Results for 'Lorri Hardin'

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  1.  66
    Review of Russell Hardin: Collective Action[REVIEW]Russell Hardin - 1984 - Ethics 94 (2):336-339.
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    Liberalism: Political and economic*: Russell Hardin.Russell Hardin - 1993 - Social Philosophy and Policy 10 (2):121-144.
    Political liberalism began in the eighteenth century with the effort to establish a secular state in which religious differences would be tolerated. If religious views include universal principles to apply to all by force if necessary, diverse religions must conflict, perhaps fatally. In a sense, then, political liberalism was an invention to resolve a then current, awful problem. Its proponents were articulate and finally persuasive. There have been many comparable social inventions, many of which have failed, as Communism, egalitarianism, and (...)
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  3. A Spectral Reflectance Doth Not A Color Make.C. L. Hardin - 2003 - Journal of Philosophy 100 (4):191-202.
  4. Color for Philosophers: Unweaving the Rainbow.Clyde L. Hardin - 1988 - Hackett.
    This expanded edition of C L Hardin's ground-breaking work on colour features a new chapter, 'Further Thoughts: 1993', in which the author revisits the dispute ...
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    (1 other version)Reinverting the spectrum.Clyde L. Hardin - 1997 - In Alex Byrne & David R. Hilbert (eds.), Readings on Color, Volume 1: The Philosophy of Color. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press. pp. 5--99.
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  6.  21
    Trust and trustworthiness.Russell Hardin - 2002 - New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
    What does it mean to "trust?" What makes us feel secure enough to place our confidence—even at times our welfare—in the hands of other people? Is it possible to "trust" an institution? What exactly do people mean when they claim to "distrust" their governments? As difficult as it may be to define, trust is essential to the formation and maintenance of a civil society. In Trust and Trustworthiness political scientist Russell Hardin addresses the standard theories of trust and articulates (...)
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  7. The Tragedy of the Commons.Garrett Hardin - 1968 - Science 162 (3859):1243-1248.
    At the end of a thoughtful article on the future of nuclear war, Wiesner and York concluded that: "Both sides in the arms race are... confronted by the dilemma of steadily increasing military power and steadily decreasing national security. It is our considered professional judgment that this dilemma has no technical solution. If the great powers continue to look for solutions in the area of science and technology only, the result will be to worsen the situation.".
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    Ethical decision-making confidence scale for nurse leaders: Psychometric evaluation.Lorri Birkholz, Patrick Kutschar, Firuzan Sari Kundt & Margitta Beil-Hildebrand - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (4):988-1002.
    Background Ethical decision-making confidence develops from clinical expertise and is a core competency for nurse leaders. No tool exists to measure confidence levels in nurse leaders based upon an ethical decision-making framework. Aims The objective of this research was to compare ethical decision-making among nurse leaders in the U.S. and three German-speaking countries in Europe by developing and testing a newly constructed Ethical Decision-Making Confidence (EDMC) scale. Methods The cross-sectional survey included 18 theory-derived questions on ethical decision-making confidence which were (...)
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    Garrett Hardin.Garrett Hardin - 2002 - In Ruth F. Chadwick & Doris Schroeder (eds.), Applied ethics: critical concepts in philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 4--145.
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  10. Living Within Limits: Ecology, Economics and Population Taboos.Garret Hardin, Avner de-Shalit & Tim Cooper - 1995 - Environmental Values 4 (1):91-94.
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    Morality within the limits of reason.Russell Hardin - 1988 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Hardin demonstrates that many of these structural issues can and should be distinguished from the thornier problems of utilitarian value theory, and he is able ...
  12.  56
    One for All: The Logic of Group Conflict.Russell Hardin - 1995 - Princeton University Press.
    In a book that challenges the most widely held ideas of why individuals engage in collective conflict, Russell Hardin offers a timely, crucial explanation of group action in its most destructive forms. Contrary to those observers who attribute group violence to irrationality, primordial instinct, or complex psychology, Hardin uncovers a systematic exploitation of self-interest in the underpinnings of group identification and collective violence. Using examples from Mafia vendettas to ethnic violence in places such as Bosnia and Rwanda, he (...)
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    Discriminating altruisms.Garrett Hardin - 1982 - Zygon 17 (2):163-186.
    Abstract.Reliable Darwinian theory shows that pure altruism cannot persist and expand over time. All higher organisms show inheritable patterns of caring and discrimination. The principal forms of discriminating altruisms among human beings are individualism (different from egoism), familialism, cronyism, tribalism, and patriotism. The promiscuous altruism called “universalism” cannot endure in the face of inescapable competition. Information can be promiscuously shared, but not so matter and energy without evoking the tragedy of the commons. Universalism is not recommendable even as an ideal. (...)
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  14. Colors, normal observers and standard conditions.Clyde L. Hardin - 1983 - Journal of Philosophy 80 (December):806-13.
  15.  41
    A new look at color.Clyde L. Hardin - 1984 - American Philosophical Quarterly 21 (2):125-133.
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  16. (1 other version)Street-level epistemology and democratic participation.Russell Hardin - 2002 - Journal of Political Philosophy 10 (2):212–229.
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    Above the Noise and Confusion.Lorri Centineo - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (3):156-159.
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    Aparté: Conceptions and Deaths of Søren Kierkegaard (review).Lorrie Clark - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (1):191-193.
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  19. The Enchanted Glass the Elizabethan Mind in Literature.Hardin Craig - 1936 - Oxford University Press.
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  20.  23
    Collective Rights.Russell Hardin - 1985 - Bowling Green Studies in Applied Philosophy 7:88-101.
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  21. Nietzsche's Service to Christianity.Edwin Dodge Hardin - 1915 - Philosophical Review 24:230.
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  22. Phénoménologie et politique.Danielle Lorris & Bernard Stevens - 1991 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 181 (2):263-263.
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  23.  52
    Review of Douglas Richard Hofstadter: Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid[REVIEW]Russell Hardin - 1980 - Ethics 90 (2):310-311.
  24.  7
    Nature and man's fate.Garrett James Hardin - 1959 - New York,: Rinehart.
  25. Phenomenal colors and sorites.C. L. Hardin - 1988 - Noûs 22 (2):213-34.
  26. In defense of convergent realism.Clyde L. Hardin & Alexander Rosenberg - 1982 - Philosophy of Science 49 (4):604-615.
    Many realists have maintained that the success of scientific theories can be explained only if they may be regarded as approximately true. Laurens Laudan has in turn contended that a necessary condition for a theory's being approximately true is that its central terms refer, and since many successful theories of the past have employed central terms which we now understand to be non-referential, realism cannot explain their success. The present paper argues that a realist can adopt a view of reference (...)
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  27. (1 other version)A green thought in a green shade.C. L. Hardin - 2004 - Harvard Review of Philosophy 12 (1):29-39.
  28.  64
    David Hume: moral and political theorist.Russell Hardin - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Hume's place in history -- Moral psychology -- Strategic analysis -- Convention -- Political theory -- Justice as order -- Utilitarianism -- Value theory -- Retrospective.
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  29. (1 other version)The Street-Level Epistemology of Trust.Russell Hardin - 1992 - Analyse & Kritik 14 (2):152-176.
    Rational choice and other accounts of trust base it in objective assessments of the risks and benefits of trusting. But rational subjects must choose in the light of what knowledge they have, and that knowledge determines their capacities for trust. This is an epistemological issue, but not at the usual level of the philosophy of knowledge. Rather, it is an issue of pragmatic rationality for a given actor. It is commonly argued that trust is inherently embedded in iterated, thick relationships. (...)
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  30.  83
    The virtues of illusion.C. L. Hardin - 1992 - Philosophical Studies 68 (3):371--382.
    What ecological advantages do animals gain by being able to detect, extract and exploit wavelength information? What are the advantages of representing that information as hue qualities? The benefits of adding chromatic to achromatic vision, marginal in object detection, become apparent in object recognition and receiving biological signals. It is argued that this improved performance is a direct consequence of the fact that many animals' visual systems reduce wavelength information to combinations of four basic hues. This engenders a simple categorical (...)
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  31. Hobbesian Political Order.Russell Hardin - 1991 - Political Theory 19 (2):156-180.
  32. Trustworthiness.Russell Hardin - 1996 - Ethics 107 (1):26-42.
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    Chapter Eight. Mechanical Determinacy.Russell Hardin - 2003 - In Indeterminacy and Society. Princeton University Press. pp. 121-138.
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  34. Color quality and structure.C. L. Hardin - 1999 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & David John Chalmers (eds.), Toward a Science of Consciousness III: The Third Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press.
  35.  63
    Color-order systems: A guide for the perplexed.C. L. Hardin - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):190-191.
    If, as Saunders & van Brakel assert, hue, lightness, and saturation characterize artificial color spaces and not the colors of everyday life, one would expect those color spaces to have limited relevance to our understanding of color phenomena and to be of little practical application. This is not the case. Although people perceive these and equivalent color dimensions holistically rather than analytically, they are able to use such triples to categorize the colors of their environment.
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  36.  43
    Migration and community.Russell Hardin - 2005 - Journal of Social Philosophy 36 (2):273–287.
  37.  46
    Russell's power.Russell Hardin - 1996 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 26 (3):322-347.
    In his account of power, Bertrand Russell combines a perverse psychological thesis about a will to power for its own sake with an acute perception of different forms power takes. The psychology is that of the most brutal leaders of the 1930s, when Russell wrote. His account focuses on the power of a political leader to compel a following as Hitler, Stalin, and others did. But the strength of his account is its analysis of three distinct forms of power: one (...)
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  38.  53
    (1 other version)Utilitarian aggregation.Russell Hardin - 2009 - Social Philosophy and Policy 26 (1):30-47.
    There can be no relevant cardinal assessment of the welfares of individuals that would allow traditional comparisons of average and total welfare of whole societies to be made. Given that cardinally additive welfare measures are unavailable, I work out some of the implications of an ordinal utilitarian analysis of international distributional issues. I first address the general problem of utilitarian comparisons between aggregates, then the nature of ordinal transfers between groups or nations, and then the complications that population growth in (...)
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  39. Are scientific objects colored?C. L. Hardin - 1984 - Mind 93 (October):491-500.
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    Living Within Limits: Ecology, Economics, and Population Taboos.Garrett Hardin - 1995 - Oup Usa.
    This book tackles the problem of overpopulation with an honesty and fearlessness that is unrivalled. Hardin suggests radical approaches to overpopulation and considers the consequences. This book is an intellectual feast that will enrage, disturb, and challenge the reader at every page.
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  41.  65
    Liberalism, Constitutionalism, and Democracy.Russell Hardin - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (220):534-536.
    The central argument of this book is that liberalism, constitutionalism, and democracy, as well as, specifically, liberal constitutional democracy all work, when they do, because they serve the mutual advantage of the politically effective groups in the society through coordination of those groups on a political and, perhaps, economic order. These arguments are applied both to the early history of constitutional developments in the United States and to contemporary transitions from autocratic regimes to market democracies. A subsidiary claim is that (...)
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  42.  38
    Deliberative Democracy.Russell Hardin - 2009 - In Thomas Christiano & John Philip Christman (eds.), Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 229–246.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Participatory Democracy Social Capital and Participatory Democracy Ideal Theory Deliberative Democracy Audience Democracy Corporate Democracy Normative Claims for Democracy Concluding Remarks Notes References.
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  43. Established theories.Fritz Rohrlich & Larry Hardin - 1983 - Philosophy of Science 50 (4):603-617.
    Criteria are given to characterize mature theories in contradistinction to developing theories. We lean heavily on the physical sciences. An established theory is defined as a mature one with known validity limits. The approximate truth of such theories is thereby given a quantitative character. Superseding theories do not falsify established theories because the latter are protected by their validity limits. This view of scientific realism leads to ontological levels and cumulativity of knowledge. It is applied to a defense of realism (...)
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  44. Introduction.Russell Hardin & John J. Mearsheimer - 1985 - Ethics 95 (3):411-423.
  45.  73
    7 Color Qualities and the Physical World.C. L. Hardin - 2008 - In Edmond Leo Wright (ed.), The Case for Qualia. MIT Press. pp. 143.
  46. (1 other version)Physiology, phenomenology, and Spinoza's true colors.Clyde L. Hardin - 1992 - In Ansgar Beckermann, Hans Flohr & Jaegwon Kim (eds.), Emergence or Reduction?: Prospects for Nonreductive Physicalism. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 201-219.
  47.  15
    Stanford Studies in Language and Literature: 1941.Hardin Craig - 1942 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 2 (5):64-65.
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  48. Citizens' knowledge, politicians' duplicity.Russell Hardin - 2007 - In Albert Breton (ed.), The economics of transparency in politics. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate.
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  49. Color relativity and human nature.Larry Hardin - 1999 - Anthropology and Philosophy 3 (2).
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    Fourteen. Group Boundaries, Individual Barriers.Russell Hardin - 2001 - In David Miller & Sohail H. Hashmi (eds.), Boundaries and Justice: Diverse Ethical Perspectives. Princeton University Press. pp. 276-295.
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