre un discurso: el de crítico práctico y humanista literario, dos conceptos forjados en el siglo XIX en Inglaterra, aplicables de manera oportuna al crítico literario mexicano más importante del siglo XX.
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  50.  26
    A capacidade explicativa do conceito do mal em Kant.Maria De Lourdes Borges - 2016 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 28 (44):573.
    Neste artigo, pretendo analisar o conceito de mal em Kant e sua utilização por comentadores contemporâneos. Apresentarei as críticas e as defesas apresentadas por filósofos contemporâneos sobre a capacidade do conceito de mal de explicar atrocidades contemporâneas, tais como genocídio e terrorismo. Veremos que há duas interpretações: os que consideram que o conceito de mal radical possui capacidade explicativa e os que consideram que tal conceito é impotente para tal.
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