Results for 'Leslie Jiménez'

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  1. The future of belief.Leslie Dewart - 1966 - [New York]: Herder & Herder.
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    Kant and the Mind.Leslie Stevenson - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (181):531-534.
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  3. Realismo científico en biomedicina: la metafísica de la medicina.Marc Jiménez-Rolland - 2024 - In Mario Gensollen, Alejandro Mosqueda & Alger Sans Pinillos (eds.), La medicina en vivo. Cuestiones filosóficas sobre la salud y la enfermedad. Aguascalientes: Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes. pp. 69-88.
    A través de su historia, la práctica de la medicina ha estado imbuida de diversas concepciones sobre la naturaleza humana, así como sobre los elementos, estados o procesos (tanto internos como externos) que dan origen a la enfermedad y aquellos que propician la salud. Si se consideran seriamente, tales concepciones se pronuncian sobre cuestiones ontológicas y metafísicas. En la medida en que sean dignas de crédito, sus pronunciamientos ontológicos y metafísicos resultan relevantes para múltiples facetas de la práctica médica, como (...)
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    The Heart of Judgment: Practical Wisdom, Neuroscience, and Narrative.Leslie Paul Thiele - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Heart of Judgment explores the nature, historical significance, and continuing relevance of practical wisdom. Primarily a work in moral and political thought, it also relies extensively on research in cognitive neuroscience to confirm and extend our understanding of the faculty of judgment. Ever since the ancient Greeks first discussed practical wisdom, the faculty of judgment has been an important topic for philosophers and political theorists. It remains one of the virtues most demanded of our public officials. The greater the (...)
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    Response: Comstock on Autonomy.Leslie P. Francis - 1992 - Between the Species 8 (1):5.
  6. Hate Crime: Critical Reflections.Leslie J. Moran - unknown
  7. Liberalism, Dogma and Negativism.Leslie M. Pape - 1939 - Journal of Social Philosophy and Jurisprudence 5:346.
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    The political content of legal theory.Leslie Green - 1987 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 17 (1):1-20.
  9. The political economy of Adam Smith.T. E. Cliffe Leslie - unknown
  10. Rethinking the absolute.Leslie Armour - 2010 - In James Connelly & Stamatoula Panagakou (eds.), Anglo-American idealism: thinkers and ideas / edited by James Connelly and Stamatoula Panagakou. New York: Peter Lang.
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    Five loaves and two fishes: An empirical study in psychological type and biblical hermeneutics among Anglican preachers.Leslie J. Francis - 2010 - HTS Theological Studies 66 (1).
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    How infectious diseases got left out – and what this omission might have meant for bioethics.Leslie P. Francis, Margaret P. Battin, Jay A. Jacobson, Charles B. Smith & And Jeffrey Botkin - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (4):307–322.
    ABSTRACT In this article, we first document the virtually complete absence of infectious disease examples and concerns at the time bioethics emerged as a field. We then argue that this oversight was not benign by considering two central issues in the field, informed consent and distributive justice, and showing how they might have been framed differently had infectiousness been at the forefront of concern. The solution to this omission might be to apply standard approaches in liberal bioethics, such as autonomy (...)
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    Reseña de "Para pensar la política" de Luis Salazar Carrión.Angel Jiménez Vargas - 2005 - Signos Filosóficos 7 (13):141-144.
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    Values, God, and the Problem About Why There is Anything at All.Leslie Armour - 1987 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 1 (2):147 - 162.
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    Human Rights and Public Health: Dichotomies or Synergies in Developing Countries? Examining the Case of HIV in South Africa.Leslie London - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (4):677-691.
    Despite growing advances in medical technologies, health status inequalities continue to increase across the globe. Developing countries have been faced with declining expenditures in health and social services, increasing burdens posed by both communicable and non-communicable diseases, and economic systems poorly geared to fostering sustainable development for the poorest and most marginalized. Under such circumstances, the challenges facing health practitioners in countries in transition are complex and diverse, and require the balancing of many conflicting imperatives. This is particularly so in (...)
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    The Nature of Things.Leslie Stevenson - 1974 - Philosophical Quarterly 24 (94):78-81.
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    Syndromic Surveillance and Patients as Victims and Vectors.Leslie P. Francis, Margaret P. Battin, Jay Jacobson & Charles Smith - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (2):187-195.
    Syndromic surveillance uses new ways of gathering data to identify possible disease outbreaks. Because syndromic surveillance can be implemented to detect patterns before diseases are even identified, it poses novel problems for informed consent, patient privacy and confidentiality, and risks of stigmatization. This paper analyzes these ethical issues from the viewpoint of the patient as victim and vector. It concludes by pointing out that the new International Health Regulations fail to take full account of the ethical challenges raised by syndromic (...)
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  18.  69
    Sequential congruency effects in implicit sequence learning.Luis Jiménez, Juan Lupiáñez & Joaquín M. M. Vaquero - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):690-700.
    We deal with situations incongruent with our automatic response tendencies much better right after having done so on a previous trial than after having reacted to a congruent trial. The nature of the mechanisms responsible for these sequential congruency effects is currently a hot topic of debate. According to the conflict monitoring model these effects depend on the adjustment of control triggered by the detection of conflict on the preceding situation. We tested whether these conflict monitoring processes can operate implicitly (...)
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  19.  41
    Hiring labourers for the vineyard and making sense of God's grace at work: An empirical investigation in hermeneutical theory and ordinary theology.Leslie J. Francis, Greg Smith & Jeff Astley - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–10.
    The Matthean parable of the labourers in the vineyard is open to multiple interpretations. For some, the parable may speak of God's unlimited grace and generosity; for others the parable may speak of God's unfairness. The present study is set within the context of an emerging interest in the concept of grace as a topic for empirical enquiry. The study draws on the theoretical framework provided by the notion of ordinary theology and employs the sensing, intuition, feeling and thinking (SIFT) (...)
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    Embedded feature selection for neural networks via learnable drop layer.M. J. JimÉnez-Navarro, M. MartÍnez-Ballesteros, I. S. Brito, F. MartÍnez-Álvarez & G. Asencio-CortÉs - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Feature selection is a widely studied technique whose goal is to reduce the dimensionality of the problem by removing irrelevant features. It has multiple benefits, such as improved efficacy, efficiency and interpretability of almost any type of machine learning model. Feature selection techniques may be divided into three main categories, depending on the process used to remove the features known as Filter, Wrapper and Embedded. Embedded methods are usually the preferred feature selection method that efficiently obtains a selection of the (...)
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    Nancy, Blanchot: A Serious Controversy.Leslie Hill - 2018 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book offers the first fully documented and historically contextualised account of the origins and implications of the concept of community in the work of Nancy and Blanchot. It analyses in detail the underlying philosophical, political, literary, and religious implications of the often misrepresented debate between Blanchot and Nancy.
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    La presencia del mundo en los escritos de juventud de Simone Weil.Juan Manuel Ruiz Jiménez - forthcoming - Filosofia Unisinos:1-13.
    En este artículo analizamos la cuestión de la presencia del mundo en los escritos de juventud de Simone Weil, con el objetivo de aprehender su concepción del tiempo. En ese sentido, intentaremos elucidar las relaciones ontológica y epistemológica que ella establece entre el hombre y el mundo. Esta perspectiva nos permite explorar la primera filosofía de la percepción weiliana y trazar las implicaciones existenciales que se desprenden de la experiencia del presente. Igualmente, examinamos la dificultad de pensar la inmovilidad en (...)
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    Supported Decisions as the Patient’s Own?Leslie Pickering Francis - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (11):24-26.
    Peterson, Karlawish and Largent offer a defense of supported decision making in health care for people with dynamic and diminishing capacity. They are to be warmly commended for bringing sup...
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    The Significance of Injustice for Bioethics.Leslie Francis - 2017 - Teaching Ethics 17 (1):1-8.
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    Freedom and omniscience.Leslie Burkholder - 1974 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 12 (1):3-8.
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    An Alleged Materialist Fallacy of Mind.Leslie Stevenson - 1971 - Philosophy 46 (176):159.
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    Genethics.Leslie G. Biesecker, Francis S. Collins, Evan G. DeRenzo, Christine Grady & Charles R. MacKay - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (3):387.
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    Kant: On willing maxims to become laws of nature.Leslie Mulholland - 1978 - Dialogue 17 (1):92-105.
    An Old and continuing tendency amongst critics of Kant's thought on ethics has been to maintain that since the categorical imperative merely provides a formal condition for the rightness of actions – that the principle of the action be universalizable without contradiction – it is inadequate as a test for the rightness of actions. Such critics as Hegel, Mill, and recently, R.P. Wolff, have suggested the same fundamental objection to Kant's doctrine: the requirement that a maxim be universalizable is formally (...)
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  29. Seven Theories of Human Nature.Leslie Stevenson - 1976 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 166 (1):110-110.
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    Terminology in the domain of seafood: A comparative analysis Germany-Spain.Irene Jiménez Alonso & Pius ten Hacken - 2024 - Applied ontology 19 (1):99-112.
    In the last few decades, the study of terminology has undergone a cognitive shift that has led to the development of several approaches that study the social, linguistic, and cognitive dimension of terms, such as Communicative Theory of Terminology (CTT) and Frame-Based Terminology (FBT). CTT was developed in the early 1990s and argues that the study of terminology should be based on a communicative perspective, taking into account aspects such as the communicators and the context of communication. FBT has been (...)
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  31.  53
    Can truth be relativized to kinds of mind?Leslie Stevenson - 1988 - Mind 97 (386):281-284.
  32.  12
    De la filosofía a la ciencia en la instrucción pública: diferencias entre las Bases de Jovellanos y el Informe de Quintana para una historia conceptual del término «filosofía».Rafael Valeriano Orden Jiménez - 2024 - Pensamiento 80 (307):5-40.
    El nuevo imaginario social del conocimiento teórico del siglo XVIII, que, entre otros rasgos, contenía el de la utilidad del saber, comportó un cambio semántico en el término «filosofía», estrechamente relacionado con la enseñanza, tras ser desplazado por el de «ciencia». En las universidades se impartían las ciencias filosóficas, de tradición escolástica, enfocadas, fundamentalmente, a formar a funcionarios del Estado y la Iglesia, pero las nuevas ciencias matemáticas y naturales requerían ocupar un lugar en la enseñanza para instruir a la (...)
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    “If You Show Who You are, Then They are Going to Try to Fix You”: The Capitals and Costs of Schooling for High-Achieving Latina Students.Leslie Ann Locke, Lolita A. Tabron & Terah T. Venzant Chambers - 2017 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 53 (1):13-36.
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    (1 other version)Manipular las emociones: La retórica de Platón, Aristóteles y Cicerón.Natalia Bravo Jiménez - 2024 - Otrosiglo 7 (2):270-285.
    Tanto Platón, Aristóteles y Cicerón ven en la retórica una conexión con las emociones. La retórica clásica es persuasión y aquél que domine el rango de disposiciones humanas puede adecuar su discurso para lograr su cometido. Es por ello que para estos tres autores el ámbito de las emociones tiene gran importancia. Para Platón, la retórica es psicagogía (_Fedro_ 271d), es la dirección de las almas por medio de las palabras. Luego, para Aristóteles, la retórica consta de tres elementos: _ethos, (...)
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    From simple to complex: a sequential method for enhancing time series forecasting with deep learning.M. J. Jiménez-Navarro, M. Martínez-Ballesteros, F. Martínez-Álvarez, A. Troncoso & G. Asencio-Cortés - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (6):986-1003.
    Time series forecasting is a well-known deep learning application field in which previous data are used to predict the future behavior of the series. Recently, several deep learning approaches have been proposed in which several nonlinear functions are applied to the input to obtain the output. In this paper, we introduce a novel method to improve the performance of deep learning models in time series forecasting. This method divides the model into hierarchies or levels from simpler to more complex ones. (...)
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    Novelistic expansion in Costa Rica (1990-2024).Iván Molina Jiménez - 2024 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (35).
    En este artículo, se analiza la expansión en el número de novelas publicadas en Costa Rica entre 1990 y 2024. Tal proceso, favorecido por el crecimiento de la actividad editorial privada, dependió de la capacidad económica de los autores (hombres más que mujeres) para financiar sus obras. A partir del siglo XXI, la autopublicación fue reforzada por el surgimiento de plataformas donde es posible publicar de manera gratuita, como la de Amazon. Dado que esta novelística no respondió a una demanda (...)
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    (2 other versions)Preface.Leslie Marsh & Christian J. Onof - 2004 - Episteme 1 (1):5-5.
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    XIV.—What does Dr. Whitehead Mean by “Event”?W. Leslie MacKenzie - 1923 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 23 (1):229-244.
  39.  44
    Conflict of interest: A tenacious ethical dilemma in public health policy, not only in clinical practice/research.Leslie London, Richard Matzopoulos, Joanne Corrigal, Jonathan Elliot Myers, Aadielah Maker & Charles Parry - 2012 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 5 (2).
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    Violence and the State.Leslie Macfarlane - 1977 - Philosophical Review 86 (3):405-407.
  41.  38
    Philosopher of precision and soul: Introducing Walker Percy.Leslie Marsh - 2016 - Zygon 51 (4):983-998.
    This article introduces the work of philosopher-novelist Walker Percy to the Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science readership. After some biographical and contextual preliminaries, I suggest that the conceptual collecting feature to Percy's work is his critique of abstractionism manifest in a tripartite congruence of Cartesianism, derivatively misapplied science, and social atomism.
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    (1 other version)Philosophical Practice in the Classroom, or, How I Kill Zombies for a Living.Leslie Miller - 2015 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 1:129-156.
    After a brief introduction to Philosophical Practice, I explain why I use it in my courses and elaborate on some of the material and techniques I present to students in the hope that it helps them to become better-adjusted and happier people. As an example of the sorts of assignments I create for these courses I present a semester-long assignment called “Everyday Philosophical Practice” that is based on the practice of mindfulness and requires intentional metacognition from the students. This approach (...)
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    Empiricism and the Analytic-Synthetic Distinction.Leslie Stevenson - 1973 - Philosophical Quarterly 23 (91):174-175.
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    Negative Freedom in Crisis Times.Leslie Francis - 2021 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 107 (1):79-89.
    Pandemic emergencies and concomitant needs for interventions to protect public health place great pressure on individual liberty. In the United States, these pressures are exacerbated by views of negative liberty as the freedom to do whatever one wants with one’s person. This essay argues that the original US Supreme Court decision recognizing legislative powers to protect public health, Jacobson v. Massachusetts, was premised on an understanding of freedom of the person as limited by risks to others. Later court decisions have (...)
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    Does conditioned suppression measure the resistance to change of operant behaviour?Julian C. Leslie - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (1):103-104.
    Although conditioned suppression has face validity as a technique for assessing resistance to change of operant behaviour, it is not discussed by Nevin & Grace. However, application of their approach to the results of a conditioned suppression study that varied food deprivation and reinforcement magnitude produces paradoxical results.
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    Selection in operant learning may fit a general model.Julian C. Leslie - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (3):542-543.
    The generic account of selection proposed by Hull et al. readily fits operant learning where, by comparison with natural selection, the process is well understood but little is known about the mechanism. Objections within psychology, that operant learning ignores internal processes, fail to recognise the general significance of behaviour-environment interactions. Variation within operant response classes requires further investigation.
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  47. Truth and evidence in Descartes and Levinas.Leslie MacAvoy - 2005 - In Stephen H. Daniel (ed.), Current continental theory and modern philosophy. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
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    Heidegger on cartesian scepticism.Leslie Stevenson - 1993 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 1 (1):81 – 98.
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    Myth & math, part II (preliminary draft).Leslie H. Tharp - 1991 - Synthese 88 (2):179 - 199.
    It is argued that there can only be a small-finite number of mathematical objects; that these objects range from the very concrete to the very abstract; and that mathematics is essentially not concerned with objects but with concepts. This viewpoint is described as mentalist and is upheld over Platonism, intuitionism, and formalism.
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    Neuronal and glial morphology in olfactory systems: Significance for information-processing and underlying developmental mechanisms.P. Tolbert Leslie, A. Oland Lynne, C. Christensen Thomas & R. Goriely Anita - 2003 - Brain and Mind 4 (1):27-49.
    The shapes of neurons and glial cells dictate many important aspects of their functions. In olfactory systems, certain architectural features are characteristics of these two cell types across a wide variety of species. The accumulated evidence suggests that these common features may play fundamental roles in olfactoryinformation processing. For instance, the primary olfactory neuropil in most vertebrate and invertebrate olfactory systems is organized into discrete modules called glomeruli. Inside each glomerulus, sensory axons and CNS neurons branch and synapse in patterns (...)
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