Results for 'Freddie Mac'

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  1.  9
    Glossary of abbreviations used in this issue.Fha Federal Housing Authority, Freddie Mac & Libor London Interbank Offered Rate - 2009 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 21 (2):125-126.
    ABCP asset‐backed commercial paper ABS asset‐backed security ABX a source of price indices for MBSs and CDSs ARM adjustable‐rate mortgage B...
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    Residential Mortgages and Public Policy: What to do with Fannie and Freddie?David Kohn & James S. Sagner - 2016 - Business and Society Review 121 (1):161-183.
    The current debate on U.S. housing policy focuses on the role of the government in supporting the mortgage market. Existing organizations (Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac) are in conservatorship status, and Congress is considering alternative structures and guarantees including the Johnson‐Crapo bill, to provide catastrophic insurance in support of the coverage from private companies. The resolution of this issue is complicated by the various activities involved in the issue—investment securities, public policy, macroeconomics, accounting, and insurance. This article reviews the impact of (...)
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  3. Three Ethical Roots of the Economic Crisis.Thomas Donaldson - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (1):5-8.
    On Sept 15, 2008, ‘‘Dark Monday,’’ the world witnessed a radical reshaping of Wall Street. Lehman Brothers fell toward bankruptcy; Merrill Lynch was sold to its rival, Bank of America; and AIG pleaded for $40 billion in government relief. Those calamities marched in step with a dismal parade including the US government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the bailout of Bear Stearns, and the entire subprime debacle. We rightly blame Wall Street leaders for bungling business decisions, for (...)
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  4. Cause and Effect: Government Policies and the Financial Crisis.Peter J. Wallison - 2009 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 21 (2-3):365-376.
    ABSTRACT The underlying cause of the financial meltdown was much more mundane than a “crisis of capitalism”: The real origins lay in mostly obscure housing, tax, and regulatory policies of the U.S. government. The Community Reinvestment Act, the affordable‐housing “mission” of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, penalty‐free refinancing of home loans, penalty‐free defaults on home loans, tax preferences for home‐equity borrowing, and reduced capital requirements for banks that held mortgages and mortgage‐backed securities combined with each other to create the (...)
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    Vlaamse Europarlementsleden beoordelen hun Europees Parlement : Freddy Willockx.Freddy Willockx - 1998 - Res Publica 40 (2):293-301.
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  6. review by Mac L. Ricketts.Mac Linscott Ricketts - 2011 - International Journal on Humanistic Ideology 4 (2):165-169.
  7.  44
    Building mindfulness bottom-up: Meditation in natural settings supports open monitoring and attention restoration.Freddie Lymeus, Per Lindberg & Terry Hartig - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 59:40-56.
  8.  18
    ENTREVISTA: El quehacer de la filosofía analítica Diálogo entre el Alejandro Tomasini Bassols, Freddy Santamaría Velasco y los alumnos del curso “De la analítica a los actos de habla” del Doctorado en Filosofía-Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.Freddy Santamaría Velasco - 2017 - Praxis Filosófica 44:251-274.
    El martes 26 de abril de 2016 en la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín, en el curso “De la analítica a los acto de habla” del Doctorado en Filosofía, tuvimos la oportunidad de compartir y hacer una conversatorio con el filósofo mexicano Dr. Alejandro Tomasini Bassols, investigador del Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas y profesor de filosofía en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNAM. El profesor Tomasini es uno de los investigadores más reconocidos en la obra del Filósofo (...)
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    Algorithms, genetics, and populations: The schemata theorem revisited.Freddy Bugge Christiansen & Marcus W. Feldman - 1998 - Complexity 3 (3):57-64.
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    La notion de "valeur esthétique" dans l'esthétique structurale de Jan Mukarovsky. Application au poème 56 de Catulle.Freddy Decreus - 1986 - Philosophica 38 (2):77-106.
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    Selbstorganisation und Naturphilosophie (Naturteleologie): Reflexionen zum Begriff "Selbst" in modernen Selbstorganisationstheorien.Freddy Zülicke - 2000 - Cuxhaven: Traude Junghans.
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    Constructing the Field in Interwar Social Anthropology: Power, Personae, and Paper Technology.Freddy Foks - 2020 - Isis 111 (4):717-739.
  13.  33
    Mindfulness-Based Restoration Skills Training (ReST) in a Natural Setting Compared to Conventional Mindfulness Training: Psychological Functioning After a Five-Week Course.Freddie Lymeus, Marie Ahrling, Josef Apelman, Cecilia de Mander Florin, Cecilia Nilsson, Janina Vincenti, Agnes Zetterberg, Per Lindberg & Terry Hartig - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  14. Filosofía y Escritura: Una aproximación desde Nietzsche.L. Enrique Mac- Taggart - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 51:131-139.
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    La política: entre la filosofía y la ciencia.Freddy Mariñez Navarro - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (26):49-65.
    This ar ti cle ad dresses the dis cus sion of the relationship between political philosophy and po - litical science. Concepts are articulated throiugh poltical thought that of fer vi sion and a re la tion ship of pol i tics from a sci en tific per spec tive. When ap - proaching political scien..
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    Individual Ethical Orientations and the Perceived Acceptability of Questionable Finance Ethics Decisions.Mac Clouse, Robert A. Giacalone, Tricia D. Olsen & Lorenzo Patelli - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (3):549-558.
    Finance is an area that, in practice, is plagued by accusations of unethical activity; the study of finance had adopted a largely nonbehavioral approach to business ethics research. We address this gap in by assessing whether individual ethical orientations predict the acceptability of questionable decisions about financial issues. Results show that individual ethical orientations are associated with different levels of acceptability of questionable decisions about financial issues, though the pattern of these differences varies across individual ethical orientations assessed. These results (...)
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    Digitalisation and employment in manufacturing.Daniela Freddi - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (3):393-403.
    The present work tackles the issue of the effects of digitalisation on employment. This issue has been attracting a growing interest, in particular because of the anxiety generated by the idea that digital technologies could cancel a large number of jobs. Although I agree with argument put forward in opposition to the existence of a causal link between technological innovation and increased productivity at the macroeconomic level, I believe that the novelty and pervasiveness of digital technologies require more in-depth micro-level (...)
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  18. Nietzsche's perspectivism in Richard Rorty's american postmodernism: So close, so far.Antonio Freddi - 2013 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 68 (3):491-525.
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    Mac Aodha, M. Chronique bibliographique : La quête de l’expression optimale du droit : Le langage du droit à l’épreuve du texte, Essai de jurilinguistique par Jean-Claude Gémar, Les Éditions Thémis, 2023, ISBN 9782894004746. [REVIEW]Máirtín Mac Aodha - 2025 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 38 (1):281-284.
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    Bible translation into lesser-known languages.Freddy Boswell - 2005 - In Keith Brown, Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 1--756.
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    El carácter integrador del pensamiento de Morin en la formación universitaria.Freddy Varona Domínguez - 2020 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 29:93-125.
    Este estudio teórico se despliega en dos ámbitos. Uno de ellos es el de las ideas de una figura cimera delpensamiento complejo, Edgar Morin, de quien se revela algunas de sus consideraciones en torno a la integración, las cuales están mayormente implícitas en sus meditaciones. El otro ámbito es la formación universitaria, a propósito de la cual se reflexiona acerca del pensamiento complejo y de la eliminación de características que atentan contra el carácter integrador de la misma. Los objetivos de (...)
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    Questo numero.Antonio Freddi, Sandra Manzi-Manzi, Giacomo Miranda & Timothy Tambassi - 2015 - Società Degli Individui 53:5-6.
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    Finding modernity in England's past: Social anthropology and the remaking of social history in Britain, 1959–77.Freddy Foks - 2024 - History of the Human Sciences 37 (3-4):106-129.
    British historians drew on anthropological exemplars to remake social history between 1959 and 1977. Eric Hobsbawm's ‘primitive rebels’, Peter Laslett's World We Have Lost, Keith Thomas’s studies of witchcraft, and E. P. Thompson's ‘moral economy’ were all inspired by contemporary social anthropology, and they transformed historians’ understanding of the past. Reconstructing this moment of cross-disciplinary research contributes to our understanding of broader changes in the mid-century human sciences. This was a moment of grand theorizing about ‘modernization’, capitalism, and industrialization. Social (...)
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  24. Absential Locations and the Figureless Ground.Clare Mac Cumhaill - 2018 - Sartre Studies International 24 (1):34-47.
    When Sartre arrives late to meet Pierre at a local establishment, he discovers not merely that Pierre is absent, but Pierre’s absence, where this depends, or so Sartre notoriously supposes, on a frustrated expectation that Pierre would be seen at that place. Many philosophers have railed against this view, taking it to entail a treatment of the ontology of absence that Richard Gale describes as ‘attitudinal’ – one whereby absences are thought to ontologically depend on psychological attitudes. In this paper, (...)
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    L’Effetto Scala, Il Vuoto e I Diversi Infiniti Nella Prima Giornata Dei “Discorsi Intorno a Due Nuove Scienze” di Galileo Galilei.Antonio Freddi - 2014 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 6 (11):165-186.
    Le “due nuove scienze” a cui si riferisce il titolo di questo pioneristica opera di Galileo sono oggi note come Meccanica dei materiali e Meccanica del corpo rigido (o Meccanica Classica). In accordo con il suo indomito desiderio di ricerca e perfezione, Galileo progettava di estendere quest’opera con ulteriori questioni e argomenti. In questo articolo si analizzano I contenuti scientifici e filosofici della “prima giornata” di questa, ingiustamente, non molto nota opera, con dovizia di commenti relativi allo stimolante dialogo tra (...)
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  26. End-of-life decisions of physicians in the city of hasselt (flanders, belgium).Freddy Mortier, Luc Deliens, Johan Bilsen, Marc Cosyns, Koen Ingels & Robert Vander Stichele - 2000 - Bioethics 14 (3):254–267.
    Objectives: The objective of this study is to estimate the proportion of different types of end‐of‐life decisions (ELDs) of physicians in the city of Hasselt (Flanders, Belgium). The question is addressed to what degree these ELD meet legal constraints and the ethical requirements for prudent practice. Methodology: All physicians of the city of Hasselt who signed at least one death certificate in 1996 (N=166) received an anonymous self‐administered mail questionnaire per death case (max. 5/doctor) Results: the response rate was 55% (...)
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    Reflexiones en torno a la construcción teórica de la categoría afectividad.Freddy Varona Domínguez - 2023 - Pensamiento 79 (302):239-258.
    El centro de atención de este ensayo es la construcción teórica de la categoría afectividad, la cual se concibe como un sistema formado por las emociones, los sentimientos y las pasiones, de los cuales también se despliegan reflexiones en torno a su elaboración teórica. Este estudio se despliega desde una perspectiva filosófica y con una mirada totalizadora. Forman parte del contenido algunas elaboraciones teóricas de autores imprescindibles para entender estas temáticas y polemizar en torno a ellas, entre los cuales están (...)
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    El "ya No Mas" Y El "todavía No" De Jacques Derrida A Michel Onfray.Freddy Téllez - 2000 - Ideas Y Valores 49 (113):71-79.
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    Philosophers and Thespians: Thinking Performance.Freddie Rokem - 2009 - Stanford University Press.
    The interaction between philosophy and theater or performance has recently become an important and innovative area of inquiry. _Philosophers and Thespians_ contributes to this emerging field by looking at four direct encounters between philosophers and thespians, beginning with Socrates, Agathon, and Aristophanes in Plato's _Symposium_ and ending with a discussion between Walter Benjamin and Bertolt Brecht about a short text by Franz Kafka. Rokem also examines in detail Hamlet's complex and tragic split identity as both philosopher and thespian, as well (...)
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    Human enhancement making use of technological incorporations in their biology - Ethical perspective.Freddy Alexander Diaz, Katherin Salazar & Oscar Herrera - 2020 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 32 (57).
    Is it ethical or not to enhance the characteristics and capacities of human beings, making use of technological incorporations in their biology? This article presents arguments from both position pros and cons, about technological incorporations in human bodies. The denaturalization of technologically enhanced humans is discussed; A discussion is raised about the impact of these technologies on the population inequality; We present a contrast between whether the research is for treatment or enhancement purposes. Some of the repercussions on a society (...)
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    Control social, estoicismo E ideología esclavista. La revuelta de euno en la obra de diodoro sículo.Carlos Garcia Mac Gaw - 2020 - Argos 1 (39):33-48.
    Se analizan fragmentos de Diodoro Sículo donde se manifiestan algunos de los mecanismos de dominación de los amos sobre los esclavos. Observamos larepresentación que se hace desde el discurso dominante del ejercicio del control social y el ocultamiento de las prácticas violentas propias de la relación esclavista. Se trata de fragmentos en donde aparecen referidas situaciones concretas, ocurridas tanto en el ámbito doméstico como en los espacios productivos. La teoría de la dominación social de O. Patterson y los conceptos del (...)
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    The Ancient Mode of Production, the City-State and Politics.Carlos García Mac Gaw - 2019 - Historical Materialism 28 (1):215-249.
    This paper briefly examines the concept of the ancient mode of production as expressed in Karl Marx’s Formations. It looks at how twentieth-century Marxist historiography picks up this concept in its characterisation of the Greco-Roman city-state. It explores the feasibility of the use of the concept in relation to the advancement of knowledge of the city-state, especially through the development of archaeology. It examines how social classes are structured and relations of exploitation are presented. And it analyses the need for (...)
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    De Piaget à Habermas et Rawls: les problèmes de la reconstruction rationnelle du jugement moral chez Kohlberg.Freddy Mortier - 1994 - Philosophica 53 (1):5-37.
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  34. On the equality of mankind.Mac Otto - 1982 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 89 (2):397-405.
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  35. My Correspondence with Maitreyi Devi.Mac Linscott Ricketts - 2011 - International Journal on Humanistic Ideology 4 (2):89-95.
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    Entrevista Con El Filósofo Peter Singer Lo Mejor Que Puedes Hacer.Freddy Santamaría - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71 (179):241–250.
    RESUMEN Este artículo reconstruye la genealogia arendtiana de las formas extremas de la violencia, tomando como hilo conductor los procesos de desingularización con un doble propósito: por un lado, analizar las (dis)continuidades históricas de dicha genealogia que trasciende la dimensión fisico-instrumental de la violencia y entra conexión con la (des)configuración de la identidad personal; por otro lado, reivindicar la vigencia de la obra de Hannah Arendt para explorar los ecos presentes de esa violencia, sin perder de vista su especificad actual. (...)
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    Self-Efficacy in Action: Tales From the Classroom for Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development.Freddie A. Bowles & Cathy J. Pearman (eds.) - 2017 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Self-Efficacy in Action provides a practitioner-friendly overview of the concepts, vocabulary, practices, and contexts related to teacher self-efficacy. This book engages readers in the meaningful discussions of practices and purposes of teacher self-efficacy to advance professionalism.
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    Emotions and language about motion: Differentiating affective dominance with syntax from valence with semantics.Sébastien Freddi, José Esteban & Vincent Dru - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 38:22-37.
  39.  23
    Il cinema E la filosofia: Breve passeggiata Alla ricerca di Nietzsche.Antonio Freddi - 2015 - Educação E Filosofia 29 (57):435-454.
  40.  12
    Nietzsche e il prospettivismo: interpretazioni e influenze nella filosofia americana contemporanea.Antonio Freddi - 2012 - Roma: Aracne.
  41. Book notices-der rucktritt Richard willstatters 1924/25 und seine hintergrunde. Ein munchner skandal?Freddy Linten - 2001 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 23 (2):326.
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    Die “Verdienste” eines Rektors im Dritten Reich: Ansichten über den Geologen Leopold Kölbl in München.Freddy Litten - 2003 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 11 (1):34-46.
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    Individual Differences in Cognitive Functioning Predict Compliance With Restoration Skills Training but Not With a Brief Conventional Mindfulness Course.Freddie Lymeus - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Mindfulness training is often promoted as a method to train cognitive functions and has shown such effects in previous studies. However, many conventional mindfulness exercises for beginners require cognitive effort, which may be prohibitive for some, particularly for people who have more pronounced cognitive problems to begin with. An alternative mindfulness-based approach, called restoration skills training, draws on a restorative natural practice setting to help regulate attention effortlessly and promote meditative states during exercises. Previous research has shown that a 5-week (...)
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    Restoration Skills Training in a Natural Setting Compared to Conventional Mindfulness Training: Sustained Advantages at a 6-Month Follow-Up.Freddie Lymeus, Mathew P. White, Per Lindberg & Terry Hartig - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Restoration skills training is a mindfulness-based course in which participants draw support from a natural practice setting while they learn to meditate. Well-established conventional mindfulness training can improve psychological functioning but many perceive it as demanding and fail to sustain practice habits. Applying non-inferiority logic, previous research indicated that ReST overcomes compliance problems without compromising the benefits gained over 5 weeks’ training. This article applies similar logic in a 6-month follow-up. Of 97 contacted ReST and CMT course completers, 68 responded (...)
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    November 2, 1992.Freddy Paine - 1993 - CLR James Journal 4 (1):79-80.
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    Kuhn's paradigmatic view of psychology and skinner's theory of behavior.Freddy A. Paniagua - 1991 - Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 11 (2):122-125.
    Henley argued that for Kuhn psychology is a nonparadigmatic science and that Skinner rejects the formulation of theories in psychology The present article shows that in a Kuhnian use of the concept of “paradigm” psychology is a paradigmatic science. This paper also demonstrates that Skinner himself formulated a theory of behavior as an alternative to traditional theoretical approaches in psychology. 2012 APA, all rights reserved).
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  47. Apuntes para una investigación sobre los antecedentes de la estética nietzscheana.Freddy Sosa - 2007 - A Parte Rei 52:3.
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  48. Indicas versus sativas: a distinction without a difference.Mac Urban - 2021 - Cannabis Clincians.Org.
    This selection is an argument for the pharmacology of cannabinoids. It also provides a phenotypical account of the botany of cannabis.
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    The Tactual Ground, Immersion, and the “Space Between”.Clare Mac Cumhaill - 2017 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 55 (1):5-31.
    I ask whether figure-ground structure can be realized in touch, and, if so, how. Drawing on the taxonomy of touch sketched in Katz's 1925 The World of Touch, I argue that the form of touch that is relevant to such consideration is a species of immersed touch. I consider whether we can feel the space we are immersed in and, more specifically, the empty space against which the surfaces of objects, as I shall urge, “stand out.” Harnessing M. G. F. (...)
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  50. Worthy of Gratitude: Why Veterans May Not Want to be Thanked for their "Service" in War. &Quot, Camillo Mac & Bica - 2015
    In this collection of essays, Camillo “Mac” Bica, Ph.D., a former Marine Corps Officer, Vietnam Veteran, and philosopher, provides a cogent analysis of why a veteran may not want to be thanked for his “service” in war. Mac’s experiential and theoretical perspective is both gut wrenching and concise. “The Philosopher speaks from the mind,” Mac writes, “the warrior from where it hurts.” With simplicity, poignancy, and power, this book, together with future installments of the War Legacy Series, works to dispel (...)
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