Results for 'Louis Lasnon'

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  1.  5
    L'écologie politique: des racines idéologiques à l'heure du choix.Louis Lasnon - 2023 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Malgré le constat de l'urgence climatique partagé par une grande partie de la population, les voix divergent quant aux moyens politiques à mettre en oeuvre pour apporter des réponses concrètes aux défis environnementaux auxquels nous devons faire face. L'écologie politique, héritière de penseurs et théories diverses et variées et reposant sur des courants sans frontières solides, est aujourd'hui représentée par une multitude de slogans, de programmes, de candidats tout aussi différents. Pour agir efficacement contre les effets du changement climatique et (...)
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  2. Xénophon: Mémorables.Michele Bandini & Louis-André Dorion - 2000 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
  3. What is Weak Ground?Louis deRosset - 2013 - Essays in Philosophy 14 (1):7-18.
    Kit Fine, in "The Pure Logic of Ground", has made a seminal attempt at formalizing the notion of ground. Fine ties the formal treatment of grounding to the notion of a weak ground. Formalization of this sort is supposed to bring clarity and precision to our theorizing. Unfortunately, as I will argue, it's not clear what weak ground is. I review five alternative explanations of the idea, and argue that none of them are ultimately satisfactory. I close by outlining a (...)
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    Pour Marx.Louis Althusser - 1965 - Paris,: F. Maspero.
    Ce recueil d'articles, publié pour la première fois en 1965 aux Editions François Maspero, a connu un succès exceptionnel pour un ouvrage théorique : quinze tirages (soit 45 000 exemplaires) et de très nombreuses traductions. Comme le notait Elisabeth Badinter dans Combat du 25 avril 1974 : "Les étudiants et les intellectuels marxistes découvrirent Althusser et à travers lui, sinon un nouveau Marx, du moins une nouvelle façon de le lire. Depuis la Critique de la raison dialectique de Sartre, Althusser (...)
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    Is Mr. Spock mentally competent? Competence to consent and emotion.Louis C. Charland - 1998 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 5 (1):67-81.
    Most contemporary models and tests for mental competence do not make adequate provision for the positive influence of emotion in the determination of competence. This most likely is due to a reliance on an outdated view of emotion according to which these models are essentially noncognitive. Leading developments in modern emotion theory indicate that this noncognitive theory of emotion is no longer tenable. Emotions, in fact, are essentially representational in a manner that makes them “cognitive” in an important sense. This (...)
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    A general theory of ratio scalability with remarks about the measurement-theoretic concept of meaningfulness.Louis Narens - 1981 - Theory and Decision 13 (1):1-70.
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    Evolution of mathematical concepts.Raymond Louis Wilder - 1968 - New York,: Wiley.
    Treating mathematical science as a distinct cultural entity subject to environmental factors which influence its evolution, the author examines the creation and development of its major concepts since early times.
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  8. (1 other version)Is lookism unjust?: The ethics of aesthetics and public policy implications.Louis Tietje & Steven Cresap - 2005 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 19 (2):31-50.
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    Ethics in speech-language pathology: Beyond the codes and canons.T. L. Eadie & Louis C. Charland - 2005 - Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology 29 (1):29-36.
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  10. A biosemiotic analysis of Braille.Louis J. Goldberg & Liz Stillwaggon Swan - 2011 - Biosemiotics 4 (1):25-38.
    Abstract A unique aspect of human communication is the utilization of sets of well- delineated entities, the morphology of which is used to encode the letters of the alphabet. In this paper, we focus on Braille as an exemplar of this phenomenon. We take a Braille cell to be a physical artifact of the human environment, into the structure of which is encoded a representation of a letter of the alphabet. The specific issue we address in this paper concerns an (...)
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    Introduction: The significance of intentionality.Bertram F. Malle, Louis J. Moses & Dare A. Baldwin - 2001 - In Bertram F. Malle, Louis J. Moses & Dare A. Baldwin (eds.), Intentions and Intentionality: Foundations of Social Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 1--24.
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    War Images: Fabricating Reality.Raphael Sassower & Louis Cicotello - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    In an age when the visual landscape dominates our communication, War Images offers the rationale and the method by which we can critically engage images. Though focused on war images, this book provides a broad appreciation of how 'reading' images is an act of social courage and personal responsibility.
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  13. A propos des manuscrits d'Emile Ravier sur Wolff.Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron - 1973 - Giornale di Metafisica 28:39-44.
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    Introduction to the foundations of mathematics: second edition.Raymond Louis Wilder - 1965 - Mineola, New York: Dover Publications.
    This_classic undergraduate text_elegantly acquaints students with the_fundamental concepts and methods of mathematics. In addition to introducing_many noteworthy historical figures_from the 18th through the mid-20th centuries, it examines_the axiomatic method, set theory, infinite sets, the linear continuum and the real number system, groups, intuitionism,_formal systems, mathematical logic, and other topics.
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    Religious Mystery and Rational Reflection: Excursions in the Phenomemology and Philosophy of Religion.Louis K. Dupré - 1998 - William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    How should philosophy approach religious experience? Can philosophy do more than describe religious experience without discussing its object? Can religion make genuine truth claims? These are some of the questions raised in these essays.
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  16. The Word of Christ and the World of Culture.Paul Louis Metzger - 2004 - Ars Disputandi 4.
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    Economic analysis for clinical practice – the case of 31 national consensus guidelines in the Netherlands.Louis W. Niessen, Els Grijseels, Marc Koopmanschap & Frans Rutten - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (1):68-78.
  18.  48
    Supplément au Voyage de Bougainville.Denis Diderot, Louis-Antoine de Bougainville & Gilbert Chinard - 1935 - E. Droz the Johns Hopkins Press.
    - La bibliographie de l'auteur - Les protagonistes du dialogue de Diderot, A et B, discutent du Voyage autour du monde du navigateur français Louis Antoine de Bougainville récemment paru (en 1771). B propose de parcourir un prétendu Supplément qui en remet en question certaines soi-disant évidences énoncées par Bougainville. Deux passages de ce supplément sont enchâssés dans la discussion: Les adieux du vieillard, et le long Entretien de l'aumônier et d'Orou.
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    Tolerance in society and Church.[A talk given in St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney, on 21 Feb 1995].Joseph Louis Bernardin - 1995 - The Australasian Catholic Record 72 (3):365.
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    Herméneutique de notions pascaliennes.Jean-Louis Bischoff - 2020 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Une lecture de l'oeuvre pascalienne à la lumière de notions créées par des philosophes contemporains, montrant comment la pensée de Pascal peut accompagner la réflexion audelà du contexte du XVIIe siècle.
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  21. The care of the self and the care of the other: from spiritual exercises to political transformation.Daniel Louis Wyche - 2025 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    With the broad interest in the concept of "self-care" within popular discourse, there is a growing focus among philosophers, scholars of religion, political theorists, and others on the idea of "spiritual exercises," the ethics of "the care of the self," and attending concepts, yet little has been written on the politics of this broad class of concerns. This book investigates the political consequences of practices of the self in the work of several key 20th-century thinkers-Pierre Hadot, Georges Friedmann, Michel Foucault, (...)
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  22. Universal Claims.Louis Caruana - 2011 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 16 (1):157-169.
    Claims are universal when they are not dependent on when and where they are made. Mathematics and the natural sciences are the typical disciplines that allow such claims to be made. Is the striving for universal claims in other disciplines justified? Those who attempt to answer this question in the affirmative often argue that it is justified when mathematics and the natural sciences are taken as the model for other disciplines. In this paper I challenge this position and analyze the (...)
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  23. Platon et l'idéalisme allemand.Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron - 1981 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 86 (4):565-566.
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    Conjugial Love.Samuel Warren & Louis H. Tafel (eds.) - 1984 - Swedenborg Foundation Publishers.
    In this volume, Swedish visionary Emanuel Swedenborg discusses marriage from a spiritual perspective -- the ways in which men and women relate to each other both in this world and in the afterlife, and how marriages in heaven can either grow into a state of bliss and unity or wither away as partner discover their incompatibilities and seek their true soulmates. Swedenborg includes his perspective on sexual relationships in this world, both in and out of wedlock, and how the choices (...)
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  25. Houellebecq, Michel. La carte et le territoire. Paris: Gallimard, 2010. Pp. 450.Louis Betty - 2012 - Substance 41 (1):137-139.
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    DUMAS, André, Nommer Dieu.Louis-Émile Blanchet - 1982 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 38 (2):209-211.
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    PELLETIER, Yvan, La dialectique aristotélicienne. Les principes clés desTopiques PELLETIER, Yvan, La dialectique aristotélicienne. Les principes clés desTopiques.Louis Brunet - 1992 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 48 (2):281-284.
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    Herdefiniëring van politiek voorbij de markt – en de staat?Louis Carré - 2013 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 105 (2):95-98.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Commentary on" Relativism and the Social-constructivist Paradigm".Louis A. Fourcher - 1998 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 5 (1):49-53.
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    Information encoding and decision time as variables in human choice behavior.Louis M. Herman - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (5):718.
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    Inside the mind of Thomas More: the witness of his writings.Louis W. Karlin - 2018 - New York: Scepter. Edited by David R. Oakley.
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    L'art comme révélation.Louis Lavelle - 2004 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 2:319-332.
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    Serial isolation effect as related to list-end demarcation.Louis G. Lippman - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 87 (1):135.
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    Philosophy of the Encounter: Later Writings 1978|[ndash]|1987.Jason Read Louis Althusser - 2007 - Contemporary Political Theory 6 (4):484.
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    Descartes et le symbolisme algébrique.Louis Millet - 1956 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 11 (2):263 - 286.
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    La conscience affective.Louis Millet - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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    L'espace selon hamelin et selon Kant: Critique Par hamelin Des analyses Kantiennes et remarques sur l'originalité de celles-ci.Louis Millet - 1957 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 12 (2):207 - 219.
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    Kierkegaard.Louis P. Pojman - 1984 - Philosophical Books 25 (2):127-128.
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    Effects of CS and UCS change on extinction of the conditioned eyelid response.Louis E. Price, David W. Abbott & William E. Vandament - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (4):437.
  40.  56
    Greek Exercises: the Modern Olympics as Hellenic Appropriation and Reinvention.Louis A. Ruprecht - 2008 - Thesis Eleven 93 (1):72-87.
    `From Aristotle to Us', the conference held at La Trobe University in May 2007, names a powerful and highly influential Romantic trajectory, one which posits a particular conception of the ancients, a particular conception of the moderns, and a complex conception of the relationship between the two. Using the modern Olympic Revival as a case study and a case in point, this article argues that such `exercises' in Greek appropriation always operate with largely unstated assumptions about the nature of the (...)
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  41. The quodlibet secundum of ferrarius catalanus, op, Parisian master and successor of st. Thomas Aquinas.Louis Shwartz - 2012 - Mediaeval Studies 74:51-99.
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    Jeremiah as a Messenger of Hope in Crisis.Louis J. Stulman - 2008 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 62 (1):5-20.
    Jeremiah is an artifact of terror.... Jeremiah is an artifact of hope.
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    GANDILLAC, Maurice de, Genèses de la modernité: de la Cité de Dieu à la Nouvelle AtlantideGANDILLAC, Maurice de, Genèses de la modernité: de la Cité de Dieu à la Nouvelle Atlantide.Louis Valcke - 1994 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 50 (1):249-251.
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    La causalité revisitée à la lumière de la mécanique quantique.Louis Vervoort - 2012 - Dialogue 51 (4):539-561.
    The principle of causality or of determinism, and the notion of cause, are studied in the light of recent results in quantum mechanics. A definition of the concept of cause, loosely related to Lewis' counterfactual approach, is proposed. Then the question 'has every (physical) event a cause ?' is investigated. According to the orthodox quantum theory the answer to above question is negative. However, it is argued that there exist at least as many arguments in favor of a 'yes' (and (...)
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    Le Bovarysme.Louis Vialle - 1942 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 132 (4/6):111 - 128.
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    Épistémologie des sciences sociales: pratique et théorie.Louis Moreau de Bellaing - 2020 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Le statut des savoirs et des connaissances en sciences humaines et sociales, tel qu'il commençait à être élaboré par les précurseurs et les fondateurs de ce qu'il était convenu d'appeler la sociologie, à laquelle vint s'ajouter l'anthropologie, pose aujourd'hui problème tant au niveau des sacralisations maintenues qu'à celui des modernisations s'accomplissant et accomplies. À partir d'ouvrages inventoriés sur une longue période, principalement les trente dernières années, l'épistémologie des sciences sociales s'interroge sur elle-même, sur ce qu'elle produit : des traces d'objectivation, (...)
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    Terrains et idéologies: théorie et pratique.Louis Moreau de Bellaing - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Louis Moreau de Bellaing.
    Il s'agit, dans ce second volume, intitulé Terrains et idéologies.Théorie et pratique, de montrer par des recensions d'ouvrages sur des objets de recherche divers qu'une théorisation élaborée en sciences sociales à partir de théorisations déjà faites, exige un retour au terrain pour être validée. Une nouvelle théorisation invalidera ou confirmera les premières théorisations. Des approches comportementalistes de la pénibilité du travail, un chercheur montre l'insuffisance par une analyse approfondie qui tient compte de la subjectivité.De la pratique à la théorie, de (...)
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  48. Chapter twenty k».Raphaël Jeanson & Jean-Louis Deneubourg - 2009 - In Jürgen Gadau & Jennifer Fewell (eds.), Organization of Insect Societies: From Genome to Sociocomplexity. Harvard. pp. 460.
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    Joseph de Maistre and His European Readers: From Friedrich von Gentz to Isaiah Berlin.Jean-Louis Darcel, Cyprian Blamires, Kevin Erwin, Tonatiuh Useche Sandoval, Raphaël Cahen, Adrian Daub, Ryohei Kageura, Michael Kohlhauer, Marco Ravera & José Miguel Nanni Soares (eds.) - 2011 - Boston: Brill.
    Long known solely as fascism’s precursor, Joseph de Maistre re-emerges in this volume as a versatile thinker with a colossally diverse posterity whose continuing relevance in Europe is ensured by his theorization of the encounter between tradition and modernity.
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    Die Elementarteilchen, Individualität und Wechselwirkung.Louis de Broglie - 1943 - Hamburg,: H. Govert.
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