Results for 'Lincoln Geraghty'

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  1. The Letters of Lincoln Steffens.Lincoln Steffens, Ella Winter & Granville Hicks - 1939 - Science and Society 3 (1):113-115.
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    The right way to live: Plato's Republic for Catholic students.Richard P. Geraghty - 2021 - St. Louis, MO: En Route Books & Media, LLC..
    Plato's philosophical dialogues provide a solid understanding of Catholic moral principles. Geraghty shows within the pages of this short book how the truths of the old sage are both delightfully and challengingly perennial.
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    Wandering in the Ruler's Cage: Zhuangzi as a Political Philosopher.Lincoln Rathnam - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (4):1076-1097.
    The political upheavals of China's Warring States period proved to be intellectually fertile, giving rise to one of history's greatest flowerings of political philosophy. The most eminent thinkers of the day sought to articulate models for good government amidst the ruins of the Zhou dynasty. Zhuangzi, on the other hand, appears to many readers to eschew these political questions. In this article, however, I contend that the Zhuangzi has a more practical political teaching than has often been appreciated. It is (...)
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    An Invitation to Recover Our Imaginations.James William Lincoln - 2023 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 7 (1):125-131.
    Review: Brandon Absher, The Rise of Neoliberal Philosophy: Human Capital, Profitable Knowledge, and the Love of Wisdom (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2021), 196 pages./ This review explores Brandon Absher’s (2021) The Rise of Neoliberal Philosophy: Human Capital, Profitable Knowledge, and the Love of Wisdom. Rise offers an accessible breakdown of Neoliberalism, its cultivation of the Neoliberal University, an argument for the claim that academic philosophy has contracted neoliberal predilections, and some thoughts about what should be done as a result. The (...)
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    Deleuze ond Comus: Stronge Encounters.Lisso Lincoln - 2012 - In Laurent de Sutter & Kyle McGee (eds.), Deleuze and Law. Deleuze Connections. pp. 169.
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    Learning a rate of movement.Robert S. Lincoln - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (6):465.
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    Linear logic proof games and optimization.Patrick D. Lincoln, John C. Mitchell & Andre Scedrov - 1996 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 (3):322-338.
    § 1. Introduction. Perhaps the most surprising recent development in complexity theory is the discovery that the class NP can be characterized using a form of randomized proof checker that only examines a constant number of bits of the “proof” that a string is in a language [6, 5, 31, 3, 4]. More specifically, writing ∣x∣ for the length of a string x, a language L in the class NP of languages recognizable in Nondeterministic polynomial time is traditionally given by (...)
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  8. The problems of evil and suffering [Book Review].Lincoln Rice - 2013 - The Australasian Catholic Record 90 (2):251.
    Rice, Lincoln Review of: The problems of evil and suffering, by John Cowburn , pp. 264.
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    Holy Terrors: Thinking About Religion After September 11.Bruce Lincoln - 2002 - University of Chicago Press.
    It is tempting to regard the perpetrators of the September 11th terrorist attacks as evil incarnate. But their motives, as Bruce Lincoln’s acclaimed Holy Terrors makes clear, were profoundly and intensely religious. Thus what we need after the events of 9/11, Lincoln argues, is greater clarity about what we take religion to be. Holy Terrors begins with a gripping dissection of the instruction manual given to each of the 9/11 hijackers. In their evocation of passages from the Quran, (...)
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  10. Epistemic injustice in healthcare encounters: evidence from chronic fatigue syndrome.Havi Carel, Charlotte Blease & Keith Geraghty - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (8):549-557.
    Chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis remains a controversial illness category. This paper surveys the state of knowledge and attitudes about this illness and proposes that epistemic concerns about the testimonial credibility of patients can be articulated using Miranda Fricker’s concept of epistemic injustice. While there is consensus within mainstream medical guidelines that there is no known cause of CFS/ME, there is continued debate about how best to conceive of CFS/ME, including disagreement about how to interpret clinical studies of treatments. (...)
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    The Person and the Common Good.Lincoln Reis, Jacques Maritain & John J. Fitzgerald - 1949 - Philosophical Review 58 (4):376.
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    An Epiphany in Munich.Lincoln Perry - 2019 - Arion 27 (1):155-163.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:An Epiphany in Munich LINCOLN PERRY W hen I used to say the sentence (softly and to myself ) “I hate palms” or “Palms are not beautiful; possibly they are not even trees,” it was a composite palm that I had somehow succeeded in making without even ever having seen, close up, many particular instances. Conversely, when I now say, “Palms are beautiful,” or “I love palms,” it (...)
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    Ahimsa and Aang's Dilemma.James William Lincoln - 2022 - In Helen De Cruz & Johan De Smedt (eds.), Avatar: The Last Airbender and Philosophy: Wisdom From Aang to Zuko. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 235–241.
    As Avatar: The Last Airbender concludes, Aang faces an ethical challenge. Philosopher Terrance McConnell notes that many people think of ethical dilemmas as occurring when a person “regards herself as having moral reasons to do each of two actions, but doing both actions is not possible”. Air Nomads live a quasi‐monastic life of non‐attachment, peace, and freedom. Aang, as an Air Nomad, is generally portrayed as deeply compassionate, even as he struggles with having to grow up in wartime. In contrast (...)
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    Entrainment and motor emulation approaches to joint action: Alternatives or complementary approaches?Lincoln J. Colling & Kellie Williamson - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  15. Kāiʼnāt aur Ḍākṭar Āʼīnshṭāʼin.Lincoln Barnett - 1961 - Lāhaur: Majlis-i Tarraqī-i Adab, bih ishtirāk Maktabah-yi Frainklin. Edited by Āftāb Ḥasan.
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    Aborto de fetos anencéfalos.Lincoln Frias & Telma Birchal - 2009 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 8 (1):19-30.
    Para abordar a questão moral do aborto de fetos sem cérebro, inicialmente são apresentados e considerados insatisfatórios dois argumentos que defendem a punição para a gestante que aborta: a sacralidade da vida e a atribuição ao feto do caráter de “pessoa”. Em seguida, são apresentados e considerados satisfatórios quatro argumentos contra a punição da gestante: a morte certa do feto, o caráter terapêutico e não-eugênico do aborto, o sofrimento, sem fi nalidade evidente, dos envolvidos na situação e o direito da (...)
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    A seleção genética de Embriões deve ser proibida por ofender os portadores de deficiência?/Should Genetic selection be prohibited because it offends people with disabilities?Lincoln Frias & Telma de Sousa Birchal - 2012 - Pensando: Revista de Filosofia 3 (5):100-109.
    A seleção genética de embriões humanos algumas vezes é criticada porque se considera que de alguma maneira ela possa prejudicar os portadores de deficiências que já existem. O artigo defende que essa crítica é injustificada. A primeira seção apresenta as questões morais colocadas pelos portadores de deficiências. Em seguida, são apresentados os três argumentos contra a seleção de embriões baseados nos direitos dos portadores de deficiências – o Argumento do Apoio Social, o Argumento da Diversidade e o Argumento da Ofensa. (...)
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    Some remarks on the method of history.Lincoln Reis & Paul Oskar Kristeller - 1943 - Journal of Philosophy 40 (9):225-245.
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    Introduction to symposium on labor, gender and new sources of agrarian change.Lincoln Addison & Matthew Schnurr - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (4):961-965.
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    Linearizing intuitionistic implication.Patrick Lincoln, Andre Scedrov & Natarajan Shankar - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 60 (2):151-177.
    An embedding of the implicational propositional intuitionistic logic into the nonmodal fragment of intuitionistic linear logic is given. The embedding preserves cut-free proofs in a proof system that is a variant of IIL. The embedding is efficient and provides an alternative proof of the PSPACE-hardness of IMALL. It exploits several proof-theoretic properties of intuitionistic implication that analyze the use of resources in IIL proofs.
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    Responsabilidade moral depois da neurociência.Lincoln Frias - 2013 - Filosofia Unisinos 14 (1).
    Moral responsibility is centered on the idea that, given some conditions, people deserve blame or credit, punishment or reward. At least according to traditional readings, moral responsibility presupposes free will, understood as the ability to choose independently of previous events. The achievements of neuroscience in recent decades make a very good case for the hypothesis that the mind is a material entity, a subset of the electrochemical activity of the brain. However, if the mind is a material entity, then it (...)
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  22. Resposta à resenha de a ética do uso E da seleção de embriões feita Por Krause & merlussi.Lincoln Frias & Telma Birchal - 2014 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 19 (1):247-256.
    Krause & Merlussi criticized the book The Ethics of the Use and Selection of Human Embryos mainly for the low level of formalization of its arguments and for other logical features. This text answers these comments by accepting some of its terminological rectifications, but also pointing that some of those criticisms are considered unnecessary requirements by the practical ethics literature.
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    The Cognitive Psychology of the Potentiality Argument.Lincoln Frias & Noel Struchiner - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (1):36-38.
    This short commentary argues that the potentiality argument against abortion derives its appeal from features embedded in our cognitive structure.
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    »Das Nichts, das alles zur Erscheinung kommen lässt«. Sören Kierkegaards Begriff des Anlasses und seine hermeneutische Relevanz für die Theologie.Ulrich Lincoln - 2009 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 51 (2):145-166.
    ZUSAMMENFASSUNGDer Anlass ist ein hermeneutisch wie rhetorisch-homiletisch bedeutsames Phänomen, das jedoch meistens übersehen wird und auch in praktisch-theologischen Diskursen oftmals ungeklärt bleibt. Zur Klärung dieses Phänomens zieht der Aufsatz die Analysen Sören Kierkegaards heran. Kierkegaard entwickelt in mehreren Texten eine dichte Beschreibung des Anlasses und zeigt seine hermeneutische Bedeutung auf allen Ebenen: für die ästhetische Expressivität, für die ethische Reflexivität und für eine christliche Semiotik. Kierkegaards Analysen helfen dabei, sich von einem objektivistischen Verständnis des Anlasses zu verabschieden und ihn stattdessen (...)
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    Glauben und Hoffen als Handlungen.Ulrich Lincoln - 1998 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 1998 (1):77-92.
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  26. University of Nebraska.Lincoln Robert Audi - 1995 - In Robert Audi (ed.), The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. New York City: Cambridge University Press.
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    Moral responsibility after neuroscience.Lincoln Frias - 2013 - Filosofia Unisinos 14 (1).
    Moral responsibility is centered on the idea that, given some conditions, people deserve blame or credit, punishment or reward. At least according to traditional readings, moral responsibility presupposes free will, understood as the ability to choose independently of previous events. The achievements of neuroscience in recent decades make a very good case for the hypothesis that the mind is a material entity, a subset of the electrochemical activity of the brain. However, if the mind is a material entity, then it (...)
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    Äusserung: Studien zum Handlungsbegriff in Søren Kierkegaards Die Taten der Liebe.Ulrich Lincoln - 2000 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Der Autor rekonstruiert den Kierkegaardschen Handlungsbegriff und die begriffliche Grundlage seiner theologischen Ethik anhand einer textnahen Interpretation der großen Schrift Die Taten der Liebe aus dem Jahre 1847. Es wird der Versuch unternommen, die begriffliche Struktur von Kierkegaards Verständnis menschlichen Handelns herauszuarbeiten und zugleich auf Positionen gegenwärtiger philosophischer sowie theologischer Handlungstheorien zu beziehen. Als zentral für diesen Handlungsbegriff erweist sich die Kategorie des Expressiven.
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    Basic concepts in the plastic arts.Lincoln Rothschild - 1935 - Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):29-43.
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    PHIlosoPHy AND THe wesleyAN VIsIoN.Lincoln Stevens - 2011 - Telos: The Destination for Nazarene Higher Education 1.
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    Decision problems for propositional linear logic.Patrick Lincoln, John Mitchell, Andre Scedrov & Natarajan Shankar - 1992 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 56 (1-3):239-311.
    Linear logic, introduced by Girard, is a refinement of classical logic with a natural, intrinsic accounting of resources. This accounting is made possible by removing the ‘structural’ rules of contraction and weakening, adding a modal operator and adding finer versions of the propositional connectives. Linear logic has fundamental logical interest and applications to computer science, particularly to Petri nets, concurrency, storage allocation, garbage collection and the control structure of logic programs. In addition, there is a direct correspondence between polynomial-time computation (...)
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  32. A reply to dr. white.Lincoln Reis & Paul Oskar Kristeller - 1943 - Journal of Philosophy 40 (12):319-320.
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    The Constructivist Credo.Yvonna S. Lincoln & Egon G. Guba - 2013 - Left Coast Press.
    The Constructivist Credo is a set of foundational principles for those wishing to conduct social science research within the constructivist paradigm. They were distilled by Yvonna Lincoln and Egon Guba from their many writings on this topic and are provided in the form of 150 propositional statements. After Guba’s death in 2008, the Credo was completed by Lincoln and is presented here. In addition to the key principles of constructivist thought, the volume also contains an introduction to constructivism, (...)
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    The grammar of mathematics.Lincoln K. Durst - 1969 - Reading, Mass.,: Addison-Wesley.
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    (1 other version)The Intentionality and Textuality of Listening: The Phenomenological Basis of Hermeneutical Theology.Ulrich Lincoln - 2019 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 52 (4):1-11.
    The article argues that theological hermeneutics by its own standards requires a theological understanding of the act of human listening. Based upon a phenomenological approach to this act, and dra...
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  36. The predicables and the predicaments in the Totius summa logicae Aristotelis.Lincoln Reis - 1936 - [New York,: Albee Press].
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    (1 other version)O comunismo histórico: idéia de revolução no século XX.Lincoln Secco - 2008 - Diálogos (Maringa) 12 (2-3).
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    (1 other version)The universe and Dr. Einstein.Lincoln Barnett - 1948 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications.
  39. al-ʻĀlam wa-Aīnishtaīn.Lincoln Barnett - 1955 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Maʻārif. Edited by Muḥammad ʻĀṭif Barqūqī.
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    O argumento do valor intrínseco da vida humana contra a morte de embriões humanos.Lincoln Frias - 2012 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 11 (3):239-259.
    Normalmente se argumenta contra o descarte de embriões humanos defendendo a atribuição de direito à vida a eles. No entanto, os argumentos apresentados com esse intuito não têm sido bem sucedidos. Uma alternativa é dizer que o erro moral em matar embriões humanos é desrespeitar o valor intrínseco da vida humana. Esse artigo apresenta essa proposta e aponta suas deficiências. A conclusão é que, caso a vida dos embriões humanos contenham algum tipo de valor intrínseco, ele é insignificante porque não (...)
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    Computational Aspects of Linear Logic.Patrick Lincoln - 1995 - MIT Press.
  42. FA Hayek, from The Constitution of Liberty (1960).Abraham Lincoln - 2007 - In Ian Carter, Matthew H. Kramer & Hillel Steiner (eds.), Freedom: a philosophical anthology. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 104.
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    Preferred patterns of motor and verbal responses.Robert S. Lincoln & Lawrence T. Alexander - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 50 (2):106.
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    The use of paradigmatic research: The model of a perfect world according to Targum Qohelet.Lawrence Lincoln - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4):9.
    The purpose of this study is to identify and explain a religious paradigm in Targum Qohelet (TgQoh). Targum Qohelet is dated to a period between 500 CE and 1101 CE. This study concludes that the most probable setting for this Targum was the beit midrash (the house of study). A paradigmatic research approach is used to identify the range of translation components to explain the translation method employed in TgQoh and the rationale behind it. This research approach reveals how the (...)
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  45. Style in Art the Dynamics of Art as Cultural Expression.Lincoln Rothschild - 1960 - T. Yoseloff.
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  46. Statistical Inference and the Replication Crisis.Lincoln J. Colling & Dénes Szűcs - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 12 (1):121-147.
    The replication crisis has prompted many to call for statistical reform within the psychological sciences. Here we examine issues within Frequentist statistics that may have led to the replication crisis, and we examine the alternative—Bayesian statistics—that many have suggested as a replacement. The Frequentist approach and the Bayesian approach offer radically different perspectives on evidence and inference with the Frequentist approach prioritising error control and the Bayesian approach offering a formal method for quantifying the relative strength of evidence for hypotheses. (...)
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  47. Letters pro and con.Lincoln Rothschild, Helmut Hungerland, D. Zwemmer & Juergen Schulz - 1963 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 22 (1):71-73.
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    Mormon Transhumanism.Lincoln Cannon - 2022 - In Arvin M. Gouw, Brian Patrick Green & Ted Peters (eds.), Religious Transhumanism and Its Critics. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 53-74.
    Mormon Transhumanism is the idea that humanity should learn how to be compassionate creators. This idea is essential to Mormonism, which provides a religious framework consistent with naturalism and supportive of human transformation. Mormon Transhumanists are not limited to traditional or popular accounts of religion, and embrace opportunities and risks of technological evolution. Although usually considered secular, Transhumanism originates partly in religious Humanism and sometimes functions as religion. Accelerating change contextualizes Mormon Transhumanist narratives, which illustrate parallels between Mormonism and Transhumanism. (...)
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    The bioethicist as public intellectual.Kayhan P. Parsi & Karen E. Geraghty - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (1):17 – 23.
    Public intellectuals have long played a role in American culture, filling the gap between the academic elite and the educated public. According to some commentators, the role of the public intellectual has undergone a steady decline for the past several decades, being replaced by the academic expert. The most notable cause of this decline has been both the growth of the academy in the twentieth century,which has served to concentrate intellectual activity within its confines, and the changing nature of the (...)
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    Growing burdens? Disease-resistant genetically modified bananas and the potential gendered implications for labor in Uganda.Lincoln Addison & Matthew Schnurr - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (4):967-978.
    How will the adoption of genetically modified staple crops reconfigure labor processes in Sub-Saharan Africa? This article focuses on Uganda, where GM varieties of matooke, the country’s primary carbohydrate staple, are expected to be commercialized within the next few years. The paper draws on survey data and focus groups with a random sample of over one hundred and fifty growers to investigate the potential ways a variety engineered to be resistant to banana bacterial wilt might impact labor dynamics. A BBW (...)
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