Results for 'Lisa Rumiel'

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  1.  23
    Robert A. Jacobs. The Dragon's Tail: Americans Face the Atomic Age. xii + 151 pp., illus., index. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2010. $24.95 ; $80. [REVIEW]Lisa Rumiel - 2011 - Isis 102 (2):378-379.
  2. French theory' goes to France : trouble dans le genre and 'materialist' feminism : a conversation manqué.Lisa Jane Disch - 2008 - In Terrell Carver & Samuel Allen Chambers (eds.), Judith Butler's precarious politics: critical encounters. New York: Routledge.
  3.  15
    Does a Low-Cost Act of Support Produce Slacktivism or Commitment? Prosocial and Impression-Management Motives as Moderators.Lisa Selma Moussaoui, Jerome Blondé, Tiffanie Phung, Kim Marine Tschopp & Olivier Desrichard - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Increase or decrease in subsequent action following a low-cost act of support for a cause can be predicted from both commitment theory and the slacktivism effect. In this paper, we report on three studies that tested type of motivation as a moderator of the effect of an initial act of support [wearing a badge and writing a slogan ] has on support for blood donation. Small-scale meta-analysis performed on data from the three studies shows that activating prosocial motivation generally leads (...)
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    Limits of remote working: the ethical challenges in conducting Mental Health Act assessments during COVID-19.Lisa Schölin, Moira Connolly, Graham Morgan, Laura Dunlop, Mayura Deshpande & Arun Chopra - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (9):603-607.
    COVID-19 has created additional challenges in mental health services, including the impact of social distancing measures on care and treatment. For situations where a detention under mental health legislation is required to keep an individual safe, psychiatrists may consider whether to conduct an assessment in person or using video technology. The Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 does not stipulate that an assessment has to be conducted in person. Yet, the Code of Practice envisions that detention assessments would (...)
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    Movement Matters! Understanding the Developmental Trajectory of Embodied Planning.Lisa Musculus, Azzurra Ruggeri & Markus Raab - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Human motor skills are exceptional compared to other species, no less than their cognitive skills. In this perspective paper, we suggest that “movement matters!,” implying that motor development is a crucial driving force of cognitive development, much more impactful than previously acknowledged. Thus, we argue that to fully understand and explain developmental changes, it is necessary to consider the interaction of motor and cognitive skills. We exemplify this argument by introducing the concept of “embodied planning,” which takes an embodied cognition (...)
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    Open questions and a proposal: A critical review of the evidence on infant numerical abilities.Lisa Cantrell & Linda B. Smith - 2013 - Cognition 128 (3):331-352.
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    Citizen-soldiers or Warriors.Lisa M. Mundey - 2008 - Semiotics:130-139.
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    Travel as Metaphor: From Montaigne to Rousseau (review).Lisa Neal - 1993 - Philosophy and Literature 17 (1):134-136.
  9.  19
    Kommentar I zum Fall „Ablehnung eines Herzunterstützungssystems“: Behandlungsplanung, das gute Leben und die Frage nach der rechten Zeit.Lisa Nebel & Lena Stange - 2023 - Ethik in der Medizin 35 (1):129-132.
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    Virtue and Role.Lisa Newton - 1992 - Business Ethics Quarterly 2 (3):357-365.
    Robert Solomon has usefully set forth the outlines of an ontology of ethics for the employee. I seize upon three of the insights in his paper-specifically, relating to employee role, social nature, and virtue-and develop them along Aristotelean lines, showing along the way how classic "dilemmas" of the business ethics literature can be recast as problems of employee character and virtue.
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    Raising the Stakes in the Ultimatum Game: Experimental Evidence from Indonesia, 37 ECON.Lisa A. Cameron - 1999 - Economic Inquiry 37 (1).
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    Domain-specific and domain-general processes underlying metacognitive judgments.Lisa M. Fitzgerald, Mahnaz Arvaneh & Paul M. Dockree - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49:264-277.
  13. Rebuttal analogy and need for cognition individual differences and rebuttal analogy in persuasive messages: Effect of need for cognition.Bryan B. Whaley, Lisa Smith Wagner, Kathleen E. Cook & Natalie Jeha - 2002 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 35 (3-4):193-209.
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    Familial Coercion to Participate in Genetic Family Studies: Is There Cause for IRB Intervention?Lisa S. Parker & Charles W. Lidz - 1994 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 16 (1/2):6.
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    Genetics, commodification, and social justice in the globalization era.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2001 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11 (3):221-238.
    : he commercialization of biotechnology, especially research and development by transnational pharmaceutical companies, is already excessive and is increasingly dangerous to distributive justice, human rights, and access of marginal populations to basic human goods. Focusing on gene patenting, this article employs the work of Margaret Jane Radin and others to argue that gene patenting ought to be more highly regulated and that it ought to be regulated with international participation and in view of concerns about solidarity and the common good. (...)
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    Under duress: Community and individual as solace and escape in the Middle East.Lisa Anderson - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (4):512-521.
    Examination of the fluidity of communal and individual identity in the Middle East and North Africa suggests that such identities are not stable, singular or mutually exclusive but shaped by circumstances, particularly political and economic duress. An approach that adopts the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics may be more productive in understanding identity politics in the region and in general.
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  17.  56
    The DSM, big pharma, and clinical practice guidelines: Protecting patient autonomy and informed consent.Lisa Cosgrove - 2011 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 4 (1):11-25.
    The author of this paper discusses why the issue of financial conflicts of interest in psychiatry has important public health implications for women and why FCOI complicate the informed consent process. For example, when psychiatric diagnostic and treatment guidelines are unduly influenced by industry, informed consent becomes a critical issue, because women may be assigned diagnostic labels that are not valid and may also be receiving imbalanced or even inaccurate information about their mental health treatment options. However, mere disclosure of (...)
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  18.  60
    Lorenzo valla and the intellectual origins of humanist dialectic.Lisa Jardine - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (2):143-164.
  19.  13
    Watersheds: Classic Cases in Environmental Ethics.Lisa H. Newton & Catherine K. Dillingham - 1994
    A casebook in environmental ethics that presents the classic cases with adequate detail so the students experience real situations in order to learn how serious and complex the issues are. The authors present a balanced, impartial account of these events that will interest and challenge students.
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  20.  53
    Renegotiating Aquinas.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2015 - Journal of Religious Ethics 43 (2):193-217.
    While Roman Catholic feminist ethicists typically endorse moral realism and crosscultural standards of justice, they also have been influenced by the postmodern interrogation of abstract reason and moral universalism. As theologians writing after the Second Vatican Council, they are increasingly sensitive to the communal and ecclesial dimensions of morality and of Christian ethics, and to the integral relation of Christian faith and ethics. This essay will consider two approaches to Catholic feminist ethics that differ in the relative weight they give (...)
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  21.  88
    The Outward and Inward Beauty of Early Modern Women.Lisa Shapiro - 2013 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 138 (3):327-346.
    I explore some early modern philosophical thought about the relation of beauty and wisdom, a theme first expressed in Plato's Symposium. The thinkers I consider most centrally are two women, Lucrezia Marinella and Mary Astell, though I also consider the writers Aphra Behn and Sarah Scott. While women in particular might have a special interest in appropriating the Platonic image of the ladder of desire, this ought not to be conceived as a 'women's issue'. Rather, I suggest, this strand of (...)
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  22. The Metaphysics of Gender and Sexual Difference.Jean Keller & Lisa Schwartzman - unknown
    “It is certainly true, as nominalists have been concerned to acknowledge, that judgements about kinds are determined in part by human interests, projects, and practices. But the possibility that human interests, projects, and practices sometimes develop as they do because the real (physical or social) world is as it is suggests that this sort of dependence is not by itself an argument against essentialism.” -Susan Babbitt (1996, 146).
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  23.  13
    Das Böse als Vollzug menschlicher Freiheit: die Neuausrichtung idealistischer Systemphilosophie in Schellings Freiheitsschrift.Lisa Egloff - 2016 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Das Bose ist die zentrale Herausforderung fur das Denken der Freiheit. Die vorliegende Studie rekonstruiert historisch versiert den Problemzusammenhang von Freiheit und Notwendigkeit im Deutschen Idealismus und prazisiert den systematischen Losungsansatz Schellings um das Jahr 1809. Diese Neuinterpretation der Freiheitsschrift berucksichtigt auch die theologischen Fragen und die im Hintergrund wirksame Tradition des (Neu-)Platonismus.
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  24. Building Better Societies: Promoting Social Justice in a World Falling Apart.Rowland Atkinson, Lisa Mckenzie & Simon Winlow - 2017
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  25. Living, local, wild waters : into baptismal reality.Lisa E. Dahill - 2018 - In Trevor George Hunsberger Bechtel, Matthew Eaton & Timothy Harvie (eds.), Encountering earth: thinking theologically with a more-than-human world. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
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  26. Critical Indigenous Philosophy: Disciplinary Challenges Posed by African and Native American Epistemologies.Jennifer Lisa Vest - 2000 - Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley
    In this thesis, I examine recent proposals for the creation of African and Native American forms of Indigenous philosophy and show how the discussions and debates in these fields challenge the disciplinary boundaries of modern Academic Western philosophy. With regard to African philosophy, I critique the debates in the Anglophone literature, teasing out those aspects of the debates which pose substantial epistemological challenges to mainstream [Western] philosophy, focusing, in particular, on assumptions about the intersections between philosophy, culture, science, and universality (...)
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    On the potentials of interaction breakdowns for HRI.Britta Wrede, Anna-Lisa Vollmer & Sören Krach - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e49.
    How do we switch between “playing along” and treating robots as technical agents? We propose interaction breakdowns to help solve this “social artifact puzzle”: Breaks cause changes from fluid interaction to explicit reasoning and interaction with the raw artifact. These changes are closely linked to understanding the technical architecture and could be used to design better human–robot interaction (HRI).
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    The State of Elementary Social Studies Teaching in One Urban District.Joyce H. Burstein, Lisa A. Hutton & Reagan Curtis - 2006 - Journal of Social Studies Research 30 (1).
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  29.  66
    The Origin of Professionalism.Lisa Newton - 1982 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 1 (4):33-43.
  30.  71
    Automatic Sleep Spindle Detection and Genetic Influence Estimation Using Continuous Wavelet Transform.Marek Adamczyk, Lisa Genzel, Martin Dresler, Axel Steiger & Elisabeth Friess - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  31.  66
    Higher-Order Beliefs and the Undermining Problem for Bayesianism.Lisa Cassell - 2019 - Acta Analytica 34 (2):197-213.
    Jonathan Weisberg has argued that Bayesianism’s rigid updating rules make Bayesian updating incompatible with undermining defeat. In this paper, I argue that when we attend to the higher-order beliefs we must ascribe to agents in the kinds of cases Weisberg considers, the problem he raises disappears. Once we acknowledge the importance of higher-order beliefs to the undermining story, we are led to a different understanding of how these cases arise. And on this different understanding of things, the rigid nature of (...)
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  32.  41
    Metacognitive Control and Optimal Learning.Lisa K. Son & Rajiv Sethi - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (4):759-774.
    The notion of optimality is often invoked informally in the literature on metacognitive control. We provide a precise formulation of the optimization problem and show that optimal time allocation strategies depend critically on certain characteristics of the learning environment, such as the extent of time pressure, and the nature of the uptake function. When the learning curve is concave, optimality requires that items at lower levels of initial competence be allocated greater time. On the other hand, with logistic learning curves, (...)
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  33.  60
    The Declaration of Helsinki through a feminist lens.Lisa Eckenwiler, Dafna Feinholz, Carolyn Ells & Toby Schonfeld - 2008 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 1 (1):161-177.
    This commentary was submitted to the World Medical Association on behalf of the International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. Our submission included a description of feminist research ethics, suggestions for specific revisions to the Declaration, and elements found in other international research ethics codes that are important from a feminist perspective. Our goals were to encourage the WMA to craft a declaration that: conceptualizes issues of vulnerability in richer and more nuanced ways, resists the influence of profit motives, and (...)
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    Biotech and Justice: Catching up with the Real World Order.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (5):34-44.
    Social policy questions in the U.S. are often framed in terms of individual rights, valorizing individual freedom and self‐determination. But this focus obscures the social and economic bases of health and disease. U.S. bioethics, as its counterparts in Africa and Asia have done, needs to restructure its philosophical framework and expand its moral criteria to consider how to define a global ethics.
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    Applied Ethics: Premises and Promises of the Discipline.Lisa H. Newton - 1988 - Philosophy in Context 18:9-18.
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  36.  8
    But Can It Travel?Lisa H. Newton - 2003 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 1 (4):46-53.
    Since the traumas of the last quarter of the 20th century forced all professions into the light of public scrutiny, we have seen the destruction of the parochial boundaries of the ethical understandings of the past, and the development of a cosmopolitan professional ethics. It is now understood that we have to have an ethics that travels well, whose principles operate with equal force and plausibility in all disciplines. Without good passports, principles become locked into their own disciplines, Ethics as (...)
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    Civilizing the Economy, by Marvin Brown. Cambridge University Press, 2010.Lisa Newton - 2012 - Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (3):597-600.
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    Dentists and Pseudo-Patients: Further Meditations on Deception in Research.Lisa H. Newton - 1982 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 4 (8):6.
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  39. Gambling: Some Afterthoughts.Lisa H. Newton - 2003 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 17 (1):29-31.
    This article responds to the preceding papers by Fletcher and Pasternack. Accepting Fletcher’s virtue-based approach as a useful starting point, it suggests the need for more careful philosophical work on the morality of gambling.
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    Index.Lisa H. Newton - 2005 - In Business Ethics and the Natural Environment. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 253–259.
    This chapter contains section titled: Useful Anthologies Introduction 1 Ethics: Terms and Forms of Reasoning 2 From Ethics to Business Ethics 3 From Ethics to Environmental Ethics 4 The Law and the Natural Environment 5 Green Strategies and New Opportunities 6 Globalizing: Environmental Problems Abroad 7 The Role of Civil Society Organizations 8 Sustainability: The New Directions For Business.
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  41.  56
    Our Flag is Still There.Lisa Newton - 2002 - Teaching Ethics 2 (2):85-88.
  42.  29
    (1 other version)Philosophy and civil law.Lisa H. Newton - 1975 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 49:208-217.
  43.  21
    (2 other versions)Special Issue on: Environmental Sustainability and Business: Crisis or Opportunity?Lisa Newton, Dror Etzion, Andreas Rasche & Douglas Schuler - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (1):159-161.
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  44.  42
    The Borrowed Syllabus.Lisa Newton - 1984 - Teaching Philosophy 7 (3):236-239.
  45.  25
    The Irrelevance of Religion in the Abortion Debate.Lisa Newton - 1978 - Hastings Center Report 8 (4):16-17.
  46.  36
    The Turn to the Local.Lisa H. Newton - 2002 - Business Ethics Quarterly 12 (4):505-526.
    It is not too early to suggest that the attempts to place medical care in private hands (through group insurance arrangements) has not fulfilled its promise—or better, the promises that were made for it. Yet history has not been kind to plans to make government the single payer, and the laudable progress in medical technology has placed high-technology medical care beyond the reach of most privatebudgets. In this paper I suggest that the major problem of the U.S. health care system (...)
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    The Role of Socially Embedded Concepts in Breast Cancer Screening: An Empirical Study with Australian Experts.Lisa M. Parker & Stacy M. Carter - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (3):276-289.
    It is not clear whether breast cancer screening is a public health intervention or an individual clinical service. The question is important because the concepts best suited for ethical reasoning in public health might be different to the concepts commonly employed in biomedical ethics. We consider it likely that breast screening has elements of a public health intervention and used an empirical ethics approach to explore this further. If breast screening has public health characteristics, it is probable that policy and (...)
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    Transgender experience and identity.Lisa M. Diamond, Seth T. Pardo & Molly R. Butterworth - 2011 - In Seth J. Schwartz, Koen Luyckx & Vivian L. Vignoles (eds.), Handbook of identity theory and research. New York: Springer Science+Business Media. pp. 629--647.
  49.  13
    The medical record.Lisa Robin Rittel - 1989 - Journal of Medical Humanities 10 (2):91-92.
  50. "Playing God": Religious symbols in public places.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 1995 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 20 (4):341-346.
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