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  1. (1 other version)The Principlism Debate: A Critical Overview.Richard B. Davis - 1995 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 20 (1):85-105.
    Clouser and Gert’s 'A Critique of Principlism’ (1990) has ignited debate over the adequacy of substituting principlism for moral theory as a means for dealing with biomedical dilemmas. Clouser and Gert argue that this sort of substitution is not adequate to the task. I examine their argument in light of recent defences of principlism on this score, those of B. Andrew Lustig (1992), David Degrazia (1992), and Beauchamp and Childress (1994). I argue that both sides in the debate have assumed (...)
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  2. Sacred barriers to conflict resolution.Scott Atran, Robert Axelrod & Richard Davis - unknown
    Resolution of quarrels arising from conflicting sacred values, as in the Middle East, may require concessions that acknowledge the opposition's core concerns.
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    God and the Platonic Horde.Richard Davis - 2011 - Philosophia Christi 13 (2):289-303.
    In this paper I shall argue two things. First, it is plausible to think that Conceptualism holds with respect to propositions; in any event, it does a much better job than its closest competitors (Platonism and Nominalism) in accounting for the truthbearing nature of propositions. Secondly, it is wholly implausible (so I say) to take the added step and equate properties and relations with divine concepts. Here I offer additional reasons, beyond “divine bootstrapping,” for theists to resist this tempting reduction. (...)
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  4. The Brave New Bare Particularism.Richard Davis - 2004 - Modern Schoolman 81 (4):267-273.
    Initially introduced to the philosophical world as elusive, we-know-notwhats—substrata underlying the properties had or exemplified by things, but themselves bereft of properties—bare particulars have been dismissed as undetectable, unnecessary, and even incoherent. Hardly a warm welcome. It appears, however, that times are changing. In a recent series of articles, for example, J. P. Moreland has argued that “bare particulars are crucial entities in any adequate overall theory of individuation”;’ that is, concrete particulars cannot be individuated without them. In the same (...)
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  5. 'Partially clad' Bare Particulars Exposed.Richard Brian Davis - 2003 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 81 (4):534 – 548.
    In a recent series of articles, J. P. Moreland has attempted to revive the idea that bare particulars are indispensable for individuating concrete particulars. The success of the project turns on Moreland's proposal that while bare particulars are indeed 'partially clad'--that is, exemplify at least some properties--they are nevertheless 'bare' in that they lack internal constituents. I argue that 'partially clad' bare particulars (PCBPs) are impervious not only to traditional objections, but also those recently urged in this journal by D. (...)
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    Neural and Behavioral Correlates of Sacred Values and Vulnerability to Violent Extremism.Clara Pretus, Nafees Hamid, Hammad Sheikh, Jeremy Ginges, Adolf Tobeña, Richard Davis, Oscar Vilarroya & Scott Atran - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:413840.
    Violent extremism is often explicitly motivated by commitment to abstract ideals such as the nation or divine law – so-called “sacred” values that are relatively insensitive to material incentives and define our primary reference groups. Moreover, extreme pro-group behavior seems to intensify after social exclusion. This fMRI study explores underlying neural and behavioral relationships between sacred values, violent extremism, and social exclusion. Ethnographic fieldwork and psychological surveys were carried out among young men from a European Muslim community in neighborhoods in (...)
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  7. Are Bare Particulars Constituents?Richard Brian Davis - 2013 - Acta Analytica 28 (4):395-410.
    In this article I examine an as yet unexplored aspect of J.P. Moreland’s defense of so-called bare particularism — the ontological theory according to which ordinary concrete particulars (e.g., Socrates) contain bare particulars as individuating constituents and property ‘hubs.’ I begin with the observation that if there is a constituency relation obtaining between Socrates and his bare particular, it must be an internal relation, in which case the natures of the relata will necessitate the relation. I then distinguish various ways (...)
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    God and Modal Concretism.Richard Davis - 2008 - Philosophia Christi 10 (1):57-74.
    According to David Lewis, we all believe there are countless ways in which things might have been different from the way they are in fact. Surely, for example, the world could have existed even if, say, Quine had been a politician, or if there had been one less page in Word and Object, or indeed if there had been no such person as Quine at all. All these things, we are inclined to think, might have been the case. And thus (...)
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  9. A puzzle for particulars?David S. Brown & Richard Brian Davis - 2008 - Axiomathes 18 (1):49-65.
    In this paper we examine a puzzle recently posed by Aaron Preston for the traditional realist assay of property (quality) instances. Consider Socrates (a red round spot) and red1—Socrates’ redness. For the traditional realist, both of these entities are concrete particulars. Further, both involve redness being `tied to’ the same bare individuator. But then it appears that red1 is duplicated in its ‘thicker’ particular (Socrates), so that it can’t be predicated of Socrates without redundancy. According to Preston, this suggests that (...)
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    Where the Bootstrapping Really Lies.Paul M. Gould & Richard Brian Davis - 2017 - International Philosophical Quarterly 57 (4):415-428.
    Modified Theistic Activism is the view that abstract objects not essentially possessed by God fall under God’s creative activity in one way or another. Michelle Panchuk has argued that this position succumbs to the bootstrapping problem such that God is and is not logically prior to his properties—an incoherent and necessarily false state of affairs. In this essay we respond to Panchuk by arguing that our neo-Aristotelian account of substance and property possession successfully avoids the bootstrapping problem. Moreover, her own (...)
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  11. Oppy and Modal Theistic Proofs.Richard Davis - 2009 - Philosophia Christi 11 (2):437-443.
    I argue that Graham Oppy’s attempt to redefend his charge that all modal theistic arguments “must be question-begging” is unsuccessful. Oppy’s attempt to show that theism and modal concretism are compatible is not only tangential for his purposes, it is marred by a misunderstanding of theism, and vulnerable to a counterexample that actually demonstrates incompatibility. Moreover, the notion of begging the question employed by Oppy against the theist is seen to be far too permissive.
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    Lives of Indian Images.E. G. & Richard H. Davis - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (1):166.
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  13. Against a Postmodern Pentecostal Epistemology.Richard Brian Davis & W. Paul Franks - 2013 - Philosophia Christi 15 (2):383-399.
    In this paper we explore the idea that Pentecostalism is best supported by conjoining it to a postmodern, narrative epistemology in which everything is a text requiring interpretation. On this view, truth doesn’t consist in a set of uninterpreted facts that make the claims of Christianity true; rather, as James K. A. Smith says, truth emerges when there is a “fit” or proportionality between the Christian story and one’s affective and emotional life. We argue that Pentecostals should reject this account (...)
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  14. Plantinga's Defence and His Theodicy are Incompatible.Richard Brian Davis & W. Paul Franks - 2017 - In Klaas J. Kraay, Does God Matter?: Essays on the Axiological Consequences of Theism. Routledge. pp. 203–223.
    In this paper, we attempt to show that if Plantinga’s free will defence succeeds, his O Felix Culpa theodicy fails. For if every creaturely essence suffers from transworld depravity, then given that Jesus has a creaturely essence (as we attempt to show), it follows that Incarnation and Atonement worlds cannot be actualized by God, in which case we have anything but a felix culpa.
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  15. How to Individuate Universals—Or Not.Richard Brian Davis - 2013 - Axiomathes 23 (3):551-566.
    In a recent article in this journal, J. P. Moreland extends his theory of individuation to include universals. In this note, I show how Moreland’s novel proposal leads to the unwanted conclusion that every concrete particular exists of necessity and has but a single essential property.
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  16. Evil and Agent-Causal Theism.Richard Brian Davis - 2019 - In W. Paul Franks, Explaining Evil: Four Views. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 11-28.
    In this chapter, I attempt to show that evil exists only if what I call Agent Causal Theism (ACT) is true. According to ACT, human beings are immaterial, conscious agents endued (by God) with a power of self-motion: the power to think, decide, and act for ends in light of reasons, but without being externally caused to do so (even by God himself). By contrast, I argue that there is no space for evil in the worldviews of naturalistic Darwinism or (...)
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  17. Beyond the call of duty.Richard Davis - manuscript
    In April, 2007, 15 Royal Navy sailors and marines were taken prisoner and held hostage for nearly two weeks by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. Their crime? Allegedly crossing over into Iranian waters. Within 48 hours a British sailor was plastered all over Iranian TV publicly confessing that the Britons were entirely at fault in the matter. Another sailor wrote a letter—no doubt under some duress— calling for the UK to withdraw all of its troops from Iraq. Then to cap things off, (...)
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    Saints, Goddesses and Kings: Muslims and Christians in South Indian Society, 1700-1900.Richard H. Davis & Susan Bayly - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (1):127.
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  19. On Jesus, Derrida, and Dawkins: Rejoinder to Joshua Harris.Richard Brian Davis & W. Paul Franks - 2014 - Philosophia Christi 16 (1):185-191.
    In this paper we respond to three objections raised by Joshua Harris to our article, “Against a Postmodern Pentecostal Epistemology,” in which we express misgivings about the conjunction of Pentecostalism with James K. A. Smith’s postmodern, story-based epistemolo- gy. According to Harris, our critique: 1) problematically assumes a correspondence theory of truth, 2) invalidly concludes that “Derrida’s Axiom” conflicts with “Peter’s Axiom,” and 3) fails to consider an alternative account of the universality of Christian truth claims. We argue that Harris’s (...)
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    Henry David Thoreau, Yogi.Richard H. Davis - 2018 - Common Knowledge 24 (1):56-89.
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  21. Layman’s Lapse: On an Incomplete Moral Argument for Theism.Richard Brian Davis & W. Paul Franks - 2013 - Philo 16 (2):170-179.
    C. Stephen Layman contends that an argument supporting theism over naturalism can be constructed based on three defensible, non–question-begging premises about the moral order. Previous critics of Layman’s argument have challenged the truth of these premises. We stipulate them arguendo but go on to show that there is a deeper problem: a fourth premise introduced to complete the argument—the “completion premise,” as we call it—is true only if we assume that God exists or we concede that there is no afterlife. (...)
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  22. What Place, then, for Rational Apologetics?Richard Brian Davis & W. Paul Franks - 2013 - In Paul Gould & Richard Brian Davis, Loving God with Your Mind: Essays in Honor of J. P. Moreland (edited book). Chicago, IL, USA: Moody Publishers. pp. 127–140.
    In this chapter, we attempt to show that J.P. Moreland's understanding of apologetics is beautifully positioned to counter resistance to a rationally defensible Christianity—resistance arising from the mistaken idea that any rational defense will fail to support or even undermine relationship. We look first at Paul Moser's complaint that since rational apologetics doesn’t prove the God of Christianity, it falls short of delivering what matters most—a personal agent worthy of worship and relationship. We then consider John Wilkinson's charge that the (...)
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  23. Is Socrates A Predicate?Richard Brian Davis - 2006 - Metaphysica 7 (2).
    In his Moderate Realism and Its Logic (Yale, 1996), Donald Mertz argues that the traditional ontology of nonpredicable substances and predicable universals is beset by “intractable problems,” “harbors an insidious error,” and constitutes a “stumbling block” for the ontologist. By contrast, a onecategory ontology consisting of relation instances (and combinations thereof) is sustainable, and indeed the only way of avoiding commitment to bare particulars. The success of the project turns on Mertz’s claim that every relation instance has a linking aspect, (...)
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    C. S. Lewis’s Argument against Naturalism Revisited.Richard Brian Davis - 2023 - Res Philosophica 100 (3):311-327.
    In this article, I critically assess Peter van Inwagen’s rejection of C. S. Lewis’s argument against Naturalism. Van Inwagen argues that Lewis (1960) errs on two fronts. First, he falsely assumes that Naturalism implies Spinozism: that the only way the world could be is the way it is. Second, the central premise of Lewis’s argument is asserted without proof. I argue that van Inwagen is mistaken on both counts.
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    Elementa logicae: in gratiam studiosae iuventutis in Academia Oxoniensi.Edward Brerewood, Miles Flesher & Richard Davis - 1619 - Excudebat Milo Flesher, Impensis Ric. Davis, Bibliopolæoxoniensis.
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    (1 other version)Elementa logicæ: in gratiam studiosæ juventutis in Academi' Oxoniensi.Edward Brerewood, William Baker, Richard Davis & Henry Hall - 1628 - Excudebat H. Hall, Impensis Ric. Davis.
  27. A match not made in heaven.Richard Davis - manuscript
    Can a Darwinian be a Christian? "Absolutely," says Michael Ruse. Ruse is perhaps best known for his participation in the infamous Arkansas "Scopes II" trial in 1981, where he provided expert testimony on behalf of the ACLU in their attempt to strike down a law requiring balanced treatment of creation and evolution in public schools. (The ACLU won their case.) For many years professor of philosophy at Guelph University, Ruse now holds the Lucyle T. Werkmeist chair in philosophy at Florida (...)
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    A muslim princess in the temples of viṣṇu.Richard H. Davis - 2004 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 8 (1-3):137-156.
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    A Premature Farewell to Leibnizian Essences.Richard Brian Davis - 2004 - Philosophia Christi 6 (1):87-94.
  30. Bonaventure and the Kalam argument.Richard Davis - manuscript
  31.  71
    Bonaventure and the Arguments for the Impossibility of an Infinite Temporal Regression.Richard Davis - 1996 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 70 (3):361-380.
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    Chaste and Filial Women in Chinese Historical Writings of the Eleventh Century.Richard L. Davis - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (2):204-218.
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  33. Disney and Philosophy.Richard B. Davis (ed.) - 2019-10-03 - Wiley.
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    Everyone's Special Dash.Richard B. Davis - 2019-10-03 - In Disney and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 45–57.
    With a little help from British philosophers John Locke (1632–1704) and John Stuart Mill (1806–1873), the author believes people can recover from The Incredibles a treasure trove of ideas that can help them think more clearly about tolerance, individual freedoms, and cultural conformity in their own world of incredible differences. On Mill's view, the “only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over” a member of society (against her will) “is to prevent harm to others”. If people follow Mill, (...)
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    From aphorisms to APACHE: medicine's brave new world.Richard B. Davis - 1993 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 37 (2):237-243.
  36.  20
    Four Views on Christianity and Philosophy (edited book).Paul M. Gould & Richard Brian Davis - 2016 - Grand Rapids, MI, USA: Zondervan Academic.
    Philosophy and Christianity make truth claims about many of the same things. They both claim to provide answers to the deep questions of life. But how are they related to one another? Four Views on Christianity and Philosophy introduces readers to four predominant views on the relationship between philosophy and the Christian faith and their implications for life. Each author identifies the propositional relation between philosophy and Christianity along with a section devoted to the implications for living a life devoted (...)
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    Integridad: principios de la ética cristiana.Richard M. Davis - 2018 - Weldon Spring, MO: Word Aflame Press. Edited by Richard M. Davis.
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    Integrity: principles of Christian ethics.Richard M. Davis - 2016 - Weldon Spring: Word Aflame Press.
    The foundation of ethics, created in the image of God -- A lifestyle of honesty and integrity -- A lifestyle of loyalty -- The sacredness of trust and confidence -- Ethics in horizontal relationships -- Ethics in vertical relationships, leaders in authority -- Ethics between men and women -- Avoiding the trap of criticism -- Living as a spiritual leader -- Ethics of influence -- Ethics in the workplace -- Ethics of stewardship, time, finances, and talents -- Maintaining one's mental, (...)
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    James Fodor's Christian theory of truth: Is it Christian?Richard Davis - 2000 - Heythrop Journal 41 (4):436–448.
    In his recent book Christian Hermeneutics, James Fodor observes that ‘although Christians have from the very beginning been interested in living truthful, obedient lives … they have not exhibited the same passion for developing their own distinctive theory of truth’.1 Yet ‘the task confronting contemporary theology … is that of the rehabilitation or recovery of a distinctively Christian vision of truth’.2 To his credit, Fodor has attempted to rectify this state of affairs: first, by critiquing some of the more prominent (...)
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    Kīḻaiyūr-Mēlappaḻuvūr: Épanouissement d'une dynastie princière en Inde à l'époque CōḻaKilaiyur-Melappaluvur: Epanouissement d'une dynastie princiere en Inde a l'epoque Cola.Richard Davis & Blandine Legrand - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (2):323.
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  41. Modality and Eternity: Averroes on the Eternity of the World.Richard Davis - 1994 - Lyceum 6 (1):21-40.
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  42. On individuators.Richard Davis - manuscript
    My gratitude to Timothy Pickavance for his provocative remarks; they take the discussion of individuation and individuators into interesting areas, far more in fact than I have the space to deal with here.1 In my response, therefore, I do not propose to stubbornly defend myself in line-by-line fashion; rather, I shall take up the topics I consider to be of greatest interest and importance, hopefully nudging the discussion forward.
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  43. Orthodox’ postmodern theology?Richard Davis - manuscript
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    Shifting Stones, Shaping the Past: Sculpture from the Buddhist Stūpas of Andhra Pradesh. By Catherine Becker.Richard Davis - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (2).
    Shifting Stones, Shaping the Past: Sculpture from the Buddhist Stūpas of Andhra Pradesh. By Catherine Becker. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. Pp. xxiv + 321, 108 illustr. $35.
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    The Aphorisms of Śiva: The Śivasūtra with Bhāskara's Commentary, the VārttikaThe Aphorisms of Siva: The Sivasutra with Bhaskara's Commentary, the Varttika.Richard H. Davis, Bhāskara, Mark S. G. Dyczkowski & Bhaskara - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (2):312.
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  46. The Dependence Problem: Theism, Counterpossibles, and Necessity.Richard Brian Davis - 1998 - Dissertation, University of Toronto
    This dissertation explores various attempts to solve the Dependence Problem problem posed by the following question: How can necessary truths stand to God in a one-way relation of dependence, given that neither they nor God could have failed to exist?
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  47. The ins and outs of virtue and vice.Richard Davis - manuscript
    According to the nineteenth century English philosopher John Stuart Mill, all human beings desire to live lives pregnant with happiness; we all long to be the recipients of liberal amounts of varied, high quality pleasures with pain making as brief an appearance in our conscious experience as possible. Happiness is the one and only thing we desire for its own sake; everything else is desirable simply as a means to securing happiness. Perhaps this is so. Mill, however, went on to (...)
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    Time, Infinity, and the Creation of the Universe: A Study in Al-Kindi's First Philosophy.Richard B. Davis - 1996 - Auslegung 21 (1):1-18.
    In al-Kindi's treatise On First Philosophy, he advances three arguments in favour of the temporal origination of the universe. In this paper, I shall be concerned only with the first of these, namely, the argument based on the necessary concomitance of body, motion, and time. I shall argue that it does not appear to successfully establish that theuniverse began toexistin tempore. Inthecourse of discussion, however, it will become clear that I am not persuaded that recent set theoretic criticisms of this (...)
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    The Mumukṣuppati of Piḷḷai Lokācārya with Manavālamāmuni's CommentaryThe Mumuksuppati of Pillai Lokacarya with Manavalamamuni's Commentary.Richard H. Davis, Patricia Y. Mumme, Manavālamāmuni & Manavalamamuni - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1):151.
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    The Metaphysics of Theism and Modality.Richard Brian Davis - 2001 - New York, NY, USA: Peter Lang.
    In this book, Richard Brian Davis explores various attempts to solve the Dependence Problem – the problem posed by the following question: How can necessary truths stand to God in a one-way relation of dependence when neither they nor God could have failed to exist? Critics charge that this problem is insoluble. Davis argues at length that the most powerful and promising contemporary solutions to this problem – those offered by Linda Zagzebski, Brian Leftow, Thomas V. Morris, and William Mann (...)
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