Results for 'Libor Kupka'

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  1.  15
    Investigating growth models with linearization domain analysis and residual analysis.Jaroslav Marek, Alena Pozdílková & Libor Kupka - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (4):739-750.
    Growth modelling is of interest to scientists in various disciplines. In our article, we will collect 17 models designed for growth modelling, appraise these models and contribute to the discussion of their applicability. The merit of the paper lies in studying the convergence properties of nonlinear regression in selected models. Our studies will be performed mainly concerning the quality of the obtained estimates, which are closely related to the intrinsic curvature of the model according to Bates and Watts. This curvature (...)
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    Equations in oligomorphic clones and the constraint satisfaction problem for ω-categorical structures.Libor Barto, Michael Kompatscher, Miroslav Olšák, Trung Van Pham & Michael Pinsker - 2019 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 19 (2):1950010.
    There exist two conjectures for constraint satisfaction problems of reducts of finitely bounded homogeneous structures: the first one states that tractability of the CSP of such a structure is, when the structure is a model-complete core, equivalent to its polymorphism clone satisfying a certain nontrivial linear identity modulo outer embeddings. The second conjecture, challenging the approach via model-complete cores by reflections, states that tractability is equivalent to the linear identities satisfied by its polymorphisms clone, together with the natural uniformity on (...)
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    Changing patterns of extramarital conceptions in the czech republic, 1960-93.Libor Stloukal - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (4):471-489.
    Patterns of reproduction associated with extramarital conception are examined using data on non-marital births, marital births occurring during less than 8 months after marriage, and spontaneous and induced abortions experienced by unmarried women. Trends in the incidence and demographic outcomes of conceptions resulting from extramarital coitus are analysed by means of age-specific probabilities of becoming pregnant outside marriage; and of terminating such a pregnancy by abortion, by legitimating it through marriage before confinement, or by having a baby while remaining unmarried. (...)
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    Fuzzy intensional semantics.Libor Běhounek & Ondrej Majer - 2018 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 28 (4):348-388.
    The study of weighted structures is one of the important trends in recent computer science. The aim of the article is to provide a weighted, many-valued version of classical intensional semantics formalised in the framework of higher-order fuzzy logics. We illustrate the apparatus on several variants of fuzzy S5-style modalities. The formalism is applicable to a broad array of weighted intensional notions, including alethic, epistemic, or probabilistic modalities, generalised quantifiers, counterfactual conditionals, dynamic and non-monotonic logics, and some more.
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    The Constraint Satisfaction Problem and Universal Algebra.Libor Barto - 2015 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 21 (3):319-337.
    This paper gives a brief survey of current research on the complexity of the constraint satisfaction problem over fixed constraint languages.
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    Erratum: Equations in oligomorphic clones and the constraint satisfaction problem for ω-categorical structures.Libor Barto, Michael Kompatscher, Miroslav Olšák, Trung Van Pham & Michael Pinsker - 2021 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 21 (2):2192001.
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Ahead of Print.
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    On the Relationship between the Natural Sciences and the Humanities: Brockman's Concept of the "Third Culture" and its Criticism.Libor Benda - 2015 - E-Logos 22 (2):19-29.
    Předmětem této studie je analýza jednoho z aktuálně předkládaných řešení tzv. problému dvou kultur, který roku 1959 formuloval Charles Percy Snow, a to tzv. třetí kultuře, kterou v polovině devadesátých let ve stejnojmenné práci představil John Brockman. Mým záměrem zde bude kriticky zhodnotit Brockmanovo pojetí "třetí kultury" a předložit argumenty ve prospěch tvrzení, že v souvislosti s ním ve skutečnosti nelze hovořit o řešení problému dvou kultur, ale jedná se naopak o názorný doklad přetrvávající existence a aktuálnosti tohoto problému. Pro (...)
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    Pohledem otevřít: Rozhledna jako specifický estetický objekt.Libor Drlík - 2007 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 44 (1-4):45-56.
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  9. (1 other version)Logica Yearbook 2003.Libor Behounek (ed.) - 2004
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  10. Věda jako „forma života“: kritérium demarkace jako praktický problém.Libor Benda - 2015 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 37 (4):429-452.
    Larry Laudan v článku z roku 1983 označil problém demarkace, tj. rozlišení „vědy" a „pseudovědy", za filosofický pseudoproblém, kterým není třeba se zabývat, a slova „vědecké" a „pseudovědecké" za prázdné pojmy, které můžeme z našeho slovníku zcela vyškrtnout. V předkládané studii zpochybňuji toto Laudanovo stanovisko a předkládám argumenty ve prospěch tvrzení, že 1) rozlišení vědy a pseudovědy představuje důležitý a aktuální problém, kterým je třeba se zabývat, a že 2) možný způsob řešení tohoto problému nabízejí současná sociální studia vědy. Jejich (...)
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  11. Věda, politika a problém dvou kultur: příspěvek k vnějším dějinám vzniku sociologie vědeckého poznání.Libor Benda - 2014 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 36 (2):181-209.
    Tématem studie je dosud neprobádaná oblast vnějších dějin vzniku sociologie vědeckého poznání. Jejím záměrem je analýza vnějších faktorů, které se podílely na vzniku této disciplíny, a to za účelem nalezení odpovědi na otázku, proč vznikla právě v sedmdesátých letech minulého století na Oddělení pro studium vědy při Edinburské univerzitě a právě v podobě tzv. silného programu sociologie vědění. Skrze postavu zakladatele edinburského Oddělení pro studium vědy C. H. Waddingtona se studie zaměřuje konkrétně na dvě epizody, a to na vznik politicky (...)
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  12. Historiografická metoda Thomase Kuhna a její význam z hlediska sociologie vědeckého poznání.Libor Benda - 2011 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 33 (3):445-468.
    Význam Thomase Kuhna z hlediska jeho vlivu na další vývoj představ o povaze vědy a konkrétně na vznik tzv. sociologie vědeckého poznání bývá dnes běžně spojován s jeho Strukturou vědeckých revolucí, zatímco jeho starším historickým pracím je v tomto ohledu jen zřídkakdy věnována pozornost. Příspěvek analyzuje právě tyto práce a pokouší se charakterizovat základní metodologické rysy Kuhnova přístupu k dějinám vědy, který je v nich uplatňován. Prostřednictvím jejich porovnání s metodologickými východisky rané sociologie vědeckého poznání se snaží zjistit, nakolik lze (...)
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    Comments on 'Fuzzy Logic and Higher-Order Vagueness' by Nicholas J.J. Smith.Libor Běhounek - 2011 - In Petr Cintula, Christian G. Fermüller, Lluis Godo & Petr Hájek, Understanding Vagueness: Logical, Philosophical, and Linguistic Perspectives. College Publications. pp. 21-8.
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  14. Fuzzification of Groenendijk-Stokhof Propositional Erotetic Logic.Libor Behounek - 2004 - Logique Et Analyse 47.
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    Poetyckie krajobrazy Wilhelma Przeczka.Libor Martinek - 2020 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 59 (4):147-157.
    Wilhelm Przeczek is a Polish writer who has lived in Karviná, the Czech Republic, since he was born in 1936. He is a member of a Polish minority and he has aimed his literary output at its members and at readers in Poland. Translations into the Czech language are aimed at readers in the Czech Republic. Having made a protest against the intervention of the Warsaw Pact armies into Czechoslovakia in August 1968, W. Przeczek was not allowed to publish and (...)
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    (1 other version)Die Willenstheorie des Descartes.Paul Kupka - 1897 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 10 (1-4):29-39.
  17. Experti a laici v demokratické společnosti: tři pohledy na problematiku demokratizace vědy.Libor Benda - 2015 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 37 (1):3-28.
    Studie věnuje pozornost problematice demokratizace vědy, v jejímž rámci zaujímá klíčové postavení otázka, v jaké míře a zda vůbec má mít široká veřejnost možnost zasahovat do vědní a výzkumné politiky a participovat na rozhodování v odborných záležitostech. První část studie je věnována představení dvou radikálně odlišných a vzájemně protichůdných pohledů na tuto problematiku, které byly rozpracovány v rámci poválečné filosofie vědy v dílech Michaela Polanyiho a Paula Feyerabenda a v různých podobách spolu soupeří dodnes. Tyto dva pohledy, jež nás staví (...)
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  18. Přezkoumání oprávněnosti Kuhnovy kritiky silného programu sociologie vědění.Libor Benda - 2012 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 34 (2):201-225.
    Thomas Kuhn ve svých pozdějších pracích ostře napadá tzv. silný program sociologie vědění a důsledně se vůči němu vymezuje. Tato skutečnost je zajímavá z toho důvodu, že představitelé silného programu se naopak ke Kuhnovi otevřeně hlásí a vydatně čerpají z jeho díla, neboť v něm spatřují řadu klíčových myšlenek, které implikují možnost sociologické analýzy vědeckého poznání. Cílem této studie je kriticky přezkoumat Kuhnovu kritiku silného programu a zhodnotit její oprávněnost. V první části je za tímto účelem nejprve rekonstruováno Kuhnovo pojetí (...)
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    Relevant Consequence Relations: An Invitation.Guillermo Badia, Libor Běhounek, Petr Cintula & Andrew Tedder - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (3):762-792.
    We generalize the notion of consequence relation standard in abstract treatments of logic to accommodate intuitions of relevance. The guiding idea follows the use criterion, according to which in order for some premises to have some conclusion(s) as consequence(s), the premises must each be used in some way to obtain the conclusion(s). This relevance intuition turns out to require not just a failure of monotonicity, but also a move to considering consequence relations as obtaining between multisets. We motivate and state (...)
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  20.  39
    A graded semantics for counterfactuals.Libor Běhounek & Ondrej Majer - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):11963-11994.
    This article presents an extension of Lewis’ analysis of counterfactuals to a graded framework. Unlike standard graded approaches, which use the probabilistic framework, we employ that of many-valued logics. Our principal goal is to provide an adequate analysis of the main background notion of Lewis’ approach—the one of the similarity of possible worlds. We discuss the requirements imposed on the analysis of counterfactuals by the imprecise character of similarity and concentrate in particular on robustness, i.e., the requirement that small changes (...)
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  21.  30
    Representing strategic games and their equilibria in many-valued logics.Libor Běhounek, Petr Cintula, Chris Fermüller & Tomáš Kroupa - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (3):238-267.
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    Special issue on vagueness.Rosanna Keefe & Libor Běhounek - 2008 - Studia Logica 90 (3):287-289.
  23.  37
    (1 other version)Feyerabend und Kant: Kann das gut gehen? Paul K. Feyerabends Naturphilosophie und Kants Polemik gegen den Dogmatismus. [REVIEW]Thomas Kupka - 2011 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 42 (2):399-409.
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    Agriculture, Trade and Sustainability.Erkan Rehber & Libor Grega - 2008 - The European Legacy 13 (4):463-479.
    In recent decades there has been growing concern about the combined undesired consequences of rapid economic growth, based on the free market movement, and developments in science and technology. This concern has placed the sustainable development concept on the world's agenda. The notion of sustainability, which originally referred mostly to the environmental consequences of human activities, along with their economic and social aspects, has been discussed not only at the national and the global levels but also in relation to particular (...)
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  25. Věda jako morální volba. [REVIEW]Libor Benda - 2017 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 39 (1):120-129.
    Recenze: Harry Collins & Robert Evans, Why Democracies Need Science. Cambridge: Polity Press 2017, viii + 194 pp.
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  26. Kuhnovské paradigma pro současnou filosofii vědy. [REVIEW]Libor Benda - 2013 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 35 (3):470-477.
    Recenze: K. Brad WRAY, Kuhn's Evolutionary Social Epistemology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011, xiv+229s.
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    Glossary of abbreviations used in this issue.Fha Federal Housing Authority, Freddie Mac & Libor London Interbank Offered Rate - 2009 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 21 (2):125-126.
    ABCP asset‐backed commercial paper ABS asset‐backed security ABX a source of price indices for MBSs and CDSs ARM adjustable‐rate mortgage B...
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    Designing digital tools for quality assurance in 24-hour home-care in Austria.Franz Werner, Elisabeth Haslinger-Baumann, Elisabeth Kupka-Klepsch & Carina Hauser - 2022 - Human Affairs 32 (2):213-227.
    The cost-effectiveness of 24-hour care makes it a major source of support for elderly people in need of home-based care in Austria. Language barriers, feelings of isolation when living with chronically ill people and a lack of adequate training and quality control create stressful working conditions for 24-hour caregivers in Austria, who mainly come from Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. The challenges not only affect the 24-hour caregivers themselves but also their clients, relatives and registered care agency nurses in care settings. (...)
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    Robust Stability of Fractional-Order Linear Time-Invariant Systems: Parametric versus Unstructured Uncertainty Models.Radek Matušů, Bilal Şenol & Libor Pekař - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
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    Gobernanza, riesgo y sistema financiero: el escándalo de la LIBOR.Javier García Fronti & Javier Castro Spila - 2013 - Isegoría 48:197-212.
    La actual crisis financiera nos ha impactado de tal forma que es imposible escapar a una reflexión sobre el sistema financiero global y sus efectos sociales. La conciencia política puede ser radicalmente alterada a través de experiencias catastróficas, dándonos la posibilidad de pensar en una transformación del orden establecido. En este trabajo, nos proponemos reflexionar sobre las relaciones financieras regionales y globales a la luz del reciente escándalo de la LIBOR. Es fundamental que las organizaciones intergubernamentales, las organizaciones no (...)
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    Le rouge et son opposé selon Kupka.Mathilde Buratti - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce billet a déjà été publié dans Rouge, études diachroniques. Regards croisés de l'art préhistorique à l'art contemporain le 24 juin 2018. Nous remercions Mathilde Buratti de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. Kupka, artiste complet du XXe siècle notamment connu pour ses abstractions colorées, est à l'honneur au Grand Palais jusqu'au 30 juillet 2018. Cette rétrospective met en avant la conception originale du peintre. Tout au long de sa carrière, tant dans ses productions abstraites que - Arts (...)
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    Anarchist Satire in Pre-World War I Paris: The Case of František Kupka.Patricia Leighten - 2017 - Substance 46 (2):50-70.
    The rich body of understudied imagery constituting the culture of satire in pre-World War I Paris represents the work of scores of contributing artists, ranging from mockery of manners to biting critique of government policy. While František Kupka is recognized as a major Parisian contributor to the development of modernism and abstraction, his career as a satirist has been sidelined. In 1900, Kupka wrote to his friend the Czech poet Josef S. Machar that he would devote himself in (...)
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    Reply to Libor Běhounek’s Comments on 'Fuzzy Logic and Higher-Order Vagueness'.Nicholas J. J. Smith - 2011 - In Petr Cintula, Christian G. Fermüller, Lluis Godo & Petr Hájek, Understanding Vagueness: Logical, Philosophical, and Linguistic Perspectives. College Publications. pp. 29-32.
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    Model Building and Problem Solving: A Case from Libor Market Derivatives.Giulia Miotti - 2019 - Topoi 40 (4):1-9.
    In my paper I focus on the growth of knowledge in finance from an heuristic viewpoint and I propose the analysis of two different knowledge-advancing strategies usually adopted at the frontier of knowledge, i.e. problem-solving and model-building. I show how these two strategies, even though both effective in the short-run, nonetheless provide descriptions of the target object and which are different in their descriptive and knowledge-advancing depth. In order to do so, I propose a case study borrowed from the modelling (...)
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  35.  14
    Entropy and Information in Science and Philosophy, édité par Libor Kubat et Jiri Zeman. Prague, Academia Publishing House of The Czeckoslovak Academy of Sciences and Elsevier, 1975. 17 × 24, 260 p. [REVIEW]Olivier Costa de Beauregard - 1979 - Revue de Synthèse 100 (95-96):483-486.
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    "André Masson": Otto Hahn, "Frank Kupka": Jean Cassou and Denise Fedit. [REVIEW]Ralph Berry - 1965 - British Journal of Aesthetics 5 (4):412.
  37.  19
    Grünbaum, Adolf. Collected Works Volume I: Scientific Rationality, the Human Condition, and 20th Century Cosmologies. Edited by Thomas Kupka[REVIEW]Yakir Levin - 2014 - Review of Metaphysics 68 (2):425-427.
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  38. Jóga: od staré Indie k dnes̆̌ku ; Sborník kol. autorů uspoř., předml., doslovem, vysvětl a rejstřiky opatřil Boris Merhaut. Il. Libor Wagner. Fot.: Jaroslav Cmíral. Merhaut, Boris & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1971 - Praha: Avicenum, zravotnické nakladatelství.
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    Joint Epistemic Action: Some Applications.Seumas Miller - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (2):300-318.
    The notion of a joint action is a familiar one in the philosophical literature. Moreover, the notion of epistemic action has recently been discussed in the literature. Elsewhere I have suggested that these two notions can be brought together to yield the notion of joint epistemic action and provided a relational individualist analysis of joint epistemic actions. In this article I extend this analysis and show how this extended analysis applies to different kinds of important epistemic institutional phenomena: voting in (...)
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    Whale Watching on the Trading Floor: Unravelling Collusive Rogue Trading in Banks.Hagen Rafeld, Sebastian G. Fritz-Morgenthal & Peter N. Posch - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (4):633-657.
    Recent history reveals a series of rogue traders, jeopardizing their employers’ assets and reputation. There have been instances of unauthorized acting in concert between traders, their supervisors and/or firms’ decision makers and executives, resulting in collusive rogue trading. We explore organizational misbehaviour theory and explain three major collusive rogue trading events at National Australia Bank, JPMorgan with its London Whale and the interest reference rate manipulation/LIBOR scandal through a descriptive model of organizational/structural, individual and group forces. Our model draws (...)
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    Pariahs: hubris, reputation and organisational crises.Matt Nixon - 2016 - Faringdon, Oxfordshire: Libri Publishing.
    In the last few years repeated scandals have rocked their worlds of many industries. Stories which have hit the headlines recently have included news of * Deliberate cheating by car makers to evade emissions tests * LIBOR and FX manipulation by bankers * Falsification of drug testing results plus allegations of bribery and corruption in major pharmaceutical corporations * Unlawful tapping of phones of the famous by newspapers * Cover-ups over high death rates in hospitals. While it is not (...)
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    Abstract Painting.Josef Novák - 2020 - International Philosophical Quarterly 60 (3):287-306.
    Since the beginning of the twentieth century, abstract art has formed a central stream of modern art. To attain purely aesthetic goals, many avant-garde artists turned painting in particular into a pursuit of breaking off the relations with natural forms. Instead of copying them, they have merely relied on their inner visions. When externalizing these visions directly on the canvas or sheets of paper, the practitioners of abstract art have inadvertently used the phenomenological method and its epoché. In this essay (...)
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  43. Things Czech 1997-2006.Gavin Keeney - manuscript
    Essays and documents surveying the post-communist architectural scene in the Czech Republic. - 1/ “Wild & Wilder” (1997) – A brief travelogue with comments on Kew Gardens, London, and Mies van der Rohe’s Villa Tugendhat (1930), Brno. 2/ “Angel City” (1999) – A short report on Jean Nouvel’s Golden Angel office tower in Smíchov, Prague. 3/ “Read & Weep: Scandal in Bohemia” (1999) – Essay on post-communist machinations within the architectural scene in the Czech Republic, including reports on: Jean Nouvel’s (...)
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