Results for 'Leonard Nunney'

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  1.  38
    Altruism, benevolence and culture.Leonard Nunney - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (1-2):1-2.
    Human cultural groups appear well designed, but is this apparent design due to altruism or due to self-serving behaviours? Sober and Wilson argue that human cultures are founded on group-selected altruism. This argument assumes that individually selected self-serving traits are not being misidentified as altruistic. A simple definition of individual selection suggests that Sober and Wilson fail to separate one such trait, called benevolence, from altruism. Benevolent individuals act selfishly but provide an incidental benefit to their neighbours. The female-biased Hamiltonian (...)
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    When will the editors start to edit?Leonard D. Goodstein - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (2):212-213.
  3.  21
    Precision medicine and the fragmentation of solidarity (and justice).Leonard M. Fleck - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (2):191-206.
    Solidarity is a fundamental social value in many European countries, though its precise practical and theoretical meaning is disputed. In a health care context, I agree with European writers who take solidarity normatively to mean roughly equal access to effective health care for all. That is, solidarity includes a sense of justice. Given that, I will argue that precision medicine represents a potential weakening of solidarity, albeit not a unique weakening. Precision medicine includes 150 targeted cancer therapies (mostly for metastatic (...)
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    The metaphysics of Wittgenstein's Tractatus.Leonard Goddard - 1982 - [Melbourne]: Australasian Association of Philosophy. Edited by Brenda Judge.
    The ontology of the "tractatus", In terms of which objects are characterized as propertyless simples, Is coherent provided wittgenstein is not mistakenly taken to be a constructive atomist building complexes from simples. A geometrical model is given to illustrate this. It is also shown that an ontology like that of the "tractus" removes much of the conceptual puzzlement of modern particle physics and has implications for current debates about realism, Possible worlds and rigid designators.
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    The Construction of Social Judgments.Leonard L. Martin & Abraham Tesser (eds.) - 1992 - Lawrence Erlbaum.
    As such, this volume represents the transition from one era of social cognition research to the next.
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    Commentary: Medical Ethics: A Distinctive Species of Ethics.Leonard M. Fleck - 2020 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 29 (3):421-425.
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    First Come, First Served in the Intensive Care Unit: Always?Leonard M. Fleck & Timothy F. Murphy - 2018 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 27 (1):52-61.
    Abstract:Because the demand for intensive care unit (ICU) beds exceeds the supply in general, and because of the formidable costs of that level of care, clinicians face ethical issues when rationing this kind of care not only at the point of admission to the ICU, but also after the fact. Under what conditions—if any—may patients be denied admission to the ICU or removed after admission? One professional medical group has defended a rule of “first come, first served” in ICU admissions, (...)
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    ECMO: What Would a Deliberative Public Judge?Leonard Michael Fleck - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (6):46-48.
    I fundamentally agree with Childress et al. (2023) in the scenario they have constructed with Mr. J. None of the arguments they critically assess are ethically persuasive enough to justify removing...
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    Interview: Fredric Jameson.Fredric Jameson, Leonard Green, Jonathan Culler & Richard Klein - 1982 - Diacritics 12 (3):72.
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    Bernard de Fontenelle: In Defense of Science.Leonard M. Marsak - 1959 - Journal of the History of Ideas 20 (1/4):111.
  11.  37
    French Free Thought from Gassendi to Voltaire. J. S. Spink.Leonard Marsak - 1962 - Isis 53 (2):263-263.
  12.  49
    Judging Necessity.Leonard C. Feldman - 2008 - Political Theory 36 (4):550-577.
    This article probes the relationship among constitutionalism, extra-legal prerogative power, and citizen judgment. While much has been written about the nature of Lockean prerogative, and while his theory serves as a direct inspiration for contemporary "normative extra-legalists," key participants in the debate over emergency powers, less attention has been paid to how the people judge prerogative. Attention to this issue is useful because an examination of the process of political judgment of extra-legalism in Locke leads to a complication of the (...)
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  13.  31
    Choosing Wisely.Leonard M. Fleck - 2016 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 25 (3):366-376.
    Abstract:The American College of Physicians in its ethics manual endorsed the idea that physicians ought to improve their ability to provide care to their patients more parsimoniously. This elicited a critical backlash; critics essentially claimed that what was being endorsed was a renamed form of rationing. In a recent article, Tilburt and Cassel argued that parsimonious care and rationing are ethically distinct practices. In this essay I critically assess that claim. I argue that in practice there is considerable overlap between (...)
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    Superficialismo radicale: soggetti, emancipazione e politica.Mirko Alagna & Leonard Mazzone (eds.) - 2021 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
    I saggi di questo testo gravitano attorno a due fuochi: una diagnosi della soggettività contemporanea e il tentativo di sviluppare una critica all'altezza della sua vocazione emancipativa. Ciò che viene descritto è un processo di tendenziale emersione in superficie della relazione tra soggettività e politica; nessuna utopia col torcicollo, nessun nostalgismo, nessuna lamentela sulla superficialità della politica o paternale sulla superficialità dei soggetti. La scommessa, piuttosto, è quella di prendere le apparenze sul serio e quindi rinunciare a ogni forma di (...)
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  15.  25
    The recognition of faces and expressions.Debra Cohen-Pager & Leonard Brosgole - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (3):191-193.
  16.  90
    Just Caring: In Defense of Limited Age-Based Healthcare Rationing.Leonard M. Fleck - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (1):27.
    The debate around age-based healthcare rationing was precipitated by two books in the late 1980s, one by Daniel Callahan and the other by Norman Daniels. These books ignited a firestorm of criticism, best captured in the claim that any form of age-based healthcare rationing was fundamentally ageist, discriminatory in a morally objectionable sense. That is, the elderly had equal moral worth and an equal right to life as the nonelderly. If an elderly and nonelderly person each had essentially the same (...)
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  17.  76
    Crossed tracks: Mesolimulus, Archaeopteryx, and the nature of fossils.Leonard Finkelman - 2019 - Biology and Philosophy 34 (2):28.
    Organisms leave a variety of traces in the fossil record. Among these traces, vertebrate and invertebrate paleontologists conventionally recognize a distinction between the remains of an organism’s phenotype and the remains of an organism’s life activities. The same convention recognizes body fossils as biological structures and trace fossils as geological objects. This convention explains some curious practices in the classification, as with the distinction between taxa for trace fossils and for tracemakers. I consider the distinction between “parallel taxonomies,” or parataxonomies, (...)
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  18.  55
    Withholding and Withdrawing Treatment: The Role of the Criminal Law.Leonard H. Glantz - 1987 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 15 (4):231-241.
  19.  39
    The inconsistency of traditional logic.Leonard Goddard - 1998 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 76 (2):152 – 164.
    It is shown that all those theses of traditional logic which were rejected by Russell in terms of a preferred interpretation of 'all' and 'some', in fact lead to inconsistency in any formal system of traditional logic satisfying certain minimal conditions. Hence, Russell's refutation is ultimately independent of his interpretation. Further, the derivation of each of the refutable theses depends crucially on the Bochenski/Lukasiewicz postulate 'Some _A are _A'. If this postulate is removed, the theses which remain are exactly those (...)
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  20.  30
    Reversal and nonreversal shift learning in normal children and retardates of comparable mental age.Barbara Sanders, Leonard E. Ross & Laird W. Heal - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (1):84.
  21.  84
    On the Intrinsic Wrongness of Killing Innocent People.Leonard Geddes - 1973 - Analysis 33 (3):93 - 97.
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  22.  19
    Mass. Supreme judicial court reverses conviction of dr. Kenneth Edelin.Leonard H. Glantz - 1977 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 5 (1):3-4.
  23.  26
    Cultivators in the Swamps: Social Structure and Horticulture in a New Guinea Society.Leonard B. Glick & L. M. Serpenti - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (3):347.
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  24.  14
    Chapter 3 a physical application.Leonard Goddard & Brenda Judge - 1982 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 60 (S1):44-63.
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  25.  54
    Nietzsche and postmodernism in geography: An idealist critique.Leonard Guelke - 2003 - Philosophy and Geography 6 (1):97 – 116.
    The suitability of a new philosophical paradigm for geography needs to be assessed in the context of the questions it was designed to address and on the basis of clearly articulated criteria. Postmodernism, the latest contender for the attention of geographers, is here assessed in relation to Collingwoodian idealism. As an intellectual movement postmodernism arose in the unique circumstances of academic life in post Second World War France. In this rigidly structured academic environment a new generation of French scholars, well (...)
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  26. Wit as a Political Weapon: Satirists and Censors.Leonard Freedman - 2012 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 79 (1):87-112.
  27.  45
    Direct and Indirect Searches for Low-Mass Magnetic Monopoles.Leonard Gamberg, George R. Kalbfleisch & Kimball A. Milton - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (4):543-565.
    Recently, there has been renewed interest in the search for low-mass magnetic monopoles. At the University of Oklahoma we are performing an experiment (Fermilab E882) using material from the old D0 and CDF detectors to set limits on the existence of Dirac monopoles of masses of the order of 500 GeV. To set such limits, estimates must be made of the production rate of such monopoles at the Tevatron collider, and of the binding strength of any such produced monopoles to (...)
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  28.  6
    Inconștientul în viziunea lui Lucian Blaga: preludii la o noologie abisală.Leonard Gavriliu - 1997 - București: Editura Iri.
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    Critical Care Limits: What Is the Right Balance?Leonard Fleck - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (1):48-50.
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  30. Mathematical programming.E. Leonard Arnoff & S. Sankar Sengupta - 1961 - In Russell Lincoln Ackoff, Progress in operations research. New York,: Wiley. pp. 1--150.
  31.  11
    Ideas and Events: Professing History.Leonard Krieger - 1992 - University of Chicago Press.
    Leonard Krieger has long been revered as a contemporary master historian. With an eye toward placing his critical achievements before an expanded readership, he helped compile this core collection of his most important essays. Together these essays bring under a single cover the key themes and ideas of his life's work to serve as a handbook for intellectual history and historians of every stripe. This book reflects Krieger's conviction that the value of intellectual history is as a source of (...)
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    The Responsibility to Be Hard: Comments on Ken Gemes's "The Biology of Evil".Leonard Feldblyum - 2021 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 52 (1):26-39.
    In this article, I show that attending to Nietzsche's views about breeding and human enhancement reveals two important ways in which Ken Gemes's account of Nietzsche's uses of the rhetoric of degeneration and Verjüdung must be modified. First, attending to Nietzsche's views about breeding reveals that methods like isolation, quarantine, excision, and extermination are not merely for the weak, as Gemes claims. In fact, for Nietzsche such methods are crucial for producing and maintaining healthy, strong people and societies. More generally, (...)
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  33.  20
    Abortion and “Zombie” Laws: Who Is Accountable?Leonard M. Fleck - 2023 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 32 (3):307-308.
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    Bound by the Good.Leonard Ferry - 2018 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 92:241-260.
    Political authority is not eliminable, even if in a globalizing world order the particulars of its exercise might be undergoing a transformation. What matters to political philosophy is whether or not its existence and exercise can be justified. In this paper I begin by contrasting two paradigmatic approaches to justifications of political authority and political obligation: political naturalism and political voluntarism. Having set the stage for the debate, I connect Aquinas’s account of political authority with the former—though one will not (...)
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    Controlling Healthcare Costs: Just Cost Effectiveness or “Just” Cost Effectiveness?Leonard M. Fleck - 2018 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 27 (2):271-283.
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    Despairing about Health Disparities.Leonard M. Fleck - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (5):43-44.
    I have never doubted that the problem of inequalities in health status and access to needed care is a difficult ethical and political challenge. After reading the essays in Understanding Health Inequalities and Justice: New Conversations across the Disciplines, edited by Mara Buchbinder, Michele Rivkin-Fish, and Rebecca Walker, I concluded that despair was the only suitable response in the face of daunting ethical and political complexity. The editors of this volume have three questions in mind that they asked contributors to (...)
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  37.  19
    Friedman Howard Steven. Ultimate Price: The Value We Place on Life.Leonard M. Fleck - 2021 - Public Health Ethics 14 (2):218-220.
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    Just Caring: The Challenges of Priority‐Setting in Public Health.Leonard M. Fleck - 2007 - In Rosamond Rhodes, Leslie P. Francis & Anita Silvers, The Blackwell Guide to Medical Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 323–340.
    The prelims comprise: The Scope of Public Health: Challenges and Choices Health Care Justice and Public Health: When Is Enough Enough? Setting Public Health Priorities Justly: The Limits of Moral Theory References.
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    Multicancer Early Detection Screening Tools: Not Economically Efficient, Not Ethically Equitable, Marginally Medically Effective.Leonard M. Fleck - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-14.
    A screening test for more than 50 cancers at earlier stages would strike many as a godsend. Such a test would promise, prima facie, to save 160,000 lives annually from a premature death from cancer, reduce the intensity of medical treatment, and reduce social costs. In brief, this is what is promised by the Galleri test. We will delineate those claims in greater detail and critically assess them from medical, economic, and ethical perspectives. We conclude, with many others, that this (...)
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    Causal inference methods for intergenerational research using observational data.Leonard Frach, Eshim S. Jami, Tom A. McAdams, Frank Dudbridge & Jean-Baptiste Pingault - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (6):1688-1703.
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    Remarks on the "Person of Authority" in the Dga' ldan pa / Dge lugs pa School of Tibetian Buddhism. [REVIEW]Leonard van der Kuijp - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 199 (4):646-672.
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  42. [Hypothesis Ethike] de Finibus & Officiis Secundum Naturæjus. Unde Casus Conscientiæ Quatenus Notiones À Natura Suppetunt, Dijudicari Poterunt. Jureconsultorum, Item Veterum Aliorumque Doctorum, Tam Ex Paganorum Quàm Ex Christianorum Scholis Consensus Ostenditur. Principia Item, & Rationes Novatorum Omnium in Philosophia Ad Ethicam & Politicam Spectantes, Quatenus Huic Hypothesi Contradicere Videantur, in Examen Veniunt. In Usum Theologiæ & Ll. & Vitæhonestati Studentium.Robert Sharrock, Leonard Lichfield & Richard Davis - 1682 - Typis Lichfeldianis. Prostant Apud Ricardum Davis.
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    Book Review: Rationing America’s Medical Care: The Oregon Plan and Beyond. [REVIEW]Leonard M. Fleck - 1993 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 4 (4):362-365.
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    Civil Disobedience and Moral Law in Nineteenth-Century American Philosophy. By Edward H. Madden. [REVIEW]Leonard M. Fleck - 1969 - Modern Schoolman 46 (4):367-368.
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    Ethics and the Clinical Encounter. [REVIEW]Leonard M. Fleck - 1989 - Teaching Philosophy 12 (1):61-64.
  46.  42
    Four Volumes in Health Care Ethics. [REVIEW]Leonard M. Fleck - 2013 - Teaching Philosophy 36 (1):59-70.
    This review discusses four recently published textbooks in health care ethics. The theme I emphasize here is that the more common health care ethics issues addressed in these texts are of enormous personal, political and professional relevance today. More specifically, these issues have been enormously socially divisive, as the rhetoric about “death panels” illustrates. A course in health care ethics ought to provide students (future citizens in a liberal, pluralistic, democratic society) with the skills they need to address these issues (...)
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  47. Leonard Bernstein at Harvard; Vol. 5: The Twentieth Century Crisis.Leonard Bernstein - 1974 - Columbia. Edited by Maurice Ravel, Gustav Mahler & Charles Ives.
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  48. The Foundations of Statistics.Leonard Savage - 1954 - Wiley Publications in Statistics.
    Classic analysis of the subject and the development of personal probability; one of the greatest controversies in modern statistcal thought.
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  49. Philosophy Born of Struggle Anthology of Afro-American Philosophy From 1917 /Edited with an Introduction and Select Bibliography of Afro-American Works in Philosophy by Leonard Harris. --. --.Leonard Harris - 1983 - Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co., C1983.
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  50. Stoic and Christian in the second century: a comparison of the ethical teaching of Marcus Aurelius with that of contemporary and antecedent Christianity / by Leonard Alston.Leonard Alston - 1906 - New York: Longmans, Green.
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